BASIC MAP Kartografi
BASIC MAP Kartografi
BASIC MAP Kartografi
1. Naming conventions
Most maps use text to label places and for such things as a map title, legend and
other information. Maps are often made in specific languages, though names of places
often differ between languages. So a map made in English may use the name Germany
for that country, while a German map would use Deutschland and a French map
2. Map symbology
The quality of a maps design affects its readers ability to extract information and
to learn from the map. Cartographic symbology has been developed in an effort to portray
the world accurately and effectively convey information to the map reader. A legend
explains the pictorial language of the map, known as its symbology. The title indicates
the region the map portrays; the map image portrays the region and so on. Although every
map element serves some purpose, convention only dictates inclusion of some elements,
while others are considered optional. A menu of map elements includes the neatline
(border), compass rose or north arrow, overview map, scale bar, projection and
information about the map sources, accuracy and publication.
When examining a landscape, scale can be intuited from trees, houses and cars.
Not so with a map. Even such a simple thing as a north arrow is crucial. It may seem
obvious that the top of a map should point north, but this might not be the case.
Color, likewise, is equally important. How the cartographer displays the data in
different hues can greatly affect the understanding or feel of the map. Different intensities
of hue portray different objectives the cartographer is attempting to get across to the
audience. Today, personal computers can display up to 16 million distinct colors at a
time, even though the human eye can distinguish only a minimum number of these (Jeer,
1997). This fact allows for a multitude of color options for even for the most demanding
maps. Moreover, computers can easily hatch patterns in colors to give even more options.
This is very beneficial, when symbolizing data in categories such as quintile and equal
interval classifications.
Quantitative symbols give a visual measure of the relative
size/importance/number that a symbol represents and to symbolize this data on a map,
there are two major classes of symbols used for portraying quantitative properties.
Proportional symbols change their visual weight according to a quantitative property.
These are appropriate for extensive statistics. Choropleth maps portray data collection
areas, such as counties or census tracts, with color. Using color this way, the darkness and
intensity (or value) of the color is evaluated by the eye as a measure of intensity or
concentration (Harvard Graduate School of Design, 2005).
Secara umum fungsi peta adalah menggambarkan bentuk obyek yang diperkecil
baik secara detail maupun secara menyeluruh, oleh karenanya peta bermanfaat bagi
berbagai keperluan, seperti kegiatan pertahanan dan keamanan, perencanaan
pembangunan wilayah, penunjukan lokasi untuk kegiatan tertentu, layanan wisata, dan
lain sebagainya.
Perkembangan komunikasi membuat kartorafi memiliki konseksuensi yang
penting, karena peta merupakan peralihan (transmiting device) esensial bagi informasi
yang meliputi aturan dasar dari komunikasi grafis. Titik berat dari sifat umum informasi
membuat kartografi harus senantiasa memperhitungkan bentuk yang lebih abstraktif dari
data yang akan digambarkan.
Analisa komputer dalam kartografi antara lain dalam melakukan manipulasi data
statistik dengan waktu yang relatif lebih cepat, sehingga hasil pemetaan yang tergambar
lebih kompleks
program, maka otomasi kartografi dapat dilakukan, sehingga dalam otomasi tidak
diperlukan berbagai teori yang berakibat pada pengurangan seni kartografis.
Pada materi bahan pemetaan, seperti kertas sensitif, plastik diazo, serta film
sangat berarti dalam kartografi. Materi bahan tersebut sangat membantu dalam proses
pembuatan peta.
Mendasarkan keempat faktor desain proses pembuatan peta tersebut dapat
disimpulkan bahwa sistem informasi kartografis menghendaki suatu hasil peta yang
mempunyai fungsi optimal, sehingga pengertian dan komunikasi antara data kolektor
dengan pemrosesan kartografis dan pengguna peta harus terjalin dengan baik.