Summary of Pattern Recognition First Chapter

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Session: 2012-16
Faculty of Engineering

Pattern Recognition
Assignment # (1)

Submitted By:

Roll #


Submitted To:
Engr. Wasiat Khan
Lecturer at:

Software Engineering Department,UST, Bannu.

Date of Submission:


Pattern Recognition First Chapter Brief Summary

Patten is something which we can see, observe or with which we can
interact like an object or event. Object can be anything like a human, a
bird, a motor car, a document and so on. And event we can say is
something takes place or happens like people are gathering to set up a
new organization or some like that.
In simple way a pattern is an abstract object, such as a set of
measurements describing a physical object.

Examples a hand written text, a bar code etc.

Pattern Recognition
Pattern recognition somewhat related to sensing or recognizing real life
environment through some built in devices like a machine which
particularly providing ease to select similar objects out there in the
shopping mall and then giving them a specific class or labeling them
through which it going to be recognized.
Pattern recognition are patterns or algorithms that are particularly
design to classify patterns, objects or events.

There are several standard models, including

Statistical or fuzzy pattern recognition
Syntactic or structural pattern recognition
Knowledge-based pattern recognition
There are two process through which machine learn to classify data

Training or learning:
In order to learn machine must be exposed to several different
examples so it can learn to classify something completely.
By time when machine learns something it become natural.

Detecting or Classifying.
Two Methods of Learning
Supervised Learning:
Supervised learning is the process of classifying upcoming data on the
basis of predefined classes or category, classifier or machine knows in
advance about data classes and do classification according to
predefined classes or labels

Unsupervised Learning:
Unsupervised learning is the process of labeling data based on
Classifier or machine dont know about the class or category of
provided data rather classifier just try to resemblance in the data
provided and do classification on this technique

Pattern Recognition Process:

Pattern recognition involves five steps to learn and classify data which
is provided to be classified

Data Acquisition and Sensing

Feature extraction
Post processing

Classification a type of Supervised Learning:

In classification data is classified into predefined classes or categories
Classifier do have knowledge of classes in advance and thus classify
data into those classes and it is a form of supervised learning

Clustering a type of Unsupervised Learning:

In clustering data is classified based on similarity in data classifier dont
have any knowledge of classes in advance it just finds similarity among
data and cluster them into different groups

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