Data Science Recommended Books

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Recommended Books

Introduction to Data Science

Nina Zumel
John Mount

Lesson Goals
Present an overview of a number of helpful and relevant
(You certainly do not need to buy all, or even any of them,
but it is good to know they are available)

Hands-On Programming
with R
Garrett Grolemund
A basic introduction to programming and R,
using a project-oriented approach.

R for Everyone
Jared P. Lander
Well-liked, very popular R book.
Covers programming basics and basic R
structures. Good survey of basic statistics and
modeling in R.

R in Action, Second Edition

Robert I. Kabacoff
Our go-to R reference.
Covers R programming structures, data
management and statistical functions. Less machine
learning than Lander, but comprehensive coverage
of classical statistical analysis as done in R.

The Art of R Programming

Norman Matloff
Discusses R from a Computer Science
(programming) rather than Statistical
perspective. Includes a chapter on Rs debugging
environment very useful!

Advanced R
Hadley Wickham
Good deep dive into the internals of R as a
programming language. A must if you are
interested in developing R packages.
Also available online:

Reproducible Research
with R and RStudio
Christopher Gandrud
Covers R markup and knitr within the RStudio
Good introduction to the tool ecosystem
around R, and gives good advice on setting up
an R-based project data science project.

R Graphics Cookbook
Winston Chang
Useful collection of recipes for creating graphics
in R, primarily in ggplot2.


SQL for Smarties, Fourth

Joe Celko
Our go-to SQL reference.


Statistics, Fourth Edition

David Freedman, Robert Pisani,
Roger Purves
Good introduction to Statistics and Probability.
Intuitive approach that relies on illustrations and
examples, rather than formulas.

A Handbook of Statistical Analyses

using R
Torsten Hothorn,
Brian S. Everitt
Intermediate level (assumes familiarity with R
and basic statistics).
Covers several techniques in statistical data
analysis, including linear and logistic regression,
cluster analysis, and multidimensional scaling.


The Elements of Statistical

Learning, 2nd edition
Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani,
Jerome Friedman
Our go-to machine learning reference.
Covers a wide variety of statistical machine
learning algorithms, including their derivation,
strengths and weaknesses.


An Introduction to Statistical
Gareth James, Daniela Witten,
Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani
Companion text to The Elements of Statistical
More application oriented, with example code
in R.

Applied Predictive
Max Kuhn, Kjell Johnson
Practice-oriented approach to predictive
Good combination of theory and practice. Also
covers data treatment, model evaluation, and
feature selection. Example code in R.

Practical Data Science with R

Nina Zumel,
John Mount
Our book!
A practitioner-oriented view of data science.
Covers all aspects of a data science project: project
management, data treatment, modeling and model
evaluation, deployment and reporting. Extensive
example code in R.

Nina Zumel
John Mount


And more
More good books (our list is not comprehensive)
Some web resources: (Quick-R)

What you should take away

There are a lot of available resources
Research what you actually need and you may need to get
one or two extra books.

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