The Case For Genetic Engineering: Fred Rosner
The Case For Genetic Engineering: Fred Rosner
The Case For Genetic Engineering: Fred Rosner
implanted in the mother’s womb. One can also argue that any surgery
performed on a live human being must certainly be permitted on a
sperm, ovum or fertilized zygote. For example, if surgical cures for
hemophilia, Tay-Sachs disease or Huntington’s disease were possible,
those procedures would surely be permissible. Hence, it should certainly
be permissible to cure or prevent these diseases by gene surgery.
Rabbi Moshe Hershler raises the question of whether it is permissi-
ble to experiment with gene therapy to try to save the life of a child with
thalassemia or Tay-Sachs disease, if the unsuccessful outcome of the
experimentation would be a shortening of the child’s life.2 R. Hershler is
of the opinion that gene therapy and genetic engineering may be pro-
hibited because “he who changes the [Divine] arrangement of creation
is lacking faith [in the Creator]” and he cites as support for his view the
prohibition against mating diverse kinds of animals, sowing together
diverse kinds of seeds, and wearing garments made of wool and linen
(Lev. 19:19). This line of reasoning is rejected by Rabbis Shlomo Zalman
Auerbach and Yehoshua J. Neuwirth, who reject the analogy between
genetic engineering and grafting diverse types of animals or seed.3 The
main purposes of gene therapy are to cure disease, restore health, and
prolong life, all of which goals are within the physician’s Divine license
to heal. Gene grafting is no different than an “organ graft,” such as a
kidney or corneal transplant, which nearly all rabbinic authorities con-
sider permissible.
However, good is often not pure but is mixed with some potential
danger. The genome project is certainly good in terms of its potential to
lead to cure of diseases, but the project also raises many concerns inso-
far as it raises the possibility of cloning.
There is no specific halakhic prohibition against attempting to
clone a human being. An example of the creation of an artificial human
being or golem is cited in the Talmud (Sanhedrin 65b). The golem, how-
ever, was not formed in and born from a woman’s womb and was there-
fore not considered human. It was destroyed without that act constitut-
ing murder. A cloned human being, however, has the full status of a
human being. Although in Jewish law it is not prohibited to clone a
human being, one should be very cautious and not do so indiscrimi-
nately. Many potential scientific and Jewish legal problems will need to
be dealt with first. The risks of producing serious birth defects in
human cloning are not known.
In Judaism, paternity is determined by the sperm.4 But in human
cloning, no sperm is used; so who is the father? Does the couple that
214 The Torah u-Madda Journal