Huxuezhi - Fifteen Approaches To Collect Qi
Huxuezhi - Fifteen Approaches To Collect Qi
Huxuezhi - Fifteen Approaches To Collect Qi
Preparatory work
some day bear the fruit of obtaining the elixir pellet. So, many miserable tales and
deaths have taken place.
There is a tale in many scriptures telling that long ago there lived a man named Yian
Min, who is the most intelligent and wisest man in the world, yet on account of being
in want of the right instructions he didn't succeed in his pursuit of Tao.
Once before my master preached to us, saying, All men shall have teachers, whose
duties are to propagate knowledge, settle puzzling questions and pass on skills and
experiences. Even a small business like vending will have to be in need of some
directions for keeping, let alone such a significant matter as to release from the
bondage of destiny. So, without accomplished instructors you are doomed to failure,
even though you have read this book or other a thousand times.
Someone may be tittering when I begin to talk about the money, because they think I
have been preaching religious doctrine. In reality the majority of people have the
conventional ideas that money meaning more or less vicious. Here the moneys in
question take another meaning---to assist you in your pursuit of Tao. There are two
reasons: one is that you need some food and clothes and residence when you begin
your silent exercise, because in reality your corporeality hasn't been thoroughly purged
of. The other lies in that without money you can apprentice yourself to none. So a
saying is popular with the practitioners that the elixir pellet is bought with gold. With
more knowledge concerning the experiences of Bai Shi Shan and Zhong Huang, you
certainly will perceive more about the meaning of money. At beginning the two
comrades were poor and could not afford the necessities, so they feed herds of sheep,
and many flocks of oxen in ten years, during that period they economized and hoarded
up savings; at last they fulfilled their aspirations.
After a certain length of time when your golden elixir pellet is nursed in your middle
elixir field, money will mean nothing to you, because you can remain still and
motionless in your silent sitting for several months without the least appetite for food.
Yes, there are no supernatural beings who still eat foot, water, and still sleep and fall
3. Partners
The process of disciplining your heart, for the practitioners, is the monotonous practice
at beginning, still more for the common people. From now and then to be encouraged
and get more morale will consolidate your resolution and strengthen you more
confidences. On other side, during the process there will be many crises waiting for
you to go through, and so the assistance from the comrade is necessary or even
4. An Appropriate Site
The house you reside in should hold aloof from war, fighting or upheaval, and should
be away from the intersections. For the easy availability of provision being somewhat
near the town or city is ideal. The more silent and isolated the better. A cave carved
half way down the cliff is the best place for some saints. Yet at first you should not be
obliged to meet these conditions because to let your heart remain free from all
rambling thoughts and continue to be still is the most important thing. Generally
speaking, the house in the depth of a forest while the necessities are adequate and no
other matters to harass your heart is ideal.
5.Prohibitions to some sorts of food
My master, when talking about the practical procedure, I remember, emphatically drew
our attention to the caution of abstaining from food of fatty, peppery, stinking and
scented nature, for the fatty or stinking flavor is capable of sinking as well as messing
up the vita-vapor while the peppery or scented one of lifting as well as dispersing vitavapor. The efforts-earned vita-vapor, when induced to sink or be messed up will
become headstrong and difficult to compress; when lifted high up and dispersed will
erecting a caldron.
The middle place inside the belly between the navel and kidney, is called Xu Hai, from
which 3.8cm downward is the place of lower elixir field, also called Hua Chi, which in
actuality dominates a sphere space with its diameter being 3.8cm. The middle place
between the middle elixir field and the lower elixir field Huang Ting, which is also a
sphere space with its diameter of 3.8 cm.
There are three orifice-points in human body which are always referred to by many
books as the essential three---the upper elixir field, the middle elixir field and lower
elixir field. The upper orifice occupies the position of Brightness Hexagram, with its
interior being yin nature and exterior yang nature, its core the home of pre-heaven
nature. The lower orifice occupies the position of the Perilous Pit hexagram, its interior
being yang and exterior yin, its core the home of pre-heaven fertilizing fluid. Both
orifices have a lot of different names which here are skipped over without reference to.
To constantly settle mind-will in the lower elixir field is the most important measure
for the novices, also the most useful for the common people who for this or that reason
only aim at promoting their physical well-being, preserving the good stamina and
keeping heart peaceful and broad.
In the process of Chinese-yoga the function of middle elixir field is more like that of a
womb in a female body, in which the fetus of true self takes form. In regard of this you
can refer to other chapter for more information.
Seat yourself in the gesture like many Buddha statues---the legs crossed and the fingers
of two hands interlocked---compose your heart and purge it of all disorderly thoughts.
Then gently settle your mind-will in the lower elixir field. That is to say, persistently
rest your mind in this vague space, with no time spent on pondering over other things.
This is a gradual process. You should be patient with its dullness at the beginning. Only
both the patience and persistency can do. Yet paying much attention upon lower elixir
field is very dangerous, which you should bear in mind. For, not as same as the general
circumstances in the profane world, the concentration of attention can result in many
uneasy symptoms in various degrees, which is owing to the fact that, where the mindwill is the Qi is, and the normal circulation of Qi will be jeopardized on account of
excessive accumulation of Qi in one place. So the proper way you place your mindwill is that you seem to pay attention to it, yet in the same time you seem not---a
After an appropriate length of time when your heart has assumed equanimity, it is the
time for you to pay attention to inhaling and exhaling. When you draw a breath, you
perch upon nothing, nor should free them utterly to their own freedom---which means
that the mind-will seems to exist yet meanwhile to pass away. So with the flight of time
the mind-will and the breathing will be more familiar with each other and later
afterwards they begin to attach to each other, and at last the Mysterious Pass begins to
present itself.
To set the first step of restoring pre-Heaven nature and life force
you must learn to know how to discipline the heart. First of all,
get rid of all stray thoughts before this silent exercise, then loosen
the clothes to free the flow of blood and Qi. In short, impose no
constraints whatever upon the body.
Sitting silently, legs crossed, fingers interlocked with each other,
two hands gently laying before the lower abdomen with palms
facing upwards. In this way you begin the long expedition of
pursuit of Tao. Your form should be straight like a dead trunk and
your heart recede into silence, till it becomes as unconscious of all
things as the dead ashes which have passed through ordeals of
thousands of years. Turn down your eyesight upon the tip of your
nose while moderately close your eyelids to a proper extent: you
should not shut up the eyes thoroughly lest you should be sleepy
and spirits drift away, yet you should not fully open your eye lest
the eye light should drift away. The most appropriate way to get
this effect is to tenderly lower your eyelids and view the tip of
your nose and settle your mind-will upon a spot in the middle
between your two eyes. By this means you can eradicate the
myriad of thoughts from just the very beginning.
Then during the first breathing in, the mind envisages a wave of Qi
ascending the upper elixir field picking up the course which starts
from the perineum and winds up at upper elixir field through Du
Channel. During the first breathing out, the mind envisages the Qi descending from
upper elixir field to the perineum through the course of Ren Channel. During the
second breathing in the mind envisages that the Qi ascending from the perineum to
lower elixir field so as to link with the Belt Channel---which runs round the waist--and the Qi splitting in two halves, both going straight from lower elixir field to either
side of the kidney of the back, then along the back upwards to ascend the two shoulder
blades and halt the Qi there. During the second breathing out the mind should envisage
that the two waves of Qi going along the outside of both the arms respectively through
the Three Yang Channels of Hand to the middle fingers, then turn round to the middle
of inside palm.
During the third breathing in envisage that the Qi going up through the Three Yin
Channels (which run along inside of the arms), turning round the two shoulder blades
to descend to the two nipples of the breasts, then during the third breathing out
envisage the Qi descending from two nipples to converge in lower elixir field, then
returning to the perineum again. During the fourth breathing in elevate the Qi upwards
to the middle elixir field so as to link with the Chong Channel. (Caution: no to be up
beyond the heart), and during the fourth breathing out lower the Qi down to the
perineum, then split it in two halves again and run both of them along the outside of
two legs through the Three Yang Channels of the Leg, arriving at the toes and turning
round to wind up at the Yong Quan Point. Then throughout the duration of the fifth
breathing in imagine that the Qi going up starting from Yong Quan Point and stopping
at the lower elixir field through the Three Yin Channels of Leg (which run along the
inside of legs), in the midway the two waves of Qi converging at Hui Yin Point. Both
then ascend to lower elixir field.
During the fifth breathing out, imagine the Qi descend from the lower elixir field down
to the Hui Yin Point. The procedure above-mentioned makes up the major part for
getting through the Eight Extra Channels, by which process you can drive out all Qi of
vicious nature from all orifices and channels and collaterals, for the golden elixir pellet
couldn't develop without extinction of yin Qi.
heart, fertilizing fluid (Jing), Qi, the pre-heaven mind-will will be demolished and drift
away to God knows where. Then who could possess the ability to divine what your
next lifetime would be? And who could divine when and where the endless
transmigration could, in violation of nature's formidable law, come to an end? So here I
give counsel to practitioners to make up your mind and consolidate your resolution, so
as not to pass away regretfully with nothing in hands at your dying sickbed.
From now on, pay no attention upon anything, the two eyes abstain from gazing
outwardly, the two ears from hearing the outside, be on a vegetable diet, shorten the
time spent on sleep, refrain from talkativeness and laughing, give up all contemplation
and desires, court no comfort and ease, have no interest in differentiating the beautiful
from the ugly. In this way you cleanse your heart constantly, as like a cicada drinking
dew. After a long time you will feel refreshed and spirited. Like a tortoise remaining
motionless in its dead-like state, you will imperceptibly prolong your lifetime and
release you from the regularly unavoidable torture by ailments.
However, the precaution you should take is to discipline your heart is to guard against
"five swindlers"---the eyes, ears, the nose, tongue, body---from surging up to wear
away the pre-heaven nature from outside or within. Only when there is not any one of
the seven kinds of emotions--joy, anger, melancholy, anxiety, grief, fear, and terror--arising, the first five yin pre-heaven mind-wills responsible for producing the senses of
taste, sight, hearing, smell, touch remain peaceful, two eyes gaze inwardly, two ears
hear inwardly, the nose smells inwardly, the tongue rises gently against palate, the
whole body remains motionless in silent sitting posture, the mind-will settles inwardly
in lower elixir field, and fertilizing fluid (Jing) remains indifferent to any temptation,
you are qualified for further advance in the pursuit of Tao.
fertilizing fluid (Jing), as like a robber who watched for his chance in a stealthy way,
will become restless when the man's eyes happen to catch sight of the beautiful.
Likewise, when the music drifts into the ears the desires and passions will arise and the
fertilizing fluid (Jing) will roll up and down. Even a little whiff of scent and delicious
smell will unexceptionally induce the desires to awake and the fertilizing fluid (Jing) to
wear out. Delicious taste will all at once excite the addiction and thus the fertilizing
fluid (Jing) feverishly search for the indent to let out. Then feelings and sensations
arising from induction or touch will occasion the infatuation to emerge and fertilizing
fluid (Jing) to consume itself as like boiling water.
Under the constant consumption by the five swindlers, can you tell me how much
fertilizing fluid (Jing) has been left over? When the fertilizing fluid (Jing) drains out
and the pre-heaven mind-will floats away to follow the suit, the human body becomes
a ruin. So the practitioner should perform in the way of regarding the body as a state
and fertilizing fluid (Jing) the subject people who, when leading peaceful lives, will
stabilize the state.
Before you set about administering fertilizing fluid (Jing), it is the common
circumstance that the pre-heaven mind-will always chases after the illusions and
phantoms in the outward direction, the pre-heaven Qi disperses and diffuses in all
directions and pre-heaven fertilizing fluid (Jing) decays and loses its vigor. So we must
endeavor to refill the fertilizing fluid (Jing) and Qi and pre-heaven mind-will, till these
three have become sufficient enough and merged into one---which means the process
of laying foundation has successfully come to an end. This foundation is the one upon
which to ascend the following summits. The man who has transcended the region of
existence and ascended the phantom region possesses the foundation. So does the man
whose pre-heaven mind-will remains to be at a constant standstill for ten months, and
the man who no longer is in need of the sleep, and the man who abstains from all food
and drink, and the man who is never affected any change of four seasons.
The saint, who possesses the same body with Tao, will never in the world breathe one
more time, while the common people do all the time from birth to death. They will by
no means fall asleep or doze for an instant, even though the universe has undergone the
vicissitudes of hundreds of thousands of years.
With the human body, heart and mind-will serving as the administrators, while
fertilizing fluid (Jing) and Qi and pre-heaven mind-will as the subject people, the
means to let the former three function to unite the later three into one makes up the
basic method to produce the golden elixir. The precondition for uniting the three into
one lies in that the heart should constantly remain motionless in emptiness and
stillness, for only the heart being in that state the pre-heaven mind-will can merge with
pre-heaven nature, and fertilizing fluid (Jing) and emotions can calm down. On
account of the body being free from any motion the fertilizing fluid (Jing) can be
converted into Qi and because of the heart being free from any ideas or intentions the
Qi can be converted into pre-heaven mind-will, and on account of the mind-will
touching nothing in emptiness and being at a constant standstill, the pre-heaven mindwill can be changed into the emptiness.
The Great Unification, when engage in a motion, will split into two parts of yin and
yang. When the intercourse takes place between the yang and yin, the five elements
will come into being at last (of course halfway there are other proceedings), and, when
each takes position and engage in their particular motion, all things emerge. So, on
account of the existence of earth element gold element comes into being, and with the
assistance coming from earth element wood element can flourish,. Once the water
encounters the earth it naturally halts its movement to a suitable extent; in the
meantime under the encasement by earth element, the fire element will have to be
distinguished. The above-mentioned development course is that the Creation of all
things takes. Going back on the way in reverse direction, the saints, with their wisdom
and uncompromising efforts, reached the origin and own the body in common with the
Tao. According to the law the measure is invented to collect five elements to be
administered to form four elements, and by the same measure unite the four to form
three ones, and three to two parts of yin and yang, and then at last unite the yin and
yang to form the Great Unification. Retracing the course unswervingly all the way
back to infinite emptiness, they can at last reach Tao.
Because of the stillness of the body the fertilizing fluid (Jing) will remain motionless,
and by this means the water element inevitably will be obliged to come to the central
position of earth element and merge with it. Likewise, owing to the heart being free
from any stray thoughts the Qi then comes to be at a constant stand still, thus the fire
element will naturally join the earth element occupying the central position and merge
with it. When the pre-heaven nature has slipped into stillness, three yang souls will
hide themselves and wood element joins the earth element and unite with it in the
central position. Under the similar circumstances when the emotions have been purged
of, the seven yin souls will be worn out by degrees and gold element will join earth
element and combine with it. As soon as the elements of water, gold, fire and wood
have converged at the central position, the mind-will will eventually be brought to a
constant standstill and the five elements will soar high up and converge upon the upper
elixir field.
Once before I put a question to my master, saying, 'I have read some messages in some
books such as Canon on Both the pre-heaven Nature and pre-heaven Life Force and
Canon on Golden Elixir Pellet concerning the measures to hold back fertilizing fluid
(Jing) from discharging and to convert it to Qi. Also, there are many successful
practitioners in their books having left numerous assertions in this regard. Would you
please make clear this term my master? '
My master paused for a while, then observed, "You all know the words by Lao Zhi that
the precious coming into being on account of the comparison with the cheap and the
same reason also is applicable to the high and the low. Conventional opinions have
been so much dominant that all men shy away in talking about the fertilizing fluid
(Jing) and sex while advocating to be religious and faithful and to be an ascetic. Here I
won't advocate so-called religion, but tell the way out from the destiny. The pre-heaven
Qi will arise and increase only by the way of holding back the fertilizing fluid (Jing)
from dejection and later you can step by step convert the fertilizing fluid (Jing) to Qi,
and Qi to pre-heaven mind-will and pre-heaven mind-will to infinite emptiness. As our
bodies are short of fertilizing fluid (Jing) on account of the former ejaculations, we
must refill it at first."
"For you do not know how long time you have fallen into the stillness, the time will
come that the fertilizing fluid (Jing) has the tendency to surge and go out and your
penis become hard, then you must put the weight of your body on one side, at the same
time gently thrust the middle finger to pressure upon the Hui Yin point, constrain the
muscle around to collect the yang Qi that is emerging. This kind of yang Qi, when goes
out through the Hui Yin point in its natural way, can turn into fertilizing fluid (Jing)
and form the cytula with the ovum---this process is called 'sailing along the life current'
in Taoism terminology. On the contrary, the yang Qi you reap can turn into the preheaven vita-vapour and can revolve along Du- and Ren Channel. From this account
you can easily conclude that the fertilizing fluid (Jing) forms the essential, like a
fountainhead of a stream, from which and only depend upon which you can later
cultivate the pre-heaven nature and pre-heaven life force. Regarding this method
Saykamuni once commented like this, 'Old monks have the secret to revive the tree
that has no roots and light the oil lamb that has no oil for its fuel. "
"As to the detailed measures to reap yang Qi I will explain below carefully. Whether
the yang Qi has emerged and if the chance matures for harvesting you should know
clearly and accurately. The yang Qi you are going to harvest is useless, if you are
mistaken in identifying the moment of timely harvesting. If the yang Qi you harvest is
premature or in overgrowth, all your efforts will become fruitless. The concrete
measures to deal with this complicated circumstances means crucial, practitioners must
be familiar with them in detail, otherwise they'd better stay where you are and do
nothing at all. The time of sudden inspiration coming from nowhere occurs to your
quiet realm of mind, and unconsciously a wave of yang vita-vapour comes into being
and begin to evolve is the moment you should commence to ascertain whether the
imminent harvesting is chanced to be at the rightful time and the vita-vapour has
developed fully for you to reap. How to ascertain the chance and how to be certain of
the suitable degree of its continuous growth make up the most hidden secret for most
of the books concerning this subject. If the sudden inspiration let you become certain
of the time being out of place, you should not in a hurry to reap it. The time in question
denotes the moment that the yang vita-vapour has grown fully and a little time further
it will be in overgrowth, and a little time less it will be young and in deficiency."
"Originally, the pre-heaven vita-vapour was brimful and virginal. Just because the
indulgences in passions have led to a good deal ejaculation or consumption of sperm,
the pre-heaven vita-vapour has been suffering the deficiency all the time. The yang
vita-vapour reaped for refilling the pre-heaven Qi must be the one that has fully grown
and is pure, and by no means that one emerging the time when mind is full of stray
thoughts or voluptuous ideas springing out endlessly---for the yang Qi has already in
part turn into fertilizing fluid (Jing) and destined to ejaculation except by special
means. Because different men--even a man in the different stages of his lifetime---have
divergent constitutions, and different degrees of deficiency in terms of pre-heaven Qi,
so practitioner must adopt somewhat different measures for each one."
"In general, when there are sexual desires coming forth, the penis will harden and the
desire for indulgence in sensual enjoyment will become more and more fervent. At this
time some yang Qi will turn into fertilizing fluid (Jing) . The fertilizing fluid (Jing)
must be converted to Qi, otherwise it will inevitably go out at future time. The
dejection of fertilizing fluid (Jing), if comes to no end, will undermine all the efforts
you formerly made, as like a foundation always breaking down. So the measures of
small waterwheel comes to being, aiming at ceasing the flowing of fertilizing fluid
(Jing) and converting it to Qi. When the fertilizing fluid (Jing) accumulates to a certain
degree yet no measures put into use to diminish it, it certainly will find a way out, as
like the water in a mug receiving incessant supplies of water will diffuse sometime. So,
how to convert it means crucial for the success of administering fertilizing fluid
"When a whiff of yang Qi arises---which results from the motion out of the infinite
stillness---and a destined sudden inspiration occur to your mind, it is the time at which
you should prepare to judge the culmination of its growth, to set about its going round
the Du- and Ren Channel. There will come many feelings and minute changes, of
which you can by degrees obtain the experience for being certain of the chance and
prime time of its development. Here I will deliver a detailed description of the scene
for your reference. When a whiff of yang vita-vapour comes forth from you know
nowhere, sudden inspiration spontaneously occur to your mind realm, without any
presentiments or signs to preface its emergence. All in a sudden you seem to melt into
nothing and all the world seems to be in sunlight and cosiness and all are comfortable;
contentedness and complacency seem to extend gradually to your world of existence
and your back have already resumed the upright posture all out of your senses and
efforts. The state of your heart, at the same time, like a full moon in an autumn night
coolly shedding its solitary gleam upon a clear lake, has already been still and empty
for no one knows how long time. By degrees, in natural way in the broad expense of
your heart the mind-will can not catch sight of your existence from outside yet even
inside it can not give your any senses of something concrete. All is void and emptiness,
all the pores existing in the changing positions of the space seem to minutely itch all
over, thus the whole world seems to indulge in the extreme easiness and cosiness, and
there is not one willingness existing to take leave of it."
"Suddenly your body or the whole space seems to vibrate lightly and afterwards all
seem to have changed. pre-heaven mind-will is jubilantly having intercourse with yang
Qi. pre-heaven mind-will is always in company with Qi and when the mind-will goes
the latter will constantly be on the trail of the former all the time to follow it. preheaven Qi begins to make its own way automatically with continuous surging and
swellings to open up its destined course of Du- and Ren Channel. A certain length of
time later, being brimful and sufficient enough it naturally goes round the course
fluently and without any blockade. Then sudden inspiration expressive of the similar
feelings and impressions will fall upon your quiet region of the heart, though you have
no intention to gain it. Of course, at this time you can, without any hesitation,
commence the process of launching the small waterwheel."
"You are advised to be patient enough at first, waiting for its fully growth, which is like
the moon reaching its full state of brightness. The time when sudden inspiration occurs
to the mind and a wave of a yang Qi is as slowly arising as like a seed is budding, you
can conclude that the suitable chance is coming up. Losing no time at once you are
advised to embark on breathing in, and at the same time consciously contract the
muscles around the Hui Yin point, have an idea envisaging that a wave of vapor is
ploughing into Du Channel through Hui Yin point and coccyx pass, and elevating the
imagined vapor all the way upward through Du Channel until it reaches the upper
elixir field. Then breathing out, and at the same time have a mind-will envisaging to
low the Qi from Ren Channel till it goes to the lower elixir field. This process is called
small waterwheel."
"The practice of small waterwheel, though simple and plain, actually has been
designed to cope with the two hidden operations both from outside and inside. When
you breathe in the breath will naturally be brought in from outside through the mouth
or nose down to the respiration tube till to gather in the lung, while at the same time
the yang Qi spontaneously ascend from the lower elixir field to upper elixir field. This
process means that the pre-heaven life force is soaring up to reunite with the preheaven mind-will. When you breathe out the breath will be expelled out of the lung,
taking the route of respiration tube upward to go out through the mouth or nose,
meanwhile the pre-heaven Qi will go from the upper elixir downward to the lower
elixir field through the middle elixir field. This process, in fact, is that of the preheaven mind-will descending to reunite with the pre-heaven Qi. The aforesaid closing
and opening operations of the acquired breathing and yang Qi are more like that of a
bellows. The operations of acquired breathing and that of yang Qi, though having the
same bellows of the human body, differ in both the thing subject to their operations and
the circling course."
"The reunion of pre-heaven life force and pre-heaven mind-will taken place in upper
and lower elixir field is the process to convert fertilizing fluid (Jing) to Qi. while the
acquired breathing with an idea imagining Qi going round the Du- and Ren Channel
promote the inner operation of pre-heaven Qi. Here the envisaging means that two
closed eyes should survey inwardly the Du- and Ren Channel beginning from Hui Yin
point, then Du Channel, then the upper elixir field, then Ren Channel, then coccyx pass
and ending up in lower elixir field. The acquired breathing is of the positive nature
while the ascend and descend of the yang Qi of the passive nature, upon which you
Then how many times should you revolve the small waterwheel
once the wave of yang Qi arises? You may ask yourself. Many
people know the thirty-six times be suitable, as asserted in many
scriptures and canons. Yet, this assertion in reality doesn't mean
the number of breathing but the number with which you can
reckon the necessary number of times in consideration of all your
deficiency of pre-heaven nature, the constitution, the extent of
development of the emerging Qi and so forth. It is by no means
an easy thing for a man not expert at the Book of Changes, to
know the necessary number.
That to keep the mind-will and inward gaze in motion round
the circle of Du and Ren Channel, to launch the breathing--like to start the operation of a reciprocating bellows---to blow
the acquired breathing to promote the transformation of
fertilizing fluid (Jing) into Qi in the lower elixir field, and that
when the growth of the pre-heaven Qi reaches the height
initiate the small waterwheel to harvest it, is the detailed
procedure of holding back the fertilizing fluid (Jing) from dejection. The following
procedure is to change the fertilizing fluid (Jing) to Buddhist relics---the penis will
shrink all the way back into your belly.
In consideration of health condition level and feelings in regarding the growth of Qi,
and reference to instruction by qigong master, practitioner can be able to calculate the
number of times they should run the small water-wheel regarding the varying state for
the emergence of the yang Qi each time. Later you are advised to resume the
motionless state to recede again into the emptiness and stillness of the heart. Be patient
enough to wait for the motion out of the infinite stillness again, and to prepare again
for the subsequent running of small water-wheel.
Yet many men have the notion that the fertilizing fluid (Jing) could be accumulated for
the use of constituting the golden elixir. Of course, this notion is thoroughly contrary to
the law that when sperm is brimful it is bound to go out sometime. One utensil with
certain capacity is supposed to be capable of accommodating the incessant supplies of
water, how fanciful and whimsical! Yet you can take action to cease the formation of
fertilizing fluid (Jing) and convert it to Qi, how reasonable it will become! So, it is the
indispensable method you should learn if you aspire for the success, regardless of what
religion you have faith in.
Practitioner should mind that to run the small water-wheel risks danger in different
degrees and different forms, yet the common one is that the Qi changes back to
fertilizing fluid (Jing) and then the fertilizing fluid (Jing) flows out. The new
practitioners, on account of incomplete annihilation of stray thoughts and the mind-will
not being free from touching things---in a word, lack necessary profundity in
disciplining their hearts---is likely to be tied up by the whims and fancies in the day
and dream of something in the night. So, like a mug tumbled down and water pouring
out, the lower elixir field will lose its contents of Qi, which first changes to fertilizing
fluid (Jing) then drains out---all efforts formerly made thus drain away. So, many
regulations and restrictions have established to discipline the Buddhists and Taoists and
other, which to a certain extent have something to do with this case.
Once before I asked my master, 'Would you please describe the scene that the
fertilizing fluid (Jing) has completely converted to Qi? ' My master replied, 'Why dose
a whiff of yang Qi arise when you heart remains still and empty? Because the Qi lacks
in sufficiency. When your heart slips into the depth of the stillness and emptiness and
remains motionless for a long time the Mysterious Pass will present its genuine bare
face with the sign that a whiff of yang Qi emerges. The stirring of a whiff of yang Qi
denotes that it is going to change to tangible medicine---the fertilizing fluid (Jing). The
arrangement of trigrams---which means that you have nothing to do with the region in
which the law of five elements prevails. During the period of conceiving the fetus of
the true self you begin to need less food in the first month and only water three months
expires and no necessities whatever any longer at the end of the fourth month. The
man, who has proceeded to reach this phase according to the procedure indicated
before, if still in need of them, regardless of how little amounts, must have not released
from the region of reality, and his Qi has not been sufficient enough. The sufficiency of
pre-heaven mind-will actually signifies that the yang has dominated over your
existence and the yin has been thoroughly purged of. On the contrary, even the
minimum amount of yin being left over in the body means that you have to be subject
to the least degree of invasion by somnolence, and that the psychical rays could not be
steadily radiant during all the twenty-four hours of a day. When the pre-heaven mindwill is sufficient enough you are sure to be free from any sleep, and never there will be
ideas or thoughts arising or dying out in heart, and never there will be one breath
coming in or going out through the lung and respiratory tube, and you have
transcended the region of phantom to ascend the region free from phantom. '
forcing its way against the coccyx pass intending to ascend Du Channel.
After a due period, the whiff of Qi will get through the coccyx pass and surge up to
rush against the clipping spine pass. This ascending Qi, however, could not easily get
through the clipping spine pass, let alone the occipital pass, because the sufficiency of
Qi cannot alone make up the decisive force to open up all these three passes. Why?
Because the yang Qi is of the sinking nature. But with the assistance from the due
inhaling the Qi can be excited.
Somebody may argue that I have said that the mind-will can lead the Qi to anywhere
and why mind-will could not stir up the Qi. The reason is that the mind-will's
capability in this regard is transient and temporary. So to promote the Qi to make way
through the three passes along Du Channel you must seek for assistance from the
breathing---which leads to the invention of small water-wheel.
To run the small waterwheel you should at first close your eyes and mouth, raise the
tongue against the palate gently, then breathe in to draw breath through the nose,
respiratory tube and lung, drive your mind-will and inward gaze upward along the
course of Du Channel from coccyx pass to upper elixir field---the starting point being
at Hui Yin acupoint---and midway during your breathing in you should stop at the
clipping pine pass according to the previous requirements; then exhale to drive out air
through the lung, respiratory tube and the nose, meanwhile sending the mind-will and
inward gaze down along the course of Ren Channel till they come to the lower elixir
field. Halfway during the breathing out you should rest the mind-will and inward gaze
in Shan Zhong acupoint for a little while.
Revolving the small water-wheel in this way repeatedly, you will perceive that both
lower- and upper elixir field begin to throb slightly, which means the pre-heaven Qi
begins to emerge. Sometimes when you leave off the revolving of small waterwheel
and again slip into stillness, you suddenly become aware that the Qi can even revolve,
of its own accord, around the Du- and Ren Channels smoothly without any
encumbrances. Sometimes the revolving comes to an end. In this case you should let
conceptions : vigorous fire and moderate fire. You may ask what the fire means.
Generally speaking, the fire means the mind-will. That you deepen the acquired
breathing while concentrate your mind more strongly makes up the vigorous fire; that
to slow down your acquired breathing so as to make it even and slight while the mindwill touches something to the slightest extent the moderate fire.
In the course of reaping the pre-heaven Qi the breathing in should be accompanied
with the intensive mind-will and intense inward gaze. Both should ascend Du Channel
to the upper elixir field. The breathing out should be carried out with no mind-will and
inward gaze--- which means you pay no attention to the breathing out and let it go its
own way. Meditating upon the process of reaping the pre-heaven vita- vapor you can
easily conclude that the breathing in plays a main part, or in another word, you employ
the method of vigorous fire during the breathing in. Then you may wonder how many
times you should practice the reaping maneuver and when you should end up the
operation. The answer is that the moment when your penis has become soft completely
and no tendency to harden existing is the time you should assuredly leave off the
process of reaping pre-heaven Qi.
Then you may put another question of where the pre-heaven Qi has gone. In reality the
pre-heaven Qi has been hoarded up in part in the lower elixir field in the form of preheaven fertilizing fluid (Jing). Only passing through the transformation process the
pre-heaven Qi can ultimately settle in the lower elixir field, in the form of pre-heaven
fertilizing fluid (Jing).
As soon as the pre-heaven Qi, in the form of pre-heaven fertilizing fluid (Jing), has
been hoarded up in lower elixir field, practitioner should at once put into practice the
method of transforming the pre-heaven fertilizing fluid (Jing). Settle your mind-will in
lower elixir field, attach a good deal of attention to breathing in and breathing out--both processes should be carried out smoothly and extensively, not violently and
hastily in the least. Launching the breathing in with mind-will ascending the Du
Channel, and breathing out with your mind-will descending the Ren Channel.
Breathing in and then breathing out for about thirty-six or seventy-two times you will
get the feeling that the lower elixir field, of its own accord, begins to engage in the
action of breathing in and breathing out as does the lung. Perceiving this practitioner
should terminate the acquired breathing and again slip into profound stillness to put
into practice moderate fire.
'Would you be good enough to carefully give an account of the moderate fire, my
master? ' asked one my fellow-disciple, one day.
My master narrated as follows: When the lower elixir field begins to engage in the
action, all of its own accord, of drawing in and blowing out like the furling and
unfurling of a bellows, you should gently lodge your mind-will in the lower elixir field
and terminate acquired breathing. every now and then the mind-will, solitarily resting
in lower elixir field yet touching nothing, like a man guarding a fire ablaze,
unmindfully watches over the motion of lower elixir field of its own breathing in and
breathing out till all has passed away and you again sink into the infinite stillness.
Hence the moderate fire refrains from any notice paid upon the acquired breathing and
aims at keeping watch over the pre-heaven Qi lest it should change back to fertilizing
fluid (Jing). Moderate fire should be put into practice after the vigorous fire.
Sinking into the broad tracts of stillness for you don't know how long time you will
perceive that a whiff of pre-heaven Qi is coming again and your penis again becoming
hard, which circumstance means you should prepare for the operation of revolving the
small waterwheel again, to reap pre-heaven Qi and transform pre-heaven fertilizing
fluid (Jing) into pre-heaven Qi. The above-mentioned processes carried out one after
another lasting for you don't know how many times, the Mysterious Pass will present
itself and pre-heaven mind-will will emerge.
As to reaping pre-heaven Qi there are some advice and changeable methods in
response to different circumstances, which you should be familiar with. When the preheaven Qi is coming up and you gain the clear consciousness of its detailed motion, it
will be very good to reap it the while when your penis begins to harden, for the reaping
is relatively easy and the pre-heaven Qi is of good quality at that time. Yet if you
cannot identify the authenticity of pre-heaven Qi and lack relevant experiences, you'd
better not apply this method. In case of pre-heaven Qi coming up while you gain a late
consciousness on account of the sleep you should bear in mind that the revolving of
small waterwheel cannot be put into use. Under the circumstance the pre-heaven Qi is
likely to be hurt if you do that way. The best way choice is to slightly concentrate your
mind-will upon the whole Yin Qiao Channel, and the two eyes shall silently and
solitarily gaze upon that, be oblivious of all your existence and slip into profound
stillness, so as to let all develop in their own ways. When the time comes of the penis
beginning to soften, you should instantly adopt the method of vigorous fire to breathe
three or fire times till the pre-heaven Qi has completely drawn into the lower elixir
field. Afterwards make an end to the vigorous fire gradually and put into practice the
moderate fire little by little.
In addition, there are some information concerning reaping pre-heaven Qi.and to be
related here for your clear understanding.
In regard of the reaping process you should take notice of the following movements of
corresponding parts of your body and ruminate about them in a move to best
understand their gist. The first is to breathe in through the nose, the second to raise
your tongue against the palate, the third to strain backwards the muscle around the Hui
Yin acupoint to coccyx pass, the fourth to close up your two eyes and to gaze inwardly.
All these movements (excluding of the third one )shall be carried out simultaneously
while the third shall be put into use when the whiff of pre-heaven Qi is coming up.
When you make use of the vigorous fire unevenly---which means your breathing and
mind-will and inward gaze, when engaging in respective motion, don't remain the same
throughout the process on an appropriate scale---there will be some danger destructive
for the reaped pre-heaven Qi. When the vigorous five is slight and weak the breathing
will be floating and the fertilizing fluid (Jing) will not be transformed completely, and
such fertilizing fluid (Jing) will sometime discharge when accumulation of it reaches
some extent. When the vigorous fire is massive and violent the breathing will be hasty
and stiltedly, which will cause the air gathers in the belly in danger to bring about
fluid (Jing). Sometimes the breathing is violent and hasty, or the mind-will becomes
vague, or some attention is paid upon the mouth or nose, or you draw too much cold
air, you will incur various symptoms such as diarrhea with loose stools, distending pain
on the top of your head, abdominal distention, bellyache and so forth.
ordeals of various illusions, let alone other formidable difficulties. When a whiff of
yang Qi evolves to be in the prime of growth, you should set about running small
waterwheel to administer the fertilizing fluid (Jing)(tangible medicine), then when a
whiff of pre-heaven Qi surges up and your penis becomes hard enough you should
promptly incline your trunk slightly on one side and then pressure your one middle
fingers upon the Hui Yin acupoint and start the processes of reaping, transforming and
preserving the pre-heaven Qi(using waterwheel of 4-10 branches).
Your two eyes play an important part in your long-term pursuit of Tao, which you can
know a lot through my lecturing in previous chapters. Why? You may ask. Here I give
some account in this regard. The left eye represents the wood element with its
orientation being east, while the right eye stands for gold element with its orientation
being west. Wood element in its nature has a tendency to face the west and care for the
gold element, while gold element has a tendency to face the east and care for wood
The revolution of two eyes is called harmonious intercourse between gold and wood
element, and in practice has been contained in some methods such as waterwheel of 410 branches. The harmonious intercourse between metal and wood element is capable
of leading to the gathering of the delicate pre-heaven Qi in the upper elixir field that is
termed the pre-heaven life force returning to reunite with pre-heaven nature. This
makes up the part of cultivating life force and nature together---the gist of all my
previous remarks.
Once before, one of my fellow-disciples put such a question, for my master to answer,
"I always feel giddy after inhaling with mind-will and inward gaze going upward along
Du Channel and exhaling with both of them going down through Ren Channel. Would
you please tell me what is the reason? I felt very uncomfortable, my master?"
My master replied, "This is because yang Qi or pre-heaven Qi has not grown to be in
the prime, and as a result, the turning of waterwheel can reap neither of them or though
they are reaped they cannot be used for making up Buddhist relic. With no water in a
kettle it will be damaged by fire. So, you are going to be giddy after so much useless
My fellow-disciple Xuan Kang Zi once said, "Once I joined a congregation claiming to
owning the most proper methods to achieve Tao. They gave orders demanding me to
chant a lot of scriptures and canons, be merciful and refrain from any killings and all
sexual activities, in order to pay respect to some things and writings they claimed their
great founders left with them. They also persuaded me to donate all my money to
publish book praising good deeds and buy back the animals which would be butchered
and let them re-enjoy their freedom of life, and concluded the more I do of these things
the more chance will be for my ascending Heaven with the recommendation of their
founders already in Heaven. Would you please tell me if their methods are the most
proper one?"
My master replied, "This is by no means the most proper methods, but deeds deserving
praise. To fast, to recite scriptures and canons, to burn incense, to practice meditation,
to sit down cross-legged in silence, to discuss all things in smart and intelligent words,
all these have nothing to do with cultivating both pre-heaven nature and pre-heaven life
"Only when all your previous lifetimes and succeeding ones have been donating the
money to publish books and free lives your present lifetime can deserve grandeur
awards. Supposing allocating the huge number of money you donate to all your
foregoing and following lifetimes, do you fell assuredly that all the money would be
donated to worthy doing? I am afraid the case will be that only $ 100 would be donated
and the remaining $900 pocketed if the money is $ 1,000. Their founders, with their
pre-heaven life force and pre-heaven nature having not been recovered, actually had no
sense of what is shame, and even claimed to be in Heaven to cheat the innocent to
demolish their future! As to refraining from all sexual activities I can plainly conclude
that would be disastrous and unmerciful action. There would be no living soul left in
this world, how a miserable scene it would be! Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism,
had offspring, we all know. Likewise, Lao Zi and Confucius also had descendants. So,
be put into use of making up Buddhist relic, except when it undergoes the transforming
process with vigorous fire to convert it completely to Qi again."
The concrete measures practitioner should adopt are as following below:
First, start the acquired breathing through the nose and lung, so as to trigger the
automatic breathing of lower elixir field, then intensify mind-will as well as inward
gaze by two eyes which is steadily fixed upon the movement of lower elixir field. This
process going on for a certain length of time, the fertilizing fluid (Jing) is bound to be
totally transformed into yang Qi.
You might have already taken notice of the term of >basking proceeding = in many
books, yet how to proceed properly with it and when to carry out it, most of you are
feared uncertain of these question. So, here I will give you a detailed account.
There are four most important points in human body: the Hui Yin acupoint at the
bottom, the Shan Zhong acupoint in the front, the upper elixir field at the top and the
clipping spine pass in the back. Linking the four points with lines you can get a
rectangle, the its central point certainly falls upon the center of the middle elixir field.
According to the theory of five elements the following five points, in an emblematic
sense, stand for five elements respectively with different attributes, which are showed
as follows:
The upper elixir field stands for fire element with orientation of south , earthly branch
of the seventh, number of two. The clipping spine pass stands for wood element with
orientation of east, earthly branch of the fourth, number of three. Hui Yin acupoint
stands for water element with orientation of north, earthly branch of the first, number
of one. Shan Zhong acupoint stands for gold element with orientation of west , earthly
branch of the tenth, number of four. Middle elixir field stands for earth element with
orientation of center, number of five.
The basking proceeding denotes the process in which practitioner should stop the
advance of mind-will and inward gaze for a little while at the above-mentioned four
points---Hui Yin acupoint, Shan Zhong acupoint, the upper elixir field, the clipping
spine pass---and let the Qi steam them of its own accord with no interference whatever.
Most Chinese ancients used the earthly branches to show the time of a day. One branch
stands for an interval lasting two hours. So, the first branch indicates the time between
23:00-1:00, the second between 1:00-3:00, the third between 3:00-5:00 and so on, till
the twelfth branch denotes 21: 00- 23: 00. The time we use nowadays is somewhat
different from used by Chinese ancients. Please refer to some books for more
information. People may ask why I talk about the earthly branches. Because in the
theory of Acupuncture there exists an important conclusion that the flux and reflux of
Qi continue according to time changing. The Qi, like the waves of the sea, always
flows along the twelve channels, and at the beginning of a certain two-hour interval
flows into one certain channel and flows out of it at the end of the interval. For
example, during the time of the second branch (23:00-1:00) the Qi flows in and out
liver channels. As a result, to seek and pierce relevant acupoints along the channel
during this time to cure diseases will be the most effective way. Likewise, to run the Qi
in the light of the flowing law you will get twofold results with half the efforts. The
twelve branches can be put into use to represent the points along the Ren- and Du
Channel, the four points we mentioned before are part of them.
You may ask why I only prattle about the four, whether there are some particularities
for them. I can conform that, because the four points are lodged in the positions that
are so vital that the five elements can be at the mercy of them. You may ask why the
positions are vital. The answer is the four positions the four points take are those Li
trigram, Zhen trigram, Kan trigram and Dui trigram take in acquired arrangement of
eight trigrams. So, during the course of driving Qi you are persuaded to halt the
acquired breathing for a little while, to let the Qi to steam them---aiming at better
nourishing the viscera and bowels.
As before mentioned, Hui Yin acupoint stands for water element that can give birth to
wood element, yet if it doesn't undergo the basking proceeding the water element will
be dead at the time of second branch(1:00-3:00). As a result, the Qi arising at the time
of the tenth branch (17: 00- 19: 00) will pass away completely at the end of the time of
the fourth branch (5: 00-7:00). The clipping spine pass stands for the wood element
that can produce fire element. The fire element will be smothered to death by the earth
producing at the time of the fifth branch(7:00-9:00) if the clipping spine pass doesn=t
undergo the basking proceeding, and as a result, the Qi arising at the time of the first
branch (23:00-1:00) will be worn out completely at the end of the time of the seventh
branch (11:00-13:00). The upper elixir field represents the fire element. The fire will be
smothered to death by the earth producing at the time of the time of the eighth
branch(13:00-15:00), and as a result, the Qi arising at the time of the fourth branch
(5:00-7:00) will die at the end of the time of the tenth branch (17:00-19:00). Shan
Zhong acupoint stands for the gold element that can bring forth the water element. This
water will be smothered to death by the earth producing at the time of the eleventh
branch(17:00-19:00), and as a result, the Qi arising at the time of the seventh branch
(11:00-13:00) will perish at the end of the time of the first branch (23:00-1:00).
So, without the basking proceeding the Qi cannot be sustained by consecutive
production, and the pre-heaven life force will be hampered in consequence. To halt the
breathing, and cease the advance of the mind-will and inward gaze for a moment,
forms the main content of basking proceeding. When a wave of Qi evolves to be in the
prime of growth, practitioner should at once launch the vigorous five, otherwise the Qi
will transform back into fertilizing fluid (Jing) again. Also, practitioner should commit
to memory that to launch vigorous fire at any other time is prohibited, because no
material exists to be transformed, or the material is not the one suitable for reaping.
The wave of Qi, after going round the Du- and Ren Channel incurring transformation
by the suitable fire, will naturally be changed into pre-heaven Qi, of which the delicate
one flights up to gather in upper elixir field while the indelicate descends to
accumulate in lower elixir field, in the form of pre-heaven fertilizing fluid (Jing) which
needs further transformation. Through the process of going round in such a circle,
fertilizing fluid (Jing) can be prevented from dejection and pre-heaven Qi be restored.
Hence I claim that I have made use of the operation law of the heaven and the earth,
and snatched the essence from the moon and the sun.
My master replied, " In fact, Mysterious Pass is Qi of great unification. you can
perceive it by its rays. In general, you can gain the consciousness that it always hangs
before your Yin Tang acupoint. Even a minor error with previous steps will bring about
no Mysterious Pass appearing. We all know the fact that human body contains Qi
which, in its turn, contains the yin souls and yang souls and other. so if the Qi drifts
away from the human body the man is dead. The emergence of Mysterious Pass
represents a breakthrough having taken place in your long course of pursuing Tao. The
psychical rays, pure and crystal-like, will become more and more bright, and will
spread away when it is bright enough and could not be retrieved. Then the rays will
appear again, still pure and like a full silver moon, floating before your Yin Tang
acupoint. At this moment you ought to gaze upon these psychical rays with two eyes.
Then in consequence, the Qi of great unification will gather together. The brighter the
psychical rays become, the rounder this moon-shaped Mysterious Pass will change to
be. At this time you must all at once gather these psychical rays for your own
possession, otherwise it will scatter away and all your previous
efforts will drain away."
Qi of great unification will introduce its presence with brilliant psychical rays when
practitioner gained it after a long-term silent exercise. At beginning, the rays are weak
in term of intensity. Later on they will become brighter and brighter.
faint, sometimes glittering as if in the middle elixir field, sometimes twinkling in the
upper elixir field, or sometimes become intense in brightness, or turn feebler and
feebler till all seems to have passed away.
Occasionally, the psychical rays change into three stars giving out faint gleams. Most
of the time, they show its presence with a crescent-like shape as like a moon. All these
scenes suggest the Qi of great unification is not sufficient enough, and practitioners are
advised to keep gazing upon the photosphere constantly in silence.
Suddenly, practitioner may perceive that the Mysterious Pass has a tendency to soar up
or dive down. At sight of the scene, practitioner should bear in mind that never should
the eyes follow it, lest it should drift away forever. The proper approach practitioner
should adopt is as follows:
Draw in the gaze upon it back to eyes and then revolve two eyes counterclockwise
from below to the left side, then to above, then to the right side till below again. This
done, you will feel delicious saliva is full in the mouth. Then you should imagine
bringing down the Qi of great unification---obtained through the revolution of two
eyes---to the lower elixir field along the Ren Channel, by mind-will and inward gaze.
By this time, if you seem to hear rumbling sound coming from lower elixir field as
soon as you have brought the saliva down into it, you ought to gaze inwardly upon the
lower elixir field. Then soon enough the gleams lost previously will come forth again,
pure as before.
Once my master commented upon Mysterious Pass as follows:
A man has two selves, one false self, of phantom nature, and in possession of form and
image serving as emblems. Another is true self, of eternity nature, formless and
without the image whatever. Humans physical body is, in reality, the false self while
the Qi of great unification the true self. The form can last long if it is always in great
harmony with the pre-heaven mind-will. pre-heaven mind-will can last long if it is
always in great harmony with the pre-heaven nature. The Mysterious Pass is the place
in which the Great Unification takes residence, from which the time and the space
came forth. With this hard-earned Qi of great unification practitioner can cultivate the
pre-heaven mind-will.
We all know, the thing taking shape is bound to decay and perish sometime. Yet, the Qi
of great unification was born before the very beginning of the heaven and the earth,
lower elixir field. This phenomenon is due to the intercourse between the Qi of heart and Qi
of kidney, and is also called "going back to womb for creation of a new set of the heaven
and the earth."
All sights and scenes are created by the heart. Some people may be doubtful of this
conclusion. Yet once you reach the phase of going back to womb for creation of a new set
of the heaven and the earth you will understand its true meaning. During our lifetimes we
are always conscious of our existence. When we are decrepit and going to die, we begin to
be conscious of our nonexistence. So Lao Tzi commented that Heaven and Earth cannot be
called benevolent in letting all things emerge or perish of themselves, and cannot be called
benevolent in letting all people live or die by themselves.
One of my fellow-disciples once asked, "Would you please give us a detailed account of
cultivating the Qi of great unification in the internal orifice of lower elixir field? "
My master observed, 'To successfully cultivate the Qi of great unification we should gaze
and hear inwardly rather than outwardly, and make this effort persistently rather than
fervently. The more efforts made in this way the more tranquil your heart will become, and
thus more pre-heaven mind-will will converge and more yang Qi will gather up. The Qi
cannot be gathered up constantly without your uncompromising unmindful inward gaze
upon it and your mind-will settling unmindfully in it yet resting upon emptiness. Generally
speaking, Buddhism always preaches disciplining heart but little or hardly advocates
cultivating the life force. The Qi doesn't go away from the pre-heaven mind-will while the
pre-heaven mind-will sometimes does.'
'How strongly the desire for eternity is! Yet the eternity of form and image are under no
circumstances possible, then what eternity you are preaching you may ask? The
perpetualness of my pre-heaven nature and pre-heaven mind-will without the encumbrance
of form I can tell you! There is another saying in Buddhism of taking advantage of the
falsity of the form to acquire the true self. Here I must have one point to add that ultimate
acquiring Tao must be carried out before your death, because you could not get something
to be depended upon for your pursuit of Tao after the death, otherwise it will be a great lie.'
'How to take advantage of the form to fulfill the aspiration for eternity? To recover all your
obscured pre-heaven mind-will and all your dimmed pre-heaven nature, and then reunite
both again, that is the way. By this means you can some day obtain the environment in
which the nonexistence can be set up based upon the form of existence. Then that will lead
to a change from that of exertion first the award second to that of doing nothing at all yet all
things having been done. Therefore in the case of the life force being long time preserved,
the longevity of form is taken for granted. '
' On the contrary, the pre-heaven mind-will straying away will lead to the diffusing of Qi
which, in its turn, will result in its conversing to fertilizing fluid (Jing) which, if exhausted,
is bound to invite the death angel to take away the life force. Man is born on account of
nothing but covetousness and is bound to perish.on account covetousness As I remarked
before, the pre-heaven nature and the pre-heaven life force are united with each other
before umbilical cord is scissored off. So, we called this state the pre-heavenness. The
subsequent alienation between them and their unrestrictive consumption of fertilizing fluid
(Jing) and of indulgence in desires and emotions is destined to sentence you death penalty
without any reason for amnesty. Hence, we understand that our forms will eventually decay
and pass away, nothing but the pre-heaven nature and pre-heaven life force are that we can
depend upon for eternity.'
any things to disturb it. You begin to feel the interior and the exterior have been
converging to form a common body, all motion and stillness have been coming to an
end, the automatic revolution along the Du- and Ren Channel has been breaking off,
and the sun seems to being merging with the moon. Extending to hundreds of
thousands of miles, the ethereal breath of the spring seems to be accumulating into a
mass, and stretching upward to the highest layer of the sky the pure air seems to being
changing into one dew drop. Wonderful is this vision! Enchanting is this kind of
feeling! Why? Because the yin and yang are having the most charming intercourse, and
as like molten steel spray spreading out of a furnace, the precious Qi of great
unification is coming forth from pre-heaven fertilizing fluid (Jing) as does a flower
burst from a bud. This process is to break through great chaos and re-enter one maza to
prepare for creation of the true self.
The breathing like a foetus is by no means the acquired breathing of breath coming in
and going out through the nose (or mouth), nor through the respiratory rube and the
lung, nor shutting up breaths in lower elixir field. The pre-heaven breathing in with the
pre-heaven Qi going up from the heels of feet to Hui Yin acupoint till upper elixir field
is accompanied by the acquired breathing out with acquired Qi going down from upper
elixir field to the clipping spine pass to coccyx pass till Hui Yin acupoint. Similarly, the
pre-heaven breathing out of pre-heaven Qi going down from upper elixir field to Shan
Zhong acupoint to the navel till Hui yin acupoint along the Ren Channel is carried out
simultaneously with the process of acquired breathing in of acquired Qi going upward
from the heels of feet to Hui Yin acupoint to the coccyx pass to upper elixir field along
Du Channel. The four kinds of breathing, of their own accord, make up the automatic
revolution, with no mind-will or commonly acquired breathing---through nose and
lung---to interfere.
The automatic revolution of pre-heaven- and acquired Qi along Du- and Ren
Channel---the breathing of a foetus---can eventually cause Buddhist relics to take
shape gradually. The role the acquired breathing plays is to trigger the pre-heaven Qi,
lodged in lower elixir field, into automatic motion along Du- and Ren Channels and
then both engage in harmonic motion, which means the barriers between the acquired
trigrams and pre-heaven trigrams have been demolished ever since.
to preserve it. The automatic stirring from behind the root of the penis---most people also
have in daily life---under all circumstances means that you must have gathered the newlyborn Qi when stray thoughts occurs to your mind, or you must have catch hold of things
triggering your sensual senses, or heard something erotic and arouse your sexual desire.
The automatic stirring---much different from the hardening of the penis---has the most
manifest characteristic that no thoughts whatever occur to your mind when the stirring
taking place and bodes unmistakably the impending dejection of fertilizing fluid (Jing) at
After dealing with the aforesaid stirring as required, you should launch the revolution of
small waterwheel to reap the newly-born Qi or pre-heaven Qi if your penis still remain
hard. Certainly, you must know how to distinguish the signs of newly-born yang Qi coming
up from that of newly-born pre-heaven Qi coming up.
When revolving small waterwheel, you will sometimes feel as though you are going
to break wind or a wave of air in your belly is going to discharge through anus.
These circumstances are due to the fact that the food you take is not suitable for
your exercises, or you might get a cold, or some yang Qi is going to give out. For
the former two reasons you are advised to let out the useless air, while for the last
reason you should adopt proper means used for gathering the Qi and spreading it
over your body. I here introduce one method used to deal with this case as follows:
Posture your two hands as that of the former methods for dealing with stirring, raise the
tongue, draw inward the muscle around the anus and breathe in. As you breathe in drive
you mind-will upward from the coccyx pass to upper elixir field, and then let go the muscle
round anus. As you breathe out drive the mind-will downward from upper elixir field to
Hui Yin acupoint, along Ren Channel. Take it easy after you have repeated the breathing in
and out seven times.
Sometimes when you want to relieve yourself during your exercises, you'd better lose no
time to use the method aforesaid, in order to prevent the hard-earned Qi from escaping. So,
on one hand you must endeavor to reap Qi, on other hand you must do your utmost to
prevent it from drifting away.
With mind-will "unmindfully" settling in lower elixir field and two eyes silently gazing
inwardly upon it without the least physical or mental exertions, you are sure to gain the
consciousness that the lower elixir field is proceeding with the automatic breathing,
and getting warmer and warm and psychical beams are giving out, and the route
linking two eyes and lower elixir field is spreading out light of cream color as like a
fluorescent tube.
Suddenly the root of your penis begins to be engaged in a fit of slight vibration, upon
which you should reap and transform the pre-heaven Qi again to strengthen and
nourish the Buddhist relic which is still weak and not ripe. You may ask how to
ascertain that the Buddhist relic is ripe enough. Here I introduce a method as follows:
Light a candle and place it in front of your two eyes, then gaze upon the light with two
eyes for a little while, then revolve your two eyes clockwise from left to right nine
times, then close two eyes and gaze inwardly. If you behold a disc sending out beams
of a cream hue as like a full moon, the Buddhist relies is matured and fully developed;
if you behold a black disc giving out light outwardly while it remains black, you can
easily conclude that the Buddhist relic is not ripe, and you should make more efforts to
reap and transform more pre-heaven Qi to nourish Buddhist relic. You are advised not
to put into use often this method of testing the maturity of the Buddhist relic, lest you
should get giddy, and fertilizing fluid (Jing), Qi and pre-heaven mind-will should be
consumed to such extent that it is impossible to nourish Buddhist relies any longer.
When the Buddhist relic is mature enough, it will naturally give out unification rays
which gain its name for the reason that three essentials of fertilizing fluid (Jing) and Qi
and pre-heaven mind-will have been in prime of growth and have merged into one. The
unification light, as a matter of fact, is the invention of Sakyamuni, who also gave it a
name 'a golden toad's light,' as the golden toad is a very rare and precious animal that
has three feet, and the feet in Chinese character has the same pronunciation with
So always drifting away into the profound stillness you can reap and transform preheaven Qi as soon as you gain the consciousness that your root of the penis is vibrating
in a fit.
During other time you should settle mind-will in lower elixir field unmindfully and
gaze upon it inwardly without any physical and mental exertions, till the Buddhist relic
has been nourished to full development which has such representations as that you hear
the whistling of wind in your left ear and roaring of a fierce animal in right one; you
seem to be soaring high above the boundless sea of cotton-like clouds, the most
pleasant breeze coming up, the body throughout feels soft and numb, your joyfulness
mounts to an extreme extent; that all your face seems to be covering with a spider web,
or seems to be strewn with a good number of ants creeping all over it and thus you
seem to scratch all where it itches; that saliva, like a fountain, is surging forth to fill
your mouth and it seems you will never swallow up to its exhaustion; that the mouth is
close as if to be of its own accord, the body is drifting away involuntarily in the infinite
depths of great chaos and you are thoroughly oblivious of where you are and what is
your existence, and all your acquired breathing and pulses and heart beat have come to
an end.
As a matter of fact, the light of the Buddhist relic you catch sight
of is pre-heaven fertilizing fluid (Jing) which you get through
cultivating both pre-heaven life force and pre-heaven nature. So
Lao Tzi described the scene as follows: "So vague and elusive
is it, yet in it the image appears. So elusive and vague is it, yet
in it the real exist. So profound and obscure is it, yet in it the
subtle pre-heaven fertilizing fluid (Jing) was part of it."
The psychical light, as pure and clear as moonlight, will burst
into being when pre-heaven fertilizing fluid (Jing) soars high to
join pre-heaven nature---and eventually merge with it. As soon
as the pre-heaven Qi comes down to unite with the life force, the
golden light, partially reddish and partially yellow, will come on
the scene steadily. When the two kinds of light above described merge into one light, that is the
light of Buddhist relic (also called unified rays). Yet without the convergence of Qi of five
elements the Buddhist relic will never develop into maturity.
The Qi of five elements here illustrated is the Qi belonging to the five internal organs of the
heart, the liver, the spleen, the lung and the kidney. The Qi, though storing up in lower elixir
field, continually goes round through the five internal organs. So the Qi filling up the lung
becomes Qi of gold element, the Qi flowing thorough heart the Qi of fire element, through
spleen the Qi of earth element, through kidney the Qi of water element.
The Qi moving through the five internal organs is subject to the vicissitudes of prosperity and
decline, and both the extremes of too much prosperity and too much decline will doubtless
cause diseases. If the circulation is more or less blocked up, the diseases of various sorts
related to paralysis will develop. When all the pre-heaven or acquired breathing and mind-will
and inward gaze have come together at the point from which the light of Buddhist relic give out,
the Qi accumulating in lower elixir field will inevitably surge and rush tempestuously up to
upper elixir field through the coccyx pass, along Du Channel, and fall down violently to come
back to lower elixir field through Ren Channel, while the Buddhist relic, like the snow-white full
moon, spreads out light throughout the whole body. By this time you can completely know the
following description is true: In heart the Qi fulfilling the duty of pumping out blood is the yin Qi
surrounded by yang Qi. If the fire of heart overgrows, the yin Qi will be on the verge of
disappearance, and as a result the blood will gradually come to an end of glowing. To prevent
this case from taking place or replenish the yin Qi you'd better think and talk less and free your
heart from any suspension and depresses, which is advocated by traditional Chinese
medicine. The pre-heaven mind-will has a preference for stillness and a detestation for motion.
The Qi pervading small intestines and coming from food is yang Qi that can unite with the Qi of
heart to be put into use in convergence of Qi of five elements. The Qi of lung in charge of
breathing is yin Qi that can unite with the yang Qi of large intestines---also coming from food--to form one Qi for the use in convergence of Qi of five elements.
The yin Qi filling up the liver is apt to gather together and cause depressive syndrome if for a
long time a man has been in a melancholy mood or in anger often. So you often find the case
that women cry and give vent to their feelings in impassioned remarks, for in this way the Qi
accumulating in liver can flow again. This case, of course, is applicable to men. The Qi of the
gallbladder, of yang nature, can merge into one with the Qi of liver to make up one Qi for the
convergence of five kinds of Qi. The yin Qi of spleen has a function of contracting and
expanding, and so plays an important role in digestion of food.
you should relapse into the profound stillness with only one aim of cultivating the
Buddhist relic, till golden lightning flashes a third time.
In addition, after the penis has completely drawn back into your belly---which is
after the golden lightning flashes a second time---you will sometimes feel that the
golden light of the Buddhist relic is surging all the way up to your eyes so
forcefully that your eyes are obliged to open. Then a fitful of sparkling ensues
immediately afterwards; or sometime something like tiny gold discs, of good
quantities, sparkling as brand-new silver coin or speeding as sparks, will storm out
of golden light and make for your eyes and at last discharges from your eyes,
trickling down your cheek one drop after another.
During the time between golden lightning flashing a second time and a third time
you should apply the dome-shaped ware (or mass ) to pressuring against your
anus and wood pincers to pinching the nose (gently)or block your nostrils with two
wood sticks(of soft texture). Then you should relapse into stillness, two eyes
gazing inattentively upon Buddhist relies, mind-will independently settling there
steadily also. At last both acquired breathing and pre-heaven breathing will
completely shrink into lower elixir field, and all things seem to have come to be at
a constant standstill---your heart beat, your pulses have come to an end.
During this period you should never launch small waterwheel even though
sometimes something seems to shake one time or more, deep in your lower elixir
field. What you must do is to cultivate the Buddhist relic silently and solitarily in
the depths of the profound emptiness. This period, from golden lightning flashing
the second time to the third time, is about seven days, on average.
Then at last, the golden lightning flashes the third time. This means all Qi of great
unification has congealed into constitutional part of the Buddhist relic. Then you
should stare slightly at Mysterious Pass in which the Buddhist relic has taken shape
and place mind-will, slightly intensified, upon that also, for about three days.
During the period your breathing, either pre-heaven one or acquired one, will
naturally engage in automatic motion deep in your lower elixir field, upon which
you should never pay the least attention---let it take its own course.
In this course. the inward gaze upon Mysterious Pass plays the most significant
role which most ancient canons described as the critical knack. For about three
days you should gaze silently upon Mysterious Pass with no intermission till
Buddhist relic shows a tendency of shaking out of Mysterious Pass, of its own
accord, and six visions present themselves one after another.
Only when the automatic motion of breathing has come to an end there will be the
chance existing for the Buddhist relic to shake out of the Mysterious Pass. Only
when two eyes always gaze upon Mysterious Pass the pre-heaven mind-will can
gradually come to be at a standstill in upper elixir field, and the Qi of great
unification, as described before, can have the chance to congeal into constitutional
part of the Buddhist relic. If the automatic motion of breathing comes to an end,
then all will come to a complete standstill. This case, if continues for long, will
eventually lead to motion out of the profound emptiness with manifold
manifestations such as golden sparks spraying out in all directions in front of your
eyes, something like wind whistling near your ears, something like a vulture crying
out from behind your head, your two kidneys along the spine burning hot, the low
elixir field becoming more heated, your whole frame engaging in automatic
motion, your limbs for a moment being seized by a fitful throbbing, your nose
twitching for a while from the base. Of the seven days of this 'ordeal,' the early
three days you should constantly remain silent in the depths of the profound
stillness, the two eyes gaze gently on Mysterious Pass with no intermission. During
the third and fourth day, you should always be as on the look out for the Buddhist
relic shaking out of Mysterious Pass as a cat watchful for coming upon a mouse.
Then the rocking visions of six bases---the bases of ears, eyes, nose, tongue, the
trunk and mind-will I mean---will come on the scene in succession.
being aerial and ethereal and keeping away from the comprehension of mankind.
You should know that just depending upon it humankind can develop all its
faculties. Conversely, without pre-heaven mind-will the golden elixir pellet is bound
to die away as speedily as you obtain it despite that it has passed through all
passes successfully. So once the golden elixir pellet has had its home built in
middle elixir field you should immediately present your mind-will to be always in
the company with golden elixir pellet without any intermission.
Only when always remain in the state of profound stillness the mind-will can turn
into pre-heaven mind-will. So by this time practitioners must relapse into the most
profound stillness till all has come to be at a constant standstill, as like a frog
having completely fall into hibernation. Yet the mind-will should always remain
what it has always been without any motion or any sacrifice in its ordinary
faculties. This state is by no means the slumber or sleep or other similar one. Yes,
all seems to have die away except the mind-will remaining as unmovable and
constant as a stone pillar solitarily and senselessly standing piercing the unvarying
sky for hundreds of thousands of years without any rottenness and consumption
and changes. Bring all but the mind-will into the boundless emptiness till you
become oblivious of all---including your existence---saving the mind-will, seeming
to be existent and seeming to be dead, settling motionlessly in middle elixir field.
Let all other things take their own courses---the keened of Zhuan Tzi's thinking--then yang Qi will continue arising incessantly, take course of its own choice to flow,
and gradually wear out the yin pre-heaven mind-will and the yang pre-heaven
mind-will becoming more prosperous and distinct in consequence.
The mind-will residing in middle elixir field will occasion your form to be on fire if it
intensifies to some extent for some time, or bring upon you disasters when it loses
its proper way for some time. Therefore you must vigilant enough to correct the
wrong in time. The best way for this, of course, is to discipline the heart to the
extreme degree! So Zhang Shan Feng, the founder of Tai Ji boxing and the most
famous supernatural being, commented upon the process, saying, "Without any
intermission the mind-will remains what it has always been, and concentrate upon
nothing though I have the knowledge about it. "
In some books the authors mistakenly advocated that the golden elixir pellet
should take residence in lower elixir field, rather than middle elixir field. Readers
here should be cautious enough, for middle elixir field, situated in the central
positron of your trunk and the nearest to spleen and stomach and standing for
earth element, is the ethereal and heavenly region. The inevitable result of golden
elixir pellet shifting residence from low elixir field to middle one as recommended
by some books is that yin pre-heaven mind-will---rather than yang pre-heaven
mind-will---takes residence in golden elixir pellet. And as a result, you would
become a supernatural ghost possessing a golden elixir pellet!
Only through the long time of hibernation-like stillness---in which you seem to
have died away without any faculties working save that the mind-will remains
motionless yet is still upon somewhere in middle elixir field ---the foetus of your
true self is likely to develop properly. So long time have you been falling in this
dead- like state that sometimes you may perceive that a wave of comfortably
warm vapor is making for your heart from lower elixir field. Being conscious of the
circumstance you'd better conduct it with the mind-will to take the course of Du
channel from coccyx pass upward to the clipping spine pass to occipital pass till
upper elixir field, then like something worming its way in your head and later
oozing into your mouth from palate, it will turn out to be as speedy in melting
away as a drop of honey and so crisp and fragrant and delicious that nothing
worldly could has the least qualification to compare with it. Hereupon you should
composedly wrap up it with the mind-will and bring it down to your throat, then
swallow it downward and lead it down to middle elixir field. Then the four limbs
and trunk begin to feel numb and soft. How comfortable and pleasant the feeling is
you may think to yourself.
Generally speaking, the wave of warm vapor will arise many times on nine
consecutive days, so you should deal with it in the same way when it arising every
time. In addition, immediately after you have brought it down into middle elixir
field you must run the small waterwheel of 4-10 branches one time, then you must
immediately relapse into the profoundest stillness till all again seems to come to
be at a constant standstill.
You may wonder how to name the drops. The golden life dewdrops is the
universal name many saints have given. The whole proceeding described before is
generally termed golden life dewdrops going round to combine with golden elixir
pellet. No doubt the name is long and complicated. In the state that all has come
to be at a constant standstill after you have brought down golden life dewdrops
into middle elixir field and completed the small waterwheel of 4- 10 branches, you
remain what you are for God knows how long time when some rumbling sounds as
like thunder will come forth in lower elixir field, and you seem to feel that
something is ripping open the broad expanse of lower elixir field in all directions,
then a wave of yang Qi suddenly rushes all the way up from the lower elixir field to
your upper elixir field, and rotates or stretches out or shrinks down all of its own
accord, at length takes residence in upper elixir field.
Shortly afterwards a wind begins to whirl in upper elixir field and golden lightning
flashes rapidly and continually in front of your eyes, though they are closed up. All
of the sudden some dew drops trickle into your mouth, as fragrant as borneol and
as cool and refreshing as peppermint. On perceiving this you should swallow it
down when you feel it oozes into your mouth, then lead it down and settle it in
middle elixir field with your mind-will.
Generally speaking, for about seven consecutive days the same case will occur
repeatedly. Every time the case occurs you should deal with in the same way as
before mentioned, then perform a whole set of small waterwheel of 4- 10 branches
before you again resume the state of hibernation-like stillness. This time the dewlike drops you harvest and bring into middle elixir field are called silver life
After golden- and silver life dewdrops have been brought down and join the golden
elixir pellet in middle elixir field you should again drift away into the depths of the
profoundest stillness till all seems to have come to be at a constant standstill. No
pulses throbbing, the heart beating no more, all breathing leaving off and blood
flowing no longer. Without the least consciousness of the lapse of time you remain
in this state till you perceive that a whiff of wind seems to be coming from Heaven
and descending and first passing through your upper elixir field and Yin Tang
acupoint, then your arms and trunk, then your legs. Then all joints seem to be
ripped wide open and all bones are broken into pieces and your heart as cold as
ice and both lower- and middle elixir field on fire. Take it easy and never pay any
attention to things whatever, just remain what you have been! This is the moment
that the gold element is having intercourse with wood element which is sure to
produce tempestuous visions and feelings.
For some time all seems to have become to be on fire and violently blaze up, and
sometimes all seems to be flooded all over, or sometimes innumerable thunders
roll over Heaven and following lighting flashes awfully. In a time the boundless
space seems to have been suffused with rosy rays. You should never pay the least
attention to them, whatever they may be, and remain what you have been without
any change, like a stone indifferent to all the weather changes. Time rolling on and
your remaining dead-like the pre-heaven Qi will sometime gradually turn into a
silver full moon while pre-heaven fertilizing fluid (Jing) a rosy sun.
Suddenly the sliver full moon imperceptibly presents itself in front of your eyes,
swaying and not clear at beginning, steady and pure at last. Gently place your
mind-will upon it. After a little while, a rosy disc of sun coming from you don't
know where also indiscernibly reveals itself with the silver full moon. Late in the
course of their combination, two buds, of golden colour, will gradually take form
from the light combined and burst by degrees to present their respective five
golden petals, with the daintiest stigma and stamen sprouting in the middle.
This vision is called twin golden buds blossoming. At sight of this vision you
should immediately put your mind-will gently upon that---of course, much as you
know where the two flowers are you should never focus upon them, which is the
proper way by which to settle your mind-will.
When the rosy sun and silver full moon converge and at length merge into one disc
giving out brilliant light and hanging in front of your Yin Tang acupoint, you should
lose no time in rolling your two eyes to promote the intercourse between gold
element and wood element, then bring down the light along Ren Channel by your
mind-will to lower elixir field, whence the light will naturally make way upward
along Du Channel then descend the Ren Channel and enter middle elixir field to
merge with golden elixir pellet. This done, you ought to revolve the small
waterwheel of 4-10 branches to wrap up this process, then relapse into the
profound stillness till all again seems to come to a constant standstill. Of course,
some changes have taken place you may find out when this time you drift into the
hibernation-like state that a brilliant disc hanging in front of your Yin Tang acupoint
is shining steadily over the middle- and lower elixir field.
There must be one formidable hardship facing you after the rosy sun and the silver
full moon have merged into one brilliant disc, to which the prominent supernatural
being Zhang Shan Feng particularly referred in one of his books. Thus it runs:
As you remain in the state that all seems to have come to be at a constant
standstill you will suddenly feel painful in Yong Quan acupoint---the central place
of the under surface of a human foot it is located in---of your right foot as if an ice
is piercing it, presently you perceive the boring pain is shifting its place from Yong
Quan acupoint to your knee through bones, then advances to coccyx pass(also
through bones)then goes upward till it stops in the middle place between right and
left kidney. This vision is called reed shoot piercing bones. For about three
consecutive days the pain will last.
When the boring pain remaining between right and left kidney intensifies to the
worst extent---which means the pain extends upward from kidneys to the clipping
spine pass to occipital pass till to upper elixir field---you should instantly with your
mind-will bring down the brilliant disc hanging in front of your Yin Tang acupoint
along Ren Channel to middle elixir field, then to lower elixir field till to the place
between two kidneys. Then roll your eyes slightly to circle the painful place with
your inward gaze. Instantly a burning bead comes vividly on the scene, first
making for coccyx pass, then going all the way up along Du Channel with its
brilliant tail trailing after. At sight of this vision you should somewhat intensify your
mind-will, then place it in the place nearest to your kidney and imagine you blow a
breath into lower elixir field. Shortly afterwards you perceive that all joints seem to
be exploding violently and deafening sound is coming up to your ears incessantly,
all you physical body seems to be in a burning furnace, so heated almost beyond
your tolerance.
You should in the same way intensify your mind-will and settle it in place as said
before three times before every Qi and pre-heaven mind-will belonging to each
independent organ rushes upward to your upper elixir field. Immediately
afterwards there suddenly comes a terrifying thunder shaking your whole body and
the upper part upon your skull enclosing your mind domain is tempestuously
thrown wide open. The pre-heaven mind-will and pre-heaven Qi is having their
most violent intercourse and it seems nothing could separate them. Your head
seems to be as hard as a block of stone, and whole belly as hot and oppressive as
a burning furnace. All blood and Qi is vividly engaging in impassioned eloquence
and all is busy with speaking in favour of itself, such a peal and uproar that all is
nothing but a chaos it seems. All of sudden, some refreshing and cool dewdrops
trickle into your mouth and ooze downward into middle elixir field. On sight of
them coming down you should intensify your mind-will settling in middle elixir
field. This way when the dewdrops enter the middle elixir field you seem to see
that some pearls are rolling into that place. Surveying inwardly you will get the
sight as described below: all organs and channels and collaterals and acupoints, or
in a word, all parts of you, regardless of their being invisible or substantive
formerly, distinctly present themselves before your eyes; all is burning down and
all space is full of light of flames; disgusting dirt is streaming downward from
everywhere and then flow continually to places you don't know and disappears all
over. Paying not the least attention to whatever it may be and letting all take their
own courses and remaining what you have always been made up the most proper
means by which you are to deal with these challenges coming in succession.
Sometime you may suddenly feel dreadful to an extreme extent, because you
seem to perceive that you are losing control of your self and all are on the track of
disappearing. This feeling is, as a matter of course, the inevitable result that yin
pre-heaven mind-wills, being worn out and loath to be subdued by yang preheaven mind-will, are reacting with various false visions to cause your heart of
Taos nature to deviate from the proper track. In a moment a swarthy ball
tumbles down and rotates and hangs in front of your eyes and a piercing and raw
air follows up and comes up all the way through your body. Once perceiving this
you should gently suck in the swarthy ball with your mind-will and slowly bring it
down into middle elixir field. No sooner has the ball been conducted into middle
elixir field than you begin to feel refreshing and pleasant coolness as though pure
dewdrops are trickling down into your heart. This particular event you should well
remember marks that you have set about conceiving a foetus of your true self, and
your yang pre-heaven mind-will, having conquered the yin pre-heaven mind-will,
has eventually taken residence in golden elixir field. Of course, at this moment you
could not as yet discern the foetus. The whole vision of all seeming to be burnt
down in called "tempering form with fire."
Again all visions pass away and you relapse into the profoundest stillness and after
some time all seems to have come to be at a constant standstill. All of the sudden you
catch sight of the vision that gold beads of immense quantity are jumping in all
directions in your upper elixir field and silver waves surging tempetuously. On sight of
this vision you should place your mind-will in lower elixir field and somewhat
intensify it, then launch the breathing through lungs and respirotary tube and the nose
and imagine your breathing in every time bring in an fire deep into lower elixir field
( breathe out naturally), then gently gaze upon the fire till the fire becomes more
vigorous and all seems to have been burnt down. Then looking up you will find, in
your upper elixir field, tiny golden shoots scattering all over the place and among them
is a grain of pearl, dainty and delicate. Relapsing into the state like frog's herbiration
for some time you will find that the grain of pearl has grown bigger, and is of the
orange colour. When you make certain that the pearl has fully developed---you are
certain to possess this ability of judgement in this phase---you should imagine sending
out your mind-will and bringing down the sun into upper elixir field, then breathe in
and you should imagine the breathing in bring in a fire into lower elixir field , then you
should gently gaze inward upon the fire with your two eyes. After a little while this
pearl begin to melt and then ooze downward along Ren Channel and drop into middle
elixir field. Immediately afterwards you should revolve the small waterwheel of 4-10
branches so as to completely colloct all drops.
Then you should relapse into the profoundest stillness with your mind-will dently
settling in middle elixir field and two eyes gazing upon it gently---you should do this in
the principle that though you know the place you don't pay the least attention upon it.
As time passes away the golden pearl will grow biger and biger and its colour becomes
more distinct and brilliant, sometimes it seems to be in the depths of the boundless
tracts of emptiness and far away beyond your body and could not be approached by all
means, yet when you close your eyes it is so distinct and so near as if in front of your
eyes. Ever afterwards you will possess the knowledge that one thing can be situatad
both inside and outside and both of existence and of nonexistence, and be so minute as
to nothing could be more minute than it, and be so comprehensive that all are destined
captives under the control of it. Oh! It is the very origon of all transformations and
Having revolved the small waterwheel of 4-10 branches to collect the golden drop
which drips into middle elixir field you must relapse into the most profoundest stillness
with two eyeys gaziny inwandly upon the pearl without the least break, and your mindwill settling upon that also without any intermission, yet you never pay the least
attention on it. This way you will drift deeper and deeper into the stillness till all seems
to have come to be at a constant standstill when your heart beating pulse throbbing and
breathing and flowing of blood---or the process of metabolism in a word---gradually
come to an end and the thorough cessation can at first last for one day, two days, three
days, or even ten months at which you should never marvel. In such a period your
partner should not mistake this thorough cessation for your passing away while
sitting cross legged because all yang vita-vapoar and yang pre-heaven mind-will are
mind-will, then imagine the ball and its environment to be cold and raw for a while,
then bring the ball, which has now be contracted to be the size of a table-tennis ball,
down along Ren Channel to middle elixir field, then you will find the fire will diminish
in its vigor. Repeat the envisioning process till all fire has been put out, then relapse
into stillness to resume the process of cultivating the foetus of your true self. All
visions concerning fire during this period are called evil fire flaming up.
Sometime in the course of cultivating the foetus you may feel tried of your body and
chest swollen and painful, then after vomitting some black blood of large quantity you
begin to feel better and other symptoms gradually fade away. Towards this
phenomenon you shall be composed and never worried, for the reason that you former
undue physical and mental labour has imperceptibly brought damage to the vita-vapour
of heart, which is represented by substantive form of black blood. Gathering from
thisphenomenon you can easily conclude that the infinite efforts made to triumph over
other physically and mentally---which is popular in the region of covetousness---are
bound to bring incurable injuries to your body, though imperceptible they always are.
Sometime you feel that something is piercing your navel and you could not withstand
it; sometime something is piercing your ribs from both sides and you seem to swoon;
sometime all content of your body seems to be torn into pieces and consequently you
even desire for instant death; sometime a huge hammer seems to be rumbling down
and crashing into you head and you are on the point of losing all consciousness;
sometime you seem to be in a trance and fell fidgety; sometime the excrement you
discharge is with a stink and has blood blocks and something strange of a variety of
colors is in it; sometime from your two eyes, or two ears, or two nostrils, or mouth, or
anus, or urethral orifice you may find pus or pus-serum trickling out, whick stinks to
such an extent that you are going to vomit; sometime all day long you feel somnolent
and all joints feel sore; sometime all skeleton seems to collapse and smash into pieces;
sometime perspiration is suddenly coming out all over your body; sometime you feel
so painful as if you are casting off your skin as a snake does; sometime you feel so hot
and sultry as if you are thrown into a burning furnace and you seem to be in a coma for
about three or five days. All thes phenomena doubtless indicate that the foetus is
developing properly and you are discharging all your grossness and earthliness which
could not co-exist with the foetus.
When all such sufferings have gone as like a cloud in sky fading away you will
suddenly become aware that you has been in possession of six kinds of supernatural
power. The first is god's eyes with which you can behold all things in a glimpse, either
those on and in the earth or those throughout the universe or in other region. In view of
this you can understand more clearly why people always say if you don't want
people to know what you do, don't do it! The second is god's ears with which you
can hear all sounds coming throughout the universe or other region, including that
human could not hear. The third is the power of reading mind, which means you can be
aware what the other is thinking of and what motive he has and his intention, his
schemes, his aspiration and all. The fourth is the power of reading the transmigration of
the soul, with this power you can instantly know whence and why and for what a man
come into a being and whither and why and for what reason the man goes away. The
fifth is the power of reading the future and the past. Yes, suddenly you begin to know
all things you want to know and all things you don't want to know.
The sixth is being free from any fertilizing fluid (Jing), which signifies you have
transformed all fertilizing fluid (Jing) into vita-vapour. In fact, you have already
become possessed of the power of being free from fertilizing fluid (Jing) when your
penis has shrunk all the way back into your belly and a piece of skin has grown to seal
the hole. Some people may debate why this power has the qualifiation to rank equally
with other powers. This is because, you know, without this power, nearly all others are
in vain, which you can understand easily. Toward all these visions and sufferings and
powers you must adopt a proper attitude: all has not the least business with me, and let
all other take their own courses; on my part I always remain in the dead-like state with
mind-will settling upon the foetus without any intermission and two eyes gazing upon
it without any break. Of course toward some visions I have mentioned---such as evil
fire flaming up and so forth---you must take action as I have described before.
You should by no means boast of your powers and feel supercilious and powerful ever
afterwards, otherwise you are bound to be in mental disorders and even a begger can
laugh at you. You may ask for the reason. Generally speaking, at beginning. I advocate
disciplining heart because all stray thoughts are the products of yin pre-heaven mindwills which always exercises influence out of its destined nature to engage your
consciousness in a motion that inevitably deviates you from being in the state of
stillness. So, indulging in finding a vent for your eloquence to show off your great
attainment your heart must imperceptibly be ensnared in by the yin pre-heaven mindwills which, under the circumstance that you heart has been purged of all to be so
different from the worldly heart in this stage, will present much more magical visions
into which you are certain to fall deeper and deeper till you thoroughly lose all your
wits and encumbrance to human society you will become.
some time all seems to have come to be at a constant standstill. All of the sudden you
catch sight of the vision that gold beads of immense quantity are jumping in all
directions in your upper elixir field and silver waves surging tempetuously. On sight of
this vision you should place your mind-will in lower elixir field and somewhat
intensify it, then launch the breathing through lungs and respirotary tube and the nose
and imagine your breathing in every time bring in an fire deep into lower elixir field
( breathe out naturally), then gently gaze upon the fire till the fire becomes more
vigorous and all seems to have been burnt down. Then looking up you will find, in
your upper elixir field, tiny golden shoots scattering all over the place and among them
is a grain of pearl, dainty and delicate. Relapsing into the state like frog's herbiration
for some time you will find that the grain of pearl has grown bigger, and is of the
orange colour. When you make certain that the pearl has fully developed---you are
certain to possess this ability of judgement in this phase---you should imagine sending
out your mind-will and bringing down the sun into upper elixir field, then breathe in
and you should imagine the breathing in bring in a fire into lower elixir field , then you
should gently gaze inward upon the fire with your two eyes. After a little while this
pearl begin to melt and then ooze downward along Ren Channel and drop into middle
elixir field. Immediately afterwards you should revolve the small waterwheel of 4-10
branches so as to completely colloct all drops.
Then you should relapse into the profoundest stillness with your mind-will dently
settling in middle elixir field and two eyes gazing upon it gently---you should do this in
the principle that though you know the place you don't pay the least attention upon it.
As time passes away the golden pearl will grow biger and biger and its colour becomes
more distinct and brilliant, sometimes it seems to be in the depths of the boundless
tracts of emptiness and far away beyond your body and could not be approached by all
means, yet when you close your eyes it is so distinct and so near as if in front of your
eyes. Ever afterwards you will possess the knowledge that one thing can be situatad
both inside and outside and both of existence and of nonexistence, and be so minute as
to nothing could be more minute than it, and be so comprehensive that all are destined
captives under the control of it. Oh! It is the very origon of all transformations and
Having revolved the small waterwheel of 4-10 branches to collect the golden drop
which drips into middle elixir field you must relapse into the most profoundest stillness
with two eyeys gaziny inwandly upon the pearl without the least break, and your mindwill settling upon that also without any intermission, yet you never pay the least
attention on it. This way you will drift deeper and deeper into the stillness till all seems
to have come to be at a constant standstill when your heart beating pulse throbbing and
breathing and flowing of blood---or the process of metabolism in a word---gradually
come to an end and the thorough cessation can at first last for one day, two days, three
days, or even ten months at which you should never marvel. In such a period your
partner should not mistake this thorough cessation for your passing away while
sitting cross legged because all yang vita-vapoar and yang pre-heaven mind-will are
returning to their common origion with the development of the foetus of your true self.
For your part you should never casually rouse from this deadlike state on will, and, on the contrary, let all take their own
courses and nerver intervene.
The long period of remaiming motionless at a constant
standstill doubtless endangers your life to some extent, so
your must careful enough and vigilent enough to prevent
your mind-will settling upon the pearl from straying for the
least moment, and your inward gaze upon it from wavering
and wandering away even one second, otherwise you are
certian to die away and all transcendent aspirations will
disappear instantly like a bubble bursting. Only in this deadlike stillness and the state of all motion in your body having come to be at a constant
standstill the foetus, in which your yang pre-heaven mind-will is residing, will develop
naturally with the nourishment of infinite emptiness. Therefore, without the
hibernation-like state the foetus could never have the opportunity to develop.
Sometime in the state that all seems to have come to be at a constant standstill to
nourish the foetus of your true self, you may witness that a flood is surging and would
not fade away. This vision doubtless signifies that your mind-will must have strayed
away from the pearl for some time, rather than constantly settles upon it without any
motion; or your inward gazing upon it ceasead or wandered away for some time, rather
than upon it without the least intermission. In consepuence, the middle elixir field,
lacking the warming for some time from the fire of the inward gaze by two eyes,
became cold to some extent and the light of golden elixir pellet became obscure.
There are some other visions always in connexion with water which you should deal
with by one same way as follows:
Somewhat intensify your mind-will settling in middle elixir field as well as your
inward gaze, then breathe in and imagine this breathing in bring a fire into middle
elixir field. And imagine the fire to grow more and more vigorously and gobble up all
above the middle elixir field till all vision of water has passed away and the golden
elixir pellet has restored its light.
Sometime when you caltivate the foetus of your true self in profoundest stillness you
may notice that some fire are flaming up and you could not extinguish them. This is
because you have eaten some food of peppery or of fragrant nature or you might have
had a bathing with hot water, and thus the fire of golden elixir pellet was kindled and
extended vigorously to other places which, though only a vision you might regard it as,
will cause miserable result---your physical form burning down automatically if you
don't take some preventive measures. As a matter of fact, there are many visions in
connection with fire flaming up that may come on the scene.
To properly deal with these visions you should do as follows: envision a swarthy ball
the size of your palm, in front of your eyes, then contract the ball slowly with your
mind-will, then imagine the ball and its environment to be cold and raw for a while,
then bring the ball, which has now be contracted to be the size of a table-tennis ball,
down along Ren Channel to middle elixir field, then you will find the fire will diminish
in its vigor. Repeat the envisioning process till all fire has been put out, then relapse
into stillness to resume the process of cultivating the foetus of your true self. All
visions concerning fire during this period are called evil fire flaming up.
Sometime in the course of cultivating the foetus you may feel tried of your body and
chest swollen and painful, then after vomitting some black blood of large quantity you
begin to feel better and other symptoms gradually fade away. Towards this
phenomenon you shall be composed and never worried, for the reason that you former
undue physical and mental labour has imperceptibly brought damage to the vita-vapour
of heart, which is represented by substantive form of black blood. Gathering from
thisphenomenon you can easily conclude that the infinite efforts made to triumph over
other physically and mentally---which is popular in the region of covetousness---are
bound to bring incurable injuries to your body, though imperceptible they always are.
Sometime you feel that something is piercing your navel and you could not withstand
it; sometime something is piercing your ribs from both sides and you seem to swoon;
sometime all content of your body seems to be torn into pieces and consequently you
even desire for instant death; sometime a huge hammer seems to be rumbling down
and crashing into you head and you are on the point of losing all consciousness;
sometime you seem to be in a trance and fell fidgety; sometime the excrement you
discharge is with a stink and has blood blocks and something strange of a variety of
colors is in it; sometime from your two eyes, or two ears, or two nostrils, or mouth, or
anus, or urethral orifice you may find pus or pus-serum trickling out, whick stinks to
such an extent that you are going to vomit; sometime all day long you feel somnolent
and all joints feel sore; sometime all skeleton seems to collapse and smash into pieces;
sometime perspiration is suddenly coming out all over your body; sometime you feel
so painful as if you are casting off your skin as a snake does; sometime you feel so hot
and sultry as if you are thrown into a burning furnace and you seem to be in a coma for
about three or five days. All thes phenomena doubtless indicate that the foetus is
developing properly and you are discharging all your grossness and earthliness which
could not co-exist with the foetus.
When all such sufferings have gone as like a cloud in sky fading away you will
suddenly become aware that you has been in possession of six kinds of supernatural
power. The first is god's eyes with which you can behold all things in a glimpse, either
those on and in the earth or those throughout the universe or in other region. In view of
this you can understand more clearly why people always say if you don't want
people to know what you do, don't do it! The second is god's ears with which you
can hear all sounds coming throughout the universe or other region, including that
human could not hear. The third is the power of reading mind, which means you can be
aware what the other is thinking of and what motive he has and his intention, his
schemes, his aspiration and all. The fourth is the power of reading the transmigration of
the soul, with this power you can instantly know whence and why and for what a man
come into a being and whither and why and for what reason the man goes away. The
fifth is the power of reading the future and the past. Yes, suddenly you begin to know
all things you want to know and all things you don't want to know.
The sixth is being free from any fertilizing fluid (Jing), which signifies you have
transformed all fertilizing fluid (Jing) into vita-vapour. In fact, you have already
become possessed of the power of being free from fertilizing fluid (Jing) when your
penis has shrunk all the way back into your belly and a piece of skin has grown to seal
the hole. Some people may debate why this power has the qualifiation to rank equally
with other powers. This is because, you know, without this power, nearly all others are
in vain, which you can understand easily. Toward all these visions and sufferings and
powers you must adopt a proper attitude: all has not the least business with me, and let
all other take their own courses; on my part I always remain in the dead-like state with
mind-will settling upon the foetus without any intermission and two eyes gazing upon
it without any break. Of course toward some visions I have mentioned---such as evil
fire flaming up and so forth---you must take action as I have described before.
You should by no means boast of your powers and feel supercilious and powerful ever
afterwards, otherwise you are bound to be in mental disorders and even a begger can
laugh at you. You may ask for the reason. Generally speaking, at beginning. I advocate
disciplining heart because all stray thoughts are the products of yin pre-heaven mindwills which always exercises influence out of its destined nature to engage your
consciousness in a motion that inevitably deviates you from being in the state of
stillness. So, indulging in finding a vent for your eloquence to show off your great
attainment your heart must imperceptibly be ensnared in by the yin pre-heaven mindwills which, under the circumstance that you heart has been purged of all to be so
different from the worldly heart in this stage, will present much more magical visions
into which you are certain to fall deeper and deeper till you thoroughly lose all your
wits and encumbrance to human society you will become.
ashes burnt down thousands of years ago. Even though enchanting sounds come
up you should hear nothing; though wonderful sceneries present themselves
before your eyes you remain indifferent to them.
Once upon a time there was a man called Leu Zhu, who went into a coma because
the fotus of true self could not resist the temptation and began to appreciate the
false graceful scenarios. Hence there came a figurative idiom of "verifying heart in
a street full of blooming flowers " which is indicative of this process.
Once the fotus of the true self has come into the upper elixir field you should settle
your mind-will upon the fotus as gently as possible, and let the foetus gaze upon
the emptiness solitarily and silently. Then fall into the profound stillness till at last
all motion taking place in your physical body come to be at a constant standstill.
The two eyes should never gaze downward for the reason that something you
behold might frighten the fotus of the true self at this period. Sometime you may
perceive a fire in upper elixir field begin to flame up, and above your head at the
same time is a brilliant sun catching a fire. At sight of this vision the mind-will
should slightly intensify, and has an intention to narrow the distance between them
so that the fire inside should burn upward against the inside surface of your upper
skull and the fire outside burn downward against the external surface of your
upper skull. This case continuing for some time you will perceive silver waves
begin to flow till suddenly a good deal of terrible thunderbolt comes up as if near
at your upper skull.
All of the sudden rosy rays seem to fill up all space, brilliant lighting reaches out its
endless claws as rapidly as possible ripping the emptiness. And you begin to know
your upper skull has a boneless opening as like a baby, curving inwards and
outwards as you breathe like a fotus. And it as thin as a piece of silk cloth. You feel
painful as if this part of your skull has been broken into pieces, or melted down, or
cut open by a sharp axe. About three days later the pain will disappear.
Once the upper skull has been thrown open, you should gently settle the mind-will
in upper elixir field as before. Then you will feel the body is floating in emptiness,
your spirits refreshing and all is free from encumbrances, and later all parts of
your body seem to have disappeared without any traces.
When the fotus have shifted into upper elixir field and remaining as dead as a
stone for a long time without any other response from itself, you should lose no
time in spelling[ ] [ ][ ][ ] [ ] with your mind-will in your chest and belly as
illustrated in figure 1. The spelling should be carried out by your mind-will rather
than by your throat. [ ] can rally the yang Qi of your heart, [ ] the yang Qi of
spleen, [ ]the yang Qi of the lung, [ ] the yang Qi of liver, [ ] the yang Qi of kidney.
With each spelling at particular position and mind-will slightly moving from one
place to another as illustrated in Figure 2, the five kinds of yang Qi will gradually
converge upon the coccyx pass. Then the mixture of the yang Qi will soar up to
upper elixir field, and strike the upper part of your skull, On perceiving this you
should spell[ ]---as an ox roars---with your mind-will striking against the upper
part of your skull from inside, and open your two eyes with their gaze rushing out
from inside the upper part of your skull to the outsid. Then you should train the
foetus of your true self to go upward to the upper opening of your skull and come
down to where it was in upper elixir field, making ready for its release out of the
upper opening.