5 Sample Position Paper

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The key takeaways are that Denmark believes empowering women in all aspects of society and promoting equal gender roles is important to ending violence against women. Denmark has also taken steps domestically like launching an action plan to help abused women and prosecute perpetrators.

Denmark's position is that empowering women in all aspects of society, including government, civil society, education and business, is important to ending violence against women. However, Denmark also recognizes the need to combat human rights abuses against women as they occur.

In 2002, the Danish Government launched an extensive action plan to combat domestic violence against women. The plan includes measures to help treat abused women, identify and prosecute the perpetrators, and incorporate professional medical and psychological staff into the rehabilitation process.


Committee: Commission on Human Rights

Topic: Violence against Women
Country: The Kingdom of Denmark
Delegate: William Hayward Wilson, Shea University

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, “no one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or
degrading treatment or punishment.” Although this doctrine was adopted in 1948, the world has fallen quite
short of this goal. Violence against women pervades all states and it is the duty of the international community
to ensure that all persons are afforded equality and respect. Despite cooperative efforts at combating gross
human rights abuses, such as the adoption of the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women,
the United Nations has not been able to alleviate the injustice women worldwide experience daily.

The Kingdom of Denmark believes that in order to end violence against women, nations must look to empower
women in all aspects of society. This includes promoting equal gender roles in government, civil society,
education and business. However, Denmark also recognizes the need to combat human rights abuses against
women as they occur, and no nation is immune to gender violence.

In 2002, the Danish Government launched an extensive action plan to combat domestic violence against
women. The plan includes measures to help treat abused women, identify and prosecute the perpetrators, and
incorporate professional medical and psychological staff into the rehabilitation process. The action plan
currently reaches out to both governmental and nongovernmental groups on the local level throughout the

The Danish Centre for Human Rights in Copenhagen, Denmark’s foremost national human rights institution,
also promotes and protects human rights. Based on the Centre’s research, Denmark’s parliament can promote
human rights-based legislation and education/awareness programs throughout the nation. The Centre also
addresses the UN Commission on Human Rights annually regarding human rights developments in Denmark
and internationally. Denmark has no record of committing major human rights violations, most importantly any
targeted at women. In its 2003 Annual Report, Amnesty International also found no human rights violations
against Danish women.

Women are invaluable to Denmark’s society and have achieved significant economic and social gains in the
20th century. Currently, 75 percent of medical students in Denmark are women.

Denmark is confident that this Commission can bring about an end to violence against women without
compromising the sovereignty of member states. Education remains perhaps the most useful tool in protecting
victims of gender-based violence. Governments, UN agencies, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) can
plan a coordinated campaign that educates national populations on the various ways women are violently
targeted. Similarly, harmful traditions, such as honor killings and female genital mutilation, must be stopped by
reforming traditional views of women in society. Children of both sexes need to be taught at an early age to
value the rights of women in order to prevent such violence in their generation.

Another way to stop gender violence would be to reproach member states that consistently violate treaties such
as the Convention on Political Rights of Women (1952), the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination against Women (1979), and the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women
(1993). Although this Committee cannot impose sanctions, it can pass resolutions verbally condemning states
that commit human rights violations. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights can also meet with
representatives of governments that violate the above treaties to discuss possible solutions.

In order to prevent gender violence, nations must work together to build a culture of support, equality and
community. As such, the Kingdom of Denmark looks forward to offering its support, in whatever form possible,
to nations firmly committed to ending violence against women in all its forms.

Committee: International Labor Organization
Topic: Globalization and Development
Country: Romania

*This sample position paper was submitted by the delegation of Romania at the 2007
UNA-USA Model UN Conference in New York City.

In the past two decades the rapidly growing world trend has been toward globalization. With the
emergence of the internet as a means of communication and the increasing accessibility of
international trade physical barriers are not the only barriers withering away. Protective tariffs are
plummeting and free trade agreements are becoming more prevalent. Romania appreciates that
globalization creates favorable situations for expansion of commercial as well as economic assets. In
the past year Romania has seen a foreign direct investment (FDI) increase of 199%. Inward FDI
increased from EURO 234 million in 2005 to EURO 699 million in 2006. However, Romania realizes
that increased globalization does not automatically produce more equality.

Globalization and Development can contribute to the advancement of the overall international human
condition; however, the delegation of Romania recognizes that without proper regulation the potential
for advancement will remain limited to an elite few individuals, businesses, and nations. Unless
checked and aimed toward the common good, globalization cannot effectively serve the global
community. Crucial in dealing with the complexities of globalization, good governance must act with
solidarity and responsibility. Romania believes that in involving people in globalization we must
promote moral values, democratic principals, inclusive global political culture, institutions that
safeguard both individual civil rights and inherent freedoms, and the common good. In addition,
coping with the influx of information from globalization governments must act with solidarity and
insight. Access to digital education will undoubtedly result in the confidence of citizens in their
respective administrations and allow for a greater degree of transparency, and therefore a lesser degree
of corruption.

Romania believes the multinational business community has the ability and the obligation to support
pertinent values in human rights, labor standards, and environmental preservation. As stated by the
president, Mr. Traion Basescu, Romania feels a "heartfelt attachment to multilateralism, as an
effective instrument designed to identify the adequate answers to the challenges brought by

Romania is party to the majority of multilateral treaties and conventions identified as such by the
Secretary General in the context of the Millennium Summit in 2001. Romania has always supported
innovative and effective ways of establishing cooperation within and between regional organizations.
As one of the newest members of the European Union, Romania is an active member of the World
Trade Organization, and looks forward to offering its support to the redirection of globalization to best
benefit the global community.

How to Write a Position Paper

Writing a position paper might appear to be a daunting task, especially for new
delegates. But with enough research, you will find that writing a position paper
will be easy and useful.

Position papers are usually one to one-and-a-half pages in length. Your position
paper should include a brief introduction followed by a comprehensive
breakdown of your country's position on the topics that are being discussed by
the committee. A good position paper will not only provide facts but also make
proposals for resolutions.

A good position paper will include:

• A brief introduction to your country and its history concerning the topic
and committee;
• How the issue affects your country;
• Your country’s policies with respect to the issue and your country’s
justification for these policies;
• Quotes from your country’s leaders about the issue;
• Statistics to back up your country’s position on the issue;
• Actions taken by your government with regard to the issue;
• Conventions and resolutions that your country has signed or ratified;
• UN actions that your country supported or opposed;
• What your country believes should be done to address the issue;
• What your country would like to accomplish in the committee’s resolution;
• How the positions of other countries affect your country’s position.

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