May 2016 Newsletter

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First United Methodist

Church Newsletter
The Church with a Warm Heart

PO Box 1466
301 NE 1st Street
Mineral Wells, TX

Methodist Men
meets every second
Sunday at 7:30 a.m.
with the men of
Central UMC. This
months meeting is at
FUMC on May 8th
and since its
Mothers Day, all the
ladies are invited to
attend. Great food &
fellowship! Join us!

Prayer Blanket
ministry meets the
third Wednesday of
each month. Prayer
Blanket Ministry will
meet on Wed, April
May 18 at 6 pm.
Bring your
scissors. No sewing
involved. Just
fellowship and
fun! Come join us!

May 2013

We Welcome New Pastor in July

Tis the season for new
appointments in the United
Methodist Church, and we are
sorry to announce we will be losing
Lianne as she moves to a new
appointment at Little River UMC,
closer to her son and daughter-inlaw in Temple. She has been a
great servant and healer to our
church family since January 2012.
However, we are excited to
welcome the Rev. Eric Douglas in
July as he moves from a position
as associate pastor at FUMC
Douglas, 31, has been married
eight years to his high school sweetheart, Brittney, and they
have two daughters, Kalea, 6, and Anastasia, 5. They also have
a cat, Baby Kitty.
Douglas holds a bachelors degree in Religion from Texas
Wesleyan University in Fort Worth, and a Masters of Divinity
from Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Ky.
In Waxahachie, Rev. Douglas oversees the Reclaimed
(contemporary) Worship Service, communications, adult
discipleship and assists with administration and long-range
Recently, Ive taken on the student ministries on an interim
basis while the congregation is searching for a new director of
student ministries, he stated. My passions in ministry
include preaching, development of relational discipleship in
small groups and helping to develop congregational vision. In
my time at Waxahachie FUMC, I have helped develop a 30year campus vision, with phase one implementation
beginning in April. Ive also strengthened the discipleship
ministries of the church by launching a handful of small
groups centered around spiritual development. I have also
helped lead FUMC Waxahachie to packaging over a quarter
million meals with Kids Against Hunger, to combat the issues
of food insecurity around the world.
The Mineral Wells congregation anticipates meeting with
Rev. Douglas and his family in the next few weeks, before he
begins his official July 1st appointment.

Our graduates will be honored Sunday,

May 15th as the youth lead the morning
Our graduating high school seniors are
Zach Elder, Brailey Garcia, Alana Holly,
Kenzi Huseman, Katlin Norton, Erin
McGuire, Kylie Williams. Jerry Lovell is
our college graduate.
Following the service will be the 3rd
Annual Talent Show, and potluck meal.
The meat will be provided. Please bring
your favorite side dish or dessert. Contact
Amanda if you want to perform in the
talent show.
The youth are gearing up for Mission
Trip to Little Rock, Arkansas, the week of
June 12-18. You can sponsor a youth for
$15 a day. We will be taking around 15
youth and 10 adults this year. Also this
summer, several young adults will attend
the July Mission Trip to West Texas to
serve as work team adults.
The youth are currently working at the
Little League Concession Stand to raise
money for Mission Trip costs. If you can
help, join us. Check with Amanda Daniell
for the schedule.

Choir practice is
Wednesdays from 7- 8:30
pm. Director Don Owens
says we could use a few
more voices!

Handbell Choir practices

with director Adam Hull @ 7:10
pm after Bible Study and lasts
until about 8 pm.

Because hunger does not take the

weekend off

This has been a truly great month for

Back Pack Buddies and the children we
First, I have to thank the Rotary Club of
Mineral Wells as generous and loyal
supporters. This month they donated
enough to pay for 706 bags of food! They
are a generous organization who does
much for our community and around the
Our fish fry benefiting Back Pack
Buddies was a huge success. Thank you
to those who worked so hard to make it so.
We had everyone from children to youth
to seniors. The support of our church
family is amazing. A special thanks goes
to Kim Dooley who donated her services
for the Karaoke. It added a lot of fun to
the event. We are very grateful to the
community for coming out to support our
effort. We cleared $3,000 which will pay
for nearly three weeks of food.
I would also like to express our
appreciation to the Bluebonnet Garden
Club. They packed food every Tuesday in
April. This is a hard working group and
they are a lot of fun.
God is good. We are currently supplying
weekend food for 315 students. This is a
big and expensive effort. Only through the
grace of God and the generosity of this
church and community is this possible.
Please continue to pray for this effort and
the children we serve.
With Gratitude,
Judy Jackson


5/1 - Kelli Huseman

5/3 - Britt Tuggle
5/4 - Cindy Blasor
5/7 - Jane Hayes
5/10 - Jack Hunter, Richard Warren,
Sharon Garcia
5/17 - Kevin Gregory, Tammy Hoover
5/18 - Mackenzie Dow, Carson Huseman
5/19 - Matt Brown, Kyle Novak
5/22 - Patricia Boyd
5/20 - Ethan Gregory
5/24 - Nina SanMiguel
5/30 - Linda Watts, Mark Fanning

by Numbers

April 3 - 83 members + 4 visitors = 87

April 10 - 117 members + 8 visitors = 125
April 17 - 53 members +17 visitors = 70
April 24 - 56 members + 9 visitors = 65

Sing a New (or Old) Song!

In May and June, we'd like to add some
"favorite oldies" to our worship service. If you
have a favorite hymn that we've not sung in a
long time, please let Lianne or Don know.
Maybe something out of the old Cokesbury
hymnal like "When the Roll is Called Up
Yonder" or "Church in the Wildwood" or some
other song that makes you happy to sing.
Send an email, write it down on a piece of
paper, or call and tell one of us some rousing
hymn that makes you want to sing the way
Wesley admonished us Methodists to sing!

Facebook Page:
Our Vision: Our passion is to be followers of Jesus Christ who are welcoming,
worshiping, growing and going.
WELCOMING We invite people to come as they are and to find their unique place in
the church. We are working hard to never draw lines of "insiders/outsiders," "saints/
sinners," "us/them." We believe that Christ greets people with open arms, knows their
names and loves them for who they are and we strive to be like Christ!
WORSHIPING We feel strongly that we were created to praise God! So worship is at
the heart of all that we do. Worship feeds our souls, but it also reminds us that the heart
of any church is to bring glory to the Holy One. We do what we do in awe and love of our
Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer.
GROWING We believe that God loves us as we are, but, in love, God will help us
grow into "more." We want to always be seeking, asking, going deeper and
understanding more. Learning is an important component of a person's life journey,
and we want to be a learning place!
GOING We believe that Jesus came for the sake of everyone, and so the church must
never become focused on itself. Our task is to take the kingdom of heaven into the world
so that all may know the saving grace and wondrous love of God, becoming themselves
disciples who welcome, worship, grow and go!

Ways to Serve
Worship on Wednesday excitement
begins with dinner at 5:30 pm, then
activities for everyone.
Wednesday, May 25th will be our
last WOW for this school year. The
children will celebrate the end of the
school year and the beginning of
summer with fun and games that
night. As always, the children are
invited to bring a friend or two.
We need volunteers to fix a salad
and vegetable to go with the entrees,
as well as those to provide a dessert
each week.
Childrens activities begin shortly
after 6 pm until 7:15 pm. The youth
meet upstairs with Youth Director
Amanda Daniell until 7:30 pm.
Choir practice starts @ 7 pm,
backpacks can be packed for
BackPack Buddies and Prayer Shawl
workers meet the third Wednesday.
Pick an activity to join and join in
the Lords work!
Summer camp opportunities
Parents, check out everything that
Glenlake Camp has to offer. Go to It is a
wonderful experience for anyone who

Communion Servers and Greeters

needed at 10:30 Worship Service
On the first Sunday of each month at FUMC,
we serve communion. Four communion
servers are needed on each of these Sundays.
If you would like to help serve communion,
please contact Kay Brown at 940-682-6506 or
We also need FUMC members who would
serve as Greeters before the 10:30 worship
service on Sundays. The goal is to provide a
Greeter at each of the three outside doors
from 10:15-10:30 each Sunday to meet guests
and members as they arrive for worship and
give directions, if needed.
Please consider these opportunities to serve
and contact Kay Brown at the above phone
number or by email if you can help in either or
Hoping to hear from many of you so that a
schedule can be made for the next few months

Altar Flowers
Take a moment each Sunday to notice the
lovely altar flowers. Dwain, at Cole's Flowers,
blesses us with the most beautiful floral
arrangements each and every Sunday and
then we get to share them with others so the
beauty just keeps flowing.

Let us know if you

like to share the
Mix & Mingle
Join us between flowers with someone
who needs a little
Sunday School
and Worship for "beauty" in their life.
snacks, juice and
coffee! If you see
someone you
don't recognize,
take a minute to
welcome them!

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