From William Branham To The Rapture
From William Branham To The Rapture
From William Branham To The Rapture
* These notes taken from 2 services of Brother Branhams, and are verbatims
quotes from him taken directly from his audio and text sermons.
* Remember this is in 1962 in November and December of that year and Bro
Branham would go to be with the Lord almost 3 years later to the day.
* Bro. Branham is speaking of a recent Awesome experience of being visited by a
constellation of angels and a mighty Thunder that struck him on the Mountain out
in Arizona and is really torn up at the awesomeness of what God is doing, He
appears scared and uncertain at times of what to do next. Looking back and seeing
what God has wrought through the great ministry of Bro. George Pike, we can
easily tell that God was about to bring " The Messenger from Heaven" and reveal or
unveil Jesus Christ through the ministry of "The Revelation of Jesus Christ!
Sermon 1 - 12/30/1962 - Is This The Sign Of The End, Sir? Jeffersonville,
Sermon 2 - 12/23/1962 - Reproach For The Word - Jeffersonville, Indiana
Where are we at, sirs? What's all of this about? I'm asking you.
The other angels was messengers, men of the earth. But this Angel... This said, to
the angel of the church of Laodicea; to the angel of the church of Ephesus,
messengers of the earth (See?), men, messengers, prophets, and so forth to the
church. But this One didn't come from the earth; He come down from
heaven, because the mystery's all finished. And when the mystery's finished,
the Angel said, "Time shall be no more," and seven thunders throwed their voices
What if it is something to let us know how to enter in to the rapturing faith. Is
it? Will we run and leap over walls? Is there something fixing to happen, and
these old marred, vile bodies are going to be changed? Can I live to see it, O
Lord? Is it so close that I'll see it? Is this the generation? Sirs, my brethren,
what time is it? Where are we at?"
I thought, "This may mean now, when this vision leaves me that I'm going to be
killed by an explosion or something." I thought, "Here I am; I'm lifted up. I'm...
See, they're here somewhere. I'm--I'm in this--this pyramid of Angels here, but I--I
don't know. Maybe the Lord is coming to take me home."
Then I heard Joseph down there saying, "Daddy?"
I thought, "No, if that's it, it would took him too."
Then something said, "You..." Remember, that I'm waiting, watching for a
message that I've always looked forward to--something.
Quotes from the Book, The Revelation of the 7 seals: Bro. Branham cannot make
out what is the 7th seal about. Speaks about another one coming on the scene!
567 (1) "Now, notice. So help me, by God I tell the truth, that
these are spiritually discerned to me (See?), discerned by the
Holy Spirit. And by every one of them, has identified his place
in the Bible. Now, what this great secret is that lays beneath
this Seal, I do not know. I don't know it. I couldn't make it
out. I couldn't tell it, just what it said. But I know that it was
them seven thunders uttering themselves right close
together, just banging seven different times, and it unfolded
into something else that I seen. Then when I seen that, I
looked for the interpretation that flew across there, and I
couldn't make it out. That's exactly right, friend. See? The
hour isn't quite yet for it, but it's moving into that cycle. See?
It's coming up close. So the thing for you to do is to
remember that I speak to you in the Name of the Lord: Be
prepared, for you don't know what time something can
Now, when that gets on tape, which it is, that'll probably
send ten thousand of my friends away from me, 'cause
they're going to say that Brother Branham's trying to put
himself and make himself a servant, or a prophet, or
something before God. Let me tell you, my brethren, that is
an error. I'm only telling you what I seen and what has been
told to me, and now, you do whatever you want to. I don't
know who's going to-what is going to take place. I do not
know. I just know that those seven thunders holds that
mystery, that heavens was quieted. (Everybody understand?)