E Resources

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Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies


For further details contact:

Mr. Shivanand Sadlapur (Librarian): librarian@nmims.edu
Mrs. Varsha More (Reference Librarian) varsha.more@nmims.edu

List of Institutions
Narsee Monjee Ins tute of Management Studies [NMIMS]
- School of Business Management (SBM)
- Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering
- Shobhaben Pratapbhai School of Pharmacy & Technology Management
- Anil Surendra Modi School of Commerce (ASMSOC)
- School of Science (SOS)
- Sarla Anil Modi School of Economics (SAMSOE)
- School of Law (SOL)
- Balwant Sheth School of Architecture (BSSA)
- Narsee Monjee Ins tute of Management Studies [NMIMS], Bangalore
- Narsee Monjee Ins tute of Management Studies [NMIMS], Hyderabad
- Narsee Monjee Ins tute of Management Studies [NMIMS], Shirpur
Dwarkadas J. Sanghvi College of Engineering (DJSC)
Usha Pravin Gandhi College of Management (UPG)
Dr. Bhanuben Nanava College of Pharmacy (BNCP)
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce and Economics (NM)
Mithibai College of Arts, Com. & Sci. (Mithibai)
Shri. Baghubhai Mafatlal Polytechnic
Pravin Gandhi College of Law (PGCL)
Jitendra Chohan College of Law (JCCL)
SVKM Interna onal School (IB-School)
Ins tute of Interna onal Studies
Smt. Gokalibai Punamchand Pitambar High School
Acharya Ambalal V. Patel Jr. College
Chatrabhuj Narsee Memorial School
C. B. Patel Research Centre
Ins tute of Intellectual Property Studies
Harkishan Mehta Founda on Ins tute of Journalism












ProQuest Central









Science Direct: Pharmacology



Bentham Science Publishers















Science Direct









Pearson E-Books









ISI Emerging Markets






Frost & Sullivan



CMIE: Economic Outlook



CMIE-Prowess 4






CEIC Database









West Law












Cabell's Directory


This compendium of e-resources/databases subscribed at NMIMS University
and other SVKM's ins tu ons has been prepared to inform all poten al users
like the students, faculty members and the researchers about the availability of
these resources in a single document. The compendium gives a snapshot of each
of the e-resources/databases, what it oers and how to access the same. It is
hoped that the intending user will nd it convenient to locate the par cular
e-resources relevant to his/her area of interest and get the informa on to access
par cular e-resource.
The index of the compendium indicates the e-resources/databases subscribed
by various ins tutesof SVKM. Many of these databases are shared by other
ins tu ons even though they may be subscribed by one of our ins tu ons.
These shared resources are also indicated in the index.
This compendium is an inventory of the e-resources and is not a complete user
manual. For any details or assistance in respect of any these resources, the
intending user is advised to contact the Librarian of the par cular library which
subscribes the databases. All assistance, including ini al training, will be given
It is hoped that the faculty members, students and researchers of our
ins tu ons will nd this compendium useful and make the best use of these
resources for their respec ve academic pursuits.

Library Automation
At SVKM's NMIMS libraries we are using LibSys for library automa on. Users / readers
can access library OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) through following URL
OPAC URL: h p://

Select the School from given list.

New Search

In given search window enter the keyword and follow the instruc on as given in Basic, Advance & Addi onal
searching op ons. Here it is searching across all schools.


You can browse the documents by Author, Title, Subject, etc. op ons for logged in school.


Alphabe cal list of periodicals is given. For issue / volume details double click on the par cular tle.


New addi ons op on will give you list of all the books and periodicals added in last one month.

My Account

To go to your account put GR No. / Employee Code as username and press Enter. Password is not required.

To check click on My Details. Here you can check no. of books issued on your name, any ne due, past history of the
books you issued form library for last one year. Also you can reserve the book if it is issued and you may recommend
tles for library which are not in our database.

EzProxy provides remote access to all the web-based databases subscribed by
SVKM & NMIMS Libraries globally through user ID and password. For more
informa on contact librarian.
Access Details:

For Faculty / Sta

URL: h p://ezproxy.svkm.ac.in:2048/login
UN: Your computer login (E.g. Name. Surname Please do not enter post @)
PW: Your computer login password

For Students
URL: h p://ezproxy.svkm.ac.in:2048/login
UN: Your internet access login (i.e. SAP ID)
PW: Your internet access login password


Electronic Journal Databases

This database is central resource for all. Covering more than 160 subject areas.
ProQuest Central is the largest database of periodical content.
This Includes:

Peer Reviewed Journals/Trade Publica on /Magazine/News papers like

MIT Sloan Management, European Management Review, Journal of
Business ethics, etc.

Business Monitoring Interna onal - 682 plus various countries sector

reports & their Forecast and Corporate Financial Weekly a core mergers &
acquisi on publica on

Economic Intelligent Unit (EIU) - EIU Views wire, Country Forecast, Country
Finance Forecast, Global Commodity & Raw Material Forecast

Disserta on & Thesis - More than 30,000 Full text Disserta on & Thesis

SSRN Papers- More then 15000 The Social Science Research Network

Collec on of Annual Reports & Business Cases/Case Study & Country


URL: h p://search.proquest.com/?accoun d=32277


Search for more informa on with ProQuest Central's new, more

powerful search op ons

From the homepage, you may conduct a search in several dierent ways:

Enter a Quick Search that searches across all of your ProQuest subscrip ons.


Select from the Subject Areas icons to search by category or:


Choose a single subject area.

2b Explore databases by hovering the mouse over the subject area.


Choose Advanced Search to construct complex searches and select specic



View the Publica ons list, and search directly in a selected tle.


View the Databases list to select a single resource or combine databases for a
custom search.


Login to your My Research account.

* Subject areas and topics may be dierent based on your ProQuest subscrip ons.

Find relevant informa on from a wider variety of sources!

The Results page oers users the ability to:
1. Modify search op ons.
2. Set up alerts, Create RSS feed, Save
search right from the Results page.
3. Search within results to narrow
results, search using sugges ons
from Smart Search, or search for
gures and tables.
4. Add items to My Research, Email,
Cite, Export references from the
Results page.
5. View Results List which displays
Ar cles, Books, Disserta ons, etc.
Click to view using Cita on / Abstract,
Full text, Text with Graphics, or PDF
formats. Determine the source type
by the icon (see also Source Type in
column to the right).
6. Sort or narrow results by source type,
subject heading, date, etc. in the collapsible sidebar.
7. Iden fy hit-terms in context more easily with hit-term highligh ng.
8. Preview the contents of the full-record in a lightbox.
9. Mark items to save, print, or email or to store in My Research to access later;
create a shared list, etc.
10. Discover images, charts, graphs, maps, etc. found within the results quickly
from the results page. Click the image to open.


Advanced searching op ons at your nger ps!

The Advanced Search page:


Mul ple query boxes oer the ability to create more complexsearches and limit
query elds to specic indexed informa on* suchas Author, Title, or Subject.


Further dene the search query with addi onal selec ons* available in the Limit
to area, such as:


Source Type


Document Type




Search Tools, such as Thesauri,* Field Code lists,* Search Tips, and Subject Areas,
are available in the collapsible sidebar.


Pre-select Display Op ons before viewing the Search Results Page:


Sort by


Items per page


Other Search Op ons allow for searching for Tables & Figures,Look Up Cita on,
Command Line search, or Text Match search.

*Determined by the database(s) selected for searching.


This database, designed specically for social science
ins tu ons, contains 2,950 full text scholarly journals and
business periodicals covering management, economics,
nance, accoun ng, interna onal business, and much
more. Business Source Premier contains full text from the
world's top business journals and is par cularly strong in
both management and marke ng,, country economic
reports, expanded indexing and abstract backles for 300
top scholarly business journals back to 1965 or the rst
issue published (whichever is more recent). It alsocontains
PDF images for the great majority of journals; many of
these PDFs are na ve (searchable) or scanned in color. In
addi on, there are 5,000 substan al company proles,
videos and 1,600 industry reports.
URL: h p://search.ebscohost.com/


Once click on given EBSCO URL choose EBSCOhost Research Database.

Choosing Databases to Search

To search a database:
1. Click directly on the database name, e.g., Business Source Premier. The
search screen appears.
2. You can use the default search screen, or choose another by selec ng it from
the search screen tabs.


Users are able to receive database-specic help from within the search screens
and the Result List. Beneath the database names at the top of each of these
screens, there is a link en tled Database Help. You can also get to databasespecic Help by clicking on the More Informa on link from the Choose
Databases Screen.
Using the Toolbar
EBSCOhost oers a toolbar for func ons that are available at all mes during a
search session. There may be more op ons available, depending upon the
database you are searching.
The func on of each tab and bu on is explained throughout this guide.
Using the U lity Toolbar
New Search Returns you to the default search screen.
View Folder Displays results placed in the folder.
Preferences Allows you to change the format and sor ng of your Result
Help Opens the Online Help Manual.
Exit/Home Library This will only appear if no home library graphic and URL
are available. Click Exit to log out of EBSCOhost.
Home Library Graphic Click on the library graphic or logo, to return to the
library home page.


Using the Basic Search Screen

Performing a Basic Search

To perform a search, enter your term(s) in the Find eld and choose the Search
bu on. Choose the Clear bu on to remove any term(s) located in the Find eld.
The Clear bu on does not remove any limiters selected in the Rene Search Tab.
You may use Boolean operators, eld codes, trunca on (*), wildcard (?) and
phrase searches in quotes when performing a Basic Search. All results are in
reverse chronological order, beginning with the most current item. Boolean
Search techniques are explained in the next sec on.
Search Op ons
Limiters and Expanders may be used to narrow or broaden a search.


Using the Advanced Search Screens

There are three Advanced Search Screens available. They are Single Find Field,
Single Find Field with Search Builder and Guided Style Find Fields.
All three Advanced Search Screens have the following op ons available:
Limiters: The availability of limiters diers from database to database.
Examples of limiters include: Full Text, Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals,
Publica on and Date Published.
Expanders: The availability of expanders diers from database to
database. Examples of expanders include: Also search within the full text
of the ar cles, Include all search terms by default, Also search for related
Special Limiters are database-specic and will appear in separate sec ons
when conduc ng a mul -database search.

JSTOR oers high-quality, interdisciplinary content for all. It
includes over one thousand leading academic journals across
the humani es, social sciences, and sciences, as well as select
monographs and other materials valuable for academic work.
The en re content is full-text searchable, oers search term
highligh ng, includes high-quality images, and is interlinked by
millions of cita ons and references with con nues online
upda on.
URL: h p://www.jstor.org/

1. Search Page (JSTOR Home Page)

Access to h p: //www.jstor.org/
SEARCHKeyword Search
BROWSEJournal Browsing
You can Search on the rst page of JSTOR


Basic Search
Enter your search terms into the search box.
To search an exact phrase, use Quota on Marks
For examplebusiness analysis
You can limit by discipline.
Combined search terms with AND, OR, NOT
For examplelabour OR labor
Narrow search results with eld abbrevia ons.
For exampleau:Smithauthor
:"parabolic equa ons" tle
Field Abbrevia ons
: tlegeneralta: item tle rt: tle of reviewed work
au: authorgeneralaa: item author ra: author of a reviewed work
ca: illustra on cap on ab: item abstracts so:jo:journal tle
vo: volume no: issue or number
sn:in:ISSN For examplesn:00219347, in:00219347
Advanced Search
You can select many kinds of limited terms.

A Search Terms
Search Fields:
full-textauthoritem tleabstractcap on
Enter the search terms same as Basic Search.
To nd certain words near each other in an ar cle, enter each word in a separate box,
then chose
Near 5, 10, 25 from the drop-down list on the far right.
B Limited Search
Type: You can limit four type of document.
Ar cleReviewEditorialPamphlet
Date Range: To nd an ar cle published within a certain date range.
Enter the range of dates as 1939, 1939/05, 1939/05/01
Ar cle Language: To nd an ar cle in a certain language.
Discipline(s) and/or Journal(s): To nd an ar cle in specic journals or disciplines.
Use the checkboxes next to the discipline and/or Journal name, or enter a journal
tle in the box.

Browse by Discipline:Disciplines listed alphabe cally.
Browse by tlesJump to journal tle.
Browse by publisherJournals listed under publishers' names.


Pharmacy Database

Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceu cal Science

This database oers world's largest 93 full text pharmacology journals published by
Elsevier from 1995 to present.
URL: h p://www.sciencedirect.com
Register and obtain username and password.
User Manual
Perform a basic search
You may start your research by entering a few keywords within the Quick Search feature
available on every page. Quick Search eec vely supports the most frequently
performed tasks and allows you to search on:

Related ar cles by searching specic terms

Specic tles

Specic author names

Specic ar cles by publica on / volume / issue / page

Images only (e.g. tables, gures, videos)

From the Advanced Search page in the main naviga on toolbar, you can restrict your
search to a par cular subject area, your en tled or favorite sources and date range, or
use the Expert search. You may also narrow your search based on the four tabs (Journals,
Books, Reference Works and Images).

Review results
The results list provides the results of your search and gives you the op on to view the
ar cle in HTML (by clicking
on the ar cle tle) or in PDF. By selec ng the en tlement icons you can easily verify
whether the ar cle's full-text orjust its abstract is available to you. The abstract can be
viewed through Show preview or by Open all previews.
Graphical abstracts are by default available from the results list.
You have the op on to sort the results list by either Relevance (the default) or Date.
With results lists:

Ar cles can be emailed

Cita ons (and abstracts) can be exported in various formats

Up to 20 PDF ar cles may be downloaded simultaneously by using the Download

mul ple PDFs featurewhich also allows you to name them automa cally or customize
to your own le-naming conven on

View your results in detail

The Science Direct ar cle tabular view provides immediate access to ar cle
areas of greatest interest, whether it's the full Ar cle itself, its Figures and Tables
or the References of the ar cle. As with the results list, you may also Email the
ar cle, Export cita ons or go to the PDF.



Bentham Science Publishers

It is an interna onal STM publisher answering the
informa on needs of the pharmaceu cal and biomedical
research journal. It covers many of high impact factor journals
and books like Current Pharmaceu cal Design, Current
Medicinal Chemistry and Current Molecular Medicine.


Engineering Databases
IEEE Xplore
Digital Library

IEEE + POP (ASPP=All Society Periodicals Plan + POP =

Proceedings order plan)
The IEEE Xplore digital library is a powerful resource for
discovery and access to scien c and technical content
published by the IEEE (Ins tute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers) in electrical engineering, computer science and
Our subscrip on comprises IEEE 161 Journals with archives
since year 2000. And POP 125 Conferences tles, archives
since year 2005 and about 2, 95,000 full text documents.
URL: www.ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/dynhome.jsp


(Mechanical Engineering)
A leading global scien c, technical and medical
publisher, providing researchers in academia,
scien c ins tu ons and corporate R & D
departments with quality content via innova ve
informa on products and services .
Our subscrip on comprises 49 Mechanical
engineering Journals with archives since year 1997.
URL: www.springerlink.com


ASME Digital Collec on

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) is the
premier professional membership organiza on for more
than 127,000 mechanical engineers and associated
members worldwide. ASME also conducts one of the
world's largest technical publishing opera ons in the world.
Our subscrip on comprises 26Mechanical Engineering
Journals, with archives since year 2000.
URL: h p://asmedigitalcollec on.asme.org/


American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) represents
more than 145,000 members of the civil engineering
profession worldwide and is America's oldest na onal
engineering society. ASCE provides essen al value to our
members and partners, advance civil engineering, and
serve the public good.
Our subscrip on comprises 34Civil Engineering Journals
with archives since year 1983.
URL: h p://ascelibrary.org/journals/all_journal_ tles


Click on Journals


Science Direct
Engineering & Computer Science:
This database oers world's largest 275 full text
Engineering & Computer Science journals published by
Elsevier from 2000 to present.
URL: h p://www.sciencedirect.com/



ASTM - Digital Library

The ASTM Standards and Engineering Digital Library is a vast
collec on of industry-leading standards and technical
engineering informa on. The Library covers a broad range of
engineering disciplines, including aerospace, biomedical,
chemical, civil, environmental, geological, health and safety,
industrial, materials science, mechanical, nuclear,
petroleum, soil science, and solar engineering.
Our subscrip on comprises 1700 e-books and 13000 journal
ar cles.
URL: h p://enterprise.astm.org/


McGraw Hill Access Engineering

AccessEngineering is an award-winning engineering reference
tool for professionals, academics, and students that provides
seamless access to the world's best-known, most-used collec on
of authorita ve, regularly updated engineering reference
informa on. Access Engineering also comprises dynamic online
features, such as instruc onal, faculty made videos, calculators,
interac ve tables and charts, as well as personaliza on tools
allowing users to organize crucial project informa on as they
Our subscrip on comprises 363 books and handbooks.
URL: h p://2.accessengineeringlibrary.com


Pearson E-books
Person E-books is named as MyiLibrary. It is a most comprehensive online
content pla orm with nearly 250,000 tles currently available covering all major
disciplines and an addi onal 5000 tles being added monthly. The collec on
includes leading publishers like Encyclopedia Britannica, Taylor & Francis,
McGraw-Hill, Wiley, Oxford University press, Springer and Elsevier. It also
provides access to intergovernmental publica ons such as Atomic Energy
Agency, WHO etc. MyiLibrary is supported by exible authen ca on,
comprehensive search and retrieval capabili es and the ability for individual
users to annotate and store searches, notes for access at a later date. Following
are some screenshots of myiLibrary.
361 tles covered under collec on of subject areas Civil Engineering, Computer
Science & IT,Electrical &Electronic Telecommunica on (EXTC), Mechanical
Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Mathema cs, Bio Science
URL: h p://lib.myilibrary.com/





E-books Databases
E-brary's Academic Complete E-book Database covers
1,09,000+ full text individual tles on all subjects. The newly
added tles from publishers like Ashgate Publishing Group,
Brill Academic Publishers, Harvard University Press, Johns
Hopkins University Press, Oxford University Press, University
of Chicago Press, and University of Michigan Press, TATA
McGraw-Hill, etc.
URL: h p://site.ebrary.com/lib/nmims/

Register and obtain user name and password for downloading and taking print of
Below are a few steps to helpyou get started.

Conduct a search using simpleor advanced, by keyword, full-text,publisher,

author, and more. Viewresults ranked by book or chapter.


Open a book by clicking on the

tlename or jacket. No downloads

orinstalla ons are required.


Explore the document bynaviga ng to search terms, searchingfor key

words, jumping to relevantchapters, and ipping through pages.





Highlight, take notes, and transform text into hyperlinks toother online
resources. Highlight with or without notes a ached in mul plecolors.
Create a personal bookshelf (if needed) to save and organizeyour research.
Use InfoTools to link to other online resources. Simply select words
onterest in a document.
Copy and paste text, and print pages and chapters, with automa ccita ons
that include URLs back to the source.
Manage and share your research by dragging books, highlights andnotes
into bookshelf folders, which can be emailed to peers or sharedvia URL.
If your ins tu on oers ebrary's Unity Reader, which provides
addedfunc onality, launch it by clicking on the ebrary Reader bu on.

Addi onal Resources Sign up for ebrary's live web-based training program at
www.ebrary.com/corp/training.jsp. Videos and other materials are also
For Customer Support, click on the Help link, visit support.ebrary.com, or
email support@ebrary.com




Research Databases

ISI Emerging Markets oer in-depth coverage for over 100 industries and
nancials for Listed, De-listed & over 9500 Unlisted/Private Companies.
Research reports from Interna onal and Domes c Research and broking houses
Delivers News, Company, Industry, Macroeconomics & Financial markets data.
URL: h p://site.securi es.com/php/dashboard?pc=IN&skin=emispro

Accessing ISI Emerging Markets

The Naviga on and Message area

Important product related messages are displayed in the area above the
naviga on bar.The ISI Emerging Markets service oers eight primary categories.
These categories are consistent and also comprise the primary naviga on bar
and will appear on every page. To access informa on from any of these
categories, simply click on the appropriate tab.






CRISIL Research provides reports & analysis on 69 industries and Indian economy.
URL: www.crisilresearch.com
Register and obtain username and password.
Enter the registra on key (CRRW/TFJ/SVRT34E55D1F4F) while lling in the form. Your
email id will be your username. A er successful registra on, your password will be
emailed to you. Please register using your ocial email id. You can change your
password a er you log-in on Crisil again.
On the home page, you will nd Crisil's view on the current issues.

Crisil's view on Indian Economy is updated every month. On the le hand side are the
elds to navigate through. Here you have the facility to directly ask your query to the
economist from Crisil.

Select the area of your interest & read / download the feature.
You can create an email alert,so that whenever a latest feature on the selected
topic is published it will be emailed to you.
You can read/download the archive features on the selected topic.


There are dierent features according to the industry that you select. To the le
hand side in Industry Analysis, you will nd Crisil's opinion & informa on on the
par cular industry, players in the industry & sta s cs, also the impact of any
event on the industry.
Here also you have the facility to directly ask your query to the analyst from Crisil.



Frost & Sullivan

Frost & Sullivan oers market, technical and economic research reports keeping
focus on growth, innova on and leadership. Career research provides strategies,
processes and tools to address growth-related challenges.
URL: h p://www.frost.com/reg/my-account.do
Once arrived on the interface, click on Research Communi es. A drop down list
of all communi es will appear. Select the community of your choice.

Search by keyword - Filter results by the elds on the right hand side.
A) Read research reports & market insights pertaining to your area of interest.
B) Join blogs, forums and connect to the professionals in your eld.


CMIE: Economic Outlook

CMIE Economic Outlook provides CMIE's view on the Indian
It interprets new data releases, provides insights, forecasts on
growth, ina on, scal balance, balance of payments, corporate
earnings and a host of sectoral indicators and images of original
URL:h p://economicoutlook.cmie.com
Create your own username & password on this site or use the
Username & Password created for CMIE Prowess.

A er logging in with your username & password, on the home page, to the le
hand side there are four main areas to navigate.
Sta s cs


A er selec ng a eld the data will appear in following format.

Through the icons on the le hand corner you can reset, copy to word/excel,
search, lter and save to current report set.


The tabs on the bar denote:

A) Dashboard - Latest Market/Economy outlook.
B) Calendar Calendar of important economic events.
C) Knowledge Base Informa on about the source of data and the detailed
informa on of the topic.
D) Time Series Search Keyword search for me series.
E) Seek Clarica on Users can seek clarica ons on the content and
opera ons of Economic outlook, directly from CMIE, using this interface.



Company Databases
Prowess is a database of large and medium Indian rms. It
contains detailed informa on on over 25000 listed and unlisted
companies, BSE / NSE.
Informa on on nancial statements, ra o analysis, funds ows,
product proles, returnsand risks on the stock markets, etc.It
provides me-series data beginning 1989-90. The database is
updated on a con nuous basis.
Access level: Within the campus only through an icon on desktop
of computer or download on own laptop. For downloading
so ware contact IT department once it installs register and
obtains username and password.
Once The Welcome Screen
T h e fo l l o w i n g s c re e n i s o b s e r ve d w h e n P ro we s s i s
opened/ac vated:


The query module window is the window within Prowess where the various
parameters / criterion is inserted. As one can observe, the menu on the le is the
query module menu. Themenu will henceforth be referred in the document as
query module. Each query module is further classied into sub modules. All the
various indicators are classied into varioussubmodules as per the appropriate
classica on.
The execu on of a query is always done in a query window.


The Important Icons

The third row of icons from the top, especially the rst three are of prime
importance. Theseicons are basically used to navigate between various windows
within Prowess.
Moving the mouse over the icon reveals name of these icons.

Query Window: The various indicators required to extract informa on is available in

thequery window. Use this icon to revert back to the query window.
Reports window: This is a pop-up window, which gives rich and detailed reports for
theselected company or set currently on the output sheet or a selected company within
the querywindow. A er viewing reports, one can revert back to the query window by
closing the popupwindow.
Output Sheet: Is an excel-like sheet where the output of a query is displayed. In the case
o ransfer pricing, a lot of juggling/toggle will be required between the query window
and theoutput sheet. To view a current output sheet, click on this par cular icon.
Analysis Worksheet: Is a special type of output sheet that comes into display when
mul pledata is available for the same indicator.
Chart: Becomes ac ve when the output sheet is open. Used to generate graphs.
Execute Commands
Processing of the input parameters and indicators will begin only when a execute
command bu on is clicked using a mouse. These commands are displayed at the
bo om right in the query window.

Understanding the Execute commands: AND, NOT, ADD COL, NEW

a. New: To create a new output sheet containing the list of companies/sets on
which the user wants to run the query. This command is also used to nd all
those companies, which sa sfy a set of condi ons input by the user.
b. Add Col: To add required nancial, non-nancial data in columns of the output
c. And: Retains only those companies on the output sheet that sa sfy a criteria
input by the user.
d. Not: Retains only those companies on the output sheet that do not sa sfy a
given criteria input by the user.
e. Or: Retains all those companies, which sa sfy any one of the mul ple
condi ons input by the user. From the transfer pricing view, the execute
commands NEW, ADD COL & AND are important.
How to save the outputs:
Output sheets need to be saved in the various format, based on need so that they
can be retrieved for future use. Icons for saving the output sheets are available in
the second row from the top in Prowess.


How to save output sheets for further use in future or as reference points
As an excel le (.xls): This facility to save the output as an excel le is available to
allow portability. The output saved as an excel le can then be viewed on nonProwess PCs. It is important to note that while data can be exported to an excel le, it
cannot be imported back into prowess.
As a prowess le (.cof): This facility enables the user to save the output in prowess
format. All les are saved by default into a folder called 'usercof' in the installed
prowess folder. Files thus saved can later be opened using the Open File icon.
As an analysis worksheet (.aws): In certain output sheets, each company may
consume mul ple rows due to mul ple data displays for selected indicators. In such a
case, the output sheet takes the form of an analysis worksheet. Following are some
of the modules within Prowess where the output is in the form of an analysis
i. Query by Finance Stocks/ Credit Ra ngs
ii. Query by Finance Stocks/ Capex
iii. Query by Finance Stocks/ Mergers & acquisi ons
iv. Query by Basic Informa on/ Major Equity Holders Informa on
v. Query by Basic Informa on/ Loca on of Plants
vi. Query by Product Segments/ Product Raw Materials
As a user set (.psu): The user can create can create and save a user-dened set of
companies for future use. An important dierence between a user set and prowess
output le (.cof) is that the user set saves only the name of the companies while .cof
le saves the companies along with all the other columns that are currently displayed
on the concerned output sheet.
Note: All the various methods to save the output are also available under the le
menuop on.
The Most Commonly Used Modules
Following is a list of the most commonly retrieved informa on from Prowess and where
it is available:
i. Annual Report data Query by Finance Stocks / Audited Financial Results
ii. Quarterly Data Query by Finance Stocks / Interim Financial Results
iii. Stock Market Data Query by Finance Stocks / Stock Prices & Indicators Query by
Basic Informa on / Equity Holding Informa on.

Capitaline Database provides fundamental and market data on

more than 20,000 Indian listed and unlisted companies,
classied under more than 300 industries and around 500
Business Houses, along with powerful analy c tools. Extensive
data and analysis on company prole, more than 10 years
Financials ( Balance Sheet, Prot & Loss, Cash Flow, Segment
data, R&D ra os, Quarterly results, ownership pa ern,
Products, Share Prices, Directors Reports, Business news etc.
URL: h p://www.capitaline.com

The main modules of the Capitaline corporate database are: 1. Company:

Company background module provides extensive data on the companies, tracking them
right from
their date of incep on, Bio-Data, Collaborators, Expansion Plans, Shareholding Pa ern,
10- year Prot & Loss & Balance Sheet, Schedules, Notes to Accounts, Fund Flows,
Financial Ra os, along with the full text of their text ofDirector's Reports, Auditor's
Report etc. Almost 98% details in a company's Annual Report is input into the database.
Industry module provides aggregate nancial performance of the industry selected.
Compara ve analysis of all companies within the industry, enabling to view the industry
in a wider perspec ve along with a brief write-up on the industry

iii. Scoreboard
Scoreboard module helps to make a comparison of companies under a selected industry
with Predened parameters
iv. Screener Module
A versa le tool to query nancial and non-nancial informa on. A user can specify
criteria andgenerate reports. It facilitates sor ng/ header/ cap ons inputs / transpose /
save & print. The Screener helps to lter out companies sa sfying one or several criteria.
A user can have very simple lters like "All companies with a plant at Aurangabad" Or a
very complex lter like "Companies whose net prots have grown by 20% each year for
the latest 3 years, and quarterly net prots have grown by 20% for each of the latest 4
v. Bulle n:
Corporate ac ons module provides rights/bonus/stock split/merger and
acquisi on/daily announcements, book closures, board mee ng dates, etc. as reported
to the stock exchanges by the company, with user-friendly calendar selec on.
Some of major data addi ons in the Capitaline Plus are:
Sector Trends: Sector Trend analysis provides the latest developments in the industry at
global and domes c levels. The trend in terms of price, produc on and developments
are analyzed morewith near term focus with a view to give Capital Markets outlook on
the sector.
Sector Reports: Sector Reports updates for more than 50 industries. This menu displays
a brief write up on the select sector and is aimed at giving the reader an insight about the
Exploring Company Module
1. Browse the respec ve URL and web page will display all the modules.


2. Type few characters of desired company /industry/house in the text box given in top
le side below the main menu bar and Click GO.

3. Click on the desired company listed in the middle of the page.

4. By Default background information of selected company will be displayed.
The other screens of the select company can be selected from tree menu
given on left side menu bar. Database details and list of information screens
are presented under company module.
The database is a repository of inancials and non- inancial information of
companies. For eachCompany, there are more than 65 screens of data under
8 dierent headings:
General Products
Finance Reports
Equity Research
Share Price News
Exploring Industry Modules
1. Select Industry/House From First Selection Box.


2. Select the Industry From second drop down selec on box and Click GO.
3. Default page of this module will be Market Cap Screen, which displays the
market variance
over week/month/quarterly period updated daily of major players of the
selected industry.
4. The Other screens of the selected industry can be selected from the menu bar
on the le .
Like company module, all other sub-sec ons of Industry module can be
accessed from tree menu at the le . The other modules of the Industry are:
General, Finance, Key Ra os, and Industry News
Click on the above sub-sec ons and the 3rd level of screens will be presented in
the le side for Naviga on.
Screener Module
The Screener module is the most powerful and versa le tool in Capitaline plus.
The Screener Module database contains data on 13000 companies available for
search and analysis. The tool is totally user driven and exible. The Screener
module involves elec on of data tables/elds. It is impera ve for the user to
acquaint with the tables structure and data elds under various tables. Having
understood the tables and elds in Capitaline Plus, you are all set to explore the
op on. The module is based on the concept of accep ng parameter(s) from the
user and to lter the database records based on the parameter. The user has the
op on to run the Screener on en re database of all companies, a par cular
industry, a house, state or a specic company.
The Screener screen has following sec ons:
Domain: To choose the companies on which the lters dened in the
Screener will beoperated upon.


Filters: To dene the lters using the elds in the database and specifying criteria on
thesame. Filter is further divided in to tables and elds.
Tables: Displays list of tables.
Fields: Displays list of elds in the selected tables.
Criteria: Displays user dened parameters on the selected elds.
Year Selec on: By default the Screener runs on the latest year data available for the
company. In case the Screener has to be designed for more number of years, the same
could be specied asgreater than or equal to and less thanor equal to
Run Query : Processes the Screener dened for the output screen
Parse: To check whether the dened query is OK
Show sql: displays the sql script for the Screener designed
Save : To save the dened screener. User can make use of the same in future
Currency: To apply currency conversa on
Refresh: To refresh the lter and domain
Clear: Refreshes the Screener design screen for new Screener to be framed

Sample Screen - Screener Module


Output: Once the Screener is processed, the output will automa cally be
dumped into the Output sheets. One or more Output sheets can be
op onally opened.

Formula: To dene and save Formulae involving elds from the database.


Statistical Databases

It covers useful sta s cal data on 22 countries in Asia and the sub-con nents
dis nguished into 22 widely monitored macroeconomic categories:
CEIC Asia Database with over 424,000 data series
CEIC Non-Asia Database with over 712,000* data series
CEIC Daily Database with over 19,000* data series
Extensive historical coverage for all series
Data sourced directly from prime sources, many of which have direct data distribu on
arrangements with CEIC:
+ Government Sta s cal Agencies
+ Central Banks, Ministries, Government Departments and Bureau
+ Accredited Private Data Sources, Industry Associa ons and Independent Research
Ins tu ons
+ Non-Government Interna onal Organiza ons.
URL: h p://webcdm.ceicdata.com
Inside CDM
A er logging in successfully, you will see the applica on window as shown below. The
next sec ons will give you a quick overview of the components in CDM.
The CDM applica on window is divided into the following areas:
Le Pane - Displays the selec ons, func ons available in the selected Tab
Right Pane - Displays series informa on
Quick View Pane - Displays sample graph and data of the selected series
Toolbar - Tools and u li es that are available
CDM consists of four main features and they are divided into "Tabs" (see the bo om of
the le pane):
1. Start
2. My CDM
3. Search
4. Release Schedule

You can switch between the Tabs by clicking on the name of the tab at the bo om of the
le pane.

This is the star ng point of CDM, you can navigate the databases and series
through this tab. By default, CDM displays the Start Tab a er you logged in. (You
can change this through Se ngs.)
Le Pane - Databases
All the available databases are displayed here. Simply click on a database to
display the series tree in the right pane.
Right Pane - Series
The series under a selected database are listed in a tree layout. The series tree
consists of 4 levels:

Level 1 - Topics
Level 2 - Sec ons
Level 3 - Tables
Level 4 - Series
Navigate through the series tree by clicking on the name of an item in the tree.
When you click onan item on a level, it will expand and display the details of the
next level under it. For example, if youclick on a topic, the list of sec ons under
that topic will be shown. If you click on a series name (level 4), sample data,
sample chart and series informa on will be shown in the preview pane.
Preview Pane
When a series is clicked, this sec on will appear and will display the data of the
selected series. By default, this sec on displays a graph and a quick table which
lists: Sample Data, Series Informa on and Series Sta s c. You can congure the
se ngs through Se ngs.
Here is where you manage your customized workspaces. When you navigate
through thedatabases in the Start tab, you can select the series you are
interested in and create a workspace tostore your selec on.
Le Pane - My Workspaces
This pane displays your list of workspace and the ac ons that you can perform on
the workspacesand series in the workspaces. Click on a workspace to display the
series that are being saved in thisworkspace in the right pane.


Right Pane - Series

This pane displays informa on of the series being saved in the selected
workspace. If you click on aseries name, sample data and series informa on will
be shown in the preview pane.
Quick View Pane
When a series is clicked, this sec on will appear and will display the data of the
selected series.
You can use this tool to search for series that are available in the databases.
Le Pane - Search
Specify the search criteria in this pane. There is a simple search and an advanced
Simple search - Enter your search keywords, choose the database(s) to search
in click the Searchbu on.
Advanced search - Apart from keywords and database, specify advanced
op ons such ascountries, frequency and so on. To display Advanced Op ons,
click on the small arrow to the right of the Advance Op ons sec on.



Right Pane - Series

This pane displays search results. You can scroll to the next or previous search
result page byclicking on "Next >>" or "<< Back" or the page number on the
bo om of the pane. If you click on a series name, sample data and series
informa on will be shown in the quick viewpane.
Quick View Pane
When a series is clicked, this sec on will appear and will display the data of the
selected series.
Ac on Menu
You can perform the ac ons you want by clicking on the ac on menu on the
toolbar or right click onright pane area to show a pop-up menu.


By clicking on the drop down bu on next to ac on name, you can choose either
to perform the ac onfor checked series or highlighted series.
When Checked Series is clicked, you can perform the ac on for all series that
have clicked thecheckbox.
When Highlighted Series is clicked, you can perform the ac on for all series that
have selected inright pane.
By default, checked series is the op on if you click the bu on name directly.


Indiastat.com is a cluster of 57 sites including India-specic, Sector
specic,Region specic and State specic sites rendering its dedicated services
to the research fraternity from academic, professional and corporate world with
authen c and comprehensive compila on of secondary level socio-economic
sta s cal data about India and its states,Region and Sector on more than 35
URL: h p://www.indiastat.com/aboutus.aspx

Click on IP login.


Select Subject Area from Le Hand Side Panel and Get Requiresocio-economic
sta s cal data. To Download Tables Please Contact Library.


Law Databases

Manupatra is the provider of Legal, Taxa on, Corporate and Business Policy
databases in India. It gives privileged access legisla ve, regulatory and
procedural informa on.
URL: h p://www.manupatra.co.in/home.aspx
Manupatra are pioneers in online legal research in India. Manupatra.com is
India's largest and most comprehensive online legal & business policy database.
Manupatra revolu onized the way in which people do legal researches in India.

A er logging in the following screen would appear with Narsee Monjee . name
on the top. Do not forget to logout / Sign O every me you login.


The above interface will assist you to search for key words, phrases, mul ple
phrases and more.
This interface will assist you in your search for judgments and statute.
* Select the combina on of court/year you want to search in from the table of
* You can search either on subject eld or any one parameter along with the
subject eld.


It contains an ever expanding collec on of case law that is updated daily.

Alongside Indian case law, it also includes case law materials from the UK, EU,
United States and other Commonwealth jurisdic ons.
UR: h p://www.westlawindia.com/

Basic Search:

Case Search:


Marketing Databases

Warcserves 650+ organiza ons (including close to 125 universi es like London
Business School, HEC, and INSEAD) with users in over 100 countries. It provides
thousands of award-winning marke ng andcommunica onscase studies,
research papers, andconference reports. It also integrates content from more
than 50 content partners(including 4As, IPA, APA, and Esomar).
URL: h ps://www.warc.com/security/login/autologin.aspx
Search In this sec on:
Word Search
Advanced Search
Case Finder
Campaign Videos
Word Search
There are several ways to lter and rene search results:
Use the renement tools on the le to narrow results (e.g. by date or industry
Use the tabs along the top to lter by content type (e.g. case studies, ar cles)
Use the Sort by tool to order results by relevance or date


Advanced Search

The Advanced Search oers a range of addi onal search op ons, including:
Use of various keyword criteria (e.g. exact phase, all words, any words)
Conning searches to specic elds like tle, summary or author
Limi ng searches by specic date ranges
Searching selected content sources (e.g. Ee case studies)

Case Finder, found in the Case Studies menu, is a great tool for searching case
studies by specic criteria. Build your search by selec ng from a range of
renements including:
Industry sector
Campaign objec ve
Media & channels
Countries & regions
Target audience


The Campaign Videos page (also in the Case studies menu) features the video
content on warc.com (including TV commercials and video cases).
Videos can be word-searched. They are also tagged by Brand, Brand Owner and
Agency exploring these tabs on the right brings up related videos.
The Show Case Study bu on below the player will open the full case study in
which the video features.

TvAdIndx has online archives of over 1 million Indian & Interna onal TVCs, Press
Ads and Marke ng News. Archives cover 45 years of TV commercials and press
adver sing. This monitors over 150 TV channels and 300 publica ons which
updates daily. It caters to Adver sers, Adver sing Agencies, Retailers, Marke ng
Firms, Market Research rms, TV Produc on Houses, Media Companies and
Educa onal Ins tu ons. It gives instant previews and downloads of TVCs & press
URL: h p://www.ibanklive.com/index.php
Access level: Single access across the globe via Username and Password. For
downloading ads please contact Reference Librarian / Librarian.


TAM (Television Audience Measurement), the central Industry provider of Media and
Consumer Insights to the various stakeholders of the Indian Media and Entertainment
Industry - Adver sers & Marketers, Media Owners, Media Agencies and the Academia.
TAM runs the central, industry authorized, TV Viewership cell for the media industry.
TAM components are:

Media Xpress

MAP 3.5

Radio Advisor

Media Xpress:The basic easy-to-use and speedy interface of the TAM Viewership data.
The so ware has been addressing ever changing needs of complete spectrum of

es in the media industry viz. Broadcasters, Media Specialist Agencies, Producers

and Adver sers. Media Express has 27 modules for dierent combina ons of Target
Audience, Time periods & Markets.
Core Advantages:

Monitor audience ow across channels on a minute by minute basis across dierent

target groups

Trend analysis can be done by day, date, weeks & quarter

Iden fy prime & non-prime viewership me bands of channels

Channel share of the channel which will let us know about the share within the
specied dayparts

Mul ple Ci es can be compared simultaneously

Whether the spots are telecasted as planned v/s actual

Evaluate programme performance across markets

The core audience group that watches a programme

Duplicate viewing between 2 programmes in the same channel OR dierent


Tracking audience which has shi ed to another channel Average me spent by the

Understand TV viewing behavior pa ern during breaks

Analyze cumula ve repeat viewers across episodes to assess loyalty levels

Build up op mum schedule

Decrease the probability of over or under achieving on projected reach & freq.
delivery by analyzing on varying viewer deni on

MAP 3.0 (TV + Print + Radio AdEx): Map is the only strategy tool in the industry that
helps you to track Adver sing spends by categories, brands and products. The so ware
represents an ideal pla orm in gauging the shi ing trends over a period of me.
Core Advantages:

Trends analysis of compe tors by weeks, months & quarter

Top Ad spenders in regional + na onal market

Seasonality of the product group

Revenue share of Adver sers & other channels

New Business gained by compe tors

Promo Tags consump on by Adver ser on other channels

Loyal Adver sers on rival channels

Preferred ad slots by adver ser on various channels

Exclusive products categories serviced by the compe tors

Categories not explored by compe tors Categories which the compe tors are not
servicing or focused on

Ad volumes by Adver ser on various media

Most exposed brand in the market

Preferred genre for adver sement by the adver ser

Media Plan of the Adver ser

RAM (Radio Audience Measurement):RAM is a con nuous service in nature that

enables Broadcaster; Media Agencies & Adver sers evaluate their returns on
investments. RAM helps the industry capitalize on the media opportunity and thus

providing a user interface on par with the world. RAM provides Listnership data on a
weekly basis and help adver sers and agencies track Radio adver sing and quan fy the
media value
*RAM Covers 4 Metro's: Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata & Bangalore
Core Advantages:
RAM data helps the users answer a few ques ons like:

How many people listen to Radio?

When do they listen to Radio?

Which sta on gets maximum listeners?

Do all sta ons reach the same set of listeners or are proles dierent?

Which day parts should I treat as a priority?

Are there day parts that are key for some target groups v/s for others?

How much me do people spend listening to Radio?

Which days of the week should I focus on?

Which sta on suits my brands target audience perfectly?

Which day part is more ecient for reaching my target audience?

How many days/weeks do I need to be on-air to capitalize on the medium?

How many audiences did I actually reach v/s what I had planned to?

How cost eec ve is the medium?

Is any compe

Is radio a 'reach' or a 'frequency builder' in my media strategy?

How many days/weeks do I need to be on-air to capitalize on the medium?

Can I make this medium work be er through clever crea ve ideas/execu ons?

Did my communica on reach the target segment & with what intensity?

ve brand gaining over me through this medium?

Access Level: Access from NMIMS Computer Lab through an icon on desktop of
computers tagged with TAM



Cabell's helpprofessors, researchers and graduate students to publish their
manuscripts in peer reviewed academic journals. Cabell's maintain current
informa on on all listed journals and also provides links direc ng to guidelines
and submission process.
URL: h p://cabells.com/members.aspx
A er logging in, users will view a complete list of Cabell's Directories; there is a
clear dis nc on in the display of the directories, to separate the subscribed
directories from the non-subscribed directories. The non-subscribed directories
will be grayed out. To view a par cular directory, click on the white circle beside
that directory, and then click access selected directory on the right side of the


At NMIMS we subscribed to Accoun ng, Economics and Finance, Management

and Marke ng directories.
Once a directory has been selected, a search screen will provide several op ons
to locate any journal in that directory. You may enter informa on into any eld as
pictured below, and then click display results. If you wish to view the complete
list of journals for that directory, leave the elds blank, and click display results.

A er clicking display results, the list of journals matching your criteria will
appear. To view an individual journal's entry as it appears in our directories, click
display beside the name of the journal you wish to view.


Upon selec ng the desired journal, the journal's two-page entry will appear in
another browser window, as seen below. To return to the search menu, simply
click on the original window in which you began.
In next screen, you nd the list of journals where one can publish with links to
their guidelines and submission process.


Recommend a Journal Cabell's is not a universe of journals, if par cular

journals (Peer reviewed with good Impact Factor) is not listed, one can
recommend by clicking on 'Recommend a Journal' tab.


V.L. Mehta Road, Vile Parle (W), Mumbai-400056. INDIA

Tel.: +91-22-26134577 / 42355555. Fax: +91-22-26114512
W. www.nmims.edu

Mosaic Design Ideas AdvantEdge: 26615123

Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies

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