Ακολουθιακά Κυκλώματα Mos

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Digital Integrated
Analysis and Design

Chapter 8

Sequential MOS Logic



Combinational logic circuit

Lack the capability of storing any
previous events
Non-regenerative circuit
There is no feedback relationship
between the output and the input

Sequential circuits
The output is determined by the
current inputs as well as the
previously applied input variables
Regenerative circuit
Bistable circuits
Two stable states
Most widely used and important
All basic latch, flip-flop circuits,
registers, and memory elements

Monostable circuits
Only one stable operating point

Astable circuits
No stable operating point
Oscillate, without settling into a
stable operating mode

Behavior of bistable elements

Two identical cross-coupled inverter circuits

vo1=vi2, vo2=vi1
The two voltage transfer characteristics, vo1-vi1, and vo2-vi2
Intersecting at three points
If the circuit is initially operating at one of these two stable point
Preserve this state unless it is forced externally to change its operating point
Gain is smaller than unity (at the two operating points)
Need sufficiently large voltage perturbation

The third operating point

The voltage gains are larger than unity
A small perturbation at the input of any of the inverters will be amplified
Causing the operating to move to one of the stable operating point

CMOS two-inverter bistable element

At the unstable operating point

All four the transistor are in saturation
Resulting in maximum loop gain for the circuit
Small voltage perturbation
Output voltage diverse and eventually settle at VOH and VOL

Small-signal input and output, propagation of a transient

Initially operating at vo1 = vo 2 = vth , i.e. at the unstable operating point
Assume C g >> Cd for each inverter
Small signal drain current, ig1 = id 2 = g m v g 2 , ig 2 = id 1 = g m vg1 where v g1 =
ig1 = C g

dv g1

, ig 2 = C g

dv g 2

g m vg 2 = Cg

dv g1

, g m v g1 = C g

dv g 2

, vg 2 = 2 , q1 and q2 are the gate charge

dq g
q2 = 1 , m q1 = 2
dt C g

C d 2 q1
d 2q g
q1 = g
21 = m q1
g m dt
This equation can also be expressed in a more simplified form by using 0 , the transit time constant

d 2 q1 1
= 2 q1 with 0 =
q1 (0 ) 0 q1' (0 ) 0 q1 (0 ) 0 q1' (0 ) + 0
e +
where the initial condition is q1 (0 ) = C g v g1 (0 ), note that vg1 = vo 2 , v g 2 = v01

The time - domain solution for q1(t) =

vo 2 (t ) =

(0) e 0 + 1 vo 2 (0) + 0v02' (0) e 0
vo 2 (0 ) 0 v02

vo1 (t ) =

(0) e 0 + 1 vo1 (0) + 0v01' (0) e 0
vo1 (0 ) 0 v01

vo1 (0 ) + 0 v01
(0) e 0 , vo 2 (t ) 1 vo 2 (0) + 0v02' (0) e 0
Note that the magnitude of both output voltages increases exponentially with time

vo1 (t )

Depending on the polarity of the initial small perturbations dvo1 (0 ) and dvo 2 (0 ),

the output voltages of both inverters will diverge from their initial value of Vth to either VOL or VOH
While the bistable circuit is settling from its unstable operating point into one of its stable operating points,
we can envison a signal traveling the loop consisting of the two cascaded inverters several times.
vo1 (t )
= e o
vo1 (0 )

The time - domain behavior of the output voltage vo1 during this period is

If during a time interval T , the signal travels the loop n times, then the equivalent to the same signal propagating
along a cascaded inverter chain consisting of 2n inverters.
The loop gain An = e


SR latch circuit

The bi-stable element

Consisting two cross-coupled inverters has two stable operating
Preserving its state as long as the power supply is provided
A simple memory function of holding its state
However, no provision for allowing its state to be changed externally from
one stable operating mode to another

CMOS SR latch
Having two triggering inputs,
S and R
Triggering the circuit from one
operating point to the other

SR flip-flop
Two stable states can be switched
back and forth

Two CMOS NOR2 gates
One input cross-couple to the
output of other NOR gate
Another input enables triggering
of the circuit

SR latch circuit

The SR latch has two complementary outputs, Q and Q

Q=1 in its set state

Q=0 in its reset state

Gate level schematic

Two NOR2 gates

If both inputs =0

If S=1

Forcing the output Q=1

If R=1

Operating like the simple cross-coupled bistable element

Holding either one of its two stable operating points (states) as determined by the previous inputs

Forcing the output Q=0

S=1 and R=1, not allowed

Operation modes of the transistors in the NOR-based

CMOS SR latch circuit


M1, M2 on node Q=VOL=0

M3, M4 off node Q=VOH

If S=VOH, R=VOL, the situation will reverse

If S=VOL, R=VOL, there are two possibilities
Depending on the previous state of the SR latch
Either M2 or M3 on (while M1, M4 off)
Generating a logic low level of VOL=0 at one of the output nodes
While the complementary output node is at VOH

Transient analysis of the SR latch circuit

CQ = C gb , 2 + C gb ,5 + Cdb ,3 + Cdb , 4 + Cdb , 7 + C SB , 7 + Cdb ,8
CQ = C gb ,3 + C gb , 7 + Cdb ,1 + Cdb , 2 + Cdb ,5 + C SB ,5 + Cdb , 6
Assuming that the latch is initially reset and that a set operation is being performed by applying
S ="1" and R ="0", the rise time associated with node Q can now be estimated as follows

rise, Q (SR - latch) = rise, Q (NOR2) + fall, Q ( NOR 2)

The calculation of the switching time rise,Q requires two separate calculations for the rise
and fall times of the NOR2 gates
First, M1 turn on Q falling from high to low; followed M3 turn off Q rising from low to high
both M2 and M4 can be assumed to be off in this process
(although M2 can be turned on as Q rises)

Depletion load nMOS SR latch circuit

The operation principle is identical to that

of the CMOS SR latch
In terms of power dissipation and noise


CMOS SR latch circuit based on NAND2 gates

S=1, R=1 holding state

S=0, R=1 Q=1, -Q=0 (set the latch)
S=1, R=0 Q=0, -Q=1 (reset the latch)
The NAND-based SR latch responds
to active low input signals

The NOR-based SR latch, which

responds to active high inputs

S=0, R=0 Q=0, -Q=0 (not allowed)

Depletion-load NAND2 gates

The same operation

Poor static power dissipation and noise


Clocked SR latch

Asynchronous sequential circuit

Synchronous operation

Responding to the changes occurring in input signals at a circuit-delay-dependent time point

during their operation
By adding a gating clock signal to the circuit
The outputs will respond to the input levels only during the active period of a clock pulse

A clocked NOR-based SR latch



The input signal have no influence upon the circuit response

Output hold its current state
S and R inputs are permitted to reach the SR latch

The circuit is strictly level-sensitive during active clock phases

Any changes occurring in the S and R input voltage when the CK level is equal to 1


AOI based implementation of the clocked NOR-based

SR latch

Very small transistor counts


Active low

The changes in the input signal levels will be

ignored when the clock is equal to logic 1
The input will influence the outputs only when
the clock is active, i.e., CK=0


The clocked NAND-based SR latch

Both the input signals and the CK signal are active high
S=1, R=0 Q will be set
S=0, R=1 Q will be reset

The latch preserves its state

The transistor count is higher than the active low version shown
in Fig. 8.17


Clocked JK latch
All simple and clocked SR latch circuits suffer from the
common problem
Having a not-allowed input combination
Their state becomes indeterminate when both inputs S and R are
activated at the same time

JK latch (JK flip-flop)

By adding two feedback lines from the outputs to the inputs (in
SR latch)

NAND-based JK latch
Active high inputs


All-NAND implementation of the clocked JK

latch circuit
The J and K inputs in this
circuit correspond to the
set and reset inputs of the
basic SR latch
J=1, K=0 set
J=0, K=1 reset
J=0, K=0 preserves its
current state
J=1, K=1 the latch
simply switches its state
due to feedback
The JK latch does not
have a not-allowed input


NOR-based implementation of the clocked JK latch

The AOI-based circuit structure resulted in a

relatively low transistor count
There is no not-allowed input combination for the
JK latch
If J=1, K=1 during the active phase of the clock
The output of the circuit will oscillate (toggle)
continuously until either the clock becomes inactive
(goes to zero), or one of the input signal goes to zero

To prevent this undesirable timing problem

The clock pulse width must be made smaller than
the input-to-output propagation delay of the JK latch
The clock signal must go low before the output level
has an opportunity to switch again
Assuming that the clock constrain above is satisfied
The output of the JK latch will toggle (change its state)
only once for each clock pulse, if both inputs are equal
to logic 1
Toggle switch


Master-slave flip-flop

The master-slave flip-flop

Most of the timing limitations encountered in the previously examined
clocked latch circuits can be prevented by using two latch stages in a
cascaded configuration
The two cascaded stages are activated with opposite clock phases

Clock high
The master is activated the inputs J and K entered into the flip-flop
the first stage outputs are set according to the primarily inputs

Clock goes to zero

The master inactive, the slave active
The output levels of the flip-flop circuit are determined during this second


Master-slave flip-flop

The circuit is never transparent

A change occurring in the primarily inputs is never reflected directly to the

Because the master and the slave stages are decoupled from each other,
the circuits allows for toggling when J=K=1
But it eliminates the possibility of the uncontrolled oscillations since only one
stage is active at any given time


CMOS D-latch and edge-triggered flip-flop

Direct CMOS implementations of conventional circuits
such as the clocked JK latch or the JK master-slave flipflop tend to require a large number of transistors
The simple D-latch circuit
Simpler, fewer transistors

When the clock is active the output Q=the input D

When the clock goes to zero the output will preserve its state
The CK input acts as an enable signal which allows data to be
accepted into the D-latch

Temporary storage of data or as a delay element


CMOS implementation of the D-latch

Circuit diagram
Two-inverter loop and two CMOS
transmission gate (TG) switches


CK high the input signal is

accepted (latched) into the circuit
CK low this information is
preserved as the state of the
inverter loop
Timing diagram
The valid D input must be stable
for a short time before (setup time,
tsetup) and after (hold time, thold) the
negative clock transition, during
which the input switch opens and
the loop switch closes
Once the inverter loop is
completed by closing the loop
switch, the output will preserve its
valid level

CMOS implementation of the D-latch (version 2)

Circuit consisting
Two tri-state inverters, driven
by the clock signal and its

CK high
The first tri-state inverter
accepts the input signal
The second tri-state inverter
is at its high-impedance state
The output Q is following the
input signal

CK low
The input buffer becomes
The second tri-state inverter
completes the two-inverter
Preserving its state until the
next clock pulse

CMOS negative edge-triggered master-slave D flip-flop


Cascading two D-latch circuits

The first stage (master) is driven by the clock signal

The second stage (slave) is driven by the inverted clock signal

Positive level-sensitive
Negative level-sensitive


CK high

CK: high low

Master cease to sample the input and stores the D value at the time of the clock transition
Slave becomes transparent , Qs=Qm
The input cannot affect the output because the master stage is disconnected from the D input

CK: low high

Master follows D input

Slave holds the previous value

Salve locks in the master latch output

Master sampling the input against

This circuit is a negative edge-triggered D flip-flop by virtue of the fact that it samples the input at the falling
edge of the clock pulse


Simulated input and output waveforms of CMOS DFF

The output of the master stage latches the applied input (D) when
the clock signal is 1
The output of the slave stage becomes valid when the clock signal
drops to 0
The DFF samples the input at every falling edge of the clock pulse


Set-up time violation

The operation of the DFF circuit can be seriously affected if the master
stage experiences a set-up time violation
If the input D switches from 0 to 1 immediately before the clock transition
Master fail to latch the correct value
Slave produces an erroneous output


Layout of DFF


NAND3-based positive edge-triggered DFF

Initially (S, R, CK, D)=(1, 0, 0, 0) and Q=0

Second phase (S, R, CK, D)=(1, 0, 1, 1) and Q=0
Third phase (S, R, CK, D)=(1, 1, 1, 1)
The output of gate 2 switches to 0, which in turn sets the output of the
last stage SR latch to 1
The output of DFF switches to 1 at the positive-going edge of the clock
signal, CK


Schmitt trigger circuit

A very useful regenerative circuit

The schmitt trigger
Has an inverter-like voltage transfer
With two different logic threshold voltages
For increasing input signal
For decreasing input signal

Being utilized for the detection of low-to-high

and high-to-low switching events in noisy

Schmitt trigger circuit- operation (1)

i) At Vin = 0V
M1 and M2 are turn on V x = V y = VDD = 5V
M4 and M5 off, M3 off, M6 on saturation region
V z = VDD -VT,6 = 3.5V
ii) At Vin = VT 0 ,n = 1.0V
M5 starts to turn on, M4 is still off V x = 5V
iii) At Vin = 2.0V
Assume M4 is off, while both M5 and M6 saturation
1 W
1 W
k' (Vin VT 0 ,5 ) =
k' (VDD V z VT 0 ,6 )
2 L 5
2 L 6
V z = 2.976 VGS, 4 = 2- 2.976 < VT 0 ,n = 1, so M4 still off
iv) At Vin = 3.5V
Vz continues to decrease. Assume M5 linear, M6 saturation

1 W
1 W
k' 2(Vin VT 0 ,5 )V z V z2 =
k' (VDD V z VT 0 ,6 )
2 L 5
2 L 6
Vz = 2.2V VGS, 4 = 3.5- 2.2 = 1.3 > VT 0 ,n = 1
At this point, M4 is already on, above assumption no longer val id
Vx is being pulled down towar d "0"
We conclude the upper logic threshold voltage Vth+ 3.5V


Schmitt trigger circuit- operation (2)

i) At Vin = 5.0V
M4 and M5 are turn on V x = 0V
M1 and M2 off, M3 on saturation region
1 W
k ' (0 V y VT , 3 ) = 0 V y = 1.5V
2 L 3
ii) At Vin = 4.0V
M1is at the edge of turning on, M2 off, M3 saturation
the output vol tage is still unchanged
iii) At Vin = 3.0V
M1 is on and in saturation region, M3 is also saturation
1 W
1 W
k' (0 V y VT,3 )
k' (Vin VDD VT 0 ,p ) =
2 L 1
2 L 3
Vin = 2.02 VGS,2 = 3- 2.02 = 0.98 > VT 0 ,p = 1
M2 is still off at this point
iv) At Vin = 1.5V
If M2 is still off, M1 linear, M3 saturation

1 W
1 W
k' 2(Vin VDD VT 0 ,p )(V y VDD ) (V y VDD ) =
k' (0 V y VT,3 )
2 L 1
2 L 3
V y = 2.79V
At this point, M2 is already tu rn on the output vol tage is being pull up to VDD
We conclude that the lower logic threshold voltage Vth- 1.5V


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