Position Paper (EAPP)

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Position Paper: Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage in the Philippines


Studies show that approximately 10% of the world’s population considers themselves “gay” or
“lesbian.” Unfortunately, it seems that the Philippines that do consider themselves homosexual are
fighting for their rights to be equal to others that are heterosexual. The word “homosexual” is just a
sophisticated name for someone infatuated with their gender. The big issue about homosexuality is
giving people the right to be open with their relationships, by legalizing gay or same-sex marriage. The
topic of legalizing same-sex marriage is one of the broadest topics and has the most controversy. All
people are entitled to their own beliefs, so the controversy has skyrocketed. All individuals around the
world have their personal views on gay marriage that may be supportive or just degrading to the gay
community. There are numerous amounts of activists and protesters in the world trying to persuade
others to support the gay community. Individuals in the gay community feel as if they are just as equal
to those who are not homosexual. Being gay or lesbian is one’s personal preference. It also seems as if
the gay community is becoming larger and stronger and more people are even supporting the right of
gay couples. A gay couple that chooses to be open has not always had the opportunity to be open about
their ongoing relationship. Gay couples have been judged and brutally disrespected all because of a
decision that they made that makes them happy. Individuals should be able to love whomever they
want without getting ridiculed for their decision.

Thesis Argument
I acknowledge that we should legalize same-sex marriage here in the Philippines.

Opposing Argument
Religious perspectives, however, emphasize that marriage should only be between males and
women. According to the Bible, marriage is customary and intimate, and it shouldn't be between people
of the same sex. Not all religious individuals adhere to the Bible to the letter. Some religious
organizations forbid same-sex couples from working there or even using their services. Lesbian and
homosexual persons were made as such by God and should have the same rights as others, according to
Christian groups who support same-sex marriage. According to certain people who hold religious beliefs,
same-sex partnerships are immoral, go against God's will, and undermine the purpose of human
sexuality, which is to bear children. Ministers in certain states that have already allowed same-sex
unions nonetheless refuse to wed homosexual couples because of their religious convictions. Religious
organizations also hold the view that AIDS is God's punishment for people breaking his command.
Religious people concur that a child ought to have a mother and a father as parents, not two people of
the same sex. Studies have shown that a child who is raised by two homosexuals commonly has their
own homosexual family but is also capable of establishing a heterosexual family.

Counter Argument
Reducing discrimination and its effects
The legalization of same-sex marriage would end this prejudice against same-sex married couples as
well as the ignorance issue and one of the justifications for prejudice. Additionally, same-sex couples are
defined as "other" by the segregated status of civil partnerships, including the distinct nomenclature,
which encourages stigmatization, prejudice, and discrimination against LGBT persons. This encompasses
bullying and other hate crimes as well as homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia. Due to the
elimination of LGBT people's official "otherness" status, the adoption of same-sex marriage would aid in
reducing certain forms of prejudice. Because it would be a blatant public statement of the Philippines'
embracing of variety, equality, and freedom as well as its refusal to accept discrimination, it would also
assist to lessen prejudice and discrimination more generally. The legalization of same-sex unions will
improve the safety, self-worth, health, and general well-being of LGBT individuals in the Philippines by
reducing prejudice and discrimination.

Freedom of religion and belief

This entails respecting both the right of organizations to solemnize same-sex unions and the right of
couples to request that an organization perform a religious same-sex union. It also entails respecting
religious organizations' refusal to conduct same-sex marriages when they disagree with them. Religious
organizations that support same-sex marriage and those that oppose it both lack the authority to force
their respective positions on the other group. No religious body should have a veto over the conditions
of marriage because marriage is not held by any religious body (and predates any present religious

Wider effects of same-sex marriage

The legalization of same-sex unions will be consistent with the Philippines’ values of fairness,
equality, diversity, respect, and freedom. The legalization of same-sex marriage will enhance these
principles in Filipino culture by openly embodying them.


According to the Bible, marriage is customary and intimate, and shouldn't be between people of the
same sex. Some religious organizations forbid same-sex couples from working there or even using their
services. From a human rights perspective, broadening civil marriage demonstrates respect for the
fundamental rights of equality and nondiscrimination.

The legalization of same-sex unions will improve the safety, self-worth, health, and general well-being
of LGBT individuals in the Philippines by reducing prejudice and discrimination. It would be a blatant
public statement of the Philippines' embracing of variety, equality, and freedom as well as its refusal to
accept discrimination.

Call for action

Step 1: Educate your congregation
Deliver a sermon. Talk about your reasons for supporting civil marriage for lesbian and gay couples.
Step 2: Educate your community.
Encourage local press, including papers, radio/TV talk shows, and news producers, to do a story. Focus
on your congregation's support for marriage equality or a couple that had a ceremony.
Step 3: Network with other clergy and community leaders: Develop a religious coalition for Marriage
Suggest that the group work together to educate others.

Allowing same-sex marriage would enable gays and lesbians in the Philippines to marry the person they
love and would strengthen everyone’s rights. From a human rights perspective, broadening civil
marriage to couples of the same sex demonstrates respect for the fundamental rights of equality and
nondiscrimination. It should be enshrined in Philippine law.

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