Trade-Summary: Reasons For The Decline in World's Export Share of Pakistan
Trade-Summary: Reasons For The Decline in World's Export Share of Pakistan
Trade-Summary: Reasons For The Decline in World's Export Share of Pakistan
3. Labor Productivity
4. Red Tapism
Trade liberalization:
1. Replaced non-tariff barriers (quotas, license, sanctions etc.) with tariffs.
2. Tariff slabs were reduced from 17% to 10%.
Sales Tax Rates on various commodities was replaced with one uniform
sales tax rate of 12.5%.
Duty Drawback Scheme (A refund that can be obtained when an
import fee has already been paid for a good, but the manufactured good is
then subsequently exported) was expanded.
Construction boom
High demand for automobile related items.
Reduction in the CODB
Promotion of Export of services
Export Structure
1980s and 1990s were the golden years for cotton manufacturers as the
productivity of cotton production increased due to use of better seed,
increased use of pesticides and fertilizers followed by the liberalization of
the pesticide industry and partial liberalization of fertilizer industry.
In 2000s, share of synthetic textiles fell sharply because of severe energy
Cotton and
-60% of the total
-Rely on
domestic raw
vulnerable to
climatic shocks
The share of Netherlands, France, Italy, South Korea and India have
declined sharply over the years.
Although Italy used to be a major export market for Pakistan before.
Import Structure
Table 11 shows that average share of all these markets namely France, China, Italy,
Singapore, India and South Korea has increased in last two decades from 18.1 in
1991-95 to 22.3% in 2006-10. China emerged as significant market for the imports
of Pakistan with its average share increasing from 4.6% in 1991-95 to 11.4% in
2006-10. This could be the one reason of the decline in the imports from Japan.
Imports from France, Italy and South Korea have fallen over the last two decades
while India, China and Singapore have gained the share in Pakistan imports