In talking to a brother today, I was amazed how his eyes were coming open to
the subject of the resurrection. This is a revelation that most all of humanity has
missed, but the time and season for it is here. Few have truly comprehended this,
so I know babes in Christ and intellectual scholars will never see it. I must give
praise to God for bringing these things to us, and for giving us the faith needed to
believe them.
Jesus Christ said, concerning Lazarus, “He sleepeth’. Then as one of them
spoke and said, “Lord I know He will live again, at the Last Day”. The Lord said
to her, “I AM the Resurrection and the Life”. He spoke again and said, “He that
believes on me shall never die”. Again, it was spoken and said, “If a man believes
in me, though he be dead, yet shall He live”. Paul, our overseer, commanded us
that we should be of this mind, “As you have believed in his death, now believe
that as he is alive from the dead, that you are also now alive from the dead”. It
may not be verbatim, but the point is the same.
Now see, there is no more time, it ended at Calvary. It had a beginning and
thus, it has an end. Death had a beginning and thus has an end, the grave had a
beginning and thus has an end, sin had a beginning and thus an end. That which
is eternal remains, unmovable and unshakable. So being Time was ended at Cal-
vary as Christ the Angel of The Lord, said Time shall be no more, so we can see
in talking to Mary and Martha that there was no need of waiting on such a day or
time as the Last Day. If you can believe, right now, by spiritual supernatural revela-
tion, in the unveiled Word, then you can see the Resurrection and never die. If we
can do as Paul commanded us, and believe that we are already, right now, alive
from the dead, resurrected unto life, then my brethren, Your Body is Changed al-
ready! How could it resurrect you and it not be a changed body? Time nor Death,
nor the Grave, have anything to do with The Glorified, Transfigured, Resurrected
Body. Time, Death, Graves, are but lying illusions and vanity from the dark mind
of the serpent from the garden. How can lying shadows be of any consequence to
truth and reality?
Christ glorified that Body on the Mount of Transfiguration, then came from
there, to the Garden of Gethsemane, then to the Cross and died. He 3 days later
arose again. So, He proved that death and the grave had nothing to do with the
Body. It was glorified before death; it was resurrected after death. We have spoken
of all of this in previous writings, we feel to stir up your pure mind once more con-
cerning these things. Time, death, age, sickness, etc. have absolutely nothing to do
with the Resurrection. In the Garden, the only thing that changed was their Mind.
Proof is that God asked them, “Who told you that you was naked”? They covered
with fig leaves to show they had an actual body, and God did coat them with skins,
which denoted the water covenant of the figs was now broken and would not
cover them anymore that they had switched over to beast life and had to be
clothed with skins, the skins of a beast.
So, we see they had a body, the same as Jesus had a body. The Bible speaks of
but One Body. There is One Mind that dwells in that Body, and One Baptism for
that Body, and One Spirit that dwells in that Body. Now again, get this, (There is,
was and has been for all eternity, but ONE GOD, ONE BODY, ONE SPIRIT
and MIND in that Body)! That One God has but One Name, which is Jesus The
Christ. The Carnal Mind is a lie, all that it has told you and I is a lie, it said there
was such a thing as time, that was a lie, that we had to age, which was a lie, that
you would get sick, a lie, that you would one day have to go to the grave, which
was a lie, that you was a sinful creature, which was a lie, that you had to die, which
was a lie. You do not have a carnal mind, that is a lie. For there is but One Mind
and that is the Mind of Christ. There is but One Body and that is His Body, which
you are, His Bone and Flesh, you have His Blood flowing in your veins, and that
Body is the only body ever. You have never had a sinful weak body.
Let me say this to those who can understand it. Calvary was the Lie, Calvary
was the serpent, it was the seat of sin, of death, of time, of lies, of deception, of
the place of the beast, it was the 2nd heaven of false illusions, using and reflecting
light from the 3rd heaven of truth and mixing it with darkness of unbelief, causing
the illusion of a serpent and a shadow to be cast, that seemingly awakened the
fleshly beast. It was a lie! Calvary was The Tree of Knowledge! The Body of Jesus
was the Serpent! To eat His Flesh and Drink His Blood is to live off the Beast Side
of Life. When God the Anointing and Spirit was on Him, In Him, and with Him,
He was the Man Christ Jesus. When the Spirit departed, that same man, became
the closest thing to a man, it became a beast! Man, without God, is a Beast! With
the Spirit, a Man. Without the Spirit, a Beast. Same Man. With the Anointing, it
is truth and reality. Without the Anointing, it is but a reflection or a Mirror of Life,
in reverse! This is HOW God separated the Light and the Darkness, it was when
the Spirit departed from Jesus, then he was no longer the true light that lights
every man, but was now a moonlight of reflection, of deception! God allowed the
truth to be revealed in the life of Christ, caused your faith to turn toward it and
Him, then departed from Him so by your own faith in that object it would bring
flesh and beast to life!!! He was the author of your faith, in truth and in the lie!
When your faith was in truth, and when it was in reverse, He authored it! By His
departing from Jesus, it turned that Truth into the Lie! When anointed, it was
truth, when unanointed, it was the Lie!
One Mind, in Christ Jesus. It was the Tree of Life when it was anointed. When
the anointing departed, it was the Carnal Mind of the Tree of Knowledge! When
anointed, His Body was the One Body of God, when unanointed it was the closest
thing to the God Body, it was the Beast Body! Moses wrote about “Hinder” part
of God. The Beast Part of God, or the part of God that was going to be the Ser-
pent beast in the Garden of This World! He seen Jesus as the Tree of Life and the
Tree of Knowledge! Life could not come forth from the Tree of Life, because
there was no place to cause comprehension, for it to grow, so God needed a lie, or
a spirit to become a lying spirit. To cause the appearance of division, so contrast
could cause to be brought forth a revealing of itself. So God made a body, lifted it
up and drew all men to it, then made that body the darkness needed for Light to
be placed inside and revealed. Jesus was the Eve of God. Adam was God and Je-
sus was Eve. Adam was the Tree of Life, Eve was the Tree of Knowledge! The
Anointing with Jesus was the Tree of Life, which was the Spirit or Adam, when it
departed, it made Jesus the Eve, as the Spirit departed, it brought separation! Eve
could not be seen until the Light of the Spirit would depart. Light covered Eve, as
Adam covered Eve, as she was inside Him, meaning Flesh was hidden and Spirit
was seen. That Body covered with the Covering of God and the Flesh was hidden
in God. When Heaven departed, that Body was revealed! Flesh was awakened,
faith went into reverse! It had no choice! God departed! It is why God has never
charged mankind with Sin. You cannot charge people with something you did,
plus you cannot charge them with something that does not exist! It was all a lie!
The darkness Moses wrote of was the time of the Veil, which was the 33 yrs of
the Life of Jesus. Moses seen the part of God or the Part of the Christ, that the
Spirit would depart from, and that was the beginning of Genesis! Calvary, the part
of God that was unanointed, that was not covered by God, that was forced to
cover with a beast covering, to live life from off of the Blood of that unanointed,
God departed Body! Calvary only gave Blood Life! It covered all men in Blood! It
brought Blood to Life! It was the Beast and False Prophet that gave Life to the Im-
age! Jesus was a Prophet, like unto Moses and Jesus said, it was Moses that accuses
you! So when the Spirit departed, it took the True Image of God, which was Jesus
Christ, and made Him like unto an image of the beast, and made Him a Beast
and a False Prophet, turning Truth into a Lie by the departing Spirit! The Dead,
made Sin, Unanointed, Bloody, Fleshly Body of Jesus Christ, is the Serpent, the
Beast, the False Prophet, The Anti-Christ, The Great Whore, The Image of The
Beast, and the Blood is The Mark of The Beast! Calvary is Genesis! Adam was Je-
sus in His Walk with God The Spiritual Father, Eve is Jesus unanointed, without
God! The Sinful Body of Jesus is Anti to Faith, Anti to The Spirit, Anti to God
and His Christ, while in the unanointed fallen state! It was all about Jesus!
Now that we see this, we can easily see the glorious resurrection is when the
anointing returns to us, to our body! When we were born again, we were born of
the eternal anointing of God! Where we are, there our body is also! Where He is,
there we are also! We are they that dwell in Heaven, so our Body is also in heaven!
When our Shepherd said, the Body has nothing to do with it, he was speaking that
the Body never changed, it was the Spirit and Mind that changed and by the de-
parture of the Spirit and Anointing, it caused the Mind of Christ to become the
carnal Mind which caused condemnation and unbelief and the Body died because
of that! However, when you are born again, the Word says, “You are a New Crea-
ture in Christ”, that “You are not a beast body or your own anymore, but you are
a purchased possession”, and God lays his Treasures up in Heaven!
Jesus was in Heaven. He said it Himself, “Even the Son of Man, which is in
Heaven”. Because the Anointing of The Father was with Him. Now get this, He
spoke this in His Life concerning Isaiah, “The Spirit of the Lord is (UPON) me”!
If Jesus was born of that Shekinah, how could it ever have departed Him? How
could God have ever departed and forsaken Him, if he was born of it! Can you
see Adam in the Presence of the Shekinah, but not born of it? However, when he
arose from the Dead, then he was Born of that Shekinah! Because he had to use
His Faith to be Born Again, the same as you and I do! His Faith was “The Revela-
tion of Jesus Christ”, which was the discovery of the Keys to Death, Hell, and The
Grave! His Faith alone could, would, and did believe God! The Adam side of Je-
sus which was the Father went back to God as it was God, The Eve side of Jesus,
went to the Grave as the Body, and the Serpent or Soul that was made Sin went
to, or Created Hell! So, Moses is writing about the Life of Jesus! Seen and re-
flected as Adam and Eve! From the side of the Eve of God which was Jesus came
Adam and to reflect this to the other dimensions, then to Adam was given an Eve
and from that Eve came forth all mankind! All nations are of One Blood! It must
be this way, for there is but One Body! There cannot be one ounce of any differ-
ence between Jesus Blood and your blood, else the scriptures are broken!
So the Body of Jesus was in Heaven, then the Spirit departed and Jesus was no
longer in Heaven, He was the fallen Lucifer! He was the deceiving serpent! He
died and was cast into the flames! Listen to what Paul said, and apply this to Jesus
also. “I was alive once, till the anointing left or sin revived, and then I died”! My
Mind died, My Faith died, My Body died! When I was born again, I am the
anointing, born of it eternally, so it can never ever depart from me again! Now My
Mind is back to its originality! My mind is Alive with the Anointing, My Faith is
His Faith, or The Faith, because it is now eternally anointed Faith, My Body is no
longer a dead body, but Lo, it can never ever die anymore! Having passed from
death unto life as Paul said, I am alive, body, soul, and spirit, blameless! God did
not suffer my Soul, He did not suffer my Mind, He did not suffer my Body, to re-
main in Hell, dead, sinful, lifeless, unanointed! He hath returned unto me! I Am
The True Jew, The True One Body, The One Soul, The One Spirit, The One
Mind, The One God! Reckon yourself, right now, alive from the dead, as pertain-
ing to those in the resurrection! I am right now, The Resurrection and The Life it-
self ! How can I be The Resurrection and yet not be resurrected already? How can
I be the resurrection and life, yet still die and go to the grave? How can I already
have a glorified body, yet still die on a Cross? It was all a lying vanity! It was not so
from the beginning Moses! Moses, you wrote about Lie! You seen the dark shad-
owy, veil of my flesh that would be made sin and you held that image up and de-
manded my people bow and worship it! All that came before me was thieves and
liars! Truth came when Christ arose from the dead! Then He was Born of that
Shekinah! This was why His Faith is superior! How could God taste of Death in a
Body born of Eternal Life! See he couldn’t! The Spirit was upon Him, but He was
not born of it. Else it could never have departed Him. Now we see in between the
lines that what happened was, the Spirit departed the Eve side of Him. It was that
part that was made Sin and void. Spirit is Light and when Light withdrew, there
was but Darkness, which was void of understanding and those thoughts of dark-
ness dwelled upon the face of those made from the Earth. We all came from
Heaven. We are all the Children of God and the Children of Abraham, some are
born anew of Sarah, some are of the Bonds Woman.
Enoch seen this same revelation, that there was no need to go by the Grave, it
was a lying illusion that had no power over Him. We are THEY, that dwell in
Heaven!!!! My Body is whatever State of Mind I am in! If my Mind is still sinful,
unanointed, carnal, evil, then my Body is still dead in trespasses and sins. If my
Mind is born again, anointed, alive evermore, then my State of Mind is Heaven
and My Body cannot die anymore! “He that believeth on me shall never die,
though he even be dead, yet shall he Live!
The Dispute is over the Body. Who owns this Child? The Anointed Father or
the Unanointed Dead Mother. When we are born again, we are now the Child
and Image of the Father! If I reckon Jesus death as my own, and by His death I
died, then in one sense I can say I do not have to die for in Him, I died already. In
another sense, I must ask the question and say, as an eternal Son of God, how
could I ever die, and what does Jesus death have to do with me? Nothing! I was
eternal before the world came into existence, and the world came into existence
when Jesus was on the Cross, causing the appearance of death, making a Valley of
a Shadow. His Death was not for me! Our Shepherd told us this! I was Eternal be-
fore Calvary; I am Eternal After Calvary! Calvary was the Great Lie, the Great
Deception, it was and is the Vapor that appears for a moment then vanishes away!
If it had a beginning, it also has an end. Calvary was the beginning of it all, thus it
is the end of it all. One Serpent, hanging on One Tree, deceiving by One Body or
Eve! Adam as God saying, where art thou, and Eve crying out, why hast thou for-
saken me! See how Calvary deceived me and by putting the Cross before me, it
has misled me and deceived me and caused me to believe in Sin and Time and
Death! I had to believe in Death because Jesus died, I had to believe in Sin be-
cause Jesus was made it. Yet in God we find out none of it was true, we were and
have been and always will be the Eternal God! So, Calvary was the Great Decep-
tion!!! He was the deceiving serpent, Jacob that was changed to a Prince, or Israel.
God the Father of All Spirits suffered Jesus to become the Lying Spirit, the Father
of A Lie! The departing Spirit brought perverted life to life, and to light, making
that light that was in us darkness, it brought flesh to life, it gave power and life to
the serpent! Now the Lies, The Deceptions, The Illusions, The Sins, Death, Time,
Graves, are ALL folded up and laid away! Time is no more!
There is so very very much more we could say about all of this and keep on
branching out into so many beautiful and wonderful things. For now, I pray these
words bless you and enlighten you to the glorious reality that the Glorified Body is
Here and now, and that The Resurrection is Here and Now! May God Bless You!
Bro. Pat PHN 10312016 HHI SC USA
C H A P T E R 150
The Lord in His Nature we have seen from the expressing of Himself in hu-
manity, we see His attributes. We see of course the obvious ones, such as power
and might and wisdom and knowledge, but we also see Love, and faith that works
by love and we have been taught that “humility” is the key to power and that in hu-
mility or humbleness, that attribute alone tells us it desires to not be in the lime-
light or the spotlight, but it wants to remain hidden and go unnoticed and give
glory to the other, as to whatever that may be. So it sounds rather interesting that
we would appear to have a God that desires and commands to be worshipped,
which would sound like a selfish motive. Yet we have a humble hidden God that de-
sires to remain hidden and allow glory to go to another. It is the combination of
these things that the Lord desires to piece together and show us something so in-
credible, it will further enhance the Change of the Body, even as to a finale or an
ultimatum in “identifying” and naming the true God.
Now this is very important, because it appears via the holy scripture, that we
have 2 Gods. One of Law and One of Grace. Paul tells us, inside of us we have
two angels, or two minds, two spirits, warring over our Body. I have said this be-
fore and I say it again now, that There is but One God, and that God hath rent
Himself in twain, and that God is inside of you, not by measure but in His full-
ness. I know there is a such thing as to a measure, of faith, of the Spirit, of Knowl-
edge, etc. That has been in days gone by, but there is a world of difference when
we speak of the time we are in now and that we are of, for we are in the “Fullness
of The Stature”. That which has been in part, pertaining to you and I, is now in
its fullness, to be revealed as such. So I say to you and I, we are the fullness of
God, already, dwelling in Human Bodies. We are very God. God cannot be di-
vided and made as to a measure, for Christ it tells us was and is the Fullness of the
Stature, and yet it says He was God, “without measure”. This is what we are now,
God without measure. The Revelation of Jesus Christ does not come by measure
as to its fullness, it comes in its entirety and we comprehend it by measure till we
come to the fullness, which is without measure. This sounds ironic as well, to say
fullness means a measure and a stopping point, yet we are saying the fullness
means without measure. Well it means the jumping off point is that you have
come to a place in your understanding that you are the fullness of God and that
the fullness means, you are absolutely without measure, no beginning and no end-
SO one of these two God is real and one is as to an appearing is fake. One is
Light and One is darkness. One is Spirit and One is Flesh. Now in the union of
these two, one is become real and the other appears to be no more. We see there is
a shadowy appearance that has covered that must be done away with. It appears
that once we remove the last veil, the last shadow from the image, the true image
will be revealed. As long as the shadow is there is gives the veil or the Body the
blood life needed to keep it alive in this world of sin and shame, it keeps it dead in
sins. When we strip the shadow from the blood, then glorious Light and inspira-
tion and life, true eternal life enters back in. The Lord is the one who removes all
shadows and the veil of the mind. Now Calvary was where we got the knowledge
of Good and Evil. It was the place where Cain murdered his brother Abel. There,
as we have said already, was the seat of the soul, the darkness, the world that was
void and without form, it was chaos. There could be no order there for there was
no Light. Light is understanding and comprehension. There can be no order un-
less there is understanding, for only in understanding do we have order, or a com-
prehension of order.
Now we know from scripture that the veil has been and was and is rent in
twain. For 2 days the first veil we can say was rent in twain, removing the body,
bringing into light the soul. Then we come to the second veil, which is the soul or
the veil that was over the mind, that veil was now rent in twain, we see this mani-
fested at the Coming of the Lord in the message of The Revelation of Jesus
Christ. John the Apostle being symbolic of the Man Child that was birth and was
caught up via the rent veil into the 3rd Heaven. God as to Adam was Light and
Jesus as to Eve was made the Darkness, and at the rending of the veil is caused a
separation, which in this sense it was as a spiritual womb was being created, be-
cause the soul would be where the fires of creation would be and the serpents rod
would beat the gold into the images. Once created then all they needed was to be
brought to life so the water or seed of life comes as the white cloud, as the sword
from the burner is dipped in the water and the vapor of life appears and enters
the image and brings it to life.
So again we have two Gods, one is Adam and one is Eve, or a Christ and a Je-
sus. In the beginning of the life of Jesus, they were ONE. At the Cross they were
separated and became two. The Death of Jesus brought something else to life.
The dying of the Father, tasting death for every man, has caused the Spirit to en-
ter the realm of death and cause The Faith of Jesus Christ, which is the Image of
God, to be made and turned into the Unbelief of Sin. As we have said before,
when the anointing departed from Jesus, where did it go? It entered the Flesh and
brought Flesh to Life! The same life that is in the lion is the same life in the rat.
Life has gone into perversion. It has entered the world of chaos. It hath caused a
shadowy image that had no life to suddenly come to life. Remember, there is but
One God, One Body, One Spirit, One Mind, One Life. If it be a reflected or mir-
rored life, it is still life and light. Though it be a reflected light, it is still the same
light. So Jesus is the One God, One Spirit inside One Body having ONE Mind. So
Jesus does not have as me and you do, He is but One complete man, He does not
have, in this sense, an inner and an outer man, as to one is holy and the other is
sinful. All He has is but One Inner Angel. He has no reckoning of an outer man.
He hath not yet been divided. The other part of Him was still One with Him up
till Calvary. So when the Spirit departed, it rent Him in twain and the Fatherly
Adam side fell to sleep and brought forth the Eve of Creation, the beginning of
the Creation of God, the Flesh of Jesus. The upright inner angel has now de-
parted from Him and descended from Heaven and fallen to the level of the Flesh
and awakened the Flesh unto Life. The Truth of God, was changed, into a Lie. In
the rending of the Man Christ Jesus it hath caused a twilight world to exist, of
both light and darkness. In another view we can see it as the Father departing, be-
ing the One Angel and rending the Spirit from the Body, has now revealed an In-
ner Angel or God that has been separated from a man of Jesus who is now in an-
other world we call the Outer Man. In another view we can see that One Angel,
hath departed from the One Jesus and become an inner angel, and revealing an
outer fleshly man who was now in darkness. This angel departing had to depart
from somewhere, so where could it have departed from? The Soul. The sover-
eignty of Jesus being covered by the shekinah of God, Him doing always that
which H seen His Father doing, and now it hath departed, revealing a soul, void,
without form and darkness upon the Face of its Deep. Causing the Man or Soul to
cry out, “Why hast thou forsaken me”! We can see this as to a Cain, who is sup-
posed to be His brother’s keeper, slaying Abel which typed the soul, the blood of
Jesus crying out from the ground “forsaken”! Remember now, nothing is evil or un-
clean of itself, so though in the man side of things we see these things such as Cain
has done to be evil and wrong, and they are, yet when seen through the pure eyes
of spiritual revelation it reveals things God hath done in the forming of light and
creating of the darkness. Like the story of Nimrod laying with his own mother, in
the spiritual sense we find God a Father laying with His own Mother or Mary, or
as a Father would lay with a Daughter. We are under the darkness of Calvary now
and these are the secret things God hath hidden there, so we can enter in and see
the Thunders and hear them, which shines light on that darkness to dissipate it, re-
moving the death sentence from that Body. We are His Christ returned to Him to
redeem our elder brother!
So We have a God whom is not in a veil, then one day disappears and we find
Him in the confines of being inside a veil, hidden. He has not yet become the un-
veiled, until He is first veiled. So what is it that we are seeing at Calvary? We are
seeing the Darkness. God the Light yet veiled in the Body or person of Jesus
Christ. His Flesh had came to life in the sense that now God had descended into
the Flesh of Jesus, tasting Death, and brought the blood world to life. Remove the
Body and you have the Soul. Underneath the soul as we say is the Spirit. So Flesh
has become God as to the object of worship, then the false God that controlled
that Body who sat in the Soul. A Beast as to His Flesh, and a False Prophet giving
a false prophecy, that if you eat His flesh and drink His blood you will have life,
but it was not that eternal life from God, for God had departed, it was now beast
life, unless you come and worship me and bring your flesh to life, you shall die.
God had to allow this to be to show us the appearance of Two Gods so we would
have a sovereignty.
So when we think of these things, it tends to make us think that God became
Satan, to test us and try us and see among us who is worthy of Him. In certain
realms, this can be true, in other realms it appears as blasphemy, however when we
truly see that Satan was merely a shadowy image, that is not brought to life or
given any power, until a person by unbelief gives that too Him, then as Christians
we know there is no devil to us, it was an illusion, it has never existed. To the world
that has given place to Him and created that hell in their flesh, then by their faith
in reverse, they have caused Satan to be real, to them, and a god, in that he lifts up
and glorifies their flesh, so they have believed the lie and are damned.
We do understand that Jesus, as to His flesh was indeed made Sin. We have
brought it out how that when His flesh was made sin and was brought to life, be-
fore the world ever was, then it would also reflect into the fallen world of darkness
and awaken all flesh, for God to conclude us all in unbelief. So as a seed we left
our first estate, entered the blood world of our mother, became one with the dark-
ness of her blood cell or flesh and became unbelief. Innocent faith, childlike,
bound in the flames of blood life in the darkness and moon realm of our mother
Eve. Working out our faith or salvation. In this view we are Satan walking up and
down among the stones of fire, in the belly or womb of Leviathan, who breath of
fire is in His nostrils! In the simplicity of it all, it is nothing more than a farmer
dropping seed into the ground for it to grow, or a husband giving seed to his com-
In that God is life, all life, whether it be angelic, blood, or natural life, it is all
God. So for flesh to come to life then God had to go into the flesh and become the
flesh. Jesus was in the presence of that Glory and Light of God, but He was not
yet born of it! Now this is blasphemous to what we have been taught, but I ask you
as before, if Jesus Christ was born of the Spirit of God the same as you and I are
when we are born again, then How could God have departed from Him? How
could His soul have gone to Hell? If it was possible for this to happen to Jesus,
then it could certainly happen to you and I! So what good would our salvation be?
We are sealed and cannot be touched by Satan, yet we find Jesus in hell itself, the
domain of Satan. See the story of Adam and Eve is the story of Jesus. In the pres-
ence of God, then cast out of that presence. If Moses seen the hinder parts of
God, then how could Adam and Eve not see the Cross, or the Lamb slain? If any-
one would be spiritual people in this sense, as to see in the spirit world so to speak
and see Calvary as Moses had done and Enoch had done, would not Adam and
Eve not been able to see? They were there in the Mind of God, were they not, be-
fore they fell? What else was in the Mind of God there with them? The Lamb
slain before the foundation of the world.
Jesus became as we are, the true God, upon His rising from the dead. What He
did spiritually and physically happens to us the moment we believe. Paul told us by
faith, we believe ourselves unto death by Calvary and we believe our self, back to
life and alive from the dead by His resurrection. It was never the death part that
brought us life, it was what proved our guilt in that sense, but it is when that Spirit
of the Resurrection enters us, and brings us back to life that we are then sealed
and can never die anymore. There is so much in all of these things. We can see the
Jew riding over the death period of tribulation from Calvary, setting down in a res-
urrected restored Earth. We can see this in the Gentiles also, and the Elect. How-
ever in the end we find the Gentiles trapped in that blood world, being rejected of
God, the Jew as the Body being revealed its innocence and Satan cast out. The
true brothers uniting in one, Spirit and Body. Jesus had to be made sin and had to
be born again, just as you and I did. He had to be baptized just as you and I did.
He had to be made, in every way and manner, like unto us!
One day maybe we will show the opposite view of this, and see how Jesus as to
the Innocent Man Lamb came and was perfect in His life, and gave birth to a
Christ. Not that Christ had a beginning, but it was all a spiritual evolving. Like wa-
ter, we say is eternal, it can be frozen, which is one state, and it can be vaporized in
another state. The Light and Understanding of Jesus hath taken the Eternal God
(Water) and hath vaporized Him into an angelic eternal perfected form. By faith,
by comprehension, by revelation, by contrast of darkness and light, by being
purged of the shadows.
In the end of it all, we find our Lord speaking in this manner, “Feel of me, a
spirit hath not flesh and bones as you see me have”. A closed book. A finished
product! God is become One with Man, saying, “I am among you”! In time we
will further expound on the details of this new identity of God. May God Bless
You! Bro. Pat
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C H A P T E R 151
When the anointing speaks, it inspires, in that moment and in that time, be-
cause it has to deliver what it has to say and it means the time and season for that
is at hand.
Listen to me, this has been in all of my writings, they are all pointing unto this
The Body everyone is looking for is on the other side of those Thunders. One
must walk through those Thunders to see that Body, to put on that Body, to walk
in that Body. The woman was clothed with the Sun, but that Sun is now a 7 fold
Those Thunders are symbolic, in this view of the Veil, one must pass through
them to see that Body that dwells between the Covering Cherubim. That sits on
the Throne. Peter said if this Body is dissolved, we have another one in the Heav-
was, He said, in Heaven. Heaven is a Spirit. Which means a Mind. If this current
Mind in us, being it is the Veil, if that Mind is dissolved, then we are immediately
clothed upon by the new mind of the Spirit. When our Body is subjected by New
Birth to that Mind, it is a changed Body, because it was a Change of the Mind
that changed the body to begin with. we have another mind, eternal in the heav-
ens! Let this Mind be in you! When that Spiritual Anointing Mind is revelated to
your own Mind, that is the Spirit or Life returning back to that Dead Body of
Yours. It was dead because of the sin of unbelief that inhabits it. In other words, a
dead mind took it over and turned the Mind of Adam and Eve upside down. Paul
said, these are they that turn the world "Mind" upside down. Now that world is
right side UP! Darkness is gone, no more night time. The Thunders was the
Anointing of the revelating Mind of God coming to your mind and resurrecting
those dead thoughts back to Life. The dead body of Jesus was the dead Carnal
Mind. It was the self same Mind Adam and Eve had in the garden, and that Jesus
had in His Life, but the thing was, the Anointing Left It, which made it a mind
that could be subjected in weakness to the Beastly part of us!!! It was to give life to
the Woman for a Time, so she could be a womb, it was a self impregnation by
God. The male part deceiving purposely the female part. Till the time of the resur-
rection! Now the world can be right side up. The Revelation of Jesus Christ was
the Mind and the Body we have been waiting for! It come from Heaven, it took us
back to heaven and LO, We are they that dwell in Heaven!
That Body Peter was veiling secretly, was a Mind! Is not everything a Mind?
God is everything and God is a Spirit which is a Mind! The Body is a constitution
of a Mindset. It is a Mind that was subjected to a Mind if you will. It was a form
and dark image formed by being subjected to the Mind, because the Mind it was
under was a Mind of Light and it blinded them to their Body, Light Blinds the
same as Darkness Blinds. So God had to bring in the darkness to reveal the Light
and that a little at a time so it could be perceived and not destroy. When our Shep-
herd came, it was TIME. Now we could handle the fullness of that Light, the Full-
ness of that Stature! NOW we could put on that Body we have longed for!
Because the dissolving of the Mind was not the Mind persay, it was the inbred
Satanic chains of darkness, that bound that Mind. It was the LACK of the
ANOINTING which is the Male, Husband, God part that was missing from it!
When Satan is cast out of that Mind, by the Brightness of This Coming, it is the
returning of the Father to the Son, to resurrect this Mind and the Body it is in
from the dead! TROJC was that resurrection on the 3rd Day! It is this same Mind
that has been speaking to you and I since we received it! It is our changed Body.
Adam and Eve seen their Body as something evil or unclean after the fall, but their
body was the same as it had always been, so what changed? God asked them, Who
told you you was naked? See it was never about the body, it was just a shell or a ro-
bot, it will do according to whatever mind is in it. So when their mind fell, by the
departing of the anointing of God, then the God Mind became Flesh or it be-
came the Carnal Mind.
This was all the dead body of Jesus. His death is what brought death to us all,
His Mind was what all of our minds were and are. In Calvary which was the great
Serpent and death period Womb of Humanity all these years, comes death and a
dying body and time and sickness etc. He was the Fallen One! He was the Eve that
had Fallen, when God departed from Him, He cried out to show us this! He cried,
"Forsaken"!!!! It brought flesh and blood to Life and a fallen body to a stage of a
fallen beast! When the Anointing returned, this was when He got what we call,
"The Revelation of Jesus Christ, that God gave to Him! That Revelation was the
Anointing of that true Mind back to Life! The Anointing of the Father returned
to that dead mind of His that allowed and caused Him to die in the first place. It
was the Keys to death to hell and to the grave! The Revelation of Jesus Christ!
Back to the Jew side of us, back to the Bodily side of us. Peter had the Keys to the
Inner Kingdom in this view, because it was seeing the inner Christ and a dissolv-
ing of the outer Jesus. When we see the body no more from the carnal view but
through the eyes of the Mind of Christ, through the Spirit of Revelation that has
been speaking to us, through The Revelation of Jesus Christ, then we are coming
back to Life! We are resurrected from the Dead! We are that new Mind that is
speaking to us, that was given to us by our Shepherd! We are not waiting on an
anointing, we are that anointing! This Mind of Revelation is taking what we al-
ready knew, which was and is the dark negative mind that was in Christ Jesus, and
it is revelating it all back to Life! By anointing it once more, making every thought
alive from the dead! His returning to us as the Spiritual Jew, is also Him returning
to the Natural Jew, which we are also. One True Jew! Our Body is the Jew! We re-
ceived our Head, our Father back to Life! We that were in the Graves of the dead
body and the deadness of the carnal mind, we are NOW hearing the Voice and
Trumpet of our Heavenly father and His Anointing and we are resurrecting back
to Life!!!! Paul commanded us to RECKON YOURSELVES ALREADY AS BE-
ING RESURRECTED!!! The Glorified 7 Fold Light, the 7 Fold Mind, that con-
tained and is the 7 Fold Glorified Body is Come! We have it, we are in it, we are
it!!! This is the Transfiguration! it must be revealed to us first and we see it is being
revealed clearly to us and we receive it automatically by Faith and that makes it so!
When it is fully completed and revealed itself, it will then manifest itself !!!!
C H A P T E R 152
So we see that we have a law of our own conscience within us, and that law
and our own deeds have over time caused us to be able to define that conscience
and that Law. So by the Law, we have come to a knowledge of “good and evil” or
“right and wrong”. We have defined as to whatever we do that makes that law
within feel good toward us, that it must be right and good and nice and kind. How-
ever when we do things that violate that Law, we feel terrible and under condemna-
tion and by this we see that must be evil. So our Laws came from our own con-
science and our conscience is of God, so it all stems back to God. He alone is abso-
lute, wise, righteous, and just. So written and moral laws come from the law in our
members, our heart, our conscience, our God. The tablets of the heart have now
been written on stone, then paper.
I use the word hedonism, in stating that it is a word that refers back to animalis-
tic, barbaric behavior. We can say to be aggressive, in the wrong way, for the
wrong reason. Certain tribes in Africa, India, and the Americas had a practice of
beheading their enemies. Many times if it was someone among their own tribe
who may have done evil or sometimes not, sometimes it might be a battle over a
woman or some form of good desired by both parties, and using cunning and de-
ceitful ways they would catch the other unaware and simply take their head off.
Sometimes it was a public ceremony. That was seen as aggressive and harsh and
unpleasant and barbaric. We as society had to find more civil ways to deal with
right and wrong and good and evil. We as a modern society, consider ourselves to
be a civil decent moral good people.
We have to ask ourself, in our delusional way of civility, exactly what is civil
and what is not. When our TV’s play a constant distraction from reality every day,
and corruption goes unchecked, and hedonistic natures and ways begin to appear
in our civil society, we have to ask what is going on? When celebrities like Beyonce
and Madonna and many others can dress like prostitutes and supposedly, acciden-
tally, have wardrobe malfunctions. When they are popular for their dress and he-
donistic words and ways to begin with. When what we call pop and rock and other
“Cultures”, are all expressing violent, indecent, wicked, hedonistic attributes on a
massive scale. Where is civility? How can that exist in a civil society? When death
metal as they call it rides the airwaves, and when the words of songs should be out-
lawed instead of played to the ears of our children. When movies and magazines
and billboards and radio all vomit out nothing but filthy vile hedonistic vibrations
and attributes. Would we as a civil people go and plant on our own land and gar-
dens kudzu vines? It is a strong, fast growing, deadly vine. It will take over entire
forest and choke to death all below it and within. It spreads fast and is so very hard
to contain. You have to set the forest on fire to even kill it. We would never do this
to our gardens or land as to watch it go to ruin. Yet we do spiritually and morally
this very thing. We allow hedonistic barbaric ways and music and sounds and na-
tures of people who love those ways of life to be in our society and to produce this
kudzu to our society, without any reprimands. It goes unchecked! We glorify peo-
ple with natures of wild, barbaric, indecent, uncivilized, hedonistic natures to
dwell in a so called civil society and they are growing and spreading like the
kudzu. Our children and civil ways are choking to death and falling into hedonis-
tic ways.
In Check
The only thing so far keeping massive hedonism in check is this. Civility. The
civil people with the supposed civil laws, keep in check criminals that have become
barbaric and uncivil, while giving permission to the very things that produce this
hedonism to exist. It is an oxymoron. Now of course we also know that many who
stand in the public eye as good decent civil folk are in all reality not that at all. So
many of them are child molesters, pedophiles, gays and lesbians, practicing evil in
secret under the guise of being a civil good person. These secretly put forth mas-
sive funds, secretly, to secret organizations that feed them their hunger for pedo-
philia, pornography, beastiality, rape, incest, drugs, and on and on it goes. Like a
hidden vein of fat running through a good piece of meat, these secretly run
through society under disguise. Because they appear on the surface as good moral
civil people, they go unchecked. Yet so many of these who are given the charge to
uphold the law which keeps civility, are themselves, in bondage and push and pro-
mote this hidden vile wicked hedonism. Doctors, Lawyers, Statesmen, Wardens,
Sheriffs, Police, Ministers, and parents.
In The End
So when the surface civil ones who are high in power, charged with keeping the
laws to maintain civility, are corrupted and secretly are not civil at all. And when
the kudzu of hedonism that has taken over our civil society and civility is no more,
as there is no one civil anymore and thus laws were changed to defy civility and to
empower hedonism are in place. There is no more hope for those people or that
society. The kudzu of hedonism will have finally choked to death and killed a once
great peaceful secure society. It will in time be a nation or society that will be en-
slaved, and will have to be burned. It will be burned by stupidity, burned by dis-
ease, famine, laziness, putrid conditions, pestilence and more.
The Answer
Well of course the answer is God. God brings a moral conscience and a moral
conscience brings civil laws, which create and protect and foster a civil decent soci-
ety. History has shown many times of the fall of many nations that fell into hedon-
ism. They were once a civil people. Because they lost their way and fell into hedon-
ism, the nation fell and were eventually overtaken by a just civil nation, if there
was one. We see the Romans as the Gentiles, having in their confines the Jewish
People, showing the Law of God in Man. We have come to an age and time with
technology and the internet that now the hedonism of a society can spread like
fire faster than ever and now corrupt the entire world, where their will be no more
civility. No more civility means no more security, no more peace, no more law, no
more morals. The entire world will fall into a barbaric heathenistic evil soul sear-
ing way of life, so perverse and so vile and so horrific, that God will literally have
to burn the entire earth up to cleanse it. All because people lack strength and self
discipline and no respect for God or His Words and laws. The preachers rewrote
the Word of God to make it sound according to their own thinking, causing the
Spirit of God to depart them, their churches, their congregations and homes. A
powerless religion it has become and the people know it. When you remove the ele-
ment of law from something, it becomes powerless and attracts those who would
not live under such laws to fill its pews. So you end up with a dead socially accept-
able church, breeding religious knowledge without the power thereof. They are ac-
tually watering the hedonistic nature even faster by telling the bench warmers that
God is with them. It is now in such a state that there is no hope, God has vomited
the entire religious church world from Himself. Only those who have been truly
born again are the last remaining civil people. They are a clean decent honest em-
powered people, that have a good understanding. They abide by the Law of God,
for they become that law. They have all authority. God is the answer and He testi-
fies against a wicked vile society full of hedonism and He said He would destroy
those that destroy the Earth. God have mercy!
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