Commission Reports On Progress in Romania Under The Co-Operation and Verification Mechanism
Commission Reports On Progress in Romania Under The Co-Operation and Verification Mechanism
Commission Reports On Progress in Romania Under The Co-Operation and Verification Mechanism
dialogue between the Romanian authorities and the Commission services. The reports have also
benefitted from contacts with Member States, civil society, international organisations, independent
experts and a variety of other sources. The Commission's conclusions and the methodology of the CVM
have consistently enjoyed the strong support of the Council of Ministers.
The previous CVM report was published on 28 January 2015. This new report concerns the period since
then. The next formal report is likely to come in around one year's time.
All CVM Reports are available on the following website:
Press contacts:
Christian WIGAND (+32 2 296 22 53)
Tim McPHIE (+ 32 2 295 86 02)
General public inquiries: Europe Direct by phone 00 800 67 89 10 11 or by email