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Ministry of Defence

Technical Manager
(Acquisition Wing)
Uploading of DPP-2016 (chapters I to V) on MoD website
1. DPP-2016 chapters I to V is hereby being uploaded on
the MoD website.
2. The chapter on Standard Contract Document shall be
uploaded along with Appendices, Annexures and
Scheduled for the complete DPP-2016 (including those
pertaining to Chapters I to V) shortly.
3. The pages in this document have been numbered
chapter wise, and shall be serially arranged along with
uploading of the completed DPP-2016, including the
contents mentioned above.
4. The chapter on Strategic Partners and Partnership will
be notified separately.

Defence Procurement Procedure 2016

Background and Preamble

Ministry of Defence, Government of India

Defence Procurement Procedure - 2016

1. As part of the implementation of the report of the Group of Ministers on
reforming the National Security System, new Defence Procurement
Management Structures and Systems were set up in the Ministry of Defence
(MoD) vide MoD order No SA/01/104/2001 dated 10 September 2001 and
No 17179/2001-Def Secy/IC/2001 dated 11 October 2001. In order to
implement the provisions laid out in the new Defence Procurement
Management Structures and Systems, the procedure for Defence Procurement
laid down vide MoD ID No 1(1)/91/PO (Def) dated 28 February 1992 was
revised. The Defence Procurement Procedure - 2002 (DPP-2002) came into
effect from 30 December 2002 and was applicable for procurements flowing
out of Buy decision of Defence Acquisition Council (DAC). The scope of
the same was enlarged in June 2003 to include procurements flowing out of
Buy and Make through Imported Transfer of Technology (ToT) decision.
The Defence Procurement Procedure has since been revised in 2005, 2006,
2008, 2009, 2011, and 2013, enhancing the scope to include Make, Buy and
Make (Indian) categories, concept of Offsets and ship building procedure.
2. In order to achieve enhanced self-reliance in defence manufacturing, and to
leverage the economic opportunity present in developing the Indian defence
industry, MoD constituted a Committee of Experts, to recommend suitable
amendments to DPP-2013. The mandate of the committee was as follows:
a. To evolve a policy framework to facilitate Make in India in Defence
manufacturing and align the policy evolved with the Defence
Procurement Procedure (DPP-2013).
b. To suggest the requisite amendments in DPP-2013 to remove the
bottlenecks in the procurement process and also simplify/rationalise
various aspects of the Defence procurement.
3. The committee interacted extensively with all the stake holders from the
Service Head Quarters (SHQ), Department of Defence Production (DDP),
MoD (Acquisition Wing), MoD (Finance), Defence Research Development
Organization (DRDO), Indian and foreign defence industry representatives,
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Defence Procurement Procedure 2016

Background and Preamble

Ministry of Defence, Government of India

legal and tax experts, think tanks, academia etc. The committee made
recommendations for incorporation into the extant defence procurement
procedure, based on its interactions.
4. Based on Governments experience in the defence procurement process, and
the recommendations of the committee of experts, the Defence Procurement
Procedure - 2016, which would herein be referred to as DPP, has been
5. The DPP, dealing with acquisition as per the categories listed herein, is set out
in this document covering the preamble and its chapters as listed below:
a. Preamble to the Defence Procurement Procedure
b. Chapter I Operational Context, Acquisition Categories and
Acquisition Plans
c. Chapter II Procurement Procedure for categories under
Buy, and Buy and Make schemes
d. Chapter III Procedure for Make Category of Acquisition
e. Chapter IV Procedure for Defence Ship Building
f. Chapter V Fast Track Procedure
g. Chapter VI Standard Contract Document
h. Chapter VII Strategic Partners and Partnerships (to be notified

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Defence Procurement Procedure 2016

Background and Preamble

Ministry of Defence, Government of India

Preamble to the Defence Procurement Procedure

1. Defence acquisition is not a standard open market commercial form of

procurement, and has certain unique features such as supplier constraints,
technological complexity, foreign Government regulations, denial of
technology, non-availability of material held by foreign suppliers, high cost,
foreign exchange implications and geo-political ramifications. While
maintaining highest standards of transparency, probity and public
accountability, a balance between competing requirements such as
expeditious procurement, high quality standards and appropriate costs needs
to be established. As a result, decision making pertaining to defence
procurement remains unique and complex.
2. Self-reliance is a major corner-stone on which the military capability of any
nation must rest. There is also immense potential to leverage the manpower
and engineering capability within the country for attaining self-reliance in
design, development, and manufacturing in defence sector. It is therefore of
utmost importance that the concept of Make in India remains the focal point
of the defence acquisition policy/procedure. There is a need to institute
enabling provisions for utilization and consolidation of design and
manufacturing infrastructure available in the country. A need has also been
felt for identifying strategic partners for promoting defence production in the
private sector.
3. DPP focusses on institutionalizing, streamlining, and simplifying defence
procurement procedure to give a boost to Make in India initiative of the
Government of India, by promoting indigenous design, development and
manufacturing of defence equipment, platforms, systems and sub-systems.
Make procedure has also been refined to ensure increased participation of
the Indian industry. Enhancing the role of MSMEs in defence sector is one
of the defining features of DPP. Cutting down permissible timeframes for
various procurement activities, and institutionalizing robust mechanisms to
monitor for probity at various stages of the procurement process, are the
cornerstones of DPP.
4. Defence procurement involves long gestation periods, and delay in
procurement will impact the preparedness of our forces, besides resulting in
opportunity cost. The needs of the armed forces being a non-negotiable and
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Defence Procurement Procedure 2016

Background and Preamble

Ministry of Defence, Government of India

an uncompromising aspect, flexibility in the procurement process is

required, which has also been provisioned for. Thus the DPP favours swift
decision making, provides for suitable timelines and delegates powers to the
appropriate authorities to ensure an efficient and effective implementation of
the procurement process, by all stakeholders concerned.

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Defence Procurement Procedure 2016

Chapter I

Ministry of Defence, Government of India

Chapter I - Operational Context, Acquisition

Categories and Acquisition Plans
1. Aim: The aim of the DPP is to ensure timely procurement of military
equipment, systems, and platforms as required by the Armed Forces in terms
of performance capabilities and quality standards, through optimum
utilization of allocated budgetary resources; while enabling the same, DPP
will provide for the highest degree of probity, public accountability,
transparency, fair competition and level-playing field. In addition, selfreliance in defence equipment production and acquisition will be steadfastly
pursued as a key aim of the DDP.
2. Scope: Except for medical equipment, the DPP will cover all Capital
Acquisitions undertaken by the Ministry of Defence, Defence Services and
Indian Coast Guard both from indigenous sources and ex-import. Defence
Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), Ordnance Factory Board
(OFB) and Defence Public Sector Undertakings (DPSUs) will, however,
continue to follow their own procurement procedure.

Capital Acquisitions
3. Capital Acquisition schemes are broadly classified as, Buy, Buy and
Make, and Make. Under the Buy scheme procurements are categorized
as Buy (Indian IDDM), Buy (Indian), and Buy (Global). The three
categories under the Buy scheme refer to an outright purchase of
equipment. Under the Buy and Make scheme, the procurements are
categorized as Buy and Make (Indian) and Buy and Make. The two
categories under Buy & Make scheme refer to an initial procurement of
equipment in Fully Formed (FF) state in quantities as considered necessary,
from the appropriate source, followed by indigenous production in a phased
manner through comprehensive Transfer of Technology (ToT), pertaining to
critical technologies as per the specified range, depth and scope.
4. In decreasing order of priority the procurement of defence equipment, under
this procedure are categorized as follows:
a. Buy (Indian IDDM)
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Chapter I


Ministry of Defence, Government of India

Buy (Indian)
Buy and Make (Indian)
Buy and Make
Buy (Global)

5. In addition to the above listed categorization, there is the Make

categorization, which aims at developing long-term indigenous defence
capabilities. Depending upon factors such as Indian industrys capability,
access to technology, time frame required and available for development, the
Make category of procurement would be pursued in isolation, in sequence
or in tandem with any of the five categories under Buy or Buy and Make
classifications, with a separate heading under SCAP and AAP.

Definition of Acquisition Categories

6. Buy (Indian-IDDM): Buy (Indian-IDDM) category refers to the
procurement of products from an Indian vendor meeting one of the two
conditions: products that have been indigenously designed, developed and
manufactured with a minimum of 40% Indigenous Content (IC) on cost basis
of the total contract value; OR, products having 60% IC on cost basis of the
total contract value, which may not have been designed and developed
indigenously. Apart from overall IC as detailed above, the same percentage
of IC will also be required in (a) Basic Cost of Equipment; (b) Cost of
Manufacturers Recommended List of Spares (MRLS); and (c) Cost of
Special Maintenance Tools (SMT) and Special Test Equipment (STE), taken
together at all stages, including FET stage.
6.1 The onus of proving that the equipment design is indigenous, rests with
the vendor, and such vendor claims will be verified by a committee
comprising scientists from DRDO and representatives from SHQs,
based on documents issued by authorized agencies and presented by the
vendors. The process of verifying the availability of indigenous design
and development, should be completed prior to fielding of SoC for
categorization; guidelines pertaining to the same will be issued by the
DG (Acquisition), with inputs from DRDO.

Buy (Indian): Buy (Indian) category refers to procurement of products

having a minimum of 40% IC on cost basis of the total contract value, from
an Indian vendor. Apart from the overall IC as detailed above, the same
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Chapter I

Ministry of Defence, Government of India

percentage of IC will also be required in (a) Basic Cost of Equipment; (b)

Cost of Manufacturers Recommended List of Spares (MRLS); and (c) Cost
of Special Maintenance Tools (SMT) and Special Test Equipment (STE),
taken together at all stages, including FET stage.

Buy and Make (Indian): Buy & Make (Indian) category refers to an
initial procurement of equipment in Fully Formed (FF) state in quantities
as considered necessary, from an Indian vendor engaged in a tie-up with a
foreign OEM, followed by indigenous production in a phased manner
involving ToT of critical technologies as per specified range, depth and
scope from the foreign OEM. Under this category of procurement, a
minimum of 50% IC is required on cost basis of the Make portion of the
contract. This implies that in the Make portion of the contract, minimum
50% IC will be required in the total of (a) Basic Cost of Equipment; (b)
Cost of Manufacturers Recommended List of Spares (MRLS); and (c) Cost
of Special Maintenance Tools (SMT) and Special Test Equipment (STE).
The proportion, of MRLS to be made/assembled in India, if any should be
specified at the time of AoN. Acquisition under this category can also be
carried out without any initial procurement of equipment in FF state.


Buy and Make: Buy & Make category refers to an initial procurement of
equipment in Fully Formed (FF) state from a foreign vendor, in quantities
as considered necessary, followed by indigenous production through an
Indian Production Agency (PA), in a phased manner involving ToT of
critical technologies as per specified range, depth and scope, to the PA.
With a view to maximize indigenous production in each procurement case,
the AoN according authority would approve either an appropriate ratio of
FF, CKD, SKD and IM kits; or a minimum percentage of IC for the Make
portion acquisitions under Buy and Make category. Acquisition under
this category can also be carried out without any initial procurement of
equipment in FF state.

10. Buy (Global): Buy (Global) categorization refers to outright purchase of

equipment from foreign or Indian vendors. In case of foreign vendors,
Government to Government route may be adopted, for equipment meeting
strategic/long term requirements.
11. Make: Acquisitions covered under the Make category refer to
equipment/system/sub-system/sub-assembly, major components, or
upgrades thereof, to be designed, developed and manufactured by an Indian
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Chapter I

Ministry of Defence, Government of India

vendor, as per procedure and norms detailed in Chapter III of DPP.

12. Definition of Indian vendor: Unless specifically provided for in a
clause/section/chapter or elsewhere of the DPP, an Indian vendor by
whatever nomenclature when referred to means - for defence products
requiring industrial licence, an Indian entity, which could include
incorporation/ownership models as per Companies Act, partnership firms,
proprietorship, and other types of ownership model as per relevant Indian
laws, complying with, besides other regulations in force, the
guidelines/licensing requirements stipulated by the Department of
Industrial Policy and Promotion as applicable; and for defence products not
requiring industrial licence, an Indian entity, which could include
incorporation/ownership models as per Companies Act, partnership firms,
proprietorship, and other types of ownership model as per relevant Indian
laws and complying with all regulations in force applicable to that industry.
13. For IC on cost basis referred to in paragraphs 6 - 8 (Chapter I), vendor
should ensure compliance as detailed in Appendix (xxx) to Chapter I.
14. The categorization committees may recommend higher or lower threshold
of indigenous content than those stipulated for various categories in
paragraphs 7 and 8 (Chapter I). Detailed justification for the same should
be submitted while seeking Acceptance of Necessity (AoN).
15. Upgrades: All cases involving upgrade to an in service weapon
system/equipment will also be covered by this procedure. Such cases could
be categorised under any of the categories as given in the paragraphs 6 - 11
(Chapter I). The categorisation may be carried out depending on scope of
the proposal, availability of indigenous technology and the need for seeking
critical technologies from foreign vendors.

Procurement Planning Process

16. Proposals for acquisition of capital assets flow from the defence
procurement planning process, which will cover the long-term, mediumterm and short-term perspectives as under:
a. 15 years Long Term Integrated Perspective Plan (LTIPP).
b. 5 years Services Capital Acquisition Plan (SCAP).
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c. Annual Acquisition Plan (AAP).

17. Based on the Defence Planning Guidelines, Headquarters Integrated
Defence Staff (HQ-IDS), in consultation with the Service Headquarters
(SHQs), would formulate the 15 years Long Term Integrated Perspective
Plan (LTIPP) for the Armed Forces. The Five Year Defence Plans for the
Services would also be formulated, by HQ-IDS, which would include
requirements for the next five years under the Services Capital Acquisition
Plan (SCAP). The SCAP should indicate the list of equipment to be
acquired, keeping in view operational exigencies and the likely availability
of funds. The planning process would be under the overall guidance of the
Defence Acquisition Council (DAC); its decisions, as approved by the
Defence Minister (herein referred to as Raksha Mantri), will flow down for
implementation to the Defence Procurement Board (DPB).While LTIPP
and SCAP would be approved by the DAC, the AAP, which is a subset of
SCAP, would be approved by the DPB.
18. It is important to share the future needs of Armed Forces with the industry;
hence based on the LTIPP, HQ-IDS will bring out the Technology
Perspective and Capability Roadmap (TPCR), covering details of the
acquisition plans for a period of 15 years, for use by the industry. This
document will be made available on MoD website.
19. HQ-IDS/SHQs as the case may be, through regular and structured
interactions, will share the details of such schemes, which are considered
suitable for Make procedure with the industry; the industry may even be
involved at the feasibility study stage itself. Details of schemes which are
to be included in the SCAP, such as draft Preliminary Service Qualitative
Requirements (PSQR), indicative time frame, envisaged quantities, may
also be shared with the industry, to the extent actionable by it.

Annual Acquisition Plan (AAP)

20. AAP of each Service would consist of two sections: a) a two year roll on
plan for capital acquisitions and would consist of the schemes from
approved SCAP. b) a two-year roll-on plan for schemes under the Make
category. The draft AAPs would be prepared in two parts: Part A would
comprise of carry over schemes from the AAP of previous year, and
schemes for which AoN has been accorded during the year. Part B would
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include the cases likely to be initiated for seeking AoN in the forthcoming
21. The draft AAPs would be circulated to respective AM/TM/FM in the
Acquisition Wing, and thereafter forwarded to HQ-IDS by 31st of
December each year, by SHQs, after clarifying the observations of the
Acquisition Wing. HQ-IDS will allot a unique identification number to
each case and would obtain approval of final AAP from DPB by 15th April
of the relevant Financial Year. Part A would be the working document for
Acquisition Wing for issue of RFP and subsequent monitoring of the
progress of each case. Inclusion of fresh schemes to Part A from Part B of
AAP, after accord of AoN, would be a regular process. Proposal not listed
in the SCAP may only be processed after due approval of the DAC.
22. In consonance with schemes likely to be included in AAPs, HQ-IDS would
work out the annual requirement of funds for capital acquisitions of each
service taking into account committed liabilities and anticipated cash out
flow, likely to be incurred on account of the fresh schemes, during the
ensuing financial year.
23. The DPB may also carry out amendments to the AAP, if considered
necessary, on account of national security requirements, operational
urgencies, budgetary provisions or any other exigency based on
recommendations made by SHQ/HQ-IDS/Department of Defence/Defence
(Finance). All proposals that need to be included in the AAP for reasons
stated above should be put up to DPB for approval prior to inclusion in the
AAP. The Acquisition Wing will process all acquisition proposals
incorporated in the AAP under the overall guidance of the DPB.

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Defence Procurement Procedure 2016

Chapter II

Ministry of Defence, Government of India

Chapter II Procurement Procedure for Categories

Under Buy, and Buy and Make Schemes
Acquisition Process
1. The acquisition process for the five categories of procurement under the
Buy and Buy & Make, schemes will involve the following processes:

Request for Information (RFI).

Services Qualitative Requirements (SQRs).
Acceptance of Necessity (AoN).
Solicitation of offers.
Evaluation of Technical offers by Technical Evaluation Committee
Field Evaluation.
Staff Evaluation.
Oversight by Technical Oversight Committee (TOC).
Commercial negotiations by Contract Negotiation Committee (CNC).
Approval of the Competent Financial Authority (CFA).
Award of contract/Supply Order (SO).
Contract Administration and Post-Contract Management.

Request for Information (RFI)

2. The RFI would be published on MoD and SHQ websites for seeking relevant
information, on specific procurement schemes. The issue of RFI is not a
commitment for procurement.
3. The main objectives of the RFI are as follows:
a) To formulate/refine/rationalize the SQRs; this exercise may involve
rational combination of different product specifications, and should
result in a practical, achievable and aspirational product requirement.
b) To generate input for structuring the RFP.
c) To aid in deciding the acquisition category, based on the Defining
Attributes (as detailed in Appendix (xxx) to this Chapter).
d) To determine the indicative budgetary and cost implications.
4. The RFI should clearly indicate the following:
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Chapter II

Ministry of Defence, Government of India

a) Capabilities sought in the equipment/system/platform (draft SQRs/

operational requirements).
b) Quantity required and anticipated delivery timeframes.
c) Tentative time schedule for the acquisition processes (issue of RFP).
5. The RFI should seek the following inputs from the vendors:
a) Details for generating/refining/rationalizing the SQRs.
b) Details that go into determining the cost of the scheme, including
factors such as Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC), product support
package, training etc.
c) Scope, depth and range of ToT, and key technologies identified by
d) Capability of Indian vendors to indigenously design and develop the
required equipment.
e) Applicable key technologies and materials required for manufacturing
of the equipment/system/platform, and the extent of their availability,
or accessibility in case they are not available in India.
f) Availability of the equipment/system/platform in the Indian market,
level of indigenization, delivery capability, maintenance support, life
time support, etc.
g) Approximate cost estimation and suggestions for alternatives to meet
the same objective as mentioned in RFI.
6. RFI may also be issued in certain cases as advance intimation for the vendors
to obtain requisite government clearances. Adequate time should be given to
vendors after placing the RFI on the MoD and SHQ web sites, for a
structured response and interaction.
7. RFI should be formulated by SHQ, in consultation with DRDO, DDP and
HQ-IDS to ensure that comprehensive response is generated from vendors,
to facilitate addressing all aspects of operational requirements and defining
attributes. A copy of the RFI will be shared with DRDO, DDP and HQ-IDS,
for their comments, which should be provided within the stipulated
timeframe post which it will be considered as nil-comments. The comments
obtained would be duly incorporated. RFI should ask the vendor for details
as per Appendix (xxx) to Chapter II.
8. Extensive interactions with the vendors will be planned by the HQIDS/SHQ, after uploading the broad details of the scheme on MoD and SHQ
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websites. After interaction, vendors may be given sufficient time to respond

to the RFI. Based on general information that is obtained from the vendors,
the Competency Map of the participating Indian industry should be updated
by DDP.
Services Qualitative Requirements (SQRs)
9. Attributes of SQR: The RFI process aims to validate the possibility of
realizing and achieving the broad scope of Qualitative Requirements (QRs),
which may be described by a set of Operational Requirements (ORs). The
ORs will be determined and developed by the SHQs, and will not be a part
of the RFP, but will guide in laying down the criteria for the finalisation of
SQR parameters for testing and validation.
10. Characteristics of SQR: All capital acquisitions will be based on Services
Qualitative Requirements (SQR), which need to lay down the fundamental
user requirements in a comprehensive manner. The SQRs need to be detailed,
realistic, achievable, and verifiable, and must avoid ambiguity of any type.
SQRs must be broad based and must not be tailored from/for a particular
product or service, and must result in procurement of the items that best meet
the requirements of the forces. As far as possible, SQR should specify the
requirement of military grade, ruggedised and Commercially Off the Shelf
(COTS) items. It may not be viable for all vendors to produce a complex and
costly equipment precisely customized for unique requirements, within
limited time and in limited numbers, for assessment and evaluation at Field
Evaluation Trial stage. Hence the parameters of SQR, which are generated
through RFI process, will be detailed as part of the RFP, and are classified
as under:
10.1 Essential Parameters - A: These are parameters that are generally a
part of the contemporary equipment available in the market, and form
the core of the SQR; Essential Parameters - A will be tested and
validated at FET stage itself.
10.2 Essential Parameters - B: Though not available originally in the
equipment fielded for the FET, these parameters can be developed and
achieved by the vendors using available technologies. Essential
Parameters B may also be incorporated in the SoC, for provision of
partial quantities of the items being procured, to meet different/higher
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specifications for specific operational requirements. These parameters

need to be tested and validated within a specified time frame as
stipulated in the contract. These tests for Essential Parameters B
should also validate that there is no adverse effect on any of the
Essential Parameters A. However, vendors should be able to
substantiate and need to provide an undertaking, at the bid submission
stage, that they will develop and meet the Essential Parameters - B
with their existing capabilities, on entering into a contract. In
procurement cases involving Essential Parameters B, an additional
bank guarantee valued between 5% and 10% of the contract value of
equipment required with Essential Parameters - B, as determined by
the AoN according authority, needs to be submitted, in addition to the
performance bank guarantee; the quantum of the additional bank
guarantee must be stated in the RFP. Failure to meet the Essential
Parameters - B after signing of the contract and within the stipulated
time frame, will lead to forfeiture of all bank guarantees (performance
bank guarantee, additional bank guarantee and advance bank
guarantees if any) and attract other penal provisions as may be
prescribed by the Government. On meeting the Essential Parameters
B as per contract terms, the additional bank guarantee will be
released and returned to the contracted vendor. Essential Parameters
B will not be evaluated at the FET stage, even if any equipment, as
claimed by the vendor(s), can meet them. Essential Parameters - A and
Essential Parameters - B are non-negotiable requirements to be met by
the vendor, prior to commencement of equipment delivery. The
provision to incorporate Essential Parameters B will be used only
when required, with DACs approval, and will not be used when two
or more vendors claim to possess the same at the RFI stage. Essential
Parameters B will not be included in ab-initio single vendor cases.
10.3 Enhanced Performance Parameters (EPP): EPP are those
parameters that enhance the capability of the equipment, vis--vis the
essential parameters; a SQR may not contain EPP in all cases. Inability
to meet the EPP does not preclude vendors from being eligible for the
bidding/bid evaluation. However, if a vendor claims to have
equipment meeting the EPP, then they must provide details of the same
in their technical bids, which have to be tested for compliance during
the field evaluation trials itself. Equipment successfully meeting the
EPP parameters will be awarded a credit score of up to 10%, for
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evaluation of L1, with each individual attribute not exceeding a credit

score of up to 3%, as approved by the AoN issuing authority. Bid
evaluation criteria/determination of L1 for categories of cases
involving EPP, is as elucidated in paragraph 10.3.1 (Chapter II).

In case a procurement involves EPP, then the EPP and their

credit scores need to be explicitly detailed in the RFP. In such
cases, if the equipment supplied by a vendor does not have
the EPP, then the commercial quote of the vendor, for the
purpose of L1 determination, remains as it is. In cases where
a vendor equipment meets the EPP, the commercial quote
will be multiplied by a credit factor less than 1 and greater
than or equal to 0.9, based on the additional technical score
assigned for the EPP, as detailed in the RFP. For example, if
a vendor quotes Rs. 10 crores for an equipment, and meets a
certain EPP for which an additional credit score of 2% is
being provided, then the commercial quote of this vendor will
be considered for L1 determination purpose only, as Rs. 9.8
crores (10 crores multiplied by 0.98), and not Rs. 10 crores;
however, for all purposes other than L1 determination, the
value of the commercial quote will be considered as Rs. 10
crores only.

11. Preparation: The SQRs would be drafted by the user directorate at SHQ. In
order to make broad based SQRs, information will be sought from defence
attaches, internet, defence journals/magazines/exhibitions, previously
contracted cases in such category, and any other relevant and credible
information source; these are in addition to obtaining the required inputs
through the issue of RFI. The inputs so obtained should result in the form of
a compliance table of SQRs, vis-a-vis technical parameters of equipment
available in world market, in as much detail as possible. Draft SQR would
be circulated by SHQ to all stakeholders concerned for obtaining their
views/comments including other possible user directorates, maintenance
directorate, HQ-IDS, DRDO, DDP, Director General of Quality Assurance
(DGQA)/Director General of Aeronautical Quality Assurance
(DGAQA)/Director General Naval Armament Inspectorate (DGNAI),
Directorate of Standardisation, Technical Managers and any other necessary
department. These agencies will also be represented on the Staff Equipment
Policy Committee (SEPC) for approving the SQRs. Records in respect of

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Qualitative Requirements (QRs) will be maintained by the User Service(s).

In cases where there is commonality of equipment, the HQ-IDS will
constitute a Joint Staff Equipment Policy Committee (JSEPC) with
representation from the services concerned, for the preparation of the Joint
Service Quality Requirement (JSQR). If an ab-initio single vendor situation
is likely, then the case will progress as per provisions of paragraph 100
(Chapter II).
12. The resources of SEPC may be augmented by professional technical experts
who have extensive knowledge/experience on the equipment/ systems under
consideration. Their services should be utilized for review, rationalisation
and finalization of the SQRs, prior to accord of approval. HQ-IDS/SHQ may
maintain a list of such experts from appropriate fields, which may include
experts drawn from academia and/or experts from industry, as required.
13. Approval: SQR must be approved by the competent authorities at the
respective SHQs. A copy of SQR duly approved by the respective SHQ
authorities would be submitted along with the Statement of Case for
seeking AoN. No changes to the SQR will be permitted after obtaining the
AoN. In situations where SQRs need to be amended post the issuance of
AoN, a fresh AoN has to be obtained with the amended SQR.
14. Amendment to SQR Parameters: Changes pertaining to detection of
typographical errors or discrepancies (if any), prior to the issue of RFP, after
obtaining AoN, may be permitted with due approval of the AoN according
authority, provided that they would neither put any vendor at a disadvantage,
nor materially change the character of the RFP.

Acceptance of Necessity (AoN)

15. In order to seek AoN, the SHQs would prepare a Statement of Case (SoC),
and draft RFP as per format at Appendix (xxx) and Schedule (xxx) respectively of
the DPP. The SoC will include assessment of the acquisition category against
the Defining Attributes as given at Annexure (xxx) to Appendix (xxx) of DPP.
The SoC and draft RFP would be signed, with date, by the Head of the
respective User/Plans Directorate/equivalent of the Services. Six copies of
the SoC would be prepared, justifying the procurement proposal. One copy
each would be forwarded to DDP, DRDO, MoD (Fin), Acquisition
Manager, Technical Manager and Administrative Branch of MoD. The SoC
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would include the total quantities required, the break up based on five years
plans, and the quantity that is required to be procured in next two years. The
quantity vetting would be recommended by the Administrative Branch in
consultation with MoD (Fin). The quantities duly vetted along with other
comments on the proposal, would be sent back to the SHQ, within the
indicated time frame. DRDO and DDP will also forward their comments to
SHQ, who would then compile all the comments and give their final views.
The SoC along with all the comments, would then be forwarded to HQ-IDS,
which would examine aspects of interoperability and commonality of
equipment for the three Services. The SoC would thereafter be placed for
consideration of the categorisation committees (SCAPCC/SCAPCHC). In
cases of equipment/systems/platforms made of technology having short
obsolesce cycles, appropriate timelines pertaining to the various stages of
procurement must be provided for approval, by the AoN according authority
at the time of according AoN.
16. The SCAPCC/SCAPCHC will also invite industry representatives,
associations/representatives nominated by industry associations, whenever
participation by Indian industry is probable. The representatives so invited
would give presentation and clarifications, as required by the Categorization
Committee. The representatives would, however, not be present in the
internal discussions and during the decision making process of the
Categorization Committee. Based on the inputs received, the Categorization
Committee will submit its recommendations to the AoN according authority.
17. After evaluating the recommendations of the SHQs/initiating departments,
the SCAPCC will refer the cases for according AoN to SCAPCHC for an
Services Capi- estimated cost up to Rs. 150 Crores. For cases beyond Rs. 150 Crores, the
tal Acquisition SHQs/initiating departments will refer cases to the SCAPCHC, which will
carry out the task of categorization, based on the recommendations of
Categorisation SHQs/initiating departments, and refer the cases between Rs. 150 crores to
Rs. 300 to the DPB, and refer cases beyond Rs. 300 crores to DAC for
accord of AoN.

18. In order to ensure that AoN according process is completed in a time bound
manner, each case would be processed by DRDO/DDP/MoD/MoD (Fin)
within four weeks of receipt, so that the proposals are considered by the
Categorisation Committee within a 4 to 6 week cycle.

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19. Cases in which ToT is being sought, the appropriate Production Agency (PA)
would be approved by the AoN according authority based on the
recommendations of the SCAPCHC/DPB/relevant lower categorisation
body. The PA could be selected from any of the public/private firms
including a joint venture company based on the inputs from DDP and, if
required, from DRDO. Cases in which foreign vendors are allowed to select
an Indian production agency, the eligibility criteria of PAs, will be provided
in the RFP. The eligibility criteria for Indian private firms as PA, shall be
promulgated by the DDP.
20. Cases in which the total requirement of equipment/weapon system is spread
over two or more plan periods, the AoN will be processed for the entire
quantity, clearly indicating the quantities sought during various
periods/stages. The AoN once accorded will be deemed to be valid for the
subsequent procurements also; however, quantity vetting would be done at
each subsequent stage.
21. AoN for categories under Buy and Buy and Make schemes will be valid
for six months, AoN will be valid for one year in case of Buy and Make
(Indian) category, and all turnkey projects. AoN would lapse for all cases
where the RFP for approved quantity is not issued within the original validity
period of AoN. In such cases, the SHQ would have to re-validate the case
and seek fresh AoN with due justification for not processing the case in
time. For cases where the original RFP has been issued within the original
validity period of AoN and later retracted for any reason, the AoN would
continue to remain valid, as long as the original decision and categorization
remain unchanged, provided the subsequent RFP is issued within a period
not exceeding the original validity period of the AoN, from the date of
retraction of original RFP.
22. Preference will be given to indigenous design, development and
manufacturing of defence equipment. Therefore, whenever the required
arms, ammunition & equipment are possible to be made by Indian Industry,
within the time lines required by the Services, the procurement will be made
from indigenous sources. While examining procurement cases, the time taken
in the procurement and delivery from foreign sources vis--vis the time
required for making it within India, along with the urgency and criticality of
the requirement will be examined before deciding to proceed on
categorisation. Accordingly, the Categorisation Committees, while
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considering categorisation of all capital acquisition under the Defence

Procurement Procedure (DPP), will follow a preferred order of
categorisation, as detailed in paragraph 4 (Chapter I). .
23. In accordance with the order or preference prescribed at Paragraph 4
(Chapter I), all Statements of Cases (including cases under Chapter IV
Procedure for Defence Shipbuilding and cases under Chapter V Fast Track
Procedure) seeking AoN shall contain (at paragraph (xxx) of Appendix
(xxx)) a detailed justification for recommending categorisation as well as
reasons why each of the higher preferred categorisation have not been
considered suitable for the purpose. Considering the merits of the case and
the requirement timelines, DAC may approve any procurement to be pursued
under the FastTrack Procedure, at the time of AoN, to ensure expeditious
procurement for urgent operational requirements foreseen as imminent or for
situations in which a crisis emerges without a prior warning.
24. The categorization committees may recommend higher or lower threshold
of indigenous content than those stipulated for various categories in
paragraphs 7 and 8 (Chapter I). Detailed justification for the same should be
submitted while seeking AoN.
25. Procurement from Director General of Supplies & Disposal: After AoN,
for the procurement of common user equipment available at Director
General of Supplies & Disposal (DG S&D) rate contracts, has been accorded
by DAC/DPB/SCAPCHC, approval of CFA will be sought and orders will be
placed directly, by SHQ, on the DG S&D approved source of supply (Rate
Contract Holders).
26. Procurement from SHQ units: Products developed by Army Base
Workshops, Naval Dockyards and Air Force Base Repair Depots for in
house requirements can be procured by the Services from these agencies
under Buy (Indian IDDM) or Buy (Indian) category with the approval
of SCAPCHC. The total cost of proposed quantity of each item required by
SHQ under this procurement will be within the delegated powers of the
SHQ. The costing of such proposals will be vetted by the IFA with the
respective Services. SHQ can carry out user trials for the equipment without
issue of RFP. Procurement of the equipment will be done by the services by
placing indents.

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27. Offsets: The offset clause would be applicable for Buy (Global) or Buy and
Make categories of procurements where the indicative cost of acquisition is Rs.
2000 Crores or more, as on the date of accord of AoN. However, DAC may
consider partial or full waiver of offset clause. In case of a waiver for a
particular acquisition case, eligible/selected Indian vendors need to be
exempted from the corresponding IC stipulations. The procedure for
implementing the offsets provisions is given at Appendix (xxx) to this

Solicitation of Offers
28. Solicitation of offers will be as per Single Stage - Two Bid System. It will
imply that a RFP would be issued soliciting the technical and commercial
bids together, but in two separate and sealed envelopes.
29. Once the SQRs have been finalised, the sources of procurement of the
weapon system/stores shall be ascertained and short-listing of the
prospective manufacturers/suppliers carried out by the SHQ, in accordance
with guidelines issued by Acquisition Wing from time to time. The shortlisted vendors will be the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) or
authorised vendors or export agencies authorized/sponsored by foreign
Governments (applicable in the case of countries where domestic laws do
not permit direct export by OEMs). In cases involving ToT, the short-listing
of the vendors would take into account their ability to transfer requisite
technology for indigenous production. The Technical Managers may
increase the short-listed vendor base based on vendor capability; Acquisition
Wing will maintain a databank exclusively for this purpose. Keeping the
security and other relevant aspects in view, appropriate publicity may be
given to the proposed procurement with a view to generate maximum
competition. In order to generate maximum vendor response the following
means would be adopted:
a) Vendor identification through internet: Necessary information
derived from operational requirements of the Services would be made
available on the MoD and SHQ websites. All vendors desirous of
responding to any of the listed proposals would be asked to send their
request to the Technical Managers concerned as per the format at
Appendix (xxx) to this Chapter, which would also be uploaded on the
website. All the relevant details like the financial status of the company,
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product structure with specifications, annual report, past

supplies/contracts etc., will be sought from the prospective vendors. On
scrutiny of their response, interested vendors would be included in the
vendor database. This database would be product/system specific. The
vendor database may be shared with various Industry associations as
deemed necessary.
b) Case Specific Advertisement on the Internet: In addition to the
method indicated in sub para (a) above, when a case is being processed
for seeking AoN, the SoC would also include information regarding the
specific procurement, that can be placed on the MoD and SHQ websites
to generate larger vendor response. This aspect would be discussed and
deliberated by the SCAPCC/SCAPCHC to recommend as to whether or
not the information can be placed on the MoD and SHQ websites. For
cases which are recommended to be placed on the websites the
nature/scope of the information would also be indicated, keeping the
security concerns of the services in mind. A draft format indicating
nature/scope of information to be provided in such cases is placed at
Appendix (xxx) to this chapter. After DAC/DPB/SCAPCHC accords
approval, the details would be placed on the MoD website by respective
SHQ and the vendors would respond to Technical Manager concerned as
per the format at Appendix (xxx) to this chapter.
c) Expression of Interest (EoI) and advertisements through newspapers
may be resorted to in case the measures adopted above do not
generate sufficient vendor responses.
d) Subsequent to the accord of AoN, additional vendors who did not
respond to the RFI, may express interest for receipt of RFP and
submission of bid, within four weeks from the date of publication of
details on the MoD and SHQ websites, by the SHQ.
30. It would be open for the Acquisition Wing in MoD to procure Commercially
Off the Shelf (COTS) equipment, not available on DG S&D rate contract as
per provisions in paragraph 25 (Chapter II), on the basis of open tenders.
31. The procedure for RFP vetting and issue will be as follows:
a) All activities internal to SHQ for preparation of RFP, which includes
consultation with all agencies concerned such as procurement and
maintenance directorates at SHQ, Quality Assurance agencies, DRDO
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etc. would be completed prior to consideration of the case by

SCAPCC/SCAPCHC. All issues identified after internal vetting of draft
RFP at SHQ, which merit incorporation in the SoC for AoN, be included
in the SoC for consideration by SCAPCC/SCAPCHC.
b) Concurrent to the circulation of the SoC, a draft RFP will be
circulated to AM, TM, FM, and other stakeholders. Observations, if
any, will be intimated to the SHQ, based on which the SoC and the
RFP will be amended accordingly. Collegiate vetting of RFP will be
done after the accord of AoN.
c) In cases where ToT is being sought, the nominated production
agency would prepare the detailed ToT requirements for inclusion in
the RFP. In Buy and Make cases where the choice of PA has been
left to foreign vendors, the DRDO would prepare the detailed ToT
d) Approval of DG (Acquisition)/VCOAS/VCNS/DCAS/CISC/DG
ICG for issue of RFP would be obtained after accord of AoN.
e) The RFP will be issued by the respective Technical Managers.

No addition to the vendors would be allowed after issue of the RFP.

Buy and Make (Indian)

32. The process of issue of RFI etc. for such cases shall follow standard
acquisition processes as per paragraphs 2 - 14 (Chapter II), except that SQRs
can be finalised after the issue of AoN, but prior to issue of RFP in Buy &
Make (Indian) cases.
33. While seeking AoN under paragraphs 15 - 24 (Chapter II), the SHQ shall
specify in the SoC the ratio of distribution of technologies required to be
absorbed by the Indian vendor, as per categorizations given at Para 1(k) of
Appendix (xxx) to Schedule (xxx) of this Procedure. These technologies
shall be identified in consultation with DRDO. Other technologies to be
absorbed shall be determined by the Indian vendors at their discretion.
34. Preliminary SQRs (PSQRs) shall be appended to the SoC while seeking AoN
for Buy & Make (Indian) cases. AoN for such cases shall be valid for a
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period of one year from the date of accord.

35. Solicitation of offers shall be progressed as per paragraphs (28 - 31), and 43
- 54 (Chapter II).
36. First stage vendor short-listing by SHQs under paragraph 29 (Chapter II)
shall be carried out based on PSQRs approved at the AoN stage. However,
after accord of AoN but prior to issue of RFP, the SHQ shall hold
consultations along with DDP and DRDO representatives with the first stage
short-listed vendors. These consultations may relate to PSQRs, delivery
timelines and technology absorption aspects.
37. Representatives of DDP and DRDO will be associated with vendor list
finalization under paragraph 29 (Chapter II).
38. If required, representatives of DDP and DRDO shall be associated with
collegiate vetting of RFP under paragraph 31 (b) (Chapter II).
39. The RFP shall seek an indigenisation and a technology absorption plan in
strict accordance with (i) IC requirements at various stages of the delivery
schedule, and (ii) technology absorption requirements, as detailed in the
40. Further processing of these cases shall be undertaken as per procedure
prescribed for Buy and Make category.
41. Vendors, while responding to the RFP, shall ensure that their foreign
partner(s) from whom technology transfer is obtained should be OEMs or
their authorised licensees, design agencies or government sponsored export
agencies. In addition, such foreign partner(s) should not have been debarred,
suspended or put-on-hold by the MoD.
42. The Indian vendors participating in such cases shall remain liable to achieve
mandatory IC requirements for this category as laid down under paragraph
8 (Chapter I).
43. Unsolicited Bids: Bids/response to RFPs shall not be accepted from any
vendor, other than those vendors to whom a RFP has been issued.

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44. Change of Name of Vendor: Whenever a change in vendor name occurs

during any stage of procurement process - from submission of RFI till
execution of complete contract - due to any reason such as change in business
strategy, merger and acquisitions, or any other reason, guidelines/procedure
as given at Appendix (xxx) of this chapter, are to be followed. Whenever a
vendor applies to regulatory authorities for change of name, it must inform
the SHQ User Directorate/MoD at the earliest. Notwithstanding the on-going
process of change of name of any vendor concerned, the procurement
process shall continue. On approval of change of name of vendor by legal
authorities, and issuance of new certificate of incorporation by Registrar of
Companies (ROC)* or any other relevant authority, all relevant documents,
self-authenticated by authorised representative of new vendor (legal entity),
must be submitted to the SHQ User Directorate/MoD by vendor at the
earliest. Also an undertaking by the new vendor as applicable has to be
submitted as per the format given in Annexure Appendix (xxx). Grant of
consent for change of name by authorities concerned at SHQ/MoD is subject
to submission of all relevant documents.
* Note 1: Registrar of Companies (ROC) are appointed as per the applicable
provisions of Companies Act, covering various States and Union Territories
of India. For the purpose of this paragraph and related appendix and
annexure thereof, the term ROC also includes relevant regulatory authorities
of different countries in case of foreign vendors.

Request for Proposal (RFP)

45. The RFP will be a self-contained document that will enable vendors to make
their offer after consideration of full requirements of the acquisition. A
standardised RFP document is attached as Schedule (xxx) to Chapter I. This
will be applicable for all acquisitions. It will generally consist of four parts
as under:
a) The first part elaborates the general requirement of the equipment,
the numbers required, the time frame for deliveries, the
environmental parameters for functioning, conditions of usage and
maintenance, requirement for training, Engineering Support Package
(ESP), Offset obligations (if applicable) and warranty/guarantee
conditions, etc. It specifies the prescribed procedure and last date
and time for submission of offers.
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b) The second part of the RFP incorporates the SQRs describing the
technical parameters of the proposed equipment in clear and
unambiguous terms. In case equipment is being procured for the first
time and needs to be evaluated, the RFP will include the requirement
of field evaluation on a No Cost No Commitment (NCNC) basis.
Compliance of offers would be determined only based on the
parameters spelt out in the RFP.
c) The third part of the RFP outlines the commercial aspects of the
procurement, including clear statements on Payment Terms,
Performance-cum-Warranty Guarantees, additional bank guarantee
in respect of Essential Parameters - B (if applicable), and Guarantees
against Warranty Services to be performed by the supplier. It also
includes standard contract terms along with special contractual
conditions, if any.
d) The fourth part of the RFP defines the criteria for evaluation, trial
methodology, and acceptance, both in terms of technical and
commercial contents. A format will be enclosed for submission
along with commercial offer to facilitate preparation of Comparative
Statement of Tenders (CST) duly incorporating credit score for EPP
wherever applicable, and identification of Lowest (L1) vendor.
Submission of incomplete details in the format enclosed, along with
commercial offer, will render the offer liable for rejection.
46. In cases where ToT is involved, the RFP would include the requirement for
indigenous manufacturing under ToT. The RFP should spell out the
requirements of ToT in scope, range and depth of the technology required.
These could cover technology for repair and overhaul, production from
Completely Knocked Down (CKD)/Semi Knocked Down (SKD) kits and
production from raw material and component level. Aspects to be included
in the RFP, in case production from SKD/CKD/Indigenous Manufacture
(IM) Kits is based, are given at Appendix (xxx) to the RFP Document at
Schedule (xxx).

ToT for Maintenance Infrastructure

47. The provision of ToT to an Indian vendor, for providing Maintenance
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Infrastructure, would be applicable for Buy (Global) category cases. The

decision to apply this clause would be discussed and deliberated in the
relevant lower Categorisation Committee meetings on a case to case basis
and approved by AoN according authority. In such cases, the vendor would
have to transfer technology for maintenance to an Indian entity which would
be responsible for providing base repairs (third line) and the requisite spares
for the entire life cycle of the equipment, and the cost of MToT is to be borne
by Indian private entity or the Government, as the case may be. The Indian
entity could be an Indian vendor or entities like OFB/Army Base
Workshops/Naval Dockyards/Naval Aircraft Yards/Base Repair Depots of
Air Force. This entity would be identified at SCAPCHC/SCAPCC stage and
would be included in the recommendations of SCAPCHC/SCAPCC as also
in the SoC submitted to the AoN according authority for accord of AoN.
Existing technical arrangements if any, of the foreign OEMs with Indian industry,
may be taken cognizance of. The RFP would spell out the specific requirements
of ToT for Maintenance Infrastructure that could cover the production of
certain spares, establishment of base repair facilities including testing
facilities and the provision of spares for the entire life cycle of the
equipment. Both the vendor and the nominated Indian entity would be
jointly responsible for providing the maintenance facilities and support for
that equipment. Guidelines pertaining to the selection of Indian private
entity, will be promulgated by DDP.
48. The concept of maintenance for all types of equipment should normally be
based on estimation of the cost of life cycle product support of the
equipment. Towards this end, and for all cases above Rs. 100 Crores, the
RFP should seek the cost of the Manufacturers Recommended List of
Spares (MRLS), itemised Spare Parts Price List, optional equipment, and the
likely consumption rate of the spares based on the exploitation pattern of the
equipment. The RFP should also mention that the vendor would have to
finalise the terms for the life time product support in the current contract
49. Consequent to the issue of RFP, a number of queries relating to the RFP may
be raised by the vendors. It should be ensured that all the queries are
answered in an acceptable time frame so that the vendors are able to submit
their techno-commercial offers by the due date. If necessary, a pre-bid
meeting of all the vendors may be invited by the user directorate along with
representatives from Weapons Equipment Directorate/ACNS (P&P)/ACAS

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(Plans), representatives of Defence Offset Management Wing (DOMW) for

Offset matters, representatives of PA for ToT/MToT matters, and TMs and
FMs. The clarifications should be processed by the SHQ and be given in
writing to all the vendors by the TMs preferably within 3 weeks of the prebid meeting. However, it needs to be ensured that the parameters of RFP
(SQRs) should not be changed/amended at this stage.
50. The offers received should be opened on the notified date & time, by the
members of a committee chaired by the TMs/SHQs, in the presence of the
bidders or their authorised representatives, as may choose to be present. The
committee will open the envelope containing the sealed technical and
commercial offers. The technical offer will be opened by the committee and
sent to SHQ for evaluation by a Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC) and
the sealed envelope containing the commercial bid will be sent to the
AMs/SHQs, unopened. Offers which do not conform to the prescribed
procedure for submission of offers, as laid down in paragraph 21 of the
standardised RFP (Schedule I), or which are received after the scheduled
time for submission of offers, and unsolicited offers, will not be accepted.
51. In case a single bid is received at the bid submission stage, SHQ may proceed
with the process and complete the Technical Evaluation without retracting
the RFP. Within 4 weeks from the acceptance of the Technical Evaluation
Committee (TEC) report, the case must be referred to the AoN according
authority. In case it is concluded that there is no scope for change in SQRs
and other conditions of the RFP; and that retraction and reissue of RFP is not
likely to increase the vendor base, then the case may be progressed with the
approval of DAC, provided the vendor agrees to hold the original
commercial bid till completion of the procurement process. In such single
vendor situation, efforts should be made to complete the acquisition process
before expiry of original validity of commercial bid.
52. In case of Buy and Make (Indian) category, situations may arise in which all
bids submitted by Indian vendors, indicate a collaboration with a single
foreign vendor. Such cases have to be discussed and deliberated by the AoN
according authority, and if it is concluded that there is no scope for change
in SQRs and other conditions of the RFP; and that retraction and reissue of
RFP is not likely to increase the vendor base, then the case may be progressed
with the approval of the DAC.
53. In case of Buy and Make category, situations may arise in which all bids
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submitted by foreign vendors, indicate a collaboration with a single Indian

vendor, where foreign vendors were permitted to select an Indian Production
Agency. This may also not be treated as a single vendor situation, as techno
commercial arrangement of collaboration for each foreign vendor may be
different from those of other vendors.
54. Extension of Time: No extension of time will be provided under normal
circumstances. However, situations may arise in which it may be
appropriate to extend the time allowed for submission of offers. If an
extension is being sought by the vendor, the request with justification must
be received by the TM concerned from the vendor at least two weeks prior
to bid submission date, failing which such requests may not be entertained.
The extension so granted should not exceed a period of eight weeks from
the original date of submission of offers. Extension of only four weeks could
be given by the DG (Acquisition)/VCOAS/VCNS/DCAS/CISC/DG-ICG,
and the approval for any further extension has to be sought from the Raksha

Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC)

55. A TEC will be constituted by the SHQ for evaluation of the technical bids
received in response to RFPs, with reference to the QRs, under an officer
from the SHQ. It will include, representatives of the user service,
maintenance agency, representatives of QA. In addition, in cases where ToT
is involved, TEC will also include representatives of PA and DRDO, as
deemed necessary. The TEC will examine the extent of
variations/differences, if any, in the characteristics of the equipment offered
by various vendors with reference to the QRs as given at Appendix (xxx) to
RFP, and prepare a Compliance Statement short listing the equipment for
trials/induction into service, as applicable. TEC will also examine
compliance of vendors to provisions of RFP as listed at Appendix (xxx) of
the Schedule (xxx). Non-compliance of vendors to any of the required
provisions would lead to rejection of the bid at this stage. Cases where ToT
for maintenance infrastructure to an Indian Public/Private entity is sought,
the TEC will examine the joint compliance of the OEM and the Indian entity
for establishing the required maintenance infrastructure as laid down in the
RFP. In cases where an OEM bids, along with other vendors supplying the
same product of the OEM, only the bid of the OEM will only be accepted.
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The TEC may invite the vendors for technical presentations/clarifications on

technical issues.
56. A technical offer, once submitted, should not undergo subsequent material
changes. However, minor variations which do not affect the basic
character/profile of the offer may be acceptable, under the following
a) To ensure fair play, an opportunity to revise minor technical details
should be accorded to all vendors in equal measure.
b) No extra time to be given to any vendor to upgrade their product to make
it SQR compliant; except in case of essential parameters B, as detailed
in paragraph 10.2 (Chapter II).
c) No dilution of SQR is carried out.
d) The original commercial quote submitted earlier must remain firm and
57. The Director General (Acquisition) will formally accept the report of the
TEC, after due examination by the Technical Manager concerned. Issues, if
any, raised by the Technical Manager on the TEC Report should be addressed
in a collegiate manner with the Service Head Quarter. For delegated power
cases, the TEC report will be approved and accepted by the respective CFAs
at the SHQs. In case of a single vendor situation, post technical evaluation
by TEC, procurement process will continue as planned without retracting the
RFP for this reason, provided the vendor agrees not to revise the commercial
bid, during the remaining part of the acquisition process. SHQ will however
examine reasons for single vendor situation, record the same in their report,
and submit the report to the AoN according authority. In case it is concluded
that there is no scope for change in SQRs and other conditions of the RFP;
and that retraction and reissue of RFP is not likely to increase the vendor
base, then the case may be progressed with the approval of the DAC,
provided the vendor agrees to hold the original commercial bid till
completion of the procurement process. In such single vendor situation,
efforts should be made to complete the acquisition process before expiry of
original validity of commercial bid.

Field Evaluation Trials (FET)

58. Field Evaluations Trials (FET) will be conducted by the User Service on the
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basis of trial methodology given in the RFP. The trial methodology should
be comprehensive and un-ambiguous in its scope. Methodology for
evaluation of each parameter should also be clearly detailed in the RFP, so
that the vendors fully understand its implications. Parameters which can be
evaluated at TEC stage, based on documents or certificates rendered by
accredited agencies, may not be included in the field trials. The scope of field
trials should be optimized to cover all required parameters and the trial
methodology must be approved by the Principal Staff Officer (PSO)
concerned at the SHQ, prior to the inclusion in the RFP.
59. The manufacturers of the short listed equipment shall be asked to send the
desired number of units of the equipment/weapon system to India for FET.
SHQ will formulate the Trial Directive in conformity with the trial
methodology given in the RFP and constitute the Trial Team. The trial
directive must specify the fundamental points that need to be addressed for
validating the essential parameters, and EPP along with the evaluation score
credits thereof, as stipulated in SQRs. The SQRs of the equipment would be
a part of the trial directive. Parameters not mentioned in the RFP should not
be considered for FET. The validation of the support system and
maintainability trials, integral to and complimenting the trial programme of
the weapon system, should be held simultaneously, wherever feasible.
Representatives of DRDO, QA agency may also be part of the FET, based
on requirement. A representative of the Acquisition Wing may also
participate in the FET as an observer. After each stage of the trials, a
debriefing of all the vendors would be carried in a common meeting
(wherever feasible) as regards the performance of their equipment.
Compliance or otherwise, vis--vis the RFP parameters, would be
specifically communicated to all the vendors at the trial location itself. It
would also be ensured that all verbal communication with the vendors is
confirmed in writing within a week and all such correspondences are
recorded and documented. FET shall be conducted by the user and a detailed
Field Evaluation Report shall be drawn up and sent to SHQ for Staff
60. FET will be conducted by the user, only pertaining to conditions where the
equipment are most likely to be deployed. In other conditions where the
probability of deployment is not high, appropriate certifications confirming
the functional effectiveness under such conditions may be obtained; in cases
where applicable, simulations based testing may be resorted to. All weather
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testing should be carried out only in cases in which such testing are
absolutely essential. All the requirements for FET must be unambiguously
stated in the trial methodology included as part of the RFP.
61. When specifically indicated in the RFP for low value items being procured
in large quantities, the cost of items that are provided for FET would be
reimbursed to the vendors who qualify in the FET. Relevant guidelines for
the same will be issued by the Acquisition Wing, in consultation with the
62. The requirement of FET/NCNC Trials will not be applicable for procurement
cases in respect of acquisition/construction of Ships, Submarines, Yard Craft,
Tugs, Ferry Craft and Barges, where there is no prototype available for
conduct of NCNC Trials. However, Technical Evaluation and Delivery
Acceptance Trials for these will be carried out.
63. The trial team, for equipment being procured for more than one Service, will
have representatives of each Service for whom equipment is being procured.
Such trial team will be headed by representative from the Service nominated
as the lead Service. For trials of equipment involving ToT, representative of
Production Agency may be included as an associate member.
64. Single OEM equipment being fielded by multiple Indian vendors may have
joint trials if two or more Indian vendors so desire. The Indian vendors who
will jointly field the equipment, may place a request and provide an
undertaking that they will accept the trial results jointly and severally.
65. FET will normally be conducted on NCNC basis. There may be cases where
trials are not visualised or trials need to be conducted abroad in vendor
premises. Where field evaluation is not feasible, there may be possibility of
conducting evaluation through computer simulation. In such cases, the exact
scope of the trials shall be included in the Statement of Case while seeking
the AoN. The SCAPCC shall debate the scope of trials and recommend
suitable options to be approved by the SCAPCHC/DPB/DAC, as applicable.
66. There may be cases when, during the process of trials in India, it emerges
that certain validations need to be carried out abroad in the vendor premises.
This may be necessitated due to export restrictions, security related issues,
availability of testing infrastructure/platforms or such like reasons.
Permission for such validations to be carried out abroad would have to be
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sought from the Raksha Mantri. Similar actions as given in paragraphs 58 65 (Chapter II), would be taken in the cases where Trial Teams are deputed
abroad for evaluation purposes.
67. In certain cases, particularly in those involving integration of systems or
sensitive equipment, the Acquisition Wing can depute a Multi-Disciplinary
Technical Delegation abroad for evaluation and an Empowered Committee
for negotiation purpose; both could be combined as a Multi-Disciplinary
Committee. The Technical Delegation should have representatives, on need
basis, from the user service, DRDO, Maintenance agency, QA agency and
the TMs. In addition, AMs, and FMs or their representatives will be included
in the Empowered Committee. Such committee would be constituted after
due approval of the DPB.
68. After the acceptance of TEC Report, all selected vendors would be asked to
provide their equipment for trials in India, except when trials are to be
conducted at vendor premises. Any vendor failing to produce equipment for
trials by due date would normally be given a grace period of 15 days to
produce the equipment for trials. An additional grace period of up to 30 days
may be obtained by SHQs from their respective Vice Chiefs or DG-ICG,
keeping in view the practical time period necessary for trials. Equal
opportunity would be provided to all vendors while granting such grace
period. Wherever feasible, the entire trials viz. user, technical,
Maintainability Evaluation Trials (MET) and EMI/EMC would be
conducted simultaneously in order to save time. If the equipment is not
fielded at the start of trials, then the vendor/equipment would not be
considered at a later point of time.
69. All evaluations for confirmation/validation of parameters should be
completed and accepted prior to commencement of the CNC. In cases where
subsequent confirmation/validation are merited, the same would be
approved in the Staff Evaluation Report duly recorded in the CNC minutes.
Approval of CFA would be sought specifically on such issues.

Staff Evaluation
70. The Staff Evaluation will analyse the Field Evaluation results and shortlist
the equipment recommended for introduction into the services. The Staff
Evaluation Report will be approved by the Service Head Quarters and
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forwarded to the Technical Managers. Issues, if any, raised by the Technical

Manager on the Staff Evaluation Report, should be addressed in a collegiate
manner with the Service Headquarter. After due examination, the Technical
Manager, will submit the Report to the Director General (Acquisition) with
recommendations for acceptance or otherwise. For delegated power cases,
the staff evaluation report will be approved and accepted by the respective
CFAs at the SHQs. In case no vendor meets the SQRs in the field evaluations,
then the case would be foreclosed on approval of Director General
(Acquisition), for MoD cases and the respective SHQ authorities for cases
under delegated powers, and a fresh RFP will be issued after reformulating
the SQRs. The SHQs would inform the appropriate vendors about result of
trials and evaluation, along with reasons for disqualification. Such
communication would be done after acceptance of TEC/Staff
Evaluation/Technical Oversight Committee Report (whichever applicable).
71. Design and Development cases undertaken by DRDO/DPSUs/OFB will be
progressed as follows:

SHQs will initiate SoCs for Design and Development cases from
LTIPP/SCAP/AAP in consultation with DRDO/DPSUs/OFB.


AoN for Design and Development cases under 'Buy (Indian - IDDM)'
category, with IC as specified by DRDO/DPSUs/OFB, would be
sought by SHQ from the DAC prior to commencing the case. The SoC
would include, inter alia, PSQRs; Minimum Order Quantity (MoQ);
and timelines up to successful completion of trials and issue of
commercial RFP. In certain cases where the quantities are limited and
production by industry is not feasible, production could be undertaken
by DRDO/DPSUs/OFB with the approval of DAC.


Design and Development of prototype by DRDO/DPSUs/OFB would

be done as per their internal procedures. Competitive procedures shall
invariably be followed. Once the prototype is ready, the PSQRs would
be frozen and User trials of the prototype would be conducted by SHQ
followed by Staff Evaluation to be approved by
VCOAS/VCNS/DCAS/DG-ICG. The Staff Evaluation would also
recommend validation trials, if felt necessary.


Post-prototype trials and staff evaluation, commercial RFP would be

issued to the development-cum-production partner of DRDO or the
DPSU which has undertaken the Design and Development project.
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Indent would be placed on OFB in cases where it has undertaken the

Design and Development. These cases would not be treated as single
vendor situations.

The issue of commercial RFP and stages thereafter would be

progressed as per provisions of DPP.

72. Cases in which bids have been submitted by more than one bidder in a
competitive manner, and the Staff Evaluation after trials shortlists only one
equipment for introduction into service would not be considered as a single
vendor situation, as the techno-commercial offers would have been received
before trials and the commercial bids were competitive in nature. Bidders
had submitted their offers in an open competition and were not aware of any
single bidder getting approved after the trials.
73. Turnkey Projects: There are cases where the project involves supply,
installation and commissioning of varied machines/equipment for
communication/ storage/ overhauling facilities (with or without
infrastructure) at one or more locations in country. Such products including
up-gradation/modernization of existing assets may be carried out on Turnkey
Basis and may also include setting up of requisite specialized technical
infrastructure. The scope of such projects is large and varied involving
number of activities, hence there is a requirement of identifying a single
agency capable of completing the project on a Turnkey basis. In this context
apart from the vendors listed as per paragraph 29 (Chapter II), reputed
integrators would also be considered. Being a Turnkey Project, the trials are
not initially envisaged till establishment of the Test Bed and hence it is
essential to select the vendors with requisite capabilities prior to issuing RFP,
as per the SOP (ID 3(65)/ D (Acq)/44) published by MoD, dated 17/10/14,
and amended from time to time. For such cases, a Detailed Project Report
(DPR) would be worked out by the SHQ concerned. It should lay down the
detailed scope of work involved, bill of material, approximate cost estimates
and the time frame for project completion. This report should be placed
before the GSEPC for ratification. The DPR would be forwarded to the
services capSCAPCC/SCAPCHC and thereafter to SCAPCHC/DPB/DAC as applicable,
ital acquisialong with the Statement of Case while seeking the AoN and categorisation.
tion plan
In certain complex cases, the DPR may be outsourced by SHQ, the
n higher
justification of which may be given in the statement of case for seeking the
AoN. Consequent to the AoN, a committee would be formed comprising
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representatives of user directorate, maintenance directorate, DRDO, DDP,

Def (Fin), Technical Manager and any other agency as deemed necessary,
for carrying out the selection of the prospective vendors who would be issued
the RFP. The sequence of procurement procedure in such cases would be:

Making of a Detailed Project Report.

Acceptance of Necessity.
Selection of Vendors.
Issue of RFP.
Technical Evaluations to shortlist the prospective vendors.
Price Negotiations.
CFA Approval and Contract conclusion.
Establishment of Test Bed.
Project Implementation.

74. Technical Oversight Committee: TOC must provide expert oversight over
the technical evaluation process. The Acquisition Wing will constitute a
TOC for all acquisition proposals in excess of Rs. 300 crore, and for any
other case recommended by the Defence Secretary/DPB/DAC. The TOC
will comprise three members drawn from a standing panel of specialists
(serving Service Officers, DRDO scientists and DPSU officials). Members
of the standing panel should be maintained by the Acquisition Wing for a
maximum term of 2 years. Panelist nominated should have adequate
seniority and experience and should not have been involved with that
acquisition case, in any capacity in the past. The TOC will be tasked to see
whether the trials, trial evaluations, compliance to QRs and selection of
vendors were done according to prescribed procedures. Mandate of TOC
would also include providing oversight on the adopted trial methodology
during trials vis-a-vis trial methodology given in the RFP and the trial
directive. The TOC will also review and bring out the status of a grievance
or complaint, if any existing at this stage, pertaining to acquisition scheme,
and will have to give its observations and recommendations, based on a
majority decision, within 30 days, which may be extended by a maximum
period of 15 days, with the consent of the Defence Secretary. Technical
Managers of the Acquisition Wing will provide the secretarial support to the
TOC and ensure availability of all inputs from DDP/Acquisition Wing,
Defence Finance and SHQ to the TOC. The SHQ will clarify any queries
raised by the TOC. The TOC report will be submitted to the Defence
Secretary for approval.

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Contract Negotiation Committee (CNC)

75. The CNC will be constituted after the staff evaluation report has been
accepted. Initial activities of the CNC shall include benchmarking and all
other activities prior to the opening of commercial bid. The standard
composition of the CNC shall be as indicated at Appendix (xxx) to this
chapter. Any change in the composition of the CNC may be effected with the
approval of Director General (Acquisition). Where considered necessary, a
Service officer or any officer other than from the Acquisition Wing of the
MoD may be nominated as Chairman of the CNC with the prior approval of
Raksha Mantri. The organisations/agencies concerned should ensure that
their representatives in the CNC have adequate background and authority to
take a decision without any need to refer back to their organisation/agency.
The sealed commercial offers of the technically accepted vendors shall be
opened by the CNC at a predetermined date and time under intimation to
vendors, permitting such vendors or their authorised representatives to be
present, only after the acceptance of the TOC report, wherever applicable.
The bids of the competing firms shall be read out to all members present and
signed by all members of the CNC. The CNC would carry out all processes
after opening of commercial bids, till the finalization of CNC report.
76. In cases, where ToT for Maintenance Infrastructure is being sought, the
maintenance contract involving the OEM, and the industry receiving the
technology would also be negotiated along with the main contract.
77. The contract negotiation process would start with preparation of a
Compliance Statement incorporating the commercial terms offered in the
RFP and that sought by the vendor(s), analysis of the discordance and the
impact of the same. A similar statement would be prepared in regard to
deviations noticed in the delivery schedules, performance-cumwarranty/guarantee provisions, acceptance criteria, Engineering Support
Package (ESP), etc. Comprehensive analysis of the commercial offer would
form the basis for subsequent decisions.
78. The CNC would prepare a Comparative Statement of Tenders (CST) with a
view of evaluating the technically acceptable offers and determine the lowest
acceptable offer (L1 Vendor); the methodology detailed in paragraph 10.3
(Chapter II), will be used wherever applicable.

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79. Once the L1 vendor is identified in multi-vendor cases, the contract should
be concluded with the vendor and normally there would be no need for any
further price negotiations. However, it is important that the reasonability of
the prices being accepted for award of contract should be established. In all
cases, CNC should establish a benchmark and reasonableness of price, as a
preliminary activity, in an internal meeting before opening the commercial
offer. Wherever necessary, service of experts or information from
institutional sources, may be utilized by the CNC for preparing benchmark
price for a given scheme. Once the commercial offers are opened and the
price of the vendor is found to be within the benchmark fixed in the internal
meeting, there should be no need to carry out any further price negotiations.
The RFP in multi-vendor cases should clearly lay down that no negotiations
would be carried out with the L1 vendor once the reasonability of the price
quoted by the vendor is established. Aspects of advance and stage payments
(where applicable) should also be given upfront in the RFP so that it
facilitates selection of L1 vendor.
80. In case it is found that the lowest tenderer (L1) is not able to supply the entire
quantity within the prescribed time-frame, the CNC will have the authority
to divide the quantity amongst other qualified tenderers (L2, L3. in that
order), on the condition that other tenderers accept the price and terms &
conditions quoted by the lowest tenderer. In cases, where it is decided in
advance to have more than one source of supply, ratio of splitting the supply
would be pre disclosed in the RFP.
81. Cases in which contracts have earlier been signed and benchmark prices are
available, the CNC would arrive at the reasonable price, taking into
consideration the escalation/foreign exchange variation factor. The
endeavour should be to conclude the CNC early so that the
operational/urgent requirement of the indenting Service is met in a timebound manner.

82. For certain category of items, where orders have been placed in the past or
involves invoking of the Option Clause, there could be downtrend of prices
since the last contract. It would thus be necessary for the CNC to verify that
there has been no downward trend since the last purchase and this would
have to be kept in mind while arriving at the prices.
83. To ensure product support during the assured life cycle of the product, the
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CNC would finalise the following with the L1 vendor:

a) Assured supply of information on product/technological improvement,
modifications and upgrades.
b) Obsolescence management and life time purchases.
c) An illustrated spares price catalogue with base price and pricing
mechanism for long term.
84. In cases involving Buyer Nominated Equipment being procured from OFB,
the commercial bid will clearly indicate the cost of BNE as quoted by OFB,
with documentary proof. L1 in such cases will be determined after deducting
the cost of the OFB supplied BNE, from the total cost quoted by the vendor.
However, payment will be made after adding the actual cost of BNE, at the
time of purchase from OFB by the vendor, to the L1 cost determined as
mentioned above; the cost of equipment supplied by OFB will be considered
minus excise duties and other applicable levies. This provision is applicable
only in cases where the BNE has to be procured from OFB.
85. Fall Clause: An undertaking would be sought from the bidder that the bidder
has not supplied/is not supplying the similar systems or subsystems at a price
lower than that offered in the present bid in respect of any other
Ministry/Department of the Government of India and if the similar system
has been supplied at a lower price, then the details regarding the cost, time
of supply and quantities should be included in the commercial offer. If it is
found at any stage that the similar system or sub-system was supplied by the
Bidder to any other Ministry/Department of the Government of India at a
lower price, then that very price with due allowance for quantities and
intervening time period would be applicable to the present case and the
difference in the cost would be refunded by the Bidder to the Buyer, if the
contract has already been concluded.
86. Return of Commercial Offers: Situations would arise when the validity of
the commercial offers submitted by vendors expire before acceptance of staff
evaluation report. In such cases, vendors would be given an option to either
extend the validity of the commercial offer for a specified period (the period
to be decided in consultation with SHQ) or to submit fresh commercial
proposals. For cases where vendors want to submit fresh commercial
proposal, their old proposals would be returned unopened to them by the
AMs. However, for the cases where the RFP is retracted after submission of
the bids or a vendor is rejected at TEC/Trial/Staff Evaluation Stage or a
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vendor unilaterally withdraws from the acquisition process, their

commercial offers would be returned unopened to them by the TMs/SHQs.
Approval of Competent Financial Authority
87. The CNC should document the selection of vendor using a formal written
recommendation report addressed to the relevant approval authority. The
report must be complete in all respects and should be checked by the
members of the CNC. It should comprehensively elaborate the method of
evaluation and the rationale for the selection made.
88. All CNC members should sign the recommendation report, in the interest of
probity and accountability, as evidence that they concur with the process
adopted and the ultimate selection made. Any dissenting view, including the
reasons for the same, should also be documented.
89. The report of the CNC should include:
a) A brief background to the requirement.
b) Composition of the CNC.
c) An explanation of the commercial evaluation process, selection criteria
and commercial evaluation matrices, if used.
d) Brief description of different phases of the commercial negotiation
e) A summary of the recommendations.
90. The CNC Report, along with the summary of recommendations, would be
processed by the Director/Acquisition Manager/SHQ at their level, as
applicable, for obtaining expenditure clearance and CFA approval.
91. Standard Contract Document: The Standard Contract Document at
Chapter VII indicates the general conditions of contract that would be the
guideline for all acquisitions. The date of signing of the contract would be
the effective date of contract for all acquisitions, unless the contract specifies
otherwise. The draft contract would be prepared as per these guidelines.
However, for single vendor procurements, if there is a situation where
Government of India has entered into agreements with that country regarding
specific contractual clauses, then the terms and conditions of such
agreements would supersede the corresponding standard clauses of DPP.
Consequent to the approval of the CFA, the contract would be signed by the
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Acquisition Manager/Director (Procurement) concerned in the Acquisition

Wing, or by an officer authorised by the PSO at the SHQ.
92. Integrity Pact: An Integrity Pact would be signed between government
department and the bidders for all procurement schemes over Rs. 20 crores.
The Pre Contract Integrity Pact document is placed as Annexure (xxx) to the
Appendix (xxx) of Schedule I (RFP format). In Buy and Make (Indian) or
in Buy and Make cases, the Indian or Foreign vendors submitting multiple
bids will be required to submit one integrity pact and one IPBG.

Post Contract Monitoring

93. While responsibility for contract administration and management would be
that of the SHQ concerned, post-contract monitoring would be conducted by
the Acquisition Wing. Depending on the degree of complexity of a project,
the reviews will be carried out as elucidated below:
a) Simple Projects: Projects involving one time off the shelf buys, without
any design and development, shall be reviewed by the Acquisition
Manager/equivalent service officer in the SHQ.
b) Complex Projects: Projects which require design, development and
testing in consultation with the users, with likely ToT, and have enlarged
scope in terms of basic complexities, depth of design and development,
and consideration of a large number of participants, would be reviewed
by a steering committee headed by Director General (Acquisition) in the
MoD or Principal Staff Officer at SHQ, with members from MoD, MoD
(Fin), DRDO, DDP and SHQ. In such cases, the Acquisition Wing will
submit quarterly Contract Implementation Reports (CIR) to the DPB.
94. Equipment Induction Cells (EICs): EICs will be raised for major projects
on a case-to-case basis in SHQ at the discretion of SHQ. The EICs will deal
with the induction of major equipment and help in planning the requirement
of facilities essential for the serviceability and maintainability aspect of that

Subsequent Procurement of Already Contracted Equipment

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95. For equipment/systems/platforms already inducted into service, it may be

necessary to go back to the OEM/vendors for placing repeat orders. In such
cases it may be ensured that the SQRs of the equipment are as per the
previous order. All such cases would not be construed as single vendor cases.
In such cases, after seeking AoN, a commercial RFP would be issued to the
vendor, for quantity not exceeding 100% of the previous order. Specific
approval of DPB (in acquisition cases up to Rs. 300 crores) or DAC (in
acquisition cases excess of Rs. 300 crores) as the case may be, would be
obtained for Repeat Order of quantity exceeding 100% of previous order.
Such restriction in Repeat Order would not be applicable for cases
categorized as Buy and Make/Make/Design & Development cases.
Repeat order cases may fall under any of the following categories:
a) Additional Quantities: This may be necessitated to make up for
deficiency in the existing scaling or to cater for the requirements due to
new raisings/war wastage reserves (WWR)/sector stores.
b) Replacement Equipment: This may be necessitated due to equipment
declared Beyond Economical Repairs (BER) or damages or loss to the
earlier equipment by way of accidents/natural calamities or such like
c) Major-assemblies/sub-assemblies/Special
(SMT)/Special Test Equipment (STE)/maintenance/integration of Buyer
Furnished Equipment (BFE).
d) Spares for All Levels of Maintenance: It must, however, be ensured
that when spares etc. are procured from OEMs of sub-assemblies, the
assurances/warranties extended by the OEM for the main equipment
retain their validity.
96. Repeat order cases, where equipment has already been inducted into service
and thereafter it involves change in SQRs/modifications of minor
nature/upgrades of assemblies or subassemblies, would have to be decided
by AoN approving authority as indicated in paragraph 17 (Chapter II).
97. For repeat orders to be placed on OFB for Capital items included in the AAP,
the Acquisition Manager will place indents on OFB.
98. If repeat order is to be placed for equipment/system which have been

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indigenously developed or for which ToT has been obtained earlier by an

Indian vendor, it would not be treated as a single vendor case and only
commercial RFP would be issued. It will however be checked prior to
placing further orders that the technology absorption levels agreed to while
concluding ToT contract have been achieved.
99. If equipment proposed to be procured has already been procured by a sister
service after following due process, then such cases would be treated as
repeat order and provisions of paragraphs 95 98 (Chapter II) would apply.
100. Ab-initio Single Vendor Cases: If certain state-of-the-art equipment being
manufactured by only one vendor, which may not necessarily be a DPSU,
is to be procured to attain qualitative edge over our adversary, then such
cases should be discussed, deliberated and decided by DAC, after proper
technology scan is carried out by HQ-IDS, in consultation with DRDO.
101. Cases which are being undertaken by DRDO/DPSUs/OFB/Indian private
industry as design and development projects, would not fall in the category
of Single Vendor cases. However, approval of DAC for carrying out the
design and development need to be sought prior to commencing the design
and development process.
102. If DPSUs/OFB/Indian private industry signs a MOU with a foreign firm for
co-production/ToT/procurement of equipment to be offered to services with
approval of DAC, then such procurements, at a later point of time, would
not be considered single vendor cases requiring approval of DAC again.
Alternatively, if the DPSUs/OFB/Indian private industry signs a MOU
without the approval of the DAC then it would have to compete in a
competitive manner for the said procurement.

Inter Government Agreement

103. There may be occasions when procurements would have to be done from
friendly foreign countries which may be necessitated due to geo-strategic
advantages that are likely to accrue to our country. Such procurements
would not classically follow the Standard Procurement Procedure and the
Standard Contract Document but would be based on mutually agreed
provisions between the Governments of both the countries. Such
procurements will be done based on an Inter-Governmental Agreement
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after clearance from CFA. The following cases would fall under the
purview of this provision:
a) There are occasions when equipment of proven technology and
capabilities belonging to a friendly foreign country is identified by our
Armed Forces while participating in joint international exercises. Such
equipment can be procured from that country which may provide the
same, ex their stocks or by using Standard Contracting Procedure as
existing in that country. In case of multiple choices, a delegation may
be deputed to select the one, which best meets the operational
b) There may be cases where a very large value weapon system/platform,
which was in service in a friendly foreign country, is available for
transfer or sale. Such procurements would normally be at a much lesser
cost than the cost of the original platform/weapon system mainly due
to its present condition. In such cases, a composite delegation would be
deputed to ascertain its acceptability in its present condition. The cost
of its acquisition and its repairs/modifications would be negotiated
based on Inter-Governmental Agreement.
c) In certain cases, there may be a requirement to procure a specific stateof-the art equipment/platform, however, the Government of the OEMs
country might have imposed restriction on its sale and thus the
equipment cannot be evaluated on No Cost No Commitment basis.
Such equipment may be obtained on lease for a specific period by
signing an Inter-Governmental Agreement before a decision on its
purchase is taken.
104. In cases of large value acquisitions, especially cases requiring product
support over a long period of time, it may be advisable to enter into a
separate Inter Government Agreement (if not already covered under an
umbrella agreement covering all cases) with the Government of the country
from which the equipment is proposed to be procured after the requisite
inter-ministerial consultation. Such an Inter-Governmental Agreement is
expected to safeguard the interests of the Government of India and should
also provide for assistance of the foreign Government in case the
contract(s) runs into unforeseen problems.
105. Procurement on Strategic Considerations: In certain acquisition cases,
imperatives of strategic partnerships or major diplomatic, political,
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economic, technological or military benefits deriving from a particular

procurement may be the principal factor determining the choice of a
specific platform or equipment on a single vendor basis. These
considerations may also dictate the selection of particular equipment
offered by a vendor not necessarily the lowest bidder (L1). Decisions on all
such acquisitions would be taken by the Cabinet Committee on Security
(CCS) on the recommendations of the DPB.

Processing of Procurement Cases

106. In order to cut down the delays in procurement of equipment and ensure
that the procurement system is more responsive to the needs of the Armed
Forces, the following steps need to be taken:


Broad time frame for completion of different procurement activities,

given at Appendix (xxx), should be adhered to. Major deviations from
this time frame should be brought to the notice of the DPB, for
necessary corrective measures.


Once the statement of case is forwarded by SHQ to MoD, consolidated

observations/clarifications sought from up to and including the level
of JS/AM in the MoD and MoD (Fin) should be clarified in an across
the table discussion, and minutes of the same recorded on file. All
efforts should be directed towards avoiding multi-layered examination
of proposals in MoD (Acquisition Wing), and decisions should be
taken by AMs/FMs/TMs in a collegiate manner.

Deviations from DPP

107. Any deviation from the prescribed procedure will be put up to DAC through
DPB for approval.
108. Situations not foreseen and explained in the DPP may arise; under such
circumstances the spirit as explained in preamble would provide the DAC
the necessary guidance to determine the appropriate course of action.

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109. Defence Procurement Procedure - 2016 would be in supersession of

Defence Procurement Procedure 2013, and will come into effect from 1st
April, 2016. DPP 2016 will be applicable to all AoNs granted thereafter
from the date it comes to effect, except in cases where specific approval has
been granted by the Raksha Mantri for AoNs to be processed under earlier
versions of DPP. However, all cases where RFPs have already been issued
under earlier versions of DPP would continue to be processed under such
earlier versions. The cases for which AoNs have been granted under earlier
versions of DPP, but RFPs have not been issued up to 1st April 2016, will
be processed under the earlier versions of DPP concerned; in case the SHQ
concerned wants to migrate any such case under DPP - 2016, approval of
the DAC needs to be sought.

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Chapter III Procedure for Make Category of Acquisition

1. The Defence Production Policy, 2011, issued by Ministry of Defence considers
self-reliance in defence manufacturing as a vital strategic and an economic
imperative; and places emphasis on utilising the emerging dynamism of the Indian
industry by leveraging domestic capabilities for fostering export capabilities in this
sector. The policy, inter alia, entails further simplification of procedure under
Make category of acquisition, introduced in DPP-2006, in a manner that enables
design and development of required defence equipment/system/platform or upgrades thereof; and components, parts, materials and assembly/sub-assembly by
Indian industry, R&D organisations, academic institutions or their combination.
2. The Make in India initiative of the Government of India, aims to promote the
manufacturing sector, and increase the contribution of manufacturing output to
25% of GDP. Defence sector is prominent among the 25 sectors of industry covered
under the Make in India initiative. The provision of Make category of capital
acquisition is a vital pillar for realizing the vision behind the Make in India
initiative. Hence it is imperative that the Make procedure should be structured to
provide the necessary leverage to make adequate investments, build the required
capabilities, and match up to the contemporary and futuristic requirements of the
Indian armed forces.
3. The Make procedure, outlined in this chapter, therefore seeks to address the
multiple objectives of self-reliance, wider participation of Indian industry, impetus
for MSME sector, sound implementation, transparent execution and timely
induction of equipment into Indian armed forces.
4. Only Indian vendors including Association of Persons (AoP), as detailed in
Appendix (xxx) to this chapter, are eligible for participation under Make program
of acquisition.
5. Successful development under this scheme would result in acquisition, from
successful Development Agency/Agencies (DA/DAs), through the Buy (Indian
IDDM) category with indigenous design and development, and a minimum of
40% IC, by inviting commercial bid and thereafter following the procedures
detailed in Chapter II of DPP.

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6. The sub-category under Make category shall be further sub-divided into the
6.1 Make-I (Government Funded): Projects under Make-I sub-category will
involve Government funding of 90%, released in a phased manner, and based
on the progress of the scheme, as per terms agreed between MoD and the
6.2 Make-II (Industry Funded): Projects under Make-II category will involve
prototype development of equipment/system/ platform or their upgrades, or
their sub-systems/sub-assembly/assemblies/components with a focus on
import substitution, for which no Government funding will be provided for
prototype development purposes.

Make - Project Management Unit

7. Each SHQ (including Coast Guard) shall establish a permanent Make - Project
Management Unit (PMU), within its service. The Make - PMU must be headed by
a two star rank officer or equivalent and staffed appropriately with professionals
of various ranks/branches and specialisations, depending upon the nature and the
number of ongoing/envisaged projects under Make procedure, for the respective
SHQs. The Make-PMU Head, under each service head quarter, will have a tenure
of three years and the staff positioned in PMU shall have longer tenures to ensure
continuity during execution of projects. Officers of PMU shall be
members/member secretaries of the Integrated Project Management Teams
(IPMT), which will function under the overall control and directions of the Make
PMU Head, who shall be responsible for ownership of the service level Make
projects. The mandates of every Make PMU are as follows:


Closely monitor the implementation of Make projects for the

corresponding SHQ.
Ensure timely development and implementation.
Assign responsibilities and hold task owners accountable for
Identify potential issues that will impact project cost or delivery, and
resolve them swiftly.

Make - PMU may also hire expert practitioners from domains such as finance,
legal and technology, from public and private sectors. Expenses for hiring the
services of experts/consultants shall be borne by the SHQ concerned.
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Development and Acquisition Process under Make category


The acquisition process under Make Procedure would involve the following

Advance Planning and Consultations.

Feasibility Study.
Preliminary Services Qualitative Requirements (PSQRs).
Categorization and accord of Acceptance of Necessity (AoN) by the
competent body.
Constitution of IPMT.
Preparation of Project Definition Document (PDD).
Expression of Interest (EoI).
Selection of Development Agency (ies).
Detailed Project Report (DPR).
Approval of CFA and Funding Arrangements.
Design and Development of Prototype.
User Trials by SHQ.
Staff Evaluation.
Solicitation of Commercial Offers.
Commercial negotiations by Contract Negotiation Committee CNC).
Award of Contract.

Advance Planning and Consultations

10. On the basis of Long Term Integrated Perspective Plan (LTIPP) or otherwise,
SHQs will identify the potential projects to be undertaken under Make category
of acquisition. Besides, the SHQs shall initiate collegiate discussions on such
potential projects with various stakeholders such as DRDO, DDP, Indian industry
etc., in early stages after approval of LTIPP; this will enable potential R&D
Institutions and/ or production agencies to take necessary steps to undertake
requisite R&D efforts and/or investments for infrastructure upgradation. The
advance timing of these collegiate discussions shall take into account the
complexity of the defence equipment/system/platform or upgrades thereof, as the
case may be; all relevant factors not limited to quantities and delivery schedules
need to be detailed.

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11. Based on collegiate decisions detailed in paragraph 10, or in other cases as may
be appropriate, SHQ shall forward an indicative list of potential Make projects,
together with draft Preliminary Service Qualitative Requirements (PSQRs), to
HQ-IDS for inclusion in relevant medium term and short term plans, as per the
projected induction timeframes, and estimated timelines for development of
prototype. The aim should be to pre-plan and pre-position Make programs so as
to initiate developmental activities sufficiently ahead of the actual requirements
of the capabilities.
12. The criteria for sub-categorization of the Make programs are as follows:
12.1 Make-I (Government Funded): Projects involving design and
development of equipment, systems, major platforms or upgrades thereof;
necessitating harnessing of critical technologies, and may involve large
infrastructure investment for development, integration, test and
manufacturing facilities. Usually, projects under Make-I sub-category will
involve a development period of not less than three years.
12.1.1 Projects under the MakeI sub-category, with estimated cost of
prototype development phase not exceeding Rs. 10 crore, will be
earmarked for MSMEs. However, if at-least two MSMEs do not
express interest for a Make-I program of less than Rs. 10 crore, the
same shall be opened up for all, under the condition that interested
MSME(s), if any at that stage and meeting the eligibility criteria,
will get preference over Non- MSMEs in selection of DAs.
12.2 Make-II (Industry Funded): Projects involving design and development
of equipment, minor platforms, systems, sub-systems, components, parts
or upgrades thereof; use of readily available commercial, military or dual
use mature technologies, which may involve marginal infrastructure
investment for development, integration, test and manufacturing facilities.
Import substitution will be a key focus of projects under this category.
12.2.1 Projects under the MakeII sub-category, with estimated cost of
prototype development phase not exceeding Rs. 3 crore, will be
earmarked for MSMEs. However, if no MSME expresses interest
for a Make-II program of less than Rs. 3 crore, the same may be
opened up for all, under the condition that interested MSME(s), if
any at that stage and meeting the eligibility criteria, will get
preference over Non- MSMEs in selection of DAs.

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Annual Acquisition Plan (AAP) Make

13. A dedicated Annual Acquisition Plan (AAP), on the same lines as explained in
Chapter I of this DPP, will be prepared for schemes under Make category. It will
be a two year roll on plan and will have two parts: Part A would comprise of carry
over schemes from the AAP of previous year and schemes where AON has been
accorded during the year; Part B would include the cases likely to be initiated for
seeking AON in the next one year. AAP for Make would be prepared, approved,
maintained as per provisions in Chapter I of DPP.
14. HQ-IDS will compile a list of Make-II sub category projects, and host it on the
Ministry of Defence website. Status of the projects in this list should be updated
periodically, or immediately as and when changes occur.

Feasibility Studies
15. SHQ would be responsible for undertaking feasibility studies of all projects under
AAP Make. The aim of this study would be to identify the projects which
Indian Industry has the capability to design and develop, within the timeframe
required by the respective Services.
16. Feasibility studies will be carried out with involvement of all important
stakeholders such as HQ-IDS, DRDO, DDP, Advisor (Cost) and MOD
(Finance)/IFA as required. Industry associations including MSME associations,
OFB & DPSUs may be consulted if considered necessary. SHQ may engage
consultants/experts to assist in preparation of feasibility study report. Funding
requirements for preparation of feasibility studies shall be borne by SHQ.
17. The Feasibility Study shall include following aspects:




Long-term interests of MOD for indigenous development of capabilities,

both in terms of manufacturing and technologies, within the Indian
A preliminary assessment of enabling technologies to realize the requisite
equipment/system/platform/components or their upgrades; and their
availability or accessibility to Indian industry.
A preliminary assessment of capability of Indian industry to undertake
design and development of the requisite equipment/ system/platform or
their upgrades; and likely achievable indigenous content at prototype stage
as well as production stage.
Estimated time period for development.
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A preliminary assessment of capability of Indian industry with respect to

quantities envisaged for procurement during the Buy (Indian-IDDM)
phase and timelines.
Estimated Cost of prototype development phase and for subsequent
procurement phase under Buy (Indian - IDDM) category.
Suggested sub-category under Make procedure.
Number of Development Agencies (DAs) to be selected based on the cost
of prototype development, quantities required, or any other consideration.
(Feasibility Study will generally recommend not more than two DAs,
however in exceptional case, with due justifications, it can recommend
three DAs).
Exit Criteria.
Any other aspect considered important.

Preliminary Services Qualitative Requirements (PSQRs)

18. Based on the feasibility study, the SHQ concerned would formulate the
Preliminary Services Qualitative requirements (PSQRs), specifying essential and
desirable parameters. The essential parameters of PSQRs of equipment would be
of proven technologies available in Indian/world market. Research to achieve the
desirable parameters, if any, may commence along with or after the development
of prototype through various mechanisms e.g. instituting chairs/ projects in
research and academic institutions like IITs, IISC and DRDO etc. These PSQRs
shall form part of the Statement of Case (SoC) while seeking AON for Make

Categorisation and Accord of AoN

19. Interaction with Industry by SHQ: SHQ will place relevant information on the
MoD and SHQ websites and seek inputs from industry. SHQ will use the inputs
from industry to carry out the categorization, and for preparing the SoC.
20. Statement of Case: The SHQs will prepare SoC, and submit the same to HQIDS, which would examine aspects of interoperability and commonality of
equipment for the services. Feasibility study report and assessment of the defining
attributes of Make category, along with a list of prospective development
agencies, exit criteria, and PSQRs will be enclosed with the SoC.
21. After reviewing the comments of the HQ-IDS on aspects of inter-operability, the
SHQs/initiating departments, will refer the cases to SCAPCC/SCAPCHC as the
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case may be. The SCAPCC will refer the SoC for according AoN to SCAPCHC
for an estimated cost up to Rs. 150 Crores. For cases beyond Rs. 150 Crores, the
SHQs/initiating departments will refer cases to the SCAPCHC, which will carry
out the task of categorization, based on the recommendations of SHQs/initiating
departments, and refer the cases between Rs. 150 crores to Rs. 300 to the DPB,
and refer cases beyond Rs. 300 crores to DAC for accord of AoN. However,
incase three DAs are to be selected for the project, approval of DAC will be
required irrespective of the estimated project cost.
22. Following would be highlighted in the SoC seeking AoN by SHQ:

Estimated time period.

Estimated development cost.
Likely production cost.
Recommended sub-category under the Make category.
Recommended level of Indigenous Content (higher than the minimum
prescribed for Buy (Indian IDDM) category.
If any vendor has offered to suo-moto take up development under a subcategory lower than the one being recommended.
Likely development agencies.
Quantity of order to be placed, post the successful development of
Tentative time frame of procurement.
Acceptability of multiple technical solutions and division of ordered
quantity among successful DAs.

23. The AoN shall be sought based on the combined estimated cost of prototype
development phase and the cost of subsequent procurement under Buy (Indian
IDDM) as detailed in paragraph 5 (Chapter III). The cost of development and the
procurement should be indicated separately in the SoC.

Validity of AoN
24. AoN for Make category projects will be valid for one year. For all sub-categories
where EoI is not issued within one year from accord of AoN, SHQ would have to
move a case for revalidation of AoN with due justification for not processing the
case on time. For cases where the original EoI has been issued within one year
from accord of AoN, and later retracted for any reason, the AoN would continue
to remain valid, as long as the original decision and categorization (sub-category)
remain unchanged, and the subsequent EoI is issued within six months from the
date of retraction of original EoI.
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Constitution of IPMT
25. Once AoN is accorded for acquisition under Make category, the Department of
Defence Production/SHQ will constitute an Integrated Project Management Team
(IPMT) under Head of Make - PMU or suitable officer belonging to the Make PMU, who will also act as member secretary of IPMT; IPMT will consist of
representatives from SHQ, HQ-IDS, DRDO, DDP, DGQA/DGAQA/DGNAI,
Advisor (Cost), MoD (Finance)/IFA as required, and other experts if considered
26. The IPMT, through the Make-PMU Head for the service, shall submit sixmonthly progress report to the Defence Production Board (DPrB) through
Principal Staff Officer (PSO) concerned at SHQ. The DPrB shall provide policy
guidance as may be required in Make cases. The IPMTs responsibilities shall
include the following important functions:
a) Preparation of Project Definition Document (PDD).
b) Short listing of Indian companies/organisations for the purpose of issuing EoI.
c) Preparing expression of Interest (EoI) preparation and obtaining approval
thereof from the PSO concerned at SHQ and issue of EOI.
d) Assessment and Ranking of EOI responses, and obtaining approval for DAs
from DPrB.
e) Receipt and evaluation of DPRs from short-listed DAs.
f) Finalisation of DPRs on technical, financial and other aspects.
g) Preparation of draft Project Sanction Order (development contract).
h) Obtain CFA approval, through DDP, as per extant delegation of financial
powers detailed in Appendix (xxx) (Chapter III).
i) Monitoring and reporting of aspects relating to prototype development
including generation of Intellectual Property.
j) Any other responsibilities as may be entrusted by the DAC/DPrB/PSO at

Project definition Document and Expression of Interest

27. The IPMT will prepare a Project Definition Document (PDD) as per the sample
format given at Appendix (xxx). The PDD shall be approved by PSO concerned
at the SHQ, and shall serve as the principal guidance document for preparation of
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28. Short listing of Indian vendors for issue of EOI shall be done by IPMT from the
list of companies/organizations received from SHQs, and additional
companies/organizations if any, as per response to IPMTs request for Make
proposal from Indian Industry hosted on the website of MOD.
29. The details of the vendors shortlisted for participation in the Make projects
would be maintained by the SHQs, and the same would be placed in the public
domain by them. Relevant extracts of PSQRs would be circulated as part of an
EoI, issued only to Indian vendors short-listed by IPMT. The EoI shall be
approved by the PSO concerned at SHQ and shall contain all information as per
sample format at Appendix (xxx).
30. All evaluation criteria, sub-criteria etc., including respective weightages accorded
to each of them, for assessing responses from EoI recipients (Individual as well
as for AoP), shall be finalized and detailed as part of EoI.
31. Indian vendors who are issued an EoI, shall have the choice to respond either in
their individual capacity as EoI recipients, or as an AoP (i.e. consortium) of Indian
companies/organizations, through an AoP Agreement led by an EOI recipient, as
enumerated at Annexure (xxx) of Appendix (xxx).

Selection of Development Agency (ies)

32. The IPMT would undertake an assessment of EoI responses based on approved
criteria. An illustrative list of evaluation criteria is contained in sample format at
Appendix (xxx). It shall be ensured that the evaluation criteria relate only to the
test, production, R&D, system integration and technological capabilities in India,
including past experience and performance of EoI recipients as may be required.
Inspection of vendors premises should be avoided and selection should, to the
extent, possible be based on self-certification.
33. In the case of EoI recipient forming AoP i.e. consortium, the assessment, if any,
shall be carried out with specific reference only to the roles and responsibilities
of individual members under their AoP agreement.
34. The list of Indian vendors or consortium as stated above, ranked as per the
evaluation criteria shall be forwarded by the IPMT to DPrB through PSO
concerned at SHQ, for selection of vendor as per AON. The selected vendor shall
be referred to as Development Agency (DA).

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35. The DAs, shall then be required to submit a DPR, including cost estimates, as per
sample format at Appendix (xxx), to IPMT for their examination. For this
purpose, PSQRs and relevant extracts from the PDD will be shared by the IPMT,
with the short-listed DAs. The DPRs shall be prepared by DAs and examined by
the IPMT with specific reference to project milestones as described in subparagraphs 51.1 to 51.7 Chapter (III).
36. Prior to CFA approval, the IPMT will engage with the selected DA(s) for any
modifications/refinements/amendments to DPR, if considered necessary. DA(s)
may collaborate with academic and/or research institutions and/or foreign
companies/foreign research and academic institutions having required
technologies for the development of project. DA(s) would be required to disclose
the details of such collaborations in DPR. IPMT will submit the finalized DPR to
Secretary (DP), through PSO concerned at SHQ, for approval.

Approval of Competent Financial Authority (CFA) and Funding Arrangement

CFA Approval
37. The financial sanction for project development under Make-I sub-category,
taking the relevant prototype development costs into account, would be obtained
by the DDP as per delegation of financial powers detailed in Appendix (xxx)
(Chapter III).
38. For Make-II sub-category of development, sanction for prototype development
as detailed by selected DAs, with nil financial implications for MOD, would be
obtained by the DDP as per delegation of financial powers detailed in Appendix
(xxx) (Chapter III).

39. Funds for development projects approved under this procedure shall be borne
under the Account Head Make Procedure - Prototype Development Account
operated by respective SHQs.

Funding for Make-I

40. 90% of the development cost will be borne by the MOD, and 10% of the
development cost will be borne by the selected DA(s), as approved by the
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DAC/DPB/SCAPCHC and mentioned in the EOI. Guidelines for approval and

acceptance of cost-sharing arrangements are available at Appendix (xxx).
41. IPMT shall forward a draft project sanction order (development contract) to
DDP for approval. The approved DPR along with Appendix (xy), (yz) and (zx)
shall form part of the Project Sanction Order. Thereafter, IPMT will issue Project
Sanction Order to the selected DAs.
42. IPMT at every phase/sub-phase of the project will also assess the project on the
relevance of continuing the project with respect to time and cost overruns,
operational requirements, availability of same/similar equipment or technology
in the market and accordingly recommend to SHQ for release of funds.
43. For all projects under Make-I sub-category, an advance of 20% of the total
prototype development cost, will be paid against a bank guarantee for the
equivalent amount. On completion of every stage against the milestones detailed
in the DPR, DAs will submit claims for reimbursement to IPMT. While
submitting reimbursement claims, the Chief Executive Officer/a suitable nominee
along with an authorized auditor will certify the incurred expenditure linked to a
particular development stage. Based on the recommendations of IPMT, SHQ will
reimburse the development cost within sixty days, which may extend up to
another 30 days in exceptional cases. The advance will be adjusted
proportionately in subsequent payments as per the payment terms prescribed in
DPR and bank guarantees will be proportionately and automatically reduced until
full extinction.
44. If Commercial RFP for the equipment, for which prototype has been successfully
developed, is not issued within two years from the date of successful completion
of prototype development as described in para 58, the DA(s) will be entitled for
reimbursement of remaining 10% of the development cost. The same shall be
written off with the approval of the Competent Authority.

Funding for projects under Make-II sub-category

45. IPMT shall forward a draft Project Sanction Order (development contract), with
nil financial implications, to DDP for approval as per delegated financial powers.
The approved DPR along with Appendix (xy), (yz) and (zx) shall form part of the
Project Sanction Order. Thereafter, IPMT will issue Project Sanction Order to the
selected DA(s).

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46. No reimbursement of development cost for projects under Make-II sub-category,

will be made. However, if an RFP for the equipment, for which prototype has
been successfully developed, is not issued within two years from the date of
successful completion of prototype development as described in paragraph 58,
DA(s) will be entitled for reimbursement of 100% of the development cost as
indicated in the DPR. The same shall be written off with the approval of the
Competent Authority.
47. Funds will be released to the DA(s), only on obtaining a statement of expenditure
certified by an authorised auditor.

Access to books of accounts

48. The DAs shall maintain separate books of accounts with an independent bank
account, for the project sanctioned under Make-I and Make-II sub-categories of
prototype development; MOD or its authorized representative(s) shall have
unfettered rights to access these books of account of DAs.

Cost Overrun
49. Based on the recommendations of IPMT, cost overruns may be approved by the
CFA concerned.

Time Overrun
50. The approval of extension of timelines for any Make project up to 20% of the
timelines agreed upon in the approved DPR may be accorded by
VCOAS/VCNS/DCAS/DG-ICG/CISC, based on the recommendations of HeadPMU, and extension of time beyond 20%, the matter would be referred to DPrB.

Design and Development of Prototype for Make-I sub-category

51. The design and development stage under Make-I projects is expected to undergo
the following phases:

Project Definition Phase: This phase is a prelude to the Preliminary

Design Phase, and involves mobilisation of initial start-up resources,
including development laboratories etc., as specified in the agreed DPR.
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Preliminary Design Phase: During this phase, the design parameters are
established for configuration, performance in compliance to users
requirements and trade-off in the design. This also takes into
consideration various tests and studies to be conducted.


Detailed Design Phase: This phase includes the detailed design of

systems/sub-systems down to all components. Specifications of various
equipment, systems and sub-systems that are to be used in the product/
equipment/weapon systems would be finalised and all PSQRs frozen, and
they will be duly ratified as SQRs by respective SEPC/ISEPC.
Permissible variance wherever acceptable, may be indicated as a
range/percentage of SQR parameters. Engineering design documents,
drawings, process planning would be firmed up. These detailed designs
followed by critical design review may need to be fine-tuned several
times, during the agreed period for this activity in the DPR. Any
platform/equipment/interface-details required by the DAs with associated
resources would be made available by SHQ concerned, if included and
approved at the DPR stage.


Fabrication/Development Phase: Manufacture of sub-assemblies would

be carried out based on the final specifications arrived at in the detailed
design phase. Limited quantities, as given in the EOI and agreed to in
DPR, can be fabricated/ developed against the total prototype quantities
required for subsequent stages.


Test & Analysis Phase: Concurrent with the design phase, testing of
several components, system/sub-system is undertaken. Test and analysis
should also include software verification. Design testing through
simulation can also be undertaken. The testing may require specialized
facilities like conduct of proof firing and extensive firing trials for weapon
systems. Provisioning of laboratory and other in-house facilities and
special equipment, if any, shall be made on terms and conditions as agreed
upon in the approved DPR.


Integration Phase: During this phase, various systems and sub-systems

are integrated and the system integration testing is carried out in
accordance with the test procedures approved and agreed upon. The
integration procedure, the interface details, the performance and assembly
of modules/sub systems would be finalised.

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Performance Evaluation Phase: After the integration of the various subsystems, the prototype would be subjected to technical and limited field
trials to assess the overall performance of the systems against stated SQRs
by the development agencies and IPMT. Based on the test and analysis
conducted by them, there may be a need for change of design to meet
essential SQRs. This is a continuous process until the design is finally
proven, and meets the essential SQRs, subject to agreed time limits as per
approved DPR.

52. After the prototype has been developed, the IPMT would carry out user trial
readiness review of the prototype before offering it for user trials.
53. Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) in the Make projects undertaken under
provisions of this Chapter shall vest as described in Appendix (xxx).

User Trials
54. User trials would be carried out by the SHQ in close consultation with IPMT to
validate the performance of the system against the parameters/ specifications
approved after the development of prototype. SHQ will formulate the trial
Directives and constitute the Trial Team. The trial directive must specify the
fundamental points that need to be addressed for validating the essential
55. The SQRs of the equipment would therefore be a part of the trial directives, and
only the essential parameters as detailed in the SQRs will be tested. The validation
of the support system and maintainability trials, integral to and complimenting
the trial programme of the defence equipment/upgrades/product/system should
be held simultaneously, wherever feasible. Representatives of DRDO, QA agency
may also be part of the field evaluation, based on requirement. The user can
recommend modification to the system for ease of handling and its
maintainability. At this stage, no changes should be suggested which require redesigning of the system/sub-system or technology upgrade. Such suggestions
would only be considered and implemented in subsequent phases of development.
56. Based on the inputs of SHQ/IPMT, the DPR will clearly include the list of
trials/items/facilities/consumables, which will be provided free of cost during
trials. It will also specify the number of times free tests will be carried out. The
liability against any collateral damages/third party, to the extent permitted under
the Indian Insurance Act, occurring during the course of trials should be covered
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through insurance cover by the respective DA(s). The cost of such insurance
cover may be included in the project under DPR.

Staff Evaluation
57. Based on the User Trials, the SHQ would carry out a staff evaluation, which gives
out the compliance of the demonstrated performance of the equipment vis--vis
the SQRs. The staff evaluation report will be approved and accepted at the Service
Head Quarters by the VCOAS/VCNS/VCAS/DG-ICG/CISC. On acceptance of
the Staff Evaluation, the SQRs shall form the basis for the Buy (Indian IDDM)
category of acquisition.
58. Once the Staff Evaluation Report is accepted and final installment under
prototype phase as per DPR has been released, no more funds would be released
from Make Procedure - Prototype Development Account.
59. The procedure followed for procurement would thereafter be same as for Buy
(Indian IDDM) category as defined in paragraph 5 (Chapter III), from the
successful DA/DAs, in accordance with Chapter II, except to the extent outlined
below. The quantities in the Buy (Indian IDDM) phase cannot be reduced from
the quantities indicated in EoI issued for the prototype development phase.

Design and Development of Prototype for Make-II sub-category

60. The involvement of IPMT during the design and development stage under MakeII sub-category projects will be limited to the following:
a) Finalisation of SQRs and trial methodology, which shall be incorporated
into the DPR.
b) Providing clarifications related to functional or operational aspects of the
equipment under development, as may be sought by the DAs from time to
time, during the design and development of prototype.
c) Coordinating user trials with the SHQs, based on the trial methodology, as
mentioned in paragraph 60.i, and arrangements detailed in approved DPR.
SHQ will formulate the trial Directives and constitute the Trial Team. The
trial directives must specify the fundamental points that need to be
addressed for validating the essential parameters.
61. The procedure of carrying out the staff evaluation, approval and acceptance of
staff evaluation report, and the finalization of SQRs for procurement under Buy
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(Indian IDDM) category of acquisition, is as detailed in paragraph 57 (Chapter


Solicitation of Commercial Offers

62. A Request for Proposal would be issued to the agencies accepted in the staff
evaluation report for soliciting their commercial offers and additional technical
information/documentation, as may be necessary. In case of development by an
AoP, RFP shall be issued to Lead Partner who will submit an undertaking to
supply the required quantities under Buy (Indian - IDDM) phase with life cycle
support for the product.
63. The Pre-Contract Integrity Pact, listed as detailed in paragraph 92 (Chapter II of
DPP), shall apply mutatis mutandis, to Buy (Indian IDDM) phase of Make
project. The process of commercial negotiations by the CNC (to be constituted as
per provisions detailed in Chapter II) would commence thereafter.

Commercial negotiations by Contract Negotiation Committee (CNC)

64. The CNC will carry out all processes from opening of commercial bids till
conclusion of contract.
65. In cases involving large quantities and where multiple technological solutions are
acceptable, on approval of DAC/DPB/SCAPCHC, an option may be provided in
the EoI during the Make phase and subsequently in the RFP for the Buy (Indian
IDDM) phase for procurement of specified quantities from other vendors
(referred to as L2 herein) who have successfully developed the prototype/product,
on the condition that this second vendor accepts the price and terms & conditions
quoted by the L1 vendor.
66. In case, multiple technological solutions are not acceptable, the successful L2
vendor will be issued a certificate by the DDP indicating that the product has been
successfully trial evaluated, to facilitate L2 vendor to explore other markets and
remain in the production of the product.
67. Consequent to approval of the CFA, the procurement contract(s) would be signed
by the Acquisition Manager/Director (Procurement) concerned in the Acquisition
Wing or by officer authorized by PSO concerned in SHQ for the cases falling
within their delegated powers. The draft contract(s) would be prepared as per the
Standard Contract Document at Chapter VI of DPP.
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68. The next phase of up-gradation of the prototype for development of its Mark
II/Mark III variants would be guided by desirable parameters of PSQRs.

Project Management, Review and Monitoring

69. The progress of the Make phase would be monitored by the IPMT under overall
guidance of respective PMU as per the defined milestones listed in the DPR,
including generation of Intellectual Property. The Government may engage
services of independent consultants/experts for assessing the physical and/or
financial progress of the Make project. IPMT, through respective PMU will also
periodically apprise the progress of the project to PSO concerned at SHQ or to
DPrB through PSO concerned at SHQ, as the case may be. Project management,
review and monitoring arrangements may be suitable tailored for Make II subcategory, based on the nature of the project and involvement of IPMT, as outlined
in DPR.
70. All contemporary Project Management tools and practices, relevant for Design
and Development of Technology intensive projects, shall be employed by IPMT.

71. In case the project does not proceed according to the predetermined milestones
as per paragraph 51.1 or 51.7 of this chapter, and as agreed in the DPR, and/or if
there are undue time and cost overruns, or failure of the prototype(s) on staff
evaluation or on account of any other reasons, the Make project may be
foreclosed in respect of the DA(s) concerned and proposal for foreclosure will be
approved by the authority who had accorded AoN.
72. In such cases, the total expenditure made by the DA(s) on the prototype
development till foreclosure would be assessed and if excess funds have been
paid to the DA(s), the same shall be recovered; if the expenditure is in excess of
the amount paid, the balance shall be paid to the DA(s). The total amount paid to
the DA(s) shall be written off with the approval of the competent authority.

Disposal of tangible assets created in Make-I projects

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73. The ownership of all tangible assets and the developed prototypes under the Make
I category shall vest with the MOD. These may be passed on to the DA at
depreciated value as per the extant guidelines of the Government of India.
74. In case of foreclosed Make-I sub category of projects, the tangible assets thus
created may be disposed of as per the extant Government guidelines. Expenditure
incurred on intangible assets as defined in the relevant Indian Accounting
Standards will be written off with the approval of competent authority.

Disposal of tangible assets created in Make-II projects

75. For Make-II sub-category projects, in which 100% development cost is to be
reimbursed on account of non-issue of RFP within 24 months from the date of
successful development of prototype, the ownership of all tangible assets and the
developed prototypes shall vest with the MOD. These may be passed on to the
DA at depreciated value as per the extant guidelines of the Government of India.
76. In case of foreclosed Make-II sub category of projects, the tangible assets thus
created may be disposed of as per the extant Government guidelines. Expenditure
incurred on intangible assets as defined in the relevant Indian Accounting
Standards will be written off with the approval of competent authority.
77. All deviations on matters concerned with Make cases not covered under this
chapter, as well as all cases of deviations, shall require prior approval of the DPrB,
before going to DAC.
78. Typical expected timelines for undertaking Make Projects are contained in
Appendix (xxx). The table indicating the role & responsibilities of various
authorities is at Appendix (xxx). The entire Make procedure in the form of
Flowcharts is placed at Appendix (xxx). All the formats given as Appendices and
Annexures to this chapter are illustrative and may be amended/modified, as per
the requirements of projects under consideration.
79. Any development process under Make procedure of previous DPPs, may be
carried out as per procedures of old case or may be migrated to this new Make
procedure, after due consultation with the selected DAs and if it is found to be in
the interest of the project.

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80. Any clarification or difficulty arising during execution shall be referred to

Secretary (Defence Production), who would either take a final decision or refer
the case to the DAC for final decision.

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Chapter IV - Procedure For Defence Ship Building

A Naval/Coast Guard ship consists of an assortment of weapons, sensors
and support systems, along with propulsion, power generation and auxiliary
systems, facilities for crew, fuel and provisions. All the surveillance and weapon
systems are interlinked and integrated through an elaborate data management
system. The system integration of complex sensors and weapons between
themselves and to the ships systems and combat management system is crucial
for a ship design and construction project. The platform design successfully
integrates systems acquired from different sources.
To achieve this successfully, a ship construction programme, therefore,
necessarily involves feasibility studies on the basis of the staff requirements,
concept design, model tests, preliminary design, specialist design studies, detailed
design, system integration, construction, tests and trials. It also involves technology
application and transfer, selection of various equipment, development of new
equipment, identification and purchase of a large number of items, including
weapons and sensors from numerous indigenous and foreign suppliers.

In accordance with the Defence Procurement Procedure, Capital
Acquisitions have been categorized under six main categories as described at Para
6 to 11 of Chapter I of DPP, namely; Buy (Indian-IDDM), Buy (Indian), Buy
(Global), Buy and Make Buy and Make (Indian) and Make. Naval
shipbuilding is a capital and technology intensive complex activity that requires a
separate procedure for design / construction /acquisition of naval ships, submarines,
yard crafts, auxiliary ships and Coast Guard vessels through design/construction.
This Chapter is divided into two sections as follows:(a) Section A. Acquisition of Naval and Coast Guard Ships, submarines,
yardcrafts and auxiliary crafts etc by nomination to DPSU.

Section B.

Acquisition of Naval Ships, Coast Guard Ships,

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submarines, yardcrafts and auxiliary crafts etc on competitive basis.

Actions indicated for Naval authorities in succeeding paragraphs would be
carried out by Coast Guard authorities mutatis-mutandis, in cases where this
procedure is followed for Coast Guard acquisitions.

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Section A
Acquisition of Naval and Coast Guard Ships, Submarines, Yard Crafts and
Auxiliary Crafts etc. by Nomination to DPSU.

Applicability. This section is primarily applicable for acquisition of
Naval/CG ships, submarines, auxiliaries, yard crafts and Coast Guard vessels of
indigenous designs by IHQ MoD (N) to be constructed by DPSU shipyard(s) on
nomination basis. However, it can be used as guidelines wherein the design is
undertaken by the nominated shipyard(s) and/or construction through nomination
to any other Indian shipyards.
The Naval Ship Building Procedure under this section
will cover the following:(a)

Outline Staff Requirements

Acceptance of Necessity
Nomination of Shipyards
Preliminary Staff Requirements
Preliminary Design
Preliminary Build Specifications
Build Strategy
Budgetary and Estimated Costs
Contract Negotiations
Approval of CFA
Conclusion of Contract
Detailed Design
Procurement of Ship-borne Equipment
Monitoring of Projects
Revision of Cost
Closure of the Project
Liquidated Damages, if applicable

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Outline Staff Requirements

IHQ MoD (N) are to prepare the Outline Staff Requirements (OSRs),
which are to include the role of the ship, dimensions of its hull, limiting dimensions
if any, capability of major machinery, weapons, sensors and details of
accommodation, manpower, endurance etc.
The OSRs would form the basis on which the feasibility studies and concept
design of the ship, identification of OEMs/ vendors for specific weapons, sensors,
machinery and equipment are to be carried out.
Acceptance of Necessity (AoN)
The proposal for induction of the ships is to be linked to the Maritime
Capability Perspective Plan (MCPP)/Five Years Plan which stipulates the numbers
and type of vessels required as well as timelines for such inductions. The guidelines
for accord of AoN would be as per Chapter II of DPP. The Statement of Case for the
proposal is to be prepared by IHQ MoD (N) and processed in line with the details
given in Para 24 of Chapter II of DPP. This will inter alia contain Outline Staff
Requirements, broad category of weapons and sensors to be fitted on the ship along
with the status of their indigenous development if applicable, operational necessity,
approximate cost and budgetary provisions. The proposal is to clearly indicate
whether it is a new design, Follow on ships or Follow on ships with substantial design
/ equipment changes. Separate case may be taken up, to progress design work such
as design validation studies, consultancy services, and creation of design facilities
including procurement of software/hardware, which will be projected to the AoN
according authority, based on proposal in SoC.
Nomination of Shipyard
SHQ along with MoD/DDP and MoD (Fin) will carry out a capacity
assessment of the shipyards and forward recommendations on the nomination of the
shipyard for the project along with AON for approval by DAC. More than one
shipyard may also be nominated. In case of nomination of more than one shipyard,
lead shipyard is also to be recommended in the proposal along with allocation of
ships to each shipyard.

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Cases for nomination of a yard for Coast Guard ships will also be approved
by the DAC based on the merits of each case.

Preliminary Staff Requirements

On completion of the feasibility analysis/ concept design, the OSRs are to be
refined, and the Preliminary Staff Requirements (PSRs) are to be promulgated based
on the selected option of the concept design. The procedure for the Services
Qualitative Requirements (SQRs) as set out at Para 9 to 14 of Chapter II of DPP 16
shall be followed for new weapons and related sensors as appropriate.

Preliminary Design
Based on the promulgated PSRs, the preliminary design, including hull
form design, weapons/ sensors/ equipment fit, identification of OEMs/ vendors for
specific weapons, sensors, machinery and equipment, model tests, validation studies
and other design activities are carried out by IHQ MoD (N)/Shipyard in consultation,
as necessary. The propulsion package, weapons/ sensors, hull equipment and engine
equipment may be identified by the customer. Based on the necessity, SHQ may
indicate the requirement for model test and other design validation studies as well
as for augmentation of existing design facilities at Design/ Production Directorate.
This will be authorised at the time of seeking AoN.
Due to long gestation period in ship-building, there may be occasions
when systems/ equipment, which are still under development or those not fully
evaluated, have to be considered in order to ensure that the ship when ready has the
latest state of the art capabilities at the time of induction into service. The dates for
freezing of developmental system would be indicated in the contract. Further, due to
operational reasons adaptation of developmental systems, shortfalls observed during
installation/trials of equipment/systems etc may require modifications in design.
Preliminary Build Specifications
15. Based on the preliminary design, the Preliminary Build Specifications (PBS) of
the vessel are to be prepared by SHQ and forwarded to the nominated shipyard(s).
The SHQ and nominated shipyard will interact to finalise these and other related

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16. In cases where the vessel is not designed by IHQ MoD (N), the nominated
shipyard will prepare the preliminary build ship specifications based on the PSRs
and finalise these, along with draft contract and other related documents through
interactions with SHQ.

Build Strategy
The nominated shipyard(s) is/are to propose a build strategy based on the
preliminary build specifications, required delivery schedules, yard infrastructure
and available resources. This would include the proposed construction schedule,
Level 1 work breakdown structure, detailed master control network with resource
allocation plan for utilization of shipyard manpower, infrastructure and committed
infrastructure up-gradation specific to the project, if applicable, outsourcing plan, the
tentative procurement schedule for major long lead items, including weapons and
sensors, and the schedule for design documentation and drawings. This should also
include shipyards plans to meet the resource requirements of the new project
together with other on-going projects.

Budgetary Cost
18. After approval of the build strategy by IHQ MoD(N), the shipyard(s) is/are to
forward a budgetary cost for the construction of the ship on the basis of the Build
Strategy, along with draft contract.
Budgetary Cost - New Design Ships/ Follow-On Ships with Substantial
Design/Equipment Changes. In case of new design projects or Follow-on projects
with substantial design/equipment changes, the shipyard will forward estimated
budgetary cost broken down to the extent possible, into standard elements such as
labour cost indicating number of man-days, overheads, direct expenses, profit
payable to shipyard, specially contracted works, approximate cost of raw material,
all major equipment, weapons, sensors and propulsion machinery chosen, freight,
insurance, clearing charges, taxes, duties and levies on input materials and services
etc as well as the expected year wise cash flow separately for fixed and variable
component. The cost should take into account normal escalation in cost of
various elements and known equipment and machinery as per the scheduled time
of procurement, so as to arrive at an estimated completion cost. Details of cost
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elements, which cannot be assessed at this stage such as cost of new/ developmental
equipment, exchange rate variation etc should be explicitly indicated.
Estimated Cost New Design Ships/ Follow-on Ships with Substantial
Design/Equipment Changes: The estimated cost of the project is to include the
budgetary cost provided by the shipyard, costs towards project studies, functional
design development through design bureaus /agencies and detailed design work by
shipyard/ specialist agencies. Augmentation of design facilities at Design/ Production
Directorate of Navy, creation of infrastructure and any other costs, if required in the
shipyard etc, are also to be reflected as separate items. Cost of supply of MRL - B&D
spares, up to 15% (excluding levies, taxes, and handling charges, transportation,
insurance, service tax on handling charges etc) of the basic cost of the vessel and
Cost of Manufacturer's recommended list of On Board Spares (MRL-OBS), may also
be included in the Estimated Cost, as applicable.
21. Variations in cost of equipment nominated to be supplied by OFB will be paid
as per actuals in the variable cost element of the project iaw Para 84 of Chapter II of
the DPP. For new design ships, the estimated cost shall be as close to the final cost as
possible explicitly indicating variable cost elements and projected cost of weapons,
related sensors and other items under development, if any.
22. Cost for BFE integration (on a case to case basis) will be decided by the CNC.
23. Budgetary Cost Follow On Ships: In case of ships of Follow on projects
with minor design changes or equipment change requiring minimal design changes,
the shipyard is to forward a firm cost for construction of the ship with variable
element only for new and developmental systems, if any, in conformance with
the Build Strategy, indicating the year wise requirement of funds.
24. Estimated Cost Follow On Ships: The estimated cost should be carefully
worked out based on the budgetary quote given by the nominated shipyard and
should be broken down into fixed and variable cost elements, such as labour cost
indicating number of man-days, overheads, direct expenses, profit payable to
shipyard, specially contracted works, approximate cost of raw material, all major
equipment, weapons, sensors and propulsion machinery chosen. Any other costs, if
required in the shipyard etc, are also to be reflected as separate items. Cost of supply
of MRL - B&D spares, up to 15% (excluding levies, taxes, and handling charges,
transportation, insurance, service tax on handling charges etc) of the basic cost of the
vessel and Cost of Manufacturer's recommended list of On Board Spares (MRLOBS), may also be included in the Estimated Cost, as applicable.

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25. Variations in cost of equipment nominated to be supplied by OFB as detailed

in Para 84 of Chapter II of the DPP will be paid as per actual; in the variable cost
of the project.

Cost for BFE integration (on a case to case basis) will be decided by the CNC.

Modifications: In view of Para 14 above, the construction of ships may
require to accommodate unforeseen changes necessitated due to minor operational
requirements of the user etc. Since it is not feasible to forecast these, a provision needs
to be made for the same, while obtaining CCS/CFA approval. The extent of
modification cost would be examined by SCAPCHC/DPB/DAC, as the case may be.
Based upon the deliberations during the accord of AON a percentage of the project
cost will be included in the CFA approval on 'Not Exceeding Basis' for modifications,
subject to a maximum of 4% of the basic cost. Payment for contingencies, as per
actual, will also be included under this Head. Any extra time required beyond the
delivery date of the ship, on account of modification would be restricted to a
maximum of 4% of the original contract delivery period under the project.
Expenditure on modification/contingency cost along with commensurate time
extension (if any) will be approved by the concerned CFA based upon delegated
financial powers in consultation with IFA.

Contract Negotiations
28. Before seeking the approval of CFA, negotiations on the price and the other
aspects of the contract with shipyard are to be undertaken and concluded by a
Contract Negotiation Committee (CNC). The standard composition of the CNC shall
be as indicated at Appendix B to Chapter I of this procedure.

Approval of CFA
The proposal for the design and construction of the ship is thereafter,
to be taken up for the approval of the CFA.
The proposal for CFA approval should indicate the estimated cost of the
project as brought out above, the time schedule for completion, spread of
expenditure, availability of funds, categories and operational details of major

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weapons, sensors, propulsion machinery and other major equipment sought for
fitment on the ship. The capability and potency of the weapons and related sensors
may be clearly indicated in the draft CCS note.
While seeking CFA approval, the time schedule for the following activities
as applicable may also be specifically indicated:-


Freezing of SRs.

(b) Selection of weapons and sensors including those under

(c) Time required for project studies, design, model testing etc in case of
projects involving concurrent development / design.

Freezing of preliminary design.

(e) Broad ordering schedule for weapons and sensors, major equipment
and propulsion machinery and also price negotiations with nominated
shipyard for the entire project in case of Follow-on Projects.
(f) Time schedule for obtaining subsequent approval of CFA for new
design ships, Follow on ships with substantial design/equipment changes.
32. Follow On Ships. For Follow on Ships, CFA approval would be sought
on fixed price basis if there are minor changes in the design/equipment fit. In case
of substantial changes in the design/ equipment fit, CFA sanction is to be obtained
in two stages in accordance with Para 29 below.
33. New Design Ships/ Projects with Substantial Changes in
Design/Equipment: In cases of new design ships as well as Follow on projects with
substantial changes in design/equipment vis--vis parent ship, where it is not
possible to estimate the likely firm cost of components, subsequent approvals of
the CFA need to be obtained as the cost elements are firmed up. In such cases,
based on the first stage approval of CFA, the work on shipbuilding, viz., ordering
of equipment and material and development of detailed/production design, etc,
commencement of construction can start. The ordering of equipment under variable
component will be progressed in accordance with diagram at Para 37. Thereafter,
after firming up estimates of all cost elements under variable cost, second stage
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approval of CFA will be taken on cost estimates (on not exceeding basis (if
necessary), within a period, preferably within two years or as specified at the time
of initial CFA approval on a case to case basis.

Conclusion of Contract with the Shipyard


The contracts should be on Fixed Price basis for Follow-on ships and on

Fixed plus Variable Price in case of new design or Follow-on ships with substantial
design/ equipment changes based upon the first stage CFA approval, indicating
inter alia permissible price escalation, exchange rate variations, increase in
statutory levies etc. However, variable price element would be indicated on not
exceeding basis in the Supplementary Contract based on the 2nd stage CFA
The contract is to be signed within a period of two months from the
date of CFA approval. In cases, where subsequent CCS approvals are necessitated,
Supplementary Contracts are to be signed within two months of such approval. In
case of delay in signing of contract, approval of RM is to be sought with full
justification for the delay.
In view of the peculiarities associated with the design and construction of
naval ships, illustrative contracts shall be promulgated separately by MoD/ DDP for
Amendments to contracts concluded with the shipyards will be affected
after due approval of MoD and MoD (Finance).

Detailed Design
On conclusion of contract, shipyard is to commence Detailed Design, order
equipment & material and obtain binding data for the detailed design. The actual
construction of the ship can, however, start in parallel along with the detailed design.

Procedure for Procurement of Ship-borne Equipment

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Procurement of Non-Weapon Equipment. Procurement of long lead and
other items are to be initiated at an early stage, to ensure timely availability based
upon the construction schedule. Due to the peculiar nature of the ship construction
activity, different procedures have to be followed for procurement of equipment and
material for the ship. The procurement of all yard materials, ship borne hull
equipment & material, associated fittings as well as Propulsion machinery and
Engineering Equipment will be by the shipyard.

Procurement of Weapons and Related Sensors:

As indicated in Para 9 above, while seeking approval for Acceptance
of Necessity and also CFA approval, the broad categories, operational details
and potency of the weapons and related sensors to be fitted in the ship are to
be indicated.
(b) The categories of the weapons and related sensors shall be as approved
by the CFA. As brought out in the diagram at Para 37, the procedure for
procurement of weapons and sensors will be as follows:(i) Weapons and related Sensors to be imported from Abroad for
the First Time.: Weapons and related sensors imported from abroad for
the first time may be processed for procurement as BFE. If these weapons
and sensors are to be procured by the shipyard, technical Negotiations/
Price Negotiations will be undertaken by a Committee constituted by the
Shipyard with reps of SHQ and MoD (Fin). FET of such weapons and
sensors may be carried out by IHQ MoD (N), through the shipyard.
Thereafter, after firming up estimates of all cost elements under variable
cost, second stage approval of CFA will be taken on cost estimates (on not
exceeding basis (if necessary), within a period specified at the time of
initial CFA approval. The placement of order would be by the shipyard. In
both cases, prior approval of DAC/DPB will be required.
(ii) Imported Weapons and related Sensors existing in
Service: Procurement of weapons and related sensors from foreign
sources, which are existing in service or their upgraded versions, is to be
carried out by the Shipyard. Technical Negotiations/ Price Negotiations
will be undertaken by a committee constituted by the Shipyard with reps
of SHQ and MoD (Fin). The placement of order would be by the shipyard.
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Indigenous Weapons and related Sensors under Development
or existing in Service: Procurement of indigenous weapons and related
sensors under development or existing in service is to be carried out by
the shipyard. Technical Negotiations/ Price Negotiations will be
undertaken by a Committee constituted by the Shipyard with reps of SHQ
and MoD (Fin). The placement of order would be by the shipyard.

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The procedure for procurement of ship-borne equipment is broadly
depicted in the diagram below:SHIP

Hull Equipment
and Materiel

& related


public or private, either

Negotiations/ Price
Committee constituted
by shipyard with reps
of Navy and MoD
placement of order by

Propulsion machinery
and Engineering



approval by DPB/

Procurement as Buyer
Furnished Equipment
Committee constituted
by shipyard with rep of
Navy and MoD (Fin).
IHQ MoD (N) may
carry out FET of such
weapons and sensors
through the shipyard

IMPORT (Existing
in Service) Those
weapons and systems
which exist on earlier
platforms and have
been performing

Negotiations/ Price
Negotiations by
constituted by
shipyard with reps of
Navy and MoD
(Fin) and placement
of order by shipyard

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42. Single Vendor Situations. In cases where certain state-of-the-art new

weapons and related sensors being manufactured by only one vendor are to be
utilised, the procedure set out at Para 100 to 102 of Chapter II of DPP shall be
43. Inter Government Agreement.
In cases where the state-of-the-art new
weapons and related sensors are available only in one country and an Inter
Government Agreement is involved, the procedure set out at Para 103 and 104 of
Chapter II of DPP shall be followed.
44. Procurement on Strategic Considerations. For acquisitions of new
weapons and related sensors based on considerations of strategic partnerships,
the procedure set out at Para 105 of Chapter II of DPP shall be applicable.
45. Nomination of Equipment. To enable standardisation, accruing the
advantage of ToT, retain/select those equipment on Follow-on class/ships which
are fundamental to design, interchange ability, interoperability, repair
infrastructure, maintenance and support of OEM, spares logistics and
inventory control, system integration, training etc, SHQ may nominate
equipment from single vendor. For Weapons and related Sensors nominated on
Single Vendor by SHQ, the procedure of obtaining DAC approval outlined at Para
38 will be followed. For other equipment, the requirement of single vendor
nomination will be vetted by a Committee comprising members from SHQ, DDP
(Dte of Standardisation) and shipyard. Based on the recommendations of the
Committee, a certificate for procurement on single vendor basis, duly approved by
PSO, will be issued. The Statement of Technical Requirements (SOTRs) and
Ordering Instructions (OIs) for the shipyard will be prepared by IHQ MoD (N) as
per approved procedure.

Payment Terms
46. The payment terms for each shipbuilding project would be negotiated and
finalised by the CNC since these are dependent upon the indigenous and imported
content of the equipment fit. However, a broad suggested payment schedule, for
fixed price element, is placed at Appendix A and Appendix B for guidance.

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47. Payment terms for augmentation/ modernisation of shipyard infrastructure,

where provided for, will be separately formulated, negotiated with the shipyard
and finalised by the DDP.
48. Payment Mode. The Variable Cost element, where applicable, will be paid
on actuals, within the overall ceiling of total variable cost approved by CFA.
Payment of variable cost element would be done through opening of a separate
project account. The interest accrued on this account will be credited to the
Consolidated Fund of India. Shipyard can make payments against actual cost
incurred for procurement after submission of relevant documents. Guidelines in
this regard will be issued by MoD (Fin).

Monitoring of Projects
49. After conclusion of contract, physical construction activity is to
commence at the shipyard. All shipbuilding projects are to be monitored as
follows:(a) Six monthly review by an Apex Steering Committee under the
Chairmanship of Secretary (DP) as notified by MOD.
(b) Committee under the chairmanship of CWP&A with members from
MoD (Acq Wing/DP/ Fin/ DGQA/DGAQA/DGNAI), Design/ Production
Directorate, CDA (N) and shipyard that will monitor shipbuilding projects
on a quarterly basis. Such reviews may be delegated to nominated reps on
as required basis. A corresponding Committee may also be constituted by
(c) In case of ICG, the Committee would be headed by JS&AM (MS)
with DDG (M&M), PD (Mat), FM(MS), TM(MS), CMD of concerned
project as members.
50. These committees shall be suitably empowered to ensure efficient
execution of the project.
51. The Apex Steering Committee under the chairmanship of Secretary (DP)
will consist of the following officers:-

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(i) Additional Secretary (DP).

(ii) Joint Secretary (NS), Member Secretary.
(iii) Joint Secretary & Acquisition Manager (MS)
(iv) Additional FA & JS (Defence PSUs).
(v) TM(MS).
(vi) Financial Manager (MS).
(vii) CWP&A.
(viii) DGND/ACWP&A.
(ix) ACNS(P&P)/PDNP.
(x) CMD of concerned Shipyard.
(xi) Director and Project Superintendents of concerned project of
(xii) PDND/PDSP.
(xiii) DDG (M&M), PD (Mat), and PD (SA) in case of ICG.
52. The terms of reference of the Steering Committee are as under:(i) To review the physical progress of the project with specified
reference to compliance of milestones laid down for completion of various
activities of ship construction.
(ii) To monitor the financial progress of the project to ensure that
the project progresses within the financial limits sanctioned by the Govt.
(iii) To identify technical and administrative hold ups and give suitable
directions so that the project proceeds as per the time schedule and cost
approved by the Govt.
(iv) To review fulfilment of contractual obligations at pre-determined
(v) Any other matter requiring direction and guidance of the Steering
The secretarial assistance for the committee will be provided by the
Naval System Division of Department of Defence Production. The Apex Steering

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Committee will meet at least once in six months.

Approval of CFA for Revised Project Cost

54. After the project is approved by CCS as in Para 25-29 above, the MoD,
IHQ/MoD(N)/ICG HQ, DDP and the shipyard will endeavour to ensure that the
ship construction proceeds strictly as per the time schedule and cost approved by
CCS. Since all the cost elements both fixed and variable including possible
escalations on account of price, exchange rate variation, increase in statutory levies
etc, are taken into consideration for estimating the project cost, there should not
normally be any occasion/need for the project to slip either in time schedule or in
cost. However, if due to any unavoidable circumstances, the project is likely
to be delayed or the cost per ship as approved by CCS is likely to be exceeded,
the following procedure is to be adopted for seeking approval of the Competent
Authority for the revised cost: (a)
Increase in project cost, which arises entirely due to change in
statutory levies, exchange rate variation and price escalation within the
originally approved project time cycle will be submitted to RM for approval.
Increase in project cost up to 10% of the approved cost estimated by
CCS (after excluding the increase due to statutory levies, exchange rate
variation and price escalation within the originally approved project time
cycle) will also be submitted to RM for approval.
Increase in project cost exceeding 10% but upto 20% of the
approved cost estimated by CCS (after excluding the increase due to
statutory levies, exchange rate variation and price escalation within the
approved project time cycle) will be submitted to RM and FM for approval.
(d) Increase in project cost exceeding 20% of the approved cost estimated
by CCS (after excluding increase due to statutory levies, exchange rate
variation and price escalation within the approved project time cycle) due
to reasons such as time overrun, under estimation, change in scope etc will
be submitted to CCS for approval.

Statutory levies means State and Central Taxes, including import

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and export duties as notified by Govt of India and paid by the project
authorities but excludes water, electricity charges and Petroleum, Oil &
Lubricants (POL) price increases.
(f) No expenditure beyond the existing sanction can be incurred unless
the revised project cost is approved by the Competent Authority as indicated
above. However, in exceptional cases, in the interest of the project, if such
a necessity arises, the procedure set out at Para 54 shall be followed. SubParas (a) to (e) above are in line with the guidelines issued by Ministry of
Finance vide O.M. No.1 (3)/PF II/2001 dated 18.2.2002.
In all cases where the revised project cost overrun is over
20% and is accompanied by time overrun of over 10%, while seeking
approval of CCS for the revised cost estimates and time schedule,
accountability aspects for such cost and time overruns should be fixed and
indicated in the CCS Note (in line with the guidelines of the Planning
Commission issued vide letter No.14015/2/980PAMD dated 19th

Closure of the Project

55. The cost analysis of the first ship of the project shall be carried out by a
team led by Advisor Cost (DDP) within a period of 12 months from the second
reading of the D-448 document check list, so that realistic and firm cost estimates
for the other ships of the class can be worked out.
56. The final closure of the ship construction project is to be carried out
within the time schedule of 12 months from the second reading of the D-448
document check list of the last ship of the project. All tasks not carried out by
the shipyard should be listed and carried out separately. Where the final
closure is not possible within the specified time frame, the approval of the
competent authority for extension of the time limit shall be taken. The final closure
of the project is important so that the exact costing can be worked out and
approvals for the follow on projects can be obtained on a firm basis.

Liquidated Damages

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57. Liquidated Damages: In case of delay in completion of the project and if

the delay is attributable to the shipyard, Liquidated Damages will be levied after
a Grace Period, as amplified below:
(a) Grace Period: Grace period will be calculated at the rate of 5% of the
build period (in months), subject to a minimum of one month and a
maximum of three months.
(b) Liquidated Damages: Beyond the Grace Period, LD will be levied
at the rate of 0.25% of the Vessel Cost of the ship upto a limit of 5%, for
every 1% delay wrt the build period. Vessel cost is as defined at Para 2 of
Encl 6A of Schedule to Chapter IV, excluding cost for BFE and B&D spares.

Deviations and Exemptions

58. If any deviations from the prescribed procedure are envisaged and any
exemptions are to be taken, approval of DAC through DPB shall be sought, as
prescribed at Paragraph 107 of Chapter II of DPP.

59. Review of the procedure would be undertaken by the DPB as per guidelines
in force.

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60. Applicability. While the acquisition of ships on Nomination basis has

been prescribed in Section A, the methodology to be followed for acquisition of
ships, submarines, auxiliaries and yard crafts through competitive bidding on
multi-vendor basis under the categories Buy (Indian IDDM), Buy (Indian),
Buy and Make, Buy and Make (Indian) and Buy Global, as described at Para
6 to 11 of Chapter 1 of DPP, are set out in this section. The acquisition process
under this section would be an amalgamation of the processes prescribed in Section
A, read in conjunction with certain Clauses of Chapter I.

Acquisition Process
61. The process of acquisition of ships under this Procedure would involve
following steps:(a)

Request for Information (RFI)

(b) Staff Requirements (SRs).

(c) Acceptance of Necessity (AoN).
(d) Solicitation of offers.
(e) Evaluation of Technical Offers by Technical Evaluation Committee

Commercial negotiations by Contract Negotiation Committee (CNC).


Approval of Competent Financial Authority (CFA).


Award of Contract.


Contract administration and post Contract management.

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62. For cases being steered under 'Buy and Make (Indian)', the additional steps as
envisaged at Para 32 to 42 of Chapter II of DPP would also be applicable.
63. The applicability of various provisions of Chapter I, II and Section A
Chapter IV are enumerated below:Sl

Steps Involved



Staff Requirements
Acceptance of Necessity

Procedure for Outline Staff Requirements,

AoN and PSR leading to SRs would be guided
by Paras 7, 8, 9 and 12 of Section A, as
applicable. AoN will be valid for 18 months.


offers Evaluation of
Technical Offers by
Technical Evaluation
Committee (TEC)

negotiations by

To be guided by the provisions of Chapter II

for short-listing of the vendor. The Paras of
Chapter II under Group headings Solicitation
of Offers, TEC and CNC would be followed
as applicable. RFP will be formulated and
issued post finalisation of Guideline
Specifications. [Paras 28 to 57, except Para 31
and 74 to 86 of Ch 2] SHQ, along with
MoD/DDP and MoD (Fin) will carry out
periodic capacity assessment of shipyards and
forward recommendations to DG (Acq) for
issue of RFP.

Approval of Competent
Financial Authority
(CFA). Award of

To be guided by Paras 87 to 90 of Chapter II.

As regards Repeat Order/Option Clause, Para
94 to 99 of Chapter II would apply, as




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Steps Involved

post Contract


Ministry of Defence, Government of India


For monitoring of projects, Para 97 of Chapter

II would be applicable. The Committee under
CWP&A would be constituted as per Para 45
(b) of Section A.



To be guided by Para 27 of Chapter II. Offsets

will be applicable on the total Contract Cost as
defined at Para 2 of Encl 6 of Model
Shipbuilding RFP.



To be guided by Para 37 of Section A of

Chapter IV. However, Modification Cost to
be approved at AoN Stage.

Procurement of Ship Borne Equipment: The procurement of shipborne equipment would be undertaken by the shipyard in accordance with
the shipyards internal policy. Nominated Equipment/ Buyer Furnished
Equipment would be clearly defined in the RFP.
Field Trials: The requirement of Field Evaluation Trials, as per Para 62
of Chapter II of DPP 16, will not be applicable for procurement cases in respect of
acquisition/construction of Ships, Submarines, Yard Craft, and auxiliaries, etc.
However, Simulated Signature Studies of complete platforms in respect of stealth
characteristics, magnetic signature, EMI/EMC, Noise analysis, etc may be
included in the SOC. The requirement of trials in the case of specialised new
induction equipment/sensors being bought through the shipyard route should be
detailed in the RFP. These would also be included in the Statement of Case while
seeking the AON.
Transfer of Technology (ToT): In cases where ToT is being sought, the
appropriate Production Agency (PA) would be approved by the DAC based on the
recommendations of the DDP. Clauses in Chapter I covering ToT would apply in

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shipbuilding cases, as applicable. The PA could be selected from any of the

public/private firms including a joint venture company based on the inputs from
DDP and, if required, from DRDO. The RFP in such cases would spell out the
requirements of TOT depending upon the depth of the technology which is
required. Clauses related to ownership of design or manufacture under license
need to be spelt out in the RFP. The nominated Production Agency (PA) for the
receipt of technology will be closely associated in the preparation of RFP.
Ship production being an inherently complex process, needs to be
divided into clearly identifiable/tangible stages for monitoring. The payments
made to the shipyards therefore need to be set against achievement of these stages
which need to be clearly verifiable. In this regard, Guidelines for Payment terms
for ships would be in accordance with Appendix A. The Payment Terms for yard
craft is at Appendix B. All payments for non- deliverables will be secured with
Bank Guarantees. In case a shipyard does not claim a stage payment till delivery
(and claims it post delivery of vessel), there is no requirement to submit bank
guarantee of equivalent amount at the time of claiming payment.

68. Closure of Project, LD, Deviations and Exemptions.
For approval of
cases for Closure of Project, LD, Deviations and Exemptions, provisions of
Section A (Paras 52 to 54) would apply.
69. RFP. All issues related to terms and conditions of procurement would be
amplified in the RFP. A standardised RFP is placed as Schedule to this Chapter.
70. Nomination of Equipment. To enable standardisation, accruing the
advantage of ToT, retain/select those equipment on Follow-on class/ships which
are fundamental to design, interchangeability,
infrastructure, maintenance and support of OEM, spares logistics and
inventory control, system integration, training etc, SHQ may nominate
equipment from single vendor. For Weapons and related Sensors nominated on
Single Vendor by SHQ, the procedure of obtaining DAC approval outlined at Para
38 of Section A, as applicable will be followed. For other equipment, the
requirement of single vendor nomination will be vetted by a Committee
comprising members from SHQ, DDP (Dte of Standardisation) and IFA (N).
Based on the recommendations of the Committee, a certificate for procurement on

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single vendor basis, duly approved by PSO, will be issued. The nominated single
vendor equipment will be indicated in the RFP.
71. In case of competitive bidding, bank guarantees will be submitted by all
shipyards, including DPSUs, against non-deliverable stages. The deliverable
stages will be defined in the RFP.

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Chapter V Fast Track Procedure



Fast Track Procedure for meeting urgent operational requirements was

promulgated vide MoD ID No: 800/SS (A)/2001 dated 28 Sep 2001. This
procedure has been reviewed and modified based on experience gained in
implementation. This procedure, named the Fast Track Procedure, is set out
in succeeding paragraphs.


The objective of this procedure is to ensure expeditious procurement for

urgent operational requirements of the regular and special forces, foreseen as
imminent during war as well as peace time, and for situations in which crisis
emerges without prior warning.


Fast Track Procedures may also be applied for cases where undue/unforeseen
delay, due to reasons beyond the control of the acquisition set up, is seen to
be adversely impacting the capacity and preparedness of the regular and
special forces.


The Fast Track Procedure (FTP) will cover acquisitions undertaken by the
Ministry of Defence and Defence Services under Buy category or outright
purchase. The acquisitions may or may not be part of LTIPP /SCAP / AAP.
Such acquisitions are applicable for both indigenous sources and ex- import.
Procurement proposals in which user trials are envisaged will not be under
the purview of FTP.


The acquisition under FTP can be categorised as under:(a) Procurement of equipment already inducted into Service.
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(b) Procurement of new equipment.

Acquisition Process
Acceptance of Necessity (AON)


The adoption of FTP to meet urgent operational requirements will be authorised

by special DAC meeting chaired by the Raksha Mantri based on proposals
moved by respective SHQs with the approval of the concerned Service Chief.
This Committee would comprise of the Service Chief(s), Defence Secretary,
Secretary (Defence Production), Secretary (R&D), Secretary Defence
(Finance), Director General (Acquisition), HQ IDS (CISC) and other
officials of the MoD as deemed necessary. The proposal would be processed
by HQ IDS which will act as secretariat to the special DAC. Copies of the
proposal/s would also be circulated to the other members of the committee. The
projected requirement must be related to an operational situation foreseen as
imminent or for a situation where a crisis has emerged without prior warning.
The requirement, as projected, must identify the items required, their
numbers, mode of procurement, broad Operational Requirements (ORs) /
Services Qualitative Requirements (SQRs) desired and the time-frame within
which they need to be inducted. The format for the Statement of Case (SoC)
for processing such proposals is given as Appendix (xxx).
Consequent to the initiation of the proposal, a special meeting of the DAC
would be convened within seven days. The DAC would discuss the proposal
and accord Acceptance of Necessity to the proposal. Decisions on following
aspects will explicitly emanate from the analysis by the DAC:
(a) Equipment and the quantities approved.
(b) Source of Procurement.

A Vendor whose Equipment is already in Service. If

(aa) For additional quantities of an ongoing
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For Invoking Option Clause of a Contract. In case the

quantities required are in excess of the Option Clause of the
contract, the same would be clearly brought out for approval
by the DAC. The quantity could be up to 100% with the
approval of DAC.

(ac) For Placing Repeat Orders on Past Suppliers. The quantities

could be limited to 100% of the previous contract.

A case where the vendor is not able to supply the entire

quantity of required item and the procurement may be made
from other known vendors whose equipment has been found
acceptable in the past.

(ii) Procurement of a New Equipment based on:



Single vendor.


Multi vendor.


Option of procuring from friendly countries ex-stock or

through lease.


Composition of the Empowered Committee.


Estimated cost of the proposal.


Time schedule for induction to be specified by the DAC.

Minutes of meeting of the special DAC, as approved, would be construed

as the AON and based on which the SHQ/Acquisition Wing/ Empowered
Committee would initiate the procurement process.

9. Given the limited time-frame, the FTP would necessarily have to be confined
to such items as would be available within the specified time-frames and
therefore, long lead items such as major weapon system should be avoided. The
items involved should preferably be such which are already in Service or have
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been trial evaluated or are available widely in the world /in service in foreign
defence forces / indigenous market for ready procurement so that the time
required for evaluation is minimised. The Indian DAs / Ambassadors in their
respective country would confirm the information furnished by the vendors
regarding the item being In Service in Foreign Defence Forces. The TEC would
include such information received from DAs in their technical compliance

Procurement of Equipment Already Inducted into Service

10. Procurement of equipment already inducted into Service may entail placing
orders under following conditions:

Additional Requirements of Equipment on the Vendor who is

Executing an Ongoing Contract: The concerned Acquisition Manager
would invite the vendor for negotiations for additional quantities. The
CNC would conclude the negotiations preferably at the same price and
terms & conditions. It will however, have the right to negotiate and
arrive at a mutually agreed price and terms & conditions with the vendor
in case of differences.


Invoking Option Clause: The concerned Acquisition Manager would

invoke the option clause and invite the vendor for signing the addendum
to the contract.


Past Supplier for the Subject Item: In such cases a repeat order would
be placed on the vendor. The SHQ would forward a draft commercial
RFP to the Technical Manager. The draft RFP would be vetted in
collegiate manner by Acquisition, Finance and Technical Managers and
issued in the shortest possible time. The vendor can be called for
negotiations along with the commercial offer itself. Quantity to be
procured would be restricted to 100% of the quantity contracted earlier.


There may be a situation where the vendor who has supplied the
equipment earlier is unable to supply the required quantity within the
given time frame. In order not to proliferate the existing inventory,
Acquisition Wing will first invite commercial offer from the vendor and
negotiate the price based on the LPP. Thereafter Acquisition Wing in
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coordination with SHQ will invite all vendors (As approved by the
DAC), whose equipments have been trial evaluated and found
acceptable for introduction into Service, for supply of the balance
quantity of equipment at the negotiated price with the last supplier. The
apportionment of quantity would be as per the earlier L2, L3, in that

Procurement of New Equipment


Service Qualitative Requirements (SQR)/ Operational Requirement

(ORs): For procurement of new equipment, there would be a requirement of
formulation of Service Qualitative Requirement (SQRs) or Operational
Requirements (ORs) by the concerned Service HQs. While formulating the
SQRs/ORs, it would be kept in mind that the required equipment is widely
available in the world market/ in service in foreign defence forces/
indigenous market. Such SQRs/ORs could be approved by appropriate
authority at Service HQs and may be without endorsement by Staff
Equipment Policy Committee. The SQRs / ORs would be forwarded along
with the proposal when initiated by the Service Chief.


Solicitation of Offers: Solicitation of offers will be as per Single StageTwo Bid System. RFPs will be processed by SHQs within 10 days of
approval of the proposal by the Apex Committee. In order to save time,
collegiate vetting of RFP will be resorted to at Service HQs while obtaining
the views of maintenance and QA agencies. RFP would then be vetted in a
similar manner by Acquisition, Finance and Technical Managers. RFP will
be approved by Director General (Acquisition)/ Additional Secretary
(Acquisition) and issued by Technical Managers to all known vendors on a
limited tender basis.


Request for Proposal (RFP): The RFP will be a self-contained document

that will enable vendors to make their offers after consideration of full
requirement of the acquisition. The standardized RFP document under FTP
would be as per Schedule I of DPP with relevant modifications /


Technical Evaluation: The Technical Evaluation Committee will carry out

evaluation of the technical bids received in response to RFP, with reference
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to QRs. It will examine the extent of variations/differences, if any, in the

technical characteristics of the equipment offered by various vendors with
reference to the QRs and prepare a compliance statement shortlisting the
equipment, which are acceptable for procurement. The Director General
(Acquisition) will formally accept the report of the TEC on
recommendations of the Technical Managers. Any deviation/waiver to SQRs
or any single vendor situation that may emerge, would have to be
recommended by the concerned Service Chief for consideration and approval
of the Raksha Mantri. However, cases where the procurement has been
approved ab-initio on a single vendor basis, no relaxation of SQRs would be

Empowered Committee: Although there would be no requirement of any

trial evaluation of the identified equipment, an Empowered Committee may
be authorized to visit the premises of vendors to witness
demonstrations/evaluate the equipment as required. The Empowered
Committee would have the powers to negotiate and conclude contracts in
the shortest possible time, and would have adequate representations from
different wings of the Ministry/ Service HQs to ensure that requisite expertise
and authority for procurement action is available. They would be provided
with a range of deviations in performance according to TEC Report (where
applicable) from that laid down in the QRs, to expedite the selection of

Contract Negotiation Committee (CNC)


The standard composition of the CNC shall be as indicated at Appendix

(xxx) to this procedure. Any change in the composition of the CNC may be
effected with the approval of Director General (Acquisition).

17. Cases for which contracts have already been signed and benchmark prices
are available, the CNC would arrive at the reasonable price, taking into
consideration the escalation/foreign exchange variation factor. The
endeavour should be to conclude the CNC early so that the
operational/urgent requirement of the indenting service is met in a timebound manner. Guidelines to be followed for early conclusion of CNC are
given in succeeding paragraphs.
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For certain category of items, where orders have been placed in the past, there
could be a downtrend of prices since the last contract. It would thus be
necessary for the CNC to verify that there has been no downward trend since
the last purchase and this would have to be kept in mind while arriving at the


In case it is found that the lowest tenderer (L1) is not able to supply the
entire quantity within the prescribed time-frame, the CNC will have the right
to divide the quantity amongst other qualified tenderers (L2, L3. in that
order), on the condition that other tenderers accept the price and terms &
conditions quoted by the lowest tenderer, if feasible.


(Amended by MoD ID No. 2153/DG(ACQ)/2007 dated May 25th, 2007) In

multi-vendor cases, on opening of commercial offers, once L1 vendor is
identified the contract should be concluded with him and normally there
would be no need for any further price negotiations. However, it is important
that the reasonability of the prices being accepted for award of contract
should be established. In all cases, CNC should establish a benchmark and
reasonableness of price in an internal meeting before opening the
commercial offer. Once the commercial offers are opened and the price of
the vendor is found to be within the benchmark fixed, in the internal
meeting, there should be no need to carry out any further price negotiations.
The RFP in such multi-vendor cases, should clearly lay down that no
negotiations would be carried with the L1 vendor once the reasonability of
the price quoted by him is established. As far as possible all aspects
contributing towards formulation of a commercial offer by the vendor should
be included in the RFP. In such cases, the services may have to state the
requirement of maintenance by the OEM/authorized vendor for a specified
period. Aspects of advance and stage payments (where applicable) also to
be given upfront in the RFP so that it facilitates selection of L1 vendor.

21. Oversight Committee: For projects over ` 300 Crore, a committee comprising
Secretary (Defence R&D), Secretary (Defence Finance), Additional
Secretary of the Department of Defence and Deputy Chief at SHQ would
scrutinize each case from the procedural angle within three days before the
contract is signed / order is placed.

Contract Conclusion: The contract will be signed after the CFA approval
of the case. The date of signing of the contract would be the effective date
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of contract. To ensure adherence to the delivery schedule the contract should

specify the date by which the vendor would have to submit the BGs as also
the date by which MoD would have to open the LCs. The Standard Contract
Document as in DPP would be the guidelines for acquisitions under FTP.
Any deviations to the standard contractual clauses would be accorded by
Raksha Mantri on recommendation of the CNC/Empowered Committee.

Additional Provisions

In case of procurement from a Defence Public Sector Undertaking (DPSU),

a Letter of Intent (LoI) may be placed immediately on the DPSU which
supplied this store last or is having a running contract. The details
concerning prices would be negotiated and incorporated in a Supply Order


In case of procurement from OFB, for an already introduced item, indent

would be placed by Acquisition Manager after AON has been accorded.

25. In certain acquisition cases it may be expedient to procure equipment from

friendly countries by sale/lease/otherwise ex their own stocks. In such cases,
Government-to-Government Agreements at appropriate level would be
established to facilitate the issue of such stores. Care, however, would be
exercised to ensure that adequate residual shelf life remains available for
our Armed Forces. In such cases a technical delegation may be sent to check
the condition of the equipment being offered as required. Only if it is
technically acceptable would the case be processed further.
26. Inspection: Considering the urgent nature of requirements and to ensure that
items being supplied conform to the technical specifications agreed in the
contract, detailed Pre Dispatch Inspection (PDI) of the stores need to be
carried out by our inspectors at the premises of the vendor, wherever
considered necessary by the SHQ. If PDI is not to be carried out, then the
vendor will furnish his own Certificate of Quality or of the Defence Forces
of his country or of its accredited quality assurance agency. In such cases,
Joint Receipt and Inspection (JRI) would be carried out by the Ministry of
Defence and the vendor in India. In such cases, certain sums from those due
for payment to the vendor would be retained to be released only on
successful completion of JRI. In case of items procured through Govt to
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Government agreements signed at appropriate level, PDI may not be insisted

upon and their Certificate of Quality may be considered for acceptance.
27. Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG): Since the contract will be for short
term duration and supplies will be required in shorter time frame, the
performance of the contractual obligations by the vendor need to be enforced
by obtaining a PBG @ 10% of the value of the contract from a first class
international bank.
28. Liquidated Damages (LD): In case of delay in supplies, the vendor shall
be levied LD @ 1.5% per week subject to maximum of 15% of value of
delayed store.

Termination Clause: The contract to be signed in FTP will have a

Termination Clause which will be made applicable in the following cases:a) The delivery of the material is delayed for causes not attributable to
Force Majeure for more than three months after the scheduled date of
b) The Seller is declared bankrupt or becomes insolvent.
c) The Buyer has noticed that the seller has utilized the services of an
Indian / Foreign agent in getting this contract and paid any commission
to such individual / company etc.

30. Advance Payments: The amount of advance payment permissible should be

stated upfront in the RFP. There should be a cap on the amount of advance
payable which should be in line with the (G-F-R) of the Ministry of Finance.
Any advance will have to be supported by a Bank Guarantee of equal amount
from a first class bank of international repute.
31. In case of supplies from countries with which Bi-lateral Agreement exists
for Standard Terms & Agreements of Contract, the same would supersede
the corresponding terms & conditions of the Standard Contract Document.
32. Integrity Pact: An Integrity Pact would be signed between government
department and the bidders for all procurement schemes over Rs. 20 crore.
The Integrity Pact would be a binding agreement between the government
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department and bidders for specific contracts in which the government

promises that it will not accept bribes during the procurement process and
bidders promise that they will not offer bribes. The draft Integrity Pact
document is placed as Annexure (xxx) to the Appendix (xxx) of Schedule
(xxx) of DPP.
33. Since the procurement under FTP would be for cases of urgent operational
requirements, it is imperative that all activities be carried out in a time-bound
manner. The proposed time frame for each activity is given at Appendix (xxx).
In case it takes more than six months to conclude the contract or time in excess
of the schedule indicated by the DAC for induction of the equipment, the
proposal/ case would be referred back to the DAC for appropriate directions.
34. While the above provisions are adopted as the guidelines for emergency
procurement, it may not always be possible to ensure complete compliance
of above conditions. In such cases, the specific approval-seeking waiver
would be obtained from the Raksha Mantri.

Pre-Contract Monitoring
35. Concerned SHQs would report the progress of FTP cases on a monthly basis
to the DPB.

Post-Contract Monitoring
36. While responsibility for contract administration and management would be
that of the SHQ concerned, post-contract monitoring would be conducted by
the Acquisition Wing. The projects would be reviewed by the Acquisition
Manager / equivalent Service Officer in the respective SHQs.
37. The concerned Services HQ would make arrangements to monitor the receipt
and ensure expeditious induction of stores subsequent to delivery of items. The
DPB would be informed about the progress of induction of the equipment on a
fortnightly basis.
38. Fall Clause: An undertaking would be sought from the bidder that he has not
supplied/ is not supplying the similar systems or subsystems at a price lower
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Defence Procurement Procedure 2016

Chapter V

Ministry of Defence, Government of India

than that offered in the present bid in respect of any other Ministry/Department
of the Government of India and if the similar system has been supplied at a
lower price then the details regarding the cost, time of supply and quantities
should be included in the commercial offer. If it is found at any stage that the
similar system or sub-system was supplied by the Bidder to any other
Ministry/Department of the Government of India at a lower price, then that
very price with due allowance for quantities and intervening time period will
be applicable to the present case and the difference in the cost would be
refunded by the Bidder to the Buyer, if the contract has already been concluded.

37. This procedure would be in supersession of the Fast Track Procedure
promulgated vide MoD ID No 800/SS(A)/2001 dated 28 Sep 2001 & FTP-2006
which came into effect from 13 July, 2006.

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