FTC v. Procter & Gamble Co., 386 U.S. 568 (1967)

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386 U.S.

87 S.Ct. 1224
18 L.Ed.2d 303


No. 342.
Argued Feb. 13, 1967.
Decided April 11, 1967.

Sol. Gen. Thurgood Marshall, for petitioner.

Frederick W. R. Pride and Kenneth C. Royall, New York City, for
Mr. Justice DOUGLAS delivered the opinion of the Court.

This is a proceeding initiated by the Federal Trade Commission charging that

respondent, Procter & Gamble Co., had acquired the assets of Clorox Chemical
Co. in violation of 7 of the Clayton Act, 38 Stat. 731, as amended by the
Celler-Kefauver Act, 64 Stat. 1125. 15 U.S.C. 18.1 The charge was that
Procter's acquisition of Clorox might substantially lessen competition or tend to
create a monopoly in the production and sale of household liquid bleaches.

Following evidentiary hearings, the hearing examiner rendered his decision in

which he concluded that the acquisition was unlawful and ordered divestiture.
On appeal, the Commission reversed, holding that the record as then
constituted was inadequate, and remanded to the examiner for additional
evidentiary hearings. 58 F.T.C. 1203. After the additional hearings, the
examiner again held the acquisition unlawful and ordered divestiture. The
Commission affirmed the examiner and ordered divestiture. 63 F.T.C. -. The
Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit reversed and directed that the
Commission's complaint be dismissed. 358 F.2d 74. We find that the
Commission's findings were amply supported by the evidence, and that the
Court of Appeals erred.

As indicated by the Commission in its painstaking and illuminating report, it

does not particularly aid analysis to talk of this merger in conventional terms,
namely, horizontal or vertical or conglomerate. This merger may most
appropriately be described as a 'product-extension merger,' as the Commission
stated. The facts are not disputed, and a summary will demonstrate the
correctness of the Commission's decision.

At the time of the merger, in 1957, Clorox was the leading manufacturer in the
heavily concentrated household liquid bleach industry. It is agreed that
household liquid bleach is the relevant line of commerce. The product is used
in the home as a germicide and disinfectant, and, more importantly, as a
whitening agent in washing clothes and fabrics. It is a distinctive product with
no close substitutes. Liquid bleach is a low-price, high-turnover consumer
product sold mainly through grocery stores and supermarkets. The relevant
geographical market is the Nation and a series of regional markets. Because of
high shipping costs and low sales price, it is not feasible to ship the product
more than 300 miles from its point of manufacture. Most manufacturers are
limited to competition within a single region since they have but one plant.
Clorox is the only firm selling nationally; it has 13 plants distributed throughout
the Nation. Purex, Clorox's closest competitor in size, does not distribute its
bleach in the northeast or mid-Atlantic States; in 1957, Purex's bleach was
available in less than 50% of the national market.

At the time of the acquisition, Clorox was the leading manufacturer of

household liquid bleach, with 48.8% of the national salesannual sales of
slightly less than $40,000,000. Its market share had been steadily increasing for
the five years prior to the merger. Its nearest rival was Purex, which
manufactures a number of products other than household liquid bleaches,
including abrasive cleaners, toilet soap, and detergents. Purex accounted for
15.7% of the household liquid bleach market. The industry is highly
concentrated; in 1957, Clorox and Purex accounted for almost 65% of the
Nation's household liquid bleach sales, and, together with four other firms, for
almost 80%. The remaining 20% was divided among over 200 small producers.
Clorox had total assets of $12,000,000; only eight producers and assets in
excess of $1,000,000 and very few had assets of more than $75,000.

In light of the territorial limitations on distribution, national figures do not give

an accurate picture of Clorox's dominance in the various regions. Thus,
Clorox's seven principal competitors did no business in New England, the midAtlantic States, or metropolitan New York. Clorox's share of the sales in those
areas was 56%, 72% and 64% respectively. Even in regions where its principal

competitors were active, Clorox maintained a dominate position. Except in

metropolitan Chicago and the westcentral States Clorox accounted for at least
39%, and often a much higher percentage, of liquid bleach sales.

Since all liquid bleach is chemically identical, advertising and sales promotion
are vital. In 1957 Clorox spent almost $3,700,000 on advertising, imprinting
the value of its bleach in the mind of the consumer. In addition, it spent
$1,700,000 for other promotional activities. The Commission found that these
heavy expenditures went far to explain why Clorox maintained so high a market
share despite the fact that its brand, though chemically indistinguishable from
rival brands, retailed for a price equal to or, in many instances, higher than its

Procter is a large, diversified manufacturer of low-price, high-turnover

household products sold through grocery, drug, and department stores. Prior to
its acquisition of Clorox, it did not produce household liquid bleach. Its 1957
sales were in excess of $1,100,000,000 from which it realized profits of more
than $67,000,000; its assets were over $500,000,000. Procter has been marked
by rapid growth and diversification. It has successfully developed and
introduced a number of new products. Its primary activity is in the general area
of soaps, detergents, and cleansers; in 1957, of total domestic sales, more than
one-half (over $500,000,000) were in this field. Procter was the dominant factor
in this area. It accounted for 54.4% of all packaged detergent sales. The
industry is heavily concentratedProcter and its nearest competitors, ColgatePalmolive and Lever Brothers, account for 80% of the market.

In the marketing of soaps, detergents, and cleansers, as in the marketing of

household liquid bleach, advertising and sales promotion are vital. In 1957,
Procter was the Nation's largest advertiser, spending more than $80,000,000 on
advertising and an additional $47,000,000 on sales promotion. Due to its
tremendous volume, Procter receives substantial discounts from the media. As a
multiproduct producer Procter enjoys substantial advantages in advertising and
sales promotion. Thus, it can and does feature several products in its
promotions, reducing the printing, mailing, and other costs for each product. It
also purchases network programs on behalf of several products, enabling it to
give each product network exposure at a fraction of the cost per product that a
firm with only one product to advertise would incur.


Prior to the acquisition, Procter was in the course of diversifying into product
lines related to its basic detergentsoap-cleanser business. Liquid bleach was a
distinct possibility since packaged detergentsProcter's primary product line
and liquid bleach are used complementarily in washing clothes and fabrics, and

in general household cleaning. As noted by the Commission:


'Packaged detergentsProcter's most important product categoryand

household liquid bleach are used complementarily, not only in the washing of
clothes and fabrics, but also in general household cleaning, since liquid bleach
is a germicide and disinfectant as well as a whitener. From the consumer's
viewpoint, then, packaged detergents and liquid bleach are closely related
products. But the area of relatedness between products of Procter and of Clorox
is wider. Household cleansing agents in general, like household liquid bleach,
are low-cost, high-turnover household consumer goods marketed chiefly
through grocery stores and pre-sold to the consumer by the manufacturer
through mass advertising and sales promotions. Since products of both parties
to the merger are sold to the same customers, at the same stores, and by the
same merchandising methods, the possibility arises of significant integration at
both the marketing and distribution levels.' 63 F.T.C. -, -.


The decision to acquire Clorox was the result of a study conducted by Procter's
promotion department designed to determine the advisability of entering the
liquid bleach industry. The initial report noted the ascendancy of liquid bleach
in the large and expanding household bleach market, and recommended that
Procter purchase Clorox rather than enter independently. Since a large
investment would be needed to obtain a satisfactory market share, acquisition of
the industry's leading firm was attractive. 'Taking over the Clorox business * *
* could be a way of achieving a dominant position in the liquid bleach market
quickly, which would pay out reasonably well.' 63 F.T.C., at -. The initial
report predicted that Procter's 'sales, distribution and manufacturing setup'
could increase Clorox's share of the markets in areas where it was low. The
final report confirmed the conclusions of the initial report and emphasized that
Procter would make more effective use of Clorox's advertising budget and that
the merger would facilitate advertising economies. A few months later, Procter
acquired the assets of Clorox in the name of a wholly owned subsidiary, the
Clorox Company, in exchange for Procter stock.


The Commission found that the acquisition might substantially lessen

competition. The findings and reasoning of the Commission need be only
briefly summarized. The Commission found that the substitution of Procter
with its huge assets and advertising advantages for the already dominant Clorox
would dissuade new entrants and discourage active competition from the firms
already in the industry due to fear of retaliation by Procter. The Commission
thought it relevant that retailers might be induced to give Clorox preferred shelf
space since it would be manufactured by Procter, which also produced a
number of other products marketed by the retailers. There was also the danger

that Procter might underprice Clorox in order to drive out competition, and
subsidize the underpricing with revenue from other products. The Commission
carefully reviewed the effect of the acquisition on the structure of the industry,
noting that '(t)he practical tendency of the * * * merger * * * is to transform the
liquid bleach industry into an arena of big business competition only, with the
few small firms that have not disappeared through merger eventually falling by
the wayside, unable to compete with their giant rivals.' 63 F.T.C., at -.
Further, the merger would seriously diminish potential competition by
eliminating Procter as a potential entrant into the industry. Prior to the merger,
the Commission found, Procter was the most likely prospective entrant, and
absent the merger would have remained on the periphery, restraining Clorox
from exercising its market power. If Procter had actually entered, Clorox's
dominant position would have been eroded and the concentration of the
industry reduced. The Commission stated that it had not placed reliance on
post-acquisition evidence in holding the merger unlawful.

The Court of Appeals said that the Commission's finding of illegality had been
based on 'treacherous conjecture,' mere possibility and suspicion. 358 F.2d 74,
83. It dismissed the fact that Clorox controlled almost 50% of the industry, that
two firms controlled 65%, and that six firms controlled 80% with the
observation that '(t)he fact that in addition to the six * * * producers sharing
eighty per cent of the market, there were two hundred smaller producers * * *
would not seem to indicate anything unhealthy about the market conditions.'
Id., at 80. It dismissed the finding that Procter, with its hugh resources and
prowess, would have more leverage than Clorox with the statement that it was
Clorox which had the 'knowhow' in the industry, and that Clorox's finances
were adequate for its purposes. Ibid. As for the possibility that Procter would
use its tremendous advertising budget and volume discounts to push Clorox, the
court found 'it difficult to base a finding of illegality on discounts in
advertising.' 358 F.2d at 81. It rejected the Commission's finding that the
merger eliminated the potential competition of Procter because '(t)here was no
reasonable probability that Procter would have entered the household liquid
bleach market but for the merger.' 358 F.2d, at 83. 'There was no evidence
tending to prove that Procter ever intended to enter this field on its own.' 358
F.2d, at 82. Finally, '(t)here was no evidence that Procter at any time in the past
engaged in predatory practices, or that it intended to do so in the future.' Ibid.


The Court of Appeals also heavily relied on post-acquisition 'evidence * * * to

the effect that the other producers subsequent to the merger were selling more
bleach for more money than ever before' (358 F.2d, at 80), and that '(t)here
(had) been no significant change in Clorox's market share in the four years
subsequent to the merger' (ibid.), and concluded that (t)his evidence certainly

does not prove anticompetitive effects of the merger.' Id., at 82. The Court of
Appeals, in our view, misapprehended the standards for its review and the
standards applicable in a 7 proceeding.

Section 7 of the Clayton Act was intended to arrest the anticompetitive effects
of market power in their incipiency. The core question is whether a merger may
substantially lessen competition, and necessarily requires a prediction of the
merger's impact on competition, present and future. See Brown Shoe Co. v.
United States, 370 U.S. 294, 82 S.Ct. 1502, 8 L.Ed.2d 510; United States v.
Philadelphia National Bank, 374 U.S. 321, 83 S.Ct. 1715, 10 L.Ed.2d 915. The
section can deal only with probabilities, not with certainties. Brown Shoe Co. v.
United States, supra, 370 U.S. at 323, 82 S.Ct. at 1522; United States v. PennOlin Chemical Co., 378 U.S. 158, 84 S.Ct. 1710, 12 L.Ed.2d 775. And there is
certainly no requirement that the anticompetitive power manifest itself in
anticompetitive action before 7 can be called into play. If the enforcement of
7 turned on the existence of actual anticompetitive practices, the
congressional policy of thwarting such practices in their incipiency would be


All mergers are within the reach of 7, and all must be tested by the same
standard, whether they are classified as horizontal, vertical, conglomerate2 or
other. As noted by the Commission, this merger is neither horizontal, vertical,
nor conglomerate. Since the products of the acquired company are
complementary to those of the acquiring company and may be produced with
similar facilities, marketed through the same channels and in the same manner,
and advertised by the same media, the Commission aptly called this acquisition
a 'product-extension merger':


'By this acquisition * * * Procter has not diversified its interests in the sense of
expanding into a substantially different, unfamiliar market or industry. Rather,
it has entered a market which adjoins, as it were, those markets in which it is
already established, and which is virtually indistinguishable from them inso far
as the problems and techniques of marketing the product to the ultimate
consumer are concerned. As a high official of Procter put it, commenting on the
acquisition of Clorox, 'While this is a completely new business for us, taking us
for the first time into the marketing of a household bleach and disinfectant, we
are thoroughly at home in the field of manufacturing and marketing low priced,
rapid turn-over consumer products." 63 F.T.C. -, -.


The anticompetitive effects with which this product-extension merger is fraught

can easily be seen: (1) the substitution of the powerful acquiring firm for the
smaller, but already dominant, firm may substantially reduce the competitive

structure of the industry by raising entry barriers and by dissuading the smaller
firms from aggressively competing; (2) the acquisition eliminates the potential
competition of the acquiring firm.

The liquid bleach industry was already oligopolistic before the acquisition, and
price competition was certainly not as vigorous as it would have been if the
industry were competitive. Clorox enjoyed a dominant position nationally, and
its position approached monopoly proportions in certain areas. The existence of
some 200 fringe firms certainly does not belie that fact. Nor does the fact, relied
upon by the court below, that, after the merger, producers other than Clorox
'were selling more bleach for more money than ever before.' 358 F.2d at 80. In
the same period, Clorox increased its share from 48.8% to 52%. The
interjection of Procter into the market considerably changed the situation. There
is every reason to assume that the smaller firms would become more cautious
in competing due to their fear of retaliation by Procter. It is probable that
Procter would become the price leader and that oligopoly would become more


The acquisition may also have the tendency of raising the barriers to new entry.
The major competitive weapon in the successful marketing of bleach is
advertising. Clorox was limited in this area by its relatively small budget and its
inability to obtain substantial discounts. By contract, Procter's budget was much
larger; and, although it would not devote its entire budget to advertising Clorox,
it could divert a large portion to meet the short-term threat of a new entrant.
Procter would be able to use its volume discounts to advantage in advertising
Clorox. Thus, a new entrant would be much more reluctant to face the giant
Procter than it would have been to face the smaller Clorox.3


Possible economies cannot be used as a defense to illegality. Congress was

aware that some mergers which lessen competition may also result in
economies but it struck the balance in favor of protecting competition. See
Brown Shoe Co. v. United States, supra, 370 U.S. at 344, 82 S.Ct. 1534.


The Commission also found that the acquisition of Clorox by Procter

eliminated Procter as a potential competitor. The Court of Appeals declared that
this finding was not supported by evidence because there was no evidence that
Procter's management had ever intended to enter the industry independently
and that Procter had never attempted to enter. The evidence, however, clearly
shows that Procter was the most likely entrant. Procter had recently launched a
new abrasive cleaner in an industry similar to the liquid bleach industry, and
had wrested leadership from a brand that had enjoyed even a larger market
share than had Clorox. Procter was engaged in a vigorous program of

diversifying into product lines closely related to its basic products. Liquid
bleach was a natural avenue of diversification since it is complementary to
Procter's products, is sold to the same customers through the same channels,
and is advertised and merchandised in the same manner. Procter had substantial
advantages in advertising and sales promotion, which, as we have seen, are vital
to the success of liquid bleach. No manufacturer had a patent on the product or
its manufacture, necessary information relating to manufacturing methods and
processes were readily available, there was no shortage of raw material, and the
machinery and equipment required for a plant of efficient capacity were
available at reasonable cost. Procter's management was experienced in
producing and marketing goods similar to liquid bleach. Procter had considered
the possibility of independently entering but decided against it because the
acquisition of Clorox would enable Procter to capture a more commanding
share of the market.

It is clear that the existence of Procter at the edge of the industry exerted
considerable influence on the market. First, the market behavior of the liquid
bleach industry was influenced by each firm's predictions of the market
behavior of its competitors, actual and potential. Second, the barriers to entry
by a firm of Procter's size and with its advantages were not significant. There is
no indication that the barriers were so high that the price Procter would have to
charge would be above the price that would maximize the profits of the
existing firms. Third, the number of potential entrants was not so large that the
elimination of one would be insignificant. Few firms would have the temerity
to challenge a firm as solidly entrenched as Clorox. Fourth, Procter was found
by the Commission to be the most likely entrant. These findings of the
Commission were amply supported by the evidence.


The judgment of the Court of Appeals is reversed and remanded with

instructions to affirm and enforce the Commission's order.


It is so ordered.


Reversed and remanded.


Mr. Justice STEWART and Mr. Justice FORTAS took no part in the
consideration or decision of this case.


Mr. Justice HARLAN, concurring.


I agree that the Commission's order should be sustained, but I do not share the

majority opinion's view that a mere 'summary will demonstrate the correctness
of the Commission's decision' nor that '(t)he anticompetitive effects with which
this product-extension merger is frought can easily be seen.' I consider the case
difficult within its own four corners, and beyond that, its portents for future
administrative and judicial application of 7 of the Clayton Act to this kind of
merger important and far-reaching. From both standpoints more refined
analysis is required before putting the stamp of approval on what the
Commission has done in this case. It is regrettable to see this Court as it enters
this comparatively new field of economic adjudication starting off with what
has almost become a kind of res ipsa loquitur approach to antitrust cases.

The type of merger represented by the transaction before us is becoming

increasingly important as large corporations seek to diversify their operations,
see Blair, The Conglomerate Merger in Economics and Law, 46 Geo.L.J. 672,
and '(c)ompanies looking for new lines of business tend to buy into those fields
with which they have at least some degree of familiarity, and where economies
and efficiencies from assimilation are at least possible.' Turner, Conglomerate
Mergers and Section 7 of the Clayton Act, 78 Harv.L.Rev. 1313, 1315.
Application of 7 to such mergers has been troubling to the Commission and
the lower courts. The author of the Commission's exhaustive opinion in this
case later explained that '(t)he elaborateness of the opinion * * * reflected the
Commission's awareness that it was entering relatively uncharted territory.'
General Foods Corp., 3 Trade Reg.Rep. 17,46 5 (Commissioner Elman,
dissenting, at 22,745). The Sixth Circuit was equally troubled in this case by
the lack of standards in the area and had difficulty in perceiving any effect on
competition from the merger since 'Procter merely stepped into the shoes of
Clorox.' 358 F.2d 74, 82. And in the somewhat similar situation presented to
the Seventh Circuit in Ekco Products Co. v. F.T.C., 347 F.2d 745, the need for
comprehensive consideration of the problem by this Court was laid bare. The
lower court there attempted to review the Commission action before it as
narrowly as possible and refused to formulate principles which might control
other cases. It said:


'If we are to have a different standard or set of rules, aside from those applying
to vertical and horizontal combinations, to test the illegality of conglomerate
mergers and product-extension acquisitions in cases brought under Section 7 of
the Clayton Act, we feel compelled to look to the Supreme Court for guidance.'
347 F.2d, at 751.


I thus believe that it is incumbent upon us to make a careful study of the facts
and opinions below in this case, and at least to embark upon the formulation of
standards for the application of 7 to mergers which are neither horizontal nor

vertical and which previously have not been considered in depth by this Court.1
I consider this especially important in light of the divisions which have arisen in
the Commission itself in similar cases decided subsequent to this one. See
General Foods Corp., supra; National Tea Co., 3 Trade Reg.Rep. 17,463. My
prime difficulty with the Court's opinion is that it makes no effort in this
direction at all, and leaves the Commission, lawyers, and businessmen at large
as to what is to be expected of them in future cases of this kind.

The Court's opinion rests on three separate findings of anticompetitive effect.

The Court first declares that the market here was 'oligopolistic' and that
interjection of Procter would make the oligopoly 'more rigid' because '(t) here
is every reason to assume that the smaller firms would become more cautious
in competing due to their fear of retaliation by Procter.' The Court, however,
does not indicate exactly what reasons lie behind this assumption or by what
standard such an effect is deemed 'reasonably probable.' It could equally be
assumed that smaller firms would become more aggressive in competing due to
their fear that otherwise Procter might ultimately absorb their markets and that
Procter, as a new entrant in the bleach field, was vulnerable to attack.


But assumption is no substitute for reasonable probability as a measure of

illegality under 7, see Brown Shoe Co. v. United States, 370 U.S. 294, 323,
82 S.Ct. 1502, 1522, 8 L.Ed.2d 510, and Congress has not mandated the
Commission or the courts 'to campaign against 'superconcentration' in the
absence of any evidence of harm to competition.' Turner, supra, at 1395.
Moreover, even if an effect of this kind were reasonably predictable, the Court
does not explain why the effect on competition should be expected to be the
substantial one that 7 demands. The need for substantiality cannot be ignored,
for as a leading economist has warned:


'If a society were to intervene in every activity which might possibly lead to a
reduction of competition, regulation would be ubiquitous and the whole
purpose of a public policy of competition would be frustrated.' Stigler, Mergers
and Preventive Antitrust Policy, 104 U.Pa.L.Rev. 176, 177.


The Court next stresses the increase in barriers to new entry into the liquid
bleach field caused primarily, it is thought, by the substitution of the larger
advertising capabilities of Procter for those of Clorox. Economic theory would
certainly indicate that a heightening of such barriers has taken place. But the
Court does not explain why it considers this change to have significance under
7, nor does it indicate when or how entry barriers affect competition in a

relevant market. In this case, for example, the difficulties of introducing a new
nationally advertised bleach were already so great that even a great company
like Procter, which the Court finds the most likely entrant, believed that entry
would not 'pay out.'2 Why then does the Court find that a further increase of
incalculable proportions in such barriers substantially lessens competition?
Such a conclusion at least needs the support of reasoned analysis.3

Finally, the Court places much emphasis on the loss to the market of the most
likely potential entrant, Procter. Two entirely separate anticompetitive effects
might be traced to this loss, and the Court fails to distinguish between them.
The first is simply that loss of the most likely entrant increases the operative
barriers to entry by decreasing the likelihood that any firm will attempt to
surmount them.4 But this effect merely reinforces the Court's previous entrybarrier argument, which I do not find convincing as presented. The second
possible effect is that a reasonably probable entrant has been excluded from the
market and a measure of horizontal competition has been lost. Certainly the
exclusion of what would promise to be an important independent competitor
from the market may be sufficient, in itself, to support a finding of illegality
under 7, United States v. El Paso Natural Gas Co., 376 U.S. 651, 84 S.Ct.
1044, 12 L.Ed.2d 12, when the market has few competitors. The Commission,
however, expressly refused to find a reasonable probability that Procter would
have entered this market on its own, and the Sixth Circuit was in emphatic
agreement. The Court certainly cannot mean to set its judgment on the facts
against the concurrent findings below, and thus it seems clear to me that no
consequence can be attached to the possibility of loss of Procter as an actual
competitor.5 Cf. United States v. Penn-Olin Chemical Co., 378 U.S. 158, 175,
84 S.Ct. 1710, 1719, 12 L.Ed.2d 775.


Thus I believe, with all respect, that the Court has failed to make a convincing
analysis of the difficult problem presented, and were no more to be said in
favor of the Commission's order I would vote to set it aside.


The Court, following the Commission, points out that this merger is not a pure
'conglomerate' merger but may more aptly be labelled a 'product-extension'
merger. No explanation, however, is offered as to why this distinction has any
significance and the Court in fact declares that all mergers, whatever their
nature, 'must be tested by the same standard'. But no matter what label is
attached to this transaction, it certainly must be recognized that the problem we
face is vastly different from those which concerned the Court in Brown Shoe,
supra, and United States v. Philadelphia National Bank, 374 U.S. 321, 83 S.Ct.

1715, 10 L.Ed.2d 915. And though it is entirely proper to assert that the words
of 7 are the only standard we have with which to work, it is equally important
to recognize that different sets of circumstances may call for fundamentally
different tests of substantial anticompetitive effect. Compare United States v.
Philadelphia National Bank, supra, with F.T.C. v. Consolidated Foods Corp.,
380 U.S. 592, 85 S.Ct. 1220, 14 L.Ed.2d 95.

At the outset, it seems to me that there is a serious question whether the state of
our economic knowledge is sufficiently advanced to enable a sure-footed
administrative or judicial determination to be made a priori of substantial
anticompetitive effect in mergers of this kind. It is clear enough that Congress
desired that conglomerate and product-extension mergers be brought under 7
scrutiny, but well versed economists have argued that such scrutiny can never
lead to a valid finding of illegality.


'Where a business concern buys out a firm producing * * * (a product) which is

neither competing, nor a raw material for its own product * * * there is no
competition between them to be extinguished, nor the possibility of fewer
alternatives for any customer or supplier anywhere. * * * Perhaps Congress
intended to stop conglomerate mergers but their act does not.' Adelman, quoted
in Blair, supra, at 674.


See also Bowman, Contrasts in Antitrust Theory: II, 65 Col.L.Rev. 417, 421.


Lending strength to this position is the fact that such mergers do provide
significant economic benefits which argue against excessive controls being
imposed on them. The ability to merge brings large firms into the market for
capital assets and encourages economic development by holding out the
incentive of easy and profitable liquidation to others. Here, for example, the
owners of Clorox who had built the business, were able to liquefy their capital
on profitable terms without dismantling the enterprise they had created. Also
merger allows an active management to move rapidly into new markets
bringing with its intervention competitive stimulation and innovation. It permits
a large corporation to protect its shareholders from business fluctuation through
diversification, and may facilitate the introduction of capital resources,
allowing significant economies of scale, into a stagnating market. See, Turner,
supra, at 1317.


At the other end of the spectrum, it has been argued that the entry of a large
conglomerate enterprise may have a destructive effect on competition in any
market. Edwards, Conglomerate Bigness as a Source of Power, in Business

Concentration and Price Policy, Report of National Bureau of Economic

Research, p. 331. The big company is said to be able 'outbid, outspend, or
outlose the small one * * *.' Id., at 335. Thus it is contended that a large
conglomerate may underprice in one market, adversely affecting competition,
and subsidize the operation by benefits accruing elsewhere.6 It is also argued
that the large company generates psychological pressure which my force
smaller ones to follow its pricing policies, and that its very presence in the
market may discourage entrants or make lending institutions unwilling to
finance them. Edwards, supra, at 348; see Bok, Section 7 of the Clayton Act
and the Merging of Law and Economics, 74 Harv.L.Rev. 226, 275.7 While
'business behavior is too complex and varied to permit of a single generalized
explanation,' Stocking, Comment, Business Concentration and Price Policy,
Edwards, supra, at 352, these observations do indicate that significant dangers
to competition may be presented by some conglomerate and product-extension
mergers. Further, congressional concern in enacting 7 extended not only to
anticompetitive behavior in particular markets, but also to the possible
economic dominance of large companies which had grown through merger.
Thus, while fully agreeing that mergers of this kind are not to be regarded as
something entirely set apart from scrutiny under 7, I am of the view that
when this Court does undertake to establish the standards for judging their
legality, it should proceed with utmost circumspection. Meanwhile, with this
case before us, I cannot escape the necessity of venturing my own views as to
some of the governing standards.

In adjudicating horizontal and vertical combinations under 7 where the effects

on competition are reasonably obvious and substantiality is the key issue, the
responsible agencies have moved away from an initial emphasis on
comprehensive scrutiny and adopted for more precise rules of thumb which
provide advantages of administrative convenience and predictability for the
business world. See Brodley, Oligopoly Power Under the Sherman and Clayton
ActsFrom Economic Theory to Legal Policy, 19 Stan.L.Rev. 285.8 A
conglomerate case, however, is not only too new to our experience to allow the
formulation of simple rules but also involves 'concepts of economic power and
competitive effect that are still largely unformulated.' This makes clear the need
for 'full investigation and analysis, whatever the cost in delay or immediate
ineffectiveness.' Edwards, Tests or Probable Effect Under the Clayton Act, 9
Antitrust Bull. 369, 377. But cf. Blair, supra, at 700. Certainly full scale
investigation is supported by the considerations adverted to in Part II of this
opinion and the basic fact that 'the statute does not leave us free to strike down
mergers on the basis of sheer speculation or a general fear of bigness.' General

Foods Corp., supra, at 22,749 (Commissioner Elman, dissenting.)


Procter, contending that the broadest possible investigation is required here,

and noting 'the relative poverty of (economic) information about industrial
institutions and the relations among different company complexes, as well as
the sketchiness of our understanding of methods of competition in specific
industries and markets,' Bock, The Relativity of Economic Evidence in Merger
CasesEmerging Decisions Force the Issue, 63 Mich.L.Rev. 1355, 1369, has
insisted throughout this proceeding that anticompetitive effects must be proved
in fact from post-merger evidence in order for 7 to be applied. The Court
gives little attention to this contention, but I think it must be considered
seriously, both because it is arguable and because it was, in a sense, the main
source of difference between the Commission and the Sixth Circuit.


In its initial decision, the Commission remanded the proceeding to the

Examiner for the express purpose of taking additional evidence on the postmerger situation in the liquid bleach industry. The Commission first held that
the record before it, which contained all the information upon which the second
Commission decision and the Court rely, was insufficient to support the finding
of a 7 violation. 58 F.T.C. 1203. The Commission's subsequent opinion,
handed down by an almost entirely changed Commission, held post-merger
evidence generally irrelevant and 'proper only in the unusual case in which the
structure of the market has changed radically since the merger * * *.' 63 F.T.C.
-. Market structure changes, rather than evidence of market behavior, were held
to be the key to a 7 analysis.


In support of this position, the Commission noted that dependence on postmerger evidence would allow controls to be evaded by the dissimulation of
market power during the period of observation. For example, Procter had been
aware of the 7 challenge almost from the date of the merger,9 and it would be
unrealistic, so reasoned the Commission, to assume that market power would
be used adversely to competition during the pendency of the proceeding.


The Commission also emphasized the difficulty of unscrambling a completed

merger, and the need for businessmen to be able to make at least some
predictions as to the legality of their actions when formulating future market
plans. Cf. Bromley, Business' View of the du Pont-General Motors Decision,
46 Geo.L.J. 646, 653654. Finally, the Commission pointed to the strain
which would be placed upon its limited enforcement resources by a requirement
to assemble large amounts of post-merger data.


The Sixth Circuit was in disagreement with the second Commission's view. It


The Sixth Circuit was in disagreement with the second Commission's view. It
held that '(a)ny relevant evidence must be considered in a Section 7 case * * *.
The extent to which inquiry may be made into post-merger conditions may well
depend on the facts of the case, and where the evidence is obtained it should
not be ignored.' 358 F.2d, at 83. The court characterized as 'pure conjecture' the
finding that Procter's behavior might have been influenced by the pendency of
the proceeding. Ibid.


If 7 is to serve the purposes Congress intended for it, we must, I think, stand
with the Commission on this issue.10 Only by focusing on market structure can
we begin to formulate standards which will allow the responsible agencies to
give proper consideration to such mergers and allow businessmen to plan their
actions with a fair degree of certainty. In the recent amendments to the Bank
Merger Act, Congress has indicated its approval of rapid adjudication based on
premerger conditions,11 and all agency decisions hinging on competitive effects
must be made without benefit of post-combination results. The value of postmerger evidence seems more than offset by the difficulties encountered in
obtaining it. And the post-merger evidence before us in this proceeding is at
best inconclusive.


Deciding that 7 inquiry in conglomerate or product-extension merger cases

should be directed toward reasonably probable changes in market structure does
not, however, determine how that inquiry should be narrowed and focused. The
Commission and the Court isolate two separate structural elements, the degree
of concentration in the existing market and the 'condition of entry.' The
interplay of these two factors is said to determine the existence and extent of
market power, since the 'condition of entry' determines the limits potential
competition places on the existing market. It must be noted, however, that
economic theory teaches that potential competition will have no effect on the
market behavior of existing firms unless present market power is sufficient to
drive the market price to the point where entry would become a real
possibility.12 So long as existing competition is sufficient to keep the market
price below that point, potential competition is of marginal significance as a
market regulator. Thus in a conglomerate or product-extension case, where the
effects on market structure which are easiest to discover are generally effects
on the 'condition of entry,' an understanding of the workings of the premerger
market cannot be ignored, and, indeed, is critical to a determination whether the
visible effects on 'condition of entry' have any competitive significance.


The Commission pinned its analysis of the premerger market exclusively on its
concentration, the large market share enjoyed by the leading firms. In so doing
the Commission was following the path taken by this Court in judging more
conventional merger cases, e.g., United States v. Philadelphia National Bank,

supra, and taking the position favored by the great weight of economic
authority. See, e.g., Bain, Industrial Organization. The Sixth Circuit discounted
the Commission's analysis because of the presence of some 200 small
competitors in the market. The Court bases its agreement with the Commission
and its rejection of the Court of Appeals' position on Clorox's alleged
domination of the market. But domination is an elusive term, for dominance in
terms of percentage of sales is not the equivalent of dominance in terms of
control over price or other aspects of market behavior. Just as the total number
of sellers in the market is not determinative of its operation, the percentage of
sales made by any group of sellers is similarly not conclusive. The
determinative issue is, instead, how the sellers interact and establish the pattern
of market behavior. The significance of concentration analysis is that it allows
measurement of one easily determined variable to serve as an opening key to
the pattern of market behavior.

I think that the Commission, on this record, was entitled to regard the market as
'oligopolistic' and that it could properly ignore the impact of the smaller firms. I
hasten to add, however, that there are significant 'economic dissents' from
oligopoly analysis in general and stronger arguments that if its principles 'are
justified in some cases, they are not justified in all cases * * *.' Brodley, supra,
at 292. In adjudicating 7 questions in a conglomerate or product-extension
merger context where the pattern of behavior in the existing market is apt to be
crucial, I would, therefore, allow the introduction by a defendant of evidence
designed to show that the actual operation of the market did not accord with
oligopoly theory, or whatever other theory the Commission desires to apply. In
other words, I believe that defendants in 7 proceedings are entitled, in the
case of conglomerate or product-extension mergers, to build their own
economic cases for the proposition that the mergers will not substantially
impair competition.


For example, had Procter desired to go beyond demonstrating the mere

presence of small competitors and attempted to show that the prices of
unadvertised bleaches which were cost-determined set an effective ceiling on
market price through the mechanism of an acceptable differential,13 I think that
the Commission would have been obliged to receive and evaluate the proof.
But to challenge effectively the presumption which the Commission is entitled
to draw from general economic theory, a defendant must present, in my
opinion, not only contradictory facts but a more cogent explanation of the
pattern of market behavior.


If the proof as a whole establishes that pricing power may be exercised by a

firm of firms in the marketthat prices may be raised in the long run over

competitive pricesthen the Commission may legitimately focus on the role of

potential competition and the 'condition of entry.' See Bain, Barriers to New
Competition 5, 27. In so doing, however, a new difficulty is encountered. The
threat of potential competition merely affects the range over which price power
extends. Potential competition does not compel more vigorous striving in the
market, nor advance any other social goal which Congress might be said to
have favored in passing 7.14 Thus it may legitimately be questioned whether
even a substantial increase in entry barriers creates a substantial lessening of
competition or tendency to monopoly as required by 7.

Two justifications for the use of entry barriers as a determinant under 7 can be
given. The first is that an increased range over which pricing power may be
exercised is contrary to the mandate of 7 because Congress' use of the word
'competition' was a shorthand for the invocation of the benefits of a competitive
market, one of which is a price close to average cost. Such an approach leads
also to the conclusion that economic efficiencies produced by the merger must
be weighed against anticompetitive consequences in the final determination
whether the net effect on competition is substantially adverse. See Bork &
Bowman, The Crisis in Antitrust, 65 Col.L.Rev. 363. The second justification is
found in the tendency-to-monopoly clause of 7. Certainly the clearest evil of
monopoly is the excessive power the monopolist has over price. Since 'antitrust
operates to forestall concentrations of economic power which, if allowed to
develop unhindered, would call for much more intrusive government
supervision of the economy,' Blake & Jones, In Defense of Antitrust, 65
Col.L.Rev. 377, 383, increased power over price should be attackable under
7. Cf. S.Rep. No. 1775, 81st Cong., 2d Sess., 45. For these reasons I
conclude that the Commission may properly find a conglomerate or productextension merger illegal under 7 because it substantially increases pricing
power in the relevant market.


Given the development of a case against the merger in this area, however, the
problem of efficiencies raised above must still be faced. The Court attempts to
brush the question aside by asserting that Congress preferred competition to
economies, but neglects to determine whether certain economies are inherent in
the idea of competition. If it is conceded, as it must be, that Congress had
reasons for favoring competition, then more efficient operation must have been
among them. It is of course true that a firm's ability to achieve economies
enhances its competitive position, but adverse effects on competitors must be
distinguished from adverse effects on competition. Brown Shoe Co., v. United
States, supra, 370 U.S. at 320, 82 S.Ct. at 1521. Economies achieved by one
firm may stimulate matching innovation by others, the very essence of
competition. They always allow the total output to be delivered to the consumer

with an expenditure of fewer resources. Thus when the case against a

conglomerate or product-extension merger rests on a market-structure
demonstration that the likelihood of anticompetitive consequences has been
substantially increased, the responsible agency should then move on to examine
and weigh possible efficiencies arising from the merger in order to determine
whether, on balance, competition has been substantially lessened.15 Where
detriments to competition are apt to be 'highly speculative' it seems wisest to
conclude that 'possibilities of adverse effects on competitive behavior are worth
worrying about only when the merger does not involve substantial economies *
* *.' Turner, supra, at 1354. The Court must proceed with caution in this area
lest its decision 'over the long run deter new market entry and tend to stifle the
very competition it seeks to foster.' United States v. Von's Grocery Co., 384
U.S. 270, 301, 86 S.Ct. 1478, 1495, 16 L.Ed.2d 555 (Stewart, J., dissenting).

To summarize then, four important guides to the adjudication of conglomerate

or product-extension mergers under 7 seem to come forward. First, the
decision can rest on analysis of market structure without resort to evidence of
post-merger anticompetitive behavior. Second, the operation of the premerger
market must be understood as the foundation of successful analysis. The
responsible agency may presume that the market operates in accord with
generally accepted principles of economic theory, but the presumption must be
open to the challenge of alternative operational formulations. Third, if it is
reasonably probable that there will be a change in market structure which will
allow the exercise of substantially greater market power, then a prima facie
case has been made out under 7. Fourth, where the case against the merger
rests on the probability of increased market power, the merging companies may
attempt to prove that there are countervailing economies reasonably probable
which should be weighed against the adverse effects.


The Commission's decision did, I think, conform to this analysis. A review of

the points the Commission relied upon is next required.


The Commission first attempted a catalogue of all the possible effects of the
merger on competition, many of which were 'to an important degree
psychological.' 63 F.T.C., at -. Most of these 'effects' were speculations on
the impact of Procter's ability to obtain advertising discounts and use its
financial resources for increased sales promotion. Others were predictions as to
the possible resources of retailers and competitors to Procter's entry and
expected promotional activities. These were, as the Court of Appeals said,
speculative at best but the Commission did not place great reliance on them in

reaching its ultimate conclusion.


To hold the merger unlawful, the Commission relied on five factors which
taken together convinced it that 'substantial' anticompetitive consequences
could be expected. A 'substantial' impact was said to be 'significant and real,
and discernible not merely to theorists or scholars but to practical, hard-headed
businessmen.' 63 F.T.C., at -. The relevant factors were (1) the excessive
concentration in the industry at the time of the merger and the commanding
market position of Clorox, (2) the relative disparity in size and strength
between Procter and the firms in the liquid bleach industry, (3) the position of
Procter in other markets, (4) the elimination of Procter as a potential
competitor, and (5) the nature of the 'economies' expected from the merger. The
net of these factors was to establish a substantial effect on the market structure
variable involved, condition of entry.


Because Clorox had 48.8% of the premerger market and six firms made 80% of
the sales, the Commission's conclusion that the market was oligopolistic and
Clorox was the price leader must be sustained on this record where no
alternative formulation of market operation was attempted. See United States v.
Philadelphia National Bank, supra; Bain, Industrial Organization. The
Commission's position is aided by actual evidence in the record supporting its
hypothesis. Officials of other bleach companies appearing in the proceedings
testified that their prices were established with regard to Clorox's price and
uniformly regarded Clorox as the leading competitor in the market. The
foundation was thus adequate for a consideration of probable changes in the
'condition of entry.'


Procter was indisputably many times the size of any firm in the liquid bleach
industry and had great financial resources. Its advertising budget was more than
20 times that of Clorox and the scale of its expenditures qualified it for quantity
discounts from media as well as enabling it to purchase expensive but
advantageous advertising outlets. The record clearly showed that 'pre-selling'
through advertising was a requisite for large scale liquid bleach operations,16
and thus the difference between Procter's advertising power and that of Clorox
was important to a potential entrant. The expenditure on advertising which
would have to be undertaken by a potential entrant in order to capture an
acceptable market would vary with the tenacity of response to be expected from
existing competitors. The greater the expenditure required, the higher the price
to be commanded would have to be before entry would be undertaken.17 In this
regard the substitution of Procter for Clorox was a substantial change.


Procter's strong position in other product markets is equally relevant to the

probability of change in the 'condition of entry.' It would be unrealistic,

however, to attach substantial importance to Procter's extensive financial
resources unless Procter were able to bring them to bear in the liquid bleach
industry. If Procter were hard pressed along all fronts of its operation,
competitors could safely assume that increased pressure in the liquid bleach
industry would not provoke a strong response, simply because financial
resources could not be diverted to that purpose. Procter, however, was
conducting highly profitable operations in other markets and had demonstrated
its ability to bring large resources to bear in intensive competitive campaigns by
its successful introduction of Comet cleanser and various toothpastes on a
nationwide scale. Proof of demonstrated ability to mobilize and utilize large
financial resources seems to me required if the introduction of such resources
into the market is alleged to have a substantial effect.18 Such proof exists in this

Procter's role as a potential entrant was also related, by the Commission, to the
'condition of entry.' The Commission had 'no occasion to speculate on such
questions as whether or not Procter * * * would in fact have entered the bleach
industry on its own * * *.' 63 F.T.C., at -. It merely noted that Procter's
growth pattern, financial resources, experience in the field and management
policies made it the most favorably situaded potential entrant. Thus the
Commission reasoned that Procter might have been induced to enter the liquid
bleach market when that market had a prevailing price level lower than that
necessary to attract entry by more remote competitors. The limitation potential
competition places on pricing policies depends on the barriers to entry facing
particular competitors, and increased insulation can stem not only from changes
which make it more costly for any firm to enter the market, but also from
limitation of the class of entrants to those whose entry costs are high. See Bain,
Barriers to New Competition 21.


At first blush, a serious inconsistency seems to arise between the Commission's

analysis of this potential competition, and its expressed fear that the merger
might turn the field into one of big business competition by inducing other large
firms to seek entry into the market. If Procter's entry could be shown to have
increased rather than decreased the likelihood of additional entry then it could
hardly be attacked because of adverse effect on the 'condition of entry.' And I
think it irrelevant whether further entry might be by small or large firms.
Although there are those who attach a talismanic significance to small firm
competition, see United States v. Von's Grocery Co., supra, 384 U.S. at 275, 86
S.Ct. at 1481. I do not believe that competition between dynamic, wellmanaged large companies is less desirable than any other form. However, there
is nothing in the record to show that the Commission's discussion of this point

was more than mere speculation, and I cannot attach any real significance to it.

The Commission's analysis of the economies involved in this case is critical

and I regret that the Court refrains from commenting upon it. The Commission
in my opinion quite correctly seemed to accept the idea that economies could
be used to defend a merger, noting that '(a) merger that results in increased
efficiency of production, distribution or marketing may, in certain cases,
increase the vigor of competition in the relevant market.' 63 F.T.C., at -. But
advertising economies were placed in a different classification since they were
said 'only to increase the barriers to new entry' and to be 'offensive to at least
the spirit, if not the letter, of the antitrust laws.' Ibid. Advertising was thought
to benefit only the seller by entrenching his market position, and to be of no use
to the consumer.


I think the Commission's view overstated and over-simplifed. Proper

advertising serves a legitimate and important purpose in the market by
educating the consumer as to available alternatives. This process contributes to
consumer demand being developed to the point at which economies of scale
can be realized in production. The advertiser's brand name may also be an
assurance of quality, and the value of this benefit is demonstrated by the
general willingness of consumers to pay a premium for the advertised brands.
Undeniably advertising may sometimes be used to create irrational brand
preferences and mislead consumers as to the actual differences between
products,19 but it is very difficult to discover at what point advertising ceases to
be an aspect of healthy competition. See Bork, Contrasts in Anti-trust Theory: I,
65 Col.L.Rev. 401, 411, n. 11. It is not the Commission's function to decide
which lawful elements of the 'product' offered the consumer should be
considered useful and which should be considered the symptoms of industrial
'sickness.' It is the consumer who must make that election through the exercise
of his purchasing power. In my view, true efficiencies in the use of advertising
must be considered in assessing economies in the marketing process, which as
has been noted are factors in the sort of 7 proceeding involved here.


I do not think, however, that on the record presented Procter has shown any true
efficiencies in advertising. Procter has merely shown that it is able to command
equivalent resources at a lower dollar cost than other bleach producers. No
peculiarly efficient marketing techniques have been demonstrated, nor does the
record show that a smaller net advertising expenditure could be expected.
Economies cannot be premised solely on dollar figures, lest accounting
controversies dominate 7 proceedings. Economies employed in defense of a
merger must be shown in what economists label 'real' terms, that is in terms of
resources applied to the accomplishment of the objective. For this reason, the

Commission, I think, was justified in discounting Procter's efficiency defense.


For the reasons set forth in this opinion, I conclude that the Commission was
justified in finding that the Procter-Clorox merger entails the reasonable
probability of a substantial increase in barriers to entry and of enhancement in
pricing power in the liquid bleach industry and that its order must be upheld.

'No corporation engaged in commerce shall acquire, directly or indirectly, the

whole or any part of the stock or other share capital and no corporation subject
to the jurisdiction of the Federal Trade Commission shall acquire the whole or
any part of the assets of another corporation engaged also in commerce, where
in any line of commerce in any section of the country, the effect of such
acquisition may be substantially to lessen competition, or to tend to create a

A pure conglomerate merger is one in which there are no economic

relationships between the acquiring and the acquired firm.

The barriers to entry have been raised both for entry by new firms and for entry
into new geographical markets by established firms. The latter aspect is
demonstrated by Purex's lesson in Erie, Pennsylvania. In October 1957, Purex
selected Erie, Pennsylvaniawhere it had not sold previouslyas an area in
which to test the salability, under competitive conditions, of a new bleach. The
leading brands in Erie were Clorox, with 52%, and the '101' brand, sold by
Gardner Manufacturing Company, with 29% of the market. Purex launched an
advertising and promotional campaign to obtain a broad distribution in a short
time, and in five months captured 33% of the Erie market. Clorox's share
dropped to 35% and 101's to 17%. Clorox responded by offering its bleach at
reduced prices, and then added an offer of a $1-value ironing board cover for
50 with each purchase of Clorox at the reduced price. It also increased its
advertising with television spots. The result was to restore Clorox's lost market
share and, indeed, to increase it slightly. Purex's share fell to 7%.
Since the merger Purex has acquired the fourth largest producer of bleach, John
Puhl Products Company, which owned and marketed 'Fleecy White' brand in
geographic markets which Purex was anxious to enter. One of the reasons for
this acquisition, according to Purex's president, was that:
'Purex had been unsuccessful in expanding its market position geographically
on Purex liquid bleach. The economics of the bleach business, and the strong
competitive factors as illustrated by our experience in Erie, Pennsylvania, make

it impossible, in our judgment, for us to expand our market on liquid bleach.'


It has been argued that the mergers before this Court in United States v.
Aluminum Co. of America, 377 U.S. 271, 84 S.Ct. 1283, 12 L.Ed.2d 314, and
United States v. Continental Can Co., 378 U.S. 441, 84 S.Ct. 1738, 12 L.Ed.2d
953, were essentially conglomerate. But the majority in both cases chose to treat
them as horizontal and thus did not reach the problem of standards for judging
conglomerate mergers. See Brodley, Oligopoly Power Under the Sherman and
Clayton ActsFrom Economic Theory to Legal Policy, 19 Stan.L.Rev. 285,

Thus the Procter memorandum which considered the question of entry into the
liquid bleach market stated: 'We would not recommend that the Company
consider trying to enter this market by introducing a new brand or by trying to
expand a sectional brand. This is because we feel it would require a very heavy
investment to achieve a major volume in the field, and with the low 'available,'
(a reference to profit margin) the payout period would be very unattractive.'

The need for analysis is even clearer in light of the fact that entry into the
market by producers of nonadvertised, locally distributed bleaches was found to
be easy. There were no technological barriers to entry, and the capital
requirements for entry, with the exception of advertising costs, were small. The
Court must at least explain why the threat of such entry and the presence of
small competitors in existing regional markets cannot be considered the
predominant, and unaffected, form of competition. To establish its point, the
Court must either minimize the imPortance of such competition or show
importance of such competition or show the merger.

Bain's pioneering study of barriers to entry, Barriers to New Competition,

recognized that such barriers could be surmounted at different price levels by
different potential entrants. Thus even without change in the nature of the
barriers themselves, the market could become more insulated through loss of
the most likely entrant simply because the prevailing market price would have
to rise to a higher level than before to induce entry.

For a discussion of the difficulty of determining whether entry by a particular

company is probable see Brodley, supra, n. 1, at 332.

But see Turner, Conglomerate Mergers and Section 7 of the Clayton Act, 78
Harv.L.Rev. 1313, 1340. '(T)he belief that predatory pricing is a likely
consequence of conglomerate size, and hence of conglomerate merger, is
wholly unverified by any careful studies * * *.'

But see Cook, Merger Law and Big Business: A Look Ahead, 40 N.Y.U.L.Rev.

710, 713. 'Of course, the conglomerate cases are the best examples of the
exotic restraints. Here mere speculation on what either common sense or
judiciously selected economists might lead one to infer is apparently enough to
prevent a merger. One reads these opinions with growing incredulity. They
imply that big businesses have so much strength and such deep pockets that
they simply could not lose out in competition with smaller companies * * *.
One does not need a statistical survey to know that this is simply not the way
the world is.'

In so doing the Court has moved away from the original recommendations in
the Report of the Attorney General's National Committee to Study the Antitrust
Laws, which concluded that 'it will always be necessary to analyze the effect of
the merger on relevant markets in sufficient detail, given the circumstances of
each case, to permit a reasonable conclusion as to its probable economic effect.'
Report, at 123. But the development of specific criteria was aided by a degree
of experience which does not exist in conglomerate cases, where the caution to
analyze in detail seems particularly sound.

The merger was consummated August 1, 1957. The Commission's complaint

was filed on October 7, 1957.


Cf. FTC v. Consolidated Foods Corp., 380 U.S. 592, 85 S.Ct. 1220, 14 L.Ed.2d
95, where this Court held that even an extensive post-merger history, developed
outside the influence of a 7 challenge, was not to be considered a conclusive
negation of the possibility of anticompetitive effects.


The amendments to the Bank Merger Act (80 Stat. 7) require a merger to be
challenged within 30 days of agency approval. This negates the possibility of
substantial post-merger evidence. 12 U.S.C. 1828(c). It is noteworthy that
Congress has required rapid adjudication and at the same time required a
determination more complex than that which must be made under the antitrust
laws. In a Bank Merger Act case the defendants may seek to have the merger
upheld because 'the anticompetitive effects * * * are clearly outweighed in the
public interest by the probable effect of the transaction in meeting the
convenience and needs of the community to be served.' 12 U.S.C. 1828(c)(5)
(B) (1964 ed., Supp. II).


Thus Bain points out this in a competitive market where market price is
presumed to be cost-based the threat of entry should not affect market price
because each firm is presumed to make its pricing decisions without
considering their impact on the market as a whole. Even in an oligopolistic
market in which each seller must assume that its price actions will have
marketwide effect, the threat of entry serves to limit market price only when the

optimum return would be obtained at a price sufficient to induce entry. So long

as the optimum price is below the entry-triggering price, the threat of entry has
no real impact on the market.

There was evidence in the record that the liquid bleach market had three
separate price levels, one for nationally advertised brands (Clorox and Purex),
another for regional brands, and a third for local brands. There was also some
testimony by officials of the companies producing the unadvertised regional
and local brands, which sold at a lower price than Clorox and Purex, that their
prices were determined by their costs. Some witnesses also testified that sales of
unadvertised brands were extremely price elastic, and Bain's study of the
related soap industry would lend support to that observation. Bain, Barriers to
New Competition, Appendix D, at 283. Thus, an argument might have been
made that because of this price consciousness the prices of advertised brands
could not greatly exceed those of regional and local brands, and therefore costs
served as the ultimate determinant of market price. On the other hand, there is
testimony in the record that the pricing policy of some unadvertised producers
was to follow the price of Clorox and maintain a differential sufficient to
provide adequate sales.


Potential entry does not keep 'a large number of small competitors in business,'
United States v. Von's Grocery Co., 384 U.S. 270, 275, 86 S.Ct. 1478, 1481, 16
L.Ed.2d 555, even if that goal could be considered desirable. In fact, by placing
a ceiling on market price it may serve to drive out small competitors who may
be relatively inefficient producers. Potential entry does not control the market
share of dominant firms or prevent them from expanding their power to force
others to accede to their practices.


I intimate no view on whether economies would be a defense in a situation such

as that presented in Ekco Products Co. v. F.T.C., 7 Cir., 347 F.2d 745, where
the evidence established that the company entering the market by merger
intended to eliminate all competition, and had, in fact, purchased a leading
competitor after entry.


This conclusion is supported by Bain's study of the closely related soap and
detergent markets. See n. 13, supra.


This is the 'lesson' of the incident in Erie, Pennsylvania, where Clorox was able
to repel Purex's assault on its market position. Purex's initial success showed
that part of the market could be captured, but Procter's response made clear that
the beachhead could not be maintained without continued heavy advertising
expenses. Unless the price commanded was expected to be quite high, these
advertising expenditures could not be sustained.



This limitation was recognized by the author of the Commission's opinion in

this case, Commissioner Elman, in his dissenting opinion in National Tea Co.,
3 Trade Reg.Rep. 17,463, at 22,708. 'The answer (in a 7 case) can only be
found in a careful and detailed analysis of the nature and economic condition of
the industry, the structure of the relevant geographic markets, and the overall
market power of the national chain and its capacity to bring it to bear in
particular local markets.'
The Commission found, for example, that Clorox was identical to other liquid
bleaches. Procter contended, and the Court of Appeals concluded, that Clorox
employed superior quality controls. The evidence seemed to indicate that the
regional and national brands were very similar, but that some local brands
varied in strength.

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