Press Release Response To Bevin Press Conference
Press Release Response To Bevin Press Conference
Press Release Response To Bevin Press Conference
Reduced Access
At Governor Bevins press conference last Thursday, a comment was made that, benefind is kynect and
kynect is benefind, asserting that these are actually one system with no wrong door. But for people
needing Medicaid coverage and other social benefits right now, there is no right door for access, let
alone one door.
Tens of thousands of Kentuckians have already lost the benefits they rely on because benefind is not
working. This is more than a system glitch that is sending out thousands of erroneous letters. Our fellow
Kentuckians now find themselves in desperate, life-altering situations. Weve heard from Kentuckians
who cannot get medicine for their kids, cannot get their lab tests run, and are sharing insulin with family
members. Even more alarming, we are now aware that some Kentuckians are losing their health
coverage in addition to other benefits like SNAP, KTAP, and waivers. These are services that we know
are vital to the health and well-being of our most vulnerable citizens.
To date, more than 51,000 cases have been identified, according to Administration officials, and many
are still without benefits, despite the commitment to keep Kentuckians covered in April.
1) How many people, if any, lost benefits without cause from February 29 to today (including but
not limited to: all waivers, MAGI and traditional Medicaid, Medicare savings programs, SNAP,
KTAP, and childcare assistance)? Were there beneficiaries of any other benefit programs that
were affected?
2) How many letters were sent to individuals and families erroneously stating that they were not
eligible for one or more of their current benefits?
3) Why were benefits revoked immediately, with no warning period or opportunity for appeal?
4) How many individuals have contacted the Ombudsmans office and how are they being
5) How will the Cabinet ensure that all of the individuals and families who were wrongfully disenrolled are aware of their rights and get their benefits reinstated as soon as possible? What
type of communication has been provided directly to consumers or to providers to explain that
they still have coverage for April if they had coverage in March?
6) How will the MCOs and providers be able to serve those who were wrongfully dis-enrolled since
February 29th who havent been able to get re-enrolled due to system errors and the inability to
get assistance from DCBS? Are the MCOs and providers expected to provide services without
7) How quickly can DCBS and Deloitte onboard and train additional personnel in order to address
the system errors and backlog of cases? And how much will this cost? Will this cost be reported
as a Medicaid expense? What portion, if any, is Deloitte absorbing?
8) When can we expect the full spectrum of enrollment activities to be restored to normal?
9) Will kynectors be given access to a service portal dashboard in benefind so they can continue to
do their jobs and share the workload with DCBS and Deloitte?
10) How much will it cost the state to deal with these problems?
11) Where are the funds in the budget to repair the errors, backlog, hearings, etcetera, due to
benefinds premature rollout?
12) What will be the effect of the additional costs to repair the damage if the state does not have a
13) Realistically, how does the Cabinet plan to meet the CMS deadline of June 1st to demonstrate
that they can successfully take on an equally complex tech challenge in building the account
transfer and minimum essential coverage checks between benefind and Not
only does that daunting task need to be accomplished over the next seven weeks, but at the
same time, the current crisis and tech functional failures need to be fully resolved, tested and
fully operational.
14) Most importantly, what is this costing the low-income families and vulnerable Kentuckians who
have lost coverage and dont have their basic needs met? How will the state make those
Kentuckians whole? How will the state compensate those Kentuckians who have been told they
wouldnt have food to eat starting in a week or that they didnt have any way to pay for their
blood pressure medicine or oxygen? What is in place to monitor and measure these ongoing
harms until benefind and kynect are fully functional?
Kentuckians deserve answers to these questions.
(continued next page.)
Transition Challenges
From our viewpoint, it appears that Kentucky will not be ready for a seamless transition to for the 2016 open enrollment period. Before going any further with this transition, its
critical that we know the following at a minimum:
1) When will the required transition plan be available for consumer input and public comment?
2) Who is the appropriate contact person for consumers with concerns about a possible transition?
Who is leading the transition?
3) What is the status of the required transition plan that must be approved by CMS before starting
to dismantle kynect? Is it on track to be approved by June 1st?
4) Was the Medicaid Advanced Planning Document submitted by April 1st as required by CMS?
When will this document be made available to the public?
5) How will Kentuckians be notified of the transition and where they can go for information, to
enroll in coverage or to get personal assistance?
6) How much outreach, and how many dedicated outreach and enrollment workers will be
maintained by the State to provide boot-on-the-ground assistance?
7) If kynect/KOHBIE no longer exists, which agency will coordinate and fund outreach and
enrollment workers?
more than affordable access to care. We stand to lose the critical gains weve made in prevention, the
more than 10,500 jobs that have been created, and over $3 billion in additional revenue flowing to
providers in every county across the Commonwealth and being re-invested in their communities.
Dismantling kynect and using benefind for Medicaid enrollment is a choice. We can make a better one.
We recommend the following actions be taken as soon as possible in order to ensure that all
Kentuckians have access to the benefits they are eligible for:
1) Keep using kynect for Medicaid and QHP enrollment. The best and most immediate solution is
to use benefind as it was originally designed as an enhancement to kynect for additional DCBS
2) If a transition plan is approved by CMS to dismantle kynect and build a Federally-supported
State-based Marketplace (FSSBM), benefind must be re-designed to function seamlessly as part
of the FSSBM. To accomplish this, benefind must have the same functionality for Medicaid
enrollment as kynect, including a service portal dashboard for all enrollment workers.
3) Continue using the kynect Advisory Board and Committees to work collaboratively with
stakeholders. kynects Advisory Board and Sub-committees have been extraordinarily effective
at bringing stakeholders to the table to work together with Cabinet officials to find solutions. If,
as planned, kynect is in fact dismantled, we believe that this committee structure must be
maintained and used for benefind and the FSSBM moving forward. Maintaining the current
advisory structure provides transparency, gives opportunities for important feedback and
recommendations, encourages collaboration, and will be our best opportunity to ensure a
seamless transition in which no Kentuckian loses their coverage.
We hope that these concerns, questions and recommendations are received in the spirit that they were
requested-- as valuable input from those with knowledge accumulated over time and through direct
experience with these systems and the Kentuckians they affect. As Kentuckys consumer advocates, we
stand ready and willing to work with the Administration and the Cabinet to find the best solutions to
keep Kentucky covered.