Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Different Aerodynamic Properties of Circular Cylinder

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 03 Issue: 09 | Sep-2016 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Kartik Chandra Bhagat1, Subrato Kumar Soren2, Sunil Kumar Chaudhary3
1Post Graduate Student, Department of Mechanical engineering, BIT, Sindri, Dhanbad, India
2,3AssistantProfessor, Department of Mechanical engineering, BIT, Sindri, Dhanbad, India
kcb181091@gmail.com1, sksoren2009@gmail.com2, skchaudhary74@gmail.com3


Abstract A sub-sonic wind tunnel testing machine is a tool the drag coefficient of flow for various aspect ratios circular
used in various research of aerodynamics to study the effect cylinder were calculated from data obtained by performing
of air moving past to the solid objects for laminar flow field tests on an air flow bench [3]. The separation of particles of
(Re < 2×105). A circular cylinder generates a high mean drag various sizes and shapes depend upon variations in the
and large fluctuating forces. In this research work the behavior of particles when subjected to the action of
experimental and numerical investigation has been carried moving fluids [4]. The separation angles for smooth
out to find drag force and pressure coefficient of different cylinder by experimentation calculation are found to be
aspect ratio (L/D) circular cylinders (diameter 7.5 & 10 cm, around 80~90° in either side of the cylinder from the
length 65 cm). Qualitative technique of fluid flow separation upstream stagnation point [5]. The general aerodynamic
point and quantitative technique of static pressure
objective for most sub-sonic wind tunnels is to obtain a
measurements have been used to obtain various
flow in the test section that is assumed to be a parallel
characteristics of flow past over circular cylinder at different
steady flow with a uniform speed throughout the test
wind speed of 8.35, 9.27, 10.23 m/s. The concept of the
pressure coefficient is illustrated and explained. Plotted graph section. Viscous flow behaviour in the upstream half of the
between coefficient of pressure and angle of rotation cylinder differed from that on its downstream half and the
produces very similar curves to those in the research influence of the magnitude of the Reynolds number on the
literature. Variation of drag coefficient with increasing air ability of the viscous flow to recover pressure on the
velocity is also demonstrated. Numerical analysis is done downstream side of the cylinder
using CAE software ANSYS FLUENT 14.5 to study pressure [6]. The fundamental laws utilized in modeling low speed
distribution on the periphery of circular cylinder, flow aerodynamic flows include mass conservation, force and
separation point and also to compare drag force. The motion relating to the Newton’s Second Law and energy
cylindrical model and computational domain is prepared in exchanges governed by the First Law of Thermodynamics.
ANSYS 14.5 workbench and pre-processing is done in Viscous- In considering low-speed flows, the assumption of
laminar model. incompressible flow is often adopted. Flow past a circular
cylinder for Re=100to107 done numerically by solving the
unsteady incompressible two dimensional Navier-Stokes
Keywords - circular cylinders, coefficient of pressure, drag equations and they described the shear layer instability and
coefficient, drag force, laminar flow, Reynolds Number drag crisis phenomena [7].
(Re), sub-sonic.
Three dimensional simulation are performed using the
1. INTRODUCTION CAE software ANSYS FLUENT. Computational fluid
dynamics (CFD) is a tool to analyze the systems involving
The flow characteristics over a cylinder are one of the fluid flow, mass transfer, heat transfer, chemical reactions
most applicatory topics of research. The cylinder and associated phenomena by solving mathematical
subjected to low Reynolds number experiences flow equations which govern the processes using a numerical
separation, and oscillations in the wake region. The method by means of computer based simulations. The
periodic nature of the vortex shedding phenomenon can effects of lift and drag on usually two-dimensional cylinders
sometimes results to unwanted structural vibrations, which is useful to describe the variation of numerical
which leads to structural damage. Many studies had been results between 2D and 3D analysis [8]. The fundamental
carried out to evaluate drag force [1], investigated the basis of any CFD problem is the Navier-Stokes equations,
range of Reynolds number 6×10 3 to 5×106 effect of which define any single-
relative roughness on drag for the circular cylinder [2],

© 2016, IRJET| Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 09 | Sep-2016 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

phase fluid flow. These equations can be interpreted by

removing terms defining viscosity to get Euler equations.

Experiments have been done using the sub-sonic wind
tunnel at Birsa Institiute of Tecchnology Sindri, Dhanbad.
The wind tunnel has the test section of size 150 cm×60
cm and speed of range 8 to 10.23 m/s. It is an open
circuit continuous flow wind tunnel in which air is
sucked by the four bladed propeller located at the aft
section of the tunnel which is driven by a 400/440 V, 15
HP induction motor. Experimental set-up of sub-sonic
wind tunnel can be seen in figure 2.2 and schematic
sketch showing the details of the tunnels is shown in
figure.2.3. During the present investigation, tests have Fig 2.2: Experimental set-up of open air circuit sub-sonic
been made at three different free stream velocity of 8.35, wind tunnel
9.27, 10.23 m/s. Two circular cylinder having diameter
(D= 7.5 &10 cm) and having the length of 65 cm are used.
The cylindrical model is shown in figure 2.1 and details
of working physical parameters are listed in Table.1. For
the measurement of static pressure on the periphery of
cylindrical surface 9 small holes are made at 40 0 interval,
the pressure ports were connected to the multi-tube
inclined manometer which is inclined at an angle of 33 0.
The static pressures were measured using multi tube
water manometer. Pitot tube is used to measure flow Fig 2.3: A schematic sketch showing the details of
open air sub-sonic wind tunnel circuit
velocity. It is based on the principle that if the velocity of
flow at a point becomes zero, the pressure there is 3. METHODOLOGY
increased due to the conversion of the kinetic energy
into pressure energy. The velocity is determined by 1. The mass contained between any two steam lines
measuring the rise of liquid in the tube. remain constant throughout the flow field. We can use
Bernoulli equation to relate the pressure and velocity
along the stream line since no mass passes through the
surface of cylinder.

According to Bernoulli equation:

P 1  gZ  P  1  gZ (1)
V 2 U 2

 air 2 0 0  air 2  

Fig 2.1: Experimental cylinders

Table 1: Working Parameters U  2( Patm  P ) (2)

S.NO Parameters Values 


1. Air density 1.225 kg/m3 If inclined (θ1 = 330) water manometer is used then:

2. Barometric 1.03×105 N/m2  g h sin1

U 2 w
pressure 
3. Dynamic viscosity 1.81x10-5 kg/m-s 1
U  2  1000  9.81  h sin
4. Gas constant 287.2 1.225

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Page 1113
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 09 | Sep-2016 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

U  126.55 h sin1 m (3) 4.2 Grid generation

2. PRESSURE COEFFICIENT AND DRAG The computational domain is sub-divided into small
COEFFICIENT BY PRESSURE element or cell called grid. The generated mesh helps in
DISTRIBUTION METHOD solving the governing equation flow at each cell or nodal
points. Hex dominant meshing method is adopted. The
Pressure coefficient is denoted by CP. In order to quality of mesh is generated during report quality check
compare the variation of pressure around a bluff body in solver. The number of nodes and elements created are
for a variety of flow conditions, it is conventional to use a 5192 & 6107 respectively. Orthogonal Quality ranges
dimensionless ratio called the pressure coefficient which from 0 to 1, where values close to 0 correspond to low
compares the pressure on the surface of the cylinder, P S, quality. Minimum Orthogonal Quality = 6.97807e-02 and
to that at infinity, P∞. Mathematically, maximum Aspect Ratio = 6.54104e+01 is obtained.
C  2(P  P ) = P  P
s  
P U 2 PP
0 

If the shear is neglected because the pressure force is

found to be dominated then coefficient of drag (C D) can
be calculated by:
CD = ∫

Fig 4.2: Hex Dominant mesh


4.3 ANSYS FLUENT Analysis
A fluid acts much the same way when forced to flow over
a curved surface at high velocities. At sufficiently high The pressure distribution on the periphery of
velocities, the fluid stream detaches itself from the cylindrical model is obtained at three different air
surface of body. This is called flow separation. For velocity 8.35, 9.27, 10.23 m/s.
circular cylinders flow separation occurs at about θ= 80○
(measured from the front stagnation point of a cylinder) 4.3.1 Pressure distribution contour
when the boundary layer is laminar and at about θ =
140○ when it is turbulent. In all the pressure contours, distribution of pressure
with varying velocities are shown on the periphery of
cylinder surface & it is clear that pressure is maximum at
4. COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (CFD) front surface of cylinder that is at stagnation point.

4.1 Geometry generation

Geometry of cylinder and computational domain (150

cm× 60 cm× 65 cm) is modeled in design modeler of
ANSYS FLUENT. An outline of cylindrical geometry can
be seen in figure 4.1.

Fig 4.3: pressure contour at V=8.35m/s for D=7.5 cm

Fig 4.1: Computational domain (150cm × 60cm × 65cm)

© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1114
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 09 | Sep-2016 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Fig 4.8: pressure contour at V=10.23m/s for D=10 cm

Fig 4.4: pressure contour at V=9.27m/s for D=7.5 cm 4.3.2 Velocity vector plots
The corresponding velocity vector plots are

presented for the varying velocity of 8.35, 9.27, 10.23

m/s of varying diameter of the cylinder.

Fig 4.5: pressure contour at V=10.23 m/s for D=7.5 cm

Fig 4.9: velocity vector plot on the periphery of

cylinder having D= 7.5 cm

Fig 4.6: pressure contour at V=8.35m/s for D=10 cm

Fig 4.10: velocity vector plot on the periphery

of cylinder having D= 10 cm

In velocity vector plots, the magnitude of velocity on

the upper surface of the cylinder is found to be
Fig 4.7: pressure contour at V=9.27m/s for D=10 cm maximum and low velocity at the rear of the cylinder
due to formation of wake. The velocities are zero at front
surface of cylinder i.e at stagnation point shown in figure
4.9 and figure 4.10.

© 2016, IRJET| Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 09 | Sep-2016 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Cp vs θ at U3 = 10.23 m/s
With the help of Pressure distribution technique, the 1.5
pressure coefficients are found and pressure distribution
over the cylinders observed. The coefficient of pressure
is plotted against different pressure points located at 40 0 1
intervals on the surface cylinder. Integrating area under
this curve gives the CD. In pressure distribution method, 0.5
variation of pressure coefficient is occurred through
different parameters such as velocity, diameter. C-
oefficient of pressure versus angle of rotation graph 0
signifies that fluid is separating between 90 0 and 1000 0 50 100 150 200 250
shown in figure 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 which is nearly similar to -0.5
theoretical values for laminar flows.
Cp for cylinder dia=7.5cm

Cp vs θ at U1= 8.35 m/s Cp for cylinder dia=10cm

1 Fig 5.3: Variation of coefficient of pressure at V = 10.23
0.5 Drag force vs Velocity
0 50 100 150 200 250
-0.5 5
-1 4
Cp for cylinder dia=7.5cm 3
Cp for cylinder dia=10cm 1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Fig 5.1: Variation of coefficient of pressure at V = 8.35 Fd for D=7.5cm
m/s Fd for D=10cm
Cp vs θ at U2 = 9.27 m/s Coefficient of drag

Fig 5.4: Variation of drag force and coefficient of drag
1 with three velocities

0.5 Table 5.1: Numerical and experimental values for

drag force in the cylinder surface region
Zone Cylinder -wall
0 50 100 150 200 250 Velocity Force (N) Force (N)
-0.5 m/s for cylinder for cylinder force
Cp for cylinder dia=7.5cm
D=7.5cm D=10cm
Cp for cylinder dia=10cm
Num. Exp. Num. Exp.
8.35 2.33 3.14 3.41 4.4 13.57%
Fig 5.2: Variation of coefficient of pressure at V = 9.27
m/s 9.27 3.85 4.00 4.22 5.02
10.23 3.47 4.47 5.13 5.25

© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1116
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 03 Issue: 09 | Sep-2016 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

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The author wishes to acknowledge the assistance
provided by the professors of Birsa Institute of
Technology Sindri, Dhanbad for conducting experiments.

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