Charter Prezi Slides
Charter Prezi Slides
Charter Prezi Slides
and Freedoms
Interpreting the Charter of
Rights and Freedoms
Does the Charter apply?
Freedom of Expression
Section 15: Equality Rights
Limitations / Override of Charter Rights
Exclusions under s.24(2)
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Navigating Charter Claims
Life, Liberty and Security of the Person
Exclusions under s.24(2)
Remedies under s.24(1) and s.52
So when does the Charter apply...???
Must ask BOTH:
1. Who can invoke Charter rights? Who benefits from
the Charter?
2. Who must act in accordance with the Charter?
Who is subject to the burden of the Charter rights?
Who can invoke Charter rights?
--> must look to the LANGUAGE of the Charter right
"Standing" to Bring a Charter Claim
Section 2.
has the following fundamental freedoms:
(a) freedom of conscience and religion;
(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and
expression, including freedom of the press and other
media of communication;
(c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and
(d) freedom of association.
Section 7.
has the right to life, liberty and security of the person
and the right not to be deprived thereof except in
accordance with the principles of fundamental
Section 8.
has the right to be secure against unreasonable
search or seizure.
Section 9.
has the right not to be arbitrarily detained or
Section 12.
has the right not to be subjected to any cruel and
unusual treatment or punishment.
Section 15. (1)
Every individual
is equal before and under the law and has the right
to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law
without discrimination and, in particular, without
discrimination based on race, national or ethnic
origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical
Section 17. (1)
has the right to use English or French in any debates
and other proceedings of Parliament.
Section 23. (1)
Citizens of Canada
...have the right to have their children receive
primary and secondary school instruction in that
language in that province.
24. (1)
whose rights or freedoms, as guaranteed by this
Charter, have been infringed or denied may apply to
a court of competent jurisdiction to obtain such
remedy as the court considers appropriate and just in
the circumstances.
Everyone, anyone, any person...
Citizens and Permanent Residents...
Corporations (a summary)...
Burden of Charter Rights
Parliament or Legislature...
Common Law...
Private Action...
15. (1)
Every individual
is equal before and under the law and has the right
to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law
without discrimination and, in particular, without
discrimination based on race, national or ethnic
origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical
Charter (
Dolphin Delivery
Examples of private action to which Charter does not
employer restricting employees freedom of speech or
parent restricting mobility of a child
landlord discriminating against tenant based on race
Parliament and the Legislatures cannot enact laws
inconsistent with the Charter. Therefore, any body
exercising statutory authority is also bound by the
Government Action...
Statutory Authority...
Statutory authority = power of compulsion
Douglas/Kwantlen Faculty Association v. Douglas
Where the Parliament or Legislature has delegated a
power of compulsion to a body or person, then the
Charter will apply to the delegate.
Examples where Charter applied:
municipal by-law
made under statutory authority that prohibited
postering on municipal property
awarding remedy for unjust dismissal where
arbitrator was exercising powers conferred by statute
law society rules
that restrict entry of out-of-province law firms into
profession, based on exercise of statutory authority
auto insurance policy
that excluded common law spouses from accident
Key principles:
Just because entity is creature of statute does not
mean its actions are subject to Charter.
Charter not intended to cover activities by nongovernmental entities created by government for
legally facilitating private activity.
Universities are statutory bodies performing public
service and may be subjected to judicial review, but
this does not in itself make them part of government
within the meaning of s. 32.
Public purpose test inadequate
Universities are legally autonomous, not organs of
Universities were acting on their own initiative in
making collective agreements with employees- not
under any compulsion from govt.
Human Rights Code violated s 15 of Charter, but
upheld as reasonable limit under s.1
Mandatory retirement issue again
Charter applied to the actions of the college in
negotiating and administering collective agreements
with association representing the teachers and
College board appointed and removable by the govt
Govt may at all times by law direct its operations
Board is part of the govt apparatus in both form and
In carrying out its functions, the college is performing
acts of govt
Status of college wholly different from universities
which, though extensively regulated and funded by
govt, are
Charter applies to ALL
Charter only applies to that ACT
If entity is part of "government"
If private entity acts for "government"
"Scrutinize quality of act, not actor"
Vriend v. Alberta
Generally, the Charter does NOT impose positive
duties to act on legislative bodies or governments.
However, where the legislature has enacted a fairly
comprehensive statute dealing with discrimination in
employment, but failed to include sexual orientation,
the court has found that the Charter does apply.
Alberta legislature had acted by enacting a
prohibition on discrimination in employment that
covered discrimination based on race, sex, religion,
disability, national origin, marital status and other
Failure to afford homosexual people the same
protections = denial of equal benefit of the law =
violation of s.15 of the Charter
"Government" = legislative, executive, and
administrative branches (not court orders)
Charter does not apply to private actors.
Charter does not directly apply to the common law
unless it is the basis of some governmental action.
Even though Charter does not directly apply to the
common law absent government action, the common
law must nonetheless be developed in accordance
with Charter values.
Recap: Charter Application
So when does the Charter apply...???
Must ask BOTH:
Citizen, 1789
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
(ICCPR), 1966
Rationale for Protecting Free Expression
Outside a Bill C-51 protest: Does this concern you?
instrument of democratic government
instrument of truth
See American literature -> John
Stuart Mill, Oliver Wendell Holmes
Why protect expression?
instrument of personal fulfilment
Freedom of Expression and the Charter
Section 2.
has the following fundamental freedoms:
...(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and
expression, including freedom of the press and other
media of communication...
Two stages of Charter review:
i) Does the law or action have the purpose or effect
of limiting a guaranteed right? [i.e. Does the
law/action limit freedom of expression?]
ii) If yes, is it justified under s.1?
seeking and attaining truth
participation in social and political decision-making;
individual self-fulfilment and human flourishing
a) Content-based restraints
b) Effects-based restraints
Then proceed to s.1 analysis.
Content-Based Restriction
Laws or practices/actions that have, as their purpose,
the restriction of a particular type of expression.
restrictions on advertising
restrictions on hate speech
law of defamation
Effects-Based Restrictions
Restriction is aimed at content itself.
Goal is suppression of the content.
Aimed at some other aspect of the activity (i.e. not
directed at the content of the expression) but which
nonetheless has an impact on expression.
Example: Law against littering
Expression that takes the
of violence is not protected.
R. v. Keegstra
Saskatchewan v. Whatcott
Child pornography
= protected expression (limit upheld as reasonable
under s.1 though)
Hate speech
= protected expression (may be limited under s.1)
= protected expression
Murder or rape
= not protected forms of expression
FORM over CONTENT for determining if expression
Attorney General for Saskatchewan,
Attorney General of Alberta,
Canadian Constitution Foundation,
Canadian Civil Liberties Association,
Canadian Human Rights Commission,
Alberta Human Rights Commission,
Egale Canada Inc.,
Ontario Human Rights Commission,
Canadian Jewish Congress,
Unitarian Congregation of Saskatoon,
Canadian Unitarian Council,
Womens Legal Education and Action Fund,
Canadian Journalists for Free Expression,
warrant overriding
Provision is an acceptably proportional response to
valid objective
Rational connection
between criminal prohibition of hate propaganda and
objective of protecting target group members /
fostering harmonious social relations.
Provision does not unduly impair freedom of
Not overbroad or vague
. Captures only expressive activity which is openly
hostile to Parliament's objective. It excludes private
Effects of provision are
not of such a deleterious nature as to outweigh
any advantage from limiting s.2(b). Hate propaganda
contributes little to the aspirations of Canadians in
either quest for truth, promotion of individual selfdevelopment or fostering of a vibrant democracy.
Criminal Code provision:
Every one who wilfully publishes a statement, tale or
news that he knows is false and causes or is likely to
cause injury or mischief to a public interest is guilty
of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment.
1. Is s.181 of the Criminal Code an infringement of
Commercial Context
RJR-McDonald v. Canada
Canada v. JTI McDonald
Legislation prohibited all advertising and promotion
Could not be justified under s.1
Could not be considered the least drastic or intrusive
means of accomplishing the objective
Particularly since the ban on advertising captured
purely informational advertising
Therefore, legislation banning tobacco advertising
and requiring health labels infringes on s.2(b) and
cannot be saved by s.1 of the Charter.
Considerable deference to Parliaments chosen
Means must be carefully tailored to objective
Parliament may chose one of a range of reasonable
High value/importance to the objectives of the act
(decreasing tobacco use and discouraging young
Low value/importance to the commercial expression
that it limited (inducing people to engage in tobacco
use, for profit)
Law upheld as a reasonable limitation on commercial
freedom of expression.
Positive Rights: Baier v. Alberta
Greater Vancouver Transit Authority v. Canadian
Federation of Students
Wrapping it up...
Univ. of Calgary is not part of the gov't so as to make
all of its actions subject to the Charter (McKinney)
University is acting as agent of the provincial gov't in
providing accessible post-secondary education to
students in AB pursuant PSL Act (Eldridge).
Was University implementing a specific statutory
scheme or gov't program with respect to the actions
taken by it in disciplining the Applicants, making it
subject to the Charter?
In dictating terms upon which student may receive
education at a public institution, Univ. is performing
function that is integrally connected to the delivery
of post-secondary education as set out by the PSL
Charter does apply.
Disciplining students in the context education at a
public institution is different from hiring and firing of
employees by a university (non-gov't in nature) as in
claimant must show to establish a
positive right
1.Claim is grounded in freedom of expression
2.Substantial interference with 2(b) freedom
3.Government is responsible for the interference
Local Authorities Election Act (Alberta)
Teachers cannot run for ANY board or district
trusteeship while employed as a teacher - must take
leave of absence
gov't has no positive obligation to provide a
statutorily-enabled platform of expression
s.2 imposes negative obligations - here right claimed
was a positive one
teachers could not show that their freedom of
expression was interfered with
Are BC Transit and TransLink Govt Actors?
See s.32 of Charter
BC Transit
= statutory body designated by legislation as an
"agent of govt" - cannot operate autonomously from
prov. gov't
= not agent of gov't but substantially controlled by
local gov't entity (Greater Vancouver Regional
Therefore, they are both government entities.
The Charter applies.
Is the claim dealing with POS or NEG rights?
Expression on Gov't Property
Section 1: Can infringement be upheld?
Transit argued that students claimed pos. right as in
Baier - seeking a platform for expression
Students argued that they wanted to express
themselves on an existing platform - neg. right
Dealing with
neg. rights
In this case, court found that no aspect of location
suggested that expression would undermine the
values underlying s.2(b). Opposite was true.
Prescribed by law?
If policies are purely administrative in nature (e.g.
indoor management) law for purposes of s. 1.
But where a policy is not administrative in nature, it
may be law provided that:
establishes a norm or
standard of general application
enacted by a govt entity
pursuant to a rule-making
rule-making authority
exists if Parliament/prov legislature has delegated
power to the govt entity for the specific purpose of
enacting binding rules of general application which
establish the rights/obligations of those to whom
they apply
Valid objective?
Rational Connection?
- NO
Minimal Impairment?
- NO
Recap: Freedom of Expression s.2(b)
General Principles...
Class Exercise:
Human Skin as Canvas for Expression
Freedom of expression s.2(b) = negative obligation
on govt (see Baier v. Alberta for test re positive
Activity is expressive if it attempts to convey
meaning (Irwin Toy).
purely physical activity that conveys NO MEANING
activity that is of violent FORM
CONTENT of expression is irrelevant to whether it IS
But FORM over content when looking at whether the
expression is PROTECTED!
See: Irwin Toy v. Quebec
Two Stage Framework of Analysis
1. Is it expression?
Define the activity (any activity that conveys
or attempts to convey a meaning = expression).
2. Was there a violation?
Did the govt restrict the expression? Look at:
Content-based restraints
Effects-based restraints
3. Section 1 analysis.
Burden of s.7...?
Applies only to
"governmental action"
as per s.32 of the Charter
See Lecture: "Does the Charter Apply?"
What is the meaning of
are we really "free"...?
Preliminary considerations...
Must have
of life, liberty or security of the person
Analysis does not end there... must show that denial
of that right is
principles of fundamental justice (PFJ)
precise scope yet to be defined
deprivation of life
happens as result of
govt action
commonly see arguments about
govt action
Life can be
and the American Experience
"Legal Rights" in the Charter
Comments from the Bench...
Fifth Amendment, U.S. Bill of Rights:
"No person deprived of life, liberty, or
property, without due process of law..."
Lochner v. New York
law placing limit on number of hours worked struck
down as unconstitutional
Supreme Court enforcing laissez-faire economic
theory despite its rejection by elected legislators
overturned in 1937
Supreme Court now reluctant to review social and
economic regulation
Lamer J:
"...the restrictions on liberty and security of the
person that s.7 is concerned with are those that
occur as a result of an individual's interaction with
the justice system, and its administration."
Prostitution Reference
Siemens v. Manitoba
Irwin Toy v. Quebec
R. v. Edwards Books
and Art
Prostitution Reference
Gosselin v. Quebec
Singh v. Minister of Employment and Immigration
Implied right
to economic liberty =
end run
around the explicit exclusion property from s.7
Corporate activity NOT included
Liberty does NOT include the right to do business...
"To exclude all of these at this early moment in
history of charter interpretation seems to us
precipitous. We do not, at this moment, choose to
pronounce upon whether these economic rights
fundamental to human life and survival are to be
treated as though they are of the same ilk as
corporate-commercial economic rights."
Does not mean that no right with economic
component can fall within s.7
Lower courts
have found that economic rights = broad spectrum
of interests (rights to
social security
equal pay
for equal work, adequate
food, clothing and shelter
, traditional
Wilson J: Section 7 could, in the right circumstance,
include things like standard of living, food, clothing,
housing, and social services.
Security of the person
province regulating video lottery machines
Operation Dismantle
: Alleged threat of testing cruise missiles to s.7
interests was too
uncertain, speculative
and hypothetical
to sustain a cause of action under s.7.
Claims of deprivation depend on state action and
must be something more than mere speculation.
Principles of Fundamental Justice
physical restraint
Any law that imposes a penalty of
will involve a deprivation of liberty, and therefore
must conform to PFJ.
Other examples
statutory duty to submit to fingerprinting (
R v Beare
requirement to give oral testimony (
Thompson Newspapers
Stelco v. Can.
statutory provisions prohibiting loitering around
womans right to choose to terminate her pregnancy
an individuals decision to terminate his/her life
right to raise ones children
ability of sex assault victim to seek therapy
state imposed delays in access to abortions
delays imposed by waiting lists for medical treatment
Chaoulli v. Quebec
deportation to torture or death penalty countries
Bedford v. Canada
Chaoulli v. Quebec
QC social assistance scheme gave younger people
lower base amount of welfare benefits - to encourage
job training
s.7 right
not to be deprived
of life, liberty, security =
negative right
may be capable
of encompassing a positive right to basic subsistence
but such a development would have to
develop incrementally
as new issues arise for consideration
B.(R) v Childrens Aid Society Metro Toronto
Jehovah's Witness parents denied blood transfusion
for child
Right to nurture
a child, to
care for its development
, and to
make decisions
for it in
fundamental matters
such as medical care is part of the liberty interest of
a parent.
Liberty interest does extend to
parental decisions over medical care
Any state intervention to protect a childs interest
therefore must conform to principles of fundamental
In this case, wardship order was made in accordance
with PFJ.
s.2(b) everyone includes parents, who are directly
affected, so they have personal standing.
Charter Application
There is a law pursuant to which court acted. Gov't is
party to litigation. So Charter
Expression Analysis
--> NO
--> YES
Grossly disproportionate
--> N/A
To make this determination, must first identify
objective of the law.
Section 1 analysis - violation of s.7
not justified
. There was a valid objective and rational connection,
but law was
not minimally impairing
Bedford revisited...
Whether the challenged law bears no relation to
legislative objective (e.g. deprivation of rights for no
valid purpose)?
Does the law interfere with some conduct that bears
no connection to its objective?
Gross Disproportionality
Whether the deprivation of a persons s.7 rights is so
extreme as to be
per se
disproportionate to any legitimate govt interests?
Principles of Fundamental Justice considered:
under law
benefit of law
15(2). Subsection (1) does not preclude any
law, program or activity
that has as its object the
of conditions of
disadvantaged individuals or groups
including those that are disadvantaged because of
race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex,
age or mental or physical disability
Affirmative action
Four equalities of section 15
the law
the law
protection of
the law
benefit of
the law
Canadian Bill of Rights s.1(b) guarantees equality
too deferential
to legislatures, s.15 would
lose serious
force, like the Canadian Bill of Rights.
But, if
every distinction
created by a statute
by courts, would constantly involve the courts in
issues of
legislative policy
So reviewed almost every distinction created by law
and then upheld it.
Summary: Finding a Breach of s.15(1)
... a Two-Step Approach
1. Does the law create a
based on an
analogous ground
2. If so, is
established by showing that the
creates a
perpetuating prejudice or stereotyping
British citizen
and permanent resident of Canada
Oxford law graduate
met all requirements
for admission to BC Bar,
except for citizenship
Barristers and Solicitors Act
denied admission to the Bar to non-citizens
of Canada
Permanent residents
three years
before they can apply for Canadian citizenship
Andrews disputed citizenship requirement for
admission to the Bar and claimed s.42 violated s.15
of the Charter
(1) Does the
Canadian citizenship requirement
for admission to the British Columbia bar as set out
in s.42 of the Act
infringe or deny the equality rights
guaranteed by s. 15(1) of the Charter?
Concept of Equality
application to the facts...
, whether
intentional or not
but based on grounds relating to
personal characteristics
of the individual or group, which has the effect of
imposing burdens, obligations, or disadvantages
on such individual or group
not imposed upon others
, or which
withholds or limits access to opportunities, benefits,
and advantages
available to other
members of society.
general guarantee
of equality
similarly treated
-andpeople who are
differently situated
should be
treated differently
would have justified Hitler's Nuremberg and
"separate but equal" in the US
See: Bliss v. AG Canada (1979)
Distinction based on personal characteristics solely
by virtue of association with a group = likely
Distinction based on individual merit or capacity =
rarely discrimination
Instead: Use
protect substantive rights
remedy unequal impact
flowing from the law.
Distinguishing feature of the Charter = consider
limits under s. 1
Analytically distinct
from equality analysis (note shift in burden of proof
to gov't in s. 1) to approach s. 15 analysis...? Ask:
approach to be taken
Yes - Barristers and Solicitors Act, s.42
Yes, legislative distinction between citizens and noncitizens
Based on enumerated or analogous grounds?
Yes, analogous ground of citizenship
Yes, burden of denial of admission into law practice
placed on group based on personal characteristics
Saved under s. 1?
No, there is a valid objection but not rationally
connected or minimally impairing
Parents sought funding for new kind of behavioural
therapy for autistic children
Argued that govt refusal to fund unjustifiably
against them
Decision to fund non-core medical treatments was a
one. Govt
does fund
programs for
mentally ill
children and adults.
SCC applied
mirror comparator group approach
appropriate group for comparison was
person without mental disability
(so non-disabled or physically disabled person) who
seeks funding for non-essential treatment that is
only recently recognized
by medical field
Claimants said comparison should be with other
--> able-bodied survivor between
ages 35-45
--> able-bodied
under 35
Law is able bodied 30-yr old, claiming differential
treatment in pension eligibility discriminates on the
basis of
, contrary to s. 15.
Early men and women were equal, say scientists
Study shows that modern hunter-gatherer tribes
operate on egalitarian basis, suggesting inequality
was an aberration that came with the advent of
What is "equality"...?
At a minimum, equality encompasses the notion that
every individual is entitled to dignity and respect
and the idea that the law should apply to everyone in
an even-handed way.
Who should be equal to whom?
What constitutes equal treatment?
Does equality mean identical treatment?
How should we account for differences?
Should advantaged groups enjoy the benefits of
equality rights?
Are affirmative action measures that favour the
disadvantaged acceptable?
Even though law imposed a
formal and unequal distinction
on basis of age (an enumerated ground), it did not
violate s 15 b/c it
did not violate the human dignity
of those under age 45. Therefore, no substantive
Although law treats younger people differently, that
differential treatment does not reflect or promote
the notion that they are
less capable or less deserving of concern, respect
and consideration
Court was at a loss" to locate any violation of
human dignity.
do not stigmatize young persons
, nor can they be said to perpetuate the view that
surviving spouses under age 45 are less deserving of
concern, respect or consideration than any others.
Application to the Facts
Withler v. Canada (Attorney General)
Four Contextual Factors from Law
Existence of pre-existing disadvantage, stereotyping,
prejudice or vulnerability
Does claimant belong to group that has historically
been vulnerable or the subject of stereotyping and
If law has effect of further disadvantaging an already
disadvantaged group, then more likely to be D.
Correspondence between distinction and claimants
characteristics or circumstances
Does legislative distinction that is being attacked
correspond to actual needs, capacities or
circumstances of claimant?
If leg distinction is result of deliberate design, which
is not itself discriminatory but sought to take into
account claimant's traits or characteristics, more
difficult to establish D.
Existence of ameliorative purposes or effect on other
Is impugned law actually aimed at improving
situation of group more disadvantaged than
claimant's group?
If law aimed at greater need than claimant's, then
less likely to be D.
Nature of interest affected
More severe and localized consequences of leg on
affected group = greater chance of D.
If fundamental interest at stake e.g. liberty of
physical integrity, more likely to find D.
D = discrimination
Apply 4 Law factors but these factors not fixed/not
to be rigidly applied
Particular disadvantage IS required
General disadvantage is NOT required
Discrimination must be on listed or analogous
Analogous grounds generally involve immutable
personal characteristics
Discrimination may be unintended
Discriminatory laws/actions/omissions may be saved
under s. 1
In Assessing Whether There is Discrimination:
Purposive and contextual approach - requires proof of
both differential treatment and substantive
discrimination on enumerated or analogous grounds
General Principles
Enforcement of guaranteed rights and freedoms
24. (1)
Anyone whose rights or freedoms, as guaranteed by
this Charter, have been infringed or denied may
apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to obtain
such remedy as the court considers appropriate and
just in the circumstances.
Exclusion of evidence bringing administration of
justice into disrepute
Where, in proceedings under subsection (1), a court
concludes that
evidence was obtained
in a
manner that
infringed or denied
any rights or freedoms
on the
to establish above (balance of probabilities).
The Basics...
What is the "remedy"...?
of evidence (section 24(2)).
1. Was the
obtained in a manner that
infringed or denied
any rights or freedoms?
strict causal connection not required
must look at entire chain of events
temporal link
between Charter breach and discovery of evidence
will suffice
2. If yes, would the
of the evidence bring the
administration of justice into disrepute
Section 24(2) operates only as an
exclusionary rule
(does not permit use of evidence excluded by
common law or statute)
TEST: Establish Connection and Disrepute
Was the evidence obtained in a manner that
infringed or denied any rights or freedoms?
Stage 1
First stage of the test will be met if:
o Charter
breach causes discovery
of the evidence
o Charter breach cannot be said to have caused the
evidence to be discovered, but it is part of the
same chain of events
violation precedes discovery
of evidence and
temporal connection
is not too remote)
This will establish that the evidence was obtained in
a manner that infringed or denied charter right.
Making the connection...
1. relating to worldly as opposed to spiritual affairs;
"the Church did not imitate the secular rulers who
thought only of temporal gain"
secular, non-spiritual, worldly, profane, material,
mundane, earthly, terrestrial
relating to time
"the spatial and temporal dimensions of human
interference in complex ecosystems"
of time, time-related
R v Strachan (1988)
Police had valid search warrant pursuant to Narcotics
Control Act.
When police arrived, accused attempted to phone
Not permitted until police had matters under
Search turned up drugs and accused arrested.
Not permitted to phone lawyer until taken to police
Was the evidence obtained in a manner that
infringed accuseds s. 10(b) right to counsel?
Temporal Test
as opposed to a Causal Test
"So long as a
of one of these rights
precedes the discovery
of evidence, for the purposes of the first stage of s.
24(2) it makes little sense to draw distinctions based
on the circumstances surrounding the violation or the
type of evidence recovered.
Suggests a
factual nexus
other than causation
between the breach & the discovery of the evidence
R v Grant (1993)
Police suspected G was growing marijuana in his
Searched perimeter of home without warrant.
Indications that basement was indeed being used to
cultivate something.
Based on this and some additional info police
obtained warrant.
Sufficient temporal connection
between warrantless perimeter search and evidence
ultimately found.
Police did not have enough evidence for search
warrant until after warrantless perimeter search
relied on that information to obtain warrant.
R v Burlingham (1995)
B charged with murder and suspected in 2nd murder.
Repeatedly questioned even though asked for a
Police offered deal 2nd degree murder if told police
location of gun and other info re: 2nd murder.
B refused but police continued to badger told him
this was one-time deal.
B eventually gave in and gave full confession took
police to murder site and showed them where gun
Brutal sex assault and murder
Accused was a young offender
Retained counsel immediately who advised police
that Stillman did not consent to the giving of any hair
samples, teeth impressions or statements.
Police ignored this and took the samples by force.
Continued to interrogate him as well. Stillman sobbed
throughout the interview.
At one point, blew his nose into a tissue - tested for
ISSUE: Was any of the evidence obtained in manner
that infringed/denied Charter rights? Did the taking
of hair samples, teeth impressions and buccal swabs
contravene s.8 of the Charter?
Stillman cont...
Arrest was lawful
Search was not incidental to arrest - power of search
incidental to arrest does not extend to collection of
bodily samples
Very serious violation of s.8 rights in relation to the
samples that were forcibly taken
s.8 violation in relation to the discarded tissue? Cannot be said to relinquish privacy interests when in
custody (i.e. can't do anything else with the tissue)
R v Grant
Problems with Stillman...
R v Grant: A More Flexible Test
Application of the Stillman test...
Stage 1: Was there a Charter violation?
Stage 2: Would admission of the evidence bring
Officers continued questioning. Admits to firearm and
small bag of weed.
First stage of Stillman required consideration of
NATURE of evidence
Led to discussions of conscriptive and derivative
Unpredictable results - evidence routinely excluded
without consideration of the other two factors
Whether evidence was conscriptive was largely
BUT s.24(2) requires "all the circumstances" to be
taken into account!
Charter rights in question:
Right not to be arbitrarily detained
Right to counsel
Psychological detention = person has a legal
obligation to comply with a restrictive
or reasonable person would conclude by reason of
the state conduct that no choice but to comply
Encounter with Grant = interrogation = clear Charter
See R v Calder (1996):
Sopinka --> yes but only in very limited
circumstances (circumstances not articulated)
LaForest --> couldnt envisage any circumstances in
which the distinction (and hence admission for a
Eldridge v BC
R v Edwards
Canada v PHS
Canada v Khadr 2008
Canada v Khadr 2010
Vriend v Alberta
What did the court say about remedies? Which one
was chosen and why?
R v Ferguson
October 1999 - Darren Varley meets friends, fiance
and sister at bar
Fiance leaves unnoticed. Darren later concerned and
intoxicated. Fight outside bar. Friend needs medical
attention as a result.
At hospital, disappearance of fiance reported to
Constable Ferguson arrives at hospital and arrests
At police station, Darren shot fatally by Ferguson
twice in his cell.
Ferguson claimed that Darren attacked him and he
lost control of the gun - approx. three seconds
between the shot to th stomach and the one to the
Convicted of manslaughter
Trial judge imposed 2 year less a day conditional
sentence instead of mandatory minimum of 4 years
1. Does imposition of the four-year minimum
sentence imposed by the Criminal Code constitute
cruel and unusual punishment contrary to s. 12 of
the Charter in the circumstances of this case?
Class Exercise:
Consensus Building and Human Rights
Right to decent standard of living
Right to healthy, sufficient and nutritional food
Freedom from unreasonable interference with family
Right to safe and healthy environment
Right to use and enjoyment of property
Charter Interpretation: THE PURPOSIVE APPROACH
Addressed limitations of Canadian Bill of Rights
Increased role of courts and judicial review
Only applies to government laws and actions
Charter Decisions by All Supreme Court Decisions
Charter cases are especially grueling because of
the difficulty of anticipating their longer term
is entirely constitutional.
In my view, this analysis is to be undertaken, and the
purpose of the right or freedom in question is to be
sought by reference to the character and the larger
objects of the Charter itselfThe interpretation
should bea generous rather than a legalistic one,
aimed at fulfilling the purpose of the guarantee and
securing for individuals the full benefit of the
Charters protection.
Big M Drug Mart
per Dickson J.]
Whether youre on Charter issues or any other
issuesby an act of imagination put yourself in the
shoes of the different parties, and think about how it
looks from their perspective, and really think about
it, not just give it lip service.
Chief Justice McLachlin
Hunter v Southam
R v Tessling
"The task of expounding a constitution is crucially
different from that of construing a statute. A statute
defines present rights and obligations. It is easily
enacted and as easily repealed. A constitution, by
contrast, is drafted with an eye to the future. Its
function is to provide a continuing framework for the
in its effect
deleterious effects
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it
subject only to such
prescribed by law
as can be
demonstrably justified
in a
free and democratic society
Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms
Section 1
33. (1)
or the
legislature of a province
may expressly declare in an Act of Parliament or of
the legislature, as the case may be, that the Act or a
provision thereof shall operate
a provision included in
section 2
sections 7 to 15
of this Charter.
no rational connection.
iii) Deleterious effects?
_ Court does not consider.
What is a sufficiently important objective?
o e.g. observance of Christian Sabbath not
sufficiently compelling objective (R v Big M Drug
Mart, 1985) but providing a common day of rest for
all workers in the prov is (R v Edwards Books and Art,
o cannot be ultra vires the enacting body on federal
distribution of powers grounds
o Cost savings cannot justify Charter infringement
(Singh v Minister of Immigration)
o Shifting objectives not permitted
More on "rational connection"...
o Essence of rational connection is a causal
relationship between the objective of the law and the
measures enacted by the law.
o Court has not always insisted on direct proof
because of difficulties in establishing this element.
o e.g. RJR MacDonald common sense connection
between advertising and consumption sufficient to
satisfy the rational connection requirement
A few additional points to remember on s.1...
Freedom of Religion
o Subject to s.1 limitations clause and can also be
All that is necessary to qualify a practice for Charter
protection was that claimant sincerely believed that
practice was of religious significance
o Religious belief is intensely personal and can vary
from person to person (test is wholly
No expert evidence required
-> claimant only has to demonstrate sincerity of
o Even the
inquiry into sincerity
of belief has to be as
as possible
Issue was right claimed by orthodox Jews to build
temporary dwellings called succahs on the
balconies of their condos in contravention of condo
by-laws, during 9 day festival (Succot)
Multani v Commission scolaire Margeurite-Bourgeoys
All the boy had to show was that his personal and
subjective belief in the religious significance of the
kirpan was sincere.
School board regulations breached freedom of
Failed on Section 1
school safety is sufficient and compelling objective
not minimally impairing
Zylberberg v Sudbury Board of Education (1988)
Canadian Civil Liberties Assn v Ontario (1990)
S.L. v Commission scolaire des Chenes (2012)
Imposed Christian observances on non-Christians and
religious observances on non-believers
Reg not saved by the fact that it was wide enough to
authorize non-Christian prayers and readings
Was not saved by the fact that students could opt out
because there was an element of indirect coercion on
students to participate
o Purpose of regulation was to indoctrinate students
with Christian beliefs
o Regulation was found to be an unconstitutional
attempt to impose majority Christian beliefs on all
school children
o Not saved by the fact that parents can exempt
their kids (might be reluctant to do that out of fear of
embarrassing them in front of their friends)
Govt funding of denominational schools?