Strategic Roadmapping
Strategic Roadmapping
Strategic Roadmapping
Consultancy Services
Strategic roadmapping
Practical tools and facilitated support to help
your organisation with strategy development and
• Consultancy
• Executive education
• Public courses
• Publications and case studies
Education and
Consultancy Services
Strategic roadmapping
What is strategic roadmapping?
Roadmapping uses a graphical approach to visualise an entire strategy on a page. It provides a framework to help
organisations tackle fundamental questions applicable in any strategic context and is used extensively at company,
sector and national levels to align investment and research with strategic goals. Significant features of roadmapping
are its breadth and versatility: roadmaps can encompass a very broad scope of issues and long time frames, whilst at
the same time focusing down on critical details, leading to decisions and actions.
"Roadmapping has proven to be a powerful and flexible technique for strategic
planning and innovation. A principal benefit was the communication that
resulted both during the development of the roadmap and afterwards”
Senior Manager, GKN
Education and
Consultancy Services
March, June and two day
and Octobe training
r 2010, Cambrcourses
IfM Education and Consultancy Services
IfM Education and Consultancy Services Ltd is wholly owned by the University of Cambridge.
A ‘fast-star
t’ approach
to align markets,
• Ensure and technolo
key technolo gy for strategy
gies are read and innovatio
• Identif n
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• Suppo e innovation
rt technology opportunitie
• Identif strategy and s
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Embedded within the university’s Institute for Manufacturing, it provides a rapid dissemination
technology rtant gaps in marke tiatives
intelligence t, product an
• Build c d
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route for new ideas and approaches developed by researchers at the IfM. Industrial
practitioners, with many years of senior management experience, engage directly with industry,
governments and other agencies via consultancy, executive education and events. Their
engagements help to both inform and fund future IfM research.
Further information
To find out more about roadmapping at the IfM see our website:
Or contact: Nick Mann T: +44 (0)1223 766141 E: