Revenue Administration
Revenue Administration
Revenue Administration
Revenue Administration
1. a. taxes
2. b. non-taxable sources
B. Business Taxes-
--Value added tax (VAT)
– Percentage Tax
– Excise taxes
• Sec. 38. Tuition and other School Fees. — Secondary and post-secondary
schools may charge tuition and other school fees, in order to improve facilities or
to accommodate more students.
Sec. 40. Funding of Private Schools. — Private schools may be funded from
their capital investment or equity contributions, tuition fees and other school
charges, grants, loans, subsidies, passive investment income and income from
other sources.
Sec. 42. Tuition and Other Fees. — Each private school shall determine its rate
of tuition and other school fees or charges.
Sec. 43. Income from Other Sources. — Any private school duly recognized by
the government, may receive any grant and legacy, donation, gift, bequest or devise
from any individual, institution, corporation, foundation, trust of philanthropic
organization, or research institution or organization as may be authorized by law.