Peter Johnson CV
Peter Johnson CV
Peter Johnson CV
Johnson CV
Curriculum Vitae
Peter Allan Johnson, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher and Lecturer
Department of Geography, McGill University
805 Sherbrooke St. W, Montreal, QC, H3A 2K6
Citizenship: Canadian
Research Interests
The development, use, and evaluation of geospatial technology in planning; agent-based
modeling for generating planning scenarios; tourism planning and development; tourism and
complexity; participatory, community-based use of geographic information systems; Web 2.0 and
leveraging on-line geospatial tools within planning; open access data
Academic Appointment
Postdoctoral Researcher, McGill University, Montreal, QC. (01/2010 - present)
Project title: Geoweb and community planning in rural Quebec, Supervisor: Dr. Renee Sieber
PhD in Geography (2005 - 2009), McGill University, Advisor: Dr. Renee Sieber
MA in Geography (2001 - 2003), University of Waterloo, Advisor: Dr. Judith Cukier
BA in Recreation and Leisure Studies and Geography, Co-op program (1997 - 2001), University
of Waterloo, Advisor: Dr. Judith Cukier
External Research Funding
2009 Geoweb and community planning in rural Quebec (3 years, Co-PI with Dr. Renee Sieber)
$291,000. Funded primarily by the Quebec Ministre des Services gouvernementaux
program Appui au passage la socit de linformation: Les projets de recherche portant
sur les rpercussions socioconomiques dinternet et des technologies de linformation
Peter A. Johnson CV
The Peter W. Williams Award for the Advancement of MultiDisciplinary Tourism Research: Presented by the Travel and
Tourism Research Association of Canada
Academic Contributions
Refereed Publications
In press. Johnson, P. A., & Sieber, R. E. Negotiating constraints to the adoption of agent-based
modeling for tourism planning in Nova Scotia. Environment and Planning B.
In press. Johnson, P. A., & Sieber, R. E. An agent-based approach to providing tourism planning
support. Environment and Planning B.
2011. Johnson, P. A., Sieber, R.E., Ariwi, J., & Magnien, N., Mining the Web: User-generated
content as a data source for tourism research. Current Issues in Tourism. DOI:
2010. Johnson, P. A. Realizing rural community-based tourism development: prospects for
social economy enterprises. Journal of Rural and Community Development. 5(1), 150-162.
Peter A. Johnson CV
2010. Johnson, P. A., & Sieber, R. E. An individual-based model of tourism dynamics. Tourism
Analysis. 15(5).
2009. Johnson, P. A., & Sieber, R. E. Agent-based modeling: A dynamic scenario planning
approach to tourism PSS. In S. Geertman & J. Stillwell (Eds.), Planning Support Systems:
Best Practices and New Methods. Berlin: Springer.
Other Publications
2009. Johnson, P.A. Visioning Local Futures: Agent-Based Modeling as a Tourism Planning
Support System. Unpublished PhD Thesis, McGill University, 214 pp.
2003. Johnson, P.A. Exploring the Ecological Footprint of Tourism in Ontario. Unpublished
Masters Thesis, University of Waterloo, 118 pp.
2002. Johnson, P.A. Scrubbing the Greenwashers. Alternatives Journal: Canadian
Environmental Ideas and Action. 28(4).
2001. Johnson, P.A. Backpacker Transportation Modes, Routes and Destinations: Mapping
Tourist Flows in Ontario and Quebec. Unpublished Honours Bachelor of Arts Thesis,
University of Waterloo, 51 pp.
Invited/Refereed Presentations
2009. Johnson, P.A. Experimenting with the drivers of creative class migration: An agent-based
modelling approach. Presented at the Martin Prosperity Institute: Experience the Creative
Economy conference 2009, University of Toronto, Ontario, June 23rd, 2009.
2008. Johnson, P.A. Planning support systems for sustainable tourism development. Invited
presentation for the 2008 University of Waterloo Tourism Lecture Series, University of
Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, October 17th, 2008.
Johnson, P.A. Visioning local futures: The development of a computerized tourism planning
support system. Presented at the Spatial Knowledge and Information Canada (SKI)
Conference 2008, Fernie, British Columbia, February 15th, 2008. Student Presentation Award.
Peter A. Johnson CV
2007. Johnson, P.A. Tourism planning support system (PSS) development in Nova Scotia.
Invited presentation for the Travel and Tourism Research Association Canada Annual
Conference 2007, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, October 18th, 2007.
Recent Non - Refereed Conference Presentations
2010. Johnson, P.A. What motivates governments to invest in the Geoweb? Evidence from rural
Quebec Presented at the GEOIDE Project 41 Connecting Rural Communities through the
Geoweb: Ideas, Challenges & Realities workshop, Montreal, Quebec, November 19th, 2010.
2009. Johnson, P.A. Mining the Web: How user-generated content can become a data source for
tourism research. Presented at the Travel and Tourism Research Association Canada Annual
Conference 2009, Guelph, Ontario, October 15th, 2009.
Johnson, P.A. Social Economy Enterprises: Prospects for Rural Tourism Development.
Presented at the Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Meeting 2009, Ottawa,
Ontario, May 28th, 2009.
Johnson, P.A. Modeling destination competition: Tourist destinations as adaptive agents.
Presented at the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting 2009, Las Vegas,
Nevada, March 24th, 2009.
2008. Johnson, P.A. Experimenting with dynamic tourism scenarios: An agent-based approach.
Presented at the Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Meeting 2008, Quebec City,
Quebec, May 22nd, 2008. Tourism and Recreation Study Group Student Presentation Award.
2006. Johnson, P.A. Modeling tourism development in Nova Scotia. Presented at the Association
of American Geographers Annual Conference 2006, Chicago, Illinois, March 11th, 2006.
Recent Teaching Experience
Lecturer: Geography 307 Socioeconomic Applications of GIS.
McGill University, Department of Geography, Montreal, QC
January 2010 April 2010
Lecturer: Geography 494 Urban Field Studies.
McGill University, Department of Geography, Montreal, QC
September 2008 December 2008
Peter A. Johnson CV
Teaching Assistant: Geography 216, 217, 221, 307 (x2), 331, 501, 506
For course outlines see:
McGill University, Department of Geography, Montreal, QC
September 2005 April 2009
Training and Instruction in Teaching
Academic Service
Departmental Activities
Academic Community
Organizer for paper session Geoweb for Community Development: Case Studies and
Theory. To be held at the 2011 American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting in
Seattle, Washington, April 12-16, 2011
Chair for paper session GIS and Citizen Science: Methods and Tools. To be held at the
2011 American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington, April
12-16, 2011
Organizer for paper session Adoption and Use of Volunteered Geographic Information in
Governance. To be held at the 2011 Canadian Association of Geographers Annual
Meeting in Calgary, Alberta, May 31-June 4, 2011.
Reviewer for:
Environmental Modeling and Software
Journal of Community Informatics
Journal of Sustainable Tourism
Journal of Rural and Community Development
e-Review of Tourism Research