Asbfy23dmibreport (E)
Asbfy23dmibreport (E)
Asbfy23dmibreport (E)
Department of Defense
A. Terms of Reference................................................................................................................... 26
B. Study Team Members ............................................................................................................... 28
C. Data Gathering .......................................................................................................................... 29
D. Discussion with Hon. Gabe Camarillo, Under Secretary of the Army ...................................... 30
E. Controlled Annex: Near-Term Investment in Science and Technology (S&T) ......................... 33
Surge Capacity in the Defense Munitions Industrial Base
The Army’s Organic Industrial Base (OIB) and the commercial Defense Munitions Industrial Base
(DMIB) both face systemic issues with supply chain fragility and are currently struggling to ramp
up the production of munitions. This state of affairs has been obscured for years by faulty
planning assumptions, peacetime requirements, and complex chains of authority within the
Army. Recent responses to crises such as the war in Ukraine and COVID-19 have revealed many
fragilities. For example, the Army lacks surge capacity for several systems it procures, evident by
a decline in general capacity over the past thirty years. Over fifty mergers and acquisitions within
the DMIB have left five primes in control of the market, while inconsistent funding has
discouraged industry investments. Twenty years of fighting low intensity conflicts have eroded
inventories and provided false confidence in the ability of industry to meet production needs.
• Formal processes are in place to establish munitions requirements, but Army senior
leaders have no visibility of risks or tradeoffs.
• Munitions must also compete for modernization funds which historically are then cut to
pay other bills, based on an assumed ability of the DMIB to surge capacity.
• The Army typically has no single authority which oversees end-to-end enterprise
munitions matters, such as quantity and lethality requirements, the monitoring and
mitigating of low demand signals to the OIB and DMIB, the definition and establishment
of minimum sustaining rates, the elimination of single points of failure, or the adjudication
of disputes between munitions managers.
• The Single Manager for Conventional Ammunition (SMCA) authorities are limited in scope
to conventional munitions and are dispersed between Assistant Secretary of the Army for
Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology (ASA(ALT)), Joint Program Executive Officer,
Armaments and Ammunition (JPEO A&A), and Army Material Command.
• Contracting personnel’s incentives do not align with their Army Program Manager
customers, and the complexity of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)/Defense
Federal Acquisition Regulation (DFAR) arrangements creates inefficiency.
Surge Capacity in the Defense Munitions Industrial Base
• Army facilities support Army munitions requirements and surge demands, as well as those
of the other Services. The Army has been able to manage competing demands during the
past 20 years of counter insurgence (COIN) and counter terrorism operations, as these
operations did not overwhelm the system.
Industrial concerns and constraints are focused on the issues of sustainable procurement and
capital investment. For sustainable procurement, industry requires consistent signals from the
government to build and sustain surge capabilities. Multiyear contracts with increased caps and
minimum sustaining rates would incentivize industry investment, as well as mitigate single points
of failure. S&T and R&D could be better leveraged across the defense munitions industrial base
(DMIB) to reduce reliance on foreign sources of raw materials. In terms of capital investment,
there has been a decades-long signal from government to industry to put cost control and
efficiency above all else, continuously sacrificing surge capacity and deterring against
modernizing industrial facilities with advanced manufacturing techniques. While major
investments are underway, further investment is needed as industry is reluctant to assume risk
and try new methods and programs, such as new energetics programs.
Current progress is underway but remains slow. The Army today has initiated a 15-year
modernization plan for the aging facilities that make up the OIB, allocating $0.5 billion in 2023,
and $2.5 billion in FY24-28. However, challenges remain, including over one hundred single
points of failure throughout the supply chain, continued reliance on foreign sources of key raw
materials, failure to address future needs, and no risk mitigation plans for stockpiling or
developing alternatives for critical materials.
The study concluded that there are several areas where the Army can improve its efforts in the
near-term. Some recommendations include:
• Examining initiatives to strengthen unity of command, with the aim of simplifying control
of munitions procurement and defining the roles of the PEOs and the Joint Munitions
• Expanding the use of cheaper and more attritable munitions (munitions with shorter,
limited lifetimes), which could be readily used for training or sale to foreign militaries.
Surge Capacity in the Defense Munitions Industrial Base
• Funding a flexible pilot plant line to explore methods of developing new explosive
synthesis, jumpstart the adoption of new manufacturing technology, and ultimately
create a model that would lessen reliance on foreign sources.
The study team’s recommendations are aimed at improving the Army's munitions production
effort, ensuring readiness, and strengthening both the commercial and organic industrial bases.
To be clear, these recommendations appear to mitigate much of the production risk exposed by
demands stemming from the Ukraine conflict as we are aware of it today. However, the study
team is concerned that the industrial base (organic and commercial) may be incapable of meeting
the munitions demand created by a potential future fight against a peer adversary. Recently
publicized CSIS analysis of a U.S. conflict with China exposes significant shortfalls that go beyond
this study’s recommendations. Further analysis in this regard is also warranted.
Surge Capacity in the Defense Munitions Industrial Base
Surge requirements to support the war in Ukraine, combined with the effects of the COVID-19
pandemic on the global work force, have exposed increasingly brittle supply chains supporting
national security capabilities. As DoD requested the DMIB to ramp up production of munitions
and foreign military sale (FMS) items to refill stockpiles and provide support to Ukraine, industry
responded with long lead times, complicated by single points of failure, and worrying
dependencies on fragile, foreign sources of supply. Those shortfalls raised additional concerns
over whether and how these challenges might also impact operations in any near-term U.S.
INDOPACOM theater initiatives.
In response, the Secretary of the Army SECARMY requested the Army Science Board (ASB) to
examine efforts that would build resiliency and depth in the industrial base by 2025.
SECARMY directed the team to do a quick-turn analysis providing findings and recommendations
that staff could consider in creating the Army’s next five-year spending plan, the Program
Objective Memorandum (POM). That set the team’s deadline to produce observations to May
2023, before the Army’s POM deadline. The study team’s effort also reflects the assumption that
if China continues along an aggressive path in the Western Pacific, the U.S. may face some level
of conflict by 2027. In that case, the Army will need to be ready by 2025, necessitating program
planning now.
Surge Capacity in the Defense Munitions Industrial Base
The short-term nature of the study led the team to narrow the scope to focus on conventional
Army munitions and on changes to current governance, policy, procedures, and initiatives that
could assist the Army and industry to surge production. It also precluded following some lines of
inquiry, such as analyses of Government-owned, Government operated (GOGO) and
Government owned and commercially operated (GOCO) facilities. For example, the study team
did not look at the efficiency and effectiveness of their operations or the business model of
producing some munitions organically versus outsourcing to commercial industry. The study was
unable to perform an in-depth examination of the complete commercial supply chain but did
focus on some of the reasons DoD and industry have been unable to respond and ramp up to
meet crises like Ukraine. It also reviewed near-term investments in technology that could assist
in developing new capabilities in both the short- and long-term. The study team believes
continued fighting in the Ukraine and a possible Indo-Pacific conflict will redefine U.S. munitions
requirements, and the study team’s observations will reflect the need to reach those higher
The study team was comprised of individuals with expertise in Army operations, engineering,
systems engineering, public policy, international relations, and physics. Team members’
experience included work on defense issues in both the legislative and executive branches,
corporate leadership, academics, and military operations.
The study team performed an extensive review of the literature that informed the lines of inquiry
used for interviews and a Request for Information (RFI) to industry. In addition, the team
conducted over 30 exploratory interviews with a mix of large and small businesses, industry
consortia, Government, and academia which provided a range of perspectives on the tasks in the
Surge Capacity in the Defense Munitions Industrial Base
Terms of Reference (TOR). By no means was the information gathering exhaustive, but the team
collected data from a sufficient cross-representation of the stakeholders (see Appendix C). The
RFI responses, received from several companies, were consistent with and reinforced what the
team learned from data gathering interviews.
The dramatic consolidation of the defense industrial base in the 1990’s, a response to the defense
budget cuts at the end of the Cold War and explicit direction from Pentagon leaders, led
corporations to adopt their customer priorities: value and lowest cost bids, even as DoD’s
demand fell dramatically. “Winner-take-all” awards increased while funds to support alternative
suppliers as a backup, and even competition in contracts, largely disappeared.
The few vendors that remained in the market reduced personnel and operations to minimum
levels to keep their remaining production lines profitable. Often, this involved identifying and
maintaining the highest revenue-generating production lines and cutting less profitable ones. It
also led to a just-in-time model for production that does not keep parts or supplies on hand in
case of emergency. Over these same decades, DoD divested of its "excess" inventory, including
storage facilities, through base closure rounds.
The ongoing push toward optimization has also driven key manufacturing capabilities offshore,
led to the depletion of bench stocks, and allowed supply chains to atrophy in the absence of any
requirement to surge manufacturing.
The Pentagon’s many acquisition rules and regulations have created a highly concentrated
traditional defense industry on which the military relies for equipment, technology, and
Surge Capacity in the Defense Munitions Industrial Base
weapons. With few and inconsistent DoD orders, the DMIB has little incentive to invest in itself
or to innovate without government direction and resources.
Fragility across the OIB and commercial DMIB includes World War II-era (or older) facilities,
outdated machinery and production techniques, inadequate tooling, foreign sources of supply,
poor visibility of suppliers, insufficient tested and validated long lead-items, and workers who
have exited or retired. In several cases, key parts required to keep manufacturing lines open no
longer exist and are difficult to replace.
Responding to fiscal cuts in 2010, the Army accepted risk with munitions production. The decision
was based, in part, on the munitions expenditure rates observed in Iraq and Afghanistan, which
showed that large quantities of 155mm artillery shells were not required. Subsequently, the Army
continued to reduce its ammunition production to meet further spending reductions imposed by
sequestration resulting from the Budget Control Act of 2011. Budget decisions made at the time
aligned with national security risks and priorities, but the lack of steady funding disincentivized
the DMIB from investing in facilities, modernization, or advanced manufacturing capabilities.
When projections and programmed funds for munitions form a wavelength, i.e., there are no
steady and predictable levels of production, costs increase, and timelines grow. Consequently,
ammunition programs are often a source of funding for higher priorities, exacerbating any
impending shortfalls.
Surge Capacity in the Defense Munitions Industrial Base
After Russia’s latest invasion of Ukraine, policymakers found that the organic and commercial
DMIB could not ramp up quickly to surge production of munitions even when funds were
abundant. This ecosystem is hyper-efficient with a small footprint.
Given the many elements that go into producing munitions, e.g., the shell/projectile, fuse,
energetics/explosives, and charges, etc. and the work done conjointly by government and
industry, there are many bottlenecks in manufacturing that create long production timelines
even when the intent is to produce at a faster pace.
The ASA(ALT)’s brief to the House Armed Services Committee revealed the state of the DMIB’s
ability to replenish munition stockpiles. The assessment reflected three decades of underutilized
infrastructure, outdated facilities layouts and machining, reduced workforces, unmappable
supply chains, and a growing reliance on foreign sources of materials—all contributing to long
production timelines. Given the multitude of issues, an infusion of cash is important but still has
limited effect, absent increased production capacity and the workforce to run that infrastructure.
On average, an 80% increase in investments today would yield 2.5 times the monthly production
rate in 2.5 years—still a significant delay for supplies needed now.
While the Army is seeking more multi-year contract authority, appropriators in Congress have
been reluctant to approve them, despite standing authorization language that allows for it. This
leaves Service acquisition executives negotiating contracts one year at a time, in many cases. The
result is a commercial DMIB sector that will not offer discounts because it is disincentivized to
take proactive steps, such as updating facilities or hiring and training more workers.
Surge Capacity in the Defense Munitions Industrial Base
While contracting officers are increasingly trying to use undefinitized contract actions (UCAs) to
get production underway quickly, these agreements mostly allow industry to start work and
determine the details later. Industry is increasingly disincentivized to agree to UCAs because
audits after the fact often disallow many different types of costs incurred. Without a more
concerted effort to change the approach, the Army will continue to experience unnecessarily
long production timelines.
There are many other factors found in both the OIB and DMIB that contribute to production
delays for munitions. These include environmental policy and regulatory rules, fiduciary and
contracting regulations not designed to support rapid production rates, single sources of supply
for one item, difficulty in qualifying second or third vendors, limited ability for new suppliers to
enter the munitions market, requalification and recertification when lines stop then start up
again, foreign sources of critical supplies such as rare earth materials and explosives, aging
facilities lacking robotics and other advanced manufacturing, and the difficulty of incorporating
advanced energetics into new or existing weapons systems.
Munitions work is scientifically rigorous, complex, and dangerous. The workforce takes great risk
and often requires a minimum level of skills and proficiency. Generally, it takes two years for an
average line worker in munitions to be effective. For energetics, that timeline is extended to
seven years. Additionally, the technical competency required for some munitions often resides
in just one source (e.g., one recipe at one plant to create one polymer).
Surge Capacity in the Defense Munitions Industrial Base
To date, the Army has undertaken significant efforts to increase production and invest in the
modernization of the OIB. However, it is unclear whether these efforts are enough to meet future
requirements. For example, the Army’s Ammunition Plant Modernization Strategy recently
briefed to Congress lists very similar, aspirational objectives to those presented in 2010.
Additionally, many of the initiatives underway focus on replenishing the munitions provided to
Ukraine and increasing the output of existing production lines—production lines that are
outdated themselves. The study team notes that more would need to be done to be prepared
for the replenishment of different types of munitions that might be used in the INDOPACOM
theater of operations and to fully modernize facilities to yield higher volumes more quickly.
Wargaming against China, as highlighted by a recently unclassified CSIS wargame, has found that
the U.S. may expend key munitions stocks in a very short time period. Whether the DMIB can
backfill these expenditures at the speed and scale of peer-on-peer warfare remains to be
The study team was asked by some Army stakeholders to look at individual munitions plant
operations and assess their performance. That was out of scope for this study, but it would be a
worthwhile effort. To conduct an adequate assessment of risk associated with this production
model, any future studies should include an examination of the first, second, and third tier
companies in the supply chain, many of which are single points of failure.
Surge Capacity in the Defense Munitions Industrial Base
One of the factors contributing to a lack of senior leaders’ knowledge about the frailty of the
munitions industrial base is a rather convoluted chain of command. Using Holston Army
Ammunition Plant as an example, two Program Executive Officers (PEOs) provide requirements
at the facility and both report separately to the Army Acquisition Executive (AAE). Changes in
demand quantities by either PEO directly affect the supply of energetics to the other PEO. The
government contractor, BAE Systems, must respond to both PEOs and react to any changes,
which may cause the costs of operations to fluctuate. For example, PEO Missiles and Space (PEO
M&S) has a requirement to produce more nitrocellulose product for the AGR-20 Advanced
Precision Kill Weapon System (APKWS) than currently needed, because the production of more
nitrocellulose keeps the overall costs of operations down for both PEOs. This creates a higher
burden on PEO M&S because it carries a higher portion of the overhead costs associated with
nitrocellulose. Worse, if the decision is made to produce fewer APKWS rockets, it will drive up
costs for nitrocellulose overall and negatively affect JPEO A&A. The Study team learned that such
decisions are typically made at the PEO level with little visibility and coordination at higher
headquarters, thereby preventing the advantages of fully coordinating “corporate” assets and
overhead costs.
A third government entity, the Joint Munitions Command (JMC) oversees the Holston facility. In
this role, the JMC Commander has the responsibility for the safety and security of the plant and
reports to Army Material Command (AMC), a separate four-star command. Potential conflicts
arise any time the Army wants to improve facilities, such as a capital improvement, a safety
upgrade, etc. As such, it would take a committee of the JPEO A&A, PEO M&S, BAE, JMC, likely at
least one Army Contracting Command (ACC) contracting officer, and other stakeholders to
negotiate and work out the details for any such improvement. Today, this structure works largely
Surge Capacity in the Defense Munitions Industrial Base
due to the quality of the personnel in those key positions and their ability to work together. If
designed from scratch, it is unlikely that the Army would create these multiple chains of
The study team met with several industry partners, a majority of whom expressed frustration
with the contracting process, particularly regarding the delays associated with getting munitions
development projects under contract. In one case, an industry representative cited a 9-month
delay in getting an undefinitized contract in place. Very likely, this is a result of the highly
restrictive regulations in the FAR/DFAR, but the study team did not investigate further, as it was
outside the scope of the TOR. Even when granted waivers by Congress to these requirements
(e.g., in the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)), industry representatives relayed
Army contracting officers were slow to adopt them. Interviews with multiple PEOs and former
PEOs revealed a common belief that the system would work better if the contracting officers
were more closely aligned with PEO objectives versus having their responsibilities aligned with
the Army Contracting Command (which also reports to Army Material Command).
Separate from the ASA(ALT), requirements generation for munitions currently consists of
ongoing, diverse, piecemeal efforts to improve selected munitions performance. Responsibilities
for requirements generation fall on the Army Futures Command’s (AFC’s) Cross Functional Teams
(CFT), including Long-Range Precision Fires and Next-Generation Combat Vehicles. Among these
entities, there is no overall strategy for efforts such as developing munitions requirements,
improving lethality, or reducing munition size while retaining the same effects. The Study team
recognizes the requirements generation responsibility lies across a number of organizations and
should therefore have its own CFT or Tiger Team (TT) established to do two things:
1. Review the current threat and current innovations available in the S&T community. From
that assessment, assist with the prioritization of energetics based on the effects that the
CFT/TT identifies as future requirements.
Surge Capacity in the Defense Munitions Industrial Base
Based upon the data gathered, the study team made a number of findings that highlight issues
affecting surge capacity in the DMIB.
Munitions requirements are determined by the Army’s Total Munitions Requirement (TMR)
process that is informed by Army analysis of munitions requirements to meet the demands of
relevant Defense Planning Scenarios, training and testing requirements, ongoing operational
demands, and other considerations such as war reserve management. The Army’s analysis is
subject to review and approval by the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD). Funding of that
approved requirement then competes within the Army’s programming process under the Army
Deputy Chief of Staff (DCS) for Programs (G-8). Munitions requirements, like other requirements,
are subject to tradeoffs based on guidance from Congress, the Office of Management and
Budget, OSD, available resources, and senior leader priorities.
Since the end of the Cold War, defense planning scenarios and underlying assumptions were
anchored in contemporary experience. Pacing scenarios were limited by resource-driven
assumptions and force caps, at times resulting in outcomes assessed to produce a stalemate in
the relevant scenarios. Munitions assumptions increasingly reflected the low rates of
expenditure seen during Operations Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom. They also adopted an over-
Surge Capacity in the Defense Munitions Industrial Base
In hindsight, these assumptions proved lacking. Over the past two decades, wargames often
assumed preferred munitions and SAP/STO capabilities would result in the defeat of near peer
adversaries. Among others, U.S. Air Force wargames against China found conventional and
preferred munition use and SAP/STO employment, while effective, were inadequate to resolve
shortfalls in preferred and other conventional munitions, given the projected speed and scale of
the conflict.
Similarly, 2017 planning in anticipation of possible conflict in Korea exposed these issues as they
specifically applied to the Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS). Ammunition
shortfalls and the DMIB’s inability to reduce the shortfalls gained attention at senior levels in DoD
but remained unresolved as the crisis subsided. The timelines and costs to resolve today’s
issues—three years and several hundred million dollars—are similar to those the Army had
previously identified to resolve the Korea-scenario GMLRS requirements in 2017.
The U.S. support of Ukraine and recent wargames on China’s invasion of Taiwan show that
munitions stockpiles and DMIB capacity are inadequate to meet demand. China-specific classified
and unclassified wargames found that stocks of precision and standoff weapons were expended
in as little as a few days. China’s dense anti-access/area denial (A2AD) capabilities attritted
forward supply and frustrated or prevented resupply of forward forces. The DMIB capacity
proved incapable of responding at the speed and scale of peer-on-peer war.
Deterring and, if necessary, fighting a conflict in the Indo-Pacific will require significant stockpiles
of all munitions before a conflict begins. Meeting the Army’s current, higher, draft TMR will
ensure the Army’s necessary capacity is at hand to commence hostilities. The study team
requested an analysis of the adequacy of Army stocks to determine whether or not they can
accomplish the wartime missions given the need to backfill Presidential Drawdown Authority
munitions used to support the war in Ukraine, sustain continued conflict there, and fulfill the
TMR while maintaining the capacity to meet the demands of an extended conflict. That analysis
has yet to be completed at the time of this report. Without that analysis, it is unclear whether
the Army’s current and planned investments are adequate to meet the demands of the emerging
security environment.
While complete analyses have yet to be accomplished, the study team finds that, under current
conditions in the OIB and DMIB, identified munitions shortfalls cannot be resolved by a
production surge in the midst of conflict.
The U.S. Army’s munitions requirements, resourcing, and production processes lack a centralized
authority. They operate through various agencies, departments, and stakeholders, each with
their own responsibilities and decision-making powers. While this approach allows for
Surge Capacity in the Defense Munitions Industrial Base
specialization and flexibility in addressing specific needs, it can create challenges in terms of
coordination, resource allocation, risk, and strategic alignment. As mentioned above, the Army
DCS for Operations, Plans and Training (G-3/5/7) established the TMR. Once established, the
munitions account has been the bill payer both for the Army and for OSD during budget reviews.
These resourcing cuts appear not to have been visible to senior leaders, nor have they triggered
the establishment of a risk management plan.
This governance issue acutely presents itself at the enterprise or corporate level. The ASA(ALT)
has oversight for most aspects of the munitions enterprise, minus requirements generation.
However, on a routine basis, much of the management functions have been delegated to the
JPEO A&A as the SMCA. The SMCA authorities are limited to conventional munitions and
might not be positioned to have a corporate perspective or affect the outcomes of the various
interrelated requirements, resourcing, facilities, and industrial base matters or their implications
on each other.
• With multiple authorities involved, ensuring consistent and effective risk assessment and
mitigation strategies across the entire munition’s lifecycle becomes more complex. This
could potentially compromise safety standards, quality control, and overall risk
management practices. There is no requirement to develop an Army-level risk mitigation
plan when dollars are reduced in munitions accounts.
Surge Capacity in the Defense Munitions Industrial Base
The Army’s ability to meet surge munitions production is an important consideration for national
defense. Capital investment in munitions production can be influenced by various factors,
including government policies and budget priorities. Without sustained procurement of
munitions and investment in new munitions programs, the Army is not transmitting a reliable
demand signal on which industry can plan and operate.
While cost control and efficiency have been emphasized by successive government
administrations, it is important to note that the defense sector also faces unique challenges. The
defense industry must strike a delicate balance between cost-effectiveness and ensuring an
adequate supply of munitions to meet operational demands.
Budgetary constraints and the need to allocate resources efficiently can sometimes impact the
capital investment in munitions production. The government strives to optimize defense
spending and will prioritize investments in such areas as research and development (R&D),
modernization, and advanced technologies, priorities aimed at maintaining a technologically
superior and agile military force.
However, it is essential to ensure that production capacity and surge requirements of munitions
are also adequately addressed. The government periodically reassesses defense needs and
adjusts budget allocations accordingly. In times of increased demand or contingency operations,
the government may take measures to enhance munitions production capabilities or explore
partnerships with the private sector to meet surge requirements. Multi-year contracts with
Surge Capacity in the Defense Munitions Industrial Base
increased caps and minimum production sustainment rates would incentivize private industry
Efforts are made to strike a balance between cost control, efficiency, and the readiness of the
Army. The government continues to collaborate with industry stakeholders to identify areas for
improvement and address any gaps in munitions production, recognizing the critical importance
of maintaining a robust and responsive defense infrastructure.
One of the assumptions made by the study team was that CONUS will not be a sanctuary in a
conflict with a peer adversary. Single points of major defense production capabilities carry great
risk. Several areas, such as energetics production (a major component in Army and Joint
munitions production) and nitrocellulose production are single points of failure and require
immediate attention.
Both COVID and the Russia-Ukraine conflict have exposed the fragility of the supply chain. This is
evident in many production capabilities and appears in U.S. munitions production. Both S&T and
R&D investments must prioritize efforts to reduce foreign sources of raw materials and
New energetics (i.e., formulas/research) are being developed in the laboratory, however, few
Army PEOs or PMs are willing to risk their program’s success on a potentially transformative but
unproven capability.
Surge Capacity in the Defense Munitions Industrial Base
The study team noted challenges with the speed of Army contracting actions according to both
large and small defense contractors. Small businesses are being squeezed by fixed price
contracts, inflation, and ever-changing, post-COVID workforce demands. The Army’s contracting
personnel point to the complexity of acquisition regulations and the importance of complying
with statutes and regulations. It is also possible that the incentives for Army contracting
personnel may not align with the needs and expectations of their customers (i.e., PEOs/PMs).
Streamlining processes and finding ways to balance compliance with efficiency could potentially
address these concerns.
Several types of Army munitions have seen high usage and demand rates in the Ukraine. As a
result, the ASA(ALT) established a special contracting office for high visibility munitions receiving
Congressional resource plus-ups. This was an ad hoc organization established for a short duration
to address a specific problem. The establishment of this organization underscores the fact that
“business as usual” contracting processes do not produce the desired results when speed is of
the essence.
A Cross Functional Team (CFT) or tiger team for Munitions may be a way to bring together
leadership from contracting, acquisition, readiness, requirements, resourcing and legal. The
Army should consider the appropriate level of authority to enable the team to make decisions
that are compliant with statute while speeding required munitions to the appropriate Combatant
Commanders and/or Allied or Partner Nations.
Surge Capacity in the Defense Munitions Industrial Base
The Army excels in making munitions that have long shelf lives to enable lot management and
service life inspections (munitions with batteries are a prime example). The question should be
addressed: if the munition is intended to be fired within the next year, does it require a 20-year
battery life? Can some of the expensive and time-consuming processes used for U.S. munitions
be waived in order to get the ammunition to the point of need more quickly and less expensively?
The Army can develop alternate processes that save time and resources on attritable munitions.
The study team observed that important decisions affecting munitions production were made
outside the cognizance of senior leaders. It would be beneficial to develop a tracking tool that
enables decision-makers to track and correlate resourcing to projected need, to production, to
readiness. Alternately, the Army could establish a separate Army Program Evaluation Group
(PEG) for munitions. In the past, munitions were frequently used as bill payers in budget drills, so
this new PEG would also assist the Army as the Joint Munitions Executive Agent in “priority”
discussions with the other services, and in OSD budget drills.
The Army should also look at increasing the number of high dollar munitions used in training
Soldiers. This could help establish a consistent demand signal for defense industry partners and
could help in retention rates (or recruiting) by providing Soldiers with training with their go-to-
war weapon systems/munitions.
Improved utilization of modern production planning and inventory policies in industry can
improve surge capability. The concepts of “Safety Stock” and material requirements planning
(MRP) worksheets can further improve the supply chain management. Presentation of these
techniques can be used to inform senior management of the consequences of decisions.
Surge Capacity in the Defense Munitions Industrial Base
The study team developed recommendations, actionable in the short term, to address observed
gaps and shortfalls.
1. Create elevate a to plan, oversee, and mi gate implica ons of muni ons resourcing, capital
investments, industrial base concerns, etc.ASA(ALT) (AAE)
2. Create a CFT or ger team to examine for new muni ons and energe csSecArmy CSA
3. Examine ini a ves to of organiza ons suppor ng this mission ASA(ALT) AAE
. Analyze to ll the gap in muni ons (and their components) for future peer
ght(s). G 3
. Consider cheaper ASA(ALT) AFC
. Iden fy and priori ze muni ons and necessary to surge for future needs ASA(ALT) Single
. Present consistent to enable produc on capability ASA(ALT) G
minimum sustainment rates
mul year procurement authority w increased caps ( 00M) requires OSD Congress
. Make to develop new materials, increase produc on capacity, and reduce foreign dependency
Examine and recommend immediate investments in programs to bridge to new energe cs
Ini ate a exible pilot plant line to develop explosive synthesis and provide addi onal capacity
1. SECARMY/CSA create a CFT or tiger team to examine requirements for new munitions and
To address the challenges associated with the lack of a single authority, the U.S. Army could
explore several options. One is to establish a centralized authority responsible for holistic
oversight of munitions production matters from requirements to resources to procurement.
Specifically, this would require retaining some of the SMCA authorities at the ASA(ALT) level (i.e.,
elevating this from the JPEO A&A), enhancing those responsibilities, and assigning someone on
the ASA(ALT) staff to manage these duties, to include:
• Oversight of S&T for munitions
• Oversight of resourcing efforts
• Capital investment decisions at OIB facilities
• Input and coordination with a requirements CFT or TT
• Establishment of minimum sustaining rates for key munitions
Surge Capacity in the Defense Munitions Industrial Base
This authority would facilitate senior leader visibility, consolidate decision-making, streamline
processes, and ensure strategic alignment across all stakeholders. Such an authority would
enhance coordination, resource optimization, and risk management while providing a
comprehensive and systemic view of munitions production. The AAE does not have the capacity
to oversee all the diverse requirements of the munition’s ecosystem. That role should be
performed by someone with an enterprise view in the Pentagon, not a PEO whose efforts might
be better focused on the near-term tactical focus on program execution.
3. Examine initiatives to better align the incentives of organizations supporting this mission
The Army should look to strengthening interagency collaborations and establishing clearer lines
of communications and accountability among existing DMIB entities. This would require
improved coordination mechanisms, standardized processes, and information sharing protocols.
By enhancing cooperation and synergy among different stakeholders, the Army could mitigate
some of the challenges posed by the decentralized approach.
Another step to improve command and control of the DMIB enterprise would be to examine the
need for multiple PEOs in the munitions field. PEO Missiles and Space is the only PEO that both
builds their systems (shooters) and their munitions. Common inputs to both missiles and
conventional munitions (e.g., energetics, nitrocellulose) impact both PEOs responsible for
munitions and multiple programs. One entity in charge could manage this entire enterprise.
Moreover, the study team found little value added for a third entity—the Joint Munitions
Command—to run the security and safety of GOCO installations. This simply involves another
party to negotiate with in the event of capital improvements or safety efforts impacting
A final consideration for unity of command involves the contracting process. Both industry
partners and current and former PEOs expressed frustration with the slowness of contracting
actions. The latter were interested in a better alignment of incentives for the contracting officers
they work with. The study team did not have the time nor mandate to examine the problem in
depth, but the slowness appears to be driven by the requirements inherent in the FAR/DFARS
and exacerbated by contracting officer’s alignment with ACC rather than the PEOs. A parallel to
this might be found in Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), where the Branch
Schools have the responsibility for developing doctrine and training both enlisted and officer
personnel. They establish the doctrine and standards. Once trained, the Soldiers are then
assigned to units. Similarly, ACC could be responsible for the training of contracting personnel
Surge Capacity in the Defense Munitions Industrial Base
and compliance with standards, but then contracting personnel would be assigned to the PEOs.
The study team also recommends a follow-on study be conducted to examine ways that the
FAR/DFARS can be streamlined to enhance speed of contracting and flexibility.
4. DCS G-3/5/7 analyze future strategic munitions needs to fill the gap in munitions (and their
components) for future peer fight(s).
Focusing on the shortage of munitions and the delays in accelerating production, data gathered
indicates future munitions requirements may well be underestimated for a peer fight. This would,
once again, necessitate a significant ramp up in munitions production.
U.S. Army munitions are manufactured with safety and endurance as vital parameters. Munitions
are built with long-lasting components because they may sit in storage for a number of years.
However, many munitions are currently expended in a much shorter period of time—either to
meet annual training requirements or for FMS, where the ammunition will be fired rapidly. The
study team believes several munition types with extended life batteries or tin whisker1 mitigation
could be manufactured faster and cheaper if they were not built with extended shelf-life
requirements. For example, the Army may be able to drive down the price of expensive missiles
and rockets that are used for training, freeing up resources for other purposes (see Appendix E
for additional details).
6. ASA(ALT) identify and prioritize munitions and long lead items necessary to surge for future
To overcome the delays in ramping up production, establish long lead-time items for selected
munitions. A large stockpile of munitions is expensive to build and subject to extensive reliability
testing over time (also an expensive undertaking). To mitigate this, the Army should seek
approval for the purchase of long lead items for the most important and complex munitions. The
long lead time supplies could be used to feed ongoing production on a first-in, first-out basis to
ensure the items do not become outdated. The advanced purchasing of long lead items is not a
cure all in and of itself, but in spot checking several different munition types, the study team
learned it may reduce production times by up to 30%.
1 Tin whiskers are electrically conductive, crystalline structures of tin that sometimes grow from surfaces where tin
(especially electroplated tin) is used as a final finish. Tin whiskers have been observed to grow to lengths of several
millimeters (mm) and in rare instances to lengths in excess of 10 mm. Numerous electronic system failures have
been attributed to short circuits caused by tin whiskers that bridge closely spaced circuit elements maintained at
different electrical potentials. (Source:
Surge Capacity in the Defense Munitions Industrial Base
7. ASA(ALT) and DCS G-8 present consistent demand signals to industry to enable production
• minimum sustainment rates
• multiyear procurement authority w/increased caps (>$500M)-requires OSD/Congress
Establish minimum sustaining rates and multiyear contracts for select munitions. The biggest
challenge in a ramp up is starting up a line once it has been stopped. Workers must be trained,
and long lead items procured. The line itself has to be validated and quality defects in production
are much more likely at a start-up. This combination of minimum sustaining rates and select
multi-year contracts should contribute to a much more resilient industry by smoothing out erratic
and unpredictable purchases into a more reliable procurement plan over several years.
8. ASA(ALT) and AFC make investments to develop new materials, increase production
capacity, and reduce foreign dependency:
• Examine and recommend immediate investments in programs to bridge to new
• Initiate a flexible pilot plant line to develop explosive synthesis and provide additional
The study team did not have the time to investigate GOCO plants and facilities, but it was clear
that they are almost completely unique and reside at the end of a series of fragile supply chains.
However, the study team recommends that the Army establishes a pilot line for energetics at
Picatinny Arsenal. This pilot line would provide geographic dispersion from the Holston Army
Depot and provide a location where new energetics solutions and prototypes could be built and
tested. Additionally, we believe, if built correctly, the facility could be a testing ground for
advanced manufacturing techniques.
Additional investment priorities include two key projects to enhance conventional and missile
effectiveness. Those details, as well as the details on the pilot facility, are included in the
controlled annex to this report (see Appendix E for additional details).
The study team found that many S&T products were not being driven over the “Valley of Death.”
That is, they remained in S&T status rather than being built out as prototypes and included in
new weapons. Several factors contributed to this state of affairs. First, the Study team could not
identify an office charged with overall future munitions requirements, a separate effort from the
DCS G-3’s responsibility for determining annual munitions expenditures. As mentioned, AFC has
identified specific requirements for a few specific systems. However, no one is taking a wholistic
approach. As a result, improved energetics may be identified in S&T, but because of the lack of
system requirements for them, they are not carried through to procurement (e.g., a requirement
to enhance explosive effects for a given munitions diameter, or length). No PM would risk their
programs on the development of unproven technologies, so they rely on the previously
developed solutions. The study team believes that a tiger team could be established to
investigate the situation, develop near-term requirements, and plan a path forward (see
Appendix E for additional details).
Surge Capacity in the Defense Munitions Industrial Base
The study team identified a number of areas for further investigation and study, either by the
ASB or some other entity. These include:
1. The GOCO Enterprise – This topic was reviewed by the McKinsey group about 5 years ago.
The environment was completely different then, and much has changed. It may be time
to have another review to determine the best methods for securing the munitions
enterprise in the future and especially in the light of a potential peer competitor.
2. Investments in a Pilot Line Facility – This effort would investigate new energetics and
manufacturing techniques. There are a number of different initiatives and a complete
review coupled with prioritization may prove helpful. In addition, given the work being
done in advanced manufacturing techniques and procedures, the pilot line would be a
superb venue for experimenting with these cutting-edge techniques. Those offering the
most promise could be validated and shared with other GOCO facilities (see Appendix E
for additional details on energetics investments).
3. Contracting – The near unanimous frustration with the contracting enterprise warrants a
look at the complexity of the FAR/DFAR. Numerous constraints and requirements
conspire to slow contracting at every step. The requirements also contribute to a reward
system that underwrites slow and methodical efforts. These efforts often do not align
with a PM’s need to commit funding (or face losing it) or to go fast, even when Congress
has authorized and encouraged reform, as it has in the FY23 NDAA. Another indicator that
this area deserves a deeper look is that the ASA(ALT) set up a special cell to assist in
Surge Capacity in the Defense Munitions Industrial Base
4. The Munitions Supply Chain – Senior leaders should have better fidelity of the munitions
supply chain, which is complex, opaque, and dependent upon vulnerable foreign sourced
materials. An in-depth examination on one or more aspects—e.g., chip vulnerability,
would underscore the need to reduce dependance on foreign sources of supply where
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Surge Capacity in the Defense Munitions Industrial Base
Surge Capacity in the Defense Munitions Industrial Base
Surge Capacity in the Defense Munitions Industrial Base
Surge Capacity in the Defense Munitions Industrial Base
The study team briefed Hon. Gabe Camarillo, Under Secretary of the Army (USA), on its
preliminary observtions and potential next steps for the Army to consider. The briefing occurred
on May 30, 2023 and was attended by several members of the study team, the study chair, the
study manager, and the ASB Designated Federal Officer (DFO).
The USA provided feedback and comments on the preliminary work that led the study team to
collect additional data and refine its analyses. In addition, the study team provided the following
responses to the USA on four specific lines of inquiry:
USA: Clarify how the study team uses the term ‘attritable munitions’ and identify good
candidates that might benefit from this approach.
As used in this study, the term ‘attritable munitions’ applies to munitions that are not designed
to the normal rigor and expense but still maintain the required effectiveness. Normally, U.S.
munitions are built to be stockpiled for the long term, then examined, and either extended or
modified to be extended for a longer storage period. Such longer storage times increase unit
costs and limits munitions selection to those whose materiel performance does not diminish with
age. The added cost of the long storage life builds from several factors, including corrosion
prevention, aging of components and energetics, tin whiskers on electric joints, power source
designs, etc. During times of rapid usage, the extra costs associated with the resources required
to maintain a munition's long shelf-life/lifespan are not warranted if used within 1-2 years. A key
aspect of the attritable concept is the availability of multiple sources of material to work around
shortages and maintain production. An example is the explosive Amatol, which is a mixture of
TNT and Ammonia Nitrate (a cheap fertilizer) that was used to great effect during both world
wars but has a very limited shelf life.
Note there may well be considerable start up costs to doing this, for qualifying the ammunition,
and ensuring the safety of the process for those that would be used by a certain wear out date.
Missile systems are likely candidates for these attritable munitions given their complexity. The
AGM-179 Joint Air-to-Ground Missile (JAGM) and the AGM-114 Hellfire would be the study
team’s first recommended models, followed by FIM-92 Stinger man-portable air-defense system
(MANPADS), the Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS), and the BGM-71 Tube-
launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided (TOW) missile.
At the component level, a medium caliber munition uses an expensive liquid reserve battery that
has a long shelf life. Unfortunately, the production of these batteries can only meet 10% - 30% of
the wartime use. Using commercial batteries with a limited shelf life can fulfill wartime
requirements, while the liquid reserve batteries can be used for reserves. This could be applicable
for any similar munition.
Surge Capacity in the Defense Munitions Industrial Base
Currently, JPEO A&A at Picatinny Arsenal is experimenting with an attritable 155mm design.
USA: Identify the right munitions stakeholder strategy for requirements. Do we need a
permanent solution or a temporary one? Should this involve another CFT or can an existing
one be tasked?
The study recommends two immediate actions regarding command and control:
• A single authority for munitions be assigned, reporting to the ASA(ALT), to assist in the
SMCA role and to oversee and advise on capital investments, S&T investments, and new
manufacturing advances.
USA: Is there a priority the Army should apply to next generation energetics?
The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (USD(R&E)) published
the National Energetics Plan in June of 2023. The study team noted the following:
• Over the last several decades…the prominent role of energetic materials in providing
effects has been, in large measure, taken for granted, and the energetic materials
themselves have been undervalued, commoditized, and minimally innovated.
• Insufficient coordination and misaligned timelines between the S&T (Budget Activities 1,
2, and 3) and the program office (acquisition) communities stifle the transition of
advanced energetics to acquisition programs and operational use.
• Establish two agile specialty chemical synthesis pilot-scale plants, one refining pilot-scale
plant to process raw ingredients into feed stocks, and one manufacturing research and
development pilot plant.
The study team recommended the establishment of a pilot line at Picatinny Arsenal to serve as a
location for the development of prototype energetic solutions. Picatinny adds a geographicically
diverse location to the energetics facility at Holston and a back up effort if needed. The DOD lacks
this kind of diversity now, but it has historically used pilot lines for production in prior surges.
Surge Capacity in the Defense Munitions Industrial Base
Regardless of location, the pilot line should be built to include an experimental effort for the
development of advanced manufacturing techniques. These can be tested and validated at
Picatinny before implementing at other GOCO facilities.
The study team’s observations for prioritizing energetics technologies include the following:
• CL-20 requires further investment in order to reduce future costs, improve processing,
and demonstrate in a fielded system. The material holds great promise in improving
performance for a variety of systems.
• Additive Energetics in the form of explosive Inks have been successfully gun-launched in
a demonstration of an advanced initiation systems, which greatly improved performance.
This is an example of using additive manufacturing in components where it is
economically feasible.
• Attritable Energetics should be planned out and developed before surge requirements.
USA: Review the AS(AALT) strategy for munitions FMS and determine how it might change the
demand signal for munitions in the future.
The study team did not have the time to conduct a thorough review of the business case but
recommended the ASA(ALT) work with AFC to consider development of cheaper, attritable
munitions for FMS to steady the demand signal.
Surge Capacity in the Defense Munitions Industrial Base
The controlled annex provides additional information supporting two of the study team’s
8. ASA(ALT) & AFC Make investments to develop new materials, increase production
capacity, and reduce foreign dependency:
• Examine and recommend immediate investments in programs to bridge to new
• Initiate a flexible pilot plant line to develop explosive synthesis and provide
additional capacity
The investment section provides background on supply chain risk reduction, historical context
for pilot plants, program characteristics, justification for investment in new energetics, and
suggestions on specific programs.
Department of the Army
Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of the Army
Washington, DC 20310-0103
This document is available in electronic format from the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC)
This report is the product of the Army Science Board (ASB). The ASB is a Federal Advisory Committee established to provide independent advice to the Secretary of
Defense through the Secretary of the Army and the Chief of Staff, Army. The statements, opinions, conclusions, and recommendations contained in this report are those of
the ASB study members and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the United States Army or the Department of Defense.