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Direction Finding

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Compressive Direction Finding Based on Amplitude

Ruiming Yang, Yipeng Liu, Qun Wan and Wanlin Yang
Department of Electronic Engineering
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Chengdu, China
{ shan99, liuyipeng, wanqun, wlyang}@uestc.edu.cn
AbstractThis paper exploits recent developments in
compressive sensing (CS) to efficiently perform the direction
finding via amplitude comprarison. The new method is proposed
based on unimodal characteristic of antenna pattern and sparse
property of received data. Unlike the conventional methods based
peak-searching and symmetric constraint, the sparse
reconstruction algorithm requires less pulse and takes advantage
of CS. Simulation results validate the performance of the
proposed method is better than the conventional methods.
Keywords - direction finding; amplitude comparison; beam
scanning; sparse reconstruction; compressive sensing.



With the development of radar technology and the

complication of target background, more and more
information which is not range but also angle need be known
to target in order to track and orientate accurately. In most
modern radar systems, the target direction of arrival is
estimated by the monopulse technique [1], which in principle
can work with just a single pulse.
Different from the direction-finding methods of monopulse
radar, there is another method that works as follows: The
beam of radar antenna scans to find the user; then the user
responses; finally the radar measures the strength of the
response signal, and finds the users location to the radar by
the modulation information of the pattern. As the radar
antenna pattern has obvious peak features, so the user position
relative to the radar can be determined directly using the
estimated peak location method.
There are many ways to estimate the peak position. An
efficient algorithm for estimating the peak position of a
sampled function is the Hilbert Transform interpolation
algorithm [2]. The algorithm is a computationally efficient
algorithm for the peak detection and position estimation of a
signal function. It is based on a signal interpolation technique
which relies on the Hilbert Transform of the sampled signal.
Besides, another method such as the multi-resolution method
which is able to overcome the sampling periods influence on
the peak position estimation accuracy, Fourier transform time
shift invariant Methods and Sinc function interpolation
method [3] can estimate the peak location too.
This paper re-examines the angle estimation problem and
uses recent results in sparse approximation [4] and
This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China under grant 60772146, the National High Technology
Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) under grant
2008AA12Z306 and in part by Science Foundation of Ministry of Education
of China under grant 109139.)

compressive sensing to provide a fundamentally different

direction finding method. First we get a sparse representation
of the received signal and then the users location to radar is
obtained by the sparse solution. Comparing with the
traditional unimodal characteristic and symmetry constraints
based maximum (SCBM) methods, the proposed one requires
fewer pulses, is with the ability of compressed sampling, and
achieves a much smaller estimation error than the traditional
search method.
This paper is organized as follows. The Compressed sensing
review is described in Section II. In section III we presented
the measurements model. We introduce four direction finding
methods in section IV: the traditional maximum method and
symmetry constraints based maximum method, the match
pursuit and basis pursuit methods which based on the
compressive sensing. Section V presents simulation results
that validate the formulation and demonstrate significant
performance increase over traditional maximum methods.
Conclusions are presented in section VI.


Sparsity widely exists in wireless signals [5]. Considering a

signal x can be expanded in an orthogonal complete
dictionary, with the representation as

x N 1 N N b N 1

when most elements of the vector b are zeros, the signal x is

sparse. And when the number of nonzero elements of b is S (S
<< L < N), the signal is said to be S-sparse. Compressive
Sensing (CS) provides an alternative to the well-known
Shannon sampling theory. It is a framework performing nonadaptive measurement of the informative part of the signal
directly on condition that the signal is sparse.
In CS, instead of measure the signal directly as Nyquist
sampling, a random measurement matrix is used to sample
the signal. In matrix notation, the obtained random sample
vector can be represented as

y M 1 M N x N 1

The measurement matrix should satisfy the restricted isometry

property (RIP) which is a condition on matrices which

provides a guarantee on the performance of in CS. It can

be stated as:

1 s



1 s y 2

for all S-sparse y. The restricted isometry constant s 0,1

is defined as the smallest constant for which this property
holds for all s-sparse vectors y.
There are three kinds of frequently used measurement
1) Non-Uniform Subsampling (NUS) or Random
Subsampling matrices which are generated by choosing
M separate rows uniformly at random from the unit
matrix IN;
2) Matrices formed by sampling the i.i.d. entries ()ij from
a white Gaussian distribution;
3) Matrices formed by sampling the i.i.d. entries ()ij from
a symmetric Bernoulli distribution and the elements are
1 N with probability 1/2 each.
When the RIP holds, a series of recovering algorithm can
reconstruct the sparse signal [6]. One is greedy algorithm,
such as matched pursuit (MP) [7], OMP [8]; another group is
convex programming, such as basis pursuit (BP), LASSO and
Dantzig Selector (DS) [9]. DS has almost the same
performance as LASSO. Both of the convex programming and
greedy algorithm have advantages and disadvantages when
applied to different problem scenarios. A very extensive
literature has been developed that covers various
modifications of both algorithms so to emphasize their
strengths and neutralize their flaws. A short assessment of
their differences would be that convex programming algorithm
has a more reconstruction accuracy while greedy algorithm
has less computing complex. And in contrast to BP, LASSO
has additional denoising performance advantage.

k 1, 2, , K , K is the number of received signal strength in

the measurement period.
In (2), sk has only the information of the received signal
strength along with the change of radar antennas scanning
angle. Thus vk is already normalized by the maximum
received signal strength.


A.Maximum Method
Maximum method takes advantage of peak characteristic of
the pattern p( ) . The users relative azimuth to the radar is
estimated by finding the location corresponding to the
maximum element in the received signals strength
sequences x1 , x2 , , xK , i.e.

where b is the half of the mainbeam width. In the k-th

moment, the strength of the received signal can be represented
xk sk vk

where sk p ( k ) ; k is the radar antenna scanning angle in

the k-th moment; vk is the noise, which is in 2 distribution,


k arg max xk


1 k K

B. Symmetry Constraints Based Maximum Method

The symmetry constraints based maximum (SCBM) method
uses both the unimodal characteristic and the symmetry. It
estimates the users azimuth relative to the radar by finding
the best symmetrical location corresponding to the maximum
element in the users received signal strength sequences, i.e:




As described in section I, the radar antenna pattern has

obvious peak features, so the user position relative to the radar
can be determined directly using the estimated peak location
method. Assume that the antenna pattern is p( ) . Without
loss of generality, as shown in Fig. 1, let p ( ) be a Sinc
function and represented as:
p( ) sinc 2 b1


xm xk m xk m
m 1
k arg max
xk2 m xk2 m
m 1
m 1

N is the minimum element between k 1 and K k , i.e.

N min k 1, K k

C. Match Pursuit
Searching over an extremely large dictionary for the best
match is computationally unacceptable for practical
applications. Mallat and Zhang proposed a greedy solution
that is known from that time as Matching Pursuit. Matching
pursuit is a type of numerical technique which involves
finding the best matching projections of multidimensional
data onto an over-complete dictionary. The basic idea is to

represent a signal from Hilbert space as a weighted sum of

functions (called atoms). By taking an extremely redundant
dictionary we can look in it for functions that best match a
signal. Finding a representation where most of the coefficients
in the sum are close to 0 (sparse representation) is desirable
for signal coding and compression.
Here we divide the beam width into 2L+1 sections with the
same length, i.e. L , L 1 ,..., k ,..., L , where k b k / L
k L, L 1, , 0,1, , L , and construct the Redundant
dictionary as :
D = Toeplitz d1 , d 2


d1 p ( 0 )

p(1 )

d 2 p( 0 )

p ( 1 )

p( L ) 0 0 0


p( L ) 0 0 0 (10)

p( k ) sinc 2 b1 k ,





Di (i 1,..., 2 L 1) of the redundant dictionary is named as


x = Ds + v

where x [ x1 ,..., xK ]T , v [v1 ,..., vK ]T . The users azimuth to

the radar can be determined by finding the non-zero element
of vector s, and the corresponding atom can be obtained by
finding the maximum correlation of the atom and received
signal x, i.e.:

Dopt arg max Di , x


D. Basis Pursuit
To encourage sparsity, The 0 optimization is optimal but
non-convex and known to be NP-hard. In practice, a multitude
of efficient algorithms have been proposed, which achieve
high recovery rates. The 1 -minimization method is the most
extensively studied recovery technique. In this approach, the
non-convex 0 norm is replaced by the convex 1 norm. This
approximation is known as Basis Pursuit (BP) which is a
principle for decomposing a signal into an "optimal"
superposition of dictionary elements, where optimal means
having the smallest 1 norm of coefficients among all such
Here the sparse solution of (11) can be obtained by
optimization method. It can be modeled as:

min s 1 ei s.t. ei 0 si 0



In this section we present simulation results that

demonstrate the performance of our method. For the
remainder of this section we suppose that in the radars beam
scans process, the number of the responded impulse is 31; and
the changes in beam scanning angle corresponding to the
adjacent pulse interval is 0.1 degrees. The radar pattern is
p( ) sinc 2 b1 b 7.5 . We did 1000 independent
experiments count the error probability of the angle finding.
Fig. 2 to Fig. 4 demonstrate the performance of the four
methods introduced in section IV, when the data extraction
rates are one-half, one-quarter, and one-eighth respectively.
The results of our basis pursuit algorithm are marked by
pentacle and labeled BP. While the ones of match pursuit,
SCBM method, and the traditional maximum method are
marked by diamond, rectangle and circularity, respectively.
They are respectively labeled by MP, SCBM and MAX.
The table 1 gives the corresponding mean square error of
direction estimation by different methods.
The simulation results above show that the estimates based
on sparse signal representation are better than the traditional
maximum method and SCBM method. The proposed method
can give a more accurate result even the volume of data is
relatively few. Matching pursuit method can get the users
azimuth to the radar only by calculating the correlation
between the atom and received signal. It is simple and easy to
implement. However, due to influence of the correlation
between adjacent atoms in the redundant dictionary, the
performance of the match pursuit is inferior to standard basis
pursuit method. The basis pursuit can optimize the optimal
atom to get the solution, and the performance is much superior
to others. However, compared with the matching pursuit
method, the base basis pursuit method is more complex.


Our results demonstrate that the angle finding can be

significant improved if we incorporate the sparse information
processing method into the radar antenna pattern modulated
direction finding. The experimental results show that sparse
signal representation based estimation is better than the
traditional maximum method and the SCBM method.
Although the base basis pursuit method is more computational
complex in contrast to the matching pursuit method, the
performance of the BP algorithm is much superior to the MP
method for as much as the influence of the correlation
between adjacent atoms in the redundant dictionary.
The authors thank anonymous reviewers for their valuable

i 1

where e x - Ds . It is obviously that (10) is a convex

programming and the solution can be obtained by some
optimization software, such as the software cvx [10].


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Error probability of the angle finding


Normalized beam pattern












Fig. 3

Fig. 1 the normalized beam pattern of radar antenna

Fig. 2



Standard deviation of the direction error (extraction rate: onequarterSNR=5dB)



Error probability of the angle finding

Error probability of the angle finding





Angle error (degree)


Angle error (degree)


Samples extraction









Angle error (degree)

Standard deviation of the direction error (extraction rate: one-half,




Fig. 4

Standard deviation of the direction error (extraction rate: oneeightSNR=5dB)


Maximum method

SCBM method







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