Review of Agamben Pilate and Jesus
Review of Agamben Pilate and Jesus
Review of Agamben Pilate and Jesus
Prabuddha Bharata
and abjection: Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? (Matthew 27:46). Gautama, the Buddha died of disease, Sri Ramakrishna died of cancer, and Christ
was slowly crucified and mocked that he was not
rescued by his own father. Jesus could be crucified because The best lack all conviction, while
the worst /Are full of passionate intensity (W B
Yeats, The Second Coming).
Pontius Pilate, the Gospels tell us, did nothing even when his wife exhorted him to prevent
the murder of Christ (Matthew 27:19). Pilate just
went along with the mob demanding the blood
of a scapegoat (see Ren Girard, The Scapegoat,
trans. Yvonne Freccero (Baltimore: John Hopkins
University, 1986)). Much later, many like Pilate
among the Nazis, the Khmer Rouge, and similar
genocidal organisations will shift their culpability to either their bosses or to society at large. We
have forgotten that Pontius Pilate, an ordinary
judge who, as representative of Caesar, had jurisdiction over the entire human race (39) inaugurated Christian soteriology within time. Agamben
shifts the academic gaze on to Pilate, which is
both laudable as well as misplaced. This has far
reaching consequences; more important than say,
the works of Noam Chomsky or Jacques Derrida.
Chomsky refuses to encounter head-on the reality of evil in the woof of history. The Shoah had
stunned philosophers into intellectual indolence.
Agambens analysis of the Jesus-Pilate dyad, if
such a monstrous binary can be conceived, is in
fact a Leibnitz monad which needs to be scrutinised if we are to study the rise of the inhuman aka
the problem of evil. It is interesting that Agamben situates Pilate before Christ in the title of the
book. As will be explained later, this is a mistake.
As literature served Sigmund Freud construct
his theories of anxiety and obsessions, and Martha Nussbaum to develop her theories of the fragility of goodness, Dante explicates jurisprudence
for Agamben. This long essay sees the Jesus event
through Dante: Why must the decisive event of
historythe passion of Christ and the redemption of humanitytake the form of a trial? Why
must Jesus deal with the law and contend with
Pilatethe vicar of Caesarin a struggle that
he ultimately does not seem to bring to a conclusion? Dante sought to answer this question, and
to suffer (see The Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, Matthew 26:42) like Sri Ramakrishna
chose to suffer of his own free will. Nonetheless Agamben should now supplant Derrida et al
within the social sciences and humanities since it
is not grammatology which demands our immediate attention, but the rise of fundamentalism.
The world is teetering towards a Third World War
as Pope Francis has warned; where Yazidi women,
for instance are being sold in the bazaars of The
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant; a non-state
which is nonetheless hell on earthDantes Inferno realised. Agambens critique of Pilate warns
us of the consequences of inaction and the futility
of asking Quid est veritas? and then doing nothing when confronted with the truth. The answer
to what the Supreme Court of India has asked, the
question with which we began this review, is that
we have to either choose harsher punishments for
perpetrators of heinous crimes or let our minors
be raped. There is no middle ground. Agamben
in the best philosophical fashion, following Frank
Kermode, opts for the morally convenient sense
of an ending rather than condemning Pilate once
for all. Agamben is himself morally ambiguous
and thus sees Pilate as not entirely morally culpable. The New Testament on the other hand is certain of Pilates complicity with evil. Dante, whom
Agamben tears apart, was convinced that a wrong
is a wrong and nothing can justify violence against
the non-violent; there are absolute evils as there is
one absolute Good. Immanuel Kant is more existentially honest than Giorgio Agamben.
Lest our intellectual honchos find this reviewer
lacking in rigorous homework, he quotes the following from a very lucid article, which naturally
finds Agamben suitable for defence of a man who
stands for the fragmentation of India:
The contemporary Italian philosopher, Giorgio
Agamben has written in a manner that is both
intellectually persuasive and ethically pressing,
about a figure found in ancient Roman law called
thehomo sacer. This is a man who is the most
vulnerable denizen of the political community,
because his absolute vulnerability is the
condition for the absolute power of the ruler.
Agamben delves deep into the political
and philosophical treatises of ancient Rome to
PB April 2016
One Self
Society of Abidance in Truth (sat),
1834 Ocean Street, Santa Cruz, CA
95060, usa.
2015. viii + 648 pp. pb. $24.95 isbn