Dimensional Analysis

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EG/ES3013: Tutorial Probs: Similarity, Dimensional Analysis, Model-Testing

Study your lecture notes first, then attempt the tutorial questions. Use the tutorial sessions to get
help with any difficulties you have with the lecture notes and tutorial questions.

Q1 What is meant by geometric, kinematic and dynamic similarity in the context of hydraulic
model-testing. Why is it generally impossible to achieve perfect dynamic similarity between a
prototype and a corresponding model of different size?
Q2 For a phenomenon governed mainly by viscous forces, derive the model: prototype ratios
in terms of the geometric scale factor L for the following quantities: time, velocity,
acceleration, pressure, force, discharge and power. Repeat the exercise for a phenomenon
governed mainly by gravity forces.
Q3 A model of a proposed dam spillway is constructed to a scale of 1:25. The design flood
discharge over the spillway is 1000m3/s. What discharge should be provided in the model?
What is the velocity in the prototype corresponding with a velocity of 1.5m/s in the model at
the corresponding point?
(Ans. 0.32 m3/s; 7.5m/s)
Q4 The airflow and wind effects on a bridge structure are to be studied on a 1:25 scale model
in a pressurised wind tunnel in which the air density is 8 times that of air at atmospheric
pressure and at the same temperature. If the full-scale wind speed is 30m/s, what is the
corresponding wind speed in the tunnel? What force on the prototype corresponds with a
1400N force measured on the model? (Note: the dynamic viscosity of air is unaffected by
pressure changes as long as the temperature remains constant.)
(Ans. 93.75m/s; 11.2kN)
Q5 What is the purpose of dimensional analysis in the context of model-testing of fluid flow
phenomena? Use dimensional analysis to show that the discharge per unit width q over a weir
whose crest is at a height w above the channel bed can be expressed in the form q = CD g h 3/ 2
where h is the head of water over the weir and CD is a function of w/h only. Assume that the
discharge is not dependant on viscous or surface tension effects.
Tests are performed on a 1:50 scale model of a weir. If model Q is 3.51/s, what is
corresponding Q for the full-scale weir?
(Ans. 62m3/s )
Q6 (Similar to Exam Q) Obtain an expression for the pressure gradient in a circular pipeline
with diameter D and effective roughness k, conveying an incompressible fluid of density ,
dynamic viscosity at a mean velocity v as a function of non-dimensional groups. By
comparison with the Darcy-Weisbach equation, show that the friction factor is a function of
k/D and the Reynolds number.
An iron pipeline 300mm in diameter and 0.3mm effective roughness is to be used to convey
oil (=0.00007m2/s) at a rate of 801/s. Laboratory tests on a 30mm pipeline conveying water
(=0.000001m2/s) are to be carried out to predict the hydraulic gradient in the oil pipeline.
Determine the effective roughness of the 30mm pipeline and the water discharge to be used.
What is the hydraulic gradient in the oil pipeline if the measured hydraulic gradient in the
30mm pipeline is 0.0017?
(Ans. 0.03mm; 0.1141/s; 0.0083)
Q7 (Similar to exam Q) What is the purpose of dimensional analysis in the context of modeltesting of fluid flow phenomena?
[4 marks]
The drag force F on a sphere in a steady stream of fluid is known to depend on the fluid
density , the fluid viscosity , the diameter D of the sphere and the stream velocity V. Use
dimensional analysis to show that the drag force may be expressed in the form
F = CD V2D2
where CD is a function of the flow Reynolds number.
[8 marks]

To find the drag on a 1 mm diameter sphere in slowly streaming water, a 100 mm diameter
sphere is tested in glycerine. The measured drag is 1.3 N when the velocity of the glycerine
flow is 300 mm/sec. Under similar conditions, what is the velocity of the water flow and the
drag force on the 1 mm sphere? The density and viscosity of glycerine are 1263 kg/m3 and
1.5 Ns/m2 respectively. (Ans: 0.028m/s; 0.92microN)
[8 marks]
Q8 (Similar to exam Q) Explain briefly why it is impossible to achieve perfect dynamic
similarity between a hydraulic model and its prototype if the model is not the same size as the
[4 marks]
Use dimensional analysis to show that the power output Po from a turbine operating under a
head H and with discharge Q can be expressed in the form
N 2 D2
Po = D 2 ( gH ) 2 { 2
D ( gH ) 2
where D and N are the turbine's diameter and speed respectively and indicates "a function
[8 marks]
A 137.5mm diameter model turbine was tested under a head of 12m and yielded the
following data at maximum efficiency: N = 1543rpm, Q = 0.03m3/s, max = 80%
A geometrically similar turbine is to be considered for a hydro-electric power scheme where
the available head is 150m and the power output is to be 47.1MW. Determine the size and
speed of the prototype machine and the discharge through it. (Ans: 2.67m; 40 m3/s; 281rpm)
TOD, Sept 2011


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