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English is one of the subjects taught in Junior High School. English has had some basic skills
that students must learn, namely: listening, speaking, reading and writing where language is very
useful for communication. Writing is expressing ideas, ideas and opinions in a piece of writing.
According to Barli Bram (1995:7) says that writing means to try to produce or reproduce written
message, it should have something meaningful to convey 1. Writing is a very important skill, writing
can be used as a means to express feelings as well as a supporting ability to write a thesis. Students
must know how to write letters, short messages, birthday cards, students must know how to write
letters, news, descriptive texts, procedural texts, narrative texts and other types of texts. In addition,
students must know about spelling, grammar, words. connectors, punctuation marks and other aspects
related to writing so that they are easy to understand.

The ability to read and write is a basic thing that needs to be mastered because it can be the
key so that students can understand the content of learning materials (Alawiyah et al., 2018). Writing
in education is very important because it is easier for students to think. Through writing can express
ideas and ideas in a sentence that is good, correct and interesting, learning to write becomes very
important for students. Writing is a job that requires time and regular thought. In addition, writing can
help clarify the thoughts that are in our brains.

In learning English, having learning to write, one of the texts taught at school is Narrative
Text. Sudarwati and Grace (2017) stated that narrative text has a social function to entertain the reader
with a story that deals with complications or problematic events that lead to a crisis and in turn find a
resolution. According to Abbott (2010: 1) is a story or in general means telling a story. According to
Nielsen (2008:172), narrative can be defined as a succession of events. Its basic components are: the
chronological order of the events themselves (story), their verbal or visual representation (text), and
the act of telling or writing (narration). According to Derewianka (1991), the purpose of narrative text
is to entertain, to teach or to inform, 2. Gerot and Wignell (1994) add that the social function of
narrative text is related to telling real experiences or those experienced by other people in different
ways and narrative texts involve problematic events that lead to a crisis or a turning point. finally
found a solution3.

According to Abidin (2014,) Project Based Learning is a learning model that involves
students directly in learning through several activities such as research to teach students until they can
complete a certain learning project. 4. Sani (2014) Project Based Learning is a teaching and learning

Bram, Barley. 1995. WriteWell. Yogyakarta: Kanisius
Derewianka, B. 1991. Exploring How Texts Work. Sydney: Primary English Teaching Association (PETA).
Gerot, Linda & Peter Wignell. 1994. Making Sense of Functional Grammar. Sydney: Antepodean Educational
Abidin, Y. (2014). Desain Sistem Pembelajaran Dalam Konteks Kurikulum 2013. Bandung: PT Refika Aditama,
pg. 167.
strategy used by involving students to work on projects that are useful for solving a problem in the
community.5. According to Pratiwi (2015) Project Based Learning is a learning model that is used to
encourage students to actively learn by collaborating to solve a problem so that they can reconstruct
learning based on the project undertaken. 6. Project Based Learning is a way of collaborating to solve a
problem so that it can reconstruct learning based on the project undertaken. Project Based Learning is
a way of learning that leads to a training process based on real problems that are carried out by
themselves through certain activities (projects). The emphasis on real problems is carried out by
themselves based on project activities as a learning process with the Project Based Learning method
(Muniarti, 2016)7.


A. Title Confirmation

It is very important to clarify the words connected in the title of this thesis as an initial step to
understand the process and content written in the undergraduate thesis entitled "Improving Student's
Writing Ability of Narrative Text Using Project Based Learning Method At Ninth Grade in SMPN 12

Sani, R.A. (2014). Inovasi Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, pg. 172
Pratiwi, R.A. (2015). Penerapan Model Project Based Learning Berbantuan LKS Untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas
dan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas IV SDN 1 Purworejo, pg. 15
Murniarti, E. (2016). Penerapan Metode Project Based Learning Dalam Pembelajaran. Universitas Kristen
Indonesia, pg. 373
Bandar Lampung" . In the title of this undergraduate thesis, there is a terminology explanation that
must be understood. Explanations include:

1. Writing's Ability

Writing's ability can be defined as a person's ability to compose a sentence from a collection of
words, then make the sentence into a coherent paragraph that can be understood by the readers.
Writing's ability is one of the skills in English, other skills include: listening, kicking, reading. To
have a good writing's ability, of course, it takes a lot of hands-on practice, one way is to write a
paragraph of Narrative Text.

2. Narrative Text

In 13 types of texts or genres in English, narrative text is one of them. The purpose of Narrative
Text is to entertain readers or listeners, narrative text has the contents of a story such as fairy tales,
legends, folk tales, fables. Narrative text has three structures. The first structure is orientation,
orientation is the part that introduces the characters, time and place of events. The second is a
complication, this section contains the emergence of a crisis that must be resolved by the character.
The third structure is resolution, resolution is part of how the characters solve existing problems.

3. Project Based Learning

Project-based learningis a learning method that can be used at all levels of education. In this
learning method, the educator acts as a facilitator. Project-based learning also aims to find solutions to
problems, allowing students to learn problem-solving concepts and develop critical thinking skills.
When students learn concepts and critical thinking skills, they work in groups to investigate real-
world problems. By learning using this learning method, students are expected to become more active
and creative by learning from their surroundings.

B. Background of the Problem.

C. Identification of the Research Area and its Focus
D. Limitation of the Research
E. Formulation of the Problem
F. Objectives of the Research
G. Significance of the Research
H. Relevant Research
I. Systematics of the Research Writing

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