From William Branham To The Rapture

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Brother Branham Rapture

December 23rd 1962 (12/23/ to 12/30/62)

* These notes taken from 2 services of Brother Branhams, and are verbatims
quotes from him taken directly from his audio and text sermons.
* Remember this is in 1962 in November and December of that year and Bro
Branham would go to be with the Lord almost 3 years later to the day.
* Bro. Branham is speaking of a recent Awesome experience of being visited by a
constellation of angels and a mighty Thunder that struck him on the Mountain out
in Arizona and is really torn up at the awesomeness of what God is doing, He
appears scared and uncertain at times of what to do next. Looking back and seeing
what God has wrought through the great ministry of Bro. George Pike, we can
easily tell that God was about to bring " The Messenger from Heaven" and reveal or
unveil Jesus Christ through the ministry of "The Revelation of Jesus Christ!

Sermon 1 - 12/30/1962 - Is This The Sign Of The End, Sir? Jeffersonville,
Sermon 2 - 12/23/1962 - Reproach For The Word - Jeffersonville, Indiana

Where are we at, sirs? What's all of this about? I'm asking you.
The other angels was messengers, men of the earth. But this Angel... This said, to
the angel of the church of Laodicea; to the angel of the church of Ephesus,
messengers of the earth (See?), men, messengers, prophets, and so forth to the
church. But this One didn't come from the earth; He come down from
heaven, because the mystery's all finished. And when the mystery's finished,
the Angel said, "Time shall be no more," and seven thunders throwed their voices
What if it is something to let us know how to enter in to the rapturing faith. Is
it? Will we run and leap over walls? Is there something fixing to happen, and
these old marred, vile bodies are going to be changed? Can I live to see it, O
Lord? Is it so close that I'll see it? Is this the generation? Sirs, my brethren,
what time is it? Where are we at?"


47-1 It might be closer than you think it is. It's got me scared. Oh, I haven't
done enough. Where are we at?
Time shall be no more. He announces that time is over. What happens? What
happens? Could that be so now, brethren? Seriously think. If it is, then the pyramid
is capped by the seven thunders.
You remember the pyramid message? It's the capstone. What did it do? The Holy
Spirit capped off the individual and sealed it when we added to our faith,
righteousness, and godliness, and faith, and so forth. We kept adding to it till we got
seven things, and the seventh one was Love which is God. That's how He makes the
individual. He caps him and seals him with the Holy Spirit. Then if that be so, He's
got seven church ages that He's had seven mysteries that's been sounded away and
they fought for to bring back, and now the Headstone comes to cap off the church.
Does the thunders mean that, my brethren? Sirs, is that where we are at?


50-2 Notice, the first little flight: hand. The second was greater, whiter, doves:
Holy Spirit revealing the secrets of the heart. And the third flight was angels, not
birds, angels. And that's the end time. That's all of it. Will this be the time,
brethren? Is this the time?
Now, listen real close and don't misinterpret this. I want to ask you something.
Let's go back, just a minute. The church knows it's the truth. The scientific world
knows it's the truth. And people are setting here tonight, and many still living, that
was standing here on the river when that voice spoke that out and said, "As John
was sent forth with a message of the first coming, so is this the second message
of the second coming." You remember? And if it's finished, what did John do?
John was the one who said, "Behold, there's the Lamb of God that takes away
the sin of the world. That's Him.".


50-6 Is the hour, has it arrived, my brethren. I don't say it has. I don't know,
but I'm asking you. I want you to think. Or will this be the time when it
will be again, "Behold, the Lamb of God," or the time of Malachi 4, to return
the hearts of the children back to the faith of our fathers. Will it be such a
blast that will--that will do such mighty things until it'll set the church, that
has been sloping, and cannot understand the mysteries of God, and so forth;
when they see that mighty blast sweep forth, will it turn their hearts back to
the fathers as the Bible said it would do? Or was this the message already
past, that should've done it? I don't know. This is the sign of the end
time, sirs. Or is this the sign that it's over? It looks very Scriptural to me.
I don't know.
50-7 There was them Angels. There was a blast like a thunder that shook
the whole earth. God knows I tell the truth. Just remember, something's
fixing to happen. I don't know what it is. But could it be this? The reason I say
this: prepare yourselves.
Let us pray. Pray how? Take our position in the army of His believers and prepare
ourselves, for it may be later than we're thinking. You know me, and I have
never told you a lie yet, as I know of. And as Samuel said to them, "Have I ever
told you anything in the Name of the Lord, but what come to pass?" Now, I'm
telling you now. I don't know what this is. I can't say what this is. I don't know.
But I'm going to tell you the truth; I'm scared. As your brother, I've been
scared since last Saturday.


51-2 It may be the end time. It may be time for the rainbows to sweep across
the sky, and an announcement from the heavens saying, "Time is no more." If it is,
let's prepare ourselves, friends, to meet our God.
There's been plenty of food laid in now; let's make use of it. Let's make use of it
now. And with me from this platform, I cry to God, "Lord Jesus, be merciful to
I've tried to live the best I knowed how. I've tried to bring the messages, the best
way I could, from the Word of God. God knows my heart. But when that
constellation of Angels swept that ground, I was paralyzed. I couldn't even feel for
a long time. Even felt like a long time later trying to walk through the room, even
from my spinal cord, and up and down my neck, was perfectly paralyzed, like had
no feelings. I couldn't feel in my hands. I was in a daze all day long. I--I just went
in the room and set down.


51-5 Sunday I come down here to speak, and I--I tried to shake myself from it
by speaking. Monday it was there again. And it's here now. And I don't know; I
don't know, sirs. I'm only honest with you as my brothers. I don't know.
Is it--is it time? Is the minist--the mystery all finished? Has the sounding all over?
Is that really them seven thunders fixing to utter out something that the little
group that He's gathered together will receive a rapturing faith to go in the
rapture when He comes; for we'll be changed as quick as those Angels come:
in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, and shall be caught up together with
those that is asleep to meet the Lord in the air.
My prayer is: God if this be so, I don't know Lord; I just telling the church. If it is
so, Lord, prepare our hearts. Make us ready, Lord, for that great hour that all the
history of time, all the prophets and sages has looked for that time. Lord, I don't
know what to say. I'd be afraid to say, "Don't come Lord." I feel ashamed of
myself when I look and see the world in the condition; I've done no more than
what I've done about it; I'm ashamed of myself. If there is a tomorrow, Lord,
anoint my heart; anoint me greater, Father, that I can do everything that I can to
bring others to You. I'm Yours.


52-1 I feel like Isaiah in the temple that day when he saw the Angels flying
back and forth, with wings over their faces and over their feet, and flying with
wings, "Holy, Holy, Holy." Oh, how that young prophet was shook. He begin to
age up a bit; and when he seen that, though he'd seen visions he screamed out,
"Woe is me."
Father, maybe I felt somewhat like that, when I seen those Angels the other night--
or the other morning, rather. "Woe is me, for I'm a man of unclean lips, and I dwell
among unclean people."
And, Father, clean me; and here am I, send me, Lord, whatever it is that... I stand
at this pulpit where I have been for thirty years. If there's something, Lord, You
want me to do, here I am. I'm ready, Lord. But may I find grace in Your sight,
humbly, I pray.
I pray for the little flock, that the Holy Spirit has made me overseer of, to feed
them. And I've done all that I know how to do, Lord, to feed them on the Bread of
Life. As in that vision, many years ago, where that big curtain laid in the west, and
a mountain of the Bread of Life... The little book, "I Was Not Disobedient To The
Heavenly Vision." Here it all comes to pass, revealed right in our face.


52-5 You're God, and there is no other but You. Receive us Lord; forgive us of
our sins. I am repenting for all of my unbelief, for all of my iniquity. I plea on the
altar of God.
As I come tonight with this little church before me. By faith we move from this
building in rapture, as we set together in heavenly places around the throne of God.
Our hearts has been warmed many times in the things that we've seen You do and
unfold Your mysteries to us. But, Lord, tonight I'm all weary. Woe is me. And as
Jacob, when he saw those Angels coming down the ladder and going back, he said,
"This is a dreadful place, none other than the house of God." There Bethel was
God, people don't understand that... They think it'd be so much joy, but Lord, what
a weary, what a dreadful thing, for a human being to come in the Presence of a
great mighty Being of heaven.

Here is what Brother Branham was referring to


3-1 But now, one thing that I wish to say this morning that I probably
won't--will not next Sunday, is concerning something that happened
yesterday. I was a little reluctant on coming in this morning, because I really--
kind of torn up, so that I--I don't feel much like it; but being that I'm here,
well, I'll try the best that I can.


3-2 Night before last I had company, Brother and Sister Sothmann (as we know
here, one of the trustees of the church and his wife) came up to visit wife and I.
And we were speaking on the oncoming meetings in Phoenix, and around, if it'd be
the will of the Lord. And we were up till about ten-thirty, I guess; and I went to
bed somewhere around eleven. And sometime in the night, I dreamed a dream.
And in this dream, I seen someone that was supposed to be my father: a great huge
man. Just representing, figuratively speaking, my father. I seen a woman. Didn't
look my mother; but yet, she was supposed to be my mother. And this man that
was supposed to be like the father, the husband of this woman, was cruelly
mistreating her. Insomuch that he had a great chunk of wood, and he'd hold her up
like this and strike her with this chunk of wood, and she would fall out and go
down. And then--and then after while she'd get back up again, and he'd walk
around and take a notion to strike her again; he'd strike her again. And I was
standing off at a distance watching it.


3-3 Finally, I just got fed up on it. And I was way smaller than this man, was
supposed to be like my father. So I walked up to him, and put my finger in his
face, and I said, "Don't strike her again." And when I did, something begin to
happen. My arms begin to pulsate, and I got great big, brawny muscles. I never
seen such muscles. And I--I just took the man by the collar and said, "Don't strike
her again. And if you do, you'll have to deal with me if you strike her again." And
the man got scared of me and left her alone.
I woke up. Well, laying there just in a moment, of course the interpretation of that
come. That was, of course, the woman, figuratively speaking is the church, which
is kind of the mother. The father is the denomination over her, that dominates over
the church like the husband over the wife. And it's these denominations striking
that church and don't even let her get on her feet like that. Just every time she tries
to get up, or do something, the--the people in there, the denomination strikes her
down. And it just means to put some--some faith muscles out here to keep sticking
my finger out there and say, "You're dealing with me." You see? 'Cause there's
some people in there that belongs to God. And that was all right.


4-1 About--we'd been up about two hours, or three, I guess; and my daughter
(one of them) Rebekah, back there, she works at the Methodist Hospital in
Louisville. It's oh, that amateur form of nurse training; it's "Candy Stripers" they
call them, or something like that. And she was a--she... They called her to come
over that morning, and that's what got me up. And it's early, and she with some
other little school colleague here (they--they work there together) and was going to
take them over to Louisville. They had to be there at ten o'clock. And the wife
wondered why she couldn't get in the bedroom. I had it locked.


4-2 Now, I have had many things to happen in my life, but I never had
anything like that. I went into a trance. I don't know the interpretation. I've
never had anything like it in my life. But before me, it seemingly that I realized
that it was a vision, and I was in the vision. But I was talking to my son, Joseph
which he was not in the room at the time. But somehow, just as it struck me, I was
talking to Joseph.
And I--I looked up, and kind of in the shape of a pyramid, standing before me, was
little small birds, something like a half-inch long. And they were up at the top on
the limbs, they was a--may say three or four, and the next--next limb had maybe
eight or ten, and down at the bottom had fifteen or twenty. They were little
warriors, because their feathers was beaten; and looked like they were trying to
talk to me, saying something.


4-4 And I was in the west, seemingly around Tucson, Arizona. And the birds
were looking east, and I was listening close to--trying to say... Looked like they
were trying to tell me something. And they had--little feathers was all been beat
up and things. They were pretty well battle-scarred.
Then all of a sudden, one bird begin to take the other one's place--jumping like
that--and they, the little birds, swiftly left, flying eastward. And when they did,
from that came a larger bird, more like doves, with the pointed wings; and--and--
and they come in a swarm and swiftly--more swift than what the little birds was--
flew eastward.


4-6 And I, still in my--the two consciouses together, I knowed I was standing
here, and I knowed I was somewhere else. See? And I thought, "Now, this is
vision, and I must learn what this means." And no more than the second group of
birds come by, I looked to the west; and it looked like in a form of a pyramid, like
two on each side with one in the top, came five of the mightiest Angels I ever
seen in my life. Such a terrific speed I never seen... Their heads back and their
pointed wings just sailing quickly.
And the power of Almighty God struck me in such a way till it lifted me
plumb from the ground, all the way from the ground up. I could hear Joseph
still speaking. And sound like the sound barrier breaking, that--that a great roar
went off way in the distance to the south.
And when I was lifted up, and there was such a terrific speed of the Angels. And
I--I can just see them right now (See?), as--as they were coming in that shape like
that, just sweeping right into me. Now, not dreaming now. No, I was right there
wide awake as I am now. See?


5-3 But here they come. And they were so terrifically fast, till I thought when it
lifted up... I heard that explosion like, or like a blast that went out, like a sound
barrier; and when it did, I thought, "Well, this must mean that I'm fixing to be
killed (See?) in a blast of some sort." And--and I--and while I thought on those
things, I thought, "No, it wouldn't be that, because if it was a blast, it would've got
Joseph too, because there he is still talking, thinking that I'm there. I can hear him.
It wasn't that."
This is all still in the vision. It wasn't... See, it's in the vision. And then all at once,
as I realized that I had been... They were around me. I couldn't see them, but I'd
been brought into this constellation of a pyramid of them, inside this constellation
of--of Angels, of five. And I thought, "Now, a death angel would be one, five
would be grace." I was thinking that; I thought, "Oh, it's the--it's coming with my
message. That's my second climax. They're coming to bring me the message from
the Lord." And I screamed out with all of my might, as loud as I could, "Oh Jesus,
what would You have me do?" And when I did, it just--just went away from me.


5-5 I--I--I haven't felt just right since. See? I was... All day yesterday, I had to
stay in the house, almost feeling beside myself, I can't make my mind get clear,
and the glory and power of the Lord... I was numb all over when it left me. I was
trying to rub my hands, and I thought, "I can't catch my breath." And I walked
around and--through the floor, and back and forth. And I thought, "What does it
mean, Lord? What does it mean?"
And then I stopped and I said, "Lord God, Your servant is... I--I just cannot
understand why. What was that? Make it known, Lord."


6-1 Well, when the... I can't tell you about when I say, "Power of the
Lord." There's no way to explain that. It isn't what you feel here in the
blessings. That's the blessings of the Lord. This is a sacred... Oh, my. It's--it's
beyond anything that a mortal could even imagine. See?
And it--and it was bothering me real bad. It don't--it isn't a blessing; it's a
bother; you're troubled. See? If it is... If you could only... If I could only get
some way that I could tell the people what that was, or what--what the feeling
of it was. It--it isn't just like setting here want to rejoice. It's--it's something
that every nerve in you just... It's beyond scare; it's beyond frightened; it's a
holy reverence of... How... There's no way to explain it. Even to my entire
back, up and down my spine, through my fingers, up and down, on my feet
and toes, my whole being was just numbed. See, just like you was--you'd--it
way out of the world somewhere. And--and it was leaving me gradually. And I
said to the--to the Lord, "Will You just let me know, O God."
I guess the closest that ever come of being that strong again was when I was in
Zurich, Switzerland, that time when He showed me that German Eagle watching
that English horse rider come down through Africa. And He said, "All have sinned
and come short of the glory."


6-4 And I was crying out to the Lord to help me. And I--I wanted Him to give
me the interpretation, because I wondered if it meant--if it meant that I was going
to go away--I was going to be killed. And if it was, I wasn't going to say anything
to the family about it. If it's my time to go home, I'll just go home; that's all of it.
But if--if that's what it meant, I didn't want to tell the family, didn't want them to
know nothing about it; just let done, and that--that would be all of it.
And I said, "Lord, help me. I don't want to tell the family if--if You're... If it's my
call home, why, I--I'll be going," You see? I said--and I... You know... You say,
"Why didn't you think about what you said in the vision, what the vision said?"
But you can't think of things like that then. You... I can't anyhow.


6-6 And I thought... I was just troubled, upset. You don't know how to think;
you can't think. And I said, "Heavenly Father, if that meant that--that an explosion
was going to take me, why, let me know now, so I won't say anything about it. Let
Your glory and power come upon me again, and lift me up again, or let Your glory
come upon me, and then I'll--I'll know then that it meant--it meant that; and so I
can keep it to myself." And nothing happened. So then I said, "Then, Lord, if it
meant that You're going to send Your messengers for my commission, then let
Thy power come again." It like to took me out of the room.
So I--I've come to myself with my Bible in my hand...?... (See?), and asking
God to help me; and when I did, He--He showed me something in the
Scripture, pertained right to it, right there. And I thought, "Could that
actually be that... How'd I do that?" And oh, I--I can't explain these things,
folks. It's beyond anything I know about. See?


7-2 My wife's a very odd woman, one of the best in the world. But a little while,
I didn't say nothing about it; I went ahead. She knew there was something
happened. So when I told her, she said, "You know, Bill, I see and hear you in
many of those things." Said, "You know I believe you with all my heart." She
said--she said, "But that really had something."
It just seem to just shakes me, that blasting, and that swift coming of those Angels,
like that, five of them together in a constellation of them, like--kind of like a... Like
I had that pyramid drawn here. It looked to be... First it looked like, kind of a... In
the distance it looked kind of like that color of doves. And they were in a--in a--
coming from this way. And they were looked like one, two, three, four, and then
one right at the top, making five. And they come with such a speed. There is
nothing, no jets, no nothing else can compare with that.


7-4 And I can just see them with their heads kind of turned sideways and those
wings tipped back, full armored, and here they come. Whew [Brother Branham
makes a whistling sound for description--Ed.], like that. Just come right down and
took me right into this pyramid of a constellation of them. I seen I was off--up off
the ground. I thought maybe... I heard way in a distance that roar. "Whoom," like a
plane when it crosses the sound barrier. You've heard it happen like that, just like a
distant roar.

I thought, "This may mean now, when this vision leaves me that I'm going to be
killed by an explosion or something." I thought, "Here I am; I'm lifted up. I'm...
See, they're here somewhere. I'm--I'm in this--this pyramid of Angels here, but I--I
don't know. Maybe the Lord is coming to take me home."
Then I heard Joseph down there saying, "Daddy?"
I thought, "No, if that's it, it would took him too."
Then something said, "You..." Remember, that I'm waiting, watching for a
message that I've always looked forward to--something.


7-7 In the vision the other day, you know as I had here not long ago telling me
about what was going to happen, how I was preaching in--from the sun into this
place, and--and then He said, "Now, remember, the second climax is yet to
And I thought, "There'll be a message." You remember my message here? The
opening of that capstone, where those seven voices and Seals was not even wrote
in the Word of God. Remember? And It took me into that pyramid. And Junie
Jackson (if you are here), that dream that you give me not long ago, I won't tell it
this morning, you were so... God was so perfectly... Excuse me for not giving you
the interpretation, 'cause I seen something moving.
J. T., same thing. See? And I--I--I knew that. And Sister Collins, exactly the same.
See? And six of those leading right straight to the same thing, and then the vision
that I told you all years ago, it happened just the other day (See?), that would
happen. And there it is laying right everything laying right out there. It's just
something moving. I don't know what it is. God help me, is my prayer. Let us pray.


8-2 Heavenly Father, we are--we are just mortals. And here we stand this
morning. And Lord, I--You sent me to lead this little flock and this church,
and I'm at my end; I don't know which way, what, where, is coming; but I
know this one thing: that You said You'd make everything work together for
good to them that loves You and are called according to Your purpose.
I pray Thee, God, that Thy great hand of mercy will be upon us. We truly know
that Thou art God. And we know that Thou art not One who lived in a days gone
by, but You live yet today. You always was God. You always will be God. You
were God before time, and You'll be God when there is no more time. You'll still
be God. And we are in Thy hands, Lord. We are just clay, and Thou art the
Molder, the Potter. Shape our lives, Lord, in the way that will get the best service
to honor Thee. Grant it, Father. We are just in Thy hands.


8-4 We had no way of bringing ourselves here, or we do not know how we shall
go out. But, Lord, You give to us life, and You have... We've give our lives back to
You, and in so, You have give us in exchange Eternal Life. Our faith breathes that
into our very being. And we love Thee for this, because we know that someday
we'll see You, and You'll be in Your glory, and we'll look upon Him; and we long
to hear those words, "It was well done My good and faithful servant. Enter into the
joys of the Lord that's been prepared for you since the foundation of the world."
Until that time, oh, God, when we all meet, lead us. We are Your servants, and we
ask forgiveness of our sins.
These mighty visions, Lord, is too much for Your servant. I don't know what
to do. I--I just know they come. And I can only say what I seen, and what It
was said. And sometimes It scares me, Lord. And I--I wonder what to do.
Then I take the Bible, and read in there how Isaiah must have felt that day in the
temple when he seen those Angels with wings over their feet. No wonder he cried
out, "Woe is me, for mine eyes have seen the glory of the Lord." And it was then
the prophet cried out after he'd been cleansed in the temple; when the angel took
the tongs and got a coal of fire and laid it upon his lips, after he confessed that he
was a man of unclean lips, and living with--among unclean people. Yet he was a
prophet. The Angel took the tongs, and put the coal of fire upon his lips, and
cleansed him, and said, "Now, go prophesy."


9-2 Lord God... Isaiah cried out, "Here am I, Lord, send me." When He said,
"Who will go for us," for that wicked and adulternous generation.
Oh, God, let it repeat again. Let it come again, O Lord. Send the Holy Spirit with
cleansing fire. For I confess that I'm of unclean lips and dwell in the--this earth
here with unclean people. And we're unclean in Thy sight, Lord, but oh, send the
cleansing power, the Holy Spirit. Cleanse us, O Lord. Cleanse Thy servant, Lord.
And then speak, Lord. Your servant is listening. I'm longing to hear that Voice. I'm
Yours. Use me, Lord, as You see fit, while I lay myself upon Your altar. Let the
Holy Spirit cleanse me, Lord, and anoint and send forth, Lord; if You want
someone to go; if this is the hour, and this is the time.
I--I don't know, Lord. I--I just know that I seen those Angels. And Thou knowest
them things to be exactly the truth. And I pray, Lord, woe is me, so help me.

Quotes from the Book, The Revelation of the 7 seals: Bro. Branham cannot make
out what is the 7th seal about. Speaks about another one coming on the scene!

567 (1) "Now, notice. So help me, by God I tell the truth, that
these are spiritually discerned to me (See?), discerned by the
Holy Spirit. And by every one of them, has identified his place
in the Bible. Now, what this great secret is that lays beneath
this Seal, I do not know. I don't know it. I couldn't make it
out. I couldn't tell it, just what it said. But I know that it was
them seven thunders uttering themselves right close
together, just banging seven different times, and it unfolded
into something else that I seen. Then when I seen that, I
looked for the interpretation that flew across there, and I
couldn't make it out. That's exactly right, friend. See? The
hour isn't quite yet for it, but it's moving into that cycle. See?
It's coming up close. So the thing for you to do is to
remember that I speak to you in the Name of the Lord: Be
prepared, for you don't know what time something can
Now, when that gets on tape, which it is, that'll probably
send ten thousand of my friends away from me, 'cause
they're going to say that Brother Branham's trying to put
himself and make himself a servant, or a prophet, or
something before God. Let me tell you, my brethren, that is
an error. I'm only telling you what I seen and what has been
told to me, and now, you do whatever you want to. I don't
know who's going to-what is going to take place. I do not
know. I just know that those seven thunders holds that
mystery, that heavens was quieted. (Everybody understand?)

It may be time. It may be the hour now, that this great

person that we're expecting to rise on the scene may rise
on the scene. Maybe this ministry that I have tried to take
people back to the Word has laid a foundation; and if it
has, I'll be leaving you for good. There won't be two of us
here at the same time. See? If it is, he will increase, I'll
decrease. I don't know. But I have been privileged by God
to look and see what it was--unfold to that much. Now,
that is the truth." (Page 567 Seals Book).

The message God gave Rev. George Leon Pike, Sr. is

internationaly known as, "The Revelation of Jesus Christ".
The depths of these wonderful mysteries are far beyond the
scope of some Christians.
It is our conviction that as the great prophets pointed
towards Jesus Christ. The Son of God, so have the prophets
of our time (Including the world renown and beloved prophet
of God, Rev. William Marrion Branham) laid the foundation for
this man, Rev. George Leon Pike Sr. and the message of The
Revelation Of Jesus Christ. This was most surely confirmed
in the ministry of our beloved Brother Branham, as the angel
told him that as John the Baptist foreran the coming of the
Lord, so should he forerun the second coming. We know that
at both appearances (John the Baptist and Bro. Branham)
that this was Elijah pointing toward the Messiah as is
recorded in the Bible and in the book "The Seven Seals" by
William Branham.
The Revelation of Jesus Christ that is being manifested
through the Sons of God is the Absolute Coming of The Lord
Jesus Christ, as those that are baptised into one body obtain
to the mark of the prize of the high calling, which is to be like
Him when He appears, enrobed in our bone of His bone and
flesh of His flesh. It is our conviction that the manifestation
of the Sons of God is The Revelation Of Jesus Christ as it
unlocks the mystery of each individual's place in the many
membered body of Christ.
There was first the water world, and the first appearance of
God was Adam, who was created in His image, the Alpha of
the water world. The same Christ appeared in Noah as the
manifestation of the Omega of the water world, though the
water world was not truly made known and understood until
the close of the blood world, which began with Moses, the
Alpha, (still Christ) and Jesus, as the Omega. As the third
world began, Paul introduced it, being the Alpha of the spirit
world and the end was foretold by John the Revelator,
(typical of the Omega of the spirit world), However by divine
intervention of dispensational grace at calvary, the closing of
the spirit world has not been manifested until now when this
revelation that John saw in his day is brought forth into a
present day truth. Even as it was with the water world being
made known and understood at the end of the blood world
(typical of the outercourts of Moses tabernacle), now is the
blood world being made known here at the end of the spirit
world (typical of the inner courts) and yet, the spirit world
will only truly be made known and understood at the end of
the thousand years of the millennial reign of Jesus Christ.
This is when the Sons of God ( Jesus being the eldest of
many brethren), shall sit down in the Throne, as the manchild
to rule all nations with a rod of iron; after which the fourth
dimension, which is the ark itself, will then be realised as
having been within the spirit world (or Holy of Holies), the ark
being the consolidated plan of God, which contained all three
testaments: The tablets, or law, (water world or outer
courts), Aarons Rod that budded (blood world or innercourts),
and the manna (spirit world or holy of holies) - three
testaments in one; all being the celestial eternity.
The first testament, the Old Testament, began in the water
world, and the benefits and rewards were not realized and
utilized until the blood world came in. The same was true
with the second testament, the New Testamant, that was
established in the blood world, of which we are just now
understanding practical applications and benefits as the
spirit world comes in. Now we invite you to embark on a
journey with us as you read this first edition of what we are
convinced is the third testament, The Holy Testament, which
began with John the Revelator and the book of The
Revelation of Jesus Christ, but which will not be realised as
such until the end of the millennium or thousand year reign of
the Lord Jesus Christ, when all three testaments culminate
in the manifestation of the Sons of God through the
Revelation of Jesus Christ.

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