Gearbox Design Project Report

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Wind Turbine Gearbox Design Project Report



You should submit a project report for the wind turbine gearbox design project as a team. This
is a team deliverable. Late submissions will be accepted but a late penalty of 20% per 6-hr will
be assessed on your report submitted late. The report should be typed (single spaced) in
paragraph form, with appropriately formatted section headings. You should use consistent
spacing, formatting, font, and style, as well as correct grammar and spelling.
Due: May 6th, 2016 (before 5:00 pm in my office)



The following sections should be included in the report:

1. Title page [Title, Team members, Date]
2. Table of Contents [A single page identifying each section of the report as well as
3. List of Tables (if any) [List all the tables that appear in the document and their page
4. List of Figures [List all the figures that appear in the document and their page numbers.]
5. Introduction/Background of Project [The introduction should be a complete description of
the project that defines and explains the problem, objectives, requirements, assumptions,
and general make-up of the report.]
6. Design Specifications [Design requirements could include numerical specifics, but most
often include some generalized requirements, e.g., low cost. These requirements should be
converted into a set of specifications that are measurable. Design specifications contain
metrics to be achieved, and target values for each metric. Design specifications identify
precisely what the design must satisfy numerically, e.g., low cost is a design requirement
but manufacturing cost per unit: <$200 is a design specification.]
7. Description of the Design [You should discuss overall features of your gearbox; the design
procedure for sizing the components of the gearbox; materials selection and rationale;
fatigue life predicted for major components; fatigue factors of safety for major components;
and yield factors of safety for major components. You should discuss each component in
the gearbox and show how the final design satisfies all the design specifications by
performing analyses of the final design. Refer to the project document Design
Specification Check-Sheet for details and make sure to include everything listed there for
each component in the gearbox. Details of the calculations carried out during the design
process should appear in appendices. You should present your design with assembly and

part drawings. Include a discussion of design optimization to minimize the size and weight
of the design.]
8. Appendices [Calculations, Task distributions (individual contributions), etc]
9. References [Include references for all significant sources of information. They should be
numbered and properly cited. Use IEEE style.]


Tables, Figures, and Equations

1. Each table should have a table number and a descriptive title placed above the table. Short
tables should be paced within the text as near as possible to where they are needed, and
not put on a separate page. If possible, two short tables can be put on the same page.
Large tables may need to go on a separate page. Table pages should be numbered and
should appear as soon as is convenient after the table is first mentioned in the text.
2. Each figure should have a figure number and a descriptive title, placed below the figure.
Figures appearing within the body of your report should be consecutively numbered, and
should appear as soon as is convenient after the figure is first mentioned.
3. Equations should be centered in their own lines and they must be numbered. Variables
used in the equations should be explained or defined. They should appear as soon as is
convenient after they are first mentioned.


Peer Evaluation

The peer evaluation survey will be available on CATME ( between May 1th
and May 6th. Please login to CATME and complete the survey after the report has been
submitted and before the survey end date. Once you click the survey ("Peer Evaluation") and
click take survey, for each way of contributing to the team for the design project, rate each
of your teammates (including yourself) by clicking on the button next to the list of behaviors
that most closely describes how that team member behaved during the period being
evaluated. Please answer the survey questions as accurately and honesty as possible.
Please complete the evaluation survey in private and do not discuss your answers with anyone

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