C18OP Revision - Past Papers and Feedback
C18OP Revision - Past Papers and Feedback
C18OP Revision - Past Papers and Feedback
Operations Management
Author: Dr Abhijeet Ghadge
Revision Materials
QUESTION 3: Describe each of the four classical types of operations layout; support your answer with
appropriate diagrams and examples (60%).
Compare some of the advantages and disadvantages associated with each layout type (40%).
This question focused on four classical types of operations layout. Good number of students identified correct
types and provided appropriate diagram and examples. Very few students who attempted this question could
clearly discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each layout. Most demonstrated only a superficial
understanding of different layouts; a few students included excellent extra diagrams and references. Good
QUESTION 4: What are different types of waste identified through 'Lean Philosophy' (50%)? Explain different
approaches to eliminate the waste (50%).
About a quarter of the class answered this. This question focused on different types of waste observed in
'Lean Philosophy' and ways to mitigate them. The chapter was covered in week 10 (close to end of semester
teaching) and hence very few students attempted this question. Those who attempted demonstrated basic
understanding of different wastes; a few students included excellent examples for each type of waste and
discussed four potential approaches to eliminate them. Average overall.
QUESTION 5: Briefly explain basic nodes/entities of supply chain network from either 'Chicken run: Poultry
supply chain' or 'Supplying fast fashion' case study (50%).
Explain the benefits of information sharing, collaboration and outsourcing in matching supply with demand with
reference to the case study (50%).
This question focused on the case studies covered during course tutorial sessions. Case study based
question expected a fundamental understanding of different entities in supply network and benefits of supply
chain strategies. Similar question was covered during 'key learning's from case studies' tutorial session to
support good attempts for this question. Good number of students attempted the question and demonstrated
basic understanding of different entities within supply network with reference to the case study chosen.
Average overall.
Lot many students demonstrated OM related knowledge acquired beyond the course lecture notes and
material made available on the VISION. Overall student's performance was very good at understanding the
key concepts associated with Operations Management. It is clear from the exam scripts that most students
had sufficient time to answer two questions (Any 2 out of 5 questions).
A1: Majority of students attempted this question. This was a relatively easy question and focused on the
fundamental concepts associated with the Operations Management.
A2: The question focused on the key performance objectives applicable to all organizations. Sub-question
was looking for a polar diagram for two combinations; most of the students did two combinations with few just
did one losing some marks.
A3: Good answers with appropriate examples were provided by most of the students. Good recall of all 5
performance objectives.
A4: Excellent overall.
QUESTION 2: Describe the four V's of Operations Management (20%). Describe the main process types
found in manufacturing AND service organisations with appropriate examples (80%).
A1: This question focused on 4 V's and their relationship with different process types found in manufacturing
and service industry.
A2: Good number of students answered both sections well. Excellent answers provided appropriate diagrams
and multiple examples.
A3: Some students seem to have forgotten to answer first section (in excitement Or due less weightage??)
and focused primarily on the second section.
QUESTION 3: Discuss different types of Inventory with examples (40%). Describe advantages and
disadvantage of holding an Inventory (60%).
A1: This question focused on different types of Inventory and their advantages and disadvantages. Good
number of students identified correct types and provided appropriate diagram and examples to discuss pros
and cons of holding an inventory.
A2: Very less students who attempted this question could clearly discuss the advantages and disadvantages
of holding an Inventory.
A4: Good overall
QUESTION 4: Explain operations improvement process with help of DMAIC cycle (50%). Discuss key
approaches for managing improvement (50%).
A1: This question focused on process improvement cycle and different approaches for managing
A2: The chapter was covered in week 10 (close to end of semester teaching) and hence very few students
attempted this question.
A3: Those who attempted demonstrated basic understanding of DMAIC cycle; a few students included
excellent diagrams, discussing each stage of improvement and discussed four potential approaches for
managing improvement.
A4: Average overall
QUESTION 5: With reference to Disneyland Resort Paris case, discuss different problems faced by Disneys
at Paris (60%). Discuss factors important during location decision (40%).
With reference to 'supplying fast fashion case, compare supply chain network of any two from
Benetton, H&M and Zara with appropriate diagrams (60%). Discuss some of the advantages and
disadvantages of outsourcing (40%).
A1: This question focused on the case studies covered during course tutorial sessions.
A2: Case study based question expected a fundamental understanding of different entities in supply network
and benefits of outsourcing. There was an optional question based on case study looking at concepts related
to the location decision.
A3: Both questions were explained during 'key learning's from case studies' tutorial session to support good
attempts for this question.
A4: Good number of students attempted the question and demonstrated basic understanding of different
entities within supply network with reference to the case study chosen.
A4: Average overall
Course Code: C18OP
Semester 2
Sample Exam
Answer any two questions.
3. Briefly explain the supply network from either XXXX' OR 'Supplying fast fashion'
case study (30%). Explain the benefits of information sharing, collaboration and
outsourcing in matching supply with demand with reference to the case study (20%
4. Multiple stages are involved in design of product and service from concepts to
specification. Describe and explain different stages of product and service design
5. It has been stated by Slack et al. (2011) that there are four approaches to
formulating an operations strategy but each of them only goes partway to
illustrating the forces that shape operations strategy. Discuss this point of view
and where possible illustrate your answer with examples (25% each).
Students are expected to provide to the point answers. They can use bullets to
explain each process type. Examples should be clearly mentioned below each
process type. Additional marks would be awarded for providing multiple
examples and clear diagram with neat labelling.
The best answer could extend their discussion (with all above) to include how
manufacturing and service organizations can be differentiated according to
labour intensity and customisation. They could also discuss how process types
vary with respect to repeatability and standardisation, flexibility and
planning/control complexity, etc.