The Four Agreements Extended Summary
The Four Agreements Extended Summary
The Four Agreements Extended Summary
Extended Summary
The Toltec: The Toltec were scientists who formed a society to explore and conserve
spiritual knowledge and practices of ancient ones. They were located throughout
southern Mexico. The masters (naguals) and students come together outside Mexico City
at these ancient pyramids where Man Becomes God. At some point they were forced
to conceal their knowledge to ensure that people would not misuse the power of the
knowledge. Don Miguel Ruiz, a nagual, has no written several books to share the
powerful teachings of the Toltec. Toltec is not a religion, but rather a way of life
distinguished by the ready accessibility of happiness and love.
Chapter 1: Domestication and the Dream of the Planet
Essentially the live we are living is a dream. Dreaming is the main function of the
mind and we dream 24 hours a day. The difference between dreaming when we
are awake and when are sleeping is that, when we are awake, we perceive things
in a linear way. When we are sleeping we dont have that same frame of mind so
things can be all over the place
The entire planet is one huge dream made up billions of smaller dreams. Your
community is a dream, your family is a dream, your city is a dreamand all of
these smaller dreams collectively create a larger dream of all of humanity. This
giant large dream consists of all of societys rules, beliefs, religions, laws,
cultures, governments, schools, social events and holidays.
This outside dream has SO many rules, that when we are born our parents,
teachers and elders teach us how to dream. Attention is our ability to focus on
only what we want to perceive. Adults hook our attention and put information
into our mind through repetition. This is how we learn.
Everyone is trying to hook your attention, and from that, we learn to want to hook
the attention of others. This why kids say, Look at me!
The outside dream hooks our attention and teaches with what to be believe,
starting with language. Language is the code for understanding and
communicating between humans. Every word in every language has an
agreement of what it is. For examplewhen you hear the word sun we all in
the English language have an agreement that the sun is the big yellow ball in the
sky that provides us warmth and light. As children, we dont choose any of these
agreements, they are all passed on to us from other humans. As soon as we
believe in it, we have faith. And faith is to believe unconditionally.
As children, we believe everything that adults say, and our faith in them is so
strong that these agreements and dreams control our lives. When we didnt agree
with these beliefs, we did try to rebel, but we werent strong enough at that young
of age, and we end up just surrendering.
The process of our surrendering to the adults beliefs is called the domestication
of humans. Our moms, dads, teachers, media, etc. domesticate us and teach us
how to be human. They teach us through repetition what is acceptable and what
is not. We learn we do not like punishment, and we do like reward, so we start
acting in ways to avoid punishment and get rewards.
Because the reward feels so good and we are scared of not getting it, we do what
we can to please our parents, teachers, etc. We are start pretending to be what
they want us to so we wont be rejected. The fear of rejection comes from the
fear of not being good enough, and then eventually we become someone we are
not. We become a copy of our mom and dads beliefs, and of societys beliefs.
This system of domestication is so strong that eventually, we domesticate
ourselves according to the belief system we were given. We punish and reward
ourselves accordingly.
This belief system is essentially a Book of Law that rules our mind. Whatever
is in the Book of Law is our truth. All of our judgments are base on our Book of
Law, even if they go against our inner nature. All of these agreements go into our
Book of Law, and this Book of Law and agreements run our dream.
We have an inner judge that judges EVERYTHING. I mean, everything. The
weather, the dog, the cat.everything. Our inner judge uses whats inside our
Book of Law to make these judgments, and then decide what we think, what we
do and dont do, and what we feel. If we do something that goes against the Book
of Law we feel guilty and ashamed and punish ourselves. This happens MANY
times a day.and you probably dont even realize it.
The other part of us that receives judgments is the Victim. The Victim holds
the blame, guilt and shame. It says like, Poor Me Im not good enough Im
not worthy etc. etc. Your big judge agrees and says, Yep, youre not good
enough And guess whatthis is all based on a BELIEF SYSTEM WE NEVER
CHOSE!!! Unfortunately, these beliefs are so strong that when years later when
we are exposed to new ideas and try to make our own decisions, these beliefs still
run our lives.
Whatever goes against your Book of Law will give you an uncomfortable
feelingFEAR. Breaking the rules in the Book of Law will open emotional
wounds and create emotional poison. Anything that goes against the Book is
wrong even if it is right. And even though it is wrong, it makes you feel safe.
We need to be strong and challenge these beliefs if we want to change them.
Even though we may rationally understand they are incorrect, we still feel guilt if
we go against them. The Judge inside us bases everything on our Book of Law.
The Judge decides, and then the Victim suffers the guilt.
Being human, we are the only animal that pays for the same mistake over and
over again. Once we make a mistake, we should accept it and move on. But we
judge ourselves and feel guilty over and over. Our spouses bring up our old
mistakes, and we then judge and punish ourselves over again. This is not justice!
And it is because our whole dream is based on a false Book of Law. 95% of the
beliefs in it are lies, and we suffer because of them.
Our society dream is full of violence, emotional drama, anxiety, revenge,
addictions, etc. because it is ruled by fear. Fear is controlling the outside dream.
We are constantly searching for truth, justice and beauty, but we are looking in
the wrong places. Everything is already within us. But with the current
agreements we have in our Book of Law, we are unable to see it. We are blinded
by the false beliefs. Our false beliefs set us up for suffering.
Our biggest fear in life is actually just being ourselves. Weve lived our entire life
by other peoples demands and points of view in fear of not being accepted or
good enough. During the process of domestication we for this ultimate image of
what perfections and how should be in order to be accepted by everyone. But this
image is not real and we will NEVER life up to it. Then worse, when we dont
meet this perfect, we reject ourselves! After we domesticated its no longer about
being good for enough else, we are just trying to be good enough for ourselves.
Weve created this image and we cannot forgive ourselves for not being perfect.
We feel frustrated and dishonest and then hide ourselves and pretend to be
something were not. We put on social masks to hide from it. And then, we start
to judge others based on our image of perfection, and nobody else will ever live
up to this image either!
We are so ashamed and reject ourselves so harshly, that a lot of people turn to
drugs to avoid being rejected by others. They pretend to be something theyre
When it comes to abuse, nobody abuses you like the Judge, the Victim and your
Book of Laws. People will abuse you, but never worse than how you abuse
We have a need to be accepted and loved by others, but we cannot accept and
love ourselves. RED FLAG! The more self-love we have, the less we will
experience self-abuse. Self-abuse comes from self-rejection, and self-rejection
comes from not being able to meet that image of perfection. This image of
perfection is why we dont accept ourselves the way we are, and why we dont
accept others the way they are.
We have thousands agreements with ourselves, other people, society, etc. But the
agreements we have with ourselves are what form our personality. These
agreements tell you what you believe, what you can do, what you cannot do. It is
the combination of all of these agreements that make us suffer.
Agreements that come from fear expend a lot of energy, and agreements that
come from love help us conserve energy and even gain more! We are born with a
finite amount of personal power that rejuvenates each night after we rest.
Unfortunately we used up all of this power to create our agreements, and then
each day when we awake rested, we use the power to just maintain these
agreements. Each time you break an agreement of fear, all of that power comes
back to us. This book outlines four very powerful agreements that come from
fear and deplete energy. If we can break just these four, then we all have enough
personal power to change the entire system!
Our mind is like a fertile garden where seeds are continually planted. The seeds
are opinions, ideas and concepts. When you plant a seed of thought, it grows.
The word is like a seed and our minds are extremely fertile. Unfortunately, we
are too often planting the seeds of fear. Our minds are fertile, but only for the
types of seeds it is prepared for. We need to see what type of seeds are brain is
fertile for and make sure it is prepared to receive seeds of love.
One fear or doubt planted in our minds can haunt us forever. One work is like a
spell, and humans use the word like black magicians, thoughtlessly putting spells
on each other. We all have the ability to put spells on people, or release them
from a spell. Every time we give an opinion we are casting a spell. E.g. You
look like you are getting sick If that person listens and agrees, they will become
sick. The word is THAT powerful.
During our domestication people gives us their opinions all of the time. We
believe these opinions and live in fear of them. If someone tells you that you are
stupid during domestication and you believe it (even if you arent), that is a spell
you are now under. One day someone might say, Wow, you are so smart! and
free you from that spell. OR, oppositely, someone may say Gosh youre stupid
which just reinforces that current spell and makes it stronger
Impeccability means without sin. So being impeccable with your word
means to speak without sin. Sin is anything you do that goes against yourself.
Everything that you feel or believe or say that goes against yourself is a sin.
Every time you judge or blame yourself for anything is going against yourself.
Sin begins with rejecting yourself. Self-rejection is the biggest sin you can
Being impeccable with your word means not using the word against yourself. If
you see someone on the street and call them stupid, you are not using your word
against someone else, you are using it against yourself. You are using it against
yourself because that person will hate you, and thats not good. If you get angry
and send your emotional poison to someone else, you are using the word against
If you love yourself and act in a loving way in your interactions, it will produce a
like reaction. Love gets love. Insults get insults. Gratitude gets gratitude.
Selfish gets selfish. I use my word to put a spell on you, youll do the same to
When you are impeccable with your word, you are using your energy in the
direction of truth and love for yourself. Just having the intention to be impeccable
with your word will help manifest the truth and clean out the emotional poison.
We mostly use the word to spread our emotional poison- to spread anger, jealous,
envy, hate, etc. The word is magic and we use it against ourselves. We use the
word to create hate between races, families, countries, etc. Misuse of the word is
how we bring each other down and perpetuate the dream of hell with fear and
Example: A mom has a bad day and yells at her daughter for singing too loudly
because she has a headache. It has nothing to do with the daughter, but the mom
takes it out on her. After that the girl forms a new agreement that she must
repress her emotions in order to be loved and accepted. Whenever we hear an
opinion and believe it, we make an agreement, and then it becomes part of our
belief system. We can develop a whole complex from this one spella spell that
was cast by our own mom. But dont blame your mom. They dont even know
that they are doing this. She is just living by the agreements her parents gave her,
and their parents gave them. You MUST forgive them, they dont even know
what they are doing
Spells from other peoples word are difficult to break. The only way to break
them is to create a new agreement based on truth. And truth is the most important
part of being impeccable with your word. One side of the sword has black magic
which are lies, and the other side is pure magic which has truth. Only the truth
can set you free.
Our everyday interactions consist of us casting spells on each other with our
word. This forms the worst type of black magic- GOSSIP. Gossip is pure
poison! We learned how to gossip from our parents/elders. They were constantly
giving their opinions about other people, and we learned that this was a normal
way to communicate. Gossip is the main form of communication. It makes us
feel better to see someone else feel as badly as we do. Gossip is like a computer
virus. Its a piece of language that is written with harmful intent that gets
downloaded into our brain without us even knowing it. After this virus gets
downloaded, our brain stops producing good results and spreads. Take this
example: Youre looking forward to taking a class with a certain professor. Just
before the class someone you know says, Ugh, I had him last semester and he
was such a jerk. Without even knowing, this has been imprinted into you, and
you might even spread the gossip to other people in your class. Imagine that
every time you gossip you are inserting a computer virus into other people. Then
these people will spread it to others. You end up with a world full of humans
spreading viruses (emotional poison). This chaos is called the mitote, which is
the chaos of a thousand different voices all talking to your mind at the same time.
And worst of all, gossip just sends us deeper into hell.
We also receive a ton of gossip and spells from ourselves! We tell ourselves we
look fat, ugly, were stupid, etc. We use the word against ourselves. In order to
change we need to learn what the word IS and what the word DOES. Changes
will happen first in how you deal with yourself, and second in how you deal with
other people.
Your opinion is nothing but your point of view, it is not necessarily true. Your
opinion is your own beliefs. We spread our beliefs so we can feel right about our
own point of view.
When you are impeccable with your word, your emotional poison will naturally
be cleaned out from your mind and in your personal relationships. It will give
you immunity from anyone putting a spell on you. You will only receive
negativity if your mind is fertile for negativity. When you are impeccable with
your word, your mind becomes fertile for positivity and truth. How much you
love yourself and how you feel about yourself are directly proportionate to the
quality and integrity of your word. This is possible for everyone!
If someone says, Hey, you are stupid without knowing you, its not about
you, its about them. If you believe it, thats because you must believe you
are stupid. You take it personally because you agree with what was said.
When you agree, the poison flows through you and you are trapped. You are
trapped because of personal importance. Personal importance (or taking
things personally) is the maximum expression of selfishness because we make
the assumption that everything is about me. During our domestication we
learned to take everything personally. Its ME ME ME.
NOTHING anyone does is because of you. Its because of them. Everyone is
in their own dream and mind. We assume they know whats in our world, but
they dontand we then try to impose our world on theirs.
Even when someone insults you directly is nothing to do with you. What they
say are the agreements they have in their own belief system, which comes
from the programming they had during THEIR domestication. Seriously. If
someone says you look fat, dont take it personally. They are dealing with
their own feelings and beliefs. They are trying to send you poison, and if you
take it personally, the poison becomes yours. Do not eat all of their emotional
garbage. If you dont, you are immune in the middle of hell. Immunity to the
poison of hell is the gift of this agreement.
When you take things personally you feel offended, and your reaction is to
defend your beliefs. You have the need to be right and make everyone else
wrong. You try to be right by giving your own opinions. You are really just
projecting your personal dream and agreements, which really has nothing to
do with anyone else but you.
It is not important to me what you think about me, and I dont take it
personally. I dont take it personally when you say, Youre the best nor do I
take it personally when you say Youre the worst. Either way it doesnt
affect me because I dont have the need to be accepted. Whatever you
think/do/feel is your problem, not mine. It is just the way you have been
domesticated and see the world. I cannot take that personally because those
are the agreements and belief system you have. Since you have your own
belief system, anything opinion you have about me is really about you, not
about me.
When you think, what youre saying is hurting me it is NOT what Im
saying that is hurting you. You are hurting yourself. It is because I have
touched a wound by what I have said. I cannot take that personally, because I
know you see the world with different eyes.
Your point of view is no ones truth but yours. If you get mad at me, it is
because you are dealing with yourself. I am the excuse for you to get mad,
and you get mad because you are afraid, because you are dealing with fear.
If you live with love and without fear there is no room for anger, hate,
jealousy, etc. When you dont have fear you feel good. When you feel good,
everything is around you is good. When everything around you is good,
everything makes you happy. You love everything around you because you
love yourself. Youre happy with the way you are and happy with your life.
Sadness and drama comes from assumptions and taking things personally. This is
the whole war of control between humans.
We usually start gossiping about the assumptions we make, and we know that
gossiping is the way we communicate to transfer poison to each other.
We make assumptions because we are afraid to ask for clarifications. We assume,
and then believe we are right, and then actually defend them. Its always better to
ask questions, because assuming sets us up for suffering.
We only see and hear what we want to. We dream up things in our imagination.
If we dont understand something well just assume, and when the truth comes out
it pops our bubble and we find out we were wrong.
Making assumptions in relationships is asking for problems! We assume our
partner knows what we are thinking. THEY DONT! We assume that they will
do what we want because they know us so well. This can lead to a lot of drama
and fights.
We make assumptions because our human minds needs to justify everything in
order to feel safe. We have millions of questions that we need answered. Its not
important if the answers are correct, just having any answer makes us feel safe. If
we dont know the answers, we just assume. Or if its difficult to ask, we just
assume because its easier. Assuming can replace the need to communicate.
We assume so quickly without asking questions because have made this
agreement that it is not safe to ask questions. We also think that if people love
us they will know what we want and how we feel.
We assume everyone sees life the way we do (think, feel, judge, abuse, etc.), but
they dont! This is the biggest assumption we make as humans. This is why we
are afraid to be ourselves because we think everyone will judge us the way we do
ourselves. So before other people even have a chance to reject us, we reject
We also over or underestimate what we are capable of, and these assumptions
create inner conflict.
You cannot change anyone. If people change, its because they wanted to change.
Real love accepts people the way they are without changing them. If we try to
change them, it means we dont really like them. Be with someone who doesnt
try to change you. This means you are impeccable with your word.
The way to not make assumptions is by asking questions. Communicate clearly.
Have the courage to ask, and even when you get answers, dont assume that you
know all there is to know.
Find the voice to ask for what you want. People have the right to say yes or no, as
do you. If you dont understand, ask for clarification. They day you stop making
assumptions, you will communicate without emotional poison. By that, your
word becomes impeccable.
This agreement is difficult because generally do the opposite. We have habits and
routines of assuming without even knowing. Becoming aware of these habits is
the first step. Understanding isnt enough though. The information is the seed,
but action will make the difference. Taking action over and over again
strengthens the foundation for a new habit to grow. After many repetitions of not
about yourself. If you always do your best, then you will become a master of
transformation. Practice makes the master, and by doing your best, you become a
master. You learned everything you know through repetition.
This isnt about hours and hours of meditation and being perfect. Its about being
human, loving yourself, your body, exercising and doing what makes your body
feel good. If you honor your body things will change. When you give love to
every part of your body, you will love, honor and respect your body immensely.
Make a new agreement right now. I choose to honor The Four Agreements. If
you have a strong will you can learn and keep these agreements. There will be
obstacles, and you wont be perfect every time, but you can keep doing your best.
We need to use every bit of power we have to keep these agreements. When you
fall, tell yourself I am strong enough and intelligent enough to do this. I can do
it. When you break an agreement, forgive yourself and start over. Begin again
and again and again.
A parasite is something that leads off other beings, sucking life, contributing
nothing in return. The Judge, Victim and belief system are parasites. Right now
the parasite has control of our mind and controls our dreams. The parasite lives
through us, and survives on our fear, drama and suffering
We need to rebel and say NO! and declare a war against these parasites.
A warrior is someone who declares a war against the parasite. We will not win
every battle, but we always do our best. Even when we lose sometimes, we will
continue to fight back.
The parasite is like a monster with a thousand heads. Each head represents a
different fear. We can attack these heads one by one, or we can cut off the
parasites food source. To do this, we need to gain control of our emotions, and
refrain from fueling the emotions that come from fear. Another solution is
initiation of the dead This is a symbolic death that kills the parasite. When we
die symbolically, the parasite has to die.
One way to change your beliefs is to focus on all the agreements and beliefs and
change them within yourself. The first step is to become aware of the fog in your
mind. To change your beliefs, you to need focus your attention on what you want
to change. You have to know which agreements you want to change before you
change them. The next step is to develop awareness of all of the self-limiting,
fear-based beliefs that make you unhappy. You can re-program your brain in
your own way. Adopting the Four Agreements will help you regain your
freedom. The stronger you get, the more agreements you can break until make it
to the core of all of the agreements.
Start by breaking small agreements that require less power. As the smaller ones
are broken, your power will increase, and then you will eventually be able to face
the big ones.
For every agreement you break that makes you suffer, you need to replace it with
an agreement that makes you happy. If you occupy the space of an old agreement
with a new one, then the old one wont come back.
Be patient with yourself. This is a slow process. You are living with many years
of domestication. Breaking agreements is difficult.
You cannot change an agreement with less power than it took to create it. And
unfortunately, almost ALL of our personal power it invested in keeping the
agreements that we have. Our agreements are an addiction we have. We are
addicted to being the way we are. We are addicted to anger, jealous and self-pity.
Therefore, to adopt the Four Agreements, it will take practice and repetition.
Repetition makes the master
Every day we wake up with a finite amount of energy to spend throughout the
day. If we allow our emotions to deplete our energy, we have none life to change
our lives or give to others
Imagine that we all as humans have infected skin. It hurts to be touched, and
there is poison inside. However, everyone has the infection, so we think its
normal. The human mind is JUST like this. We all have emotional wounds, and
the poison in the wounds makes us suffer form hate, anger, sadness, etc.
We need to open the wounds, drain the poison, and let them heal completely.
Forgiveness is the only way to heal. Forgive everyone for everything, including
Suffering makes you feel safe because you know it well. But there is no real
reason to suffer. If you look at your life, youll find many reasons to suffer, but
none of them are good.