THE Pathology OF Osteoclastoma OR Giant-Cell Tumour OF Bone: Willis, London, England

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From the Department of Pathology, The Royal Cancer Hospital, London

Changing views as to tile nature of this tumour have led to a diverse and confusing
terminology-myeloma, myeloid sarcoma, tumeur a
my#{233}loplaxes benign giant-cell tumour,
osteoclastoma and chronic (non-suppurative) hemorrhagic osteomyelitis being only

some of the names applied to it. Most of these terms are inappropriate and should be discarded
-myeloma and myeloid because the tumours are not derived from any constituent of
bone-marrow, N#{233}latons tumeur a my#{233}loplaxes because the tumour giant-cells are certainly
not megakaryocytes, and Barries chronic hemorrhagic osteomyelitis
because its falsity

was exposed promptly by Stewart in 1922. Giant-cell tumour is a non-committal and

satisfactory name, so long as it is not invariably linked, as Bloodgood linked it in 1924,
with the adjective benign.
The term osteoclastoma
was first used in Great Britain by Stewart in 1922 and was
later adopted by most British pathologists. There now seems little room for doubt that this
expresses correctly the histogenesis of the tumour. The close similarity between the tumour
giant-cells and the larger osteoclasts of bone-resorptive lesions, the identity of appearance
of the tumour tissue with that of the masses of mingled fibroblastic and osteoclastic tissue
in hyperparathyroidism (often wrongly called osteoclastomata for this very reason) and , the
conspicuous bone-resorptive effect of the tumours, together afford conclusive evidence of
the osteoclastic nature of the tumour cells. There are still those who, like Jaffe el al. (1940),
object to this view and prefer the histogenetically neutral name giant-cell tumour. This
purely descriptive, non-histogenetic name is satisfactory ; but in my view the objections
urged by Jaffe and others against the term osteoclastoma are of little weight.
It must be added that the name osteoclastoma does not necessarily imply specific
derivation from differentiated osteoclasts, for the osteoclast is not an immutable self-
perpetuating kind of cell. The structure and development of bone, both in normal and in
pathological states, show plainly that the several types of cells concerned in the formation
and modelling of bone-chondroblast, skeletal fibroblasts, osteoblasts and osteociasts-
are not distinct invariable species ; they are readily interconvertible, even in adults.
In particular, it is clear that osteoblasts and osteoclasts are but functional variants of cells
of the same type. When these cells, by virtue of ambient conditions, are functionally
concerned in elaborating alkaline phosphatase and laying down new bone, or in actively
maintaining bone already there, they are osteoblasts ; when by virtue of ambient conditions
they are concerned in bone resorption, they are osteoclasts. The osteoblast of to-day may be
the osteoclast of to-morrow, and vice versa; and this reversal of function probably amounts
to no more than slight alteration in the nature or quantity of the enzymes formed by the
cells. Dawson and Struthers (1923) showed that normal osteoclasts are formed by syncytial
fusion of fusiform or stellate mononucleated cells. In bone-resorptive areas it is often clear
that many of these are osteoblasts recently liberated from their calcified matrix. The
development of osteoclasts by aggregation of smaller cells is reflected in the structure of the
osteoclastoma, which consists of a mixture of large muitinucleated and small fusiform or
polyhedral mononucleated cells. Since osteoblasts and osteoclasts are no more than reversed
functional phases of cells of the one kind, we might conveniently call them all bone-
formative cells. An osteoclastoma is a tumour of these cells in which the functional bias
is osteoclastic rather than osteoblastic.



Age, sex and site incidence of osteoclastoma-Age-Most large series of cases, for
example tilose of Kolodny (1927) and Christensen (I 925), show that about tW(i-tilir(Is of
tiiese tunlours tleveiop i)efore the age of thirty ears, the greatest nuniber being ill the

third decade. Young cililtlren an(l the elderly are seldom affecteti ; the youngest and tile

oldest patients in Kolodnys series were agetl six years and sixty-eight 7ears respectively.
Stewart also reported an example from a cilild six ears old. Sex-Males antl females are
about equally affectetl, females J)re)(inderating slightly (Kolodnv 1927, Christensen i92.).
Site-About half the tumours arise in bones of the lower limb, and one-quarter Ill the
upper liflli). \\itil few excepti(ins tiley occur at tile ends of tile l)Oflts. ftc c(in)m(inest
sites in or(ier of frequency are : the tlistal end of the femur ; proximal end of the tii)ia;
distal end (if tile radius ; pr#{176}xinlal end of tile humerus ; distal end of tiit uina ; am! proximal
end (if tile lii)ula. 11w remaining 25 per cent.
of tumours arise in bones (if the ileati and trunk.
Lorti anti Stewart ( I 943) gave special reference
to (isteOeiastollIata of tile skull.
It ilas i)een stated by Kolodny (1927),
Jacobson (1940) and Jaffe (1940), that giant-cell
tumours ( )ften start in, or I)re(l )nunantiy involve,
an epipilysis ; anti it ilas e\ell i)een suggesteti
that they sh(iulti be called e)iphvsial giant-cell
tumours. Ihis idea, \vhicil has arisen for flO other
reason tilall that tile tuhllours sll(iw a striking
pretlilectioll for the ends of long i)ones, is incorrect.
An osteoclastonla in a young bone with an
epiphysis that is not yet fused is situated not in
tile epipiivsis iMit in the nletapilysis ; tile epiphsiai
line is intact, as ill tile case (if the children
reported by Stevart ( i 922) an(l Burlentl anti
Harries (1924), and in the specimen tlepicted b\
1Iartin ( I 9:30) wilich is still preserved in tile

Hunterian Museum of the Royal (ollege of

Surgeons (if England (Fig. 1). Even in Kolodnys .
()wn account, in which he upileld an epi)ilVsial FIG. 1
origin, tile ratliograpils depicted in figures 93 and Sl)eciill(Il of cystic oste(lclast(inla of tibia

98 of his article afford evidence arainst this l a girl aged fourteen ears, showing tIle
- (i)iPh\sis iiltact except for a snlall iireaeli
view. iWo illustrations of giant-cell tunl(iurs i)y Of tlle el)il)ll\siitl cartilage. ille SpeCilIlell,

Illingworth anti I)ick ( I 941-figures ($4 and 6;i) i)reseIlted i II. A. Le(liar(l in 191 1 , is
still in tIle Museum of the Royal CoIl
show that tile tumours ere situated in the Of Surgeons of England.

Structure of the osteoclastoma-Voung health tumours are uniformly ret!, brown,
or sometimes pale ; they are usually soft and friable. Older tuniours are altereti by
fibrosis, cyst formation, haemorrhage, pigmentation, yellow necrosis or calcilication. Earl
expansion of the i)one tends to be uniform in all directions, but later it may become irregular
and eccentric. Not infrequently, tumours of the lower enti of the femur begin in one or
other condyle. A prevalent iml)ression that the radiographic appearances, anti especially
the multilocular or soap-bubble appearances, of osteoclastomata are tlistinctive, is
erroneous; similar appearances can i)e prducetl by other expanding non-osteogenic tumours.
Microscopical structure-The microscopical features of healthy J)arts of the tumour are
characteristic. The atlmixture of fusiform or roundeti cells and multinucleateti giant cells,
and the absence of any signs of osteoid or bony differentiation, is unlike that of any other

bone tumour. The giant cells measure up to I OOj.t or more in (liameter and each possesses many

VOL. 31 B, NO. 2, MAY 1949

238 R. A. WILLIS

nuclei, sometimes as many as fifty in a single section (Figs. 2 and 3). These nuclei are identical
with those of the mononucleated cells, anti tilere are appearances that suggest that giant
cells are formed by fusion of the nlononucieated cells. Mitotic figures may he found in small
numbers in the mononucleated cells, but tiley are seldom if ever found in the giant cells.
The vascularity varies greatly, the vascular channels are thin-wailed, and tile tumour cells
abut closely on them. Secondary changes are often conspicuous, including haemorrhages,
cysts, areas of pigmentation or fibrosis, and accumulations of lipoid-laden foam cells. These
changes give older tumours a variegated appearance.
Behaviour of the osteoclastoma-In most osteociastomas, with characteristic clinical and
ilistological findings, the tumours pursue a benign course, grow slowly, do not transgress

FIG. 2
Microscopic structure of osteoclastoma, sllOwing Ill ultiil ueleated giail
cells and smaller mononucleate(l fusiform or polylleelral cells ( 650).

the periosteum, do not metastasize, and are curable by local removal. Nevertheless, was
insisted by Stewart, incomplete removal is followeti by recurrence. Moreover, some
tumours (10 transgress tile bone cortex and periosteum, and invade surrounding tissues.
Lord and Stewart (1943) described an osteociastoma of the temporal i)one which invaded the
external ear anti the transverse sinus, and infiltrated the cerebellum. There are now mans
reports of osteoclastomata that have metastasized to lymph glands, lungs or other parts
(Willis 1934, Korchow 1933, Jaffe et al. 1940). King anti Jaffe et al. have attempted to
correlate the cytology of the tumours with their prognosis.
Several writers have supposed that when a giant-cell tumour runs a malignant course,
sarcomatous change has supervened in a tumour that formerly was benign. This is an
unwarranted assumption, and it is based on the prevalent but erroneous idea that a sharp
separation can be made between innocent and malignant tumours. Tile truth is that



osteoclastomata, like most other groups of tumours, show a range of structure anti behaviour;
and that a few, not initially distinguishable from their benign fehlovs, invatle anti metastasize.
This malignant behaviour tloes not presuppose any essential change (if growth ; it is a property,
ab initio, of certain members of tile class. In some malignant cases, for example those reported
by Finch and Gleave (1926) and Dyke (1931), the structure of the nletastases did not depart
greatly frt)m that of tumours of benign behaviour.
Chondromatous osteoclastomata-These rare tumours resemble ordinary osteoclastomata
in the rate of growth, and the radiographic appearance, but when cut the tissue is
found to be partly or wholly cartilaginous. Codman (1931) tlescribed nine such tumours,
all in tile upper end of the humerus. They may occur also in other situations, for example

11G. 3
Osteoclastonla giailt cells containing more tllan fifty nuclei in tile plane
of section ( 650).

in the tibia (Wilhis 1948). Microscopically the show areas of giant-cell tissue, identical in
appearance with that of osteociastoma, 1)ut mixed more or less intimately witil cartilaginous
tissue anti vith transitions l)etween tile two. From their structure it appears that the

cartilage cells and tile cells of tile osteoclastomatous areas are tile same, differing only in the
presence or absence of a cartilaginous matrix. We are thus forced to the conclusion that
proliferating chonclroblasts anti osteoclasts are related and mutually interconvertii)ie.
Jaffe and Lichtenstein (1942) deny that tilis kind of tumour is relateti to tile ortlinarv
giant-cell tumour; they regarded such tumours as benign cilondrobiastomata with
incidental inclusion of giant cells. Nevertheless in tile case that I ilave examined, as in
Codmans cases, tile structure appeared to me to show clearly tilat a cartilaginous variant of
genuine osteoclastoma does intleed exist.
Lesions resembling osteoclastoma-Masses of tissue with a close structural resemblance
to osteoclastoma, and often called osteoclastoma, are fount! in generaliseti osteitis

VOL. 31 B, NO. 2, MAY 1949

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fibrosa (hyperparathyroidism), and less commonly in locaiised osteitis fibrosa. Such masses
are not true tumours even when they attain large size, as in the case described by Mathers
and Cappell (1938). They have no power of independent progressive growth and they
disappear when the bone reforms.
The close resemblance of osteoclastoma tissue to masses of osteoclastic tissue in bone
resorptive lesions is no more surprising than the close resemblance of chondroma to normal
cartilage, or of some osteosarcomas to reparative osteoid tissue. At the same time, the very
fact that the tumour tissue can resemble reactionary osteoclastic tissue perfectly, is itself
good evidence that the former is indeed osteoclastoma.
epulides should not be grouped indiscriminately with osteoclastomata
because, again, resemblance does not denote identity. In many epulides the giant-celled tissue
is clearly no more than inflammatory granulation tissue. The giant cells are often smaller and
less regular than those of osteoclastoma ; they vary in number, and there is often phagocytic
inclusion of haemosiderin. Most epulides, both myeloid and fibrous, are granulomas:
they are non-invasive ; very often they do not recur even after incomplete removal ; and
sometimes they retrogress spontaneously. Rarely, true tumours-osteoclastomata or fibro-
sarcomata-may arise from the jaw or its periosteum, but these should be distinguished
from the ordinary non-neoplastic epulis.
Giant-celled tumours of synovial tissues also should be distinguished from osteoclastomata,
which indeed they seldom resemble. The structure of synoviomata is very variable-giant-
celled, fibrous, cartilaginous, bony, mucinous, or mixtures of these. The common giant-celled
tenosynovioma is often also fibromatous. The structure, as well as the situation, of these
tumours in relation to tendon sheaths and not tendons, disproves the contention of Geschickter
and Copeland (1936) that they arise from sesamoid bones.

BLOODGOOD, J. C. (1924) : The giant-cell tumor of bone and the spectre of the metastasizing giant-cell
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JAFFE, H., LICHTENSTEIN, L. (1942) : Benign chondroblastoma of bone. American J. of Pathology, 18, 969.
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