(Lulz) Declassified Military Code Names

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[lulz] declassified military code names

[lulz] declassified military code names

Source: http://newsgroups.derkeiler.com/Archive/Rec/rec.sport.pro−wrestling/2008−02/msg00272.html

• From: "the Bede" <rspwsownthebede@xxxxxxxxx>

• Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2008 22:11:31 −0600


ACID TEST III − Joint U.S. Canada winter tactical deployment exercise held
in Alaska in 1970.

BIG SQUIRT − A broadcast station operated by Voice of America just below the
Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) in Vietnam and built by Page Communications.

BLOW HOLE − Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency effort connected with
target location and identification.

BONUS DEAL − A Strategic Air Command project to identify directed bombing.

BRICK BAT − A top priority that gives defense contractors precedence over
other commercial companies in obtaining critical materials.

BRILLANT PEBBLES − SDIO, Space−based Laser/Recon

BURNING CANDY − SAC OpOrd for RC−135C, RC−135D Rivet Brass, RC−135M Rivet
Cord, and RC−135T Rivet Dandy missions, 1967−1971+; including: Arctic Candy,
Baltic Candy, Cuban Candy and Mediterranean Candy.

BURP GUN − A Strategic Air Command refueling track over western New York.

CHICKEN LITTLE − A mortar developed by the Army.

CLARINET RAMROD − A high classified Naval Electronics Command project

formerly known as BOWLINE. It is related to CLARINET ANCHOR, the new name

COLD DRAFT − Warm fog dispersal by helicopter at March AFB, cancelled.

COLLEGE COED Continuation of SDS operation by the Aerospace Defense Command.

COLLEGE GIRLS − Air Force high level intercept activity against U−2

COMBAT POLKA − Operational test of the interface between the Air Force F−4D

[lulz] declassified military code names 1

[lulz] declassified military code names

aircraft and Falcon (AIM−4D) missile.

COMFY SPROUT − Denotes intelligence messages for the commander at Air Force
Security briefings.

COMMANDO BANANA − Beddown of forces at Korat, cancelled.

COOL MIDGET − Utilization and support of the 25th TASS.

CREEK DONKEY − Name of an Air Force aircraft.

DEEP FREEZE − A Naval operation in Antarctica.

DICE THROW − A high explosive field test program to simulate the effects of
nuclear weapons on a large array of experimental test items.

DIDO QUEEN − FY 1973 Department of Defense underground, nuclear weapons

effects test.

DIXIE CUP − A Ford Aerospace & Communications development of a ballistic

missile penetration aid in the form of a metallic re−entry vehicle−shaped
decoy that would radiate electronic jamming signals before the ICBM enters
the earth's atmosphere. Development conducted under the Air Force's Advanced
Ballistic Re−entry Systems program.

EGYPTIAN GOOSE − A DARPA study to determine the feasibility of suspending a

surveillance radar from a tethered balloon over a combat area to get a close
look at well−defended enemy positions as a substitute for exposing a manned
observation aircraft to hazardous gunfire. It is also used to detect
incoming unidentified aircraft.

EXOTIC DANCER − Joint exercise involving Navy, Army, Marine and Air Force

GHOST RIDER II − An Air Force drone contingency plan.

GIANT PROFIT − A Minuteman modified operational missile test plan.

GIN PLAYER − SAC tests of Minuteman missile for identification and


GLAD RAGS − A Strategic Air Command program restricting commanders to base.

GLAMOR GIRL − A program to move SR−71 aircraft to Europe.

HARVEST PEOPLE − A logistics career management action plan.

HAVE CAKE − Air Force exploitation of an ordnance system.

HAVE COFFEE − Airborne measurement of ballistic missile radiation; used U−2D


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[lulz] declassified military code names

HAVE IDEA − Air Combat Training with various MiGs, to Constant Peg

HEAD COP − A Headquarters Command USAF program for continuity of operations


HEAD DANCER − 3 EC−135K '55−3118', '59−1518', '62−3536', 1961−1979

HEAVY CHEST − The bailment of C−7A aircraft to Air America, cancelled.

HIGH BOY − Code name of U−2 aircraft used in the Navy's Aerospace Ocean
Surveillance Program, an R&D effort aimed at advanced development of
aircraft and spaceborne sensor systems to keep track of enemy movements on
the sea surface, cancelled.

HIP POCKET − A Navy program to employ off−the−shelf equipment to improve

ship defense against missile threats. The Navy is provided the equipment to
see how it works, and to test its reliability at a very early stage. The
system also aids industry in testing preliminary equipment.

HOT CHOCOLATE − A highly classified communications system. Consists of one

shore station plus eight remote units (probably submarines), handled by the
Office of Special Communications, out of Naval Electronic Systems Command.

IDEALIST − CIA codename for development of U−2

IVORY JUSTICE − Excercise, to improve UAE pilot readiness

JACK FROST I − Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) directed and coordinated exercise
in Alaska, to test and evaluate command procedures.


USAF plan to make joint use of Air Force and FAA radars for civil air
traffic control and air defense needs. It would implement five regional
control centers, including one in Alaska, to replace SAGE centers.

LINEAR UNICORN − Classified Navy program.

LONG DRINK − This operation involves tests to keep helicopters in the air
for long periods through fueling constantly via an aluminum tube to the

LONG LEGS − Operation, [.]

MAD BOMBER − An Army weapons system used on helicopters that dumps mortar
shells and fragmentation bombs on enemy positions by tilting a trough.

MAIN EVENT − A joint Army, Navy, Air Force test to determine by simulation
the effects of nuclear blast on weapons, materials, ground shock and

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[lulz] declassified military code names

MOBY DICK − Free−floating balloons fitted with high−altitude optical

cameras, 1947

OLD BOURBON − A test aircraft and the flight plan in support of a Strategic
Air Command operational test and evaluation program.

OUTLAW BANDIT − USN, classified surveillance/C3I program ?

PALACE HOMECOMING − Career counseling and reassignment of returned POWs.

PALACE RETIREMENT − Retirement in lieu of PCS assignment action.

PEACE HAWK − A fifth and final phase in the modernization of Saudi Arabia's
Air Force, involving approximately 100 Northrop F−5s.

PEACE PARROT − An Iranian Foreign Military Sales program, cancelled.

PEACE STRIKE − Foreign Military Sales of F−5B/E aircraft to Malaysia.

PENNY COUNTER − A mobile air transportable Univac 1050 II computer system.

URGENT FURY − Operation, invasion of Grenada, 10/1983

VARSITY SPIRIT − Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) directed and coordinated


WEDDING RING − An Army Missile Command intelligence analysis program

conducted by Sylvania.

WEE LOOK − A multiple−band emitter surveillance equipment under development

by McDonnell Douglas and Sylvania for use aboard Navy EA−3B and EA−3C

WHISPERING DEATH − An air−deliverable quad 50 cal. machine gun capable of

firing 2400 rounds per minute.

WHITE CLOUD − A Navy program for liquid propellant guns.

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