Override Flyer
Override Flyer
Override Flyer
Tax burden: Your property taxes fund less than half the Town budget – The Town of Franklin will vote on an override on June 8, 2010 at the Franklin High
the rest comes from state aid and other sources. Our tax burden, defined School field house. The question will ask the voters to approve an additional
as average property tax bill divided by median family income, ranks 26th $3,000,000 in real estate and personal property taxes to be used towards the
out of 30 comparable towns. This means that in only four of those 30 town’s operating budget in FY11.
peer towns do the residents contribute less of their income in the form of
property taxes to support their town than do the residents of Franklin. If approved, approximately $300,000 will be used to restore municipal services,
$1.8 million will be used to restore educational services, and $900,000 will be used
High performing school district: Franklin has always been a community to maintain roads throughout the town. We need this money to stop the
with high expectations for its schools – in academics, in athletics, in the continued erosion of school and municipal services in this town.
arts and in community service. Our focus on the classroom delivers a
consistently high‐performing school district. Students and parents here This brochure contains answers to common questions and a chart of what services
have enjoyed a high return with minimal investment. Our children face an will be affected by the outcome of the override vote. It also provides you with
increasingly competitive and demanding world. We must continue to some information and facts about the town.
invest in their future.
In addition to this information, there are a number of forums and meetings taking
Public amenities: Compared to other communities, Franklin has high place throughout the community. On May 24, 2010, there will be a town‐wide
quality public buildings and recreational space. Smart planning and forum at the Mercer Auditorium at Horace Mann Middle School beginning at 7
cautious borrowing has enabled the town to fund these projects while p.m. Town officials will be there making presentations and answering budget
maintaining a relatively low debt burden. questions. You will find information and dates for other forums and meetings on
the online calendar at: http://tinyurl.com/2udduf9.
Quality of life: We have all benefited – through our property values, our
schools and our businesses – from the high quality of life Franklin has built
over the years. Franklin is a great community and is worth the investment. For more detailed information, please check the following online sources:
A successful override is the first step toward establishing a fiscally viable
foundation upon which our community can thrive. The Franklin School Committee Override Page:
Town Administrator’s Budget Page: http://tinyurl.com/3ad3te8
Vote Yes on June 8 Franklin Matters Blog: http://franklinmatters.blogspot.com/
Invest in Franklin on Facebook: http://bit.ly/yesforfranklin
Polls open 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Franklin High School Field House Articles and clippings on overrides throughout Massachusetts: