RedJak's Automated Emperor Variant

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RedJak's Automated Emperor Variant v2.0.


Game Setup

RedJak's Automated Emperor Variant (RAEV) will fully automate

the Emperor actions for co-op and solo play within an Imperial
Assault campaign.

AE Deck

Automated Emperor (AE) cards are used to determine Imperial

figure actions during the AE turn. The cards aid in choosing
targets, and can be used to make multiple choice decisions for
the AE.
Necessary components to play this variant are this rulebook, and
a printed copy of the 111 cards.

The AE deck contains cards that are used to determine the

actions of enemy figures. Two types of cards make up the deck.
Standard AE cards determine secondary targets and enemy
actions, and Blitz cards trigger a focused attack by the AE.

The rules and cards can be found on my Google Drive at:

The AE deck contains 10 Blitz cards. At the start of the campaign,

remove all but 2 of the Blitz cards from the AE deck. The
remaining 8 Blitz cards will be added back into the AE deck as the
campaign progresses.

Lo-res card sheets are available for easy printing at home. Hi-res
cards are available for professional printing. Be sure to choose
the bridge-sized card option when creating a professional print

Deployment Deck

Unless otherwise stated, normal Imperial Assault rules apply.

RAEV supports the core set, Twin Shadows, and Return to Hoth.
RAEV also supports the following Ally/Villain packs:
Alliance Smuggler
Bantha Rider
Boba Fett, Infamous Bounty Hunter
Chewbacca, Loyal Wookie
Dengar, Ruthless Killer
Echo Base Troopers
General Sorin, Vicious Tactician
General Weiss, Field Commander
Han Solo, Scoundrel
Hired Guns
IG-88, Assassin Droid
Kayn Somos, Trooper Commander
Leia Organa, Rebel Commander
R2-D2 and C-3PO
Rebel Saboteurs
Rebel Troopers
Royal Guard Champion
Wookie Warriors

Find all unique deployment cards and set them aside. Also set
aside all deployment cards with a threat cost higher than 6. The
removed cards will be added back into the Deployment Deck as
the campaign progresses.
Shuffle the remaining cards into one new Deployment Deck.
Cards will be drawn from this deck when choosing open groups
for the Deployment Hand at the start of a mission.
Imperial Class Deck

Some graphics and icons property of Fantasy Flight Games.

Choose one card from each Imperial class deck type and shuffle
them together. Draw the top card to determine which class deck
the AE will use for the campaign.
Place the basic card from the chosen class deck face up in the AE
play area.

Agenda Deck

Automated Emperor Controller

Designate one player to perform actions for the Automated
Emperor. If you can't decide on one player, then the player that
last activated a hero will act for the AE during the following
Imperial turn.

Mission Setup
The initial deployment group cards are placed in a row in the
Imperial play area. Place cards left to right in the same order as
listed in the mission Deployment and Setup section. Any new
cards deployed will be placed to the right of existing cards.

Choose one card from each Agenda set that applies to the
campaign time period and shuffle them together. Draw the top 6
cards to determine which Agenda sets the AE will use for the

The reserve deployment group cards are collected and set aside.

Shuffle together all Agenda cards from the chosen sets to form
the Agenda Deck.

To choose open group deployment cards, shuffle the Deployment

Deck and draw cards equal to the number of open groups. Set
these cards aside, face down, to form the Deployment Hand.

Rebel ID Cards

Deployment Deck

The Deployment Deck is used when choosing open group cards

for the Deployment Hand at the start of a mission. Initial and
reserve deployment groups will be chosen from the Deployment
Deck as required by the mission. Any remaining cards are
available for the open groups.
The Deployment Deck will contain cards of a certain threat cost
depending on the threat level of the mission being played. As the
There are four Rebel ID cards which are used to identify each
campaign progresses, higher cost cards will be added to the
Rebel to the AE. The color of the Rebel ID card matches the Rebel
Deployment Deck.
Secondary Target icons on the AE cards.
At the start of a campaign, the Deployment Deck will contain
non-unique Imperial and Mercenary deployment cards with a
threat cost of 6 or less. Cards are added to the Deployment Deck
when starting a new mission depending on that mission's threat
level as follows:

Choose a card for each Rebel hero in the group. Place the card
under the Rebel hero card so that the small Rebel icons are
If playing with two Rebel heroes, assign two Rebel ID cards to
each hero.

Mission Cards



2: Cards that cost 6 or less

3: Cards that cost 8 or less
4: Cards that cost 12 or less
5+: All non-unique cards

When the Imperial AI acquires a unique deployment card as a

reward, it is added to the Deployment Deck regardless of mission
threat level.

Deployment Hand
Mission cards will indicate Rebel and Imperial objectives for each
mission. These cards will also notify when events are to be

When choosing open groups for a mission, shuffle the

Deployment Deck and draw cards equal to the indicated number
of open groups. These cards will form the AE's Deployment Hand.

During mission setup, find the corresponding Mission card and

place it green (Mission Objectives) side up. The card will specify
when it may be flipped to the red side.

During a mission, when a deployment group is defeated, that

group's deployment card is shuffled back into the Deployment

At the start of a mission, the players may read the Mission

Briefing section in the campaign guide. Do not read any further!
To prevent accidentally reading event text, cover the text on the
mission page with a Mission card.

Note that for missions that do not list open groups during setup,
the AE starts with no Deployment Hand.
If the AE is given the opportunity to resolve an optional
deployment at the start of a mission, draw the top card from the
Deployment Hand. If there is enough threat to deploy the card,
do so. If there is not enough threat to deploy the card, continue
to draw cards until one is drawn that can be deployed.

If there are no Mission cards for the campaign or mission being

played, use your best judgment in determining Priority Targets
and objectives for the enemy figures.

Automated Emperor Cards

Agenda Cards

An AE card is drawn whenever the AE activates a deployment

group. All figures in the deployment group will use the AE card to
determine their actions when they are activated.

The cards in the Agenda hand are kept in the AE play area,
arranged face up left to right. They are played at the first valid
opportunity, starting with the leftmost card.

Once all figures in the deployment group complete their

Agenda cards that indicate they are to be kept secret are kept in
activations, the AE card is placed in the discard pile. Reshuffle the the AE play area, face up, the same as other Agenda cards.
discard pile when the AE deck runs out of cards.
An AE card can also be drawn whenever the AE needs to
determine a target outside of figure activation. The Secondary
Targets listed on the card can be used to determine the target.

If an Agenda card has the option to discard it or return it to the

deck after playing, then the card will be discarded.
Side Missions: Side missions are played immediately. If an
Imperial side mission is already in play, then any new purchased
side missions are held in reserve until the existing side mission is
complete. However, forced side missions are always immediately
played regardless of whether or not there is another Imperial side
mission already in play.


When a Blitz card is drawn, the deployment group will focus on

the Imperial Priority Target, regardless of whether or not that
deployment group would be assigned a Priority Target by the
Mission card.

Choosing Targets
During a Blitz, the closest Rebel figure with the least remaining
health is assigned as a Secondary Target, if necessary.
Target choice is determined by the Mission card, and the AE card
All figures in the deployment group will attempt to resolve actions drawn at the start of a deployment group's activation.
in the order listed on the Blitz card.
Some figures will be assigned a Priority Target, which will be
If a Blitz card is drawn to determine a target outside of figure
indicated on the Mission card. A Priority Target in range for an
activation, then the target will be the Rebel figure with the least
enemy figure's actions will always be targeted before any other
remaining health. The AE still gains threat as indicated on the
possible targets.
Blitz card.
In most missions, the Imperial figures will be assigned Priority
Targets. Mercenary figures will usually not be assigned Priority
Targets; their purpose is to cause general mayhem.
Activation Phase and Deployment Groups
If multiple Priority Targets are listed for a figure, then the targets
During a round, the AE will activate deployment groups in order
are checked in the listed order.
from left to right. Individual figures within the group will be
activated starting with the figure closest to a hero or Priority

If a figure is not assigned a Priority Target, or a Priority Target is

not in range for an action, then the figure will attempt to resolve
the action against a Secondary Target. Secondary Targets are
shown as Rebel icons on the AE card, and should be resolved
from left to right.

Imperial Class Cards

The cards in the Imperial Class hand are kept in the AE play area,
arranged face up left to right. Imperial Class cards are played at
If no Priority or Secondary Targets are in range for an action,
the first valid opportunity, starting with the leftmost card.
then the closest Rebel-controlled figure with the least amount of
health is targeted.
When a deployment card leaves play, return any attachments on
that card to the Imperial Class hand.

Automated Emperor Card Actions

An attachment with an ability can be triggered when the

corresponding figure resolves an Ability action on an AE card.
Attachments: When a new deployment card is played, check to
see if Attachments in the Imperial Class hand are able to be used
on that card. If so, then give one valid Attachment to the
deployment card. A deployment card may only have one
attachment on it at a time.

During its activation, a figure will attempt to resolve the actions

on the drawn AE card, in the listed order. Figures follow standard
rules for number of actions allowed. After one action is resolved,
follow the next action in the list. If an action cannot be completed
or doesn't currently apply, then it is skipped. If the end of the
action list is reached, and there are still actions remaining for
that figure, then start again at the top of the list.

Cards With A Threat Cost: For cards that have a threat cost,
the AE will activate the card if it has twice the cost of the
required threat available.

The figure will attack a target within its max attack range and
line of sight, following these rules:

If the figure is assigned a Priority Target, then the

closest Priority Target will be attacked.

If the figure is not assigned a Priority Target, or there is

no Priority Target within max attack range, then the first
Secondary Target within range as listed on the AE card
will be attacked.

If no Priority or Secondary Targets are in range, then the

closest Rebel-controlled figure with the least amount of
remaining health will be attacked.

Max attack range is determined by the activated figure's attack

type as follows:

Resolve abilities in order as listed on the deployment card.

For example: If a figure has an ability that damages all Rebels
adjacent to it, there is no point in activating it if there are no
adjacent Rebels.

Melee: Adjacent space

Reach: Two spaces
Ranged: Four spaces

For the purposes of opening doors and interacting with objects,

the Ability action will become an Interact action when

If a ranged figure has a non-surge +Accuracy modifier, that

modifier is added to that figure's max attack range (e.g. An EWeb Engineer would have a max attack range of 7).


If there are no targets in range or line of sight for an attack, then

the Attack action is skipped.

If a figure has movement points remaining after completing all

actions, then it will attempt to move into a better position. How a
figure repositions is determined by its attack type.

If a Priority Target is not an attack-able object, then whatever

action is necessary to interact with the Priority Target will be
completed. In this case, the Attack action becomes an Interact

Melee: A melee figure will move so as to break line of sight from

any Rebel ranged figures in the area.

For example: If the Priority Target is a token that needs to be

picked up, then the figure will use the Attack action as an
Interact action to pick up the token.

Reach: A figure with reach will move so as to be two spaces away

from any nearby Rebel figures.

For the purpose of opening doors, the Attack action will become
an Interact action.

Ranged: A ranged figure will move so as to be up to four spaces

away from any nearby Rebel figures. A ranged figure will also
seek cover using surrounding terrain, if possible.

Standard Imperial Assault rules for the number of allowable

attacks will apply.

If a figure would end its turn after only using one action, then an
Engage action will be used to gain movement points for

The figure will use a move action to gain movement points equal
to its speed. The figure will then attempt to move to within its
max attack range and line of sight of a target, following the
shortest route, as follows:

If the figure is assigned a Priority Target, then it will

move towards the closest Priority Target, regardless of
how far away it is. If movement towards the Priority
Target is blocked, then the figure will move as close as
possible towards the Priority Target.

If the figure is not assigned a Priority Target, then it will

move towards the closest Secondary Target as listed on
the AE card.

While repositioning, a figure assigned a Priority Target will

attempt to move towards the closest Priority Target, if not
already within max attack range and line of sight of the Priority
A figure that is within max attack range of an assigned Priority
Target will only reposition if the Priority Target would remain
within line of sight and max attack range.


If any surges are rolled during a figure's attack, spend surges on

a valid option in the following order:

When resolving an Engage action, a figure will move though

opposing figures if necessary, if the figure has enough movement


If a Priority Target is not attack-able, then the engage range to

the target will be whatever range is necessary to Interact with
the target.

If a ranged figure would miss an attack due to rolling

insufficient range, then spend a surge on +Accuracy if it
would make the attack hit.
Apply other surges as listed on the Deployment card
from left to right, starting in the top row.

Do not attempt to resolve useless surges. For example: If a

figure has a surge option to apply a Condition, and the figure has
not rolled enough damage to damage the target, then there is no
need to attempt to apply the Condition.

For example: If the Priority Target for the figure is to exit off the
map, then the engage range will be whatever movement is
necessary to move off the map through the exit.
A figure already at engage range with its target will skip the
Engage action.

Conditions On Imperial Figures

If an Imperial figure has suffered a Condition that would require
an action to remove, then that figure will use an action at the
start of its activation to remove the Condition.

For example: A figure with no Priority Target has used one action
to attack the closest Secondary Target. The next action listed on
the AE card Engage. The figure is already at engage range with
the closest Secondary Target, so it skips the Engage action.

Status Phase
During the Status Phase of a round, the AE will decide whether to
reinforce an existing deployment group, or deploy a new group.

The figure will activate an ability, provided it makes sense to do
so. This includes Modification Imperial Class cards that may be
attached to the deployment card.

If the AE has four or more deployment groups in play, then it will

attempt to reinforce one of those groups.

Imperial Figure Abilities

If the AE has fewer than four deployment groups in play, or all

deployment groups are full, then it will attempt to deploy a new

Some guidelines for resolving abilities of Imperial figures.

Targeting Computer: If a single H result is rolled on the red
die, then use this ability to reroll the red die.

When reinforcing and deploying, place new figures at the closest

active Imperial spawn point to the most heroes.
Locate the first deployment group in play (from the left) that can
accept reinforcements. The AE will spend threat to reinforce that
group with as many figures as possible.

Darth Vader
Brutality: This ability will only be used if there are two different
targets in range.
Foresight: If a single G result is rolled on a defense die, then
use this ability to reroll that defense die.

If the AE places reinforcements, then it will not attempt to deploy

a new group.

General Weiss
General's Orders: Choose two figures that are furthest away
and not within max attack range of a target.
Epic Arsenal: If within 2 spaces of a target, use two red and one
green attack dice. If not within 2 spaces of a target, use one red,
one blue, and one green attack dice.

If the AE does not have enough threat to place reinforcements,

then it will save threat for the next Status Phase.
Draw the top card of the Deployment Hand. If the AE has enough
threat to deploy the card, then do so. Place the new deployment
card to the right of any other deployment cards in play.

Arsenal: If within 2 spaces of a target, use the red and green
attack dice. If not within 2 spaces of a target, use the blue and
green attack dice.

If there is not enough threat to purchase the card drawn, then

place it on the bottom of the Deployment Hand. Do not draw
another card. The Imperial AI will save threat for the next Status

Imperial Officer
Order: Choose the closest friendly figure.
Executive Order: Choose the closest friendly figure. If the figure
is in range to attack a target, then it performs an attack. If not,
then it moves.
Cower: Reroll if the result is a blank face on a defense die.

If playing with less than four Rebels, assign a Rebel ID card to an
Ally when placing it for a mission.

Pounce: Use if within 4 spaces of a target and the Nexu has not
performed an Attack action this activation.

Imperial Upgrade Stage

Purchasing Class Cards

Shuffle the Imperial Class deck and draw the top card. If the AE
has enough XP to buy the card, then it is placed in the AE play

Probe Droid
Self-Destruct: Use this ability when adjacent to two or more
Rebels at the end of the round, and there are no adjacent friendly

If the card cannot be bought, then draw another card. Do this

until three cards have been drawn, or a card is bought.

Royal Guard Champion

Brutality: This ability will only be used if there are two different
targets in range.

Purchasing Agenda Cards

Shuffle the Agenda deck and draw the top card. If the AE has
enough influence to buy the card, then it is placed in the AE play

Last Stand: Choose the closest friendly figure in the deployment
group when using this ability.

If the card cannot be bought, then draw another card. Do this

until four cards have been drawn, or a card is bought. Some
effects may allow the AE to draw more than four cards.
Increasing AE Difficulty
If the AE lost the previous mission, then add a Blitz card to the
AE deck. This will increase the difficulty of the AE as the
campaign progresses.

Other Bits

Any effect that would target a single Rebel will target the mission
Priority Target. If the Priority Target is not a valid target for the
effect, then draw an AE card and target the first Secondary
Any effect or ability that can target multiple Rebels will be played
in such a way as to target the maximum number of Rebels.
If you are unsure as to how to resolve an effect or ability, choose
whichever option would be the most damaging to the Rebels.

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