PW Letter - Odt
PW Letter - Odt
PW Letter - Odt
October 13,
In the early fall of 2014, Sean, being the honest person that he
is, advised Angie through attorneys that he had fathered another child.
Within two months, with her parents covering costs, Angie
overwhelmed Seans limited legal funds with allegations of partial
truths. By the time the divorce was finalized in March, 2015, Angie
amounted over $15,000 in legal fees to acquire 100% of all marital
possessions and about 75% of Seans personal pre-marital items,
including the 'family dog' Bear. Sean had Bear for years before Angie
and he began dating Bear died within three months of her sole care.
At the same time that Seans paternity was verified, the divorce
was being finalized. I have had several friends/couples get divorced
over the years, but I have always tried to just encourage
communication to help with raising kids. I have helped several friends
work out differences on visitation and other issues while hurt feelings
and finances resolved over time. In July of this year, Sean brought his
younger son home and my family and I welcomed meeting him. Angie
advised me then she no longer considered me her friend. She
removed/blocked me from all social media and other direct
When Sean brought his baby home he told me he had to return
in October to Missouri. At that time he was to get permanent custody
and legally change his name. Towards the end of September, Sean and
Angie had a six month follow-up court date from the initial divorce.
Sean told me later, that during the follow-up hearing the judge asked
him several questions about his baby regarding child care and
employment. The following week, on Tuesday evening, while working,
Sean received multiple voice messages and had numerous missed calls
from MO DSS. They (MO DSS) showd up in Illinois to take Seans baby
back into state custody. The following afternoon MO DSS removed the
baby from Seans care.
The just cause MO DSS stated in immediate removal of the baby
was incomplete back-ground check that did not include FBI finger
prints in the paperwork. After spending hundreds of dollars to prove
paternity, months of phone calls and waiting and then weekly driving
back-and-forth for limited access to his child, Sean had been solely
caring for his own biological child. None of this made sense. No
investigation or charges have been presented.
After two months of getting to finally being able to get to know
his son, my friends child was removed from his care. I was witness
along with his mother, when they took they baby. It was heartbreaking. The local police department sympathized with Sean and
offered condolences. They encouraged him to stay strong as they
watched him handing over his beloved son. One officer related a brief
personal story to help Sean cope with the overwhelming devastation.
Seans mom (Grandma Cookie) was also beyond consultation in her
From baby conception, birth, foster care, proving paternity,
visitation and back-ground checks the last year and a half of Sean's life
seem like a Lifetime movie. The title screams for a rainy afternoon
Pamela Ward