Chapter II Scientific Approach

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A. Definition of Teaching
A teaching process is not only about how to transfer the knowledge, but also
how to deliver it. Teachers as the main element in educational field are supposed to
make the teaching and learning process can run well and make the students enjoy this
lesson in order to achieve the planned teaching purposes and particularly to help
students get good achievement. Language teachers should know and understand the
concept of language teaching and learning. Before the writer goes to the definition of
Writing skill , we have to know first the meaning of teaching. As Slameto (1988:31)
states that Teaching is plant the knowledge to someone as shortly with the appropriate
ways or technique and Usman & Setiawati (1993:6) state that the teacher must be able
to organize students activity which can use the environment as teaching media.
B. Definition of Writing Skill
a. Writing Skill
Writing is an important skill to be mastered in learning English as a foreign
language. Bello (1997) states that writing enhances language acquisition as learners
experiment with words, sentences, and other elements of writing to communicate
their idea effectively, and to reinforce the grammar and vocabulary they are
learning in class. It means that writing is not only a means of communication where
students can share their views and thoughts, it is actually a pre requist to master
other language skills.
There are some definitions of writing stated by experts. According to Nunan
(2003: 88), writing can be defined by a series of contrast. The first, writing is both a
physical and a mental act. At the most basic level, writing is the physical act of
commiting words or ideas to some medium. On the other hand, writing is the
mental work of investing ideas, thinking about how to express them, and
organizing them into statements and paragraphs that will be clear to a reader. The
second, its purpose is both to express and impress. Writers typically serve two
masters: themselves, and their own desires to express an idea or feeling, and
readers also called the audience, who need to have ideas expressed in certain ways.
Writers must then choose the best form for their writing, depending on its purpose.

The third, it is both a process and a product. The writer imagines, organizes,
drafts, edits, reads, and rereads. This process of writing often cyclical, and
sometimes disorderly. Ultimately, what the audience sees, whether it is an
instructor or a wider audience, is a product.
C. Descriptive text
Description is writing about characteristic features of a particular thing.
Oshima and Hogue (1997:50) state that, descriptive writing appeals to the senses, so it
tells how something looks, feels, smells, tastes, and/ or sounds. In additon, a good
description is like a word picture; the reader can imagine the object, place, or person
in his or her mind. A writer of a good description is like an artist who paints a picture
that can be seen clearly in the mind of the reader.
D. The importance of Teaching writing for students
While, Brown (2001: 343) divides a written performances into five kinds. The
writing performances are as follows.
1. Immitative or writing down
Students can attain fundamental skills in writing process through a simple task
of writing. Writing letters, words, puntuation, and brief sentences can be done
when they are producing text. The activity that may be involved in this type of
writing performance is that the students write down a written product on their
own. They immitate the written product as a form of task to go over their basic
skills in writing.
2. Intensive or controlled
It is a kind of performance in which students must produce proper vocabulary
in a certain context, collocations and idioms, and correct grammatical features in
the sentences. Although their creativity is not allowed much, the students working
on this type of performance can do another stimulating creative activity by
rewriting the paragraph of their recollection of reading.
3. Self-writing
This type of writing performance gets the students to write the thing on their
own ideas. Kind of activities of this category are note-taking, diary and journal

4. Display writing
Display writing involves the activities of writing for the sake of a teachers
assignment of fulfilling a duty in the class. Display writing is very useful for
academic purposes. Written exercises, short answer-essays, and other forms of
writing in test situations are the examples of display writing.

Real writing
Real writing is the writing performance in which the reader does not know the
answer and genuinly wants the information from the writer.the example of real
writing are writing a letter, filling a form, and writing a simple message.

E. Definition of Scientific Approach

According to Education and Culture Minister (2013c) scientific approach is to
encourage and inspire students to think critically, analytically, and precisely in
identifying, understanding, solving problems, and applying the learning materials. It is
to encourage and inspire the students to be able to think in a hypothetical way in
looking at the differences, similarities, and linking one to another from the learning
material. It is to encourage and inspire the students to be able to understand,
implement, and develop rational and objective learning patterns of learning materials.
It is also based on concepts, theories and empirical facts that can be accounted for and
the learning objectives formulated in a simple and obvious way, but interesting in its
presentation. The learning outcomes of scientific approach creates productive,
creative, innovative, and effective students through strengthening the integrated
attitudes, skills, and knowledge (Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2013c).
F. The Stages or Steps of Scientific Approach
Based on linguistic theory and applied linguistic theory, curriculum 2013
(Scientific Approach) covers five learning phases.
The First is observing, students will read, watch, and listen the example of text from
various resources. Second is questioning, in this stage, teachers guide to ask questions
for students about social function, text structures, and linguistic features. Third is
experimenting, students are allowed to read, watch, listen the other text from various
resources as like textbook, handbook, internet and paying attention to social function,
text structures, and linguistic features. Fourth is associating, students learn and
analyze the text and mention social function, text structures, and linguistic features in

group work. The last is communicating, students will read, present, modeling, publish,
and speak related to the text that is being taught. Then teachers and classmates give
feedback to the students work (See Culture and education ministry, 2013).
G. Scientific Approach Steps toward Writing Skill in Descriptive Text
Scientific approach in language education is to make learners curious about the
world around them, to improve skills and exhibit more positive attitudes toward their
written communication.The function of teacher as facilitator is providing students
with useful phase (Mayer, 2008:8).
Scientific of learning activities in observing phase is The process of observing
facts or phenomena exposure includes listening activities, reading text, paying
attention to the social function, the structure of the text, linguistic elements, and
delivery formation or writing.
After the observing phase, the teacher conducted questioning phase. The
learning activity in this phase is ask questions about information that is not understood
from what is observed or questions to obtain additional information about what is
observed. The role of teacher in this stage is he gives initial question that encourages
students to ask. He also conducts discussion to build up students interest. It can be
good way to persuade students to ask a question. The objective of this stage is in order
to students to think critically, logically and systematically
The students activities in collecting information/exploring as follow: 1)
reading various descriptive texts;2) discussing about the material; 3) studying in
group; 4) sorting, matching and labeling activities such underlining pronoun in texts,
circling adjective in texts, giving mark triangle for verb in group; 5) having interview
with informant (Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Dasar, 2013b; Direktorat Pembinaan
Sekolah Menengah Pertama, 2013:5).
The next learning phase is associating. The learning activities of these phase is
analyzing collected information either limited from the result of activities or from
observing and collecting information. Examining the collected information from the
one improving the comprehension to the information analysis aiming at looking for
the solution from many different sources having different and opposite point of view
(Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2013d). The competence that is developed
are develop attitudes honest, conscientious, disciplined, law-abiding, hard work,
ability to implement procedures and inductive and deductive thinking skills in
concluding (Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2013d).
The last phase is communicating. The learning activities of this phase are
delivering the observation result and summary based on the oral and written analysis

as well as other media use. Furthermore, communicating activities are activities to

deliver results in the form of conceptualization as demonstrated oral and written,
write, explain, edit the work of a friend; the magazine published the results of the
work on the walls, bulletin school, learning journals, and school blogs. In addition, it
is the writing activity or telling what have been found in the activity of collecting
information, associating, and finding new pattern. The collected are delivered in front
of class (Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2013d).
H. Hypothesis
The hypothesis of this study is :
There is influence of Scientific Approach steps toward writing skill of
descriptive text in UPTD SMA Negeri 1 Nganjuk in the academic year of 2015 / 2016.

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