Unit 10

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By the end of this unit students will be able to:

 Understand the importance of electronic journals in academic research.

 Search for full text research articles and book chapters from e-journal and
e-Book databases.
 Navigate and search the MSU Institutional Repository

Electronic resources are online information resources that include e-books
and e-Journals offering full text access to book chapters and articles. With
the information explosion, the internet has revolutionised the research
processes and made information retrieval very convenient. The electronic
resources which come in the form of e-books and e-journals accessed
through various online databases have made research activities conveniently
available (Noreh, 2009).
Advantages of Online Databases

 Greater and quicker access for students to materials to support their

 Convenience of access - people can access electronic resources anytime as
long as they are connected to the internet
 Timeliness - the currency of information, timely availability, the speed of
access and the ability to search text is the most important factor in
choosing electronic resources over print.
 One resource can be accessed by many people simultaneously
 Online Databases can be accessed from any computer on campus, off
 Online Databases are easily searchable - each database can be searched
quickly and easily.
 Articles/issues appear online before printed version is available.
 Articles can be commented by the readers and amended quickly
 They are especially useful for finding information not yet available in books,
or obtaining up-to-date information on current events or issues.

Disadvantages of Electronic Resources

 All e-resource devices require power.

 Require high cost for technology infrastructure.
 Need special equipment to access e.g. laptops, desktops, e-book readers etc
 Lack of compatibility among different publishers – some articles may not be
accessible or readable on different platforms
 Copyright violation problem
 Current e-book format may not be readable by future e-book devices.
 Book reading devices are more expensive than most paper books.
 Lack of awareness on IT skills for usage of e-resource.
 Technological barriers – lack of adequate infrastructure e.g. network
connectivity, electricity etc.
 Lack of uniform standards in the retrieval of software products from
different publishers creates problems in their usage.
 Since reading of ICT based resources and services requires skills, the users
have to acquire certain skill before hand or take the help of intermediates
like library professionals to help them in accessing the electronic
documents. Even the Library professionals have to learn the skill, if they
desire to serve the users effectively and efficiently.
 The libraries face a number of problems relating to the new media that are
yet to be popular among their users.

Parthasarathy. R (2009). Impact of Electronic Resources on Academic Program

in arts and science colleges Tiruchirappalli A study. Retrieved from:


1. Open browser and go to www.msu.ac.zw

2. Point to “Libraries” and select “E-Journals”
3. E-Journals are arranged alphabetically and under each e-Journal name there is
a short description of the subject coverage
4. You may use the A – Z index at the top to browse through e-Journal collections
5. If you know the name of the database, type it in the search form e.g. “JSTOR”
and click on the “Search Databases” button
6. Click on the “JSTOR” link, you will be prompted for your registration number
and e-Learning password or your MSU e-Mail username and password
7. Click on the login button – this will re-direct you to the JSTOR database
8. Carryout your research in JSTOR


1. Open browser and go to www.msu.ac.zw

2. Point to “Libraries” and select “E-Books”
3. E-Books are arranged alphabetically and under each e-Book name there is a
short description of the subject coverage
4. You may use the A – Z index at the top to browse through e-Book collections
5. If you know the name of the database, type it in the search form e.g.
“proquest central” and click on the “Search Databases” button
6. Click on the “Proquest Central” link, you will be prompted for your
registration number and e-Learning password or your MSU e-Mail username
and password
7. Click on the login button – this will re-direct you to the Proquest Central
8. Carryout your research in Proquest Central



1. Go to www.msu.ac.zw

2. Point to “Libraries” and select “E-Journals

Point to “Libraries” and select “E-Journals”
3. The Electronic Journals page has the journal databases arranged alphabetically. You can use the
A- Z index to browse through the collections. Each journal collection has a short description of the
subjects covered. You can use the search box to search for journal collections if you know the
name of the collection you want to use e.g. “JSTOR”

4. Click on the JSTOR link. You will be taken to an authentication screen where you need to enter
your Registration number and your e-Learning password.
5. Enter your Registration Number and E-Learning password in the fields provided and click the
Login button.

6. You are now re-directed to the JSTOR journal database. You simple enter your search terms
and carry out your research in JSTOR


1. Go to www.msu.ac.zw

2. Point to “Libraries” and select “E-BOOKS

Point to “Libraries” and select “E-BOOKS”
3. The Electronic Book page has the e-Book databases arranged alphabetically. You can use the A-
Z index to browse through the collections. Each e-Book collection has a short description of the
subjects covered. You can use the search box to search for e-Book collections if you know the
name of the collection you want to use e.g. “Safari O’Reilly”

4. Click on the SAFARI O’REILLY link. You will be taken to an authentication screen where you
need to enter your Registration number and your e-Learning password.
5. Enter your Registration Number and E-Learning password in the fields provided and click the
Login button.

6. You are now re-directed to the Safari O’Reilly database. You simple enter your search terms
and carry out your research in Safari
Use the above steps to access all subscribed e-Journal or e-Book content from
Midlands State University.

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