Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management
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Objectives of HRM:
Organizations procure and manage various resources including human to attain the specified objectives or
goals. Thus, HR are managed to divert and utilize their resources towards and for the accomplishment of
organizational goals. Therefore, basically the objective of HRM are drawn from and to contribute to the
accomplishment of the organizational goals. The other objectives of HRM are to meet the needs,
aspiration, values and dignity of individual employees and having due concerns for the socio-economic
problems of the community and the country.
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organization. Thus, HR manager must design them in effective manner to attract qualified and
skilled manpower at work.
7. Health and Safety: Every organization has to take care of its employees health and safety.
Working place must be clean and safe enough to perform the work by employees. Higher risk and
pollution de-motivate the employees at work. Thus, HR managers should highly concerned on
this matter
8. Employee Relation: HR mangers must maintain harmonious relation between management and
employees. Any issues or grievances arise in an organization should be handled constructively
through discussion, negotiation etc.
9. Record Keeping: HR department keeps and maintain the record of employees and retrieve
whenever it is necessary. The records include application form, medical records, employment
history, absence etc. This function helps in promoting as well as to take disciplinary action to
Human resource management System:
HRM is a system approach. HRM system is an integrated guiding map that shows the integrated form of
HRM comprising inputs, process and output components and their interaction with the environmental
*A system is an organized whole, consisting of interrelated and inter-dependent parts
a. Human Energy and Competencies: It represents the availability of Human Resource and their
skills and abilities.
b. Organizational Business Strategy: It represents the course of action chosen to achieve the
organizational goals
c. Labor Market: It is a essential source of supply for human resources. The availability of quality
manpower in the external market has a great influence on organizational activities.
d. Labor Union and Legislation: Labor union and legislation affects the selection of particular HR
strategy and activities.
a. Quality of Work life (QWL): It refers to the creation of effective working environment in which
the employees get highly motivated to dedicate their full effort toward work.(autonomy,
recognition, belongingness, progress and development, reward system )
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b. Productivity: It is the relationship between the quantity produce from the inputs used. Success of
organization depends upon higher productivity. Thus, the overall productivity is the major
outcome of the HRM system.
c. Readiness to change: Change is inevitable in an organization. Management should carefully plan
and implement the changes. Sometimes employees may resist the changes because of fear of job
termination, transfer etc. Thus to reduce the fear HRM system allow the time or create the
environment for further training and development, effective communication and accept the
Challenges of HRM
1. Globalization: Globalization means providing the access for buying and selling goods across
nations. In other words, globalization means off-shoring of business from one country to another
to get advantage of low cost, low tax and skilled manpower. Usually, developed countries like
U.S, Japan, UK etc. are off-shoring their business to developing countries like India, China,
Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia etc. This process directly and indirectly affects the HR
practices and HR policies of local organization. Higher pay from those off shoring organizations
attracts most of the qualified personnel, which will be the challenge for local organization to
retain their staffs. Besides, international organizations also have the challenge to train and
develop the local people to work in international standard as well as socialize them in their
2. Work Force Diversity: Work force diversity means that organizations are becoming more
heterogeneous in terms of gender, race, ethnicity and other background. The participation of
women and minorities in the workforce has been increasing .Such increasing in diversity
increased the roles and responsibility of HR managers to handle diversity related issues and
problem at work. There is increasing need for training, education and other awareness programs
to develop a certain level of awareness to recognize differences at work.
3. The contingent workforce: Contingent workforce refers to part-time, temporary workers
appointed for short time contract. Due to the increasing effects of globalization the prevailing
employment pattern of employing permanent employees has been changes. Organization are now
interested in appointing workers and even professionals managers on a contingent basis to fulfill
the demand of peak business time when only a limited number of core employees are not able to
cope with increased work pressure . Since, they are the temporary workers for a certain period of
time the role of HR manager to use their skill fully and ensure quality of their work is a challenge
in at present context.
4. Decentralized work sites: Since, due to the advance technological improvement, todays
employees are not required to sit in office and work from 9am to 5 pm. Instead, they can work at
home and report to the head office with computer linkage. This form of decentralized worksites is
getting popular in developed as well as developing nations. The challenge for HR managers is to
monitor work process and ensure the quality of work done in the decentralized sites as well as to
design the reward system for their performance.
5. Employee involvement: The employee involvement at the workplace is necessary for the efficient
and effective utilization of resources. To motivate the employees to give higher effort toward
work is big challenge of HR managers. So managers can use techniques like delegation of
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authority, job redesign, job enrichment, reward system etc to enhance the employees contribution
at work.
6. Changing Skill requirement and avoiding skill deficiencies: Due to rapid changes in information
technology, the inflow of foreign investment and transfer of technology, there has been increasing
demand of skilled and knowledgeable man power. Similarly, the blue collar jobs are being
replaced by technical knowledge workers. Thus, to fulfill this demand HR manger have to take
necessary measures like offering handsome salary, effective working environment , fringe
benefits etc to attract them . Similarly, due to obsolescence of current technology and
manufacturing process, organization needs to train the employee to avoid skill deficiencies.
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In other words, HRP is the process of analyzing, anticipating the HR requirement and fulfilling them in
accordance with business strategy.
According to Cash and Fischer, HRP is a method for determining future staffing requirement and
developing action plan for meeting them.HRP is a part of the companys total resource planning. It
influences and influenced by business plans, interacts with organizational plans and contributes to
business decisions concerning, for example the development of new products, markets, facilities and
production process as well as merger and acquisitions.
Characteristics of HR Planning:
The characteristics of HRP are as follows:
1. Based on strategic planning: HR planning is always formulated under the basis of corporate
strategy. It has direct line with business strategy. E.g. when a company wants to expand the
business, HRP helps by making available, the required number of concerned skilled manpower.
2. Estimate demand and supply of manpower: HRP estimates the expected demand and supply of
manpower required and available in and outside the organization respectively. By the help of
Human Resources Information System (HRIS), HRP continuously monitor the changes in human
dimension in and outside the organization.
3. Focuses on ensuring availability of quality manpower: Business organization cannot survive
until and unless there is dedicated employees. Thus, HRP not only forecast the demand and
supply of workers but also, ensures the availability of trained, skilled and qualified workforce for
organizational activities.
4. Mechanism for regular monitoring and evaluation: HRP does not work until and unless there is
a proper mechanism for monitoring and evaluation. Thus, while formulating HRP an inbuilt
mechanism with a number of indicators for monitoring and evaluation will be developed. This
help to ensure that HRP is in right track.
5. Assisting in achieving cost effectiveness: Business organization always tries to minimize the cost
and maximize the profit. So, HRP focuses on utilizing the HR in most effective and efficient
manner, which not only reduces the cost but also helps in increase and develop the skill and
abilities of work force.
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Objectives of HRP
The objective so HRP are as follows:
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4. Helps to determine training and development needs: HRP not only forecast the demand and
supply, but also helps to determine the training and development need for employees. Employees
need to be trained and developed to enhance their skill and abilities as per the organizations
requirement. Thus, HRP creates the mechanism to determine and provide training and
development facilities for employees.
5. Helps in cost minimization: HRP ensures the right numbers of people in right place at right time.
It avoids the cost of overstaffing and understaffing, which helps to minimize the cost.
Concept of HR strategy:
Strategic Plan: A companys plan for how it will match its internal strength and weakness with
external opportunities and threat in order to maintain a competitive advantage
Strategic Management: The process of identifying and executing the organizations mission by
matching its capabilities with the demand of its environment.
Strategy: The Companys long-term plan for how it will balance its internal strength and
weakness with its external opportunities and threats to maintain a competitive advantage.
Human resource Strategy is defined as A coordinated set of actions aimed at integrating an
organizations culture, organization, people and system. [The need to recruit, develop, compensate and
retain qualified employees will be driving strategy of HR functions.]
In other words, HR strategy is a action plan which is concerned with establishing relationship between
long-term direction and business strategy on the one hand and HRM activities on the other.
Characteristics of HR strategy:
The characteristics of HR strategy are as follows:
1. Pervasive: HR strategy covers all the levels and hierarchy of management. It prevails within and
between each and every activities performed in an organization.
2. Link with Business Strategy: HR strategy has close link with business strategy. Since, without
linking HR strategy with business strategy it is difficult to use people for certain purpose.
3. People as strategic resources: HR strategy always focus to make people more and more effective
to achieve competitive advantages in the market.
4. Environmental adaptation: HR strategy changes with change in environment. It always focuses
on building the competent HR to match the change needs in an organization due to environmental
Relation between HR planning and Strategic Planning:
*Strategy is market oriented concept and it is closely related with products and competition in the market.
Strategic planning is determining the long term course of action. It is formulated by top level management
after analyzing internal strength and weakness of an organization and external opportunities and threats
prevailing in the environment.
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HR planning is a process of identifying and determining the HR needs and manage them as per the
organizational requirements.
The relation between HR planning and Strategic Planning are as follows:
1. HR plan is formulated under the activities determined in business strategy.
2. HR plan go side by side with the strategic planning. It always ensures the availability of
manpower as and when required to perform the activities determined by business strategy.
Approaches to HR planning:
HRP forecast the HR needs and determine the actions to be taken to fulfill those needs. Approaches to
HRP are as follows:
1. Traditional/ Quantitative/ Hard/ Top-down/Mechanistic Approach: This is a hard HRP
approach which makes sure that the organization has a right number of employees in right place
at the right time to satisfy organizational needs. This approach mostly uses quantitative
techniques (statistical and econometric tools) to forecast the demand and supply of the workforce
in an organization.
According to this approach HRP comprises of:
a. Forecasting future demand of HR requirement for the organization.
b. Analyzing the current HR by using HRIS of the organization.
c. Forecasting the internal and external HR supply.
d. Reconciliation of forecast and feedback.
e. Make plans and decisions.
2. Strategic/ Soft/ Qualitative/ Bottom-up/ Organic Approach: According to this approach, HRP is
taken to be the result of interaction among environment development, HR strategy and business
strategy. It is employee oriented approach. This approach not only forecast the HR requirement
but also considers soft function like employee creativity, innovative proactive and work
flexibility required to meet the changing demand of the environment.
According to this approach HRP comprises of:
a. Defining where the organization wants to be in future.
b. Defining where the organization is at the moment
c. Analyzing environmental influences and trends
d. Formulation of plans to satisfy the desired changes.
Human Resources Planning process:
Following are the steps involved in HRP:1. Assessing current human resources: HRP begins by developing a profile of the current status
human resources. Basically, this is an internal analysis that includes an inventory of the workers
and skills already available within the organization and a comprehensive job analysis.
2. Assessing where the organization is going: The organizations objective and strategies for the
future determine future HR needs. Business strategy defines where the organization is going and
what it wants to achieve in future. Thus, analyzing and assessing the formal statement of what
course the organization plans to take in future helps to identify and estimates future human
resource needs.
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3. Forecasting the future HR demand: After an assessment of the organizations current human
resources situation, a projection of future human needs can be developed. It is necessary to
perform a year by year analysis for every significant jobs levels and type before the forecasting is
4. Forecasting the HR supply: Once the future demand of HR is projected, identification of supply
source to fulfill the demand is next steps in HRP. Thus, organization should estimate changes in
internal supply and external through HRIS and rigorous analysis of external environment
respectively. This ensures the supply to meet the future demand.
5. Matching demand and supply: The objective of HR planning is to bring together organizations
forecast of future demand and supply. The result of this effort is to highlight the area where there
may exist of overstaffing and understaffing both in number and kind.
6. Preparation of action plans: Action plans like recruitment plan, development plan, succession
plan, layoff plan etc are formulated to tackle over and under staffing and to ensure the HR
availability as per the organizational requirements in future.
Human Resource Inventory: Human resource inventory is concerned with telling the organization what
individual employees can do. It gathers workers related information like names, education, training, prior
jobs, current position, performance rating etc. through HRIS and make report. The profile of HR
inventory helps to determine what skill is currently available in organization that can take advantages of
opportunities to expand or change the organization strategy. It also helps in identifying current or future
threats to the organizations ability to perform.
Human Resource Information System (HRIS): HRIS is a database device provides skills inventory
information. It is designed to collect, analyze, store, retrieve and disseminate information about job and
employees. This system is designed to fulfill the personnel information needs as quickly as possible in an
organization with almost no additional expenditure of resources.
Succession Planning: Succession planning is the ongoing process of systematically identifying, assessing
and developing organizational leadership to enhance performance. It includes three steps:
1. Identifying and analyzing key jobs: It is based on companys strategic goal. Top management
and HR experts identify what the companys future key position need will be, and formulate job
description and specification for them.
2. Creating and assessing candidates: Creating means identifying potential internal and external
candidates for future key position and then providing them with the developmental experiences
they require to be viable candidates when its times to fill the position.
3. Selecting those who will fill the key positions: Finally succession planning requires assessing
these candidates and selecting those who will actually fill the key position.
Human Resource Planning in Kenyan Organization:
1. Traditional Approach of HRP: There is use of traditional approach of HRP in most of Kenyan
organizations. HR strategy is not linked with business strategy. HR is only considers as an input
not as an assets of the organizational system. However, some joint venture banks, MNCs are
using the strategic approach of HRP.
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2. Lack of assessment of HR: Most of the Kenyan organizations do not analyze and assess their
current HR. There is lack of effective HRIS. Similarly, effective job analysis is lacking, which
leads to inappropriate match between job description and job specification.
3. Poor demand and Supply forecast: Kenyan organizations do not exercise demand and supply
forecasting procedure, because they are short term focused and even dont have reliable revenue
forecast. Similarly, promotion and transfer are rarely planned.
4. Over staffing in government and public organization: Due to heavily political interference and
appointment, government and public organization are suffering from overstaffing.
5. Poor HRP in private organization: Most of the private organizations are unaware of HRP. They
appoint employees under the recommendation of dear and near, which leads to nepotism and
HR demand forecasting techniques:
The projection of future manpower needs depends upon the strategic plan. There are several techniques
for forecasting HR demand to satisfy the future requirement as per the strategic plan. They are as follows:
1. Statistical Techniques: Under statistical technique following are the methods that can be sued
for demand forecasting.
a. Trend Analysis: It is the study of an organizations past employment needs over a period of
years to predict future needs. In other words trend analysis means studying variation in
companys employment level over the last few years. Under this technique, organization
computes how many numbers of employees were required at the end of each of last few years
or in certain departments (sales, production, and administration). This results will be use to
project the HR requirement in future. (*seasonal trends, cyclic trends)
b. Ratio Analysis: A forecasting technique for determining future staff needs by using the ration
between some causal factor (like sales volume) and the number of employees required (
number of sales person). E.g. a single can generate Kshs. 20000 in sales> If the sales revenue
to sales person remain the same, company require 8 people next year to generate expected
Kshs. 160000 in sales.
c. Regression Analysis: Under this technique, estimation of future human resources is obtained
by establishing relation with either single or multiple variables like past production, sales,
productivity, technical equipments etc. Once, the relation is established between past level
sales and employment, prediction of future sale can be used to make prediction about future
d. Markov analysis: Under this technique, the changes occurred due to promotion, transfer,
demotion, quits termination etc in past are carefully analyzed. Based on this analysis future
demand is estimated.
e. Work Study Techniques: Under this technique, time required to accomplish the task by an
individual is determined and standard is set. Thus, under this standard the requirement of
manpower is estimated.
2. Judgmental Techniques:
a. Managerial Estimate Technique: Under this technique, managers estimate the demand of
workforce by suing their knowledge and experiences. There are two approaches to make the
managerial estimates.
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5. Better Quality of Work Life: Better job design ensures the fulfillment of both psychological and
physical needs. This further enhances degree of motivation and personal development. Thus,
quality of work life (QWL) can be achieved through effective job design.
6. Change behavior at work: Job design focuses on reducing the duplication and repetition of work
and work activities by an individual. Instead, it tries to make the work interesting and challenging
which decreases the monotony and increases the willingness to perform a job. This helps to
change the attitude of workers towards the work.
Methods and Approaches of job design:
There are various methods of job design. Some of them are explained below:
1. Scientific Management Approach: This method is suggested by F.W Taylor. Under this method,
jobs are narrowly defined. The job is simplified by breaking down the job into tasks. This task
specifies not only what is to be done, but how it is to be done and the exact time allowed for
doing it. This further helps in work specialization. Taylor suggested that, job should be designed
first and then finding or fitting people to the job should be done next. He further argued that
doing so; it not only decreases the cost of training and development but also motivates the people
toward work. This approach is job oriented which can be used mostly in assembly line where
same job are done repeatedly.
2. Herzbergs Motivation Hygiene Theory: This method is suggested by Frederick Herzberg. He
and his associates found that people like to work in those organizations where two factors
hygiene and motivator are presents. Hygiene factors are pay, working condition (heating, lighting
and ventilation), company policy and quality of supervision. These factor lead to an increase in
productivity. Motivators are the feeling of self improvement, recognition, achievement and a
desire for an acceptance of a greater responsibility. Presence of motivator factors motivates the
employees and leads to job satisfaction. However, presence of hygiene factors in job not
necessarily motivates the employees but absence causes dissatisfaction in the ob and lead to low
productivity. Since, dissatisfaction can be minimized by providing adequate salary, improving
working condition. However, motivate factors are totally related to job itself. Thus job should be
designed in following ways.
a. Employees should be made more accountable for his/her job by delegating some
b. Individual are given opportunity to plan and schedule their own jobs.
c. There should be as far as possible direct or face to face communication while working on
that job.
d. Work should design in such that the worker can consider doing his/her own things.
e. Reward system should match the work performance.
3. Job Rotation: Job Rotation is the process of motivating employees by moving them from one job
to another job for a shorter period of time. It is normally used to train different skills and
techniques to the workers, so that one can work in different jobs at the time of urgency and
scarcity. It also helps to avoid the boredom and frustration caused by similar and repetitive jobs.
4. Job Enlargement: Job Enlargement is the process of increasing the work load by adding the same
nature of jobs or tasks into a job. E.g. the various tasks like operating camera, check sound,
prepare lighting and report story can be added to video journalist job.
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5. Job Enrichment: Job enrichment is one of the mostly used techniques to motivate the employees
at work. Under this technique, employees are free to set their goals, supervise their subordinates
and enjoy power over others by planning and controlling their work and work related activities.
This will enhance the employees commitment and satisfaction.
Techniques of job enrichment are as follows:
a. Specific task: Assign specific task to the individual to develop expertise.
b. Combine task: Add similar job to one to increase job scope.
c. Self-set standard: Allow the employees to set their own standard and targets.
d. Minimal control: Provide greater autonomy to work and work related activities.
e. Employee accountability: Make employee accountable for their performances.
f. Feedback: Provide feedback to employees about performance result.
6. Job Characteristics Approach: This approach is suggested by Hackman and Oldham. This
approach is based on premise (idea) that it is possible to alter a jobs character and create
conditions of high work motivation, satisfaction and performance by recognizing that people
respond differently to the same job. This method states that specific job characteristics affect job
design. They are :a. Skill Variety or the degree to which a job requires a job variety of different skills.
b. Task Identity or the degree to which a job requires completion of a whole and identifiable
piece of work.
c. Task significance or degree to which a job provides substantial impact on the lives or
work of other people.
d. Autonomy or the degree to which job provides substantial freedom, independence and
discretion to the individual in scheduling the work and in determining the procedures
used to carry it out.
e. Feedback or the degree to which carrying out the activities required by a job result in the
individual obtaining direct and clear information about the effectiveness of his/her
7. The Open Social Technical System Approach: This approach is useful to design jobs to satisfy
team or group employees. This approach implies that the work setting has to be seen in terms of
two interrelated system: a social and technical system. The open system denotes the constant
interaction of the organization and the work group as units with a larger environment. The major
elements of job designing by using an open social technical system includes:a. Variation in the inputs and outputs of departments.
b. Estimates of relative importance of different variations.
c. Description of work roles, status, recruitment and training.
d. Analysis of attitude to work.
e. Analysis of the system of remuneration, wages etc.
f. Analysis of communication network.
8. Autonomous Work Group (Self-Managed Team): Under this method, the group or team is
assigned, who has full autonomy to take any decision related to work and work activities. They
are free to decide about the working methods, people involvement, people responsibility,
leadership etc. This method focused on group achievement rather than individual achievement.
Due to freedom and the performance based reward system, employees are more motivated
towards works and thus enhance productivity.
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9. Modified Work Schedule: Under this method the work time is change according to the necessity
of the employees. They may be following types:a. Shorter work Week: Worker work 10 hours each day for four days.
b. Flex time: Employees contract to work for specific hours per week but are free to choose
their working time within certain limit.
c. Job sharing: Sharing of a job between two or more part-time employees.
d. Homework: Employees do the work at home for the employers. Jobs like designing,
software developing etc are done at home for employers.
Job Analysis
Henderson (1979), defined a job as work consisting of responsibilities sand duties, that are sufficiently
alike, to justify being covered by a single job analysis.
Harvey (1991) defines a job as a collection of positions similar enough to one another in terms of their
work behaviors, to share a common job title.
Scientific management states that the key to ensuring good levels of productivity is a very good knowledge
of the different tasks, which make up a job. A thorough understanding of what is to be achieved, as well
as the knowledge of the abilities and material required to do a job are essential to standardize the action
of workers ,like the functioning of the machine.
Workers and management began to take increased interest in job analysis because of two reasons:
a. Fear of unfair discrimination.
b. The need to compare the merit of different individual employees holding different jobs, to claim
equal pay, on the basis of comparable quality of their respective job/work.
If you dont know a jobs duties, responsibilities and human required, how can you decide who to hire
or how to train them?
Job Analysis can be defined as a structured, multi-method approach aimed at defining the skills,
knowledge and personal attributes necessary for effective performance. It is the systematic process of
discovery of the nature of a job by dividing it into small units. The final outcome of job analysis is the
preparation of job description and job specification.
According to Gary Dessler, job analysis is the procedure for determining the duties and skill
requirements of a job and a kind of person who should be hired for it
Similarly, according to Decenzo and Robbins, a job analysis is a systematic exploration of the activities
with a job. It is a basic technical procedure, one that is used to define the duties, responsibilities and
accountabilities of a job.
Thus, job analysis is just an accurate recording of the activities ,where information are gathered to define
the specific job attributes .It produces information used for writing job description( a list of what the job
necessities ) and job specification (what kind of people to hire for the job).
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The HR specialist normally collects one or more of the following types of information in job analysis:
a. Work Activities: The information related to actual activities one individual performed in a job, such
as cleaning, selling, teaching etc. are collected.
b. Human Behavior: The information related to human behavior such as sensing, communicating,
writing etc. are collected.
c. Machine, tools, equipments, and work aids: The information related to tools used, material
processed, knowledge applied etc. are collected.
d. Performance Standard: The information related to the types for performance standard need and are
used is collected. This is required to appraise the employees performance.
e. Job Context: The information related with the working conditions, work schedule and social context
of organization are collected.
f. Human requirement: This includes information regarding the jobs human requirement, such as job
related knowledge or skill and personal attributes.
Collecting Job Analysis Information (Job Analysis Methods)
The methods that managers or HR experts can use to find a job elements and matching knowledge ,skills
and abilities necessary for successful performance include the following:a. Observation Method: Under this method, the job analyst observes the workers while they are
performing their jobs. It helps to collects the first hand information about the activities,
equipments, materials, working conditions and job hazards. However, workers in many cases do
not function most efficiently when they are watched and thus, may lead to distortion in the job
analysis. In addition, this method is not suitable for analyzing most managerial jobs where
intellectual abilities are required.
b. Interview Method: Under this method, job incumbents (who are directly responsible for the job in
current context) are selected and extensively interviewed. A check list of questions is used for
interview purpose. This method is effective for assessing what a job entails (necessities), but is
very time consuming.
c. Technical Conference Method: Under this method, the information related to the jobs are
collected for the specialist and technicians ( experts).The information of job characteristics like
difficulty, variability, significances ,autonomy, need for overtime etc. are collected. Although it is
a good method, it often overlook (ignore) the workers perceptions about what they do on their
d. Dairy Method: This method requires job incumbents to record their daily activities.
Comprehensive information is obtained about the job from entries made in the diary for the entire
job cycle .However, maintaining a dairy is not possible for every job because it added a workload
to the workers and also interfere the regular functioning of the actual work.
e. Structured Questionnaire Method: Using this method, workers are sent a structured
questionnaire on which they check or rate items they perform on the job from a long list of
possible task items. This is a popular method for gathering the information about jobs. However,
sometime questions may be misunderstood and often feedback is lacking in this method.
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The PAQ allows management, scientifically and quantitatively group interrelated job
elements into job dimensions. Thus, in-turn allow jobs to be compared with each other and
similar job are grouped into job families. And of course these information are use to develop
job description, job specification and conduct job evaluation.
b. Critical Incident Technique: Under this technique, the critical incidents that occurred during
the last 6 to 12 months are identified. This incident is link to the job performance or the
workers behaviour on an particular job. And determine its effectiveness and ineffectiveness in
job. Thus, by the help of this information job description and job specification are developed.
This method provides the actual picture of job requirement. However, it is time consuming
and may focus on unusual behaviour of the workers.
Purpose of Job Analysis (Uses of Job Analysis Information)
Following are the purposes of Job Analysis:
a. Job Description: Job analysis is use in developing job description. A job description is a written
statement of what the job holder does, how it is done and how job is done .It accurately portray
job contents, environment and conditions of employment. In other words, job description is a list
of job duties, responsibilities, reporting relationship, working conditions and supervisory
responsibilities. A common format of job description includes:
Job title
Level of the job
Job location
Duties and Responsibilities
Authority and Accountabilities.
b. Job Specification: Job Analysis is use in developing job specification. A job Specification states
the minimum acceptable qualification that the incumbents must have to perform the job
successfully. It defines the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to do the job effectively. The
Important information includes in job specification are:
a. Education and training
b. Experience
c. Physical Health
d. Skills
e. Maturity
c. Job Evaluation: Job Analysis information is crucial (essential) for estimating the value of each
job and its appropriate compensation. If an organization is to have an equitable compensation
program, job that has similar demand in terms of skills, education, and other personal
characteristics should be placed in common compensation groups. Thus, job evaluation
contributes toward the end by specifying the relative value of each job in the organization.
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d. Recruitment and Selection: Job Analysis provides information about what the job entails and
what human characteristics are required to perform these activities. This information in the form
of job description and job specification, helps management decide what sort of people to recruit
and hire.
e. Performance Appraisal: A performance appraisal compares each employees actual performance
with his/her performance standards. Managers use job analysis to determine the jobs specific
activities and performance standards.
f. Training and Development: Job Analysis identifies and suggests individual abilities required for
a job. Therefore training and development needs can be ascertained by job analysis.
g. Human Resource Planning:
Job Evaluation Methods
The following are the methods of Job Evaluations
1. Ranking Method: The ranking method requires a committee typically composed of both
management and employee representatives of job in a simple rank order, from highest to lowest.
Rating specialists review the job analysis information and thereafter appraise each job subjectively
according to its general importance in comparison with other jobs. In other words, an overall
judgment is made of the relative worth of each job, and the job is ranked accordingly. These are
overall rankings, although raters may consider individually the responsibility, skill, effort, and
working conditions and each job. No attempt is made to determine the critical factors in each job.
Therefore, it is quite possible that important elements of some jobs may be overlooked while
unimportant items are weighed too heavily. It may be noted that because of the difficulties in
ranking a large number of jobs at the time, the paired comparison technique of ranking is sometimes
used. With this technique, decisions are made about the relative worth of only two jobs at a time.
However, since each job is compared with every other jobs, the number of comparisons to be made
increases rapidly with the addition of each job to the list.
2. Job Grading or Job Classification Method: This method works by assigning each job a grade, level
or class that corresponds to a pay grade for instance Grade I, Grade II, Grade III and so forth. These
grades or classifications are created by identifying gradations of some common denominations, such
as job responsibility, skill, knowledge, education required, and so on. Then, for each job grade so
created standard job descriptions are determined. Thereafter, such standard description is matched
with job descriptions in the organisation. The standard description that most nearly matches the job
description determines the jobs grading. This method requires a decision at the initial stage on the
number of pay grades to be included in the wage and salary plan. Of course, the actual amount to be
assigned to pay grades made after the job evaluation is completed.
Factor-comparison Method: This method is a combination of ranking and point systems. All jobs are
compared to each other for the purpose of determining their relative importance by selecting four or five
major job elements or factors which are more or less common to all jobs. These elements are not
predetermined. These are chosen on the basis of job analysis. The few factors which are customarily used
are : (i) mental requirements (ii) skill (iii) physical requirements (iv) responsibilities (v) working
conditions, etc. A few jobs are selected as key jobs which serve as standard against which all other jobs
are compared. Key job is one whose contents have been stabilized over a period of time and whose wage
rate is considered to be presently correct by the management and the union.
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c. Rehires: Rehiring the process of reemploying the old employees having the skills and
experience on related subject matters. It will be easy for an organization to handle them
because they already know about the organizations culture, style and the ways of doing
d. Job rotation: Job rotation is moving an employee in different job under hi/her level. It
helps employees to acquire different skills which enhance motivation towards work.
The advantages of internal sources are as follows:
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Methods of Recruitment
The methods of recruitment are as follows:
1. Internal Method
2. External Method.
1. Internal Method
a. Job Posting: It is an open invitation to all employees in an organization to apply for the
job. The announcement of the vacancy can be disseminated through bulletin-board, Inhouse newsletter, circular etc. Equal opportunity for growth and advancement,
motivation for better performance are the advantages of job posting whereas, chances
of nepotism and favoritism, conflict between employees are the disadvantages.
b. Employee referrals: This is the recruitment by word of mouth. Usually, supervisor or
superior refer his/her immediate subordinates and other form the group for the vacant
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expected salary, references etc is done. Under this unqualified application and application
form with false information are rejected.
Preliminary Interviews: After applications are selected, preliminary interview is held to
screen out the misfit and unqualified candidates physically. Usually it is short. It also
helps the applicants to know about organization and actual job requirement.
Selection test: After preliminary interview, written test is administered for further
examination. Basically, there are five types of test, they may conduct for selection. They
are aptitude test (measure potential of individual to do work), Achievement test (measure
skill or knowledge acquired), Situation test (measure the way an individual perform a job
in different situation), vocational test (measure a candidates preference in different types
of jobs) and personality test (measure the personal characteristics of candidates.
Selection Interview (final interview): Under this the in-depth conversation with the
candidates on job related matters is conducted. It assess the candidates in following area:i. Ability to do the job and career goals.
ii. Motivation and enthusiasm to do job.
iii. Ability to fit in an organization.
iv. General Knowledge.
Reference Check: Under this, background information and character of the candidates is
checked. Reference can contribute to the selection process if they are based on the facts
and behaviour rather than an evaluation of candidates.
Physical Examination: Under this, the physical fitness of the candidates is examined. It
helps to identify physical disability that may have internally and externally.
Final selection: After thorough analysis and examination of employees from different
dimension, the candidates is selected for a job. Organization notifies the candidates who
have been selected.
Selection Test
A selection test is a systematic procedure for sampling human behaviour. In other words,
selection test is a tool which facilitates and ascertains the expected behaviour from non expected
behaviour of an individual.
A test is a set of questions, exercise of practical activities to measure someones skill, ability or
knowledge. A selection test is tool which helps to identify the human behaviour acquired by an
individual .Selection test must fulfill the following purpose:
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a. Aptitude test: Aptitude is a natural ability or skill, what a person acquires. Aptitude test
normally used to measure the potential of individual to perform. It includes inductive
(using known fact to produce general principles and deductive (using the knowledge and
information you have in order to understand or form an opinion about something)
reasoning, verbal comprehension, memory and numerical ability measurement.
b. Achievement test: Achievement test measure what a person has learned. They measure
an individual job knowledge in are like economics, marketing, personnel etc. E.g.
measuring skills or knowledge that has been acquired during a training program is an
achievement test.
c. Situational test: Under this test, candidates are asked to respond to the situation specific
problem. Reaction from the candidates is evaluated and proceeds for further selection
d. Vocational test: It measures the candidates preference in different types of job. Since,
each individual has distinct interest and perception related to the job, the test tires to
identify the interest on the job requirements. Clearly, if we can select people whose
interest are roughly the same as those of successful incumbents in the job for which they
are recruiting, it is more likely that the applicant will be successful.
e. Personality test: Personality test measures basic aspect of applicants. Personality, such as
introversion (quiet or shy) extroversion (active, confident, enjoy spending time with
others), stability and motivation etc. The usefulness of such test for selection rests on the
assumption that we can fine a relationship between a measureable personality trait and
success on the job.
Reliability and Validity of selection process
Selection a best suitable candidates for a job is an essential function of HR department. And,
the effective selection is depends to a large degree on the basic testing concepts of validity
and reliability.
Reliability: It is a tests first major requirement and refers to its consistency. A test is said to
be reliable only when the result an outcome is consistent on identical test obtained form same
person at two different occasion.
Validity (legal acceptance): It measures to prove that something is true or correct. In other
words, validity tells us whether the test is measuring what we think its supposed to be
Validity can be of following types:
a. Content validity: Content validity means, the content of the test item correlates highly
with the job content. In other words, the content that choose for data entry test is a
representative sample of what the person needs to know for the job, then the test is
probably content valid.
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Types of Interviews: There are following types of interview commonly used in organization.
a. Unstructured :
Question are not planned in
It is just a conversational
depend on interviewer.
Substantial time required.
b. Semi-Structured:
Necessary questions or basic questions are planned in advance.
But, interviewer may ask additional related question in the area of inquiry.
c. Structured:
The interviewer prepares a list of question in advance and does not asked
beyond those.
It helps to rate the applicants.
Useful to interview large number of people.
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All marriages are happy.
(Raymond Hull)
In organization people should know and accept behaviour that the organization views as
desirable. So every individual should act and react as per the organizational requirement. This
phenomenon is called socialization. In other work, socialization is the process of learning the
organizational culture and how to live or adapt within it.
According to Whrther and Davis, Socialization is the ongoing process through which an
employee beings to understand and accept the values, norms and beliefs held by others in the
Thus, socialization is the process of understanding and reacting in organizational environment as
per the expectation of organizational settings.
Purpose of socialization
The purposes of socialization are as follows:
a. To familiarize an individual in organizational settings: Organization has their own
culture, rule and regulation and practices which distinguish form one another. New
employee should understand these factors to become a member and act as per the
requirements. Thus to familiarize an individual in an organizational setting socialization is
a crucial task.
b. To reduce anxiety: New employees may suffer from serious anxiety while joining an
organization. It is due to fear of new environment, personal expectation etc. Socialization
helps to reduce the worry by providing information about the new job situation, role to be
played and proper instruction.
c. To increase employee performance and satisfaction: Once the person is socialize in the
organizational setting it is believed that an individual will performed better and
continuously increase the degree o f satisfaction. This further enhances the creativity and
imagination. Thus, socialization helps to improve the individual performance level.
d. To identify the employees behaviour: Socialization not only help to familiarize but also
helps to find out whether an individual in accepting or rejecting the organizational culture
and practice. Thus, to identify the deviants and norms-rejecting employees socialization
is vital in any organization.
Process of socialization
a. Pre-arrival stage
b. Encounter stage
c. Metamorphosis stage
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Process of Socialization
a. Pre-arrival Stage: Every individual make a prior image of a job performance and job
environment while entering into a job. It is outlined form the previous education,
work experiences recruitment and selection process. Thus, success of socialization
depends upon the degree to which the selected member has correctly anticipated the
expectation and desires of those in the organization.
b. Encounter Stage: In this stage, the individual confronts the possible difference
between the work reality and his/her expectation. If expectation proves to have been
more or less accurate, the encounter stage just validates the prior perception. However,
in the case of deviation, the new employ must undergo socialization, which detach
him/her from the previous assumption and replace these with the organizations basic
standard. Usually, effective recruitment and selection process reduces such deviation
in individuals expectation and workplace reality of an organization.
c. Metamorphosis Stage: The new member must suit in the organizational setting. This
means going through the change as per the organizational requirement, which is also
called metamorphosis. Under this stage, the new member becomes comfortable with
the organization and their job .She/he has internalized the norms of the organization
and their work groups. He/she feels accepted by the peers as trusted and valued
individuals. He/she is self confident and has competence to complete the jobs
successfully. Successful metamorphosis should have a positive impact on the new
employees productivity and their commitment to the organization and reduce their
propensity to leave the organization.
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Active participation.
Self efficacy.
Proper feedback.
Practice, practice and practice.
Principle of motivation.
Principle of feedback.
Principle of reinforcement.
Principle of practice
Principle of Transfer.
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Significance of learning:
Training is the process of providing the ideas, knowledge and methodology to the staffs to fit-in
in the job requirements. In other words, training is a learning experience, which relatively change
an individual behavior that will improve his/her ability to perform on the job.
According to Edwin B. Flippo, Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills in an
employee for doing a particular job.
Similarly, According to Casio: Training consists of planned designed to improve performance
at the individual, group and organizational levels.
Thus, training is a technique to upgrade employees skills and knowledge to work in a changed
work process and position and to fit-in in it.
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Objectives of training:
The major objective of training is to bring positive change in employees knowledge, skills and
attitude towards the work. The general objectives of training are as follows:
a. Update capabilities: Environment is dynamic. Change in environmental factors obsolete
the working methods, technology and also change the peoples behaviors. Thus, training
aims to update the knowledge and ideas needs to overcome these challenges by the
b. Develop healthy attitude: Work knowledge is must for any workers, who is responsible
to do it. Training provides the necessary skill and techniques to perform the job easily
and promptly. It not only develops the positive attitude toward the work but also
facilitates better co-operation, commitment and loyalty of employees.
c. Socialization: Training always aims to socialize employees towards organizational
setting. The skills and ideas learned from training is helpful for an individual to fit-in the
job and behave as per its requirement.
d. Develop future potential: An individual with skills and knowledge is a possible candidate
for promotion or getting the challenging job. This helps an individual to fulfill his career
goals. Thus, training is means for future growth of employees.
e. Improve Productivity: Training improves individual potentiality. It develops confidence
and positive attitude towards work. These bring less labor turnover, absenteeism,
operational errors, which enhances overall productivity of an organization.
Benefits of training:
The benefits of training programs are as follows:
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Training is required only when, three is a deviation or gap between the job requirement and
employee capabilities. Usually, due to the following reasons training is required.
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Job instruction training (JIT): JIT is a step by step training program, under which each
job basic task along with key point is listed. The steps show what is to be done, and the key
points show how it is to be done and why. The four basic steps of JIT are:
o Preparing the trainees by telling them about the job and overcoming
o Presenting the instruction, giving essential information in a clear manner.
o Having the trainees tryout the job to demonstrate their understanding.
o Placing the workers into the job, on their own, with a designated resource person
to call upon when they need assistance.
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and introduce theoretical concept to help explain the members behavior during the
Computer modeling: Complex computer modeling stimulates the work
environment by programming a computer to imitate some of the realities of the job.
It is widely used by airlines in the training of pilots. An error during a simulation
offers an opportunity to learn through ones mistake.
Vestibule training: In vestibule training, employee learns their job on the
equipment they will be using, but the training is conducted away from the actual
work-floor. Usually, the vestibule lab that stimulated the actual workplace
environment is created, under which, the trainees train. It allows employees to get a
full feel for doing task without real world pressure.
Programmed Instruction: Under this technique, the program to be learned is highly
organized with logical sequences that require the trainee to response and giving the
learner immediate feedback on the accuracy of his/her answers. It is the step by step
process that follows the following steps.
Presenting questions, facts or problems to
the learners.
Allowing the person to respond.
Providing feedback on the accuracy of the answers
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Thus, management development is the process of enhancing ones ability to overcome the
environmental managerial challenges that is encountered by an organizational setting.
Objectives of management development program
a. Increase the productivity and effectiveness of managers.
b. Assist the organization to identify its future leaders and accelerate their upward mobility.
c. Enable organization to produce the number of competent manger to anticipate growth
d. Encourage self-development and increases ability of managers to take greater
e. Enhancing managerial job satisfaction.
f. Encourages the climate of participative management where individual and the
organization can mutually set performance goals and measurement techniques.
Techniques of management development:
a. On the job management development: On the job management development includes
the following development methods.
Job rotation: It means moving management trainees from department to
department to broaden their understanding of all parts of the business and to test
their abilities. The advantages of this method are: It develops the links between
departments, develops employees flexibility to undertake different types of
Coaching: Under this method, the trainee is guided actively by senior managers.
The coach gives guidance through direction, advice criticism and suggestion in an
attempt to aid the growth of an employee (trainee).The disadvantages of this
method are there is a possibility of continuing the current management style and
practices in an organization, heavy reliance on coachs ability etc.
Under study assignment: Under this technique, the potential managers are given
opportunity to relieve (ease) an experienced manager of his/her job and act as
his/her substitute during the period. Through this method, an individual get
opportunity to see the job in total in short period.
Committee learning/action learning: Under this technique, a group of people or
team is assigned and gives an opportunity share in managerial decision making, to
learn by watching other and to investigate specific organizational problems. This
is temporary in nature, however, it increases trainees exposure to other members,
broadens his /her understanding and provides an opportunity to grow and make
recommendation under the scrutiny of other committee members.
b. Off the job management development: It includes the following methods.
Lecture courses: Different universities and colleges are providing training and
development to suit particular organizational needs. This formal lecture courses
offer an opportunity for manger or potential mangers to acquire knowledge and
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Reaction (Thoughts and feelings of the participants about the training): Reaction
implies how favorably the participants have responded to the training. This evaluation
is primarily quantitative in nature and is a feedback to the training and the trainer. The
most common collection tools is the questionnaire that analysis the content,
methodology, facilities and the course content.
Learning (The increase in knowledge or understanding as the result to the training):
At the level of learning the evaluation is done on the basis of change in the attitudes,
skills and knowledge of the trainees. The evaluation involves observation and
analysis of the voice, behavior, text. Other tools used besides observation are
interviews, surveys, pre and post tests etc.
Behavior (extent of change in behavior, attitude or capability): Behavior evaluation
analysis helps to know about the transfer of learning from the training session to the
workplace. Under this level, how an individual execute his/her activities after training
is evaluated.
Result (the effect on the bottom line of the company as a result of training): The
result stage makes evaluation towards the objective of an organization (such as:
higher productivity, better quality etc) .Here, the definition of the result depends upon
the goal of the training program. The evaluation is done by using a control group
allowing certain time for the result to be achieved.
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Unit-6: Motivation
The term motivation is developed from the English word motive which is itself derived from the
Latin word movere .Movere means to move. Motive may be defined as needs, wants, drives or impulses
within an individual.
Motivation may be defined as the process of stimulating or inducing people to take the desired course of
action. In other words, motivation means to make an individual act in a desired manner.
According to Koontz and Weihrich; Motivation is to do those things which satisfy drives and desires and
induce the subordinates to act in a desired manner.
According to Fred Luthans; Motivation is a process that starts with a physiological or psychological
deficiency or need that activates behavior or a drive that is aimed at a goal or incentive.
According to Ricky Griffen; Motivation is the set of forces that causes people to behave in certain ways.
Motivation thus, defined as a combination of forces inspiring a person at work to intensify his/her
willingness to use his capabilities for the achievement of desired goals. It is an act of inducement.
Motivation induces people for higher performances. It reduces employee accidents, turnover and
Characteristics of Motivation
The main characteristics of motivation are as follows.
1. Psychological aspects: Motivation is a psychological aspect of management. It is the internal
feelings which arise from the needs and desires of a person.
2. Goal Oriented: Motivation causes goal directed behavior. Feeling of needs by the person causes
him/her to behave in such a way that he/she tries to satisfy himself/herself. Which trigger to
achieve desired goal.
3. Continuous Process: Motivation is a continuous process. When one particular need is fulfilled,
another need will activate. Thus, motivation is an unending process.
4. Complex and Dynamic Process: Motivation is complex and dynamic. Individual differ in their
needs and wants same motivation techniques may not fit for all. Thus, ever changing needs are
challenge for the mangers.
5. Pervasive: Motivation covers all level of manger in an organization. Each and every level must be
motivated towards work for the higher performance.
6. Positive and Negative: Motivation may be positive or negative. Positive motivation means
inspiring people to work better by providing rewards and incentive such as high payment,
promotion, recognition etc. Negative motivation means forcing people to work by punishing them
such as: demotion, cut-of-salaries, job termination etc.
7. Intrinsic and Extrinsic: Intrinsic motivation in job related which includes job enrichment,
participation, recognition etc. Whereas Extrinsic motivation is money related .It consist of salary,
incentive etc.
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Importance of motivation
Followings are the importance of motivation:
1. Understand employee behavior: one of the drivers of individual behavior is needs which is how
motivation is generated. So manager must have an idea of needs and its creation, which help
him/her to understand employees behavior.
2. Productivity improvement: Productivity deals with maximization of output with minimum input.
This is only possible when, the performance of an individual is effective and efficient. Since,
motivation generates higher effort towards work, which can be helpful in productivity
3. Quality improvement: Motivated employees always look for better way of doing job. Which can
minimize the wastage and helpful in improving quality. Besides, because of their best effort,
TQM can be achieved in an organization.
4. Employee retention: Employees like to remain in an organization only when his/her needs are
fulfilled from their work-life. Effective manager always tries to fulfill those needs and create
friendly environment and provide opportunity of self development, which, further enhances
employee retention.
5. Creativity promotion: Motivated employees are creative and innovative. Environmental changes
are easily accepted and adapted by them, which facilitates organizational and industrial
development. So, motivation has importance in any organization.
Types of motivation
a. Extrinsic motivation: It is external in nature, money related and is provided by management to
employees. E.g. pay, incentive, benefits etc. Usually, extrinsic motivation is short-term.
b. Intrinsic motivation: It is job related motivation. It is a sense of satisfaction on job. It can be
achieved through job enrichment, participation, and management by objectives.
Positive and Negative Motivation:
a. Positive Motivation: It is the reward based motivation which tires to create willingness to perform
better. It improves performance, increase mutual cooperation and develops trust between
employees and management. Positive motivation may take the form of monetary, nonmonetary or
both. Examples Monetary Incentive:- pay increment, cash reward, bonus payment, leave with pay,
profit sharing scheme, retirement benefit and Non monetary Incentive:- promotion, participation
in decision-making ,recognition, autonomy or freedom to work, challenging work.
b. Negative Motivation: Negative motivation means the act of forcing employees to work by means
of threat and punishment. It involves disciplinary actions. Examples: Monetary: - fines, penalties,
pay cut, Non-monetary:- demotion, threat of dismissal from job, transfer to remote areas, and
group rejection. Since, this is not good practice. However, sometimes manager may be compelled
to use this technique with a view to prevent them from undesirable behavior.
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Motivation Theories:
Early Theories
Maslows Hierarchy of Needs
McGregors Theory X and Theory Y
Herzbergs Two factor Theory
Contemproary Theories
Mc Clellands Three needs Theory
Vrooms Expectancy Theory
J.S Adams Equity Theory
Clayton Alderfers ERG Theory
1. Early Theories
A. Maslows Hierarchy of Needs (Abraham Maslow): Maslow hypothesized that within every
human being, there exists a hierarchy of five needs.
a. Physiological: Includes hunger, thirst, shelter, sex and other bodily needs.
b. Safety: Security and protection from physical and emotional harms.
c. Social: Affection, belongingness, acceptance and friendship.
d. Esteem: Internal factor such as self respect, autonomy and achievement and external
factors such as status, recognition and attention.
e. Self- actualization: Drive to become what one is capable of becoming: includes growth,
achieving ones potential and self fulfillment.
Esteem Needs
Social Needs
Safety Needs
Lower Order Needs
Physiological Needs
Lower order needs: The needs that are satisfied externally and lower order needs, such
physiological needs, and safety needs.
Higher order needs: The needs that are satisfied internally, such as social, esteem and
self-actualization needs.
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2. Contemporary Theories:
A. McClelland Three Needs Theory (David McClelland): This theory divides human needs
in following category:
Need for Power: A need that concerns an individuals need to make an impact on
others, influence others, change people or events, and make a difference in life.
Need for affiliation: A need that concerns individuals need to establish and maintain
warm, close, intimate relationship with others.
Need for achievement: A need that concerns individuals issues of excellence,
competition, challenging goals, persistence and overcoming difficulties. It is the
extent to which people want to perform challenging or difficult tasks on a high level.
McClelland asserted (stated) that, a persons needs are influence by their cultural
background and life experiences.
A persons motivation and effectiveness can be increased through an environment,
which provides them with their ideal mix of each of three needs.
Needs can be created and changed through training and education program.
B. Expectancy Theory (Victor Vroom): This theory states that, an individual behavior is
deriving by the expectation of desired outcome from the activities s/he perform. It
assumes that, each individual are rational and s/he takes decision with full conscience.
In other words, Expectancy Theory states that an individual tends to act in a certain way
based on the expectation that the act will followed by a given outcome and on the
attractiveness of that outcome to the individual. It includes three variables or relationship.
They are:
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The key factor of expectancy theory is, understanding an individuals goal and the
linkage between effort and performance, between performance and rewards and finally,
between rewards and individual goal satisfaction. It emphasis on reward and the
individuals perception on reward, that, determine the degree of motivation.
The conclusions of this theory are:
No universal principle for explaining what motivates an individual.
An individual should know about, what behavior is expected from his/her by an
organization and how s/he is evaluated.
An individuals perception on reward and goal drive his/her performance not the
reward itself.
Individual effort
Individual performance
Organizational reward
Individual goals
C. ERG Theory (Clayton Alderfer ): This theory tries to overcome the problem of Maslows
Theory. According to this theory there are three categories of human needs hey are:
Existence needs: It is related to physiological and safety needs of human beings.
E.g. food, shelter, safe working environment etc (basic requirement for existence)
Related needs: It is related to human desire to satisfy interpersonal relationship.
These types of needs can be fulfilled by interacting with other people, creating
relations, interpersonal safety etc.
Growth needs: It is related to achieve growth and development while working in
As contrast to Maslow, this theory states that:
An individual may have both higher order and lower order needs at the same time.
Maslow states that only unfulfilled needs are the prime motivator, however,
Aldefer states that, if a person continuously fails to satisfy hi/her higher needs,
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s/he might return to satisfy lower order needs (i.e. there will be frustration
regression process sin the satisfaction of needs.)
Needs will not follow the rigid hierarchy as Maslow stated in his theory.
D. Equity Theory (J. Stacy Adams): The term equity is related to the concept of fairness
and equitable treatment compared with others who behaves in same way. Equity Theory
proposes that, employees compare what they get form a job situation (outcomes) in
relation to what they put into it (inputs) and then compare their inputs-outcomes ratio
with the inputs-outcomes ratio of relevant others. If an employee perceives his/her ratio
to be equitable in comparison to those of relevant others, s/he perceives that his/her
situation is fair. However if the ratio is inequitable, s/he views himself/herself as underrewarded or over-rewarded.
When inequities occur, employees attempt to do something about it and as per the equity
theory they may do the followings:
Distort either their own or others inputs or outcomes.
Behave in some way to induce others to change their inputs or outcomes.
Behave in some way to change their own inputs or outcomes.
Choose a different comparison person.
Quit their jobs.
The referent with who an individual compare are:
The person category includes other individuals with similar jobs in the same
organization. It also includes friends, neighbor or professional associates.
The system category includes organizational pay policies and procedures and
the administration of the system.
The self category refers to inputs-outputs outcomes ratio that is unique to the
individual. It reflects post personal experiences and contacts and is influence by
criteria such as post jobs or family commitment.
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A Model of Frustration
Need (Deficiency)
(Reduction of
drive &fulfillment
of deficiencies
Defense Mechanism
a. Overt: It is external. Money, resources, other interferences.
b. Covert: It is internal. Restlessness, low patience, tolerance, higher expectation,
hesitation, inferiority complex.
Defense mechanisms:
a. Aggression: It is an unpleasant action such as reaction physically by attacking the barrier.
An angry employee ay break tools and equipments may hurt his/her boss by behaving
roughly etc.
b. Withdrawal: It is giving up or quitting. Such situation arises when the individual fails to
achieve his/her goal for a long time.
c. Fixation: In this situation, an individual continuously try to achieve the goal, even though
there is less possibility of achieving the goal.
d. Compromise: The situation where an individual choose a different way or substitute his
old goal by new one.
There are the different defense mechanisms that an individual shows in frustration. So
manager should carefully diagnose frustration to take action at right time.
Job Satisfaction
It is defined as the employees attitude towards the job. These attitudes are shape by pay,
supervisory style and age factors.
According to Newstrom and Davis, Job satisfaction is a set of favorable or unfavorable
feelings with which employees view their work.
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Thus job satisfaction is an intrinsic realization in which an individual value his/her job
components and situation.
The job satisfaction level is determined by the differences between jobs expectations and
actual job conditions.
Factors related to job satisfaction:
Pay: -can fulfill and individual basic needs. Equitable and fair (provision of fringe
benefits like allowance, insurance, transportation)
Job : -components/ physical or intellectual- autonomy/opportunities to use own skillsmaking decision-job load
Promotion: provision of promotion
Work group: relation between peers, support from colleagues.
Working conditions: clean and safe/physical comfort etc.
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Generate critical incidents: person who know the job (jobholders and or
supervisors) describe specific illustration (critical incidents) of effective and
ineffective performance.
Develop performance dimension: All these critical incidents are grouped on 5 to
10 different job dimension (e.g. Technical ability, knowledge and judgment,
human relation skills etc).
Reallocate incidents: Supervisor reallocates the incidents. Each relevant incident
is assigned to specific performance dimension.
Scale the incident: All the incidents are scales on 7 to 9 points scales.
Each employee in the particular job is rated on each dimension or appropriate
scale of the BARS.
Even though it is more time consuming than others appraisal methods. It has the
advantages of preciseness, consistency and effectiveness of job evaluation.
g. Alternative ranking method: Under this method, employees are rank from best to worst
on a particular trait, choosing highest ,then lowest, until all are ranked .This method takes
considerable time for appraising and is based on subjective judgment.
h. Paired comparison method: This method rank employees by making a chart of all
possible pairs of the employees for each trait and indicating which the better employee of
the pair is. This method allows for the comparison of each employee with every other
employee. The paired comparison method is calculated by taking the total of n (n-1)/2
comparisons. This method compares each employee with another one .However it is very
difficult when larger number of employees need to be compared.
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techniques to provide intrinsic rewards are job enrichment, job rotation, flex time, shorter
work-weeks etc.
b. Extrinsic reward: Money related rewards are extrinsic reward. They include money,
promotions, other fringe benefits and the facilities provides from management etc. They
are external to the job and come from management. Extrinsic rewards are further
classified into two categories. They are:i. Non-financial rewards: They do not enhance employees financial position .Instead,
they emphasis on making the life on job more attractive. E.g. preferred (advanced)
office furnishing, private parking spaces, business cards, ones own secretary,
impressive title etc.
ii. Financial rewards: Financial rewards include both direct and indirect financial
payments. E.g. salary, wages, incentives, medical insurance, paid leaves, pension etc.
Financial rewards if further divided into two categories. They are:Performance based reward: when the reward is allocated or pay-off for
performance, it is called performance based reward. E.g. commission, piece work
pay plans, incentives system, group bonuses etc. This type of reward system helps
to enhance the performance of employees and increases job satisfaction.
Membership based rewards: When the reward is allocated on the basis of being a
permanent member of the organization, it is called membership based reward.
This includes, cost of living increases, profit sharing, benefits, salary increase on
the basis of seniority etc.
Qualities of effective reward/compensation management:
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Determinants of Compensation:
Followings are the determinants of compensation:
a. Legal consideration: Government rules and regulation provides many guidelines to
compensate employees. Companies have to comply with these rules and regulation while
determining the pay level for employees.
b. Market rates: Competitive pay system is only possible when organization match its pay
with the prevailing market rate. So organization should thoroughly analyze the labour
rates and its trends to determine the pay system.
c. Union Pressure: Labour union represents the voice of employees. It plays major role in
determining the salary and wages along with other non-financial rewards. Thus,
organization should constructively discuss with unions for determining effective reward
d. Job evaluation: Effective job evaluation leads to effective reward policy. So organization
should analyze cost and benefits relation, skills required and organizational standard on
determining rewards.
Methods of establishing (setting) employee compensation:
Compensation against effort determines the motivation level of employees. So while setting a
pay rate or compensation, management should meticulously analyze different variables or
determinants affecting compensation.
Following are the methods to set pay rates:
a. The salary survey: It is a method of collecting factual information on pay practices
within specific communities and among firms in their industry for comparison purpose. It
can be formal (i.e. structural questionnaire is used to collect the data) or informal (i.e.
telephone or internet queries.)
b. Job evaluation: It is a systematic comparison done in order to determine the worth of one
job relative to another. The fundamental compensable elements of a job, such as skills,
efforts, working conditions and responsibility are compared to one another and set pay
for each job. Different methods like, ranking method, classification method, factor
comparison method and point method can be used to evaluate the job.
c. Wage curve fitting: When management arrives at point totals from job evaluation and
obtains survey data on what comparable organizations are paying for similar job, then
wage curve can be fitted to the data. Wage curve shows the relationship between the
value of the job and the average wage paid for this job.(Fig from book)
d. Wage structure: Finally, the jobs that are similar in terms of classes, grades or points are
grouped together and are plotted in a graph to develop an organizations wage structure.
The wage structure shows the pay ranges in each grade at stated time period. (Fig from
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b. Employers and Employers association: Employers are the people who buy the physical
and intellectual skills and abilities of workers. They are the job creators. They are the
entrepreneur, innovator, mangers etc, determined to achieve their mission by collectively
utilizing the effort of workers. So, in generating a sound labour relation, their role is vital.
Employers are represented by employers association. They vocal on the welfare of
employers and involve in negotiating with labour unions for mutual benefits. Thus, along
with the employers this association also play important role in creating a sound labour
relation system.
c. Society: Society includes both government and other pressure groups.
Government formulates rules and regulation, monitors the activities of both labors and
employers, and enforces the compliances of law in labour relation. It plays vital role in
institutionalizing the labour relation.
Other actor in labour relation system is pressure groups .These are the special interest
group like Human Right Commission, Civic Society, Environmentalist ,media etc. They
lobby and pressurize government to protect the interest of labour and employers.
Employee Grievances:
It is a compliant of dissatisfaction against employers, that may caused by different factors like
wage, working hours, working condition of employment etc. In other words, it is an employees
perception of unfair treatment on the job.
According to Trotta, A grievance is a complaint about a job that creates dissatisfaction or
discomfort, whether it is valid or not. The compliant may be made by an individual or by the
Similarly, according to Keith Davis, Grievance is any real or imagined feeling of personal
injustice that an employee has about the employment relation.
Thus, grievance is a formal complaint on factual or imaginary hardship suffered by the
employees to the employers.
Causes of employee grievances:
The causes of employee grievances are as follows:
a. Unclear job contracts between management and labour: The job contract between
management and labour must be clear. It means terms and condition of job such as pay,
other benefits, job level, workplace ,job goals as well as the employees expectation from
the job must be clear between both the parties. So, when they are unclear, both may
interpret on their own way which creates employee grievances.
b. Violation of labour agreement by management: When management deliberately violates
the labour agreement such as lower pay, inequitable treatment, unsafe working places etc.
then, a grievance arises.
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c. Unfair labour union practice: Labour unions are the representative body of workers who
works for employees benefits. However, due to political motivation such unions even
interfere unnecessarily on working process of organization. This is also a cause of
employee grievances.
d. Perceived unfair treatment by superiors: Due to unfair supervisory role against
subordinates, such as, unclear instruction, scolding, unfair treatment, harassment etc
causes employee grievances in an organization.
e. Personality trait: Some employees are always complaining. Due to inferiority complex or
having the habit of drawing unnecessary attention towards oneself, employees complain
on every little matter. They are habituated in voicing grievances.
Handling employee grievances (grievance procedure):
Following are the methods of handling grievances:
a. Open door policy: Under this policy, employees can freely complain about their
problems to management. They walk-in any time and express their grievances.
Management encourages expressing their problems, and handling them effectively in a
mutually satisfying way. This method is popular in small organization and is helpful in
promoting upward communication form employees to management.
b. Grievance procedure: It is a formal organizational mechanism for dealing with employee
grievances. The steps in grievances procedure are:
Grievant to Supervisor: Firstly grievant orally communicate with his/her
immediate supervisor. The supervisor discusses and gives decision to the problem.
If the grievant is not satisfied on decision or solution, s/he proceeds further to next
Grievant to Department Head: When grievant is not satisfied with the
supervisors solution, s/he communicates with department head in written form
i.e., s/he files the problem. Department head gives his/her decision for concerned
issue in a fixed time period. And, if it still not satisfies the employee, s/he
proceeds further to grievance committee.
Grievant to Grievance Committee: The committee which comprises both the
employers and employee to handle grievance is a grievance committee. When
employee is not satisfied with department heads solution or decision, the problem
is presented to grievance committee. After careful analysis, the grievant
committee gives its decision. And if the decision is still not satisfying to employee
s/he may proceeds to top level management.
Grievant to Top Level Management: After careful analysis top level management
gives decision to employee to solve the problem. Again, if top management
decision does not satisfy the employee s/he proceeds to final solution procedure,
i.e. voluntary arbitration.
Voluntary Arbitration: It is an independent third party ,whose decision will be
final and is binding on both parties .When employee is not satisfy with top level
managements decision, the grievance is referred for voluntary arbitration .Here,
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both parties present evidence and are cross examined and final decision is made,
which must be followed by both the parties.
Labour Disputes:
Dispute is an argument. In other words, labour disputes are defined as the disagreement on issues
or problems of workers with management.
In organizations disputes occur on the interest and rights of workers with the management. The
major causes of disputes are, wage and salary, other fringe benefits, personal cause, indiscipline
Prevention of disputes:
Following are the ways of preventing disputes in organizations:
a. Open communication: There must be open communication between workers and
management. Effective communication helps both the parties to understand each other
and helps in analyzing the issues for constructive solutions.
b. Regular monitoring: Regular monitoring of work helps to fine out the discrepancies in
the behavior of workers. If the superior find any such changes, then s/he acts effectively
to solve it which helps on preventing disputes.
c. Participation: Employee participation on decision making helps on preventing disputes
in an organization. Effective participation builds trust and enhances motivation which is
major factors for preventing disputes.
d. Equity: Equitable treatment on salary, participation, career development etc to the
employees is helpful in preventing disputes in an organization.
e. Feedback: Feedback helps the employee to know what they are doing and correct if there
is any deviation between actual and standard performance. It also helps in enhancing
confidence level of an employee. Thus, feedback also consider as a major tool in
preventing disputes.
f. Collective bargaining: It is a process through which representative of management and
the union meets to negotiate a labour agreement. So, contract resulting from collective
bargaining helps in preventing disputes in an organization.
g. Counseling: Counseling is also an effective tool to prevent labour disputes. It helps to
understand the problem of employees and take effective solutions.
Settlements of Disputes:
Methods for disputes settlements are as follows:
a. Grievance procedure (Individual decision): It is a upward communication process
through which a worker can take his/her grievance to successively higher levels of
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b. Collective bargaining (Group/Joint Decision): This method is widely used for the
settlement of labour disputes. Under this, the labour union negotiates with management
for the settlement of disputes which benefits mutually.
c. Adjudication method (Third party decision): It is a process of settling disputes by
ordinary courts, labour courts or a tribunal. The decision under this method is final and
binds both the parties to follow.
Other Topics of Interest (Group Work and Workshop Presentation)
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