Classification System For Oral Submucous Grading - A Review: B. Priyadharshni
Classification System For Oral Submucous Grading - A Review: B. Priyadharshni
Classification System For Oral Submucous Grading - A Review: B. Priyadharshni
Abstract: Oral sub mucous fibrosis is a chronic, complex, irreversible, highly potent pre-cancerous condition characterized by juxta
epithelial inflammatory reaction and progressive fibrosis of the submucosal tissues such as lamina propira and deeper connective
tissues. The condition is linked to oral cancers and is associated with areca nut chewing which is the main component of betel quid. The
causes of these diseases are excessive consumption of red chilies, prolonged deficiency to iron & vitamins in diet, extreme climatic
conditions, immunological diseases& consumption of dried products such as pan masala and gutkha which have higher concentrations
of areca nut. Here classification is done based on clinical, functional and physiological diagnosis.
1. Introduction
Oral sub mucous fibrosis is a chronic disease and a well
recognized potentially malingnant condition of the oral
cavity characterized by inflammation and a progressive
fibrosis of the lamina propira and deeper connective tissues.
[23,24]. Oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF) is also called as
"diffuse oral submucous fibrosis', 'idiopathic scleroderma of
mouth', 'idiopathic palatal fibrosis', sclerosing stomatitis',
juxta-epithelial fibrosis', etc.[9]. OSMF is a chronic
insidious scarring disease of oral cavity, pharynx and upper
digestive tract, characterized by sunken cheeks, progressive
inability to open the mouth, due to loss of elasticity and
development of vertical fibrous bands in labial and buccal
tissues and shrunken uvula. of Oral submucous fibrosis is
preceded by symptoms like burning sensation of the oral
mucosa, ulceration and pain.3The characteristic features of
OSMF are reduced movement and depapillation of tongue ,
blanching and leathery texture of oral mucosa , loss of
pigmentation of oral mucosa and progressive reduction of
mouth opening.[1,10,11].The oral submucous fibrosis occurs
at any age but is most commonly seen in people at the age of
16 to 35.The etiology is multifactorial but chewing is main
causative agent[10,13]. To precede the treatment diagnosis
and staging is important [10, 12].
2. Classification Based
Histologic Features
Group A: >35 mm
Group B: Between 30 and 35 mm
Group C: Between 20 and 30 mm
Group D: <20 mm
Kiran Kumar et al (2007) proposed histological grading as
Grade 1: Loose, thick and thin fibers
Grade II: Loose or thick fibers with partial hyalinization.
Grade III: Complete hyalinization
2.3 Classification based on clinical and Histopathological
Khanna JN and Andrade NN (1995) developed a group
classification system for the surgical management of
Group I: Very early cases: Common symptom is burning
sensation in the mouth, acute ulceration and recurrent
stomatitis and not associated with mouth opening
Histology: Fine fibrillar collagen network interspersed
with marked edema, blood vessels dilated and congested,
large aggregate of plump young fibroblasts present with
abundant cytoplasm, inflammatory cells mainly consist of
polymorphonuclear leukocytes with few eosinophils. The
epithelium is normal.
Group II: Early casesBuccal mucosa appears mottled
and marble like, widespread sheets of fibrosis palpable,
interincisal distance of 26 to 35 mm.
Histology: Juxta-epithelial hyalinizalion present, collagen
present as thickened but separate bundles, blood vessels
dilated and congested, young fibroblasts seen in moderate
number, inflammatory cells mainly consist of
polymorphonuclear leukocytes with few eosinophils and
occasional plasma cells, flattening or shortening of
epithelial rete-pegs evident with varying degree of
Group III: Moderately advanced casesTrismus,
interincisal distance of 15 to 25 mm, buccal mucosa
appeal's pale firmly attached to underlying tissues, atrophy
of vermilion border, vertical fibrous bands palpable at the
soft palate, pterygomandibular raphe and anterior faucial
edema, constricted blood vessels, mature fibroblasts with
scanty cytoplasm and spindle-shaped nuclei, inflammatory
exudates which consists of lymphocytes and plasma cells,
epithelium markedly atrophic with loss of rete pegs,
muscle fibers seen with thickened and dense collagen
Group IVA: Advanced casessevere trismus,
interincisal distance of less than 15 mm, thickened faucial
pillars, shrunken uvula, restricted tongue movement,
presence of circular band around entire lip and mouth.
Group IVB: Advanced casespresence of hyperkeratotic
leukoplakia and/or squamous cell carcinoma.
Histology: Collagen hyalinized smooth sheet, extensive
fibrosis, obliterated the mucosal blood vessels, eliminated
melanocytes, absent fibroblasts within the hyalinized
zones, total loss of epithelial rete pegs, presence of mild to
moderate atypia and extensive degeneration of muscle
3. Conclusion
An attempt is made to provide and update the knowledge of
classification system on OSMF so as to assist the clinician,
researches & academics in the categorization of these
potentially malignant disorders in order to help in early
detection & subsequent management thus reducing the
mortality of oral cancer. As paan masala are the major risk
factors of OSMF causes trismus and fibrotic bands which
causes precancerous condition. So treatment should be done
as per the grading.
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[2] Gupta d, Gupta m, Golher B. Oral submucous
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