8231 - Miscellaneous Expenditures REV 11-6-14 Clean

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Article 8


Policy No. 8231

Internal Board Policies - Board Members

Miscellaneous Expenditures

Expenses Incurred at Educational Workshops, Conferences, Training Programs, Hearings,

Meetings, or Official Functions

In addition to other expenditures authorized by law and by these policies, public funds of
the Omaha Public Schools are authorized by law and by this policy to be used to pay for the

Payment or reimbursement of actual and necessary expenses of Board Members,

employees, or volunteers incurred in connection with any of the following events:

educational workshops
training programs
official functions


Such expenses may be paid with public funds, whether the event is sponsored by
the Omaha Public Schools or some other entity or whether the event occurs at an
Omaha Public Schools facility or at some other location within or outside the
geographic boundaries of the Omaha Public Schools. Attendance at the event must
benefit and promote the work of the Omaha Public Schools.


If payment for such expenses incurred for attendance at any of these events is
otherwise covered by these policies, the provisions of those other policies shall
govern payment or reimbursement. If no other policy governs such payment or
reimbursement, the following rules shall be uniformly applied:

Payment or reimbursement is authorized only if attendance at the event is

given prior or contemporaneous approval by the employees immediate
supervisor or by the Superintendent of schools or the Superintendents
designee or, in the case of Board Members, by the President and Vice
President of the Board of Education. Employees of the Omaha Public
Schools may be excused for attendance at conferences, educational
workshops, or training programs without loss of pay upon written
application to and approval in writing by the Superintendent of schools or
the Superintendent's designee. All employee absences for attendance at
such events generally must be approved four weeks in advance before such
absence may be granted. Notation of approval of attendance must be
provided to Compensation and Benefits by the employees immediate
supervisor or designee. For budgetary purposes, as much planning as
possible should be made one year in advance.

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Article 8



Anyone seeking reimbursement for out of pocket expenses reasonably

incurred in connection with an authorized event shall be paid at the Board
approved per diem, which should be the federal rate for Omaha. The
itemized listing shall be submitted for payment to the accounting office.


Authorized expenses may include:





Policy No. 8231

Any registration cost, tuition cost, or fees or charges for attending

the event.
All reasonable event expenses if the event is sponsored by the
Omaha Public Schools. Such expenses may include the cost of
providing non-alcoholic beverages and refreshments for those
attending the event. If the event is a public meeting of the Board of
Education or a committee of the board, such expenses may include
the cost of providing non-alcoholic beverages for those in
Mileage as provided in Policy 8232.
Actual travel expense if travel is authorized by commercial or
charter means. Such expenses may include reasonable and necessary
ground transportation and also may include car rental, if the rental
is explicitly authorized as necessary by the President of the Board
of Education for Board Members or by the Superintendent of
schools or the Superintendents designee for employees or
Meals and lodging at a rate not exceeding the applicable federal rate
for Omaha unless a fully itemized claim is submitted substantiating
the costs actually incurred in excess of such rate and such additional
expenses are expressly approved by the Board of Education.

Expenses for Meals and Non-Alcoholic Beverages for Emergency Relief Workers
and Volunteers.

In addition to other expenditures authorized by law and by these policies, public funds of
the Omaha Public Schools are authorized by law and by this policy to be used to pay for nonalcoholic beverages and meals for the following:

For any individuals while performing or immediately after performing relief,

assistance, or support activities in emergency situations, including, but not limited
to, tornado, severe storm, fire, or accident; and


For any volunteers during or immediately following their participation in any

activities authorized by these policies, including:

Service on advisory committees to the Board of Education or the

Superintendent of schools;

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Policy No. 8231

Involvement in the Adopt-A-School program, PTA/PTSA, Omaha

Education Week or other similar parent, business, or community
involvement with the Omaha Public Schools;
Mowing grass, picking up litter, removing graffiti, or removing snow; or
Any other activity approved by the Board of Education.

Expenses for Recognition Dinners

In addition to other expenditures authorized by law and by these policies, public
funds of the Omaha Public Schools are authorized by law and by this policy to be
used to pay for one recognition dinner each year held for members of the Board of
Education, employees of the Omaha Public Schools, or volunteers in the schools.
The maximum cost per person for any such dinner shall not exceed $25. Any
annual recognition dinner held pursuant to this policy may be held separately for
members of the Board of Education, employees of each department of volunteers,
or any of them in combination.


Expenses for Plaques, Certificates of Achievement, or Other Awards

In addition to other expenditures authorized by law and by these policies, public
funds of the Omaha Public Schools are authorized by law and by this policy to be
used to pay for plaques, certificates of achievement, pins, flowers, or other items of
value awarded to elected or appointed officials, employees of the Omaha Public
Schools, or volunteers. No item awarded to any individual shall exceed $100 in
cost. No item shall be awarded to any individual without the explicit prior approval
of the Superintendent of schools, the Superintendents designee, or the Board of
Education. No item of value shall be awarded to an individual except for activity
which promotes the education of the students of the Omaha Public Schools.


It is recognized that the Board of Education is accountable to the taxpayer and

therefore reimbursement for activities undertaken by individual Board Members
which may be in the course service to the District but which are not public
functions/meetings or otherwise organized by administration and/or the Board of
Education, and which are not specifically outlined above, must be recommended
for approval for reimbursement by the Finance, Operational Services and Claims
Committee on Claims of the Board of Education and approved by the Board of

All expense claims should be submitted no later than 30 days after the expense has occurred.

Legal Reference:

Neb. Rev. Stat. 13-2201 to 13-2204

Neb. Rev. Stat. 79-546

Date of Adoption:

November 11, 2014

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