Youth Camp Training Handbook PDF
Youth Camp Training Handbook PDF
Youth Camp Training Handbook PDF
May, 2012
Manila, Philippines
Table of Contents
HANDBOOK 2012 Revised Edition
Chapter 1 - Overview
1 chapter
Chapter 1
The Youth Camp Training aims for the service team to:
1. Have a better understanding of the Youth Camp
2. Be trained to effectively serve in the activity through their
various roles and responsibilities
3. Coordinate each others efforts in preparation for the
upcoming camp
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8:00 - 8:30
8:30 - 8:45
8:45 - 9:15
9:15 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:15
10:15 - 11:15
11:15 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:30
12:30 - 12:45
12:45 - 1:00
1:00 - 1:45
1:45 - 2:00
2:00 - 2:45
2:45 - 3:15
3:15 - 4:30
4:30 - 5:00
5:00 - 5:20
5:20 - 5:30
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e. Have at least ten (10) minutes of sharing and feedback from
the crowd.
f. The Team Leader, Assistant Team Leader, and Couple
Coordinator In-charge must be ready to answer; give
comments, tips or insights on the mock activity.
2. Mock Youth Camp Activity
a. Assign the Camp Servant as the acting Team Leader of the
Camp for this activity.
b. After the fourth talk of the training, assign five persons (5) as
your acting speakers, and four (4) acting sharers.
Gods Love and His Plan for Us: speaker and sharer
Mock activities within this training are conducted so that the team will
have an over-all idea of the experience. It is important that these mock
activities be scheduled and be conducted properly so as to promote the
proper culture of the camp.
e. The speakers need not give the whole talk, but just the main
f. The team leader, speakers, and sharers will deliver their minitalks/testimonies in front of the audience. Each speaker has
five (5) minutes while each sharer has three (3) minutes.
g. The audience will be listing their comments/observations on a
piece of paper (both positive and negative). After which, they
will give this to the Team Leader for discussion.
h. It is the role of the team leader to make sure that everyone
sees these observations as areas for improvement. Encourage
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them to ask for guidance and prepare in prayer for the camp.
Thus, comments and observations should be done objectively,
avoiding any bad humor, or insult from any member of the
3. Mock Activity on the Pray-Over Session
a. Group the crowd into pairs.
Note: This can be done during registration or by count off.
Chapter 2
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I. Introduction
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2. The speaker will use the sharing to be his take off point for the talk
3. Talk proper
A. Introduce Jesus into their lives - we simply point to Jesus and His
4. End of talk
Speakers Profile
An active leader that has experienced leading camps in the past;
someone who has personally experienced great change, seeing the
purpose of the youth camp as part of Gods plan for him.
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B. Friendship
One of the aspects where the youth build their lives on is
through their relationships with their peers. Their peers hold great
influence in their decisions, choices, and preferences in life. It is a
major part of their growth. In YFC, we allow them to experience
true and lasting friendships with each other in God. We introduce
them to people that can influence them in a positive way, moving
them to become better persons. This is why it is important that
our youth camps give ways for them to establish such kind of
relationship. This can be done through:
C. Freedom
At this time of their life, the youth have an eager need to
express and be understood by the people around them. They
want to have an opportunity to express who they are, and be
themselves without judgment. In YFC, we teach them the freedom
in Gods light. We create opportunities for them to be themselves,
and learn how God wants them to use their freedom responsibly.
This can be done through:
D. Faith
We teach the youth to anchor on their faith, encouraging
them to see the significance of their faith as they journey with God
in their daily lives. Faith allows them to continue their relationship
with God even if the world gives them reason to do otherwise. In
YFC, we give venues for them to express and experience, and the
opportunity to strengthen their faith. We can do this through:
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The talks in the Youth Camp are designed to assist them carefully
into a clear understanding of their faith, Gods love, Jesus Christ,
and what they need to do as a response to this love. Each session
is accompanied with Bible Verses, stories, or illustrations to further
give clarity on what it means to be in a relationship with Christ. Each
talk has a corresponding basic gospel truth, deepening growth in their
Helps the participants become aware that sin and hurts in our
lives become obstacles in experiencing Gods love. The talk
helps the participants realize that a personal relationship with
Jesus can only happen when we first admit and become sorry
for our sins, repent and forgive those who have hurt us.
Introduces to the Youth the power of the Holy Spirit they once
received in their baptism at birth to strengthen and guide
our lives, and clarifies how we can experience this power
personally during our personal encounter Christ
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Corrects the team, together with the Couple Coordinator InCharge, if needed, or gives positive and negative feedback to
the service team at the end of each day during the camp.
C. Camp Servant
Speaks Gods word and how it has been real in their personal
Helps the youth understand the talk and the basic Gospel
truth that accompanies it.
E. Facilitators
Make sure that the participants attend the Holy Eucharist and
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1. Opening Prayer
2. Talk Proper
3. Open Forum
4. Closing Prayer
Speakers Profile
A YFC Leader who has experienced challenge/trial as he was serving
for a youth camp but was able to overcome it by putting on the full armor
of God.
I. Two Kingdoms
An unseen battle began with Satans rebellion. (Rev. 12: 7-10) He
wanted to be God. (Explain the rebellion.) In this battle against God,
Satan was defeated and thrown out of heaven into hell. He was well
aware that he could not defeat the all-powerful God, and so he tried
to destroy the very thing that God loves Man.
Though this battle has been defeated with Christs death on the
cross, Satan continues to deceive men, making them forget the victory
that they have in Christ. He tempts them, and encourages them to sin,
blinding men from choosing God. As part of YFC, we are called to fight
for God by evangelizing and spreading His message to the world.
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We know that this youth camp will help us bring more people
back to God. Though the evil one may try to strike us down in this
battle, we have our armor that can protect us from his attacks. Let
us always be ready to fight, with our weapons and the armor of God
firmly in place in our lives. This is a spiritual warfare that we are going
into, yet victory is ours in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Being a Facilitator
For the participants:
1. To see and realize the importance of a facilitators role in handling
the participants of the camp.
2. To learn how to take care and introduce Christ to the participants.
3. To be fully equipped in order to assist the participants to respond
to Gods personal call to have a relationship with Him.
1. Opening Prayer
2. Talk Proper
3. Mock Group Discussion
a. The speaker will group the crowd into five.
b. The speaker will select one person to act as facilitators within
the group.
c. The speaker will give a sample question for the groups to
discuss among themselves. (e.g. what is your most favorite
memory of your youth camp?)
d. The group is given 2 minutes each to share about their own
4. After the mock group discussions are finished, the speaker gathers
everyone and opens the floor for any questions.
Note: The speaker should run down the proper format for conducting group
discussions and check if the audience was able to apply it.
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5. Closing Prayer
Speakers Profile
Being a Facilitator
A YFC Leader who has been a successful facilitator; someone who has
personally guide his own group into having a relationship with God and
has established a strong and personal relationship with his own members
through the household.
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1. Relationships
5. End with a short prayer. (You may also ask one of your group
mates to lead.)
2. God
4. Friends
2. Feeling of Unworthiness
3. Pride
Find out factors that may hinder the participant to receive the
Holy Spirit.
1. Unrepentant Attitude
4. Doubt
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2. Some Tips
c. Faith
It is not just an intellectual belief in God, but a
confident assurance in God which allows us to move
forward without any doubt at all. The charismatic gift of
faith seems to be a special gift of prayer; prayer with a
God-given confidence which produces extraordinary
results. It knows that what one asks for will be given. (Matt
8:10, Matt 15:22)
d. Healing
It is the supernatural ability to affect a cure of physical
or other human illness through prayer. It s a variation of
miracles but it is more limited because healing focuses
on restoring the physical body back to health. This gift
enables the person to be Gods instruments in bringing
about the well-being of another, on one or more level,
spiritual, psychological or physical. (Act 5:15, 19:12)
e. Miracles
It is the supernatural ability to perform miraculous
act, acts that are not the result of any known natural law
or agency but are caused by divine intervention. This
enables the person to be Gods instrument in either an
instant healing or in some other powerful manifestation
of Gods power. (Acts 8:6-8, 9:36-43, 13:8-12)
f. Prophecy
It is the gift by which a person is used by God to
speak on his behalf. It is a gift when God manifestst to
man His own thoughts so that a message may be given
for the individual or for a group of individuals, or for the
community. (Acts 13:1-3, 21:10-13).
g. Discernment
It is the gift by which a person can recognize the spirit
behind a particular situation. This enables the person to
know the source of an inspiration or action, whether it
came from the Holy Spirit, his own human accord or from
the evil spirit. (Acts 5:1-10, 8:20-24, 16:16-19).
h. Tongues
It is a gift by which a person is able to utter words
or sounds which are not known or understandable to
his human intellect, to deliver Gods message for the
community. (Acts 10:44-47, 19:6)
i. Interpretation
It is a companion to the gift of tongues, when used for
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doubt, etc.)
4. Tips
Be open to the Lords leading (He will give you the wisdom
to conduct the one-to-ones).
Baptism of the Holy Spirit; Prayer for the Gifts of the Holy
Father, we now ask You, in Jesus name, to pour upon (name
of participant) Your Holy Spirit, so that he/she may receive new
life. We also ask You, in Jesus name, to grant him/her the gift
of tongues and any other gift that You want him/her to receive.
D. Pray-Over
The Pray-Over session is done in the middle of the fourth talk
of the youth camp. It is in this session that the participants are to
proclaim boldly and confirm their belief and response to Gods
call to have a relationship with Him. As facilitators, we should be
made aware of the importance of this session. It is here that we are
to concretely bring more souls to God.
We are to conduct the pray-over in this format:
Ask participant to confess with his own lips that Jesus is Lord.
Spontaneous Praising.
Closing Prayers
Prayer of Thanksgiving
1. Tips
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For the participants:
1. To realize the importance of proclaiming God Word to the youth
camp participants.
2. To learn how to speak His word efficiently and effectively.
3. To be inspired in speaking (living out) His word in their everyday
1. Opening Prayer
2. Talk Proper
3. Preparation time for giving talks/sharing
4. Mock Youth Camp
5. Open Forum
Speakers Profile
A YFC leader who has experienced giving talks and sharing in a Youth
Camp; someone who can give clear, concise and effective talks.
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e. Make sure that you dont lose the message by saying too
many things.
2. Internalize the talk - understand it.
a. How does the talk and its points apply to you?
b. People can see if you believe in what you are saying. In
this way you can come up with your own example (story).
Your stories will be more effective because they are
personal. (e.g. Gods love in your life)
3. Prepare your outline.
a. As you go through the outline, begin finding out ways to
get across your message. What does my audience need
to hear? How can I effectively bring that message across?
b. Imagery is important. Come up with examples, anecdotes,
stories that might help illustrate your point.
c. Inject stories. People prefer hearing stories rather than
theoretical teachings.
d. Make your outline personal. Dont preach - share. People
are not looking for teachers, but witnesses. People that
they can relate with and where they see the work of the
Lord actually taking place.
4. Prayer
Let the Holy Spirit guide you. Ask the Lord what He wants
you to say to your audience.
B. Presenting the Outline
1. Prayers
a. Before you deliver your talk, make sure someone prays
over you. Aside from the strength you receive from prayer,
it puts you in the right perspective of being an instrument
of the Lord.
b. Pray as you speak. Listen to the Lord.
2. Speaking to the Audience
a. Communicate to the people; look and glance at them, and
scan. Maintain eye to eye contact at all times.
b. Establish Rapport- be able to generate good reaction
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4. Love the people you are speaking to. As Christ allowed you
to experience this love, He wants the people you are speaking
to experience it as well.
5. Remember that they need the Lord, and thats why you are
speaking to them.
6. Availability
a. Be confident.
7. Dressing Decently
8. Time
a. Be ready to adjust your talk depending on the time
allotted for it.
b. The ideal time for a talk usually ranges between 30 to 45
9. Ending your talk with a high note
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C - Christ-centered
The point of our story should be to glorify God not
ourselves. Let us not forget that our audience should take in
from our sharing the great love of Christ.
B. Personal testimonies given after a talk are used to show that
what is said in the talk can actually happen. These are stories of
bad to good or good to better situations in our lives.
C. Prepare your personal testimony/ sharing.
1. Choose one aspect in your life that the Lord is working in, one
that is related to the talk being given (e.g. resentment).
2. Divide your sharing into 3 parts:
a. Before: share what you were experiencing in that area
of your life before the Lord began to work. (e.g. I was
resentful of my parents...)
b. During: show what the turning point was. What did
the Lord do? (e.g. I found out the Lord forgave me so
I should forgive...)
c. After: How has that area in your life improved so
far? (e.g. Slowly my relationship with my parents is
healing. We can now talk to each other more...)
3. The ideal time for sharing your personal testimony is 3 to 5
4. Make your sharing personal, concrete. This makes it real.
5. Stick only to what is true. Dont exaggerate your sharing.
D. Attitudes
1. Be confident. It is good to note that nobody will disagree with
your sharing because its subjective.
2. Whatever your sharing is, somebody out there needs to
hear your story. Somebody will be able to relate with your
3. As the Lord continues to work in new areas of your life, so will
your sharing evolve. Update your sharing.
IV. Conclusion
Many of us will feel unworthy and unprepared to speak the word
of God. But it is the Lord Himself who touches our lips and empowers
us to speak His Word.