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CFC youth for christ

3-Year Pastoral Formation Track


youth camp handbook

2011 Revised Edition

May, 2012
Manila, Philippines

Table of Contents
HANDBOOK 2012 Revised Edition
Chapter 1 - Overview

Rationale and Objectives 7

Objectives 7
Schedule 8

Roles and Responsibilities of the Service Team

The Youth Camp Training Talks and Activities

Guidelines in Conducting the Youth Camp

Guidelines in Conducting the Mock Activities

Chapter 2 - Youth Camp Training Talks

Session 1: Understanding the Youth Camp

Session Dynamics 14
Expanded Outline 15

Session 2: Spiritual Warfare: The Unseen Battle

Session Dynamics 22
Expanded Outline 23

Session 3: Being a Facilitator

Session Dynamics 27
Expanded Outline 29

Session 4: Speaking Gods Word

Session Dynamics 37
Expanded Outline 38

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Chapter 1


The Youth Camp is one of the most crucial points in our life as we
serve in this ministry. It is in this activity that the youth would be able to
re-establish who they are as children of God. They would also know more
about their faith, and have the opportunity to establish friendships with
people who believes in the same faith. It is in this entry point that they are
re-committed and renewed into a life and relationship with Christ.
In this camp, we experience meeting different kinds of youth who have
different notions, thoughts, or beliefs about their faith that may or may not
lead them to an open understanding of what they have heard and realized
during the sessions. Our Youth Camp is designed to carefully assist the
youth into a deeper understanding of Jesus Christ; hopefully leading them
into a renewed relationship with Him, it is very important that all members
of the service team are trained and oriented properly in order to conduct
the activity with care and proper guidance.
Thus, an intensive Youth Camp Training was designed in order to
address this purpose. The Youth Camp Training is a one (1) whole day
activity, conducted by the Team Leader, given to ALL members of the
service team for the upcoming Youth Camp. This should be scheduled at
least one (1) month before the Youth Camp. It contains four (4) sessions
and one (1) activity, all designed to give the service team a full grasp and
understanding of the activity.

The Youth Camp Training aims for the service team to:
1. Have a better understanding of the Youth Camp
2. Be trained to effectively serve in the activity through their
various roles and responsibilities
3. Coordinate each others efforts in preparation for the
upcoming camp

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8:00 - 8:30
8:30 - 8:45
8:45 - 9:15
9:15 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:15
10:15 - 11:15
11:15 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:30
12:30 - 12:45
12:45 - 1:00
1:00 - 1:45
1:45 - 2:00
2:00 - 2:45
2:45 - 3:15
3:15 - 4:30

4:30 - 5:00
5:00 - 5:20
5:20 - 5:30

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b. Determines and finalizes all speakers and sharers for the

Arrival and Registration
Teaching of Songs
Morning Worship
Talk 1: Understanding the Youth Camp
Talk 2: Spiritual Warfare The Unseen Battle
Sharing and Open Forum
Afternoon Worship
Talk 3: Being a Facilitator
Mock Group Discussion
Talk 4: Speaking Gods Word
Preparing for Giving of Talk
Mock Youth Camp
(All talks will be given 5 minutes each)
Mock Pray-Over Session for 30 minutes each
Evaluation/ Feedback
Prayer for Empowerment
Closing Worship

Roles and Responsibilities of the Service Team

In this activity, the team leader, assistant team leader, Couple
Coordinators and the Music Ministry are the main service teams for this
training. Members of the team are to plan and act based on the following
roles and responsibilities assigned for each:
1. YFC Couple Coordinator
a. Leads the Youth Camp Training Activity, together with the
Team Leader.
b. In charge of looking for and finalizing the venue together with
the Team Leader.
c. Oversees all pastoral content and general needs of the
assembly (sound system, chairs, budget, food etc.).
2. Team Leader
a. In charge of finding and finalizing the apt venue, together
with the YFC Couple Coordinator.

c. Assigns worship leader and music ministry for the activity.

d. Facilitates and conducts the Youth Camp Training activity.
3. Assistant Team Leader
a. In charge of registration and food preparation for the activity.
b. Ensures that all members of the service team are present in
the training.
c. Prepares training materials that may be needed (e.g. visual
presentation, IDs, handouts etc.).
4. Music Ministry
a. Prepares the song sheets/visual presentations of the songs
through laptops and LCD projector.
b. Provides materials for teaching of songs (e.g. songbook,
guitar, guitar strings, backup instruments etc.).

Understanding the Training Talks and Activities

Talk 1: Understanding the Youth Camp
This talk gives them a brief overview of the entire activity, seeing it
from a different point of view for the first time. It allows them to realize
how significant the activity has been in their personal journey in the
YFC ministry. Different elements of the camp are highlighted in order
for them to see how such are important in the success of the camp.
Talk 2: Spiritual Warfare The Unseen Battle
This talk allows the service team to realize that preparation is not
only outward but inward as well. It talks about spiritual preparations
of each person in the camp as a vital part in the over-all output of the
Talk 3: Being a Facilitator
This talk allows them to realize the importance of being a facilitator
in the camp, making them see how they are in establishing good and
strong friendships with the participants. This session equips them with
the basic knowledge and responsibilities in leading the participants at


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the start of a renewed journey with Christ.

Talk 4: Speaking Gods Word
This talk empowers and equips the speakers and sharers of the
camp into bringing and sharing the message of Christ in their lives.
This session allows them to keep in mind the basics of delivering their
stories with excellence and humility.

Guidelines in Conducting the Youth Camp Training

1. This is a one (1) whole day activity conducted for the service team
members of the camp.
2. All members of the service team are required to attend in this
3. In cases that a service team member fails to attend the activity, the
Team Leader must conduct a fast track training for the absentee.
4. During the training, it is important that the attendees take down
notes and have copies of the handout for them to be guided as
they listen to the talk.
5. The mock activity for the pray-over session will be conducted
within the mock youth camp activity. Thus, all written comments/
observations should be kept during the pray-over session,
continued during talk five (5), and handed back to the team leader
after the activity.


e. Have at least ten (10) minutes of sharing and feedback from
the crowd.
f. The Team Leader, Assistant Team Leader, and Couple
Coordinator In-charge must be ready to answer; give
comments, tips or insights on the mock activity.
2. Mock Youth Camp Activity
a. Assign the Camp Servant as the acting Team Leader of the
Camp for this activity.
b. After the fourth talk of the training, assign five persons (5) as
your acting speakers, and four (4) acting sharers.

Gods Love and His Plan for Us: speaker and sharer

Who is Jesus Christ to Me: speaker and sharer

Repentance, Faith, Healing and Forgiveness: speaker

and sharer

Receiving Gods Gift - The Power of the Holy Spirit:

speaker only

Growing in the Spirit - Life & Mission of YFC: speaker

and sharer

c. Distribute the expanded talk outlines to the speakers. The

sharers can read the talk together with the speakers assigned.

Guidelines in Conducting the Mock Activities

d. Keeping in mind the roles and responsibilities discussed

previously, all assigned are to prepare for the mock activity.

Mock activities within this training are conducted so that the team will
have an over-all idea of the experience. It is important that these mock
activities be scheduled and be conducted properly so as to promote the
proper culture of the camp.

e. The speakers need not give the whole talk, but just the main

1. Mock Group Discussion

a. Divide the crowd into groups of 5-7.
b. Assign a person that will act as the facilitator of the group.
c. Have the group answer When did I experience Gods Love?
d. After twenty (20) minutes, instruct the group to wrap up their

f. The team leader, speakers, and sharers will deliver their minitalks/testimonies in front of the audience. Each speaker has
five (5) minutes while each sharer has three (3) minutes.
g. The audience will be listing their comments/observations on a
piece of paper (both positive and negative). After which, they
will give this to the Team Leader for discussion.
h. It is the role of the team leader to make sure that everyone
sees these observations as areas for improvement. Encourage


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them to ask for guidance and prepare in prayer for the camp.
Thus, comments and observations should be done objectively,
avoiding any bad humor, or insult from any member of the
3. Mock Activity on the Pray-Over Session
a. Group the crowd into pairs.
Note: This can be done during registration or by count off.

b. Instruct the crowd to assign a person to be person A and

another to be person B.
c. There will be two rounds in this mock activity.
d. In the first round, all assigned as person A will be the facilitators,
while those assigned as person B will be the participant.
e. In the second round, reverse the roles. All assigned as person
B will be the facilitators, while those assigned as person A will
be the participant.
f. Orient the crowd that this will be a mock activity on the prayover session.
g. Have the pair distributed in different areas within the venue.
Have the person acting as participant to sit on the chair as the
pray-over session is conducted.
h. Give time for the facilitators to prepare. They can review their
handouts or ask Couple Coordinators for proper guidance.

The mock activity starts as soon as the music ministry starts

playing reflection songs.


By then, the pairs should start with the actual pray-over


k. Each round is given ten (10) minutes maximum.


After the activity, have at least ten (10) minutes to gather

feedbacks, sharing and observations from the crowd.

m. It is the role of the team leader to make sure that everyone

sees these observations as areas for improvement. Encourage
them to ask for guidance and prepare in prayer for the camp.
Thus, comments and observations should be done objectively,
avoiding any bad humor, or insult from any member of the

Chapter 2



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Understanding the Youth Camp



Understanding the Youth Camp


Expanded Outline

I. Introduction

For the participants:

1. To have a clear understanding of the youth camp as the basic
means of evangelization.
2. To know the roles that each person has in conducting the activity.
3. To encourage and empower one another as the team experiences
serving others.


In YFC, our primary means of evangelization is the Youth Camp.

It is in the Youth Camp where we let the participants experience what
it means to be young, Christian, and happy. It is in this activity that
we encourage them to experience a renewal of their relationship with
God, inviting them to be a part of CFC Youth for Christ. Seeing the
importance of this, it is crucial that we reach a full understanding of
the Youth Camp and what it means to be in service to them.

II. Goals of the Youth Camp

1. Short Opening Activity:

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The speaker will ask the crowd, randomly, on their experiences

about their youth camp

How was your Youth Camp?

Since then until now, how has it changed you?

2. The speaker will use the sharing to be his take off point for the talk

The youth camp is a venue for us to evangelize and to meet other

youth from different walks of life. We will be meeting people around
our age who are willing or unwilling to go through this camp. Some
are rebellious, some may be forced, or some may simply have no idea.
It is important that we understand where they are coming from in
order for us to accurately achieve our goals in this camp. As people
called to serve them in this camp, our task is to:

3. Talk proper

A. Introduce Jesus into their lives - we simply point to Jesus and His

4. End of talk

B. Encourage the participants to invite Jesus into their lives.

Speakers Profile
An active leader that has experienced leading camps in the past;
someone who has personally experienced great change, seeing the
purpose of the youth camp as part of Gods plan for him.

C. Invite the participants into the support environment of YFC as

active members.
D. Introduce the life of fun, freedom, friendship, and faith that they
will have in this community.
E. Establish a lasting and true friendship with them.


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As we become instruments of Gods love to these people, we, at the

same time, are nourished spiritually by having a deeper understanding
of the talks and are able to experience growth, learning the different
aspects of service. Thus, it is important to realize that as members of
this team we see this experience not only as a way to serve but also
to grow in God.


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Elements of a Youth Camp

The Youth Camp is designed to experience the four (4) main

elements of YFC (Fun, Freedom, Friendship and Faith). All in all, these
elements give the participants a taste and experience of what it means
to live their lives with God and in the community.
A. Fun
A major part of a young persons life is experiencing fun. It
is important for them to see the beauty of their lives through
enjoying each moment. In YFC we want them to see that this can
be most experienced when they live a life for Christ. This is why
it is important that our youth camps are fun and enjoyable for
everyone. This can be done through:

Ice breakers as a way for them to establish friendships with

each other

Games as a way for them to understand the teachings more

Entertainment Night a way for them to express who they are

through their talents and enjoy each others company

B. Friendship
One of the aspects where the youth build their lives on is
through their relationships with their peers. Their peers hold great
influence in their decisions, choices, and preferences in life. It is a
major part of their growth. In YFC, we allow them to experience
true and lasting friendships with each other in God. We introduce
them to people that can influence them in a positive way, moving
them to become better persons. This is why it is important that
our youth camps give ways for them to establish such kind of
relationship. This can be done through:

Small group discussions

Getting to Know you games

One-on-ones with their discussion group leaders

Bonfire sessions entertainment night

Acts of service for our participants


C. Freedom
At this time of their life, the youth have an eager need to
express and be understood by the people around them. They
want to have an opportunity to express who they are, and be
themselves without judgment. In YFC, we teach them the freedom
in Gods light. We create opportunities for them to be themselves,
and learn how God wants them to use their freedom responsibly.
This can be done through:

Personal sharing through one -to- one and group discussions.

This creates a venue for them to be themselves around people
and trust them with their point of views and experiences.

Commitment Ceremony In the atmosphere of prayer and

reflection, this encourages the youth to make a choice and
take a stand on their own, making them see the importance of
choosing responsibly.

D. Faith
We teach the youth to anchor on their faith, encouraging
them to see the significance of their faith as they journey with God
in their daily lives. Faith allows them to continue their relationship
with God even if the world gives them reason to do otherwise. In
YFC, we give venues for them to express and experience, and the
opportunity to strengthen their faith. We can do this through:

Sessions This gives them a clearer picture of hanging on to

what they believe in.

Prayer This creates venues for them to strengthen their

faith through a personal relationship with God. This camp
introduces them to various forms of prayer that they can use
in their daily lives. (e.g. praying in tongues, personal prayer
time, reflection)

Worship This introduces a different type of prayer to the

participants, expressing their faith through music, in praise of


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IV. Flow of the Talks

Session 4: Receiving the Power of the Holy Spirit

The talks in the Youth Camp are designed to assist them carefully
into a clear understanding of their faith, Gods love, Jesus Christ,
and what they need to do as a response to this love. Each session
is accompanied with Bible Verses, stories, or illustrations to further
give clarity on what it means to be in a relationship with Christ. Each
talk has a corresponding basic gospel truth, deepening growth in their


Gods Love for Mankind; His Plan

for Mans Fullness of Life with Him

Gods Love and His Plan for Us

Introduces the ultimate expression

of Gods love - Jesus Christ

Who is Jesus Christ To Me?

Mans sin as he turns away from

Gods plan

Repentance, Faith, Healing and


Mans Response: Accepting Gods

Invitation and Living as His People

Gods Gift: The Power of the Holy


Growing deeper in ones personal

relationship with Jesus through

Growth Talk/ Life and Vision of


Session 1: Gods Love and His Plan for Us

Makes the participants aware of the truth that God loves

them. The talk also leaves them with the challenge to respond
to this love.

Session 2: Who is Jesus Christ to Me?

Makes the participants aware that Jesus is alive in our lives,

that He is someone we can know in a personal way and that
He is inviting us to have a personal relationship with Him.

Helps the participants become aware that sin and hurts in our
lives become obstacles in experiencing Gods love. The talk
helps the participants realize that a personal relationship with
Jesus can only happen when we first admit and become sorry
for our sins, repent and forgive those who have hurt us.

Introduces to the Youth the power of the Holy Spirit they once
received in their baptism at birth to strengthen and guide
our lives, and clarifies how we can experience this power
personally during our personal encounter Christ

Talk 5: Growing in the Spirit, Dedication to the Life and Mission

of CFC Youth for Christ.

Equips the participants with the knowledge of how to grow in

their relationship with God.

The session should be conducted in a prayer meeting format

(there should be full worship before the session). This further
imparts the YFC culture to the participants in showing what an
assembly is like. It is in this session that the reading of letters,
participants dialogue with parents, praying over each other
and invitation to YFC will happen.

V. Roles and Responsibilities within the Team

Each member of the team is crucial in the over-all success of the
camp. One must remember and be faithful to all responsibilities given
them by the Lord through this camp. All in all, each part of the team
must learn to coordinate and help one another to achieve the goals of
this camp. The following are the general roles and responsibilities of
each part of the team:
A. Team Leader

Leads the sessions through leading the prayer, introduces the

speaker, and wraps up each session after talk ends.

Listens to all talks and sharing.

Leads the Dedication Ceremony after the Pray-over of Parents

and Child/children. He is the person who understands all the
sessions and knows all the participants well.

Works in consultation with the Assistant Team Leader, and

Couple Coordinator In-Charge for unity and provides focus
for the team.

Facilitates in all youth camp team meetings and makes sure

the camp is executed properly.

Session 3: Repentance, Faith, Healing and Forgiveness



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Corrects the team, together with the Couple Coordinator InCharge, if needed, or gives positive and negative feedback to
the service team at the end of each day during the camp.

Assists the speakers with their needs.

B. Assistant Team Leader

Assists the team leader with practical and pastoral matters.

Responds to the needs of the sisters and provides inputs in

planning and conducting the camp.

Takes note of important things in the meeting and makes sure

that all the details in the camp are well executed and done.

Assists the speakers with their needs.

C. Camp Servant

Works on all preparations prior to each activity of the camp.

Coordinates with the team leader at all times.

Reminds the team leader and the assistant of the schedule in

order to keep everything on time.

D. Speakers and Sharers

Speaks Gods word and how it has been real in their personal

Helps the youth understand the talk and the basic Gospel
truth that accompanies it.

E. Facilitators

Handle all group discussions in order for the participants to

express and share their own understanding of the talks.

Handle all one-to-one discussion.

F. Music Ministry and Worship Leaders

Handle teaching of songs.

Encourage the youth to sing, allowing them to see that singing

is a form of praying.

Lead the youth into honoring Gods presence.

G. Couple Coordinators in Charge



Must have a close coordination with the team leader and

assistant team before, during, and after the camp.

Coordinate the schedule of the Youth Camp with the CFC

Chapter/School Moderator/Adviser.

Act as parents to everyone in the camp.

Follow up the parents in their attendance to the Parents

Orientation and Dedication Ceremony as well as the letters
the parents have to prepare for their children for the activity
on the last day of the camp.

Conduct the Parents Orientation.

Make sure that the participants attend the Holy Eucharist and

Must be an example in speech and in conduct to the youth.

Intercede for prayers for the whole duration of the youth



God gives us plenty of opportunities to evangelize. In YFC, our

number one means of evangelization is the Youth Camp. It is a gift
from God and like any other gift, we try to understand its proper use,
so that He who gave us this gift may be pleased.


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Spiritual Warfare - The Unseen Battle

For the participants:
1. To recognize the spiritual aspect of preparing for a camp, realizing
that there is an unseen battle that we have to prepare for.
2. To know and understand the full armor of God.
3. To be confident in fighting the unseen battle with this armor.

1. Opening Prayer
2. Talk Proper
3. Open Forum
4. Closing Prayer

Speakers Profile
A YFC Leader who has experienced challenge/trial as he was serving
for a youth camp but was able to overcome it by putting on the full armor
of God.


Spiritual Warfare - The Unseen Battle


Expanded Outline

I. Two Kingdoms
An unseen battle began with Satans rebellion. (Rev. 12: 7-10) He
wanted to be God. (Explain the rebellion.) In this battle against God,
Satan was defeated and thrown out of heaven into hell. He was well
aware that he could not defeat the all-powerful God, and so he tried
to destroy the very thing that God loves Man.
Though this battle has been defeated with Christs death on the
cross, Satan continues to deceive men, making them forget the victory
that they have in Christ. He tempts them, and encourages them to sin,
blinding men from choosing God. As part of YFC, we are called to fight
for God by evangelizing and spreading His message to the world.

II. Our Weapons and Protection

One of the concrete things that we can do to help in the battle
against Satan is through this youth camp. It is one of the ways that we
can make the youth aware of Gods saving love and victory over evil.
As we go on our mission for Christ, God has provided for us an
armor, to protect us from the attacks of the evil one. He has commanded
us to Put on the full armor of Christ. (Eph 6:11), in order for us to be
more aware of Satans deceiving and subtle tactics. It is through this
that we can withstand and claim the victory of Christ.
A. The whole armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18)
One of the clearest oppurtunities for Satan to put up a fight is
in our youth camps. He will do everything that he can for us not to
bring people closer to God. God is calling us to specifically prepare
for this battle. He will assist us in doing this by giving to us His
armor. It is an armor that encourages us to live a life like Christ. In
this fight, He will ask us to wear:
1. The belt of truth (Eph.6: 14)


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Satan is the father of lies and he will tempt us to doubt in

God, His word, and ourselves. In order to hang on to the truth
of Christ, we tighten our belts to feel secured, tightening our
grasp to what is true. We need to make sure we live in the
truth that God loves us unconditionally, that we are forgiven
despite our sins, and that He has a great plan, a future full of
hope for all of us. Let us place our confidence in Gods truths
knowing that He is the only and sure foundation in our lives.
2. The breastplate of righteousness - protection against sin
(Eph.6: 14)
If Satan cannot succeed by making us forget Gods truth,
then he will try to destroy our hearts with sin. Throughout the
camp, Satan will provoke us to get angry with our parents/
friends, make us too lazy or tired to serve, be too proud of
ourselves etc. He will use all these sins to make us feel that we
are not worthy of serving. Let us protect ourselves from sin by
doing everything that we can to do the right thing for Him. Let
us seek to go to confession, reconcile with our enemies, resist
temptation, and resolve or be at peace with the issues that we
have in our lives.
3. Our boots- our readiness to preach the Gospel of peace
(Eph.6: 15)
Satan will try to attack our courage by making us hesitant
or reluctant in our mission. He will try to make us feel the
difficulties and overwhelming weight of our task. Let us put
on these boots of readiness by nurturing our eagerness to
serve. Let us always remember the reason why we are doing
this youth camp: for others, and most importantly, for God.
4. Shield of faith- protection against the devils flaming
arrows of doubt (Eph.6: 16)
Doubts, like flaming arrows, strike us down. It seems small
at first, but then it begins to consume us. We should stand
firm in faith in spite of doubts, for faith is simply knowing that
God has never failed us and never will. Let us hang on to our
faith especially if things seem hopeless for us.
5. The helmet of salvation- (Eph.6: 17)
The helmet protects our mind and allows us to focus on
the salvation that God has for us. As we serve in this camp,
there will be times when Satan will distract us with our own


problems, insecurities, or even with our plans and desires.

Always keep in mind of the goal of our mission: to bring the
message of Gods love to others. Pray for the grace to desire
this goal as you serve throughout the youth camp.
B. Our weapons in this spiritual battle
As we wear this armor, the Lord wants us to learn how to be
more firm in our battles by using the weapons that He has given
us. These weapons arm us further by allowing Gods Word and His
ways to be lived out in our lives.
1. The Sword of the Spirit - Gods Words (Eph.6:17)
To attack the lies of Satan, we must be fully knowledgeable
of Christ, His life and His word. Reading the scriptures should
be our sword that we can use to fight. Gods Word encourages
us to be more firm and trusting in our faith especially through
challenging times.
2. Prayer (Eph.6:18) and Fasting (Acts 13:2-3)
Let us fight with the spiritual weapon of prayer by being
faithful to our personal prayer time and by worshipping and
interceding as a group. Prayer keeps our relationship with
Christ intact. It strengthens our understanding and hold on
Him (esp. in our Youth Camp service team meetings). Fasting
is a very powerful form of prayer, for it is love and service
expressed in sacrifice.
3. Humility
Humility means to acknowledge that it is only with/
through God that we can do all these things. Humility means
to surrender to Gods will and obey to His command. This
defies Satans pride. Thus, let us fight knowing that it is only by
His strength and power that we can do all things. Let us fight
in humble confidence knowing that He has won the battle for
4. Love
This is our primary reason for fighting this battle: Love for
God and His people. By this love, even the hardest of hearts
surrender to God. It is with our love for God and His people
that we can conquer all sin. Let us win more people for the
Lord by learning to love in the way that God has taught us.


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We know that this youth camp will help us bring more people
back to God. Though the evil one may try to strike us down in this
battle, we have our armor that can protect us from his attacks. Let
us always be ready to fight, with our weapons and the armor of God
firmly in place in our lives. This is a spiritual warfare that we are going
into, yet victory is ours in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Being a Facilitator



For the participants:
1. To see and realize the importance of a facilitators role in handling
the participants of the camp.
2. To learn how to take care and introduce Christ to the participants.
3. To be fully equipped in order to assist the participants to respond
to Gods personal call to have a relationship with Him.

1. Opening Prayer
2. Talk Proper
3. Mock Group Discussion
a. The speaker will group the crowd into five.
b. The speaker will select one person to act as facilitators within
the group.
c. The speaker will give a sample question for the groups to
discuss among themselves. (e.g. what is your most favorite
memory of your youth camp?)
d. The group is given 2 minutes each to share about their own
4. After the mock group discussions are finished, the speaker gathers
everyone and opens the floor for any questions.
Note: The speaker should run down the proper format for conducting group
discussions and check if the audience was able to apply it.


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5. Closing Prayer

Speakers Profile

Being a Facilitator

A YFC Leader who has been a successful facilitator; someone who has
personally guide his own group into having a relationship with God and
has established a strong and personal relationship with his own members
through the household.


Expanded Outline
I. Introduction
After our own youth camps, we have realized how much God loves
us. In our personal lives, we have witnessed and experienced this kind
of love through the people around us. This time God is choosing us to
be instruments of His love to the participants in the camp. It is through
us that they will experience and recognize again the love of God.

II. Peer Treasure

As facilitators, we are to assist our participants into a deeper
understanding of His plan for them and a stronger hold on the truth
of Gods love. Throughout the camp you will be conducting:
A. Group discussions
Group discussions take place after the first talk and after the
second talk. We conduct discussions in a group with few members
in order for them to slowly vocalize how they feel and understand
the topics discussed. Group discussions are a way for them to
understand the talk, form friendships with one another, and have
deeper grasp on Gods personal message for them. Our group
discussions are done with the following steps:
1. Begin with a short prayer.
This shows the participants that everything is done with
Gods blessing and in the spirit of love.
2. Introduce each other in the group.
This is done in order to start creating the atmosphere of
friendship, encouraging them to be comfortable with one


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3. Make the participants comfortable

Establish rapport first before dwelling into the discussion.
Also, stress the confidentiality of sharing within the group.
As service team, it is important for us to also stand by this
confidentiality. Let us ensure our group of our full trust and
support as they strengthen their relationship with God.

encourage the participant to share further about themselves, and

strengthen their bond with their future household head. The goals
of our one-to-one session are:

Clarify questions concerning the sessions.

Know the participants prayer concerns:

4. Proceed with the discussion. Have the assigned discussion

starters as guide.

1. Relationships

5. End with a short prayer. (You may also ask one of your group
mates to lead.)

3. Family and Relatives

2. God

4. Friends

B. Some Tips on leading your group discussions.

1. You are not expected to know all the answers to their
questions. If you cant answer the question, tell them that you
will ask help from your coordinators and will get back to them
with the answers.

5. Personal issues (e.g. vices, studies, and plans in the future

6. Other Concerns

2. We are not there to convince them but simply lead them to

the truth.

2. Feeling of Unworthiness
3. Pride

4. Focus the discussion on the topic.

6. Strive to make the participant feel comfortable with you.

Hang around with them as much as possible.
7. Show concern for your group members.
8. Intercede for each of your group members.
9. Listen to all the talks and sharing even if youve heard these
many times already. You will always learn something new.
10. Be a good example to your group. Participate in all activities
(e.g. singing).
C. One-to-ones
There are instances that some participants are able to open up
a deeper part of themselves in a very private setting, or to just one
person at a time. One-to-ones are generally conducted in order to

Find out factors that may hinder the participant to receive the
Holy Spirit.
1. Unrepentant Attitude

3. Avoid using Christian jargons.

5. Budget your time. Make sure all participants will be given

an opportunity to share in the time allotted for your group


4. Doubt

See if the participant will make a personal decision to

accept Jesus.
Check if the participant is open in proclaiming, and firm in
believing, that Jesus truly died and saved them from their sins.
This firm belief moves us further into helping them strengthen
their relationship with God.

1. The Process of conducting one-to-ones

Greet the participant and ask how he is doing in the camp.

Start with a prayer.

Go through with the one-to-one session, keeping in mind

the goals (mentioned earlier).

Explain the 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit. (See the following

sections for further details on the gifts of the Holy Spirit.)
Ask the participant what gift/s he wants to receive.


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Ask participants for any special prayer he/she wants to

include in the pray over.

Explain what will happen during the activity in the evening.

Close it with a prayer.

2. Some Tips

Before the whole session, pray for each participant in your

group. Be open to the Lords leading. (He will give you the
wisdom to conduct one-to-ones.)

Be aware of the time. We aim for quality time, taking into

consideration each participant in the group.

Keep the session light - just like having a relational

conversation with a friend.


The 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit assist us as we live a good
Christian life. As facilitators, we and our participants should be
aware of the importance of each gift.
a. Wisdom
Is not just good practical judgment or common sense
or a high degree of knowledge. The wisdom that is of
the Spirit is centered on Jesus. It is concerned with the
best way to live. It is Gods guidance on how to live as a
Christian. (Mark 10:20, 1Cor 12-14, Luke 18:22)
b. Knowledge
It is not just knowing a lot of things through study or
experience. Knowledge that is of the spirit is the fruit of
revelation, founded on faith, and synthesized by Christian
experience. This is more of doctrinal teaching and ability
to speak and understand a truth of the mystery of Christ.
(Read how Paul understands the mystery of Christ in Eph 1, Eph 3:2-3)

c. Faith
It is not just an intellectual belief in God, but a
confident assurance in God which allows us to move
forward without any doubt at all. The charismatic gift of
faith seems to be a special gift of prayer; prayer with a
God-given confidence which produces extraordinary


results. It knows that what one asks for will be given. (Matt
8:10, Matt 15:22)
d. Healing
It is the supernatural ability to affect a cure of physical
or other human illness through prayer. It s a variation of
miracles but it is more limited because healing focuses
on restoring the physical body back to health. This gift
enables the person to be Gods instruments in bringing
about the well-being of another, on one or more level,
spiritual, psychological or physical. (Act 5:15, 19:12)
e. Miracles
It is the supernatural ability to perform miraculous
act, acts that are not the result of any known natural law
or agency but are caused by divine intervention. This
enables the person to be Gods instrument in either an
instant healing or in some other powerful manifestation
of Gods power. (Acts 8:6-8, 9:36-43, 13:8-12)
f. Prophecy
It is the gift by which a person is used by God to
speak on his behalf. It is a gift when God manifestst to
man His own thoughts so that a message may be given
for the individual or for a group of individuals, or for the
community. (Acts 13:1-3, 21:10-13).
g. Discernment
It is the gift by which a person can recognize the spirit
behind a particular situation. This enables the person to
know the source of an inspiration or action, whether it
came from the Holy Spirit, his own human accord or from
the evil spirit. (Acts 5:1-10, 8:20-24, 16:16-19).
h. Tongues
It is a gift by which a person is able to utter words
or sounds which are not known or understandable to
his human intellect, to deliver Gods message for the
community. (Acts 10:44-47, 19:6)
i. Interpretation
It is a companion to the gift of tongues, when used for


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doubt, etc.)

prophecy, and is necessary so that those who hear may

understand, and so be enlightened. It is when a person,
after the use of the gift of tongues, gives the general
meaning of what the person has said, or a response
to what has been said. Interpretation can also be used
privately in combination with the gift of tongues. (1Cor
14:5, 13, 27, 28)

Then pray for in filling of the positive counterpart (e.g.

faith when theres doubt; humility when theres pride).

In the Mighty Name of Jesus, we take authority and gather
all the evil spirits around us, above us and below us. We bind
and cast them at the foot of Your Cross to be gone forever. And
we ask the Holy Spirit to fill the void that the evil spirits have
left behind. We pray for protection against any backlash from
the evil one.

4. Tips

Before the whole session, pray for each participant in your


Be open to the Lords leading (He will give you the wisdom
to conduct the one-to-ones).

Be aware of the time. We aim for quality time, taking into

consideration each participant in the group.

Keep the session light - just like having a relational

conversation with a friend.

Lifting of Concerns. Pray for the concerns of the participant.

Baptism of the Holy Spirit; Prayer for the Gifts of the Holy
Father, we now ask You, in Jesus name, to pour upon (name
of participant) Your Holy Spirit, so that he/she may receive new
life. We also ask You, in Jesus name, to grant him/her the gift
of tongues and any other gift that You want him/her to receive.

D. Pray-Over
The Pray-Over session is done in the middle of the fourth talk
of the youth camp. It is in this session that the participants are to
proclaim boldly and confirm their belief and response to Gods
call to have a relationship with Him. As facilitators, we should be
made aware of the importance of this session. It is here that we are
to concretely bring more souls to God.
We are to conduct the pray-over in this format:

Ask participant to confess with his own lips that Jesus is Lord.

Ask him to join you in a prayer or to begin the prayer himself.

Spontaneous Praising.

Worship and glorify the Lord with the participant.

Prayer for Protection

Lord Jesus, we ask You to cover us with Your Most Precious
Blood and Mother Marys Mantle of Protection.

Encourage the participant to pray in tongues with you.

Closing Prayers

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Prayer for a strong Christian Life

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be

1. Tips

Baptism of the Holy Spirit does not depend on the amount

of time you pray. 5 to 10 minutes is enough.

Remember that it is God who sends down His Spirit, not


Be aware of what is happening (keep your eyes open). It

is the participants prayer, you are merely guiding him/her
and praying with him/her.

In case of disturbances (i.e. demonic oppressions), pray

for and claim for Gods peace in the name of Jesus. Dont

Ask for help from your Couple Coordinator or to the Team

Binding and Casting; In-filling

In Jesus name, bind and cast any negativity (vice, addiction,
sin) that he/she has (e.g. anger, fear, lust, envy, anxiety, pride,



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Leader. If you do decide to go for help, ask one of your

prayer partners to do it. Do not leave your participant at
any time during baptism.


Speaking Gods Word

Ask for support from the CFC-YFC family during baptism.

You must have prayer warriors during this session.




Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord.

(Zechariah 4:6) We may have fears, and not know how to take up the
roles and responsibilities of serving as a facilitator. However, it is good
to know that we have a God who is always victorious. He has given
us His Spirit and as long as we seek Him, He will teach and guide us in
everything that we do.
Note: Refer to the Facilitators Handbook for other details. (Distribute a copy of this
handbook to all Youth Camp Facilitators.)

For the participants:
1. To realize the importance of proclaiming God Word to the youth
camp participants.
2. To learn how to speak His word efficiently and effectively.
3. To be inspired in speaking (living out) His word in their everyday

1. Opening Prayer
2. Talk Proper
3. Preparation time for giving talks/sharing
4. Mock Youth Camp
5. Open Forum

Speakers Profile
A YFC leader who has experienced giving talks and sharing in a Youth
Camp; someone who can give clear, concise and effective talks.


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Speaking Gods Word


Expanded Outline
I. Introduction
Dont let anyone look down on you because you are young, but
set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in
purity. (1 Tim. 4:12)
God is continuing to work in our midst. We, as His young people,
should strive to be witnesses of His work in all our actions. However,
there will be times that God will be calling us to proclaim His message
boldly. In this camp, there may be a possibility that God will call us to
do this task. As we are given the opportunity to speak Gods word, we
should be able to learn and improve ourselves in such a way that we
will be able to become effective mouthpieces of the Lord.

II. Giving a Youth Camp Talk

Gods Word should be understood deeply and taken into heart in
order to excellently proclaim it to the participants. It is important that
we are clear, concise, and consistent in what we, and how we are to,
deliver His message.
A. Preparing for a talk
1. Begin with the end in mind.
a. Read the goals stated at the beginning of each expanded
talk outline.
b. What message is your talk trying to impart?
c. What part does it play in the series of talks to be given?
(e.g. Youth Camp Talks, Covenant Orientation etc.)
d. Stick to the outline provided. This will help you avoid
overlapping into other talks.


e. Make sure that you dont lose the message by saying too
many things.
2. Internalize the talk - understand it.
a. How does the talk and its points apply to you?
b. People can see if you believe in what you are saying. In
this way you can come up with your own example (story).
Your stories will be more effective because they are
personal. (e.g. Gods love in your life)
3. Prepare your outline.
a. As you go through the outline, begin finding out ways to
get across your message. What does my audience need
to hear? How can I effectively bring that message across?
b. Imagery is important. Come up with examples, anecdotes,
stories that might help illustrate your point.
c. Inject stories. People prefer hearing stories rather than
theoretical teachings.
d. Make your outline personal. Dont preach - share. People
are not looking for teachers, but witnesses. People that
they can relate with and where they see the work of the
Lord actually taking place.
4. Prayer
Let the Holy Spirit guide you. Ask the Lord what He wants
you to say to your audience.
B. Presenting the Outline
1. Prayers
a. Before you deliver your talk, make sure someone prays
over you. Aside from the strength you receive from prayer,
it puts you in the right perspective of being an instrument
of the Lord.
b. Pray as you speak. Listen to the Lord.
2. Speaking to the Audience
a. Communicate to the people; look and glance at them, and
scan. Maintain eye to eye contact at all times.
b. Establish Rapport- be able to generate good reaction


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from your audience. This is where jokes are useful. Make

it interactive. It will help if you will involve your audience
in your talk.
3. Clarity


Challenge/ encourage your audience at the end of your

C. Attitudes
1. Good speakers are made not born.

a. Number your points so your audience may easily follow


2. Stage fright is natural; you can even use it to your advantage.

Trust in the Lord. God often allows us to experience this so
that it will allow us to pray.

b. Speak clearly with enough volume and pitch. (e.g. Use a

microphone/sound system if you need to.)

3. It is the Lords work to save, not yours.

4. Avoid Christian jargons

a. Dont impress. Speak only what the Lord wants you to

say. If you have prepared, youve done your part. The
Lord does the rest.

a. For example, The Blood of the Lamb has redeemed the

people of God from the bondage of sin, through the Baptism
of the Holy Spirit.
b. If you do have to mention some, make sure you explain to
the participants what they mean.

b. Your goal is not to make the participants cry or to

convince them, but to tell the truth. The word of the Lord
is never spoken in vain.

5. Tailor-fitting Your Talk (Speak in a way that fits your


c. Speak your best, because it is the Lord who is asking you

- Be a faithful mouthpiece of the Lord.

a. To particular age group: language and examples that your

audience can relate to.

4. Love the people you are speaking to. As Christ allowed you
to experience this love, He wants the people you are speaking
to experience it as well.

b. To the level of commitment of audience.

5. Remember that they need the Lord, and thats why you are
speaking to them.

c. Never use green/ negative humor.

6. Posture

6. Availability

a. Be confident.

a. Accept assignments to speak or share.

b. Avoid mannerisms (e.g. letting your hands play around.)

b. Not accepting would be tantamount to saying that God

has not been able to do anything in your life.

c. Walk around. Use helpful gestures.

c. God gave us freedom by the opportunities of not only

experiencing a great life but a chance to share these
experiences, His blessings and His love.

7. Dressing Decently
8. Time
a. Be ready to adjust your talk depending on the time
allotted for it.
b. The ideal time for a talk usually ranges between 30 to 45
9. Ending your talk with a high note


Sharing your personal testimony

Sharing are personal stories shared to everyone in order for

people to see how real Christs love can be in our everyday lives. Our
sharing brings life and deeper meaning into the sessions given by
our speakers. It helps the participants relate to the topic given. As we


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proclaim our victories in Christ, let us remember the following points:

A. The ABCs of Sharing:
A Audible
This means our stories must be clearly spoken and heard
by everyone. Check the tone and volume of our voice. Make
sure people understand what we are saying.
B Brief
Though we have a lot to tell about Christs love for us, let
us also remember that our audience may fail to listen if it takes
too long to get to our main point. We should make sure that
we say only the necessary parts of the story and emphasize
on the right statements that help us support the point on the

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C - Christ-centered
The point of our story should be to glorify God not
ourselves. Let us not forget that our audience should take in
from our sharing the great love of Christ.
B. Personal testimonies given after a talk are used to show that
what is said in the talk can actually happen. These are stories of
bad to good or good to better situations in our lives.
C. Prepare your personal testimony/ sharing.
1. Choose one aspect in your life that the Lord is working in, one
that is related to the talk being given (e.g. resentment).
2. Divide your sharing into 3 parts:
a. Before: share what you were experiencing in that area
of your life before the Lord began to work. (e.g. I was
resentful of my parents...)
b. During: show what the turning point was. What did
the Lord do? (e.g. I found out the Lord forgave me so
I should forgive...)
c. After: How has that area in your life improved so
far? (e.g. Slowly my relationship with my parents is
healing. We can now talk to each other more...)
3. The ideal time for sharing your personal testimony is 3 to 5


4. Make your sharing personal, concrete. This makes it real.
5. Stick only to what is true. Dont exaggerate your sharing.
D. Attitudes
1. Be confident. It is good to note that nobody will disagree with
your sharing because its subjective.
2. Whatever your sharing is, somebody out there needs to
hear your story. Somebody will be able to relate with your
3. As the Lord continues to work in new areas of your life, so will
your sharing evolve. Update your sharing.

IV. Conclusion
Many of us will feel unworthy and unprepared to speak the word
of God. But it is the Lord Himself who touches our lips and empowers
us to speak His Word.

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