7 Signs You

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INTRODUCTION: Today, many people in the world are facing a greater fear
than they have ever felt in their lifetime. Crises of all kinds, and abundant
misinformation, is taking our sanity on a never-ending roller coaster ride. Our
world has never felt less peace-filled and more fear-filled.

Fear is not a new concept in our world. From the beginning of Scripture and
throughout its pages, fear is present and acted upon. While fear may always be a
part of our lives, how we respond to our fear is what matters the most. It is easy to
become controlled by a spirit of fear. God has a calling for your life and a spirit of
fear will hold you back from fulfilling that calling. Apostle Paul writes it to

2 TIMOTHY 1:17

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and sound

Let’s take a look at seven signs you are being controlled by the spirit of fear:



“8 Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was
walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God
among the trees of the garden.”

God created Adam and Eve to have a relationship with them. They freely
walked and talked with God throughout their days. Adam and Eve did not need
to hide from God as they had yet to experience sin. Fear did not enter the world
until Adam and Eve chose to disobey God and bite into the forbidden fruit.
Once they sinned and disobeyed God, their sin created a prison of fear as they
covered their bodies and physically hid from Him. They feared his response to
their sin. They feared their new awareness of sin.

They became imprisoned by fear, unable to experience the freedom of their

relationship with God.  

When fear takes over, we want to hide from everyone, especially God. Our fear
keeps us in bondage. Whether we are fearful of the future, becoming ill, or
experience job loss—fear can control us to the point of turning away and hiding
from God. Through prayer and worship in God’s presence, you can shift your
eyes to the One who helps you move out of the shadows of fear into the light of


“And Noah did everything the Lord commanded him.”

The story of Noah relates closely to the COVID-19 pandemic. His family was in
forced social isolation for 40 days. That's not even the most fear-inducing element
of the story. While his family was in quarantine on a massive boat, God destroyed
everything outside of the walls except for the animals Noah was also living with.

There would be rain for 40 days, which had never happened on the earth before
this point. Rain was a foreign concept to the people of that time as water had only
come from the ground, not the sky. Despite all the unknown circumstances, the
word fear is never mentioned.

God didn't even tell Noah “Don’t be afraid” as he does other people of the Bible.
We do know that Noah found favor with the Lord, walked with God, did
everything the Lord commanded, and was righteous before God. While Noah most
likely was afraid (as any human would be), he didn't allow it to be his focus.
Noah’s focus remained on God so that he could be obedient to God’s call on his
life. Sometimes the enemy uses fear to remove our focus on what God may be
calling us to do during a difficult season. Instead of focusing on fear, serve those
around you. Collect food for a local food pantry to distribute to school children
who are unable to get their normal meals at school. Send cards to a senior living
facility or a gift card to a needy family. Focus on loving others instead of your fear.
It's an act of obedience to God.


“No one will be able to stand against you as long as you live. I will be
with you, just as I was with Moses. I will not leave you or abandon

In the Bible, God tells Joshua to be brave, strong, and not be afraid more than any
other character in the Bible. Joshua had plenty of reasons to be afraid. Their great
leader, Moses, had died and it was now Joshua’s job to lead the Israelites into
battle with many nations who were larger and stronger.

The Israelites complained about leaving slavery in Egypt and how difficult it
would be to conquer these nations. The strength of other nations was intimidating.
Joshua had a major task in front of him, but God reassured him that He would be
with Joshua. Had Joshua listened to outside influences and allow his fear to control
him, he would not have reached the promised land, fulfilling God’s plan for His

The voices of the world are loud. Whenever you choose a path opposite of the
majority opinion, outside influences will try to speak truth into your life. Going
against the crowd can be fearful if you are not confident in your leader. Joshua
trusted God’s leadership in his life. God had taken them from slavery, safely
through the Red Sea, and provided nourishment in the wilderness. Joshua trusted
that God would help them conquer their enemies.

The path of following God is never easy, but fear can cause you to turn your ear to
those who are not on the same path.


GENESIS 15:2 “Lord God, what can you give me since I am childless?”
The first time God’s commandment of, “Do not be afraid” is recorded in the Bible
is when he was talking to Abram. Abram obeyed God by leaving his home and
traveling to an unknown land.

As Abraham settled in the area, he faced difficulties with the Pharaoh of Egypt, his
nephew Lot, and the king of Sodom. Each time, God brought him through with
abundant blessings. While Abram could have felt fear in all of this, God only
addresses his fear when Abram questions the fulfillment of a covenant God made
with him. God promised that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars.
This seemed impossible since Abram and his wife were without any children and
were well past child-bearing years. Abram’s fear created an obstacle to believing
God’s promise.

God’s promises throughout the Bible are abundant. Are you allowing your fear to
create an obstacle to believing God’s promises for you? He promises never to leave
or abandon you (Hebrews 13:5 CSB). God says He knows the plans He has for
you, plans for your well-being not for disaster (Jeremiah 29:11 CSB).

Do not allow whatever fear you are experiencing to create an obstacle to believing
God. He is greater than any fear you will face.


“You do not have to fight this battle. Position yourselves, stand still,
and see the salvation of the Lord. He is with you, Judah and
Jerusalem. Do not be afraid or discouraged. Tomorrow, go out and
face them, for the Lord is with you.”

King Jehoshaphat of Judah was one of the few kings who followed God as King
David did. When he was afraid of war with enemies of Judah that were too many
in number to conquer, he “resolved to seek the Lord” (2 Chronicles 20:3). He
called everyone to fasting and prayer, then before the people, he cried out to God:
“We do not know what to do, but we will look to you” (2 Chronicles 20:12).
Jehoshaphat admitted their weakness and committed to looking to God for victory.
Despite his fear, he was ready to stand and face the battle before him.

Our world is full of battles. Global pandemics, broken relationships, and chronic
illnesses can seem too great a foe to conquer. Just like Jehoshaphat, you must
admit your weakness, position yourself before God, and face the war. God will do
the fighting, look to Him to guide you into the next step to take in the battle before

Ask God to help you stand and face your war, trusting Him to fight to victory.


LUKE 1:20
“You will become silent and unable to speak until the day these things
take place, because you did not believe my words, which will be
fulfilled in their proper time.”

Zechariah, the priest, and his wife Elizabeth had been praying for a child. The
angel Gabriel visited Zechariah to let him know that Elizabeth would be having a
son. The visit from an angel of God was not convincing enough for Zechariah for
him to believe him. Zechariah asks, “How can I know this?” (Luke 1:18).

This fear of the unknown caused Zechariah to be stricken mute for the entire
duration of the pregnancy. He could not share this news with anyone, especially his
wife. Your fear can create doubt making you believe your circumstances will
never change or God is not sovereign (all-knowing and in full control). As a priest,
Zechariah goes to the temple to care for it and oversee sacrifices made to the Lord.
He was immersed in the presence of God daily yet doubted God’s messenger. Fear
causes you to doubt God’s Word in the Bible and doubt the wisdom of your
pastor’s Sunday message. Doubt hinders you from believing God is who He says
He is.

Zechariah’s son was John the Baptist who prepared the people for the coming
Messiah. Some of John’s followers became Jesus’ disciples. If you find your fear
causing doubt, ask God for more faith.

MATTHEW 28:5-6

The angel told the women, “Don’t be afraid because I know you are looking for
Jesus who was crucified. He is not here. For he has risen, just as he said.”

After Jesus Christ was arrested, the disciples scattered and hid in fear for their own
lives. Only the women and John remained at the foot of the cross. On the third day
after He was laid in the tomb, the women continued their service to their rabbi by
preparing to anoint his body. The women were afraid when the earth shook, and an
angel appeared. The angel reminded the women that Jesus has risen, just as he said.

In the time leading up to his death, Jesus told his followers multiple times that he
would rise on the third day. The disciples’ fear caused them to stay hidden instead
of walking to the tomb with the women.

Jesus had prepared them all for this moment, yet their fear made them forget his
words. God’s truth can be forgotten when you allow your fear to cloud His words.
Challenges of life can create fear and makes you not remember the truth He has
spoken into your life. The moments when God said “yes” make you wonder if you
really heard Him correctly when a situation becomes difficult and fear takes over.
The gift of God’s peace is tested when circumstances fill you with fear.

Throughout your lifetime, you will continue to experience fear. Despite this
guarantee, you cannot allow it to take over.

Through God’s Word and prayer, you can turn your eyes to Him. He can help you
step into His presence and not hide from Him. Through focusing on God and not
fear you can step out in obedience as you love and serve those around you. While
fear can keep you from remembering God’s promises, trust that He will fulfill the
promises He has for you. God will fight whatever battle is ahead of you. Stand
before Him, acknowledging your weakness, and face the battle.
Fear may cause you to question or forget God’s words and His faithfulness in your
past. Remember the ways He has cared for you and focus on the truth of His Word.

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