Ganesh Stage 1
Ganesh Stage 1
Ganesh Stage 1
Chapter 1 : ABSTRACT
This is the project of “Construction of four lane Railway over bridge”. The Works for
Construction of approaches to Railway Over Bridge (ROB) on Narkhed Railway line
including strengthening and black Topping to road. It is oriented towards the North
West direction facing towards the Amravati Western Bypass Road. Estimated cost of
project is 115 crore and the project duration Is 15 Months.
The Narkhed to Amravati Railway line chainage 29/0 SH which is a very busy traffic
route. During train timings, railway crossing closer leading to a long ques of traffic on
the road on both sides crossing. At this location, Railway Over Bridge (ROB) is very
much required to solve the problems of traffic jam, wastage of fuel & time and to curb
the problem of air pollution due to traffic jam at railway crossing. This initiative of
ROB was taken by PWD , No. 2 Construction Division, Amravati.
The project includes construction of ROB approaches, cross drainage structure and
service roads. After the construction of this project completed there shall be saving of
travel time due to free flow of traffic and this location shall also becomes accidents -
free. There is great convenience to the commuters after the completion of this project.
PREAMBLE: Specifies the basic information of the site, discuss the purpose of
industrial training. It enables us to know the organization structure of department and
get to know about the organization of report.
This railway route is also busy. During train timings, railway crossing closer leading
to a long ques of traffic on the road on both sides crossing. At this location, Railway
Over Bridge (ROB) is very much required to solve the problems of traffic jam,
wastage of fuel & time and to curb the problem of air pollution due to traffic jam at
railway crossing. This initiative of ROB was taken by PWD, Construction Division,
World Bank, Sangrur. The project includes construction of ROB approaches, three
span structure portion, cross drainage structure and service roads. After the
construction of this project completed there shall be saving of travel time due to free
flow of traffic and this location shall also becomes accidents free. There is great
convenience to the commuters after the completion of this project.
A railway over bridge (ROB) is built over railway tracks to accommodate traffic. It
is designed to avoid the interception of highways and railway tracks, ensuring an
uninterrupted flow for both cars and trains. Typically, made of steel or concrete,
ROBs are built to Withstand a lot of weight, allowing large trains to safely pass over
them. These bridges are built at height that prevents trains from obstructing the
movement of vehicles as they pass underneath. The railway authority and the local
civic authorities are responsible for planning and coordinating the construction of an
Increased safety : One of the main advantages of ROBs is that they do away
with the necessity of level crossings between highways and railway tracks,
lowering the possibility of train-vehicle collisions.
Enhanced traffic flow : Vehicles can cross underneath the ROBs without being
impeded by passing trains, allowing for continuous vehicular traffic flow. This
eases traffic congestion.
Reduced travel time : Since drivers no longer must wait for trains to pass at
level crossings, which can result in considerable delays, ROBs can help cut
travel time for cars.
Title of the project:- Project Report On Construction Of Four lane Railway over Bridge on
Narkhed Railway line.
Government Agency Name:- Public Work Department
Address :- PWD, Amravati
Engineer Name :- Jadhav Sir (JE)
Contact Number :- 74472 95577
Location of the project :- It is oriented towards the North West direction facing
towards the Amravati Western Bypass Road.
Duration of the project :- 2 Years
Cost of the project :- 115 crore
Status of the project :- ROW demarcation by Land record department is in progress.
Structural Drawing & designing work in progress.
Type of Bridge :- Skew Bridge
Chief Engineer
Superintending Engineer
Executive Engineer
Subdivisional Engineer
Sub officer
Traffic design
Engineering Design
3.1 Site Clearance : Site clearance is the process of removing waste as a way of
making sure that an area is free from hazardous material and any other obstacles
or huge mess as part of preparing the area for a construction or demolition project.
When working with a professional team, they use heavy machinery that fast tracks
the work and they are responsible for the safe disposal of all waste on the land.
What is the purpose of Site Clearance?
Getting rid of debris, equipment not in use and abandoned buildings is the main
point of doing land clearance. The top surface of the soil which can not be built on
if your planning a construction project is also removed.
Before the actual clearance begins, experienced surveyors from Busters Group
will assess your land and its conditions and prepare different project documents
that will indicate the following:
Big risks for the project and mitigation actions
Ground conditions present on the land
The best effective methods for doing the work
Direction and order of waste removal
Identify potential environmental effects of the project and how to deal with
all the necessary regulator paperwork
3.3 Layout Marking: Building layout refers to the process of designing the physical
layout of a building or structure, including its shape, size, orientation, and
positioning on the construction site. The building layout is an important aspect of
the construction process as it determines the overall appearance, functionality, and
efficiency of the building. The building layout design process involves taking into
consideration various factors, such as the intended use of the building, the
surrounding environment, building codes and regulations, and the budget for the
project. The layout must also take into account accessibility and safety
considerations, such as the placement of entrances, exits, and emergency exits.
PREAMBLE: It involves the initial phase where the project's scope, requirements, and
materials needed are assessed. It typically includes a detailed breakdown of expenses,
labor, materials, equipment, and other costs associated with the construction project.
This phase often outlines the methodology used for cost estimation, factors
influencing the budget, and any assumptions or constraints considered during
the estimation process.
Unit Costing: Here, each unit of work (like per square foot of construction, per
meter of pipe laid, etc.) is assigned a cost based on the estimates.
Categorization: Costs are categorized into direct costs (materials, labour) and
indirect costs (overheads, contingency, fees).
Profit and Contingency: A provision for profit and contingency is added to the
total cost to ensure a buffer against unforeseen expenses and to account for the
contractor's profit margin.
1. Estimate give an idea of the cost of the work and hence its feasibility can be
determined I.e., whether the project could be taken up with in the funds available
or not.
2. Estimate gives an idea of time required for the completion of the work.
3. Estimate is required to invite the tenders and Quotations and to arrange contract.
4. Estimate is also required to control the expenditure during the execution of work.
Estimate decides whether the proposed plan matches the funds available or not.
1. To ascertain the approximate cast of the project in order to decide its feasibility with
respect to the cast and to ensure the financial resources if the proposal u approved.
2. To ascertain the quantities and cost of materials required to complete the work.
3. For Pubic work, estimate is required in order. to obtain the administrative approval
fox allotment of funds and to obtain technical sanction for execution of work.
4. To invite tenders and to arrange and to prepare bills for payment from estimate.
5. To assess the cost and requirement of tools machineries. plants and equipment
required to complete the work.
6. To know the detailed cost of different categories of labors Needed like masonry
excavation, RCC work, plastering, painting.
1. Drawings: If the drawings are not clear and without complete dimensions the
preparation of estimation become very difficult. So, it is very essential before preparing
2. Detailed Specification
a) General Specifications: This gives the nature, quality, class and work and
materials in general terms to be used in various parts of wok. It helps no form a
general idea of building.
b) Detailed Specifications: These gives the detailed description of the various items of
work laying down the Quantities and qualities of materials, their proportions, the
method of preparation workmanship and execution of work.
3. Rates
For preparing the estimate the unit rates of each item of work are re-quired.
Project planning in construction involves the initial phase where the entire project is
conceptualized, scoped, and strategized. Define the project scope, goals, and
deliverables. Identify what the building should achieve and its purpose. Identify
potential risks that could impact the project timeline or budget. Develop strategies to
mitigate these risks and create contingency plans. Obtain necessary permits, adhere to
building codes, and ensure compliance with local regulations before commencing
construction. Implement processes to ensure quality standards are met throughout the
project, including inspections, testing, and compliance checks. Effective project
planning lays the foundation for a successful construction project by setting clear
objectives, defining strategies, and ensuring proper resource allocation. Each step
plays a crucial role in the seamless execution of the ROB construction process.
Construction often requires clearing land, which can disrupt natural habitats and
ecosystems. This can lead to the displacement of plants and animals, potentially
causing long-term ecological damage.
The extraction and use of construction materials such as concrete, steel, and wood can
deplete natural resources. Unsustainable extraction practices can lead to
environmental degradation and loss of biodiversity.
Construction activities may involve the use of water for tasks such as dust control and
concrete curing. Improper management of water usage and runoff can lead to soil
erosion and water pollution.
Dust and emissions from construction machinery can contribute to air pollution. This
may have negative effects on air quality and the health of both construction workers
and nearby residents.
The transportation of construction materials to the site can lead to increased traffic
congestion and emissions. Efficient logistics planning is cr2ucial to minimize the
environmental impact of transportation.
The design of the administrative building itself can impact its long-term
environmental footprint. Incorporating sustainable design practices, such as energy-
efficient systems, green roofs, and use of renewable materials, can mitigate
environmental concerns.
Falls from heights are a significant concern in construction. Proper safety measures,
such as guardrails, safety nets, and personal fall arrest systems, should be in place,
especially when working on elevated surfaces.
Construction sites involve the use of electrical equipment, and improper handling can
lead to electric shocks or fires. Workers should be trained in electrical safety, and
electrical systems must be installed and maintained according to regulations.
The operation of heavy machinery and equipment poses risks if not used correctly.
Proper training, maintenance, and adherence to safety protocols are crucial to prevent
accidents involving construction vehicles and equipment.
The use of hazardous materials in construction, such as certain chemicals, paints, and
solvents, requires careful handling, storage, and disposal. Workers should be
informed about potential hazards and provided with appropriate protective equipment.
Construction sites are susceptible to fire risks due to the presence of flammable
materials and equipment. Adequate fire prevention measures, including fire
extinguishers, emergency exits, and fire safety training, are essential.
Work within confined spaces can pose risks such as poor air quality and limited
escape routes. Proper training, ventilation, and safety protocols must be implemented
for tasks in confined spaces.
Construction sites involve the assembly of structural elements, and ensuring the
stability of these structures is critical to prevent collapses. Regular inspections and
adherence to engineering specifications are essential.
Construction activities generate noise and vibrations, which can have adverse effects
on workers' hearing and overall health. Implementing measures such as hearing
protection and monitoring noise levels is important.
Adverse weather conditions can pose additional risks. Construction activities should
be planned and adjusted according to weather forecasts, and workers should be
protected from extreme conditions.
We have experienced all the concerned activities of construction and face all the
consequences at the site with following things. Became familiar with the
organization's hierarchy. Visited the site's industrial surroundings and workplace
culture. Understood office protocol. Comprehended the methods and procedures
employed in building. Our issue became clear after we arrived. Verified the
obligations of each worker at the site about their responsibilities.. We had a very good
experience and exposure at the site through theoretical and practical study that we did
and practical experiences that we have taken are to make a lot of difference when we
go for the work in construction industry.
Learn the testing of various constitution materials, also learn the testing on soil and
understand their readings. Also understood the responsibilities of Executive Engineer,
Deputy Engineer, Junior Engineer etc.This project helps us lot in understanding not
only a construction activity but also changes our view toward project management,
labour management, material management that plays important role while
constructing or renovating buildings.
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