Virtual Autopsy in Forensic Medicine-00085892

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Virtual autopsy uses imaging such as CT and MRI to examine bodies non-invasively and can provide additional information to forensic investigations.

Virtual autopsy may be less objectionable to families, allows for second opinions, avoids health risks from infections, and records can be stored indefinitely.

The article mentions MDCT, DSCT, and MRI being used for virtual autopsy, obtaining excellent results with MDCT and DSCT.




2 Alien objects exact location can be determined by DVR. Localization of a knife in a suicide (Fig. 2A) and in a murder case (Fig. 2B).

Virtual Autopsy
in Forensic Medicine
The methodology of autopsy has not undergone any major transformation
since the 19th century. But new radiological imaging methods such as
multi detector computed tomography (MDCT) and magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) have the potential to become the main diagnostic tools
in forensic pathology.
By Prof. Anders Persson, MD, PhD
Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization (CMIV), Department of Radiology,
Linkping University Hospital, Linkping, Sweden

In forensic cases, the autopsy can provide vital information in criminal investigations. A recent addition to routine
autopsy workflow is CT postmortem 3D
imaging also known as Virtual Autopsy
(VA). Excellent results are obtained using
MDCT, DSCT or MRI data from scans of
cadavers with direct volume rendering
(DVR) 3D techniques1. The foundation of
VA development is the modern imaging

modalities that can generate large, highquality data sets with sub-millimeter
precision. Interactive visualization of
these 3D data sets can provide valuable
insight and enables non-invasive diagnostic procedures.
Several studies have shown the great potential of VA in forensic investigations 25.
There are many reasons for increasing
interest in VA, for instance, they are time

60 SOMATOM Sessions May 2008

saving and can complement standard

autopsies enabling broader and more
systematic examinations. With VA, the
body remains intact, avoiding objections
by family members or religious communities and permitting additional analysis
by other forensic pathologists on the
same body, in effect, second or third
diagnoses/opinions. Images and results
of VA are understandable for jurors in




3 Small metal fragments in a burned victim (blue color, Fig. 3A). Bullet in the neck region (arrow, Fig. 3B), shot through the oral cavity.

criminal cases. Furthermore infections

that pose serious health risks for coroners, pathologists, and medical examiners can be avoided. And finally VA
records can easily and conveniently be
stored indefinitely.

The Virtual Autopsy Procedure

Autopsy procedures at the Center for
Medical Image Science and Visualization
(CMIV) in Sweden have been developed
in collaboration with the Swedish National Board of Forensic Medicine. These
procedures are now routinely used for
forensic examinations and have been
applied in over 200 (mostly murder) cases. The research and development has
focused on the efficient workflow for
post-mortem CT and on developing software that can visualize full-body datasets that could previously be viewed
only in separate parts with limited interactivity 8.
A SOMATOM Sensation 16-slice configuration was initially used. Since September 2006 a Dual Source CT scanner
(SOMATOM Definition) has been in
service with even better results.
The workflow of the forensic procedure
at CMIV is summarized in Fig. 1. The
traditional autopsy is supplemented by

adding the VA information shown in red.

In most cases, the forensic pathologist
comes to the crime scene and oversees
the handling of the cadaver, which is
placed in a sealed body bag before being
transported to the forensic department
and put into cold storage. The following
morning, a full-body DSCT scan is performed in a few seconds. The radiologist
and the forensic pathologist quickly
obtain a clear survey of the entire body
and can use volume rendering transfer
functions (TF) to select aspects of the
body, such as the skeleton to localize
fractures. The full-body procedure per-


Crime scene

mits fast localization of foreign objects

such as metal fragments or bullets (Figs.
2A2B, 3A3B). This can provide essential information in the early part of the
police investigation. Another important
aspect is the high resolution of the data
that allows details, such as dental information to be extracted for identification
purposes. Another important feature is
that the captured DSCT data are digitally
stored, which enables the information to
be re-examined as often as necessary.
Frequently findings during the physical
autopsy lead to new questions that the
VA can answer 914. Moreover, in crime







1 Overview of the forensic autopsy procedure at CMIV. Virtual autopsy activities, shown
in red, are added to the traditional workflow and enable an iterative approach. This gives the
investigators time to complete the crime scene investigation before the physical autopsy.
The procedure is based on a continuous interaction between the forensic pathologist, the
radiologist, and the police.

SOMATOM Sessions May 2008 61


scene investigations, new findings may

require other hypotheses to be scrutinized by postmortem imaging. As mentioned, VA is currently used as a compliment to the standard autopsy procedure. The time needed for the DSCT scan
and visualization session is short in comparison to the physical autopsy and can
make the autopsy more efficient because the pathologist has prior knowledge of the case before conducting the
standard autopsy. That the cadaver remains in a sealed body bag throughout
the VA procedure also preserves technical evidence, such as fibers and body
fluids, which in forensic cases are of
great importance.

The use of Dual

Energy CT for VA.
Dual Energy CT (DECT) with two X-ray
sources running simultaneously at
different energy levels, can acquire two
data sets showing different attenuation
levels, thereby obtaining additional information about the elementary chemical
composition of the scanned material.
Color can then be assigned according to
the value differences between 80 kV and
140 kV. Such a color-mapped, dual energy
image can differentiate, for example,
between calcifications and Iodine contrast (Fig. 4). This technique can be
used, for instance, for direct subtraction
of bone from the CT raw data without
post processing to better visualize
blood clots in vessels and possible bleed-

ings in soft tissue 15, and to facilitate

classification of different tissue types
such as tendons and cartilage. DE
makes CT an even more effective VA
tool (Figs. 56)15.

The future for

virtual autopsies?
To improve the forensic value of Virtual
Autopsy (VA) with CT, a VA workstation
needs to be implemented. Visualization
tools to increase quality and efficiency
of the virtual autopsy procedures need
to be developed that specifically address
forensic questions. And designated protocols for the main forensic case categories should be established.
Data analysis research includes the implementation of computer aided diag-

4 An Ex-vivo DSCT angiography of the heart with DVR can give an excellent anatomic visualization of the coronary arteries. Vascular pathologies such as calcification, stenosis and soft plaques can be detected. In this case iodine contrast has been injected through plastic tubes inserted
into the coronary arteries. Vessel wall plaque can be visualized with Dual Energy imaging.

62 SOMATOM Sessions May 2008


nostic tools that can, once applied on

the post mortem volume data, help to
search for relevant forensic findings,
characterize them and deliver general
information of the deceased individual
such as body height, weight, sex, major
injuries, foreign bodies (e.g. projectiles)
and likely causes of death in an automatically generated, preliminary written
virtual autopsy protocol.
This would allow for virtual autopsies to


1 Donchin Y, et al., Journal of Trauma, 37(4):
552555, 1994.
2 Ros P. R, et al., Magnetic Resonance Imaging,
8:303308, 1990.
3 Thali M, et al., The American Journal of Forensic
Medicine and Pathology, 24:2227, 2003.
4 Thali M, et al., Journal of Forensic Sciences,
48:13361342, 2003.
5 Thali M, et al., Journal of Forensic Sciences,
48:386403, 2003.
6 Jackowski C, et al., J Forensic Sci. 2005;50(5):5

5 Dual Energy
images. Hemosiderin is visualized in
red and bleeding
can be seen in the
right pleural cavity
and to the right of
aorta (arrows).

be performed in large numbers within

a reasonable time frame to handle incidents such as the Tsunami catastrophe
in Asia 2004, where no autopsies were
performed at all.
For a new era of digital autopsies to truly
emerge, many social, legal, medical and
technical areas must work in unison.
Medical professionals and legal authorities must determine standard protocols
for scanning and storing data. Legal


systems around the world must accept

the admissibility of imaging evidence.
And as a new field, postmortem radiology will require special training and
knowledge. Radiologists are trained to
interpret images of living patients, but
the dead often look different. For example, severe trauma or the effects of
decomposition can displace organs.
Understanding these differences will require knowledge and expertise that does
not exist on a widespread basis today.
Invasive autopsies will remain the norm
for at least the next few years. But, as
knowledge and acceptance increase,
traditional autopsy can gradually be replaced by a non-invasive virtual autopsy,
and, when necessary, minimum invasive
image-guided tissue sampling can be
taken. Postmortem VA has the potential
to gain high acceptance in the population as well as in professional circles,
making possible high levels of quality
control in forensic medicine.

6 A child shot
with a handgun.
Bullet in the neck
region (arrow)
(Fig. 6A). The bullet path visualized
with Dual Energy
imaging (Fig. 6B).

7 Jackowski C, et al., J Forensic Sci. 2008, in press.

8 Ljung P, et al., 2006 IEEE TVCG , Proceedings
Visualization 2006, Baltimore.
9 Sylvan E, Masters Thesis, Linkping University
2005: LiU-IMT-EX--05/410).
10 Oliver W. R, et al., Journal of Forensic Sciences,
40:321324, 1995.
11 Etlik , et al., European Journal of General
Medicine, Vol. 1, No. 4, 2004, pp. 48-52
12 Jackowski C. Thesis, Institute of Forensic Medicine. O.-v.-G.-University of Magdeburg. 2003.

13 Jackowski C, et al., Forensic Sci Int. 2005 Apr 20;

14 Kerner T, et al., Resuscitation 2003; 56(1):
15 Engstrm E. Master Thesis Project Linkping
University, Sweden 2007.

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