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9.Eng-Smart Phones Usage Among College Students

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IMPACT: International Journal of Research in

Engineering & Technology (IMPACT: IJRET)

ISSN (E): 2321-8843; ISSN (P): 2347-4599
Vol. 4, Issue 3, Mar. 2016, 63-70
Impact Journals


University of Perpetual Help System Calamba City, Laguna, Philippines

The study veered into the actual use of smartphones among college students of two colleges of the University of
Perpetual Help-Calamba. The benefits of the actual use of smartphones like sending messages (SMS), calling, chatting,
opening documents, checking e-mails, internet browsing and downloading informative files that have shrunk the globe and
erased the borders of getting information and learning processes were measured according to parameters popularized by
Lenhart, Maguth and others. Flurry Analytics by Simon Khalafon and Mary Meeker was used to determine the types of
users. The study further looked into the difference on the perception of the benefits of usage between genders.
Although Socializations in forms of Facebook, Twitter &Instagram are smartphone features often used by college
students, Aid to Learning like using it as calculator, taking down notes and online search on urgent topic about the subject
came very close. Entertainment, like listening to music and taking pictures were also very popular use of smartphones
among students. However, despite that benefits of smartphone usage transcends genders, majority of the female
respondents were considered super to addict users fifty-six percent (56%) and eleven percent (11%) higher tendency to be
addicted than males.

KEYWORDS: Use of Smartphones, Benefits of Smartphones, Type of Smartphone Users

Smartphone provides an interactive features for an increasingly wider users around the region and the world. It
has become an integral part of everyday students life. The development of smartphones began in the early 1990s and
exploded in 2007 dominated by different operating systems with continuous development. In 2011 RBC Capital analyst,
Dan Frommer projected that mobile phone sales are expected to outstrip PC sales and the smartphone users worldwide will
triple from 165 million to over 500 million within the few years. Developments of the mobile phones popularly called
smartphones allow users to perform activities such as sending text messages, calling, chatting, opening documents,
checking e-mails, browsing internet and downloading files in a very convenient way. Smartphone technology provides
immense benefits for users as they access and disseminate information rapidly.
The growth of smartphone users for the last three years has inspired the researchers to investigate smartphone
actual usage among college students.


This study delved closely into the frequency of how smartphones are used for information, aid to learning
processes, socialization, entertainment and emergencies. This study specifically aims to find out what can smartphone do to
the learning lives of college students other than just an indispensable gadget for communication and socialization. While

Impact Factor(JCC): 1.9586- This article can be downloaded from www.impactjournals.us


Jollie N. Alson & Liezel V. Misagal

the use of smartphones has plenty of downsides, depending on the user, they are trendy and fashionable that function like
laptops, yet handy and packed with aid-to-learning features and functions such as checking electronic mails, internet
browsing, global positioning system (GPS), dictionaries, notes related documents in PDF & Word and access to social
networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Extra features like music, video, games, and camera applications
summed up to be very handy but apparently limited perspective about the smartphones for exciting student life. In this
study the researchers further explored what smartphone can actually do and taking into consideration on understanding
better the type of users and how smartphones are actually used by selected university students.
Review of Related Literature and Studies
This review deals with the relevant literature and studies, both foreign and local provided deeper insights and
clearer path and parameters to this research particularly on smartphone usage by selected students.Thefrequency ofpositive
and negative consequences of smartphones, the role of mobiles in improving access to education and the rise of the mobile
addict by Flurry Analytics were given in-depth perceptions and synthesis.
Benefits of Smartphone Usage
Lenhart, Smith and Zickuhr, (2011) Recent Pew Internet and American Life Survey says that 30 percent use their
cell phones to follow local news and 42 percent use their phones for weather updates. These devices are giving highly
mobile citizens the ability to access information and communication. Maguth (2013) further contends that smartphones
hold many capabilities as computers. These functions include using text messaging to search and translate, sending out free
notices to students and parents, and making PowerPoint presentations interactive.
Hanson et. al. (2011). This generation has grown up in a technologically rich world, using mobile phones on chat
rooms, electronic mails, computer games, and listening to music and watching TV and videos. According to Tindell and
Bohlander (2012) in an emergency, text messages can be sent directly to students phones informing them of the source of
the emergency and instructions on how to respond.
Cellphones as discussed by Hingorani, et al. (2012) can access social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter in
addition to the traditional use of calling and sending text messages. Universities also used cellular phones to advertise
campus events and happenings, to promote the university brand among their students and to stay connected for a safer
campus. Balakrishnan & Raj (2012), female students in Malaysia and Australia use their phones as a security device to
contact others when they are in danger.
Oksman, (2010) stressed that in addition to new media, the traditional media such as newspapers, radio and
television are also made available on the smartphone through the Internet. Dean, (2010) Ryerson University students
experience and expectancy with their mobile library site, searching for articles, reading electronic Books, checking out
books, and contacting librarian or getting research help were students top future request. It further stressed that text
messaging and e-mailing are two of the most commonly used functions on smartphones among college students, followed
by reading news, watching videos and reading books.
Alfawareh and Jusoh (2014). Smartphone usage includes making calls, checking email and website pages, sending
text messages, reading documents, taking pictures, browsing Internet, downloading software, listening to music, taking
video, watching TV, watching movies, use as an alarm clock and use as a watch. According to University of Michigans
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Smart Phones Usage Among College Students


electrical engineering and computer science professor Elliot Soloway, in a students capable hands, especially with
numerous features like a camera, a GPS, and an accelerometer, a smartphone might as well be a rocket ship".
Students Use of Smartphone
Froese, et al. (2012) employed a self-report survey to assess students' cell phone activity in classes and their
expectations of the effects of such activity on learning outcomes. In October through December, 2009, 693 students at
seven colleges and universities across the United States participated in the study. It was found out that cell phones distract
students from learning and it confirmed that students expect texting to disrupt their classroom learning. However, having
only 6 minute to complete the survey pressure might affect the results derived from their answers.
Tindell and Bohlander (2012) embedded the survey of 269 college students from a private university in northeastern Pennsylvania to gain understanding of the use and abuse of cell phones in a college classroom setting, and to
potentially aid in policy-making decisions. The researchers found that students are spending time texting and are not
paying attention to the class lecture.
Elder, in 2013 conducted surveys of eighty-eight (88) undergraduate college students enrolled in Educational
Psychology class at a south-eastern land grant university and found that students who used their cell phones did anticipate
lower scores than students who did not, indicating its distracting nature for learning. This updated descriptive evidence on
students' beliefs and self-reported use of cell phones. Moreover, students who used their cell phones while in lecture would
not retain as much information as those who did not was not supported.
Alfawareh and Jusoh (2014) collected surveys of 324 undergraduates students at Najran University to verify
trends in smartphones under two categories: normal usage and usage for learning. It was found that smartphones have been
used to replace desktop or mobile computers and further revealed that university students have not fully utilized their
smartphones for learning purposes. It acknowledges smartphones disruptive effects of texting on students learning.
The Consequences of Smartphone Usage on Students
Baker, Lusk and Neuhauser (2012) said faculty members should address the use of electronic devices in the
classroom in their syllabi. No present theory addresses this, but offers an important avenue the appropriateness of
electronic devices in the classroom.
According to Hanson, Drumheller, Mallard, McKee and Schlegel (2011) students in the library used email, instant
messaging and web-surfing rather than checking the librarys online resources. Although students want to make academics
a priority, they have a difficult time balancing their school life with their need for financial and social support.It was found
that students focus more on updating their Facebook status than downloading their homework assignments.
The Role of Mobiles in Improving Access to Education
Valk, Rashid & Elder, (2010). Analysed evidences of mobile phone-facilitated mobile Learning in contributing to
improve educational outcomes in the developing countries of Asia by exploring the results of five m-Learning pilot
projects that took place in the Philippines, Mongolia, Thailand, India, and Bangladesh. The Philippines project indicates
that m-Learning, and the new learning that it facilitates, affords great opportunities for such learners. However, as
specifically shown by the Philippines, Bangladesh and Thailand projects, mobiles can reduce barriers to educational

Impact Factor(JCC): 1.9586- This article can be downloaded from www.impactjournals.us


Jollie N. Alson & Liezel V. Misagal

outcomes comparable to those of traditional educational methods.

The Rise of the Mobile Addict
According to Simon Khalafons article in 2014, in May of 2013, KPCBs Partner and world-renowned analyst
Mary Meeker shared an interesting statistics Internet Trends Report: Theaverage mobile consumer checks their device
150 times a day. Flurry Analytics used refer to as the Mobile Addict:52% female and 48% male, compared to 48%
female and 52% male for average mobile users. The 8% number is significant: In the total Mobile Addict population of 176
million, 15 million more female Mobile Addicts than male Mobile Addicts. The Mobile Addict segment over indexed on
the 13-17 (Teens), 18-24 (College Students) and 35-54 (Middle Aged) age segments. Middle Aged consumers constituted
28% but only constituted 20% of the average mobile consumer.
Literatures that explained the benefits of smartphone in a technically rich world in touch with each other in a flex
of a finger are those of Lenhart et al., Oksman, Alfaware and Jusoh. Smartphones have been used to replace desktop and
mobile computers because of their capabilities as computers. Smartphones are allowing on-the-go citizens like students the
ability to communicate,access to information and learning processes is postulated by Elder,Tindell and Bohlander.
Although Hanson et al., particularly viewed the downside effect of smartphones and showed that some students are more
focused on social networking sites than downloading and doing homework and having difficult time in balancing their
school life. Researchers Valk, Rashid & Elder found out that use ofmobile phones in the Philippines improves educational
outcomes of M-Learning or Mobile Learning compared to the traditional educational methods.
Conceptual Framework
The study was anchored on Individual Information Technology (IT) Acceptance postulated by Sahar Ghazizadeh
and the data from Flurry Analytics popularized by Simon Khalafon and Mary Meeker as to the type of smartphone users.
To measure the usage benefits of smartphone, the theories of Lenhart et al. and Maguth were used. Constructs were
deduced from this work towards understanding the issue of smartphone benefitsin the learning processes.

Research Design
Descriptive-evaluative design was used in describing smartphone usage among college students. Conducted in
two Colleges (College of International Hospitality Management and the AB Communication students from the College of
Arts and Sciences)at the University of Perpetual Help System, Calamba City. It described the current use and evaluated the
capability features of smartphones in five parameters.
Respondents and Sampling
An initial survey was conducted to determine smartphone-user students in two colleges. There were sixty- seven
(67) enrolees from AB Communication and one hundred eighty three (183) from BS HRM. Sixty one (61) are smartphone
users or 91% from AB Communication; sixty four (64) or 35% from BS HRM. A total of one hundred twenty five (125)
targeted respondents, or 50% of the total enrolees of the two colleges. Actual participants or those who returned the
questionnaires within three days allotted by the researchers was only one hundred (100) respondents or a response rate

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Smart Phones Usage Among College Students


80% of smartphone users.

Research Instruments and Statistical Treatment
The questionnaire has three parts: Part one consisted of the demographic profile.The second part consisted of
questions regarding the frequency of using smartphone popularized by the Flurry Analytics on a regular day, a selection of:
above 60 times, 16 to 60 times or under 16 times. Part three was divided into five indicators smartphone uses in terms of
socialization, information, entertainment, emergency and aid to learning from the works of Maguth, el al. Frequency
distribution, Percentage and Weighted Mean were used to process the data gathered.
Data Gathering Procedure
The researchers distributed the survey questionnaires along the corridors, student lounge, library and classrooms.
Filled-up questionnaires were retrieved after three (3) days with 80% response rate.


Type of Smartphone Users
Eighty-five percent (85%) smartphone student-users at the University of Perpetual Help System borders between
Super Users to Mobile Addicts. Students launched applications above 60 times a day (Mobile Addicts):12%were male and
23%) female students. Users who launched applications 16 to 60 times a day (Super Users): Sixteen percent (16%)male
and 33%female.Regular Users who launched under 16 times on a regular day: male,9% and female 6%.
Smartphone Usage among College Students
College students despite eighty-five percent (85%) of them are considered addicts to heavy users, its usage in the
view-point of students particularly on learning processes, is perceived to be beneficial only at times according to the five
parameters inspired from the works of Lenhart, and Maguth with overall weighted mean of 3.13 verbally interpreted as
Socialization (WM 3.72)is the most widely used features of Smartphones particularlyin networking sites, sending
text messages, make a phone calls and chat conversation. Checking electronic mails is the least used smartphone features.
Smartphones are sometimes used tosearch information (WM 3.48) on Google, Bing and Yahoo, get school
announcements, to get news and weather updates. It is least used in getting Sports Updates.
Smartphones are very popular gadget among college students and often times used for entertainment particularly
to listen to music (3.65), taking pictures, watch videos and games. Radio feature was least used as entertainment.
Using smartphones as flashlights (3.46) during emergencies is one of it favourite features among college students.
It is lamentable that using smartphones to get the plate number of a reckless driver or to call the police station when in
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Jollie N. Alson & Liezel V. Misagal

danger were least utilized.

Aid to learning
Smartphones are best favoured to be used as calculators (3.46), to take down notes, read documents in PDF &
Word and to search online on urgent topic about subject and east used to read Electronic books.
Benefits of Smartphone Usage According To Gender
Students considered the use of smartphone to be beneficial at times with weighted mean of 3.06. Although they
have the tendency to use them heavily on entertainment particularly listening to music and watching videos.
Students also considered the use of smartphone to be beneficial at times with weighted mean of 3.19. Although
they have the tendency to use them heavily on Socialization particularly on social networking like Facebook, Twitter and

Following conclusions are made:

Students from the two colleges of the University of Perpetual Help are bordering towards a learning processesimpairing type of smartphone users.

Smartphones are commonly used only for Socialization.

Smartphonesfeatures are not optimized particularly on emergencies or seek for help when in danger.


Further study should be undertaken as to the specific extent when can smartphone usage can be disruptive of
learning processes and detrimental to studies.

The professors should give orientation on the use of smartphones especially for information to maximize their use
as an aid to learning processes.

School Administration may create a hub wherein texts messages and pictures can be sent twenty-four seven (24/7)
for a safe campus and immediately aid for student in danger.


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Smart Phones Usage Among College Students


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