Schein's Organizational Culture & Leadership
Schein's Organizational Culture & Leadership
Schein's Organizational Culture & Leadership
Edgar H Schein
"Some are born great,
some achieve greatness,
and some have greatness thrust upon 'em"
Shakespeare, Twelfth Night
Oct 1997 Page 1 of 17
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Levels of Culture
on surface
visible products
style: clothing, manners of address, myths, stories
easy to observe
difficult to decipher
symbols are ambiguous
Problems in classification
Espoused Values
all group learning reflects original values
those who prevail influence group: the leaders
first begins as shared value then becomes shared assumption
social validation happens with shared learning.
initially started by founder, leader and then assimilated.
Basic Assumptions Page 2 of 17
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Culture of 2 orgs
Case study of 2 distinct companies illustrating multilevel analysis of culture.
One can best understand a system best by trying to change it.
Key is he looked at these two with his eyes, his culture, not theirs.
Lurk for awhile to understand culture.
Dimensions of Culture
External Environments
develop a model of how assumptions arise and persist
identify issues groups faced from origin of group, if possible.
group growth and culture formation are intertwined.
essential elements:
mission and strategy
Means of developing consensus, reaching goals
Mission and strategy
each new groups must develop shared concept to survive.
what is the function. Can be multifunctional.
if in debate mission is reached then culture has developed.
culture exists when members share identity and mission.
to achieve consensus on goals group needs shared language and shared
mission can be timeless, but goals must have end point
do not confuse assumptions of goals with assumptions of mission. Page 3 of 17
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1. Common Language
2. Group boundaries for inclusion or exclusion
3. Distributing power and status
4. Developing norms of intimacy, friendship, and love
5. rewards and punishments
6. explaining the unexplainable: idealogy and religion
Common Language
to function as group must have common language
conflict arises when two parties assume about the other without communicating.
often creators create common language
common understanding begins with categories of action, gesture, and speech. Page 4 of 17
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Groups Boundaries
consensus of who is in and who is out.
leader usually sets this, but group tests it.
Orgs can have three dimensions:
lateral movement: from one task to the next
vertical movement: from one rank to the next
inclusionary: from outsider to insider
as org ages becomes more complex:
indiv may belong to many levels, depts, ...
Distribution of Power and Status
How will influence, power, and authority be allocated?
all need to have some power or know limits
who will grant power
power can be earned
or assigned
Developing Rules
how to deal with authority and with peer
we use family model in new situations
Allocating Reward and Punishment
must have system of sanctions for obeying and disobeying rules.
Explaining the Unexplainable
facing issues not under control: weather, natural disaster
Religion can provide this
ideology too
myths, stories, legends help
Every group must learn to be a group.
groups must reach consensus
Levels of Reality
external reality refers to that which is determined empirically, by objective
tests, Western tradition. ie SAT
social reality when groups reaches consensus on things.
individual reality is self learned knowledge, experience, but this truth may
not be shared by others. Page 5 of 17
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nature of time
*Time is a fundamental symbolic category that we use for talking about the
orderliness of social life.
*Time: not enough, late, on-, too much at one, lost time never found again. Page 6 of 17
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1. coercive systems
members are alienated
exit if can
peer relationship develops as defense v authority
unions develop
2. utilitarian systems
will participate
evolve work groups
incentive system
3. systems based on goal consensus between leaders and followers
morally involved
identify with org
evolve around tasks in support of org Page 8 of 17
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Culture-Embedding Mechanisms Page 9 of 17
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What leaders pay attention to, measure, and Organization design and
control on a regular basis. structure
How leaders react to critical incidents and Organizational systems and
organizational crises. procedures
Observed criteria by which leaders allocate Organizational rites and
scarce resources. rituals
Deliberate role modeling, teaching, and Design of physical space,
coaching facades, and buildings
Observed criteria by which leaders allocate Stories, legends, and myths
rewards and status. about people and events.
Observed criteria by which leaders recruit, Formal statements of
select, promote, retire, and excommunicate organizational philosophy,
organizational members. values, and creed. Page 10 of 17
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own visible behavior has great value for communicating assumptions and values
to others.
video tape is good
informal messages are very powerful. Page 11 of 17
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Routines most visible parts of life in org: daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly,
Groups members seek this kind of order
they formalize the process of "paying attention."
systems and procedures give consistency
inconsistency allows for subcultures.
visible features
symbolic purposes
may convey philosophy
open office means openness Page 12 of 17
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Organizational Midlife
culture growth and change
Cultural dynamics are ultimately a reflection of group dynamics
as groups mature they develop subgroups
leadership and cultural dynamics
1. Functional/occupational differentiation
2. Geographical decentralization Page 13 of 17
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Functional Differentiation
Geographical Differentiation
Divisionization Page 14 of 17
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divisional subculture Page 15 of 17
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called strategiec myopia: when strategies that do not fit leaders prefixed ideas
are ignored. hearing something and denying it,
If can't figure out what to do, ignore it.
once group is in pain they will listen to disconfirming info.
Cognitive Restructuring
Once unfrozen many different paths can be followed.
trial and error
imitation of role models
This will provide new learning to core assumptions. retooling
Most change processes emphasize need for behavior change.
can be coerced but will not last once pressure is off. USSR
Once new behavior and core is fixed.
Will stay like this until disconfirmation starts it again. Page 17 of 17