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(01/06/2015 - 06/07/2015)

Submitted by :
Introduction :
This is a Summer Internship Report submitted in partial fulfilment of
the requirements for the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of

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Technology in Civil Engineering as per norms of VELLORE

The report carries the brief study and description of the procedure ,
materials and equipments used at the site for consruction works. I
have put my best to elaborate the actual site conditions , and the
problems faced by an engineer at site and the tactics used to
overcome them.
The main objective of the report is to present a systematic content
on the execution of the construction work at MUNIRKA ELEVATED
FLYOVER PROJECT in New Delhi 110070. The report also covers
the fundamental aspects of practicalrequirement such as Safety ,
Feasibility and Economy at the site .

About the organization :

Public Works Department is the premier agency of Govt. of
Delhi engaged in planning, designing, construction and
maintenance of Government assets in the field of built environment
and infrastructure development. Assets in built environment include
Hospitals, Schools, Colleges, Technical Institutes, Police Buildings,
Prisons, Courts etc; assets in infrastructure development include
Roads, Bridges, Flyovers, Footpaths, Subways etc.
PWD Delhi also sustains and preserves these assets through a well
developed system of maintenance which includes amongst others
specialized services like rehabilitation works, roads signage and
aesthetic treatments like interiors, monument lighting, landscaping
etc. PWD Delhi carries out its activities of assets creation on the
basis of the needs and requirement decided by the Govt. of Delhi
and as assessed & appreciated by the PWD through its in house
technical expertise. Works are carried out after obtaining formal
administrative approval and expenditure sanction from the Govt. of
Delhi within the allotted funds for the schemes.

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Hindustan Construction Company (HCC) is headquartered
in Mumbai, India. HCC's businesses span the sectors of Engineering
& Construction, Real Estate, Infrastructure, Urban development &
Management. It is a Public Private Company founded in 1926 .
Some leading projects executed by HCC include:

Bandra-Worli Sea Link, Mumbai

Bogibeel Rail-cum-Road Bridge Project over Brahmaputra

River, Assam

Delhi Metro Project: Packages MC1A, AMEL C1, AMEL C6,

CC30, CC34

Ennore Breakwaters, Tamil Nadu

Farakka Barrage

Godavari Arch Bridge, Andhra Pradesh

Kolkata Metro

Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant, Tamil Nadu

Lavasa City, near Pune

Mughal Road Project,J&K

Mumbai Pune Expressway

Ajit Gulabchand (Chairman and Managing Director HCC Ltd.) is a

Board Member of the Disaster Resource Partnership (DRP), formed
in coordination between the World Economic Forums Engineering
and Construction Member and Partner companies.
HCC is the first Asian company to endorse the United Nations
Global Compact (UNGC)'s CEO Water Mandate.

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This is to certify that PRATEEK AGGARWAL of Bachelor in

Technology (Civil Engineering) in Third Year has completed his

Summer Internship during the period of 01/06/2015 06/07/2015 at

---------------------College Programme Manager

---------------------Project Incharge Sign.

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It is indeed a great pleasure and privilege to present this report on

training at Hindustan Construction Company.
I take immense pleasure in thanking Prof. Ravibabu Mandla ,
Program Chair of B.Tech (Civil Engg.) for having permitted me to
carry out this training.
I wish to express my great sense of gratitude to Mr. Verender

Singh, (Project Manager) , Mr. Prabhakar Rao (Deputy Project

Manager) and Mr. Rajesh Kumar (Sectional Incharge) for letting
me be a part of their prestigious project at MUNIRKA ELEVATED
Needless to mention that Mr. SOURAV SAHA (Site Engineer) ,
who had been a source of inspirartion and for his timely guidance in
the conduct of my training .
I would also like to thank Mr. Yogesh , Mr. Govind Reddy and

Mr. Ram kumar and everyone present on site for all their
valuable assistance during training.
Words are inadequate in offering my thanks to the Project Team of
Hindustan Construction Company for their guidance and
cooperation in carrying out the training work.

Finally , yet important , I would like to express my heartful thanks to

my beloved parents for their blessings and Mr. Anshul Bansal who
recommended me this prestigious project for the successful
completion of this training.

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Table of content



About Organization
About the Project
Project Analysis
Methods of Piling


Direct Mud Circulation

MAT-Machine Piling

Pile Reinforcement
Pile Bar Bending Schedule
Pile Concreting
Pile Cap

P.C.C. Laying
Laitance Removal

Pile Cap Reinforcement

P.C.C. Curing
Shuttering / Formwork
Vertical Piers
Concreting of Pile Cap



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About the project:

The project consists of Construction of Parallel
3 Laned Flyover on
Portal Frame linking
existing Munirka Flyover
in the East to the point
beyond Army R.R.
Hospital in the West
including development
Approx Length 2.3
The other Project Details
Includes :

Office Name : Flyover Project Div. Civil F 112 / Flyover Project

Electrical Division F 114, PWD

Cost Of Project : 278 cr.

Date of LOI : 05/11/2014

Progress Details : 24 Months duration

Present Position : The main Civil Work has been awarded to M/s
Hindustan Construction Co. Ltd. . Physical Progress at site. Piling
work in progress, Site Preparation and Road Widening Work in
Progress wherever site is available.
Right Pier Pilling has been completed upto Pier-5 along with
completion of the Pile Cap from CP-1 to RP-4 & RP-22 .

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Total No. of Piles : 646

Total Pile Caps and Piers : 134

Total Portal Frames : 55

Abutments : 1

Type of Contract : Item-Rate Contract

The Rao Tula Ram Marg flyover, which serves as a key link to the
airport and NH-8, has been the subject of considerable debate - and
the reason for a traffic nightmare - ever since a handful of Palam
Marg residents, whose bungalows face the road, opposed the
takeover of a service lane outside their houses for the flyover
project. The flyover was reduced to a single carriageway, resulting
in a traffic bottleneck and daily chaos.
Due to the traffic mess around Rao Tula Ram Marg and Outer Ring
Road in South Delhi Public Works Department awarded tender to
three-lane flyover parallel to RTR flyover, estimated to cost Rs 278
The project involves building three-lane 2.3 kilometer flyover
parallel to the existing single-lane flyover on Rao Tula Ram Marg, a
key south Delhi link to the airport. The construction work started in
December last year

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Project analysis :
1.) Piling:
Piles are the most common type of deep foundation, that safely
transfer loads from the super structure to the subsurface strata by
means of friction, end bearing or a combination of both. Piles can be
broadly classified based on the following parameters.
1. Mechanism of load transfer Friction, End bearing, or a
combination of both.
2. Method of installation of piles Driven (displacement) piles or
bored (replacement) piles.
3. Type of material used for piling Concrete, steel, timber, sand or
composite piles.

Functions of Pile Foundation :

To transmit the buildings loads to the foundations and the ground

soil layers whether these loads vertical or inclined

To install loose cohesion less soil through displacement and


To control the settlements; which can be accompanied by surface


To increase the factor of safety for heavy loads buildings

In the project there are a total of 472 piles with a group of 4 Piles
on each pier with exception of 6 Piles beneath some piers.
The type of piles are Bored Cast-in-Situ . The depth of piles varies
along the length of the flyover from moving west to east.

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piling :
Both in-situ and precast
piling systems can be used to
provide fast and effective
foundation solutions.

The Diameter of the pile is

1200mm .
The following are the major
steps involved in installation
of bored cast in-situ concrete piles

Setting out of the pile points

Based on the drawing provided by the client , the pile points are setout
precisely. As per IS 2911, the maximum tolerance permissible for piles with
diameter 600mm or more is 75mm or D/2, whichever is more .
For single piles below columns, the tolerance shall not be more than 100mm
for piles with diameter more than 600mm. For piles with diameter upto
600mm, the tolerance limit is 50mm.
The set out points are marked clearly - for easy identification, and firmly - so
as not to affect by any activities around. The setting out is done with Total

Station .
However, cross checking of the points established is done before starting the
piling activity. Temporary reference points (TR) are established for this
purpose. All the piles are grouped in to small groups, and each group is
locally measured from a temporary reference point. All these TRs are interconnected and the distance between them, distance from them to the pile
points, and distance from the base reference etc are measured and
recorded, both in tabular as well as graphic form for cross checking.

The methods of piling used are :


Direct mud

circulation (dmc) :

10 | P a g e

Why D.M.C. Method ?

DMC Method machine consists of a tripod stand anchored into the
ground , a pulley mechanism rope , bailers( different lengths) , Chisel , and
Motor operated manually . In this method by the pressure of the
chisel the soil is cut throught along with addition of bentonite slurry
with polymer additives which helps in cutting of the soil strata.
This process of boring is slow (takes upto 5 days for a deth of 20mtrs). In this
case this process of boring is used because of the limited height level
available above the ground level for piling as there already exists a

Once the design is completed and Good for

Construction pile layout drawing is received at site for
installation, a detailed work program is prepared,
taking into consideration the major project

The point is cross checked with other reference points
to ensure accuracy. The diameter of the
cutting tool is checked, this shall not be less than
the required pile diameter
The casing is then driven keeping the pile point
at the center . The depth to which the
casing is driven is decided based on
various factors including the nature of
the soil. The steel casing can ideally be
driven to a depth of at least 1m below
the ground level to take lateral loads and
movements at site (casing depth = 1.5m)

Before starting the boring activity, the density of

the bentonite slurry is checked .

Bentonite preparation :
For preparation of BENTONITE

suspension for pile boring, only potable

water shall be used.
Maintenance of the specific gravity of bentonite suspension between 1.05 to 1.12 is
very important for retention of the vertical cut soil surface of pile borehole. If the
specific gravity of the bentonite suspension is less than 1.05, the developed
cohesiveness and surface tension thereof amongst the soil particles of the surface
soil will be reduced resulting collapse of the vertical cut soil surface.

Necessity of Bentonite :

The Bentonite slurry does not allows the surrounding soil to fall inside the bore hole.
Helps in breaking the soil bondage due to which it is easier to cut through the soil

11 | P a g e

It also beacause of its higer density than water helps in the movement of soil through
the borehole to the surrounding pit.

After confirming the pile has reached the termination level, the BAILER PIPES are
removed from the borehole. The depth of borehole is determined preliminarily by
measuring the length of the bailer pipes upon removal from the hole.
Then for cleaning of the bored pile bottom and flushing of the

contaminated bentonite solution in the borehole, fresh bentonite

solution of specific gravity between 1.10 to 1.12 is to be used.
After completion of pile boring, for cleaning of the bored pile bottom
and *FLUSHING of the contaminated bentonite solution in the
borehole, fresh bentonite solution of specific gravity between 1.10
to 1.12 is to be used. On completion of pile boring upto the requisite
depth, the bore is flushed with fresh bentonite solution.

*(FLUSHING is the process of cleaning of the bore hole after

completion of the required boring depth in which water along with fresh
bentonite solution is pumped into the bore hole. Due to the pressurized
water slurry the muck solution tends to come out of the bore hole)



Boring through

mat-machine :
A hammer or chissel with approximately the weight of the pile is raised a suitable height in a
guide and released to strike the pile head. This is a simple
of hammer used in conjunction with light frames and test
piling, where it may be uneconomical to bring a steam


or compressor on to a site to drive very limited number of


'Dry' boring methods employ the use of a temporary

casing to

seal the pile bore through water-bearing or unstable

overlying suitablestable material. Up on reaching the


depth, a reinforcing cage is introduced; concrete is

poured in the bore and brought up to the required
This process works in different stages :

The purpose of chisel is to loosen the soil and
cut through it by the action of dropping from a
suitable height.
It is also responsible for breaking the soft rock
strata beneath the ground surface.
It weighs between 3 tons to 5 tons.

12 | P a g e

The rock auger consists of helical grooves which has
bits at the end which cuts throught the hard rock.
The helical groove rotates which leads to pressurized
and rotatory force making the cutting through the rock
surface easier.


Dth :
Also called DOWN-THE-HOLE drilling machine. It is used
where there is hard rock .
Primary function of DTH is to drill or make holes at the
surface of the hard rock in various parts .

(using simply chisel does not results in

breaking of the hard rock thus DTH is used
to overcome it )
The holes are made by the Diamond bearings attached
at the end . The DTH hammer bits are designed for


maximum performance ability and high penetration rate.

By making holes into the rock strata the rock becomes weaker and it makes it easier
for the chisel to break through it.

SOIL bucket :
It is used to bring the soil bored by using Chisel or Rock Auger up to the ground
It has rigs at the end which also helps in
penetration into the soil and thus it helps in
cleaning of the pit.

13 | P a g e

Measurement of depth :
The measure ment of depth of bore is measured through the Sounding Chain. The
sounding chain is put in the pit whose length is then measured through the measuring


Reinforcement shall be bent and fixed in
accordance with procedurespecified in


The high strength deformed steel bars

should notbe re-bendor straightened
without the approval of engineer-in
charge.Bar bending schedules shall be
prepared for all reinforcement work. All
reinforcement shall be placed and
maintained in the position shown inthe
drawings by providing proper cover blocks,
spacers, supportingbars, etc.

Terms used in reinforcement :

Bar bending schedule :

14 | P a g e

Bar Bending Schedule is the schedule of reinforcement bars preparedin advance before
cutting and bending of rebars. This schedulecontains all details of size, shape and
dimension of rebars to be cut.


Lap length :
Lap length is the length overlap of bars tied to extend
thereinforcement length. Lap length about 50 times the diameter of
is considered safe. Laps of neighboring bar lengths should


bestaggered and should not be provided at one level/line. At one

crosssection, a maximum of 50% bars should be lapped. In case,
requiredlap length is not available at junction because of space and
otherconstraints, bars can be joined with couplers or welded.

This is the additional length of steel of one structure required to
beinserted in other at the junction. For example, main bars of beam
incolumn at beam column junction, column bars in footing etc.
Thelength requirement is similar to the lap length

Cover blocks :
Cover blocks are placed to prevent the steel rods from touching
theshuttering plates and thereby providing a minimum cover and fix thereinforcements as
per the design drawings. Sometimes it is commonlyseen that the cover gets misplaced
during the concreting activity. Covers should be made of cement sand mortar (1:3).
Shape of the cover blocks could be cubical or cylindrical.

Things to note :
Reinforcement should be free from loose rust, oil paints, mud
etc. itshould be cut, bent and fixed properly. The
reinforcement shall beplaced and maintained in position by
providing proper cover blocks,spacers, supporting bars, laps


For any steel reinforcement bar, weight per running meter is


to 0.00618d

where d is diameter of the bar in mm. For

eg : 10 mm dia bar will weigh 0.00618*(10)

= 0.618 kg/m.

For providing nominal cover to the steel in beam, cover

blocks were used which were made of concrete and were
casted with a thin steelwire in the center which projects
outward. These keep the reinforcement at a distance from
the inner dia.

15 | P a g e

Here the cages are distributes into different lengths

segments because of the limited height available.
Each cage is lowered into the bored pit at once using
As one cage is lowered then it is maintained upto certain height to provide the required
lapping length.

Cut-length :
= (Effective Length (L) of Bar) (No of
bends * 2d or 4)
Let for say ,
We have no. (1) steel rod type :

Total Length of vertical = [ Cut-off

level Founding level + 1.5 (Bottom
cover=75mm) ]
No. of Verticals = 15 nos. of 32mm dia

16 | P a g e

Bbs calculation :
Thus from the

calculation we

found out
how much of the
reinforcement is



here in
this case for the
[ LAP LENGTH = 76d = 76*32 =

2432 mm

= 2.432 m ]

17 | P a g e


Concreting :

Adequate cover blocks are provided all around the cage to

ensure sufficient cover.
Following this, the tremie pipes are lowered in to the
borehole. The tremie pipes usually have a diameter
of 200mm. The bottom of the bore hole is cleaned
very carefully before starting the concreting.
This is done by continuous flushing with fresh
flushing mud. Consistency of flushing mud is checked
and maintained, to avoid mixing of flushing mud with
concrete. The bore hole is flushed for at least 30
minutes prior to concreting.
The tremie is lowered to the bottom of the borehole,
and a hopper is connected at the top of the tremie
pipe. Concrete used for pile concreting shall have a
min. slump of 150-180mm. The joint between hopper
and tremie pipe is closed with a steel plug before the first
charge. The hopper is then filled with concrete to the full capacity.
Once filled, the steel plug is removed to
allow the concrete to flow down and
replace the bentonite slurry present in the
pipe. The bottom end of the tremie pipe is
always kept embedded, at least 2m, within
the laid concrete so that the bentonite is
replaced from bottom upwards and the
concrete is not mixed with water or
bentonite. Only the initially poured
concrete is in contact with the bentonite
slurry within the borehole.
Thus establishing a continuous stream of
concrete. It will be necessary to raise

18 | P a g e

slowly the tremie in order to cause a uniform flow of the concrete, but the tremie
shall not be emptied so that water enters the pipe.

**(Preferably, flanged steel pipe of adequate strength for the job should
be used. A separate lifting device shall be provided for each tremie pipe
with its hopper at the upper end.)

After the Concrete starts to flow out of the bore and the clean concrete starts coming
out the concreting is then stoped.
Volume of concrete for a Pile is calculated by :


Say ,

Depth of pile = 20 + 1.5 = 21.5m

Diameter of pile = 1.2m


Then volume = *(0.6)2 * 21.5 = 24.32 m3

Slump cone test

Also , before the concreting of the pile starts the workability of the concrete is
checked through the SLUMP
Slump Cone test is an essential
test performed to check whether
the batch in the Transit Mixer is
of the optimum workability as it
was when it despatched form the
batching plant .
The test is carried out using a
mould known as a slump
cone or Abrams cone. The coneis placed on a hard
non-absorbent surface. This cone is filled with fresh
concrete in three stages, each time it is tamped
using a rod of standard dimensions.
The std. dimensions of the instrument are :

19 | P a g e

Bottom Dia = 20 mm
Top Dia = 10 mm
Height = 300 mm

SLUMP VALUE RANGE = 150 mm - 180 mm


Concrete Cube casting

Concrete cubes are to be casted from every batch in TM that arrives at the site. The
concrete is poured into 150x150x150 mm3 Moulds.
The concrete is poured into the moulds
in 3 layers , each layered tamped with a
25mm dia and 380 mm long tamping rod
atleast 35 times. ( it weighs approax.

1.8 Kg )
Concrete cubes after being moulded are
kept at site for drying and are later
cured .
The cubes casted are measured for the
compressive strength in Quality Control
Lab for 7-days and 28-days strength



Now after the concreting of the pile

is complete the Casing is removed
from the bore and thus the filling of
the bore is done to cover the bore .
Once filling through JCB is complete
then similarly rest of the piles below
the pile cap are also completed as
per the schedule.

Things to note :

20 | P a g e

Such piles commonly fail due to the collapse of the walls of the shaft
resulting in the formation of a reduced section which may not be able to bear
the loads for which it had been designed.
Hence at least a thirdof piles in projects with a large number of piles are
tested for uniformity using a Pile Integrity Tester.
This test relies on the mannerin which low intensity shock waves are affected
as they pass throughthe pile and are reflected to judge the uniformity and
integrity of thepile. A pile failing the integrity test is then subjected to a pile
load test.

2.) Pile cap :


Sequence of construction pf pile cap :

Excavation :
At road locations the pit shall be excavated to the dimensions providing
working space all around the pile cap.
Proper side slope or
shoring shall be
provided depending
upon the suitability of
the soil found in the
The last 200mm
excavation shall be carried out
The level achieved by
excavation is then
checked using the
Auto Level.

P.c.c. laying :
After leveling the bottom, by using AUTO LEVEL the elevations of various
points are verified with the drawing.
The footing over the pile is a Square Footing of 5.1m X 5.1m .
The points on the soil are marked properly with the paint to show the P.C.C.
Laying Level.
Before doing concreting the borders for the pcc is marked either using the
brick work or the ISMBs .
P.C.C. Level = 100 mm
Grade Of Concrete = M15

21 | P a g e

Volume of the concrete req. for P.C.C. = [(5.1 x 5.1) 4*(*1.22 / 4)]
Mix concrete used as a P.C.C IS transported from batching plant to the P.C.C
Laying site through transit
The concrete shall be directly
poured by Chute & shall be
spread , leveled manually to
the 100 mm thickness.
The purpose of the P.C.C. is

to achieve a well levelled

surface over the soil level
for the reinforcement .


After excavation , the Laitance of the piles or the Pile Head shall be removed
by using Pneumatic Jack Hammer or manually minimum by the Chipping
process . Three days after casting of pile.
The top of pile after striping shall project 300m above the cut-off level.
This removal of the Laitance is practised because of the fact that when
concreting of the pile is done , all the soil particles along with the bentonite
slurry comes out as floating material to the top .
This Pile Head consists of weak material causing in decrease of the strength
of the pile , thus it is removed.


The Reinforcement bars (dia = 32mm) coming above the cut-off level at height
of 1.5m are bend with L-Length of 450mm using the Gas-Cutter.
The reinforcement bar to be used for the pile cap shall be cut in a proper
length and bend according to bar bending schedule.

The types of bars used for the reinforcement of the Pile Cap are :
Bottom Main Bar
Bottom Distribution Bar
Top Main Bar
Bottom Distribution Bar
= 100mm c/c
Spacing = 1000mm c/c

Dia = 20mm ; Nos. = 51 ; Spacing = 100mm c/c

Dia = 20mm ; Nos. = 51 ; Spacing = 100mm c/c
Dia = 16mm ; Nos. = 51 ; Spacing = 100mm c/c
Dia = 16mm ; Nos. = 51 ; Spacing
Dia = 16mm ; Nos. = 25 ;

** Subject to

Dia = 12mm ; Nos. = 44 ; Spacing = 150mm c/c

Dia = 12mm ; Nos. = 600

22 | P a g e

The bar shall be provided with inhibitor treatment

by applying inhibitor solution mixed with cement. (
It is done to ensure that the reinforcement bars do not
undergoes any corrosion. )
The reinforcement bar is fixed in a proper location
according to drawing over the P.C.C and tied with
1mm diameter Galvanizing iron binding wire.
75 mm clear cover is provided at the bottom both
side and upper face of rebar cage.

The individual reinforcement in the pile cap serves different purpose which
eventually is responsible for the Net Load Bearing Strength of the structure.
The Bar Bending Schedule is used for the calculation by wt. of the total
required steel reinforcement.


23 | P a g e

The B.B.S. for each type of bar is calculated with the reference to IS-2502

The Cutting Length and the Unit Weight for all the steel bars are one of the
most important factors responsible for calculating the total quantity of the

STEPS involved in calculation of BBS :

Cutting Length It is calculatelength of the d with ref. to IS-2502 . The cut length
varies with shape and dia of the steel bars. ( for 20mm dia ; Cutting length = 5100-7575+1000+1000-2d-2d == 6870mm )

Total Numbers The total no. is calculated by dividing (the total length pile cap
effective cover) to the c/c spacing (Total No.s for Bottom Main Bar = [ (5100-75-75)/100 +
1 ] = 51 )

Total Length - It is calculated by multiplying Cutting Length to Total No.s . (Total

Length = 6870 X 51 = 350,370mm)

Unit Weight It is calculated by using the site formula i.e. 0.00618d 2 (for d=32mm ;
Unit Weight = 6.32)

Total Weight It is calculated by multiplying the Total Length to Uniit Weight . (Total
Weight = 350,370 X 6.32 = 2214.33 Kg. )

Curing of p.c.c. :
C uring is the process in which the concrete is protected from loss of
moisture and kept within a reasonable temperature range.
The result of this process is increased strength and decreased
permeability. Curing is also a key player in mitigating cracks in the concrete,
which severely impacts durability.

Piers :
Piers are constructed above the footings. They provide vertical supportto the bridge
superstructure Pier construction begins once the footingsare in place.
The forms are typically constructed to cast/buildsegments of the pier vertically, and
moving the forms upward as thepier construction takes place.
The reinforcement bar are tied according to drawing and cut and bend according to
bar bending Schedule provided by the client.

Shuttering and formwork :

The concrete mixture has to be supported by a framework to avoid sagging

and fracture whilst setting. This process is known as
shuttering and reinforcing .
24 | P a g e

The formwork serves as mould for concrete structural components unless

such mould is
provided by the
soil, other
components, etc.

It moulds the
placed fresh
Walls, columns and vertical sides

24 to 48 hours as may be decided by

of beams

the engineer in charge

Slabs (props left under)

3 days

Beam soffits (props left under)

7 days

Removal for slabs

(a) Spanning upto 4.5 m

7 days

(b) Spanning over 4.5 m

14 days


Removal of props to beams and

arches(a) Spanning upto 6 m

14 days

(b) Spanning over 6 m

21 days

concrete, which in this stage normally is viscous, to the shape specified in

the drawing.

Proper making of formwork decides on the accuracy to size, strength and

surface finish of the concrete components.

Improperly made formwork, which gives way or breaks when the concrete is
placed, results in heavy material damage or, in the worst case, may cause
serious injury of persons.

On the other hand, an excessively strong formwork requires high physical

efforts of the persons stripping the formwork and normally results in the
complete destruction of the formwork parts.

Dimension of Shuttering Board = 2000 mm X 1700 mm

Period of removal of the shuttering
When shuttering plates are fixed they are not vertical. So the alignment of
shuttering is to be done.

25 | P a g e

A thread is tied along the length

at a fixed distance outward from
shuttering plates .
At the last plate near to end face
plumb bob is placed and
verticality of the plates is
checked by measuring the
distance of thread of plumb bob
from plate.
The distance is checked both at
top of plate and bottom of
shutterings , if distance is larger
than that of fixed at bottom of
plate then upper jack supporting
the plate is tightened or vice
versa, this procedure is repeated
on every shuttering plate to
check the alignment of plate.

Vertical piers :
Piers are constructed above the footings. They
provide vertical support to the bridge
superstructure Pier construction begins once
the footings are in place.
The forms are typically constructed to cast/build
segments of the pier vertically, and moving the
forms upward as the pier construction takes place.
The size and frequency of piers depends on the type
of superstructure and spans they are supporting.
Steel form used to construct oblong pier
shape, Steel rebar extending from pile cap isc
ontinued in piers up to pier cap. Steel forms
are used to place around rebar cage to cast
The Vertical Steel Bars reinforcement is
also calculated as per the drawing.
The reinforcement details for
the pier are shown in the


concreting :
26 | P a g e

After completion of shuttering , and checking all the necessary details the
concreting process for the Pile Cap is started.
As the concreting is to be done through CHUTE the length required for proper
concreting is cut or bent.
But, before the concreting starts , the Slump Value of the concrete is checked
SLUMP VALUE RANGE = 90mm to 150mm
Volume of Concrete required = 5.1 X 5.1 X 1.8 = 46.81 m 3
Grade of Concrete : M45
In each Batch of the Transit Mixer (T.M.) 6m3 of the concrete is present.
The drop height of the concrete should not be more than 1.5m. The larger
height of the concrete results in segregation of the concrete which eventually
leads to honeycombing .
Also from each batch of the T.M. , 3 concrete cube moulds are casted for
inspection purpose.
These concrete moulds are casted and are tested for 7-Days and 28-Days
strength respectively by Compression Testiing Machine in the lab.

Compaction :

Air voids reduce the strength of the concrete. For every 1% of entrapped air,
the strength falls by somewhere between 5 and 7%. This means that concrete
containing a mere 5% air voids due to incomplete compaction can lose as
much as one third of its strength.
Air voids increase concrete's permeability. That in turn reduces its durability.
If the concrete is not dense and impermeable, it will not be watertight. It will
be less able to withstand aggressive liquids and its exposed surfaces will
weather badly.
The compaction of the concrete is to be regularly done using the NEEDLE
VIBRATOR of 60mm dia .
Concreting should not be done more than 2m3 at once and should be
compacted in regular intervals.
Also it has to be made sure that the concrete is not over-compacted as that
could result in the segregation of the coarse aggregates with the cement
paste phase.

Curing :

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Curing shall be done to all exposed surfaces of the concrete as soon as

possible after the concrete has set.
Water covering closely the concrete surface may also be used to provide
effective barrier against evaporation.
Curing is also a key player in mitigating cracks in the concrete, which
severely impacts durability.
The result of this process is increased strength and decreased permeability.
Curing of pile cap concrete is done with the help of wet jute cloth for min 7
Also after the acquired period the Shuttering is removed from the pile cap.

Backfilling :

The backfilling process around the pile cap is not started befor the
7days. This is because proper curing for a minimum of 7-days is
mandatory for the pile cap.
During Backfilling the
excavated soil is filled in
the excavated area. This is
done using JCB and is
compacted through it to
some extent.
After that using trowels the
soil is manually filled and
Also water is filled on the soil
surface which helps in attaining the
compaction percentage to some extent.


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The primary objective of this report is a description of practical knowledge

attained on construction site of flyover project during my summer internship
training at HCC.
In the period of training, i closely studied the aspects of practical application
of various methodologies and learnt the art of being pioneer in solving
practical problem faced at site; during the course of my study i attained the
following conclusions :
There are differences between theoretical and practical approach to
execute various construction process. Theoretical knowledge is
insufficient to commence task at site.
The quality of construction work was at priority with respect to time.
Various check were formatted at each step of construction to ensure
the quality of work.
After the consecutive revisions of drawing, they are finally revised to
fulfil the requirements of site.
The various factors such as climatic conditions, man power ,
availability of resources and methods involved in construction plays a
crucial role in an optimised completion of project.
Safety measures were taken to avoid injuries and accidents on site.

This report elaborates the sequence of work for construction of structural

components in a flyover substructure part. The report contains the
characteristics of materials and technique used in construction .

verall it must be said that the construction methods and quality control on
Project needs a very good coordination and large quantities of man power,
equipment and funds. During the period of One month all the company staff
helped me a lot to provide all the information about any query.

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