Investor Curriculum
Investor Curriculum
Investor Curriculum
For The
Modern Investor
Patrick O'Shaughnessy
The books, articles, reports, videos, and interviews in this curriculum cover every
facet of money and investing.
I am breaking them up into the following topic areas:
Market History
Market Overview
Investing Strategies
Investor Psychology: How to Get Out Of Your Own Way
Investing Lessons From Non-Investing Books
Entertaining & Educational
Counterpoints/Glass Half Empty
Business Stories
Pick the topics that matter most to you and dive in.
1 Introductory
For those just beginning to learn about investing.
Simple Wealth,
Inevitable Wealth
by Nick Murray
by Jack Bogle
The Potential of
Every Dollar
(on my website)
This brief article frames your
basic investment choices (stocks,
bonds, cash) in terms of the
potential of every $1. When you
startand what you buy
makes a huge difference.
by William Bernstein
A 30 page, high level overview of
1 Introductory
For those just beginning to learn about investing.
Deep Risk: How
History Informs
Portfolio Design
(Investing for Adults)
by William Bernstein
Dont mind the daunting title,
this is a great overview of the
major risks in investing and how
to mitigate them.
1 Introductory
For those just beginning to learn about investing.
This video, produced and narrated by Ray Dalio, explains the economy
in simple terms in just 30 minutes.
2 Market History
Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. These sources will
help you learn from the mistakes of others.
Devil Take the
by Edward Chancellor
The Worldly
Philosophers: The
Lives, Times And
Ideas Of The Great
Economic Thinkers,
by Richard Dale
Seventh Edition
By Robert L. Heilbroner
History told through the eyes of
3 Market Overview
Once youve formed a basic foundation, you can dive into markets themselves.
Triumph of the
Optimists: 101 Years
of Global Investment
The (mis)Behavior of
by Benoit Mandelbrot
By Howard Marks
by Lawrence A. Cunningham,
Warren E. Buffett
3 Market Overview
Once youve formed a basic foundation, you can dive into markets themselves.
More Than You
Know: Finding
Financial Wisdom in
Places (Updated and
Expanded) (Columbia
Business School Publishing)
by William N. Thorndike
by Michael J. Mauboussin
Saving Capitalism
From Short-Termism:
How to Build LongTerm Value and Take
Back Our Financial
by Alfred Rappaport
3 Market Overview
Once youve formed a basic foundation, you can dive into markets themselves.
Poor Charlie's
Almanack: The Wit
and Wisdom of
Charles T. Munger,
Expanded ThirdEdition
by Peter D. Kaufman (Editor),
Ed Wexler (Illustrator),
Warren E. Buffett (Foreword),
Charles T. Munger (Author)
Other articles:
This article, written by Cliff Asness and
John Liew, is the best Ive read summarizing the debate
between active managers (who try to beat the market) and
passive indexers (who just want to earn the overall markets
4 Investing Strategies
Beating the market is hard (and it isnt for everyone), but these will help you on
your journey.
What Works on Wall
Street (Fourth Edition)
Contrarian Investment
by by James OShaughnessy
by David Dreman
by Joel Greenblatt
Buying good businesses at good
prices leads to great results (so
long as you stick to it!)
by Meb Faber
Buying the cheapest countries
around the world is hard, but
4 Investing Strategies
Beating the market is hard (and it isnt for everyone), but these will help you on
your journey.
Quantitative Value:
A Practitioner's
Guide to
Investment and
Behavioral Errors
(Wiley Finance)
by Wesley R. Gray, Tobias E.
Using the lessons of great
investors and researchers to
build a value based strategy.
Other articles:
High quality stocks beat low quality stocks
over the long-term.
Warren Buffett has succeeded by focusing on four key
ideas: value, quality, low risk, and smart use of leverage.
5 Investor Psychology
How to Get Out Of Your Own Way
Inside the Investors
by Richard Peterson
The best overview of the
investors brain and psyche. We
are wired to be bad investors.
Learning how is the first step to
overcoming our wiring.
Are We in Control of Our Own Decisions? A great TED talk by psychologist Dan Ariely
by Michael Lewis
Expert Political
by Philip E. Tetlock
Never, ever, ever listen to expert
forecasts. They are seductive and
entertaining, but usually wrong.
Who's in Charge?:
Free Will and the
Science of the Brain
by Michael S. Gazzaniga
A fascinating discussion of the
mind and our lack of control.
Reminiscences of a
Stock Operator
by Edwin Lefevre
The story of famed speculator
Jesse Livermore, who teaches us
that the investing game never
really changes.
Market Wizards,
Updated: Interviews
With Top Traders
by Jack D. Schwager
Learn lessons from the most
successful traders in history.
by James Rickards
Why the U.S. dollar may face a
grim future.
The Dependency
Agenda (Encounter
by James Rickards
by Kevin D. Williamson
by Oswald Spengler
9 Business Stories
Owning stock is the same as owning partial shares in a business.
The Fish That Ate the
Whale: The Life and
Times of America's
Banana King
by Rich Cohen
One of the all-time great ragsto-riches stories about Sam
Zemurray, a Russian immigrant
who rose from nothing to
dominate the American fruit
9 Business Stories
Owning stock is the same as owning partial shares in a business.
The Prize: The Epic
Quest for Oil, Money
& Power
by Daniel Yergin
Perhaps the best book Ive ever
read (disclaimer: its very long).
Business Adventures:
Twelve Classic Tales
from the World of
Wall Street
by John Brooks
Twelve great stories, all of which
could have happened today.
10 Blogs
There are many incredibly well written and informative blogs to check periodically.
If you like rules based, quantitative strategy, then Meb
Faber is the go to resource.
Check in daily for a list of the best stories out there. I
used to spend hours looking for interesting stories to
read. Now, with the help of abnormal returns, I spend
no time.
Clean, useful, educational posts covering all things
investing and personal finance.
A one-stop-shop for news and insight on markets.
Lessons from legendary investors and venture
Final Thoughts
It would be unreasonable to expect to get through all of
this, but that is not the point. Depending on your
current level of market knowledge, I hope that you will
find the appropriate resources in this curriculum to take
your investing plan to the next levelearning better
returns for yourself and your family in the process.