Case Study: From Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Case Study: From Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Case Study: From Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Case study
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A case study is a particular method of qualitative research. Rather than using large
samples and following a rigid protocol to examine a limited number of variables, case
study methods involve an in-depth, longitudinal examination of a single instance or
event: a case. They provide a systematic way of looking at events, collecting data,
analyzing information, and reporting the results. As a result the researcher may gain a
sharpened understanding of why the instance happened as it did, and what might
become important to look at more extensively in future research. Case studies lend
themselves to both generating and testing hypotheses (Flyvbjerg 2006).
Yin, on the other hand suggests, that case study should be defined as a research
strategy, an empirical inquiry that investigates a phenomenon within its real-life
context. Case study research means single- and multiple case studies, can include
quantitative evidence, relies on multiple sources of evidence and benefits from the
prior development of theoretical propositions. He notes that case studies should not be
confused with qualitative research and points out that they can be based on any mix of
quantitative and qualitative evidence (Yin 2002). This is also supported and well-
formulated in (Lamnek, 2005): "The case study is a research approach, situated
between concrete data taking technique and methodologic paradigma" (translation
Illustrative case studies describe a domain; they use one or two instances to analyze a
situation. This helps interpret other data, especially when researchers have reason to
believe that readers know too little about a program. These case studies serve to make
the unfamiliar familiar, and give readers a common language about the topic. The
chosen site should typify important variations and contain a small number of cases to
sustain readers' interest.
The presentation of illustrative case studies may involve some pitfalls. Such studies
require presentation of in-depth information on each illustration; but the researcher
may lack time on-site for in-depth examination. The most serious problem involves
the selection of instances. The case(s) must adequately represent the situation or
program. Where significant diversity exists, no single individual site may cover the
field adequately. nkk
Exploratory case studies condense the case study process: researchers may undertake
them before implementing a large-scale investigation. Where considerable uncertainty
exists about program operations, goals, and results, exploratory case studies help
identify questions, select measurement constructs, and develop measures; they also
serve to safeguard investment in larger studies.
The greatest pitfall in the exploratory study involves premature conclusions: the
findings may seem convincing enough for inappropriate release as conclusions. Other
pitfalls include the tendency to extend the exploratory phase, and inadequate
representation of diversity.
Critical instance case studies examine one or a few sites for one of two purposes. A
very frequent application involves the examination of a situation of unique interest,
with little or no interest in generalizability. A second, rarer, application entails calling
into question a highly generalized or universal assertion and testing it by examining
one instance. This method particularly suits answering cause-and-effect questions
about the instance of concern.
Inadequate specification of the evaluation question forms the most serious pitfall in
this type of study. Correct application of the critical instance case study crucially
involves probing the underlying concerns in a request.
Good program implementation case studies must invest sufficient time to obtain
longitudinal data and breadth of information. They typically require multiple sites to
answer program implementation questions; this imposes demands on training and
supervision needed for quality control. The demands of data management, quality
control, validation procedures, and analytic modelling (within site, cross-site, etc.)
may lead to cutting too many corners to maintain quality.
Program effects case studies can determine the impact of programs and provide
inferences about reasons for success or failure. As with program implementation case
studies, the evaluation questions usually require generalizability and, for a highly
diverse program, it may become difficult to answer the questions adequately and
retain a manageable number of sites. But methodological solutions to this problem
exist. One approach involves first conducting the case studies in sites chosen for their
representativeness, then verifying these findings through examination of
administrative data, prior reports, or a survey. Another solution involves using other
methods first. After identifying findings of specific interest, researchers may then
implement case studies in selected sites to maximize the usefulness of the
Case studies can be used not only for inductive theory development, but also as quazi-
experiments in deductive theory testing. In a prospective case study design, the
researcher formulates a set of theory-based hypotheses in respect to the evolution of
an on-going social or cultural process and then tests these hypotheses at a pre-
determined follow-up time in the future by comparing these hypotheses with the
observed process outcomes using "pattern matching" (Campbell, 1966; Trochim,
1989) or a similar technique. This prospective research design consists of (1) a
baseline case study, which is used to formulate a set of hypotheses in respect to the
evolving social process (i.e., "What predictions would a given theory make in respect
to this process?"), establish the follow-up time, follow-up study methodology, and
outcome evaluation criteria; and (2) of a follow-up case study conducted at the
predetermined follow-up time. In this follow-up study, the formulated hypotheses are
compared to the observed outcomes of the social process, and the predictive power of
the theory is, thus, evaluated.
Cumulative case studies
Cumulative case studies aggregate information from several sites collected at different
times. The cumulative case study can have a retrospective focus, collecting
information across studies done in the past, or a prospective outlook, structuring a
series of investigations for different times in the future. Retrospective cumulation
allows generalization without cost and time of conducting numerous new case studies;
prospective cumulation also allows generalization without unmanageably large
numbers of cases in process at any one time.
The techniques for ensuring sufficient comparability and quality and for aggregating
the information constitute the "cumulative" part of the methodology. Features of the
cumulative case study include the case survey method (used as a means of
aggregating findings) and backfill techniques. The latter aid in retrospective
cumulation as a means of obtaining information from authors that permits use of
otherwise insufficiently detailed case studies.
Opinions vary as to the credibility of cumulative case studies for answering program
implementation and effects questions. One authority notes that publication biases may
favor programs that seem to work, which could lead to a misleading positive view
(Berger, 1983). Others raise concerns about problems in verifying the quality of the
original data and analyses (Yin, 1989).
Case studies that present findings in a narrative format are called narrative case
studies. This involves presenting the case study
In medical science case studies are considered "Class V" evidence, and are thus the
least suggestive of all forms of medical evidence.[1]
Case selection
When selecting a case for a case study, researchers often use information-oriented
sampling, as opposed to random sampling (Flyvbjerg 2006). This is because the
typical or average case is often not the richest in information. Extreme or atypical
cases often reveal more information because they activate more basic mechanisms
and more actors in the situation studied. In addition, from both an understanding-
oriented and an action-oriented perspective, it is often more important to clarify the
deeper causes behind a given problem and its consequences than to describe the
symptoms of the problem and how frequently they occur. Random samples
emphasizing representativeness will seldom be able to produce this kind of insight; it
is more appropriate to select some few cases chosen for their validity.
A critical case can be defined as having strategic importance in relation to the general
problem. For example, an occupational medicine clinic wanted to investigate whether
people working with organic solvents suffered brain damage. Instead of choosing a
representative sample among all those enterprises in the clinic’s area that used organic
solvents, the clinic strategically located a single workplace where all safety
regulations on cleanliness, air quality, and the like, had been fulfilled. This model
enterprise became a critical case: if brain damage related to organic solvents could be
found at this particular facility, then it was likely that the same problem would exist at
other enterprises which were less careful with safety regulations for organic solvents.
Via this type of strategic sampling, one can save both time and money in researching
a given problem. Another example of critical case sampling is the strategic selection
of lead and feather for the test of whether different objects fall with equal velocity.
The selection of materials provided the possibility to formulate a generalization
characteristic of critical cases, a generalization of the sort, ‘If it is valid for this case, it
is valid for all (or many) cases.’ In its negative form, the generalization would be, ‘If
it is not valid for this case, then it is not valid for any (or only few) cases.’
Careful case selection may help generalizing from case studies (see next section).
For instance, Galileo’s rejection of Aristotle’s law of gravity was based on a case
study selected by information-oriented sampling and not random sampling. The
rejection consisted primarily of a conceptual experiment and later on of a practical
one. These experiments, with the benefit of hindsight, are self-evident. Nevertheless,
Aristotle’s incorrect view of gravity dominated scientific inquiry for nearly two
thousand years before it was falsified. In his experimental thinking, Galileo reasoned
as follows: if two objects with the same weight are released from the same height at
the same time, they will hit the ground simultaneously, having fallen at the same
speed. If the two objects are then stuck together into one, this object will have double
the weight and will according to the Aristotelian view therefore fall faster than the
two individual objects. This conclusion seemed contradictory to Galileo. The only
way to avoid the contradiction was to eliminate weight as a determinant factor for
acceleration in free fall. And that was what Galileo did. Historians of science continue
to discuss whether Galileo actually carried out the famous experiment from the
leaning tower of Pisa, or whether it is simply a myth. In any event, Galileo’s
experimentalism did not involve a large random sample of trials of objects falling
from a wide range of randomly selected heights under varying wind conditions, and
so on. Rather, it was a matter of a single experiment, that is, a case study, if any
experiment was conducted at all.
Galileo’s view continued to be subjected to doubt, however, and the Aristotelian view
was not finally rejected until half a century later, with the invention of the air pump.
The air pump made it possible to conduct the ultimate experiment, known by every
pupil, whereby a coin or a piece of lead inside a vacuum tube falls with the same
speed as a feather. After this experiment, Aristotle’s view could be maintained no
longer. What is especially worth noting, however, is that the matter was settled by an
individual case due to the clever choice of the extremes of metal and feather. One
might call it a critical case: for if Galileo’s thesis held for these materials, it could be
expected to be valid for all or a large range of materials. Random and large samples
were at no time part of the picture. Most skilled scientists simply do not work this
way with this type of problem.
By selecting cases strategically in this manner one may arrive at case studies that
allow generalization.
For more on generalizing from case studies, see [3]
The use of case studies for the creation of new theory in social sciences has been
further developed by the sociologists Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss who
presented their research method, Grounded theory, in 1967.
The popularity of case studies as research tools has developed only in recent decades.
One of the areas in which case studies have been gaining popularity is education and
in particular educational evaluation. Some of the prominent scholars in educational
case study are Robert Stake and Jan Nespor (see references). Case studies have, of
course, also been used as a teaching method and as part of professional development.
They are well-known in business and legal education. The problem-based learning
(PBL) movement is one of the examples. When used in (non-business) education and
professional development, case studies are often referred to as critical incidents (see
David Tripp in references).
History of Business Cases. - When the Harvard Business School was started, the
faculty quickly realized that there were no textbooks suitable to a graduate program in
business. Their first solution to this problem was to interview leading practioners of
business and to write detailed accounts of what these managers were doing. Of course
the professors could not present these cases as practices to be emulated because there
were no criteria available for determining what would succeed and what would not
succeed. So the professors instructed their students to read the cases and to come to
class prepared to discuss the cases and to offer recommendations for appropriate
courses of action. Basically that is the model still being used. See a critique of this
The case study offers a method of learning about a complex instance through
extensive description and contextual analysis. The product articulates why the
instance occurred as it did, and what one might usefully explore in similar situations.
Case studies can generate a great deal of data that may defy straightforward analysis.
For details on conducting a case study, especially with regard to data collection and
analysis, see the references listed below.
Charles C. Ragin and Howard S. Becker, eds., What is a Case? Exploring the
Foundations of Social Inquiry (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992). [5]
Roland W. Scholz and Olaf Tietje. Embedded Case Study Methods. Integrating
Quantitative and Qualitative Knowledge. Sage Publications. Thousand Oaks 2002,
Sage. ISBN 0761925538
Robert E. Stake, The Art of Case Study Research (Thousand Oaks: Sage, 1995). [6]
Robert K. Yin. Case Study Research. Design and Methods. Third Edition. Applied
social research method series Volume 5. Sage Publications. California, 2002.