In Another Language: I. S. P. Nation, Learning Vocabulary

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XIV, 477).
Since the writing of his first book, Teaching and Learning Vocabulary, in 1990, Nation
has both witnessed and contributed to a growing amount of research and writing about
the teaching and learning of vocabulary. As a result, his latest publication, Learning
Vocabulary in Another Language, synthesises this work in a way that is informative and
inspirational for a wide readership of researchers, teachers and other professionals.
Comprehensive in its coverage and well supported by reference to experimental research,
case studies and teaching experience, the book focuses on what it means to know a
word; how best to teach words and collocations; vocabulary in L2 listening, speaking
and writing; specialised lexicons; vocabulary learning strategies; strategies for inferring
the meaning of unknown words in context; chunking and collocation; vocabulary testing;
and course design for vocabulary development.
The book describes what vocabulary learners need to know in order to be effective
language users, and explains how teachers can help learners optimise the time they invest
in the learning of vocabulary, in both class time and out-of-class time. The range of empirical research surveyed in the book is quite considerable and should satisfy both the
student and the professional reader. Additionally, as Long and Richards suggest in their
Preface (p. xiii), it makes a substantive contribution to an area now recognised as of
central importance for grammarians, acquisition specialists, language teachers and language learners alike. For each of these readers, the book will be one that is frequently
consulted. In many respects, it meets the requirements of a reference handbook, and
parallels could be drawn between it and the frequently-cited The Study of Second Language Acquisition by Rod Ellis (1994).
Nation begins the book with a consideration of vocabulary learning goals before introducing the central themes that underpin the eleven chapters. The Introduction places
vocabulary teaching and learning in the wider context of what is involved in teaching
and learning a second or foreign language. For instance, it refers to vocabulary in relation
to the four skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening) and to vocabulary knowledge in
relation to pronunciation, spelling and grammar. Secondly, the introductory pages explain
how the approach taken in the book is based on the belief that a balanced language
course should consist of four major strands:



Learning from comprehensible meaning-focused input, through listening and reading

Learning from form-focussed instruction, through an appropriate amount of deliberate
teaching and learning of language items;
Learning from meaning-focused output, through speaking and writing activities;
Fluency development important so that vocabulary is readily available for normal

The introductory section concludes with a short discussion of the major themes running
throughout the book. Based on the results of word frequency studies, Nation considers
first of all the cost-benefit approach to vocabulary learning. Here he explains how
teachers should deal with high frequency and low frequency vocabulary and how time
spent on learning individual words should be in relation to the frequency with which
learners will encounter or use a particular word. The second theme concerns the cumulative process involved in learning a word, namely, learning its formal aspects as well as
its meaning and use. The third theme focuses on how vocabulary is learned. In particular,
it addresses the psychological conditions that contribute to effective learning and explains
how such conditions are influenced by the design of learning tasks.
Each of the eleven chapters is divided into a series of headings and sub-headings that
relate to the type of questions that teachers frequently seek answers to. For example,
Chapter 1, on the goals of vocabulary learning, discusses a number of key questions:
How much vocabulary do learners need to know? How many words are there in the
language? How many words do native speakers know? How much vocabulary do you
need to use another language? The same question-based structure informs the structure
and organisation of other sections of Chapter 1. The section on high frequency words,
for example, asks four questions: How large is this group of words? What are the words
in this group? How stable are the high frequency words? How should teachers and
learners deal with these words? The same questions guide the discussion on low frequency
words, specialized vocabulary and testing vocabulary knowledge. Together with the detailed subject and author indexes, this structural design across the eleven chapters means
that the book can quickly and easily be accessed when readers are seeking answers to
specific questions or are investigating the research findings of specific questions.
Within each section of a chapter, Nation provides the reader with three types of information: theoretical perspectives, up-to-date findings of empirical research, and practical hands-on advice on how to design and implement the many recommendations and
suggestions that have resulted from classroom application. Chapter 8 on word study



strategies is a good example of this approach. Having explained the various parts of a
word, Nation considers the question: Is it worthwhile learning word parts? He begins
his response by considering it from a cost-benefit perspective and moves on to support
his analysis with the findings from empirical research. With respect to English affixes,
he suggests that approximately 60% of prefixed words can be understood from knowing
the commonest meaning of the base word. This and other sections on word study
strategies lead to practical suggestions for teachers and learners about the conditions
that need to be met for learning new complex words.
Classroom teachers as well as course leaders will find the six appendices extremely
useful: headwords of the Academic Word List; 1,000 word level tests; a vocabulary levels
test (test B); productive levels test (version C); vocabulary levels dictation test; function
words. For those engaged in research on vocabulary teaching and learning and for those
seeking additional information about studies that have only been cited or referred to
briefly in the book, the list of references at the end will be a rich resource.
The clarity with which this book has been written and organised will make it a very
user-friendly resource for all readers. While some may quibble about the scant attention
given to theoretical perspectives underpinning the approaches recommended, others will
highlight the books positive and practical contribution to a field that for years has been
under-recognised and under-researched. Learning Vocabulary in Another Language is
a substantive treatment of vocabulary teaching and learning and one in which every
reader will find new insights, new approaches and new motivations.
Review by John Bitchener, Auckland University of Technology

Ellis, R. 1994. The study of second language acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Nation, I. S. P. 1990. Teaching and learning vocabulary. New York: Newbury House.



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